HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-15, Page 5• 1,t T tie rhe ow• fait irn, ells i • • • • r9 The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Julep 15th THE BICa'r,'-iT SNAP _.1-N .LUCK -IN1OW—IN- ..._ ._ ._ Mell'sBoys' t;nd. Youtbs'Suits We are stillhead- quarters for all bar- gains • which have given such universal satisfaction in the, past. I told you in my last advt. that we kept the kind of clothing that is worn in the cities. Now, just DRAW YOUR EYE over these cuts and see for yourself. All kinds, qualities and weights. New styles, new ideas and new good are tumbling into this department one over the other like: the, waves on the sea - or Gents' furnishings, Millinery, BOOTS AM). SHOES ill the same way. Our Stock is Twice as Large as Others. PRICES ALWAYS THE .:LOWEST. n �'° ^.11,111' 41. ,,., lRM .01 4111:14(11 of'Sof i" " (11(`1'1(; „,14111h 1°11' 11 1111.44101' h "' 411i'i,h ., 1111„ (f• ,1,111 .1,11 r I1I, 111, 1 II, 4411111111 ,141I! 1, , � T'11�� INIII! I11i • . 4. W. Ji. B R U M P.TO N , The Wonderful .Cheap Clothier. ASHFIELP' COUNCIL. The above Council mel in. council room on Saturday, June 25th. Mem- e hers all present except .Mr. Girvin, minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. The following accountswere ordered to be, paid: —Colin Nicholson, for gravel. $21:20 ; Mrs. Farries, for gravel, $.418 ; J. Kilpatrick, grading n S. R 6 and 7, $12 ; Pat ;McCarthy, for culvert and grading or. S. R. 6 and i, a i ; • John Kilpatrick, cleaning and and gravelling Crozier's hill, $17 ; Jas Reid, 40 loads of stone on S. R., 9 and 10, $8 Ed Johnston. stone and breakwater on D.. L., $35.75 ; 'rhos. Ford,cleaning out drain on Dt L , $2 ; - R. Twamly, for gravel, $4.64 ; A_ Ritchie,' planking bridge, on S. IR.rn3 and 4, $3.70 ; D. McInnes, „ g $14.50 ; �Vu.. McKay, in- specting gravel, $1 ; Jas. Drennan, la grading on con. 10., $6.75, g nkinDT culvert on 3 and 4, con 10, , $4,20, replacing plank on Baldwin's bridge, 50c., also planking on D. L. con., 12, $1.45: W. Johnston repairing y.el pit on D. L. $6.94, shovelling vel, $3.50, also gravel to path - masters, $17.68 ; Thos. Ford, work on Baldwin's hill $14.75, for ,shovelling (Tiav'el S4, also wood , to Mrs. Griffin, ;1.50 . W. P. Iteid under drainon S. R. 3 ; 4, $5 ;. Jer. Dalton, plank on Carrick's bridge, $6.92 ; Thos. Lannan, fence around' • gravel pit 3 and, 4, $1.50; Robt. Treleaven, for under Arlin, $2 ; Mr.q Clare for gravel, $6 ; V. Alton, for gravel, $6.40'; Philip Austin, fi,r wood and groceries to Mrs. Griffin' $12 ; Thos. Sullivan re- pairing hill between lots 19 and 20, L. R. $10 ; Finley McDonald, for. gravel, $3.20 ; Thos. Lawrence, repairing milk cans, $1.59; P. Moran for darn age received 1,y upsettif; in gravel .pit, $18.18 ; W. Kilpatrick, for taking k hool census, $15 ; Jas. Mahaffy, efund of back taxes, $3 : G. Hall, for • culvert on S. R., 9 and 10, $13.25. Moved by, W. Kickley, see. by. H. Chambers, that this council adjourn to meet again on the 11th day of August.—W. Stothers, Clerk — FROM All Stations in Ontario= Arte • TICKETS WILL BE SOLD for Excursion leaving TORONTO 11 p.m: on a-17 117 21, 1892 Good to return uutil JULY 31st ON JC 1NT to . 28 c1892 ON JULY 18 AND. 19, 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 28th: To the following points at rates maned: DELORAINE T, OXBOW�0 00 not,soMnY UINSC.tR'I1I REGINA ItIOOSEJA1f3I YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT $35 00 • STRAYED. $3C.00. CALGARY • EDMONTON. $40.00. The Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be held fromJuly 25th to 30th inclusive, and July 18th and '19th have been fixed upon for. excursion to enable.pa5sengers to s ttend•the Exhibition. An A'rction Sale of Canadian Pacific • Rail way Lands will be held at Edmonton on July 5th. Passengers taking advantage of the excursion of •June 28th will reach Edmonton in time to attend the sale. For further particulars apply to any Agent of the Company. J. Murchison, Agt, Lucknow. HEHUB ST of tYe DFROM undersignedi lot 29, con. 4 Ij ES loss, on or about May 24th, five yearling. cattle, three steers and two heifers. One Meer and a heifer are red, the remainder spotted. Anyone giving information that may lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. 4_965 JOHN ROSS. Langside P.O.. 4 i Leads them all for Family Groceries AND CANNED GOODS. Georgian Bay Shingles. rIIHE•i-NDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND .11 a car lot ,if NY.N''Georgian Bay shingles and intends keeping them in stock during the sea. -on, and will be sold at the lowest possible 1>'rYing price, .T :A MES' GAUNT. Whitechurch. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS. A SPECIALTY. Grand Trunk EXCURSIONS To the Canadian Northwest and return. Return t;ckets will.be sold on June ` 14th, 21st and 28th July 18th and 19th. —T' )— NESBITT. OXBOW DELORAINE, MOOSOMIN, BINSCARTH . REGINA MOOSE] AW YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY EDMONTON The;Lizrgest Stock, _ The Choicest Goods, & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow. JOHN ELLIOT. ti • $28 $30 $35 $40 Through sleepers ,without extra charge. Baggage checked through to destination. For rates and all information apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., Lucknow John Grin, 1 AUCTIONEER FOR 1-1URON CO. ANTICIPATING The rise in Cotton Goods, since the cotton mills of the Dominion have passed into the hands of a syndicate, I have put in a good stock of all kinds of STAPLE COTTON 0.00081 And am prepared to give my . customers the benefit of the same at old prices. Have still a good assortment of those fast -color English prints to choose from. Colne early and secure. Also the `EC LI PSE" FAST BLACK STOCKINGS. Just try them and"you will have no others All other departments are equally well assorted in every- thing usually kept in a general store. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Remeniber the place. REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY, 'SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS Forsale on reasonable terms. RIFFIN 1. KINGSBRIDGE P. O. 1 MRS. R. MURRAY, ST. 1-11..1U1\1"-S_ M. OORRIGAN'S Is the place to.make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. I have in stock the following. : Apples Blacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, rot Bath `Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Bi4cnit ,Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods Cocoa Ch,colatean Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder 1'reatn Tarter Cocoanut Dates !Dried Apple Extracts Fis*s • Fis.h,canned !Fish, dried Gelotine ('singers Hops , Honey Ink Indigo Licorice Lime juice Lemons Lamps Lar Matches Mince Meat Meal • Macaroni. rMustard ea •t s. can a{rneaia Nuts No. 1 Flour always on hang. !Oil, sweet Oil, castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails Peels Pipes Pickles Pearlitic• Peas. canned Pepper 'Raisins (Rice ;Rice Flour (Sago ;Salt Salmon Sardines Senna Seeds Sugar Syrups w... Goods de vere to y Soda to)aps Spices !Starch Strawberries, canned, Sulbhers 'Tapioca i'Pematoes, canned (Teas' :Tobaccoes It ernticelli 'vinegars Washboard, Washing Crystal Woodenare 'vsWhiting 'Dinner Sets »Q Yeast Cale. Dinner Sets (Tea Sets Water Sets '(`ream Sets ;Remy Set) !'roilrt Sets part of the town