HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-22, Page 2.... .rets.
Berton en : Retire =gym
the Field.
latest Farticulsrs From the Some of
the Encounters.
�! Pittsburg, Pa., despatch gives the fol-
lowing additional details of the bloody
Vet between the Pinkerton men and the
workmen at Carnegie's Romeeteed Works.
� shortly before 11 11 o'cloctle Bill ktto take e othe
ff he
• Pinhertom+ who were imprisoned in the
bad. There was a largo number of men
eta the boat. The momentit reached the
(unlade took place. It con-
mixed with
�,d for �n� � fr was this in
hMtss, derisive .cheering the herivmengin
the aiiilL The cannon across
three cannon balls at the Little Bill. Their
aim was bad and one ball, entering the
open hearth department, took off a inanee
beaeadd. One Pinkerton Se taps He d off th
boat and tried to swim.
Tho pilot of the Little Bili was killed. dthe
boat was driven og and proceeded
At 2 'o'clock this afternoon one
f the
Pinkerton men raised his above the
edge of the barge and immediately a shot
was fired,`whieh struck' him in the head,
and he fell back dead. Led by the
A flag of truce was displayed
Pinkerton men and was shot down. It was
hoisted the second time, with the same
molt. The third time the flag was riddled
with bullets, and hardly enough of it was
bit. to hoist again. the barges
The Pinkerton men on boardes
slew minutes after 5.30 p. againran up
der. The
. *white fin and offered to surrender.
stalkers accepted their surrender, and they
were allowed to land. They were at once
arrested and placed in jail. in the
The Pinkerton men were lodged
opera homelier the night.
d� however, were
The most dastardly ds, hoho were being
committed while the prisonersthe escort
escorted through the street by
d ?canis appointed by the rtnkera. An
mob lined the streets both sides. As
men passed by each in charge of two
deputies,., the inilimen and their friiends
Bucked distil and threw some .of them
The unfortunate deteetivutbegge
,Some of them
and 1 three were seen
their heads
heir eyes, shot out. Severane
u*J. n.Lirrs. - atllta ° Blood
.had their
airiidd tik e: itto a how
Bei _at it. of ?aliment by
IMd Stanley.
Mr. Dewdney stated that
Afar not goingn, proceed with his bill to
he was to a and it was dropped
amend the Indian Act,
from the order paper.
Upon motion ofMr. cater, the House
then went into concurrence
made. The
mates, and good progress
vote for tion was amended by strik-
ing out the a 'es of the agents at Ottawa,
Kiegaton, Toronto, Haunt on, London, Win-
nipeg, Brandon, Calgary, Port Arthur, Vic-
toria and Vancouver.
Mr. Hughes' complained that the franking
privilege was being abused by certain
bers of the House. not fair for Mr.
Mr. Laurier said it was .
Hughes to select one o�two members
condemnation. They
lege was abutted, and none of theist were in a
position to throw stones. To be consistent
Mr. Hughes should Move for the abolition
of the franking privilege.
Mr. Fraser condemned the franking privi-
lege altogether,' and suggested %h
should be abolished, he members instead
to receive a small sum for their postal ex -
On the item of $10,000 to meed between coat of
arbitration respecting the acro
the Dominion and the Provinces ofrO Ontario
and Quebec, Mr. Foster stated, in reply
Mr. Liaurier,that after repeated conferences
an went had been come to respecting
certain the asccounts in dispute, . but
there were others, as well as the question of
interest, on which they could net agree, and
it had been agreed to refer these to arbitra-
tion, which it was hoped would soon be
Mr. Foster announced totthe e itH had been
pending farther should receive the ad -
agreed vantage
Gonads► nm tariff in Spain and
vantage of the minimum
the Spanish West Indies. which, as respects
fish and lumber, would �pl otherd coe us on mpeting
footing as Norway
conntriee. BnCO was In the afternoon concnrr
tinued. On the item of $100,000 for the
World's Fair, the Government'
Mr. Brodeur .urgeddeputy coma
appoint a French-Canadian
as miaaroner for the Canadian section.
Mr.. Foster promised that the matter
world be considered.
On the vote of $128,533 for the Atlantic
mail service. tier this Mr Laurier asked- who
ance of the arrangement with he Alin
Wight be taken ss proof that the Govern-
- Iiad'abamdoned its attempts to secure
lir« saps that the imposed been
minas to authorise the Government tbe
41250,000 by the issue of debeutnrer to
ionera of
advanced to this Harbor 'Cosi that by the
A John, t iBthea ��- -oust? they
Act constituting
50,000- It had
�� ►nthorized _ralw►e $� ._ - �,� and
been found that the num was timdec to
that it was necessary to increase it to
$1,000,000, with which it was hoped to The
ns -
plate the harbor improvements.
revenue from the wharves of St JJohntie
$50,000. so that the security
was amp
The loan would bear interest at 4 per
per annum. There was no provision meat of thfor e
sinking fund or for the repay
Mr. Laurier said he would not oppose the
resolution at this stage, but desired...that all
the papers upon the subject ahofild be pre-
aented hefore another stage waa taken.
Mr. Foster agreed to do this.
The Bill to empower the Harbor Commis-
sioned of Three Rivers to bo�ugh�au0t0
was read a second time, put
and passed.
syLanderkin asked—Have the Go
favor oupon wouldwregt�e two y men b dges' ane
Yt�mahs�a .FaveseD and the other over the
Kingston, Smith's
On the vote fortw$y any, which
Falls dv Ottawa b a anbaidi' ,
to,aid,.-Hat==o:°1F 9 Cent!
p givi gg-an uity of 3 per cent.,
butMr Edgar proteattod against the new
deoolved in,, the vote.
e vote rettpect8 the St. Catharine
Niagara Central Railway Company
changed to a subsidy of $108,800 for 31
miles upon condition of a deposit of $400,000
with the Government• t the dupli-
Iger protested a between
cating of the Grand Trank�veay
th manner in hicb thHamile
part ofnd nthe ' St.
Catharines & Niagara Central already con-
structed was built. It was throughoutthat
trestle work, and wIis an undertaking
did not deserve aaaistanee.
Mi. McMullen characterized e f pnbhthe vote
nothing but pure
The item was carried- the
Alter recess, the vote of $64,000 to
Kingston, Napanee & Western Railway was
carried with an amendment extending the
scope of the road to the counties of Lennox
and Peterborough. to the Cobourg,
On the vote of �,
000 Northumberland & Pac fit Ra 6t as ionto this
Mr. McMullen again subsidy was
manner in which this railway a subsidy
used as a bribe in the late bye - election ionextrin
West Northumberland.
He from the Sentinel -Steer, in which one of the
arguments used in favor of Mr. Garnet's
election was the ease with which he could
secure an additional aubaidyfor the railway,
as well as a reference to the dredging and
other public works secured for the con-
stituency by Mr. Garnet. That paper
declared that the future well-being
Cobourg was bound up in the securing of
the subsidy. Ile contended that this was
one of the manycaae8 in which constituencies
were won by the Government.
Mr. Garnet renewed his denial of the
morning that he had used the railway as an
argument, but contended that it was said
to hold him responsible for everything
by his friends in the press. protested against
Mr. McMullen, called upon to pay the
the Hoose being es. If
Government's election
leddo make f MM.
Garnet had anycomplaint
the campaign methods of the Oppositionthe
courts were open to him.
Mr. Costigan defended the subsidies to
the Temiscouata railway, which he declared
had been of considerable valve to the
and contended that this particular
cm' whatever to do- with
subsidyain line nothing which was con
the main of railway,
veined in Mr. Edgar's charges_
Mr. Lister protested against the de-
velopment of the subsidy system, which had
resulted in railway promoters building roads
at the public expense and at the same time
putting thousands of dollars into their own
pockets. n followed, and made
Sir Adolphe Caro et made to Mr.
the first reference he has He dwelt
Edgar's charges against
at some length on the usefulness of the
r6ad,'which had contributed more than any
other road.
Mr. Edgarmat 1 To election
funds' Tment
Sir Adolphe Caron --•o the development
of the resources of the country.
to the hon. gentleman in time. After mak-
ing some further reference to the develop-
ment caused by the road, Sir Adolphe made
a pig mention of the charges preferred
against him by Mr. Edgar, which charges
bad not commended themselves to the
good sense of the .House.
judgment or as a
*� When the hon. gentleman gives
reason why a whole population should be
deprived of help that he has preferred
charges against me, I tell him he is in the
wrong. When an inquiry is held, and When
I hope he will be present to submit his
charges against me, be will find me ready
to meet these chargee. If I am to believe
current rumors he does, , not intend to
d that
that responsibility Upon, himself,
he has sought to take advantagemember e of the
privilege given him as
Home- I tell him that if he will assume
the reaponsibility of bringing his charges
under different circumstances and in a dif-
ferent place he will find me prepared to
meet him face to face, and if he can prove
his charges --which he cannot, and which
I have by the rules of the Houso
been unable to refer to until now
when I am able to do so on a side issue—
' am ready to risk my seat and retire dis-
graced and dishonored. So far as this rail-
way is concerned, my sole connection with
it has been in the belief that I was looking
after the public interests. I scorn such
charges as he has brought against me, and I
again tell him he will be unable to prove
them." that
Mr. Edgar expressed his pleasure
Sir Adolphe Caron had made the reference
he had done. Ile would tell him that be-
fore be had done with the investigation he
would find that he (lir. Edgar) would not
shirk any of the responsibilities which he
had Undertaken, and that he Would not
shelter himself behind his responsibility as
a member of the House to make charges
which he was not prepared to make in open
day. It was not he who was shirk-
ing the issue. Sir Alolphe Caroli's case
was thefirst in which a member had
shirked an investigation by his peers and
yet boasted of such conduct. Had he (Mr.
Edgar) not asked for a trial before a jury
composed of his peers ? Those who shirked
the investigation were the Minister and his
colleagues. Whatever weakness he (Mr.
Edgar) had he did not want in 'pluck and
would not shirk the issue. After contending
that his figures were right and those of lir.
Haggert were wrong, Mr.. Edgar urged the
Howse, for the eake of decency and good
`der, not to vote anything{furthee to the
meat had their attention callerto the
of he
following letter from the biinin
Interior, and the editor comments
its issuee
thereon by the Regina
of the 12th January, 1892, in which it is
said : OF INDIAN
DEAR GREEN, --I find the Government have
determined to hold on to the mile limit ee be
on each side of the railway track,
so itwell not to make too great Improvements. _ I
effect the section not utilized
for town site
wild it if
t be sold aquestions
n. Occupy r tthe Goved rnment-
one ask anyobliged
I abe been obliged to go tsoon as I esxpeC
so have
not been able to t segs into good shape before I
get I arca get things
get away.. Cut all the hay you can. Ido not
expect to reach you before the middle of
August. Yours truly, E. DEwMNEY.
The following facts are established by this
letter : roots aware
1. That Dewdney made bis g
where he would place the capital.
2. That he bad discussed with his groom
the chances of the Government keeping or
not keeping the mile belt closed.
3. That he got his groom, Robert Green,
to squat on half a section, either for him or
wholly for 'Green, on the same system as
Buttan got squatters to ?gust tor him, the
squatters to have a quarter section and the
employer of squatter �'a�r.m that they
4. The strong. p an ate
were partners, .and a parliamentary enquiry
will show what was his system ante similar
dealings with other subordinates and epecn-
lators. Green to occupy this
5. That he urged what he was
half -section, and if asked represent-
doing to tell a lie and say he was p
ing the Government. That he tells Green
he will get things into good shape before be
ets away from,then is groom
ra t is his things
publicn.hinge,but this is not
on weighty affairs of State,
likely even for him. Ile must then have
meant the private speculation m which they
were acting together, and the context bears
th" Cat all the hay you . can."
ne out. „ on
And, again, "Ido not expert to reach y
beforethe middle of August.
Comment is einmec esear'y as to the graye
banned to place the town
of seta m 1� o section. Of that he
says nothing, and'we say let there be �G par-
liamentarY'inquiry and we can prove it all
Dr. L anderkin bad got ono further than
he paragraph beginning Comment is un-
necessary,' when he was called to order by
Mr. Speaker, who stated that the rule of
the House was that a membere right
to puts question affecting h c conduct
another member. It was just e a quotation
for another membereflectingto oII a member.
from a question
newspaperout of order and
The question was distinctly
could not be put. Will imports into the
M r. Forbes •asked— rte from Canada be
Spanish West Indra >�y favorable terries
there received on eq
with similarimports tromthe United-Statesher to
Mr. Foster—I have nothingfurther
r her House on
add to the information I gave
direct result of the election of . J. G.
ain West Huron.
Mr p&tte n denied t'ha't the was
neveras a
eeasked enterprise any
liticyal favor in
Wesrend never did promise any
West Huron, promoters of
each thing. One late f the iAlx..
this -read wee 'hia'
Cameron. an amendment to
Mr. Laurier proposed after to
provide that within four days of theR
opening of each session the Ministertea of
e Parliament cop
aries and a statement of all payL°enta
made secretary of each raiisaysy she Ben
on oath
the Auditor -General les al been applied to their
subsidies had
that any
ny re.• way contractor or egerw
II liable
fine prmami1eII r both.,
John_morrow. e
men ° with all its details.
did notagree nt of the
ways ree shall1 is entered into with all railway
; thh,at within a month the
d to
he se statement
hat the se. objects,as well as a -, revision
ssuet any to an election funs be
to t or both.
Or im e' amen$
Thompson as
t should stand until to
The seventh Parliame
ed at 3 o'clock to -day by His
was Excellency
theGovernor-General. The
malities. was a was the drive frons Gov -
'There Excellency
e led once secretary and aide e-
hismilitary Prin-
con Guards.. n
a ionise via? w n a de -
Parliament buildings
froment the Governor General's Foot
Lord tanley. There were the usual crow
o the vivo-
who tutee on Po t and the
1 to from Nepean
brilliant d ff with eclat. Theseus on which
closes to- a legislation is concerns ,
h C minal Code and
measion s
mares, slid that is chant alt. The session
was the fourth longest since Confederation.
There wash eBs i ill wasdt cusses d�audgp�ed
and daring w is six months. Next
took place. It lasted • h boated five
tains hist yea durin
h The session of 18 i 3, g
aga HnSirJ hn Macdonald, will stand
the one which endsy
Teseven is the .speech from the
The following
Hon. Gentlemen of the Senate,
Gentlemen of the House of Commons rlia-
In relieving you from attendance fo 1 Pt `Iia
meat. I congratulate you on the u
tion which has resulted from your deli era
dons during, this long and arduous s ion_
The adoption of the code of criminal l w are
confer a t benefit on all classe branch
s ofjuris d the sad di s an anchie on eme nt whi h.
w jl renicence,
will reflect credit on the 'Parliament of
Canada- cult task of readjusting the repre-
Tta i5a o le'in the House of Com-
motation oc the Pe P
mons in. accordance with the census retavelY
has been accomplished with compare
little disturbance to existing_ electoral
divisions and in a manner that . hope will
prThe tl gi lratio acting to tin its he Northwest
The regi
Territories' Do pectio I, odsproviions and the
tents .
var , u oheth I meat which have been com-
ple ie , re ca culated t benefit the industrial
andam ecus i ted to and to
and commercial interests of Lhe cottintrY
promote its ge neral welfare. by the am
You have been donbtlu gratis
ed nouncement that the Government of Newfound -
nee with
mdGoverrnmentuponthehold a differ�enceswh chhad
arisen between Canada and that colony. and
that irl the meantime all causes of fnrther dis-
pute or irritation have 1�R mmove byd. the Ad -
A representation has
ministration of the United States that the
schedule of tolls, whiclehad been in force upon
the Canadian canals for some years past: °per-
ate+ to the disadvantage of the shiP.pmg
and products of United , States ci . it enns
on the great lakes.. This So P
and diseussed�it
h e been examined
the pw pOSOl ha of the United been ssubmi ttted on behalf
and a proposal
of my Government that the United States evils
part o f the tthe trreaattymof Vashinde on ge
part of that country y
ton :iS an egnicalent for concc�ons
on the part of Canada as to the
canals. but which were withdrawn by the
United States without cause so far as Canada
is concerned. This proposal has not yet been
replied to but it is hoped that the fairn� of
the position taken by my Governihent will ne
duly appreciated by the Government of the
United Stales, so that all further on this question may be avoided.ndea
Gentlemen of the House of Commons:
lien rein
4 i . furni
.dnet��t e1 #die
ala atpo_ ve
s Inst of the Milled ndwounded
fat f IIAs far as
lime d nine
bCt[► dere killed andl8 workmen amen
rvea , injured in the battle.
• teethis:at least 100 detectives were
yinjred by the �ers'while on
:qty to jail this morauipg,.r
In answer to thea .Governor's message
8he� McCleary sent the following
are in possession of
The werks at gomesteadum� a thousand.
an armed mob. Theymorning attempted to
Them umber a wthas . when an. attack
wad a number of boats, and six men on the
bests bras made ba the boats,
were badly wounded. A number of the
amen on nnot sa` . Th e �t later came down
straycannot say -
r and was fired at from the shore, and
the, . captain was compelled to .abandon hiss
position. 1 haveno meaAnsl at arge f mand to
unset the amend any delay may lead to farther
Woodshed and great destruction of property
are therefore urged to act at once.
Iron W. H. MCCLE.ARY, Sheriff.
The course of Governor Pattison in de-
• • dining to order the National Guard to
Homestead until Sheriff McCleary had ex-
haueteed all meana.in his power to preserve
• order is generally commended. The pre-
vailing opinion here is that bad the militia
appeared on the scene the bloodshed world
have been mach ,greater. The advent of
the armed and uniformed men of the State
troops to guard the Carnegie works and to
act as protectors of the non-union men
would have excited the strikers to all pos.
Bible resistance.
csiekl a iia cO1 i*T.
Ine shit aeeteklne, Countess Lassen Ap-
pears Apcatnit nam.
A London cable says : The featu�IIoff t e
Neill trial to -day was the p
Countess Russell, of Divorce Court tithe
iety. She came as a witness agains
prisoner, wlieae sensational career of r h
, AI of and England is attracting
ttra ;tides to proceedings brought against
fyx the 'peleoning of the girl M atack,
•'Ouver.. , Tht nutea8 was dr� od in very
w'v wiith selietbrofse trimming, tat beiny
r She was in bad temps
a»totrsvtl some miles from town and
room for hours
�7it�mlf�°pte31° a stuffy
.7lstb' o w ,and men of disreputable
.iiiiiitiectectiiissociatea. After testifying
► :no ;v impertant fact that she had
i►,letter from the accused .threaten-
�� s . bile a charge that she bad
tea o Itusaely she brusquely de-
r ° ', Iuat>tded+her expenses. Tho
iot ."' ,t• .i>a overawed by her
��� ►`'s impetlone� er, and bawled to
Qlica Iv�totPay the witness
and inxpence, plus a first -
dos'tai llliinga,, „ e countess grabbed
oliYss railtre fare. t and hurried
� p, signed s receip
.uta - The evidence against Neill orCream
e. +' is now - so strong that there t and ly a
doubt Olatehe will be found gut y,
share the fate of Deeming, whose rival
in rnnrder he see s p have been, and
who, like him, ted b many of
that elusive criminal, `:.Tack the
Bipp r•"
She sb a1d Net lisle sat i.tit.
u I wish to present you with a few vol-
iimes of fiction ase a markof mit' esteem, Mass
° Thank you, Iris. Holley 1 What a novel
.__�__� tb� New "York
teuned 11 war an
Excelloncy ttended with the usual for -
ment H by His Excel y d
panted it escort from the -
p with a mono I front of the
ccs as drawn p
Guards a �of honor which receive
d t to see the ahh
regal se. n i Eveeryy
plea t assemblage in the S
cling Pa do y is one of the most uneven d,
as far as practical since Confederation:
that has taken placethe Redis-
Thero is the Criminal
the Government
s float lind'af stearosltips. had
not; bean :last night of. Attempt5�bada when
Yhree different os. asi
tenders were called for," but owing to in -
- had net succeeded.
totstisd' c former member for Hali-
fax used to Bay that the scheme was im-
practicable. It looks very like it now.
Conc�Oe was concluded a few min-
utes after 4 o'clock, and the Home went
into committee upon he. bill to p3rovide for
the non -revision of the voters' certain � ear's
year, end to l� the close of the year.
lists received after
Mr. Laurier read an extract from the
petition filed against the . return of Mr.
L' owell in Welland. in which it was charged
that the voters' lists were incorrect and
irregular. He asked whether the billwould
cover and protect Mr.
Lowell's case. If it
did not, it should be amended to•do se. It
was not fair that Mr. Lowell should be
made responsible for irregularities for which
the Government was alone responsible,
through its employees. wit` Mr.
Mr. Patterson (Huron) agreed .
Laurier, and expressed his willingness' to
strengthen the bill by any word Dir. Laurier
might suggest. to' submit an
Mr. Laurier promised and the
amendment on the third reading,
bill was reported from committee.
The bill to amend 'thea Railway Actt was
read a second time. �a �� through
committee. The third reading of
for Tuesday, when Mr. Maclean, York,
will move his amendment in favor of two
cent fares. Foatgr, the bill to
Upon motion of Mr. . at Quebec was
abolish the harbor pis
and d enc ase
which the Northwest rebellion
is session whit which
mMr.onths. to preferred' his charges
against it O
third, and was approaching towards five
to -da is
months, smite while days shorter.
moved the
Sir. John Thompson having
third reading of the. Act respecting the
Voters' lint of 1892,
Mr. ,Armstrong moved in amendment that
the Bill be referred back to committee in
order to allow it to be amended by except-
ing the city of London from the clause sus-
pending. the revision for this year. Ile
recalled the controversy which had resulted
from the decision of Judge Elliot, placing
230 diaputed• names on the list, and urged
that the lists should be revised in London
his year.
Sir John Thompson could not accept the
amendment, which would, he said, open the
door for the revision in every constituency
in the country. The time for revision had
passed by, and it was too late now to order
a revision.
After some further discussion the amend-
ment was defeated on a division by 63 to 30,
and the Bill was read a third time.te upon
The House then went into comms pis
the railway subsidy$264,000
resolutions. the Ottawa
On the vote of 4�,
Arnprior & Parry Sound Railway Company,
Mr. Haggart explained that the section
of fifty-five miles northwest from Barries
Bay to a place which hada no nen in , was
especially diflicnit, milof
that distance would receive $6,400 perseanile.
The consideration of the railway
was resumed.
On the vote of 360,800 for the Cobourg,
Northumberland & Pacific Railway,
Mr.. Hag art explained butadmitted,
his ', ine
would complete the road,
reply to Messrs- McMullen and Edgar, that
the road had not been begun or any con-
tract let.
Mr. McMullen charged that this vote was
a fulfilment of the promises made et the.
„late leetiett' in West
T ebill to amend the General Inspection
Act was then .considered amendment to
Mr. Coetigan proposed
an add cheese to the liachange
was broughtbout,he
of articles to be ire
explain, The then? ous request o the
explained, by the nnanim
cheese makers, whose prem bo had been
unable to reeiot. It Was proposed to fix
standards for cheese and to draw up regula-
tions for inspection. He had been anxious
to meet the request that te barrels in
should be in-
apples are packed
but that would involve an amend-
ment to another Act, which could not be
made at this late stage of the
upon on. hime
Government had reao p°
portant change in the regulations fixing the
wheat standard& There had been much
complaint about the standards fixed last
year, and it had been °decided that the
samples upon which the standards were
based should be collected by the Govern-
ment, which would be respon ledf withem.
h h r
Mr. McMillan (Huron),
the change had been asked for by the Dairy-
men's Association. Receiving a reply that
it had not, he protested against the atnend-
mentbeing adopted without time for farther
discussion and consideration.
Dr. Rinfret supported the mendment as
in the interest of the dairymen.
ds tem of in
Mr. McMillan opposed any system
spection except at the piece of manufacture.
Inspection at Montreal would, in his
opinion, result injuriously to both ebeeae
and butter. . of the
Mr. Costigan met the opponents
inspection by telling them that theMapcc-
inn could take place either at the cheese
I trust that the provisions lihefoundample
made for the pub is semi
for its demands.
Hon. Gentlemen of the Sen
Gentlemen of the Home of Commons :
At the close of this session I take leave of
yon, with the •hope that the sicrificcs which
you have been called on to make by �•o pro-
tracted an attendance may be rewarded by
proof that your labors have been fruitful of
benefits to the Dominion, and that, our people
in every part of Canada inaylikewise be blessed
with property in the harvest season which
Mustard plasters made with the white of
an egg will not blister. ,
TRE NOT a Pur-
gative Medi -
cues. They aro a
Northumberland. This was the way
which elections Were carried by the Gov- of .his charges, and moved in amen ment
ernment. that the vote be struck out,
Mr., Guillet denied that any each promise The discussion then branched off to a Ev E s. . . ,
had been made by himself or any of his
debate of the Pontiac Pacific Junction Rail- .t` ‘: .1 1 or
lied With Seine warmth physical anti in. ni
which he characterized as unit:met and un -
road between St Johns and Rosalie. The
Mr. Dupont opposed the grant of 3102,- Mr. Chaplean rep
400 to the United Counties Itailwity for a to I TO!'
Mr. Lister's references to that road, • ei
After some further diacussion, in which
board, the factory, or the port of shipmen with $3,200 pet mile, and a similar subsidy 1
Quebec Governrnent had subsidized the road . true.
railway subsidies should be, re- `, seat ei vontaae ,.
bin to amend the) General inspection Act. t of money. The country was a level one, i. e
modelled, and the aubsidies paid after the szi It''.
Th clause respecting thefee was amended , and the road could not possibly cost more
. i road 'a -vies' compkted, Mr. Edgar's minted- yOURE V - --t.
that the fee for inspection may not ex- than $5,000 per mile'.
ten cents per barrel, instead of being i
Fraser urged that the whole system of youg
The House continued in committee on the , om th' Go -ernment would be pure waste
ment wen rejected on a divittion of 63 to 41 meee them
1dr. Chapleau said that if Mr. Dupont
Viet the excite- would tell the Haute how he could build a On the vote of $99,200 to the Giderieh '
ril fixed at that figure, The bill
F-40.0 hv
h rich farming, well-eettled and Witlehem 11'11914, receiet t price t
NI Mullen chs)rged that it was the a'N.E
, ban cured several patient& , Mr. Foster moved the House into cote- country for $5,000 a mile he would eortfer
Meat While engaged in game of baseball), Was reverted.
State Lunatic Asylum says
Cilt0 stip
care ti•e so
taktte china.
r,wt:1 be rent moon