HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-08, Page 7N TRIOIKED INTO LIMG. him, not without canting certaln, uneasy "M Sawa= WONML106 glances into the dark coruen of the room ­��]E�X-A-S few seconds, it- seemed, his eyes VFbat a Young Alan can do if TjLey Madep. CORK99„ GALLS. SOUR SI10ULDEU% SCI&ATCrIUM or any Dr. KwLyn!s Patient' With a Pimmthawt, closed. When he opened them the fire was "a" Umamu�& lF&C=qr,. I WOUWDS on 3E114DXZ9SJH94 or Wekly Healed- Effwtnuy Owe& out6 and the figure in front of him still mat The dAw=h6n of young men had been Speedy Cure GUARANIZIM If you Use 1X1Jg;X1kj$ in the chair, though its head had now fallen shown 'Mtode reception room Of thew T Was a Amt 14Y D1641 on receipt of Price 25 Cents, By G. F. SEGSWORTA6 night in the winter of' on its bromaL employees reddenoe, &ad, when his We " ----A "PAM Ali 1xt�4•sz 17—. filled the Full of -a her j"L- JML- Al rose-awkward]YI L and asen"&- entered. narrow, unsavory streets of the the clock and saw that it was at tee,says the New York Bipeug Sun. metropolis and the lungs and eyes of just upon the stroke of 4 ; then he sprang 11 We are employed at your huaband!s much unfortunates an chanced to be to the side of his guest and seised the wrist office," explained one of them at length.. GRAM PRESTON. ISSUE NO 2�. 1 4 892. abroad. nearest him. An he did so he started back Indeed!" am maid, -in some surprise. A sweet night for footpads�" mat- with a wild cry of horror, for some slippery " I am very glad to see you ;but to what tered young. Dr_ Mostyn as he discs- thing, darting swiftly between his feet, am I indebted for this Call !" (Written for the Tnma.) ft Implying to any of dosse gaged himself from a chance rencontre, with vanished in the gloom of a neighboring ­ Well," said the mpo esm- , pluckingFORTY YKAM ago there lived Adve-11mme-ft kJX41y Mennen two ram a post and felt his way along by tipping corner- up a little courage, 11 you see, We just this near a aronh village in this vast w with his stout stick at the housewalls, a Ere he could recover himselfca the man in way: We've been getting off at 3 o'clock Province nowlted Ontario an old rowROs WS OF "Me 114 roceedipg by which he had alreadyseverely front of him stirred uneasily, and, rising Saturdays during the summer, and now we lady beloved by all who knew her, TO LADIESFAN]" WORK Z. AT UOM tyre legs of tltree of his suffering unsteadily, gazed stupidly at him. want to make it 12 or I o'clock if we can." am 01 who went by the quaint., loveable Wep the hipeat price for the work and sup- fellow t:y large hole I" What's the matter he asked at length "The hall grounds are quite. a distance F name of Granny. No little lips ply e materiala. Send stamped envelope for calsis iuto Ben flee window of rho home of the in dazed tones. away," put in one of the delegation. had low lisped that, dear name. Lomand San Fkancisoo6 fourth "Matter!" shouted the still trembling And we have to start early to get to the which had a right by relationship And now," he continued, talking to surgeon. " Why, it's four Jim- past mid- races,- added another. to learn it with their infant tongues, for A RELIABLE M" 0 - himself for the sake of company, " for home night and you are alive and well." Really you must excuse me," maid the Granny Preston had no relatives. She was WANTED I each county to , and supper and a fire. Ali, and\ a patient As he rose to his feet the old church mistress of the house,cour"usly butfirmly, quite alone in the world- Alone in the Taek Up Advertisement CardiL or two, perhsp& Who known ?" clock slowly struck the hoar of 4, appear- " I never interfere in my husband's business world when old age comes,along with rapid', At this cheering prospect his spirits rose- ing to loth the listeners to do so with an affskirs," A DAY and EXPMqSES to right party. pityl steps, when the gray head is bowed r1nd stnirn envelope for particulars to Ben. and he banged mightily at the wall with his emphasis an unusual an it was welcome. Oh, we don't want you to, protested with the weight of years, - the back feeble, Lomand, advertising manager, San FJ-4uc1=q. stick in consequence, until ar, length, An the last stroke sounded, the stranger, two or three together. the hands tremulous-; quite alone ! No dear Cal. coming to a small street on his right,, he who could even now hardly realize " You see," said the spokesman getting hand of child or grandchild , to steady tka turned smartly down, and, having road tion, threw up the window and = down to business again, ­iVs just this way: faltering steps, to comfort the latter days sure of his own door, knocked briskly at iL I" head. W be kind of nice and pleasant of the world-weary traveller. Those whose AGENTS. Who's there cried a shrill, female. 61 How came I to sleep r he enquired, t, =rfe: days, and then weM go to path going down the hill of life is our- ]FURST-CLASS AGENTS WANTEID IN every voice in response- closing the window and turning to the sur- him and ask him to rounded by loving heartsand helping hands every town and districb in Canada. Big It's L Bet," said liermaster. " Open the geon. " Gentlemen!" she exclaimed haughtily. cannot realize what it is to be alone in the profits to p People. Send stamp fee I particulars to my good girl." " Might ask him to take you to -the ball world. mas Apeop door. I,drugged your drink. It was the only to =11n Silver Company " Not if I known it,- was the cheering thing I could do. YOU were in, such 0 game,- giqZesta one of the young men, Granny Preston was quite alone, She Torento'On'- reply. '- You takes yourself Off, young strange state Of uff3im that YOU would ivithent noticing W manner. lived in a tiny log cabin by the read side man, whoever you are. There's two bull- either have died or gone mad if 11 had not as Or the races," added another., from the time she firat came, a lonely AGENTS WRITE TO US dogs andthree men with loaded guns stand- done am" "' There in an inference, gentlemen,-" she widow from, the Old Country, until the day ing by m4to say nothing —" ' The stranger extended his hand and began, but the spokesman ,terrupte& of her death. The neighbors knew very For particulars and terms. If you want to Open I the door! " said the surgeon caught the young surgeon's in a mighty Oh. I know all about it," he of her said_ little history. Her invariable answer make money, now is your time. If yon are sharply. grm. back already bemuse in grasp- I'm married Myself. Things go wrong in being, when carious people asked her of her handling any line that doom not bring you in �Orwtienes dead. Come, open at . once." 11 It has been a strange business," said the house and you're tired and crew at affairs, "My dear husband fought and died big money, drop it and engage with us, ar4i ere was a creaking and a shooting off he. " What could It have been that was in breakfast Then we coffer at tim offiv-- I far his country. I try to be a ealdier of the success hA eum bolts as he finished speaking, aind the door my garret that night* and what could have You stay up late to chaperon your daughter cross-". WIT.T.IrAlff BRIGp4 being cautiously opened, discovered an an- taken the agreement!a ll " at haand have more trouble at the 19 Was he kfflGranny?" pd in a battle, the Toronto, OuL gular woman of some .15 years, whose ner- 41. we Rate," said MOstYu. EmffiiB* "One office. You're a bit cross three mornings in curious ones would ask- Rowing her head vona face cleared directly as she saw her of them frightened me terribly just now ; succession. for one reason or another, and reverently, Granny would relate how he fell master_ but it would not, have done so it I had not we have &-&--terrible time at the office." at Waterloo. She was, so proud of her CHEAP FARMS IN VIRGINIA 4' Fin asking your pardon for keeping you ,been ina. very excitedconditimaL The same " I was discharged from an office once soldier husband, she would tell how hand - so long, air," said she, "but one Bever state of mind, perhaps,, though in a milder 'because my wife was cross the mime morn- some he looked in his soldier clothes; how ZED CLnMM GOOD MAREUCTS knows who's who, and, judging by the form, that you were in OB the Bight that ing that the bow- was,- exclaimed one her heart was nearly broken when he And good land from e6 to s2o PER ACRE noises and runnings, there's been ram you wrote your agreement" I young man " I suppose our wives, would marched away. ,it was the good Lords with improvements. Send for our circular. ,doings roared the corner to -night g' You have saved my reason if not my have chatted pleasantly if they had mete, will, dear," Granny would conclude in a PYLE & I)PRAVEN, Petersburg, Va. Her mister, smiling at her devotion, drew life," and he again graeped.him by theliand- but there was an explosion when we met, broken voice; "he died at Waterloo-" his chair tothe fire, and, having carefully You shall not find me uj3gmtefnL- He was ugly about something and I fired Everyone one in the neighborhood learned �,ORIDXS ADVANTAGES FOR SMALL filled a long clay pipe, fell to smoking with Nor did he ; for, aided by his influence, back, and he 'fired' mt. That's the way to love Granny Preston. Was there siva -' A: investment& See Florida Real FAtMe an air of great enjoyment and content. the young surgeon rose rapidly to fame and it goes now, it you'd make it a point to be neon 11 There was Granny to call upon ; Journal. Arcadia, Fla. Sample and map - lem He had been sitting thus for some time, fortune, . which he shared in - the most particularly agreeable and pleasant to him indeed, she did not often wait to be sent saver. nursing his woes and sipping a glass of hot liberal maimer'with the girl for whom his for --may four days ----r for. A low top on the door where the suf- N' coomac which he had prepared, when' he poverty had long kept him waitingl Yes, four days will do nicely," broke ferer * was and Granny entered with her was disturbed by a load, imperative knock- in the spok a Then we'll, go to him cheerful face, her willing hands, her simple ing at the front door, whereat he snatched If I were Won, my Bey, and everything wilt be all right The fourth but rarely inefficient remedies. It would I will sell your House, Farm. UP one of the guttering candles and marched I day you give rum the best breakfast you be hard, indeed, to tell how many infant or down the Barrow stairs to open it I Wouldn't be ashamed to' do right any- that he likes best -and heads had been pillowed on that motherly any other Real Estate, or forfeit •612& The feeble light of the candle, when he where. I would not do anything that I M get what we want in three minutes. breast, how many lullabys Granny had Send stamp for reply. would nor, The wMing for everybody to know. we ALFRED COLES, had done so, showed him a tall; strongly I wouldn7t, cor-clude that I knew more Talking about a woman having no influence sung. Real Estate Agent, built man of middle age, who®e naturally than my father b4ore I had been 50 miles in businem ! Why, the humor she's in has A ram hand was Granny for patching up 476 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn. N- Y. 'fine �proportions were increased by the more effect than a bank failure or a boom in quarrels in the neighborhoo& Such work fog, which clung to them .and exagg�jrated away from how- usaft 12 . was the plain duty of a simple soldier of them- I wouldn't go inn Chip, company of boys who Shethought she ought to be angry, buit, the cress, and Granny lived up to her idea my use bad language- 1"S FOR SA Are von the surgeon s" asked the new- I wouldn't ger in the SmIka and pout numead she laughed� agreed to the proposi of mich a warrior. Peacefully the years comer abruptly- and four days later when they waited rolled by for Granny Preston in her lit* 91 At your service," was the reply. 99 Come whenever I could"'t have my own way. about tien' im" everything- . on the head of the firm, he madetise closing log cabin.by the roadside.. Theutherecame 12,000 Of Farming Landstitieverf,3010 I woulan't let aomy other boy get ahead of hour 12 o'clock, and said that never in the a day when, mourned by all who knew her, Acres On 9=8--11 CentraX Detroit & Al The stranger obeyed. and, waiting until me in my studies history of the firm had things ran so sates- the dear old lady' went home to join her wma. and Loon IF Railroad% " the sureeou had secured the door, followed factonly an they had during the last four soldier hualkwd in the "far country." r-07 12 to $5. per, acm Them I wouldn't abu -, little boys who had no days. arida t Me to ent4erprISIng new toV006 him upstairs. big1brother for me to be afraid of. The log cabin stood silent and 'domr- :!�.X= etc�.. and will be sold an mw6 ­ Examine me w" said be, taking off his The tiny garden patch was left to weeds and favorable term&- Apply -to Laced coat, and standing pale anderecL before 1 would . Osamu to be Pclite to every- A Nam Yen* Kew to Sweep. overgrowth.; the trembling old hands which R. X. FUP.M West Bay Cit4r, im. body- had tended it years after years were folded Or to Well !" inquired the stranger, when he I wouldn't for I don't suppose 1will receive much back - anything wt mamma or papa, told me it was not, good for me. mg from lad readers when I assert that in the last sleep- In the corner of a J. W. CURTIS. W'hittemere. illicit had finished- I would try to see if I couldn't, get not one woman in a, hundred knows how to .secluded country church -yard is a quiet Please mention this paper when writing Sound as a bell and as hard as oak" people grave- The simple marble .to like me, by being civil to everybody. m*eep� writes a correspondent of the Mock- grnsa-grown Not likely to die suddenly "' sunested I could never make fan Of children be mom. Nevertheless, it is a fact. When a headstone which marks it tells the story of GIVING GIVING his visitor. G*auny'a life better far than modern Fen No. I should think that that wouldhe cause they were not dressed nicely. woman sweeips she holds the broom at an can write it, There is a quaint little British 3,C00 LOTS 3.0010 LOTS thelsetthingto happen to you," replied I would try to learn somethinguseful ofigle that brings ome corner of the brush AWAY every day, and whenever I saw Una on the floor and then pushes itsorward with soldier carved at the top and the following AWAY the riuzded surgeon. " Why, what is the anything I would watch to see how th'i all her might, giving It a kind of a Hirt at inscription matierwilkyou'! Doyoutedill' the end of the stroke that throws the'dust "Am I a soldier of the crossr No - I feel bale and strong, capable of did it Here Nes Thme Thousand Park lAt& I would keep,my hands and face clean and dirt into. the air. Theheavier. Goan®g pres�,tm widow of an old Waterloo, articles enjoying life with the besL 11 Ive never and my hair brushed without having to be of dirt she finally captures m one corner of soldier, Jmely and without relatives, had an dhwss in my life. But for. all that tom tO6 the room and gets most of it, into the dust- but had a few true friends. pan, but the fighter ---and main portien- I shall die at midnight" I Wouldbe respectful to old people, and She testa in Peace- THE LAU PnLI HING COMPANY. Of course.- said the surgeon, Eome- Died, 19th April, 18W� i behave so that my parents would noll be dim up. -into the air and soon settles upon Aged S? yews. what provoked at all this mystery, If IME IS MONEY AND WE: INTEND TO ashamed of me. the floor, furniture and walls. Then Oviar the great; the powerful, the hea- Tsave some. On or about the Ist July, 1= you. are going to kill, yourseK you -n l would be in. earnest about everything. madam " dusts 7 the room and knocks the busy -the Lake 1"mblishiDg Company VWM issue &he j :speak wPililf mors Ority as to the time 3resting, placea cared, who have hved'their lives in {When I had, to work I wouM do it with all world, the handsome, Culptur�d , marble initial number of TAx I -Arm a Ta&ziue which 11 „ my good deal of the dirt off its will prove to be without a peer m Canada. In vLt, I would study with aH my might, ",S it returns to its old quarters an the may tell a stery,of noble deeds, of cultured order to save time and the expense or can I have no intention of committing am- Mdr d play with all my mighL . floor. Now, any man who has watched the lives, of battles fought and won.. In the vassers. we propme making the fallowing un, ddl,-- NeverthOws, at midnight my time a I would `',card books and papers which process will say that I have told the. plain cornea of that little Canwhan churchyard paralleled offer: expire& rin past all help." said the other, corn To the first XOW subsm-hers who send us V3 saffly. moving toward the door ; then would want to make me, know something truth- Look at "room JLfter it . has been where good old Granny Preat-m sleepe', would beefit Other woman -used for a few we�ks! One we wffi mail one copy of the magazine for me and do something which corner there stands the record of a life fit for emu- year and give them a wwranty deed of a I,*. pausnigy, as the Surgeon 000k UP One Of the turned' up and sticking out like a sleigla candle., to light him dowim, he maid, - rew- people- lation by great and sm&M "Loney and 25xM fee t� in Husmn Pox k - In h ed, ruined ! b I pr , This is net a hum I would have as good a time as I could in r111r, the whole brush loPsid without relatives-' Oh, the pathos Of GposakbuGwillbefair� that yandsquarely lune tones - -U yam shall judge =et We hope by cfr� ring tb1z inducentenji I if Yom this world, but I wouldn't. tell lies� not The way to sweep is to hold the simple sentence! Yet true friends found, to at once place our subscription list an a ffuh- care to hear." stea.L. nor be Rican to anybody- r. 1 0 its brush square a . u the floor and .. B7 all Ineanks.- said Mowtyn, heartily, I her a resting pEam-friends won by her own stantlal basis instead of incurring the tedioug as, reibcing tf �audie, he poked the 'fire I would pray every day, and I would aak a little behind the -body of the sweeper- amfabffity and helpfulness. Over the mound delay, th4t had hitherto marked attempts to Jesus to make me a good boy and show me Bring it forward with a regular, steady wild flowers and grass have grown for mazi Eecum for Canadian magazines an adequate and drew up a %air for his visitor- how to go to heavm-�Varnrk Cam movementl, and stop its forward motion circulatior?. as Twenty years agoJ said the lafter, ac- before the ends of the brush catch in the a long year where the soldier of the cross Hurdh Park adjoins the town plot of ou cepting the proffered mats and leaning carpet and act like so rna sleep;'the' last long sleep ; for years to come phant, overlooking Lake Baron. This isone of y sFr'nEn the marble headstone will tell to passe _by toward the surgeon, 46 my circumshuaces The NOCIfte Sbftt- . I ra the most delightful lacationsaiong the shares to throw dirt" ru the air- a' Pemmade of this charmint ng 1.ike� the story c f Bran®y Preston- Remember. here are no blanks, the magazine were very diffesemt. from what theyare now- ' The neglige shirt is with Us once again, the dirt to advance, and don't try to scare l7mr1l AL HoLLAsD�. alone is worth themoney but this isour methoEj Young and strong, I had at the death Of my and, despite its coy and shrinking nature, it6 Act an if yam were petting a sick baby to rave time in introducing it to the public - Parents re*ted the bread of dependence there is no doubt that it has come to stay and not as if you were pitching hay- Turn A first -Hass oublication and a !o,m with clear offered me by relatiTem6 and, full Of hope- -and to cling. There is a warm plate for the brown over occasionally so as to wear A Clash or Ideas. title for St had come. to London to make my fOwtuRe-" it in the heart of the young 11 A minister in my district," said Can- Send in y U UL subscriptions at once. Remit by — of this era it evenTy, and your hroom, furniture and man postal note, draft or registered It proved to be harder work than I had because it is at, once a neceasity and a lux- carpets will last, longer, and so will you, for gmsa— Cutting, of California, " was .letter order, pcst' anticiqnted, and in a vny short while I was miry of the tairid days with which- Jaime the labor won't be half so great and the 'happily married to a.; wife very lovely and Sample copies;. t-ent on - receipt of fifteen cents reducedto the ve3v of starvation- One has already broken her own record. The matidaction will be three tunes asgreat, lady -like, but very deaf. , One day they after July 1st, 1899- Address THE LAKIR pUfl- dreadful night, of which this lathe twelk- stiff* glary white shirt of high society is of When it conmes to dusting -for even with gave a dinner party. After dinner they LISHING CO., Toronto Out. P. O. box No, -,3. teeth annivermiT, I was half -crazed with questionable value at any seasom Its proper sweeping m r e dust, will arise-dout returned to the 'parlor. Among the guests pereaty and dempair. For two days I had tknot ot, he said to rest an either use a feather duster, an old turkey tailor was a Mr- Hare. He was standing near not tasted food, nor did I we the slightlf��a esthetic or utilitarian ground& Still, it, some such abq#nuatiou, but take a cloth the lady whom he had taken out to dinner T4@ Plonfoga 011pipy, L034 a" prospect of obtaining any. has its place among the ­ bmUts of good and wipe up the dust, not flirt it off * on the and whom he had entertained delightfatly- As I crouched shivering In the garret, v2dety," and will not readily be replaced for floor again. Try a scientific sweep once, She, not knowing he was near, remarked to I . Paro UP CAPMAL, St2t,000.=* which served me as a lod�� I tt hink 'I use at, polite functiops., The negfige shirt and you wffi not go back to the old the deaf hostess: •rozam moiievanyxv here in the u airedbtates- must'have gone a litue bit MaL� has manifold reasons for exmtenm It. is an again- WILY, .. What a very agreeable man Mr. Flare Canatiaor',$Icxzt:til-.vitliontsecurity- uyou; is- need rnoney,lpply to 1.o�al Agentsarvnite wen? ,, mixia the, who had been economy and a comforL In promoting corn - listening with much interest..fort, it, is at the same time, conducive to 6-19clially Acamewledged. The hostess beard Feer :41 er in a vague, india- *4EgRY L'11.4UPr, PesJtq,,4 Harry, my lovr�,' said MrEL'NeoFop. ti=t sort of way and the praise was BuTrit CLTV. raowrawj�. Have you ever heard of compacts with heafth- Above an, it is a protest,, a kick, d thought the Evil One I tYkmanded the stranger- against the starch of conventionality. The when her husband came frarn the office for her room and not for Fier company, so Agents Wan'te . d kwe I have hAd of such thft 9-3," replied negligeldea, could be extended much further, ane aftexnaon, " I received a lovely letter she replied the surgeon, on whose spirits the ops do both, in mees and wren's; clothing, with- from papa to -day-" Yes, and so warm and comfortable of a and the visitor were beginning to tell out tr, the bounds Of good taste Ah r replied Ncolpoop, • winters night. 7- Wm9hi7igton Paye. PENNYROYAL WA,=FRS. all I'made one,' said the other, hoarsely. Yes. He congratu�ates as on the birth or p in the interest of common td%Wwaft A ffpeeffre m,)nthir Since then eri�rythiug has pre with acme it, ought. to' have larger reegguition. of our dear baby." Belayed. to restore cknd'reW1Jat& this d2onl4e. ror free, h!nmy An't P*1Wr 3ne- I married the woman 1, ldv-e& We -p&v7ade1p;Ua R,,,,ord. Thais good." He -1 thoug4t the bride and gamont were lachaxVe- No ac"Ies or %)&ins �m .I Prdftch- No -mored byovermpwk�1f,, have a bwV family. I have kept my -cret Yei% and he says, that it will cost as once URP(L winule'gju. ravifforace. to mygelf- To -night at 12 my time ex- more to live now -that bibles are expen- going to start right off on their wedding, these organa. BUT of your drmgZL� U111te Jobuny eii Cmaese UL"lows. live trip, instead of waiting. thoffe With our sfgraLtnre dwrqm� pire&" Is I dom'ft, ince why. . there is such a fuss - bhe ey were But she had to ebange =FAI-L Avoid oubtittem 9�.� 310AYn rue, and, taking great cAre not I suppose that is very true," the happy ]a- MMUC41 s� stampur her wedding dress for a t EURESA C i= to eithiguish the flamessnuft Blau& Chiu3nums dcu�t, fathe* assented. ravelling gown, C AS I the candles. 'mat Chinese mis anti they didnt get started until the next As I amppomd my death wnuia be SL get drunk, and don't rob falk7s, and don"t be 11 And no dear papa has sent as a cheque continued the aftnulgar, tramlw, and don't holler nor fight nor swear for 41,@@@L Wasn't that good of him ?- day- xtaic:ly natural one, theirselve M nor anything 'cept behave a and 11 1 should say it wars," exclaimed Neciap WITS -All Fits snapped free by Dr. Klfte'* THE PATENT --,I thought I would consall a mrgeGn. 'be metal goad and kind and polite to oery- enthusiasticaUjr. 61 I'll sit right down and Great Serve lte*tarer- No Fits after ftr-t order to see whether my heart, was sound, cr, bil-dy. I dan�t h7lieve Ir,, as good as a thank him for his gefiizous contrrbution to day'ff We. ldarVelloTM CUM14. Treadma and 2.00 CLOTHES whether I was to die, as I harg. said. in a, trial battle free to Fist cases. Send W Dr. Hae. PINLESS perfectly B�kturml U&M to its 9M Arch St., PUMadelDhia. P�L chinmrnm myselt, and mother , says rm an the Fresh Heir Fund.7-L; LIML Imery Owing Agents Wanted. diwaae- A watchman whom I met a, , iffeefted �angel." Detectives have started frorn Paris for: To take wax -spots from black milk scra�e . T1,19 1cr a great success, mulions of feet now ,me to your door-" plealy orearTmu. Lmdan' to arrest the annrchdats Francois' in use, The clotbog cannot tri orp. Free Hsu , an hour Fasma and 26 nei hese off all'the wax possibte, wet thb goods with Circulaxa. TARBOX BROS. Patchem-I hear that the exec4ted man and Memmier- It is now proved that t alcohol and rub dirt' with a soft ra�� church clock alowly boomma the haigmbra=l � men were the perpetrators of the expfosion 73 Adelaide $-L W.Jcronfm One how more The surgeon, glay�®g at, Va quite VM11 h t Very's restaurant in Paris an April 25t ker� did Bright spend his honey-, his co=p&nion, to we what effect, the smnd Sladwro-Quite riglat; the electric circuit a mourn" 9* Money, mean, you mesn he Egad upon him, smw that' hit eyes were. very cculFtefte- last, Very having delivered Ravachol up Co married three aviltions." the police- Both men were arrested at the ckthat, he hmathied heavily. 1). C. to General E FAILS. cautiodoy to his e hi felt, the An invention by which an ordinary clock, time of the explosion, but were subsequently -Q&ptmfn Streatfeild, A. ORES WHERE ALL ELS 114" wrist W is practic-'UHT magnified to sudh a size as to reromed from lac) of proof An anarchist Herbert, was relieved of t-'160 by, a pick- Beat Cough SY7 ,� Tastes GowL C- r . tin2e. y aro M U& palsi of the strau& sizi hfeh ),a in ap on the tv?,in b� _ a hung over the side of the chair, and then re- t, of' itis being sienfolF a radius of 50 nazaed'Brieon, who ra in Vriann, farnishid 1 cket while taking a n .1J - to I& seat, vat, elowly regarding =Mromcl fa a recent, invendom, proofs ot their mmptlaity in the,exptosi6m - which be was going to Belleville. MOM: turning 0 Q E