HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-22, Page 5• 1 A SAD STORY. Terrible Fate ofa`Fouta•- Ctrl from In Crey Convoy. in a Dive I Milligan Lumber Woa -St. Jgnace, Mich., July 6 --- hw-ltlornen _ _ei_ __ � express oa the South Shore S Atlantic pulled into . the station morning a sad pathetic scene in one of the coaches. leaned over a seat and tender! the head of a pale faced girl, reclining on an improvised c up of two seats. A lady wal the forward part of the car, an looking at the sick gill gras hand, and turning to the o Fnaared lather, said :--"My c yo "'child has passed all eart She . dead." Grief-stricken, old roan threw himself upon less body of his child and ga self up to audible grief. The one of many that can be solely to the horrible dens of in extistence in the Michigan Last ltla{ch Jennie Amberley, was the dead girl's name? left h near Oxenden, Grey-, Co., 0 Detroit where she had been i to go by a richly -dressed w yn.a she had met at Wiarton, Ou idea given her by the employm was •to get was somewhat v u aur , roots whi .ere Fib to -d0 f w •t,,Jr !e l to !n_ 1:t•ve that her would be honorable alad tucrati reluctantly allowed the wo take her. She went to Detre inained there for three days, and .with. ...:'.-%:... vw,i.:' ,,:i..s - as tai: Seneyr, Mich., and turned over t heaarcle :s keeper of a northern b where She •�'as compelled to suborn the demands'off brutal lumberme frail constitution soon gave .ray the terrible strain, and she bed ridden The ke eer of the took her to Seney, gave her a dollars, and told her to shift fir sett Charitable people took chi, her telegraphed to her father, H Antberley, in Canada, who soon and started on the way toward hors; she was destined never to . alive. The father tells a terrible of his daughter'''s confession to hi regard to the tre�,trent in the She was taken in a light. wagon Seney sekeral miles through the w to ,a dive entirely surrounded .high board fence, and .she was pu bed, and it `vas not untilthe next- `' that she realized that she was in of . the vile dens which haye so made ••e_ m y and northern 3fichi arrow„ , There were six other irk the place, all in &rightful phys condition. The place was car.f,, v guarded i;y men and dogs, and none e, -if the girls were allowed to go outside of the F Trd. ::ill of the poor girl's do t, es - e*+_~ tai -en frons her and she was given a short els, stbdekings and low shoes. Naturally delicate, the girl wasted away, and when found by her father :ra)k+ bat a living skle�tote Jack Mattis, the keeper of the dive, @e@ to the woods when he saw the officers sent to art him, and escaped. S' ewetiral lninnl'eret:ri�re w'bo • were aaD,ont the peace proved thht they were e•nn- p,loy ed .e gitmmately in. the-camps,and. wen not arrested. All el the girls were brought here and the place.hnrned to the', mad. Mr. 'Annkherleryr left tar l e reit on hi way!code todaaL g. tOxenden, n the r[lrr, —Just_ • Duluth, Railway yesterday oceured �'1 father y stroked. who was of made ked from d hastily ped her Id gray- lear sir, hly aid. the poor tha' life- ve him - story' is charged price still pineries. for that er home nt., for educed n whore t. The ent she e, but araners, work tie, and men to it, re - along en to o the rothel, it to n. A unjer became — den few her- r;e of entry rrive.l the reach story m in dive_ from nods by a t to day one long a°an girls ical 11 s LIFE IDSL RAXCE IX CANADA. 'i,441/LIf, Mee' GbprC-*, .Ne.r York, ;ay -The pride ot Canada in lift insurane is the Canada Life Assurance Co. f•;.eo.a•. The annual general nteeetin e-eeetncGG Lehi. was the occasion _Lode. r ,',xhitait of Lt gr :'ssets ,sa,Ic iCnve•SttJ, • coal of a ,71,711'.,,s of lrmsine . d. ide:la as re erliole. has ne srrl,eritnr• any w-heerle• in the work h If all life insurances orginizatio were ea.s. smF,stanthal asthe Cana d. Ligeuo., i wet•,. conducted as ittp:s ( eon ducted. we woad hearfewer arab:Ter- abk. 'eentnae"nts of life insurancae cum - Jeanne= ar'cl riffs' insurancenlnem. In time c,rol',ahly- `.1.0. Paaec- wit! re.. say strict that reveryacery organizaation thatpr>uaees:”•, todo insuranceInsure• will hate r.,, ileo it on l,ri•:,.- p,les that !Lave Leen • proved o• the correctUntil that reteee°•, h • ever, there is --nOthing f t.r nen who w fit t,w r,aave no dtonl,t euriieeee,..arng their kltisines. ventures to .r do Lunt to learn to dest.riniinaate be- te' -meta eh« g•cd •game! the had. E.cnt. [;arw' rine're are ecuLCy two i.:rass.ips off Liffe • insurance associations; there is no hay. tr w ...-.7 c:rrt,trr r'r ". er P. ff t r,e any16...7.'t" •tr,eo•oat hit(' pta"rmivinre•m: ie of is Liffe tneuraartee dopey arty its pr(rlitiars should be avoided. The Canada Liffe resscssses Jaa.stin4 N;aaliitiees, and it helon'ngs to the highest class of companies_" S m i- srr o 5 ams Mr. John. Mmitehiien is the Lack - agent for the aft,ore,commpaany.nmd will always Ne found ready to a e rnmish ewcry it ff )•reneta nn to 'I .e interested irk hit assulrince' A 1 The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Uounty, July 22nd. „Nig of cram TIT .renes t ar bees. ? age I had a sew '• n" g" h A year Later, scrofula, ! C'ur'e ••Aneost :iii race . r, " ., tern i w;t- l l 'ears of eteeP: ''f rt arise[, and alter I recovered e,n crutches. i.- [Pot• conn of white swellings, appeared o r.arions parts of my body, and for 11 years r 's a -n t:rva!id, being confined to my bed �• !.E that tette tet' or eleven sore3 r•'•' aitvt broke, cansing me great pain as steer": iota. 1 feared 1 never should get wed. Early in ;64.11 1 we:at to Chicago to visit a bete was confined to my bed most of the I w:ts there. In July I read a book,' A E'.ay r,hcp, an Circus,' in which were statements arms bl Hood's S u-sapban'v!a. I was so int- ' • .„-J I.', WI the success of this medicine that 'E.•••itied to try it. To my great gratification s.Yre.; yr a deereaed, and I began to feel • .:.•r ::e,cP in a short time I was up and Et t=f d,,or-.. I eontinueJ to. take Hood's Sar- ` ', • "`?i:: i •r ; ls.lent a year, when, having used sax [.ones, I had become so' fully released fronen :Pte.ii,eas a that I went to work for the . a.'E:•ra '•l" :. Co., aril since then LuiT s siscLL+ DAY :. 3`•e -tuna. I Letieve the disease •`.: E t: ,m toy system, 1 always feel well, • •, ::h:-: :al have a good appetite. .::: years of age and can walk as well •- a .::ry r.:c: , es, rp.t that one limb is a little other. , ai... to the o..f -•� a Loss one. and :Le rt" i.,rint.ly on Iny right leg. • • r. y t. r.•c ;very seems almost !I(xx4' Sarsaparilla i. •,... s,.1 , ' parilla t••ePies." WILLJA31 A. ...'snit, Q ::. T.�. o:td se-, Kend.'nlIvilie. Ind. EXCURSIONS ere To the Canadian Northwest and red return. n - s Return tickets will be sold on aP- Tune 14th, 21st and 28th July 18th and 19th. .. a d's rsaoarilla r. .: drY• :eq s . ; s:z fori5. Pre pared only I'. r : rt. s.ti ..:uzeaai , Lowell. Mass - :00 Doges One Dollar otice The Subscriber notifies the Public that he still carries on the UNDERTAKING Business, and will be prepared -'to fur nish all the requisites. A, HEARSE ON HAND. Jas. Willialuson. 3m-aapr 22 ORSE M E.N THE CREAT ROADSTER STALLION tiRLISLE 13026 Will he at the w'ihtelly Horne. • LUCKN W ON TUESDAY NIGHT 14 elleh week .daring the season. Paarties herring mares to. breed • should not bt1 k their mares before seeing this grand horst;. TO THE FARMERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to FOR NITER AND EGGS The highest price will .be }i :ial for butter according to elan alp>iy _ • R. C. SPARL,RCE. MCLEOD'S System , Ie2evattora And other testeii remedies SPEC1 FIC IND ANTIDOTE --ENO. • Ernpnr«.'. Weak rail !Imp() { eritihNl'n HItooi'l, irl,ppepstis, Steezples cess, PalpttatiotL 14 the Heart, Lic,••r(('mrnitla rat Neuralgia, Bross. of Memory, Broarochtitxv, Cton stn tion, Stones, Jananetice, Kidney and Urinary ))1'a- aserr , Sri. via»' Dance, Female Irrttgntuaihies and General IAelbaliay. $1 per half pim.t and 52 per pint bottle. a �r3nrt.avntts. - r - GonEnrcui, 01T. .G. roti. MCLEOD, ' Piroprietor mad Martrafaactnre, :fi ltl tap Harry Days and A. E. C«omgram, Druggists, Ltteknew. --TO— NESBI'TT. t)XBOW I)ELORAIYE, MOOSOMIN, BI N SCART.H . REGINA MOOSE JA W YORKTOS PRINCE ALBERT f''ALGARY EDMONTON (q 8,28 $30 $35 840 Through :dee-1...n! %l ithe,ut :ort char;,•e. Baggage checked through to destination. For rates and ail information apply D. W. HAY, Agent G. T.. R., Luckn:w THROUGH SLEEPING CAR SERVICE Toronto to Montreal Toronto to Ottawa Toronto to Kingston Every Night 9:00 p.m. Toronto to Old Orchard Tomato to Portland. Tuesday and Friday 9:00 p.m. Through the Whitg MounIaIns By DAYLIGHT Toronto to Detroit • Toronto to Ohicazo 7.10 a.ni. daily, except Sunday 3.00 p.m. daily. J. Murchison, .Agt, Luck -ow John Grail AUCTIONEER FOR HURON 00. REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY, SALF5. ATTENDED, IN AI' L PMTS off the County and satisfaction •n;:, eonte•ed. A number of FIRST-CLASS, FARMS Forsale nip, reasonaT.tite JOIN GRIFFIN, F:iNG,MBY:rDC,F. P. O. ITHEHU 41 The rise in Cotton Goods, since fhe cotton mills of the Dominion have passed into the hands of a syndicatt', I have put in a good stock of all kinds of STAPLE COTTON coons And am prepared to give my customers the benefit of the same at . old prices. . Have still a good assortment of those fast -color English prints to choose from. Come early and secure. Also the "ECLIPSE" FAST BLACK STOCKINGS. Just try them and you will have no others: All other departments are equally well assorted in every- thing usually kept in a general store. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Remember tale place. M'S. R. MU 0424414114440.4141110. RAY, U � H� M. CORRIGAN-'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE GROCERIES £ PROVISIONS. Apples Blacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders '• arley, pot' Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Baushes Biact it Coffee • Confectionery Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants • Currie Powder - Creaita Tarter Cocoanut Dates No. l Flour I have in stock the following : Nutmeg Oil, olive Oil, sweet Oil, castor Oran, es Oat Meal PaThi Pref Pipe ! Pickles Pearline !peas, canned Pepper Faiins ;Rice Dried Apple Extracts Firs Fislt, canned Fish, 'dried Gelotine Gingers Hops Honey Indigo Licorice Lime Juice Lemons pa Matches Mince Meat rMac rnni l ustaardr •;Mea t=.ca !Magnesia 'Nuts alwaya on liana. • iRice Flour Sago Salt . ISalmnn • 'Sardines • ISeena Seeds !Sugar ''Syrups Goods delivered to any .Soda Soaps Spices iStarclt Strawberries; canned Sulphers Tapioca ITematee:4, canned Teas Tobaccoes Y_ermicelIi � fnegars ,Washboards washing Crystal woodenware • IWhiting 'Dinner. Sets Yeast Cakes !Dinner Sets JTea Sets ' water Sets Cream Sets !Berry Sets Toilet. Sets part of the town. New Goods. KAAKE & CO.'s Second Annuncernent of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Comb.,, Wall Paper, Etc. Leads then all for Family Groceries CANNED' GOODS. Fruits of All ids in Season. FINE• TEAS° A SPECIALTY. The Largest Sleek, The Choicest Good's, & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow. JOHN ELLIOT. s, •' EXT we intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful album, valued at $3 or one ,dozen cabinet'photos free. • We place in our window'a .quart sealer of beans. Any one ,buying $ l worth ot goods or Photos is el�tiril to a ticket with the number on it :Yon guess. The nearest number gets the prize. Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will he counted by a disinterested party' on July 1st. This " will commence on April 1st. T1!ArF�Rb tll CO. GUARANTEES STERiING 'MACHINE 011, To outwear any other oil in the market on Binder, Mowers and Threshing 31aachit!es. F9r sale by D. C. Taylor, Duo 4