HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-15, Page 7w
He cgs Lsnp gear fey de' sttuataon. I on the eve of being, benne T flirt FI S A1",YX'a u. 1.
sFia held�the le$p£ag horse, the carriageto anther, to llama t=, arch & declaration ; $ AND moments he tremblinglq r,rsaiie Lei i YY " `
And then leaped fn besiae him ; then and, worst of all, to feel that Thomas diel ;ltre�ttsl sufferings aiTwa Ba d lea3is to a didn't jump at i He g no
y �n leaeer� nfa . _ a sot.- $1_hrny heart _ _ :..... - -.. _ .tMe Flow city. , pa , a�ght_msa..
t was t the
Female' 'bob Mi dont y. A woman a is Iaerease-
Knowing, however, how mach Mr.' They had been married but six wee . Brid es -What has led to the recent eur-
9Rne stars that shone above thew « � weeks, scrapes aro the casae of most men troubles,
33eem. d to leap and sing for joy, Newbold loved and trusted me, I would and her own dear, blessed George " ww A e is not always eloquent, but a risco gincrease in the membershipof one
And a tender love light seemed,to leap Perbel?s have torn myself away from the gom away, to be Sene three "whole, dread- great ninny people hang on his words. church ? y
To the sweet eyes of the boy. fascinations of Algernon Devereux and left fel days- She had gone to the station to Politics makes strange bed -fellows, but Brooks -Oar pastor is Qrganizing com-
'9Pitb strong t arm she ed Bournemouth immediately had not my see him off, and was cltnightly to his , ,
The leaping fall well ; brother, who of course saw his devotion to arm as they walked up and the plat- they dont get to bed very early nights, mittees for the personal investigation of the
her left pressed to her leaping heart ase,, began to peysectite him. form waiting for his train to back into the Adlai E. Stevenson, Democratic Candi- city to vice.
Her love. Then silence fel!- � Whenever he saw its together he would station. Both of them were as solemn as date for Dice -Presidents is . of Scotch -Irish This 32k4sionary b is Hustler. o
ipso u them - and the leaping bells elick a pistol, and he who was formerlyy sol they would have been had lie been exiled to, descent. •` We'll have to recall our missionary
3iade music ring, app to carrying weapons was etiddenly Siberia and was abort to start for that The woman question : "Now isn't this from across the water," said the preacher. °
fi`heirlea burg into lo e, never seen without one. delectable country, a pretty time of night for you to be setting " Why," asked the deacon. "Isn't he
g- I, of sours®, became more and more You'll write every day, won't you, dar= home ?" doingg his duty ?"
Thea leaped a question from her lips - interested in Algernon Devereux -don't ling?" she eaid, `• No. He's civilized the heathen, staked
his there !caned a " Fes " . you think the name lovely ?-when I saw " Yes, indeed. And -you must write me s The quarrelsome man who is alwaysil off their land in town lots, and those who
d g him in such sonstant danger on my long letter to -night in for a fight is never in a hurry to enlist ain't in the real estate business aro pinyin'
more was sal as dear in home „ ,
came, leteach one guess, when a war breaks out. ,
account. " Ob, I will. And.yon'll take real good poker and runnin for the Legislature.
And her mother asked her why, " I really have no idea what I am going care of yourself ?" Astronomers Bay that tfinere are at least
leap year act she'd done, ,s " twenty moons in the solar system, and that I% DARKEST AFRICA.
to do, as my brother has told me that as Ob, yea ; I will y ,
f36e said. Such t Nine have been good form soon as I break with Thomas he is ora to " Oh, You mast. What would I do if some of them are superior to ours.
Since Eighteen ninety cele." going r, Now Rev. Dr. Jaboostos la Selig Led Access
shoot Mr. Devereux anything should ha to my boy . Bummer s3pap companies mast have been the Caat/aeat.
" I ask myself over and over again, how " Oh, nothing will happen to me; dar- numerous in Shakspeare'a time. He speaks
CARRIE'S ROMANCE. will it all ens'- But I cannot answer the ling," of one man playing many parts, " From Dr. Johnston's last letter (we
question How my brother always finds out " Oh, but something might,It would Mrs Flip -George, what do on think of were nearly .eight. months with no tidings),
when and,where Algernon and I meet I do kill me if anything should happen to you." that bathing costume? Mr. Flip -9h, it's mitten April 4th, at Bymangnato,
"fie (Duck of Fiffatsol an Important Factor not ��, but one thing is certain, he is " You'foolish little girl to be Bo fond of good as far as it goes. Bechuanaland; I judge that he will reach
always there clicking his pistol. me: But I'll be all right" Blantyre, if all be well, by the end of Julyy,
m Ia�e-ung. `� I had resolved the other day to tell " Be so careful getting on and off the Some one ways m liquor strengthens the so that some time in the fall he should be
Algernon that he must abandon eve care Promise me that you won't Pt off or voice. That is a mistake ; it only makes on his way to Jamaica. Owingto r
AERIE' QURigELL was a very every y g the breath strong. reports
1 and considered the thought of me, but when I met him and my on to a car while it is in motion." g' of a hostile tribe, the Matambela, to be
Proms brother. stood but a few feet from click- "Oh, I won't You take good care of " Do you refuse me on, account of my encountered on the route from the Zambesi,
belle the circle in which she �.
droved- She was also a kind, 'mg his Pistol, how, could I, knowing Mn yourself, darling," age ? I am only 55." " That's just it. you all the Barotse carriers, nearly 200 all told,
good girl, but had unhappily one Devereux in such danger, tell him what I " Oh, I shall just sit and cry all the may live fifteen or twenty years yet." deserted Dr. Johnston one night, and
j fault, which not seldom threw knew would break his heart?" time." The " European plan," reduced to prac- returned to the Barotse valley, without
all her good qualities into the Winnie sympathized fully with her " Shall you miss me so much ?" tree, is the scheme of orderic„ what you giving him any warning. This necessitated
friend and tho z, t as she di that " Miss you ? Ob George!" !" want and train wha , the waiter brin y an entire change in his route, and there
shade She was too easily misled j°8 d, y g g tr gs.
by s and would fancy almost in- the whole affair was more dreadful and " My darling !" ' Hit the nail on the head if you are on,, of bein�ther way, he returned, crossed the
eredi5ill�� at the slightest suggest°on. mole romantic than anything she had ever " The minutes will seem tome like years! work, by advertising in the Ev»•cG Zambesi, and procured an ox waggon and
Her imagination seemed like that of a read, which was surely saying much. She Won't you miss me ?" traversed the Kalbari desert 31 days?.
Trmrs, One cent one word. � ys ' -
gooEl novelist, always ready to grasp a wondered not at all that Orris had the " Miss you ? I shall think of you every journey, suffering much for .want of water,,
click of the pistol constantly fin in her minute." The Pennsylvania woman who gave a s but reached B
t word and torn it into a story. Any- P y • � �g i ymangliato safely, though
ear* "You dear old ! costly funeral to her pet mastiff the other weak from lack of ordinarynecessaries of
thing out of the common line of events was boy Oh, that is your dayconte un3er the easel definition of a d
to her most delightful. Buz, her worst mis- When the, young ladies' had enterea train coming in ? " dog life -only to find.. why .God had permitted
Carrie's sitting -room room th had not observed " Yes." gone idiot him to be deserted, and render the neeea
take was that she called her life: dell and g- ry t� r" Mr. Gladstone dotes on tea
interesting hepatise it flawed camly and that her brother' was in the adjoining Ob, George . , but wants it city of taking this very. trying journey, The
may- parlor, and consequently .heard every word ` You must be a brave and strong little made by his wife. Mrs. Gladstone, of King Bbgyami, wife and child, with hun-
Having never yet shed tears of bitter die- they 9Poke: woman." course, is a good cook- Did any man whose dreds of their tribe, all down with fever_
appointment and sorrow, she did not know " I received a valuable lemon from you, " How can I when you are go -go -going -a- wife was a Poor cook ever become great? The doctor wrote that 'the empty huts told
bow the blind the hove the the ��, dear," he said to himself when Car- a -w a ?" •� " what a harvest death was having.
y eye, y wring y : I say, my friend, said a traveler is Thousands have died during the few s.
heart ; she thought only how interesting a rid took 6Vinnie into her room, upstairs to •` There, there, don't cry ; yon'D attract Maine, `• can you tell me where there's a g P�
show her Algernon Devereux's picture: so mach attention." ban ted hone?" ,yes, sir," was the months. The field belongs to the London
Md. patq melancholy eaounteaaroe was, and
would often look with real disgust at her ad The click of`, my pistol shall no longer " I -I -don't care how much attention I reply; "come with me and you'll find any Missionary Society, being the place where .'
own round, dimpled, rosy cheeks dive you to4dmire the -one whose life the attract, and I -I -have to cry`!' --- kind of spirits want" the sainted Moffatt, planted his first mission, w>^
One of het bean, friends. -what young girl P g y , y mustn't Come now, kiss me Where is that white spotted blue neck-
but owing to some trouble with the king the f
1 endan era. I understand on now, " No on ss
last missionary had been dent away, and up
has ao15 ars least a dozen best friends ?-was my little woman. I made the man of too good-bye:." � � tie that I had s short time ago ?" asked the to that time no other had -taken his place
Wm�e Bliss, a willy, good-natcared damsel, much e»nsequenee, that was, the trouble: " Ob, George . husband. " Pray forgive me," said the
Jtnat wsai we shall e e tfieties and shall " Good-bye, darling." wife as the hen her head contritely « I -the nearest doctor lived 400 mile
mn who neves book lire trouble of having ed t, change aura so that the
were practic�IIy
t oven, bus always adopted noon knave which of the two your foolish lit- " You'll be so careful r" sacs it to make a bathingsnit" y y'
tie diesel eberiahes.'� " Yea, yea Good-bye r' shut off from help of any kind.
This Winnie .Bliss was a great comfort to " Carrie;" said James the following " And you'll be stare to come home Fri- There are 53 telephone companies in Immediately on arrival, Dr. Johnston
(lerrie, as she ants aC' suis time ready to may+ " I met some of our Bournemouth day >� s the United States, all belonging virtually, went to the ging and Queen, and when he
friends' and invited them to tea to -mor- •` Y „ to the Bell monopoly. They have 24l wrote 5 da a afeer both were recoyerin
gsseve wriith her because nothing oeed to „ ea, indeed. Good-bye, sweetheart.- ( S ). g,
eTsaage the rneatiotony of her existence It row. " Good—Ob, I shall be so anxious about exchanges, 416,356 telephones and 8,465 Also their child. 'Ids husband assured me
You -
was really a' .if fags had determined not; to " I am glad you did,' returned Carrie. you " emplO�yeea. the fever was not dangerous when properly
throw a pebble m Carries path, and than " Who coag'" `• Oh, Ill come home all right. Good- J_ M. Barrie, the Scotch author, whose treated, and that he had not lost a ease `'
-the course of true love aetdom runs " Mr. and Mrs.. Murray, Mise Robina, bye, work is just now a 'fad among certain that he had seen within two days of the
sort oth ' could not even be applied to her her cousins and Mr. Devereux." °' Good-bye, darling." people, is waiting a play for J. I.. Toolt;, patient becon+ing in; enly tht►t in the
as L&� course of begs did flow as " �° it you named last ?" asked " Good-bye."' the celebrated comedian, whom he will in- absence of any help, it almost iavasiably
thinking she had not heard rightly. " v, traduce in the character of a Cocke proved fatal_ Bh bami beau t Dr.
p _ calmly as glee waters of a lake is a emmmler ��' g � y: Oh, Geozge, how can I lel yon go - Cockney gy ugh
i° Ma Algernon Dever," replioed her " You mast, my Pet Good-bye:" sportsman in Scotland. Johnston not to lease them utital at least'
day -
to a young man who had known brother, blandly ; " I think I did very " Good-bye, my treasiase bop Wave Of the 200,000 women working at differ- the death rate among the natives was
is dislikun h€*ie' because he made our handkerchief from the window, won't eat trades in New York cit `>7 000 supportlowered, as in the immediate compound of t '
� when she was a cT?inld, and to whom lien 10"C t g y ' their hushands- In America as in France g+ dying hsot&es urns happy to ezitrFest his sis8er- love to volt. Nobody is reapoIIsibFe ,for you, darling?" y r ' the Kin the natives were d off at the .
Tris freelism and I would have, na to " Yes es. I must o now; the bell is the average size of familieshas been steadily rate of 15 a day. Dr. Johnston said he ae-
irer parents versals long since dead,-- Itaeilm P Ps, . , y g ce ted the situation believing his essence
sat evm the doze cru braving, nays of gifts if I watched T'eiomoats ars rill g Good-bye:" deereazting for the tact half century. The P , g p,
r Veatch or danger to become his;, or to do I foolishly watched you- Who i could ``{mod=it-b-bye r average is now 4:03, wherein 1850 it was thereto be the outcome of a, . divine plan,
or suffea anything unendurable for Tars sake: blame hila if, eainstantly thrown together " There, there ; don't: cry. Sge, bye � 5.5d and that no. one would wish ' bim to leave
y just lite editorial room of the While RIbbon these people in their ternlfl Bad condition.
�' was extremely tiisroraarsLie, and litre wit& a fascitcai.t ing wornan, he became inter- "Good -b G Be as--aareiui-as- P p y
e very -day life -nothing desperate, nothing caged . 'in her? Because, you !mow, he Gooel`bge," the new paper to be started in London with Thirty thouyaled Regie IP. t" sing-u�
-� t, love you stifl and have o a short, •` Good-bye ! he shrieks from the car the customary "ample Capital," Will be a stricken district,huts, heart hieakissg he it: romantic atachment for her." �g � window. the waves `mer hamilk ex- radius of _ miltall m mud hu within �
If he; at leash, aranlc$ lose rte same chair .. Did you bear that Thomas amen his avrli &utters from the ear curious sight with time Duchess of Bedford,
an arms or leg, or if she was in danger -but y lk 1+�" citedly, Lady Carlisle and Lady Somerset on their
only in danger -o£ I -i ng her money, that tieular attention to some one ?" asked window as long as the train is in sight, andda. Two Epitaph*. ,
ase or time oa& could ah,., some more than Carrie, firing up at the bare' idea of such. s' she goes tearfully home, while he -well, the f ��tive tripo 'Was Haetir iia it. Remarkable are two epitaphs, the first of
bnmasa attatcibaientt, it would all have breerd P°'����• wags of a man are past finding out, but let which is said to be upon a tombstone in the '
very well, but to leve and marry without " Nst, I dirt not ; at least, not that I r� us hope that he is thinking only of her. - Jones -fly boy has began to take music city of Sacramento: " Here is laid. Daniel
nary trorrbre Whagever was almost too much. , Ieasaoa�
cited- Have a nice tea tto-morrow I shallla�rrteeaPodvr Temea. Borrow, who was born' lie Borrow, and
for say read life+ and wromrd Bever have made � to make up with Mr. Devereux. I Brown -What's he taking the music lea, Borrowed little from Nature except his
reallybelieve Emma to he a nice our man, sons for
sos�ess ffi a book- Geo T we �nnot• all Have the 1Daia't � la I�tt, Jove* -Fora dollar and a half an hour tie and his love to mankind and hatred'
Tlie Lws srim�ner Carr a was too spend as �u g To break off an old and tried fries mostly. At 1 = s to redskins ; who was nevertheless a gentle,
miss Conseil heel andshe $scl " t fze� figure and Imine of Thomas Newbold ds�P�- y- east, I can't diaeaverangthing man and a dead shot; who, tTarougb a long.
' im -souse must be infeiriar aari llah " Or contract a new and doubtful alliance: eIsc in it life never killed his man except m serf-
ntarmed from the seaside, where she had •a There is so concealed in Brother. To give advice without being asked for it He Was Sire Enoaxk- P
becra with ger brother when she nit W -m- maid U To s our m advance of earn- .. T de femee of by aaccideat ; and who, when he
' Jam wrtstrTs,' said Calcic vanes cite was l g The may Clara is going to vack at last went under, beneath the .bullets of
stale IiCi4s in the street, s, , ffig it~ Y .� �� g g marry -
"OTs, Casale{ I assn ars glad to sea you ! alone. He who clinked his pistol every 'Po make love to more than one woman at Bonsanatocks - his cowardly enemies in the saloon of Jeff'
Whew ddci yam return r said Winnieseals- trans he saw Mr. Deverema aid Ise to- a tithe .96 Yes: Morris, did so in the sure and certain hope
get'iher would not, invite him to spend the '° Th also sayhe is a fair catch-" of a glorious a'nd everlasting morrow." The
ping her friend, Who seemed in great E agte. , To give up a reputable business to dabble � S g
and had PC E� eventing with as were it not for some pur. in � ve " Yes, it was at a church -fair she caught other, which belongs to a Nevada burying
we Carlile tenni a few tEa I ' p`� He srr rel r heard ' zomething about tim him."
$9' To blame your ehik ren for following ymw ttatrim„stal AercaltteA. per' a such a noteworthy achievement thoutot of going to see you. rer-sag," reg- r �4� � b� ro�� about lots fallcng ID this lie that it may Elly conclude Our com-
kme with another girl were othervrise eza- bad examples. ° Husband (during a thunderstorm} -Come pilation of a few of the curiosities of epitaph
Fred ewrie To take part in the difference between t
"Yom say ttErati am have been already LiaeE$ unseafled €ar_ Let nae see Do I away from that telephone, Mary - you'll literature: "Sacred to the Memory of q
$ g g hour neighbore- •
seve W days here and have nal been to llIIos anyone to wrhoan TEsamas was uz - ,attract the lightning ' Hank Monk -the Whitest, Biggest -Hearted,
asua ll devoted at Bournemouth ? Yes, To eve le a safe bat plodding business Wife -Do yoR think ao ? and Best -Known Stage -Driver of the West;
sic gets ! I eazzttesL sag that I i`eel gas- - tyxigisimued all after a short Inn for a letnhble spesulatian_,
Husband -1 do- You a;rebeautiful enough who was kind to All and Thought Ill of
t'.ac�Eaaly 13Sttertxl at ttELis, wEsezo ver were �. e" affig' To accept idle scandalous atones Ron ileac �
sines a stisterv,� said Winnie this very Miss Robins whom Janie in, to attract anything nose- He Lived in a Strange E
yss pzat - concerning other people. g Era,
fiexlzag aeah�Eonnt viteJ, Yee found such a micef clever girl, and To ' Pfstarrel with your wife because site
" I wradPd e e =.atszzer, dant. everyI recoElect well that one Saturday. when, AI4 Asip Cempwncib'n_ and was a Hero, and the Wheels of Iiia
Ron I not Ecinn so eau I returned €lucre criticises your faults Minister (to small boy caught in theCoach are now Ringing on Gelder Btreetr.'
step I ta.lic is wane 6&1, and I am a€raid to tem ' Or with gear husband because .fie deesrdt orchard) -Doesn't` your conscience ever .
a walk with Algernon, I found Elisrs talking .t namtlten Application for nivesce.
frare LEre Izats wr&ess Z;cather Jan is tell you evesytEoiag he knows. trouble you after you have stolen fruit, my
�, to Iles in the gairdeu: I dEtaiB watch these y
therw" crosely tomorrow ." Or with your sweetheart because she son . An Ottawa despatch sage : There are
`° gut way s Wlrart has happened'V7 � treats ..cher gentlerEm with eourtesg, _ Small Boy -No, sir, but my etomaeh often two notices in the Glc zetle of applications,
That sag and the following one (7grtie's
"Ifr there ever Was aura anaplsy gel, , r Or with your lover because he isMises does, during the next session of Parliament, for
ly`• I am the arse; and if you wd1 thoughts were coupled only wriLFs 1th,mas divorce. One is from Martha Ballantyne,
rarsi,� g Ti&e crick of Ever YatotEler-e pistol .was, of Common sense with love making, is Wonder.
walk to the prsstoffce and h— ate, 1, court a satbisfactory excuse to herself for To gra m debt because the shopkeepers °` The mudactor turned all sorts of colors of Scarborough township, in the county of
wadi gel@ U an 21 �n0 t it- I must have have confidence iu our honest-G'imcaza- at one didn't he!" York, who seeks divorce from, her husband,
� Iiateniag La ISdr- Deaeteua:sr declaration of g g' . �
ane heart to which I Batt confide, my ' 'nati Lsarfuarcn " Yes he was 'spotted-` Wm- Ballantyne, laborer, Hamilton, on the
nus aadgiag Eove stud devotr4n, Jttait vernal eseuse ' p° ground of adultery and desertion': the other
= Thomas for makfss love La soother l Starppty and Wmand.
° T"� you sate euarlEg ur.iiappg ? ' asked g . � ' sat to aced site �,�Hostess--whatis from John Francis Schwall'er, of Thorold,,
` -Mui. but im such a tone as are would Noire: has become of Sandy merchant who seeks divorce from his wife
to artdisaary mortars whey Gf]eg were Iib was nothing but wretched faithlessness " 1m the Mattes of food madly dog owners Smith, who stood so high in your class? Florence merchant,
cf Niagara Falls on
with hien and Carrie could trust no man any snake grievous errors, and are therefore re- Alumnu%� ON he's taken orders- '
aslrec$ iii they ha:cl received an unexpected the ground of desertion, gadultery sand
iias•eA mum Shepitiecl aH women whose happiness miss im their duty toward our friend, the Hostesa-He's in the ministry, theta' bigamy.
" lTt. n TEri»t is not the vranrtd to The
an thence don," writes Dr. Gordon Stables. "I think. Alumnae --No, in a restaurant.
�`� - The next a£teetrsnoon came and Carrie the rule of a light breakfast about 8 a. m- Reme>arrer the Sabha y. Women Read Adversisemeats.
expteas3 lt. I vroutler if there is a varmaaaa feedved her este with a liutterii and a nutritious dinner at 5 m, is a iCa
� � good la• Husband --Wife blind we out m Sunda S` E.rnass C'Ta/, _ Il�rao,-reat : It has been
wr"e fate` is more: trot than m>� &".t d oa but we should never neglect to ' y y g
said grip,,, a" br4ett 'te;r r 9 X unming in her e, rt Coat. mg good fortune surlily r►y week's slay at
Her .valor camp- seined weal when Thomas, give some mashed greens twice or thrice a Wife -But, In sear, this is not Sunda this hotel to be seated. at table with three
mss, yet writth aumistal�b[e satitf.■eLfnte im Y y
• 6k,e• �� inaL I'ia�viag mel Suss Robins mace she week, Hort gat�et that change sloes goat3. � � only Saturday_ _ or four blight women- Every one of them
returned €tam Boutaemto warmly An occasional dinner 'of well bolTed tripe is " I knovq it's onI '
enntinueJ sh,c, whess k $wads with her slid eased his � a eat tical to armoaL any do so is a bit g Satardap, but 1 In comes dawn to breakfast with a neEcapaper
e guars au IcLLe}r, the two gigs were y g+ going Lir attend a fashionable dinner, and it in her hantIi. And wTbat do you suppose
sit et r, the selling coram: phare! on seeing her looking ars wrerl- of liver I- itay berled. As to bones, young will be Sunday before I get back-" she reads first ° Why, the advertisements
In vain Devereux tried- to catch Ca rrie a dogs may have safe ones, but old dogs are
that we v�nn to Boutaemauth instexti rah Served Dim Right. of the big dry goods houses. of coarse. She
eyes, better - without ; a handful of honemeai . " dwells and comiments on ever i
ramaz to Be t� as vssg at &tsL intended to do, " You look pate to-nfgIYt, said the bar- y item to the
It accuse$ as �s €or her Ere: diad not egfat must do duty instead. advertisements with the acerous interest
e• dy,-- s Sbr- XVwb`lcl flier intended) the twit part of the evening ; and when ber's wife when he returned from his day's that I devote to the market reports.
eimH gu to see; as every S'atmr&y audreturn she shake to Elias a£teaEv & she found �1RE ��. work- Po
am Xfsudalr to the city. that he was uninteresting, just a common Q, �. `° I've had a trying day.," said the barber.
" We found no actlaaI ttnees wrhen we mortal-suserg becaase no pistol clicked is I think I have the most tender hearted A young fellow came in this morning who Eailed starch is much improved by the
first arri "eey, and I felt dating a few days her ear' husband in the words'," remarked Mrs- behaved so like a puppy;,that i made a mis- addition of a little sperm, or a; little gum -
rather ronehr unto a Party o£ Dies and Gian- "He can't bear to beat his children, take and cut his ears instead of his hair-" arabic disaolled-
Feeling very wretched and vt zy unhappy
g�tre-_ eame, name «-,€ v:haan Ing brother -not romantics T, but reallfg soy -she• even when they need it ever so bad-" "etaaaserp4esa-*. Daring the first sfx months, of this year
had met ase yeK before: I hecame quickry stole out of the room atter supper to com- ¢� That's nothing, replied Sirs, Glanders! Mau d -What a beautiful new gown Jane `24,213 Immigrants reached Winnipeg for
wquafntvd with thein and hard a. NVR, pose herself somewhat in the cool October 'My husband is so tender hearted I can't, is wearing. Divi she bring it from abroad? the West.
dekgfLt€ul Gera c MY arvaatr nn all excur- ah,- get. him to beat the carpet." Vara _- o ; it's her last season's dress ; Peddles Bismarck, who was Ensiled with
sinum w ,' Sir Algetaatn 1Q»veMum, frOm She wan, however, not alone where she: dressmaker turned it inside out, and now flowers hy_admiring young ladies at Ftissin-
e Stento$, cue a6 tthe meat fmcinatmg yaang returned tai• the parlor. Tihornas was with It is xrways the man's fault when he be- she says it's from the other side. '
p ys Ren sad Uld his eye injured, was almost as
goq Cute M'UW He is D41C as haadsame come a c€rnnkard- r rink never tabes to a r
,her; and when they passed James he ' A Werahand a Jdmi.9diction. nnfortunate as Mr. Gladstone at whom a
as Sim_ N*VffmTcl, bat aEt ' sn taterestim wGsispet'erd tm him LhaL Cartes had tole- man,. The man takes to drink.. Pryor -Di you run your household? woman hurled a "chunk" of gingerbread.
Ewe,, asa a °o Ike l book- to He bald simsed to be his wife next nionth on Eves Harf the year is. gone: Have you no Prank -Na; my wife tuns that. A letter in the London Tinv4 says the
aeC aft still LEic enalmatr, hrmltIng, contented fir thdag ticed it ? Pryor-94h.,'I see; con ran the office. woman whir threw the n thread at" Mr.
appearance aE Thaatan : Ila i an f 'He James es to- air brathem who have to a Si
rat lis i£ nam- � -` He's as awful miser_ I Haver heard Frank -N&: the janitor rune that. Gladstone, in Chester, was One of his moat
liaa� l and gnard a pretty sister the advice not to click . of him st anything 'away in his Lige:" Pryor- in thunder do you mn ? ardent admirers, and that she has since the
i�urn earthmare prea.4e hi:n any snore a mtaE pa her hearing when she rends too r �� � g y ry
as � ire had s� �•� to all lartfxly P � lilies L he give his daughter away when Frank -Well, 1 run back and forth. unfortunate occurrence been overwhelmed
hrsapitabre am ear try the hr$adaahments of asz she was married ?" " You're awfully fanny, The Third damp. with grief.
kalwilrnndesitabre young man.- TL 9ontfigeate, in aren't ou ?- His danahter eco ed -s'
t many dugs Fleets Ps�aseeI before Fie, JfT irei y P " Is it true ,! listi (�ertie, he said, "there At the International Millers' ZRhibitioa,
i to _ _ -1l. is noised that the rain is over for the are jnaL two things a woman will jump at- which r9 being held in London, Fag., the
prsh$ me the Masi m txrresl xrrpntion, ant
anvke m Emig story short, tale me that he present:. Surely Japiter Plu'vius can 'afford a conclusion and a moose?" champion polis medal ofFered far the best:.
ru,ved me. --wars ipperl me -emit that he -1t is generarly the man who,can Ieast' to take one day's resat, after his exertions of l "No," she answered " There is a third."' p wheat hiss been awarded to the 'tlauitoba
�iai¬ � w thn t tne: .lush Esney my' aTarcd t,Iie cast. who bis the reddest nolle - the past few weeks. After thinking the matter over a few • Government for an exhibit of Red Fyfe.