HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-08, Page 6Q11fiNTO S � � ANT= A RMAWAN wIMIL TOOK'Um FOR! ST � DIBAB=Y OF on. lm mF A maili,><Yi -_. Was sh Cw® e� [sealb "Cwa VFM prfn ti 2%Wls&&bim s fa the MR" • s: a =s >fawtum ,L�,F; � �!> aA Fff i Brown.' nom $S Appal to Ens la lodan Ino n d tr3� says : se ems Ara Waw ea Leas Moral gr lilmlistic yeah Desieg the cam, in the Fast Indian Thera is no longer any doubt, says the sgoAhrahausm , of BsauiUwi & hN3114t ilk the 17 lien `ibSII jien ?Toronto G"ej, culls ital Vit& a6ont one >nfie fro Goderick, � tea tows- w d (61, live were ad ry nUtold p�owna(',a1. There'* an old, ofd problem, the solution y young m a foaad boned on tt the absurd oo rn� -,---- slop cf Coihoann, wan Dane of the happiasl cit eatLr to avenge the cruel Ywhich had of which the world is gradually working at the eastern gap an lioaday msrnin i9 men. T"ay he is the most discoasalt►to. been enacted upon their fellow-cogntaymen out, but at a rate of progres too slow for an absolute fabrication. Bugle Major V Mn " HOI[S BULB FOR and of course tl is & wossas in the Dame, in Wo previous year, a very remarkable the impatient ones who fail to comgaehead Pander, Tactor of C School Band, saw A Loudon table says: ag% 'as bm baso st*�. PSaher rest the lad ys : Mr. Gladstone to - oocarred.. which �� oven the vaats;ess of the field to be coveted or yesterday and said that he visited - _ Y ,5_!ag t.►vsndniiu.. r�oag,L - the fort l.st weep nd beko►_ - - - �swmt oa les= e2eatlna manifeator =d; <� - -' - -_ __._ tary�,..,..,ti!h.=- the, of �titeQ.3a _viuch..._evolntioD.:- __ ved ._►titer., X tie form of an address to the electors of y he scoaetag the ooUattry 1DQ find what wanders Ary Processes ora completed. Ib cams into Q° I9 a `tula the soldierii he }gad worked Xidlothian. It is undoubtedly the ablest has beeo� °f her, Is c+oavets&tioa wits a Oa the 28th rise of December of tlnat year the world with Eve, so theologians tell Ua, in the Hawrltan pool office, that he was an . ittu al per that has come fromtheGrand �terFkb�' 'L they had the British Seet, Hader Admiral Watson's and it has occupied the masculine mind °fc� thy, and that there was still plenty Old Man a hands in man had IIO q to � of da ` all these ed up the river in the more or less ever since. Indeed, I am of of works to be had in the Ambitious City. y eerie In it he y� ; that W* hhad bean an f ( cotta. CoL Clive landed his that the presence of the problem is S o� of the men he said tiiscasses at same length the Irish gneation, tenches u the minor tisanes of the cam- Un hwy °� � torso under the shelter of the guns of the abut aall that saves some minds from abso- " Haven't you been in Hamilton ? I think pan that the asros hsa not laera flee sad marched n on the stroll 1 (arta- lute vacni The problem is woman. An I saw yon once on the mountain over there" gigs, acid cloeem vpith a pathetic allusion to is P g y ty. fis�ty that before the opening of with children, Ait.,i tt� iia nwhy he pan- fled town of Bue�budgi a, of which place he unchivalrous and cowardly theology The ,stranger seemed to be troubled about not account fear • his wifnb s action made himself master in a few bourn. has somethin all the time he was at the He said campaign he will be in his grave, in Picking up and out adthout letting The royal troops, under the command of the t meanness of-masculin- fort, He ware a gold watch and chain and him knew iter anteataoas, He exonace Cap�. Coote, then landed anal joined those ity ; mythologists have worshipped kept look ing at trine time almost coa- rGreat Britain ll now decide whether " wife's attsage conduct by stating of CoL Clive. her as a goddess and feared her as a power trona ly- He was about the fort undo tiree countries shall henceforth coisti�te that he fancied site was out of her The small arm was ted ' the rear of for nearl two ho .� is reality as well as in ab►tate name the y pts mt►lign our ancestors pictured her as both a nm, and daring t time IInited Kingdom. �� +� oho utas troQbled with .rho fortress to intercept the enemy should fairy and witch. Vedas, Zend-Avestas, he wan aenb away from the gate bably " Ireland was never so loyal .to the Crown & it was suggeaUed that ahs as escape be attempted, bet the gr sued to Bibles and $orans have prescribed rales for half a dozen ttunes, sowing back m a fere . or might have eloped Irisher scouted ilia idea, be covered by Col. Clive'aforces was so great her as subject, but she has remained queen. �n�- �� he returned the last time united n heart ase the years following .d Ito no "said he "she would never ran that it became n to break it n Parliamen odr, courts, assemblies, he asked for a piece of small rope sa when she enjoyed 1$eai government off with an boo - Acco p her rphero of libe�rtyand P P 1 which he alata the concord wa' disturbed in 1795 b y 9 ti h3r. into several dellachments have that he wanted to tie n a FStaher's story his wife left Gclock h on Zbe siege continued for some days, the action, but their "thus fox" has had little wished to send to Hamilton- One of the wicked machinations Fora generation Tuesday afternoon on the '4 o'clock true, of the fleet after the union Ireland slept a deadly sleep SUDS failing to reduce the fort restraining effect upon the evolutionary men gave him some cord. bat it was not the, $ li presamably for London. Fisher, who eras to silence. A council of war was h ty. Mankind has fo�tsame an that, with which physi misery and po -tidal aervrtnde. res the fi d, did not miss her nrital- wave of feminini bound on Ilfonda nwrnin he was found �7ae refo�ns of 1829 32 gave her conscious- km$ posed of sea and land oflicen% an hoard of and bled for her - has in turn gated er y g- The prisoner son and s voice. From then her hen ha returned to the house at 6 o'clock, when the Admiral's 8sgehip, We gent,and is was as superior, equal, alave and plaything . still sticks to his story, but, now that the fruvaaees in bat for her he was Wnnderstrack to find Wab she had resolved that Col. Clive should attempt to has been her worshipper, her tool ; ha$ authorities are satisfied that he has been �8 asPirati°n>3t gone, bag and baggage. He at once gave take the place by assault. deeei them at " nave oomtitnted a great standing burden in the alarm, and hastened to Goderich to in- An officer two midshi race Uogr over her -and testi tt all the wing rinb'ent measnrea will Atiiament, and the chief im ent to Pmen and about race robabl be taken to extract from him the t her if P toward its destiny. P y the fulfillment of its duties. Pimp . possible. Failing in this, he forty British tars were landed from the fleet A lady friend sends me, with a request for nuW- ss The proposal for which the Liberals took: the train on Wednesday for this city, in the evening to assist the army m storm- wy opinion of ity the following from the lave for the last six yearn contended win arriving here late last night. , He searched ing the fortress. Among the sailers landed Nahonaf 0&wr aer - A a FE�>M c�rr>Qt sr not Ireland free to her domestic every hotel in the city, but nowhere could for this purpose wan an ordinary seaman •` Woman is incapable of an ideal; and m ttse w.er: the Essex Terror. s'laeed affairs by a Local tare in m� he find his runaway wife.. named Steaban. her beat actions, as in her worst,, she is in - Three or four of the tars had no Eeht" the Ears. sympathy with Irish life, and will set Perlia- disponi- dependent of morshL With Celts and • sent free to overtake vast arteara of busi- WAEas lRtti Z PO�c- tion to �p that nighty and Straban Degrees, she is emotionally spiritual ; yet An Essex despatch say.: Ike , new and supply the legislative wants -of wanderred forth secretly and alone to her religiority is no proof of a soul, but the notorious colored outlaw, who Eos the t3t(t>is ani Stews Flgare Preadmestay &s examine for himself what effect the cannon- rather of an insane habit of body. In con. past five years has terrorized the people of BsgThe seri Wales Pelfticsl =eet>>ams, ads of the fleet had had upon the fortress, vera:tion, no doubt~ she is unapproachable- Colchester South, was arrested to-dsy in 'Ile coarstant growth of wand opinion, so � ore t �� and csntional testified to by the result of a multitude of A Dublin cable says: Mr. Jordan, ln_ P., P y y from the " ' ; But a good tongue is no proof of that township by a goese of five couata<h1_e . b 'Saous hats shown that the British wcs attacked by o cu+owd of Parnellites to- �P sad wandered in the direction of the discretion, an -i, , indeed, a little wit is Only one shot was fired before Mulder gave people now thoroughly end how day on arriving in Limerick to address an fort valued in a woman, as we are pleased with himself Up. He found the house surrounded. ale are the claims of d on our anti-Parnellito meeting Mr- Jordan was Finding all quiet he reached ib walls'nn- a few words spoken plainly by a parrot." more systematically than on former occi- laoaor and justice, and how a settlement struck on the head, leis hat being smashed owed• Anda. found a considerable breach . God pity the woman who becomes the Sion, when unsUct- m III :stamp hs were will open a direct read to the satadaction, of � and he was compelled to take refuge in nude by tfie RME's guns, :: and then pet. the toy , the slave of the author of suck �e to &treat him. He is wanfed on s British interests long held in suspense- a railway station. A strong detachment of attemPted. to scale the wall, an dsacceeded a sentiment ! charge of assault. with intent7to kill. An " The Government of Ireland b the police afterwards escorted him to his hotel- rn mfg the breach. Woman inca ble of an ideal _ Wh P *' •f .. y Past Pa ° 3,� ahem t was made two years ,,• age by Con_ 1'tarliamsat has Utterly failed in every re- On the way the Pkrnellites atoned the His excitement then became so great that the sentence is a libel, of which the world'; stable Walters and an- assistant to take ^ speet except that of enabling the Irish agri- Police, who finally' used their swords to he cried out in a loud voice : as Hurrah ! literature is the refutation. Who wrote �. and though Way shot him he got culturist to improve his condition by the dtiPme the crowd. Several arrests were We P� is mine !" the attention of We " Rornola"? Do not women contribute away. returning the fire ap he ran. He is ` Act of 18$i the main mads defenders waa at Once attracted, and some their full share to >the literstureof idealism _ ringleader , of a of provisions of 'which four or eve of the * ��� � � the the Ministry denounced m 1886 as immoral While Mr. William OBrien was attend- guards rushed at him_ Whose brains have best Idealized, whose men � made travelling in Colchester �_ sad dishonorable, and thereby drove the � masa this morning in Cork a crowd of Strahan fired his Pistol at them anal flour- Pena best Portrayed, in philosophical fi--tion safe several years ago by a sysrtem of _- lib -to the P1_S<n _ of . Cis= ign, and be- P�ellites surrounded the church and eon- yam' his cutlass. and then cried out again: the hypoerisg. the vices, the follies and W®• vay �beries. He has for yeas beenm s t O, O tia0 author Of whatever dangers tinuoud jeered and booted. Wltm"Mr placeis-mine 1 Hurrah l"- reforms -of our -age 'ff- Woman' not idealistic, l-�'°r to We people of We township, .and ai+aships were thus pmdaced. O'Brien from the church he wino at 81aa6aa soon found himself iiia hand -to- indeed ! Hasn't she won h� way into nn- his wreea l; is hailed with delightt throughout irt'r once surroun � hand fi ht .with four of its swarthy defend- genermw recognition, often under cover of a We country. -Ireland, indighant at the Urokea by the crowd, and havrog g • pisdaes of the Tiny-Diw'dent coalition is �' a was dCorted to his hotel �• however, held his ground till We masculine xoaa de pltm,�e that she might more than ever hostile to the methods of Several fights took place an the way, sticks , Mow of one powerful fellow actually cat his e�pe the handicap of our unreasomli t Few Te speraaee Notes. government of Dublin Castle, but calm and g freely Use& Outside the hotel a i sword in swo, leaving but about a feet of it Prejudice of sex ? Casniader her dissbiliti, g m reliance an the senono conflict arose in which several per- in his hand. legal, theological, social, Literary, and Wein One drank maycooast more than We value Jkdam electo>;s of Gant of masa uvea miritaaia. The sentiments already prevailing �s were injnrea The crowd.wan finally the�$D�om just at that moment the wonder at her enrichment. of the �literatorie drinker between the. British and the Inch supply a dispersed by the poliix- who had wandered from of idealism. courts disease and gives his . hem amen of We reciprocal affection Mr. Wm- Redw�oed and We Lord k[syor .We �P unknown to Strahan, arrived on "'That she is 'a independent of morals,'° etliapring in marriage to insanity_. which mast follow a frank concession of of Dublin made an attempt this morning to the �°% �• hearing «tie voice of their and that her religiosity i; proof Delp of ran Gladstt>oae has given the world a,uother Resins Rule, aheUweed b Im ^ canvaas Burne street Cor an anti- comrade, rl&mnbemd to the breach just " insane habit of boo y d axiom - There'can be no inequality y.• aaprem- y , li, a; are scarcely worth gnu l~set+e; s const. s in they north, � W a g1�o14i. They were contain- �° W ave thein mea�mate from We ser- aiscaa�ng. There we moral women and without degradation." prow&* " ever ' palm Pdted with Ad fres, said were soon corn- tam consequences of thin mad exploit. immoral women ; but the world is largely I wants says Sir, Wilfred Lawson, sessaD, I have no doubt experience will P to ties The enemy, Winking that the whole what our mothers and sisters have made " the hearthstone vote. S n in gsicily bring We Population ba& W that • An anti-Parnellite meeting held this British force was upon them. turned and ik , If there ever almll come '& time when We household of full age should have a vote sense of brotherhood with the rest of Ire. afternoon. addressed by Mr. Wm. O'Brien. ( fled, and left 8laahan and his companions women generally are immoral. We outlook to preserve We pan of the home." bmd which before the union so honorably was j attacked by Pbrnelliten; who used m Possession of the fortress. for humanity will kte dark indeed- The sixteenth annual report of the British aiditngaished. Weir loathers',' , stacks and stones f redy The anti -Parnell- I �° British army .ora by this tame an We Character building is largely a mother's Women's Temperance �sociation gives & llr: GladsEone ecce revian vs tbs;ttl Govern. itis fled. (spot Hearing the cheers and uproar the function. She may be a• independent of list of 16q now branches and 11 Y bra nche3 meat's too dwelling3 wmp became alarmed, and the soldiers„ morals 7. ; she may act according to her Vinod to the assodataon d getfec�lia the English l jG A mF� To I=-Aaha. without waiting for their offia harried, nature.; bet if We tendency of her nature ung � year, a bringing up the total num ber of socie!ico 1t0 ' avant. Bin and Small Holdings Br"n, which withont ordain or command, in the dir+ec- be to cultivate and perpetuate truth and �'� De s[esees �� >�e >Peaserstar ars tion of the fort and the br �- be tap to the vented the ��y We ex- � F�en� 3 eaeh, and killed courage and nobility, and to make agar Upon We learn from the Hobart press that at, Pro Liberals from bra • 1 or chased every native soldier out of it, falsehood and villainy, we need trouble our- ' ipg to &`tolerable st�anda;+d;of e$ic en qe Patin cable nays: A duel was fought ° a� held it tall the arrival of Weir cam selves v y' We iravitstaon off Lady Hamilton eighty c8 H g cry little ac about whether/ she does so )&dice assembled at .Government House to, then proceeds to entnmerate the chief litems yesterday between the Marquis de Mann .wander. because the acts according to her nature or aneet Miss Jessie Ackp ami missionary of the Newcastle programme, Hesays that and Captain Myer, in which the latter *as } ?�, of coU�, thinking that he had because she fears she would be eternally of the Woman's Christian Temperance m Pe The duel wounded that he died last even- d®e a v meritorious of work ex- roasted if she, acted otherwise- Union. That lady. gave an iiter+esting the proposed payment: of labor members of y Pim.. k, Parliament and similar measures wr1! ren- g $Tesv out of We anti-S"emetic' Pce� be received with favor` and eclat Nor is religiosity any more a proof off `°an address on her work ma connection with the der labor the greatest possible service by campaign that has been carried on in the by Iiia commander, buts instead of theat; he leonine habit of b«ly" thman it nes of. the axis-. address organization alae retar y Placing it in a condition to help itself. Loire Parente, rho Anarchist paper, of which 'soon found himself a pi -mc mer. tense of a amrL I am prepared to admit ton r>eased her p � Lad Hamil- Regardmg the shorter hours of labor , he EdouardDruwont is We editor: The . "On.heing brought beffore the admiral he that were it not ffor the leve, m off woman �P �� y with all phases weapons used in the duel were swords. ' The' was severely reprimanded for his mad ad- to the cause of of religious and temperance work carried ways that ranch has already been done by religion there would be -in on by the women_ -legislation and voluntaryarramgement which Marquis de Mores is a close friend of Du- venture- Admiral Watson, conceiving ittobe Christian countries at least-maiay preach- camstitutes a guarantee of future mono and was one of the witnesses in his , his duty to discourage this wort of era out of employment Progress" al =Wen- p Dement and many a to -let Mothers, are your daughters Pale or bat he impresses neon workers that What is favor is the recent libel suit breoughtagainst stele aetaon on We part of -individual sailors card on the church doo:a But what does sallow 1. Remember' Cleat the I wlmm achieved is dee to popular him by M- Bardeen. Pox --President of the in behalf of the due and ro ' y j dg•m -.u% but they are budding into womanhood is the Pop government' Depn ' gti of the ]ffi P Pp'U�'�anm that prove _ She wa err in u which is founded Upon a just appreciation Chamber of saes Drumon in this dwriP a off sane crew awnm an her instinct la not often at $cult, and moa- most patrol - ffortiffy your . 1 for the of patinae:l liberty, with which the true case, was 'sentenced to three mono a' im• air of offence at what rattaahan had done and hand generously pardons her errors in detail change with Dr. WilliamsoSystem n Pink Pira, of the workin clawea ' Pmt, and to a fine of LOOM. A. pointed out the evil co n un,,rp�wwd fftrs the W g rt csseatiaIIy PrP � Iffi nseq encestkaatmight.►en We num total of her wort nes reckoned speedy cum of an . alliedL warrant has knees 'issued for We arreeb. of I+Pce had the euemg not been so up- The world is the gainer And then if taoeables peculiar to ffemaalea A trial of 'a In oonclaaion, he save he feels that this We Marquis de Mores. and orders have been , easily alarmed. Addreesing these anger. the religiosity bean evidence of insanity how tringle 'bar will convince sastst,nrely be We last general, election in given to Prosecute the seconds of both the 'Admiral , "Staalaan, what as thtia yon shoe we c assify the world's relagicm great imit3Riona and take no aubata�teBeware of Which he Shoji ,aolieit the suffrage of his eon_ cent�estantlL , have been doing•?" men? Or is there one rule for men and an- xtitueats, and that he can only expect to Strabau, almost trembling for his own older for wonDen? Ira there sex duabila"ty-gamlh�� execute a small special share of We work he TAB TORPEDO WORKED. nx�, and his unexpected reception, in logic as in lar and theofl � ems m is barbek shop— ban sketched out saluted We � - I wantk a hair euL moble b�b�-Yea, An Instruct— =laws a Adm�l, and. twirling his hat There are women who exhibit very lithe dr which hair? Frataaesl, Wkne in his hand, scratched hi, head sad aro- of the 1e,ta=1_ "Thanes a¢�t mea so much >t4rrilas a >•et�nster. Plied = lower than tthe'angels that they ate very xasD Nor � a� n^�r r c ers�a� Ti! aIEJ•LY ![G=EED. `a Why, to be a Ido sot mntd tHaaaeaa mo�tmouw. A London cable says : A serious accident ' mr. Fer honor, it was me near We W -tea. And them are brilliant ' 'ibart an the womeae Rear- €€ mini. Flair sans 8`10mm Thrown at the caused by the temerity of a torpedo in- as took theeffort, but I hope ttaaem aret Do men with braW insUncts. Nor nofttharind raise cm g, I Sharp-tongued l[eCartiarite, &tractor is reported as having happened . on harm in at marry to obtain a per csrs>_ Tiaere are mea �aho or I a ego A Dublin cable says : Mr. Timothy Healy board We Nile, one of the most tiormidable ' The Admiral, though pitying the man's sa� wanttS an ornament,, a toy_ Diamonds are fords it dangerous to openly appear on the of d'a armored simplicity and secreta But I � vena free to say l�nglan vessel;, and attached ? admiring ls'ris daring a very Poor at+tacle off diet✓ ; and even IrwGUM save them lots of r� Xtreets of Dublin. He wan recognized there to We Mediterranean $e. expatiated m as severe'a, manner diamonds in the ,on- 'na m- as he could upon the fatal consequences that every bit of limestorim are not ffound in U > Vd r ate Uatheir ter re Tuesday. se was compelled to take actor in We ime of torpedoes, named might have ensued to the whole fore from, There are women who live to flutter in —"YOU are always - fault finder," refuge in a home nudes a gtta;d of police. Corb�et�t, was trying to force a detonator � thoughtless and reckless conduct and socia .. Y Again yesterday, all he was leaving &Feder- into a mining charge of gun-cotlten, when � society ; who are mese lay figures on wlancb the tike wife. gen, dear, fed ation meeting, a crowd tried to atop him, the cotton exgfloded, blowing a ladle in the went of discipline. to display, tine dress goods ammo laces ammo the hus and,meekly ; -a I found y ou- Some of the crowd saluted him with cries of deck of We vessel and lalling Corbett and & S LiiO' surprised bed vexed at being millinery. They are the butterfflaes and " Dirty Tim i" Stones and handfuls of mud seaman, who was assisting him- Corbett � erect d be a We Adnmiral for what g+�hopPeas of the vex_ But in real we were thrown at him. He very auceemhd action men do not look to buttterfiness and tt E mot's II°nar- jumped into was blown almost u Lie,trst�, and s' for which he bad hoped to be praiseel, hoppers ffor aweete ;they depend on flan �@'' X�i- passing car, which was rushed through the Portion of his body struck Lieut Pitts who touched his forelock and retuned_ As be provident base = �� D X. -ods - Mob, knocking down and killing one of the was standing near by, covering him with Mon. The crowd pursued the car, and a blood- Commander MacGia, of the N -de P� out of the cabin he was overheard to Thwe axe braianlew men who prove leaden ` 6mc � �- lag of flour was thrown over Mr. Healy. also had a narrow escape. from injury. ' mutter to higweflf : weights to high-minded vromen, whom re - When We shiver m ti ay a �3 Wires be reached the evfiicsof the Freemmn'a u.• l' m��, ,ff I am flogged Pel mentality yet ares thea pte�+Eny off ,ftrmm tt�® rvn•amme,ss Jvrmm d and National PaveFq he jumped from for this action, hang me, if. I ever attempt such unions from alae degenerattion off e n �aull� mm�� m en - to take a fort again an alone by my own And there are healthy -minded Hash aim d -ch time Mend. Timid percale -I naw as advertisement self_" women wino unite for cmulag Severe blow cn the jaw with a stack. He love, ffor eompammion- Peon •ad Wx�•_ was also attack on We lace by a atone; The for a wife in your proper this merniog_ " It was Well known in the fleet that the gip, for mutual Haas B IPnness ; oglso view each >�n 'or Qrram police seized one of his ssaailaut% who was t°r-7Coo late. -'The advert isergot her Admi al secmtly approved of Strahan's other as equals, as eom lei rn�'� Euro= in six boons a tack a bridal tri m a hand- dauntless intrepidity, P y P off today sentenced to fourteen days'imprison- go' P tzepidnty, and desired to make a perfect pair ; with whom tttheae is no °na•u^ m ate and Etmm maul: can, and is now acing for a divorece_ slim a boatswain, 'but the —duct of the question of superiority or inferiority- To Watch our 10 cent coh3-3n -.d t&Lwa Cox- brave fellow was geseralkv so irregular that them geraiIIns ig without sex ; it ns din ins: t ' aV ■lt�rn"As• Elections. sLitU64Dn. t� We Admiral found it impossble to reward Burns saw ttbe time coming when man- t as a�ttal � t The second Provincial Convention of the CLEVELAND him in any truch way. kind would as briWeas be for a' that. " Ii, mcs�a �Hnaa� we are told, is the (first can- this later age ire see the finshlof the dawn t&- ' 1-7 hma-e a Ancient Order of Hii'bernian>i of Ontario date beaten at We polls who has been re- " , a;�r� ua•u+m ®crllaaa Dec was held in T..- Dov. There nominated for We United $tutee Paw.a3dency, � � off the happier tame when theywill be ® s Werp Feastlnerstcme-You gest all your clothes! brothers amdvistern Icd� STEM"�°t r� re and. what is odder still, he has to a p,� i�.•enaaml vz. 4pme in/7��ndon, don't you ? How do you 1 No Proof Of a Soul in weman, irndeed man who beat him It is also the !;n continn0 ZD have skean fit? Waa it the author off ancfls a libel vclno, when J _" -'uataon has been given to a can- ga°ay- yThat's ^� �- tiVTrrn g Rita c don't tot: That a what $boy, va omdere�d why be never av,w any � Irl . -a these cceaveniion without waken ahem long; so English_-eflffrafhier acrd A pictures of as he "' EVERY < s, c -;n own State in Fkraic3tev: artists'instanctts wise Foe tine c'" "�tul ccr�� nr_c, n eve been tion of the stream f t in tilos fires B p Ila rtcmea�rb p t yon as ,^""$�'dl� �6rRCN'R^, •Sym-�^•` 6:{)ll4T1L"�� �9�� II�LRf3@� a t • 4. !!de's iAise Its_ 9r'a•. rmllp- iDe' �„ + a - ,— The saddest comm -v on the sex ttlnat .Hhy--1 � =eemttml_ecer9miw at, a• LWE� 1, oda-Whg7 did yoma leave lour new. I could gather from t36e eaceap't, matt me is Jr ?l cp �t , t,4� Tilde's Mres Small pro_ i tlaaffi tine writer cf it had a mother. � �o� �� 9 .0 «.k - nue of t8ne ffamily 9 a c u : ,+nu ;, n.l * GQ ct� ff�ttmnD,u es. itlt� glla_ - i leffrr. YOUNG �I��{ t� fin7"irrrti2s,r1L 4isr�l 1 c ■®eilLGI[£�'' ,-� .e .,Orelketttrnaa Tine Duke of reork was fo_mally commis_ �.,� �' .� eau swans ttHut >f® t, { hlpd nit cod Odma pma yester- s mil s c,t BO�C1tflff®➢ w Zn_ it uw.n.x MuJd o masnder of the klelaaran �( 9 � Prince of Waks,and other mein- ah, own- �wr° i oa sif'ICObetaa...._ ,,h paJ441 amity arae him ffereewell .r"it , .r., ��n-t Jak& ammx h Pmm; sRiy a .tell spent afternoon, pa 7�Kei� '�st✓a3� ort, te�6o m�BtattHn�YOUN nems xi� Il e ounivprsal wish to make tthp pie-nic inT--� I r ° "ameTnZt, aw . _ to f panrem g: . yrear'h,n 'z4 " y s � r Young's Grove an ta2ulQal institution Also Want daagbter. .p irk •' ' y '. ;1, 1 a. r n 46 • Q11fiNTO S � � ANT= A RMAWAN wIMIL TOOK'Um FOR! ST � DIBAB=Y OF on. lm mF A maili,><Yi -_. Was sh Cw® e� [sealb "Cwa VFM prfn ti 2%Wls&&bim s fa the MR" • s: a =s >fawtum ,L�,F; � �!> aA Fff i Brown.' nom $S Appal to Ens la lodan Ino n d tr3� says : se ems Ara Waw ea Leas Moral gr lilmlistic yeah Desieg the cam, in the Fast Indian Thera is no longer any doubt, says the sgoAhrahausm , of BsauiUwi & hN3114t ilk the 17 lien `ibSII jien ?Toronto G"ej, culls ital Vit& a6ont one >nfie fro Goderick, � tea tows- w d (61, live were ad ry nUtold p�owna(',a1. There'* an old, ofd problem, the solution y young m a foaad boned on tt the absurd oo rn� -,---- slop cf Coihoann, wan Dane of the happiasl cit eatLr to avenge the cruel Ywhich had of which the world is gradually working at the eastern gap an lioaday msrnin i9 men. T"ay he is the most discoasalt►to. been enacted upon their fellow-cogntaymen out, but at a rate of progres too slow for an absolute fabrication. Bugle Major V Mn " HOI[S BULB FOR and of course tl is & wossas in the Dame, in Wo previous year, a very remarkable the impatient ones who fail to comgaehead Pander, Tactor of C School Band, saw A Loudon table says: ag% 'as bm baso st*�. PSaher rest the lad ys : Mr. Gladstone to - oocarred.. which �� oven the vaats;ess of the field to be coveted or yesterday and said that he visited - _ Y ,5_!ag t.►vsndniiu.. r�oag,L - the fort l.st weep nd beko►_ - - - �swmt oa les= e2eatlna manifeator =d; <� - -' - -_ __._ tary�,..,..,ti!h.=- the, of �titeQ.3a _viuch..._evolntioD.:- __ ved ._►titer., X tie form of an address to the electors of y he scoaetag the ooUattry 1DQ find what wanders Ary Processes ora completed. Ib cams into Q° I9 a `tula the soldierii he }gad worked Xidlothian. It is undoubtedly the ablest has beeo� °f her, Is c+oavets&tioa wits a Oa the 28th rise of December of tlnat year the world with Eve, so theologians tell Ua, in the Hawrltan pool office, that he was an . ittu al per that has come fromtheGrand �terFkb�' 'L they had the British Seet, Hader Admiral Watson's and it has occupied the masculine mind °fc� thy, and that there was still plenty Old Man a hands in man had IIO q to � of da ` all these ed up the river in the more or less ever since. Indeed, I am of of works to be had in the Ambitious City. y eerie In it he y� ; that W* hhad bean an f ( cotta. CoL Clive landed his that the presence of the problem is S o� of the men he said tiiscasses at same length the Irish gneation, tenches u the minor tisanes of the cam- Un hwy °� � torso under the shelter of the guns of the abut aall that saves some minds from abso- " Haven't you been in Hamilton ? I think pan that the asros hsa not laera flee sad marched n on the stroll 1 (arta- lute vacni The problem is woman. An I saw yon once on the mountain over there" gigs, acid cloeem vpith a pathetic allusion to is P g y ty. fis�ty that before the opening of with children, Ait.,i tt� iia nwhy he pan- fled town of Bue�budgi a, of which place he unchivalrous and cowardly theology The ,stranger seemed to be troubled about not account fear • his wifnb s action made himself master in a few bourn. has somethin all the time he was at the He said campaign he will be in his grave, in Picking up and out adthout letting The royal troops, under the command of the t meanness of-masculin- fort, He ware a gold watch and chain and him knew iter anteataoas, He exonace Cap�. Coote, then landed anal joined those ity ; mythologists have worshipped kept look ing at trine time almost coa- rGreat Britain ll now decide whether " wife's attsage conduct by stating of CoL Clive. her as a goddess and feared her as a power trona ly- He was about the fort undo tiree countries shall henceforth coisti�te that he fancied site was out of her The small arm was ted ' the rear of for nearl two ho .� is reality as well as in ab►tate name the y pts mt►lign our ancestors pictured her as both a nm, and daring t time IInited Kingdom. �� +� oho utas troQbled with .rho fortress to intercept the enemy should fairy and witch. Vedas, Zend-Avestas, he wan aenb away from the gate bably " Ireland was never so loyal .to the Crown & it was suggeaUed that ahs as escape be attempted, bet the gr sued to Bibles and $orans have prescribed rales for half a dozen ttunes, sowing back m a fere . or might have eloped Irisher scouted ilia idea, be covered by Col. Clive'aforces was so great her as subject, but she has remained queen. �n�- �� he returned the last time united n heart ase the years following .d Ito no "said he "she would never ran that it became n to break it n Parliamen odr, courts, assemblies, he asked for a piece of small rope sa when she enjoyed 1$eai government off with an boo - Acco p her rphero of libe�rtyand P P 1 which he alata the concord wa' disturbed in 1795 b y 9 ti h3r. into several dellachments have that he wanted to tie n a FStaher's story his wife left Gclock h on Zbe siege continued for some days, the action, but their "thus fox" has had little wished to send to Hamilton- One of the wicked machinations Fora generation Tuesday afternoon on the '4 o'clock true, of the fleet after the union Ireland slept a deadly sleep SUDS failing to reduce the fort restraining effect upon the evolutionary men gave him some cord. bat it was not the, $ li presamably for London. Fisher, who eras to silence. A council of war was h ty. Mankind has fo�tsame an that, with which physi misery and po -tidal aervrtnde. res the fi d, did not miss her nrital- wave of feminini bound on Ilfonda nwrnin he was found �7ae refo�ns of 1829 32 gave her conscious- km$ posed of sea and land oflicen% an hoard of and bled for her - has in turn gated er y g- The prisoner son and s voice. From then her hen ha returned to the house at 6 o'clock, when the Admiral's 8sgehip, We gent,and is was as superior, equal, alave and plaything . still sticks to his story, but, now that the fruvaaees in bat for her he was Wnnderstrack to find Wab she had resolved that Col. Clive should attempt to has been her worshipper, her tool ; ha$ authorities are satisfied that he has been �8 asPirati°n>3t gone, bag and baggage. He at once gave take the place by assault. deeei them at " nave oomtitnted a great standing burden in the alarm, and hastened to Goderich to in- An officer two midshi race Uogr over her -and testi tt all the wing rinb'ent measnrea will Atiiament, and the chief im ent to Pmen and about race robabl be taken to extract from him the t her if P toward its destiny. P y the fulfillment of its duties. Pimp . possible. Failing in this, he forty British tars were landed from the fleet A lady friend sends me, with a request for nuW- ss The proposal for which the Liberals took: the train on Wednesday for this city, in the evening to assist the army m storm- wy opinion of ity the following from the lave for the last six yearn contended win arriving here late last night. , He searched ing the fortress. Among the sailers landed Nahonaf 0&wr aer - A a FE�>M c�rr>Qt sr not Ireland free to her domestic every hotel in the city, but nowhere could for this purpose wan an ordinary seaman •` Woman is incapable of an ideal; and m ttse w.er: the Essex Terror. s'laeed affairs by a Local tare in m� he find his runaway wife.. named Steaban. her beat actions, as in her worst,, she is in - Three or four of the tars had no Eeht" the Ears. sympathy with Irish life, and will set Perlia- disponi- dependent of morshL With Celts and • sent free to overtake vast arteara of busi- WAEas lRtti Z PO�c- tion to �p that nighty and Straban Degrees, she is emotionally spiritual ; yet An Essex despatch say.: Ike , new and supply the legislative wants -of wanderred forth secretly and alone to her religiority is no proof of a soul, but the notorious colored outlaw, who Eos the t3t(t>is ani Stews Flgare Preadmestay &s examine for himself what effect the cannon- rather of an insane habit of body. In con. past five years has terrorized the people of BsgThe seri Wales Pelfticsl =eet>>ams, ads of the fleet had had upon the fortress, vera:tion, no doubt~ she is unapproachable- Colchester South, was arrested to-dsy in 'Ile coarstant growth of wand opinion, so � ore t �� and csntional testified to by the result of a multitude of A Dublin cable says: Mr. Jordan, ln_ P., P y y from the " ' ; But a good tongue is no proof of that township by a goese of five couata<h1_e . b 'Saous hats shown that the British wcs attacked by o cu+owd of Parnellites to- �P sad wandered in the direction of the discretion, an -i, , indeed, a little wit is Only one shot was fired before Mulder gave people now thoroughly end how day on arriving in Limerick to address an fort valued in a woman, as we are pleased with himself Up. He found the house surrounded. ale are the claims of d on our anti-Parnellito meeting Mr- Jordan was Finding all quiet he reached ib walls'nn- a few words spoken plainly by a parrot." more systematically than on former occi- laoaor and justice, and how a settlement struck on the head, leis hat being smashed owed• Anda. found a considerable breach . God pity the woman who becomes the Sion, when unsUct- m III :stamp hs were will open a direct read to the satadaction, of � and he was compelled to take refuge in nude by tfie RME's guns, :: and then pet. the toy , the slave of the author of suck �e to &treat him. He is wanfed on s British interests long held in suspense- a railway station. A strong detachment of attemPted. to scale the wall, an dsacceeded a sentiment ! charge of assault. with intent7to kill. An " The Government of Ireland b the police afterwards escorted him to his hotel- rn mfg the breach. Woman inca ble of an ideal _ Wh P *' •f .. y Past Pa ° 3,� ahem t was made two years ,,• age by Con_ 1'tarliamsat has Utterly failed in every re- On the way the Pkrnellites atoned the His excitement then became so great that the sentence is a libel, of which the world'; stable Walters and an- assistant to take ^ speet except that of enabling the Irish agri- Police, who finally' used their swords to he cried out in a loud voice : as Hurrah ! literature is the refutation. Who wrote �. and though Way shot him he got culturist to improve his condition by the dtiPme the crowd. Several arrests were We P� is mine !" the attention of We " Rornola"? Do not women contribute away. returning the fire ap he ran. He is ` Act of 18$i the main mads defenders waa at Once attracted, and some their full share to >the literstureof idealism _ ringleader , of a of provisions of 'which four or eve of the * ��� � � the the Ministry denounced m 1886 as immoral While Mr. William OBrien was attend- guards rushed at him_ Whose brains have best Idealized, whose men � made travelling in Colchester �_ sad dishonorable, and thereby drove the � masa this morning in Cork a crowd of Strahan fired his Pistol at them anal flour- Pena best Portrayed, in philosophical fi--tion safe several years ago by a sysrtem of _- lib -to the P1_S<n _ of . Cis= ign, and be- P�ellites surrounded the church and eon- yam' his cutlass. and then cried out again: the hypoerisg. the vices, the follies and W®• vay �beries. He has for yeas beenm s t O, O tia0 author Of whatever dangers tinuoud jeered and booted. Wltm"Mr placeis-mine 1 Hurrah l"- reforms -of our -age 'ff- Woman' not idealistic, l-�'°r to We people of We township, .and ai+aships were thus pmdaced. O'Brien from the church he wino at 81aa6aa soon found himself iiia hand -to- indeed ! Hasn't she won h� way into nn- his wreea l; is hailed with delightt throughout irt'r once surroun � hand fi ht .with four of its swarthy defend- genermw recognition, often under cover of a We country. -Ireland, indighant at the Urokea by the crowd, and havrog g • pisdaes of the Tiny-Diw'dent coalition is �' a was dCorted to his hotel �• however, held his ground till We masculine xoaa de pltm,�e that she might more than ever hostile to the methods of Several fights took place an the way, sticks , Mow of one powerful fellow actually cat his e�pe the handicap of our unreasomli t Few Te speraaee Notes. government of Dublin Castle, but calm and g freely Use& Outside the hotel a i sword in swo, leaving but about a feet of it Prejudice of sex ? Casniader her dissbiliti, g m reliance an the senono conflict arose in which several per- in his hand. legal, theological, social, Literary, and Wein One drank maycooast more than We value Jkdam electo>;s of Gant of masa uvea miritaaia. The sentiments already prevailing �s were injnrea The crowd.wan finally the�$D�om just at that moment the wonder at her enrichment. of the �literatorie drinker between the. British and the Inch supply a dispersed by the poliix- who had wandered from of idealism. courts disease and gives his . hem amen of We reciprocal affection Mr. Wm- Redw�oed and We Lord k[syor .We �P unknown to Strahan, arrived on "'That she is 'a independent of morals,'° etliapring in marriage to insanity_. which mast follow a frank concession of of Dublin made an attempt this morning to the �°% �• hearing «tie voice of their and that her religiosity i; proof Delp of ran Gladstt>oae has given the world a,uother Resins Rule, aheUweed b Im ^ canvaas Burne street Cor an anti- comrade, rl&mnbemd to the breach just " insane habit of boo y d axiom - There'can be no inequality y.• aaprem- y , li, a; are scarcely worth gnu l~set+e; s const. s in they north, � W a g1�o14i. They were contain- �° W ave thein mea�mate from We ser- aiscaa�ng. There we moral women and without degradation." prow&* " ever ' palm Pdted with Ad fres, said were soon corn- tam consequences of thin mad exploit. immoral women ; but the world is largely I wants says Sir, Wilfred Lawson, sessaD, I have no doubt experience will P to ties The enemy, Winking that the whole what our mothers and sisters have made " the hearthstone vote. S n in gsicily bring We Population ba& W that • An anti-Parnellite meeting held this British force was upon them. turned and ik , If there ever almll come '& time when We household of full age should have a vote sense of brotherhood with the rest of Ire. afternoon. addressed by Mr. Wm. O'Brien. ( fled, and left 8laahan and his companions women generally are immoral. We outlook to preserve We pan of the home." bmd which before the union so honorably was j attacked by Pbrnelliten; who used m Possession of the fortress. for humanity will kte dark indeed- The sixteenth annual report of the British aiditngaished. Weir loathers',' , stacks and stones f redy The anti -Parnell- I �° British army .ora by this tame an We Character building is largely a mother's Women's Temperance �sociation gives & llr: GladsEone ecce revian vs tbs;ttl Govern. itis fled. (spot Hearing the cheers and uproar the function. She may be a• independent of list of 16q now branches and 11 Y bra nche3 meat's too dwelling3 wmp became alarmed, and the soldiers„ morals 7. ; she may act according to her Vinod to the assodataon d getfec�lia the English l jG A mF� To I=-Aaha. without waiting for their offia harried, nature.; bet if We tendency of her nature ung � year, a bringing up the total num ber of socie!ico 1t0 ' avant. Bin and Small Holdings Br"n, which withont ordain or command, in the dir+ec- be to cultivate and perpetuate truth and �'� De s[esees �� >�e >Peaserstar ars tion of the fort and the br �- be tap to the vented the ��y We ex- � F�en� 3 eaeh, and killed courage and nobility, and to make agar Upon We learn from the Hobart press that at, Pro Liberals from bra • 1 or chased every native soldier out of it, falsehood and villainy, we need trouble our- ' ipg to &`tolerable st�anda;+d;of e$ic en qe Patin cable nays: A duel was fought ° a� held it tall the arrival of Weir cam selves v y' We iravitstaon off Lady Hamilton eighty c8 H g cry little ac about whether/ she does so )&dice assembled at .Government House to, then proceeds to entnmerate the chief litems yesterday between the Marquis de Mann .wander. because the acts according to her nature or aneet Miss Jessie Ackp ami missionary of the Newcastle programme, Hesays that and Captain Myer, in which the latter *as } ?�, of coU�, thinking that he had because she fears she would be eternally of the Woman's Christian Temperance m Pe The duel wounded that he died last even- d®e a v meritorious of work ex- roasted if she, acted otherwise- Union. That lady. gave an iiter+esting the proposed payment: of labor members of y Pim.. k, Parliament and similar measures wr1! ren- g $Tesv out of We anti-S"emetic' Pce� be received with favor` and eclat Nor is religiosity any more a proof off `°an address on her work ma connection with the der labor the greatest possible service by campaign that has been carried on in the by Iiia commander, buts instead of theat; he leonine habit of b«ly" thman it nes of. the axis-. address organization alae retar y Placing it in a condition to help itself. Loire Parente, rho Anarchist paper, of which 'soon found himself a pi -mc mer. tense of a amrL I am prepared to admit ton r>eased her p � Lad Hamil- Regardmg the shorter hours of labor , he EdouardDruwont is We editor: The . "On.heing brought beffore the admiral he that were it not ffor the leve, m off woman �P �� y with all phases weapons used in the duel were swords. ' The' was severely reprimanded for his mad ad- to the cause of of religious and temperance work carried ways that ranch has already been done by religion there would be -in on by the women_ -legislation and voluntaryarramgement which Marquis de Mores is a close friend of Du- venture- Admiral Watson, conceiving ittobe Christian countries at least-maiay preach- camstitutes a guarantee of future mono and was one of the witnesses in his , his duty to discourage this wort of era out of employment Progress" al =Wen- p Dement and many a to -let Mothers, are your daughters Pale or bat he impresses neon workers that What is favor is the recent libel suit breoughtagainst stele aetaon on We part of -individual sailors card on the church doo:a But what does sallow 1. Remember' Cleat the I wlmm achieved is dee to popular him by M- Bardeen. Pox --President of the in behalf of the due and ro ' y j dg•m -.u% but they are budding into womanhood is the Pop government' Depn ' gti of the ]ffi P Pp'U�'�anm that prove _ She wa err in u which is founded Upon a just appreciation Chamber of saes Drumon in this dwriP a off sane crew awnm an her instinct la not often at $cult, and moa- most patrol - ffortiffy your . 1 for the of patinae:l liberty, with which the true case, was 'sentenced to three mono a' im• air of offence at what rattaahan had done and hand generously pardons her errors in detail change with Dr. WilliamsoSystem n Pink Pira, of the workin clawea ' Pmt, and to a fine of LOOM. A. pointed out the evil co n un,,rp�wwd fftrs the W g rt csseatiaIIy PrP � Iffi nseq encestkaatmight.►en We num total of her wort nes reckoned speedy cum of an . alliedL warrant has knees 'issued for We arreeb. of I+Pce had the euemg not been so up- The world is the gainer And then if taoeables peculiar to ffemaalea A trial of 'a In oonclaaion, he save he feels that this We Marquis de Mores. and orders have been , easily alarmed. Addreesing these anger. the religiosity bean evidence of insanity how tringle 'bar will convince sastst,nrely be We last general, election in given to Prosecute the seconds of both the 'Admiral , "Staalaan, what as thtia yon shoe we c assify the world's relagicm great imit3Riona and take no aubata�teBeware of Which he Shoji ,aolieit the suffrage of his eon_ cent�estantlL , have been doing•?" men? Or is there one rule for men and an- xtitueats, and that he can only expect to Strabau, almost trembling for his own older for wonDen? Ira there sex duabila"ty-gamlh�� execute a small special share of We work he TAB TORPEDO WORKED. nx�, and his unexpected reception, in logic as in lar and theofl � ems m is barbek shop— ban sketched out saluted We � - I wantk a hair euL moble b�b�-Yea, An Instruct— =laws a Adm�l, and. twirling his hat There are women who exhibit very lithe dr which hair? Frataaesl, Wkne in his hand, scratched hi, head sad aro- of the 1e,ta=1_ "Thanes a¢�t mea so much >t4rrilas a >•et�nster. Plied = lower than tthe'angels that they ate very xasD Nor � a� n^�r r c ers�a� Ti! aIEJ•LY ![G=EED. `a Why, to be a Ido sot mntd tHaaaeaa mo�tmouw. A London cable says : A serious accident ' mr. Fer honor, it was me near We W -tea. And them are brilliant ' 'ibart an the womeae Rear- €€ mini. Flair sans 8`10mm Thrown at the caused by the temerity of a torpedo in- as took theeffort, but I hope ttaaem aret Do men with braW insUncts. Nor nofttharind raise cm g, I Sharp-tongued l[eCartiarite, &tractor is reported as having happened . on harm in at marry to obtain a per csrs>_ Tiaere are mea �aho or I a ego A Dublin cable says : Mr. Timothy Healy board We Nile, one of the most tiormidable ' The Admiral, though pitying the man's sa� wanttS an ornament,, a toy_ Diamonds are fords it dangerous to openly appear on the of d'a armored simplicity and secreta But I � vena free to say l�nglan vessel;, and attached ? admiring ls'ris daring a very Poor at+tacle off diet✓ ; and even IrwGUM save them lots of r� Xtreets of Dublin. He wan recognized there to We Mediterranean $e. expatiated m as severe'a, manner diamonds in the ,on- 'na m- as he could upon the fatal consequences that every bit of limestorim are not ffound in U > Vd r ate Uatheir ter re Tuesday. se was compelled to take actor in We ime of torpedoes, named might have ensued to the whole fore from, There are women who live to flutter in —"YOU are always - fault finder," refuge in a home nudes a gtta;d of police. Corb�et�t, was trying to force a detonator � thoughtless and reckless conduct and socia .. Y Again yesterday, all he was leaving &Feder- into a mining charge of gun-cotlten, when � society ; who are mese lay figures on wlancb the tike wife. gen, dear, fed ation meeting, a crowd tried to atop him, the cotton exgfloded, blowing a ladle in the went of discipline. to display, tine dress goods ammo laces ammo the hus and,meekly ; -a I found y ou- Some of the crowd saluted him with cries of deck of We vessel and lalling Corbett and & S LiiO' surprised bed vexed at being millinery. They are the butterfflaes and " Dirty Tim i" Stones and handfuls of mud seaman, who was assisting him- Corbett � erect d be a We Adnmiral for what g+�hopPeas of the vex_ But in real we were thrown at him. He very auceemhd action men do not look to buttterfiness and tt E mot's II°nar- jumped into was blown almost u Lie,trst�, and s' for which he bad hoped to be praiseel, hoppers ffor aweete ;they depend on flan �@'' X�i- passing car, which was rushed through the Portion of his body struck Lieut Pitts who touched his forelock and retuned_ As be provident base = �� D X. -ods - Mob, knocking down and killing one of the was standing near by, covering him with Mon. The crowd pursued the car, and a blood- Commander MacGia, of the N -de P� out of the cabin he was overheard to Thwe axe braianlew men who prove leaden ` 6mc � �- lag of flour was thrown over Mr. Healy. also had a narrow escape. from injury. ' mutter to higweflf : weights to high-minded vromen, whom re - When We shiver m ti ay a �3 Wires be reached the evfiicsof the Freemmn'a u.• l' m��, ,ff I am flogged Pel mentality yet ares thea pte�+Eny off ,ftrmm tt�® rvn•amme,ss Jvrmm d and National PaveFq he jumped from for this action, hang me, if. I ever attempt such unions from alae degenerattion off e n �aull� mm�� m en - to take a fort again an alone by my own And there are healthy -minded Hash aim d -ch time Mend. Timid percale -I naw as advertisement self_" women wino unite for cmulag Severe blow cn the jaw with a stack. He love, ffor eompammion- Peon •ad Wx�•_ was also attack on We lace by a atone; The for a wife in your proper this merniog_ " It was Well known in the fleet that the gip, for mutual Haas B IPnness ; oglso view each >�n 'or Qrram police seized one of his ssaailaut% who was t°r-7Coo late. -'The advert isergot her Admi al secmtly approved of Strahan's other as equals, as eom lei rn�'� Euro= in six boons a tack a bridal tri m a hand- dauntless intrepidity, P y P off today sentenced to fourteen days'imprison- go' P tzepidnty, and desired to make a perfect pair ; with whom tttheae is no °na•u^ m ate and Etmm maul: can, and is now acing for a divorece_ slim a boatswain, 'but the —duct of the question of superiority or inferiority- To Watch our 10 cent coh3-3n -.d t&Lwa Cox- brave fellow was geseralkv so irregular that them geraiIIns ig without sex ; it ns din ins: t ' aV ■lt�rn"As• Elections. sLitU64Dn. t� We Admiral found it impossble to reward Burns saw ttbe time coming when man- t as a�ttal � t The second Provincial Convention of the CLEVELAND him in any truch way. kind would as briWeas be for a' that. " Ii, mcs�a �Hnaa� we are told, is the (first can- this later age ire see the finshlof the dawn t&- ' 1-7 hma-e a Ancient Order of Hii'bernian>i of Ontario date beaten at We polls who has been re- " , a;�r� ua•u+m ®crllaaa Dec was held in T..- Dov. There nominated for We United $tutee Paw.a3dency, � � off the happier tame when theywill be ® s Werp Feastlnerstcme-You gest all your clothes! brothers amdvistern Icd� STEM"�°t r� re and. what is odder still, he has to a p,� i�.•enaaml vz. 4pme in/7��ndon, don't you ? How do you 1 No Proof Of a Soul in weman, irndeed man who beat him It is also the !;n continn0 ZD have skean fit? Waa it the author off ancfls a libel vclno, when J _" -'uataon has been given to a can- ga°ay- yThat's ^� �- tiVTrrn g Rita c don't tot: That a what $boy, va omdere�d why be never av,w any � Irl . -a these cceaveniion without waken ahem long; so English_-eflffrafhier acrd A pictures of as he "' EVERY < s, c -;n own State in Fkraic3tev: artists'instanctts wise Foe tine c'" "�tul ccr�� nr_c, n eve been tion of the stream f t in tilos fires B p Ila rtcmea�rb p t yon as ,^""$�'dl� �6rRCN'R^, •Sym-�^•` 6:{)ll4T1L"�� �9�� II�LRf3@� a t • 4. !!de's iAise Its_ 9r'a•. rmllp- iDe' �„ + a - ,— The saddest comm -v on the sex ttlnat .Hhy--1 � =eemttml_ecer9miw at, a• LWE� 1, oda-Whg7 did yoma leave lour new. I could gather from t36e eaceap't, matt me is Jr ?l cp �t , t,4� Tilde's Mres Small pro_ i tlaaffi tine writer cf it had a mother. � �o� �� 9 .0 «.k - nue of t8ne ffamily 9 a c u : ,+nu ;, n.l * GQ ct� ff�ttmnD,u es. itlt� glla_ - i leffrr. YOUNG �I��{ t� fin7"irrrti2s,r1L 4isr�l 1 c ■®eilLGI[£�'' ,-� .e .,Orelketttrnaa Tine Duke of reork was fo_mally commis_ �.,� �' .� eau swans ttHut >f® t, { hlpd nit cod Odma pma yester- s mil s c,t BO�C1tflff®➢ w Zn_ it uw.n.x MuJd o masnder of the klelaaran �( 9 � Prince of Waks,and other mein- ah, own- �wr° i oa sif'ICObetaa...._ ,,h paJ441 amity arae him ffereewell .r"it , .r., ��n-t Jak& ammx h Pmm; sRiy a .tell spent afternoon, pa 7�Kei� '�st✓a3� ort, te�6o m�BtattHn�YOUN nems xi� Il e ounivprsal wish to make tthp pie-nic inT--� I r ° "ameTnZt, aw . _ to f panrem g: . yrear'h,n 'z4 " y s � r Young's Grove an ta2ulQal institution Also Want daagbter. .p irk •' ' y '. ;1, 1 a. r n