HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-08, Page 3I
When Nemec Used to Brag.
Deal you remember Horace Brown i
Our singing master --'course you do.
There wasn't a man in all the town
Could pitch a tune an' care it thro'
like Horace. Every Sunday night
He'd stand an' make the old church ring.
It helped the• parson odt a sight
When Horace used toeing,
ills voice was tenor—so thesaid—
I've never heard another like it,
.&n' every hymn the parson read,
No,matter what the tune—he'd strike it.
"Greenville," "Boylston" or " Meyers hymn;
He'd sing in praise unto his King,
An' many an eye with tears was dim
When Horace used to sing.
He was a curls feller, too ;
Not like the most of men you meet;
Maybe he wouldn't speak to you
It you should meet him on the street
Sometimes. But, Lor', that was his way
He warn't put out 'bout anything.
Somehow that feeler' didn't stay
When he began to sing.
'Tomas twenty year/since rve been home,
An' things have changed a sight somehow ;
uldn't rest, so thought rd come
An' see how the old town looked now.
rve seen the old church standing there,
The pillar where the ivies cling,
An' climbed the narrow gaf'ry stair,
Where Horace used to sing.
It almost seemed that he must be
Within that place he loved so well,
An' those old tunes come back to me
On which his sweet voice rose and fell.
I've hearn them foreign fellers soar,
An' split their throats, but couldn't bring
The tears that come in days of yore
When Horace us•:d to sing.
He's dead, you say—that voice is loaf
I don't believe it—never will.
In that fair land with streets embossed
In shinin' gold, he's singin' still.
He's leadin' now an angel choir,
An' makes the courts of heaven ring,.
An' some day when I get up higher
I'll hear old Horace sing.
"0 41."
(Edgar Yates in the Boston Globe.) •
FIRST of all, inasmuch as the evil
genius of this story is the young
man in the Globe counting -room
who has to sort and distribute the
replies to " small want ads," I
wish to apologize to hire 'right
here and now, and to assure° him
that this incident never did really
happen, and couldn't possibly happen, ex-
cept in a story—and that, of course, is this
' - -Capt-Sprawl threw his hat on `the -Ge l;
and sat down in his easy chair in the cabin
to light hia pipe. Up curled the smoke,
and through it the captain looked ruefully,
at a neat package that lay on the table-
" What a fool I was tobuy that," he
thought. " O1d,: sextant was plenty good
enough, though I have had it nine years.
Bought it in Liverpool when I, was second
mate of the Julia A. Smith. And now. I've
pat out a month's earnings for a new one.
What possessed me, I don't know.
And so the captain went on.
Now, Capt. Sprowl was not, you might
think from the name, a bald-headed old
man with bushy whiskers.
No, names are very misleading. Instead;
he was tall and slender, with a sandy.
mustache, and had not a gray hair in his
He came from Maine, and, although but,
' 30 years old; he had been for six years cap-
tain of the balk Edna Dunn, which was
now lying at Constitution wharf in Boston,
discharging her cargo of sugar.
Well, puffed the captain, " nothi:ig to
do now but to get rid of the old sextant. I
should go ashore next trip if I had two sex-
tants to navigate by. Must work the
old one off on some landlubber cr some-
The package was lying on an old news•
paper—a Globe—which he had read through
and through on his last trip out.
• " The very thing !" said he, " I'll put a
notice in the paper ; Sextant for sale,
cheap,' and if somebody doesn't bite at it 1
mise my guess."
The next morning the only thing the cap-
tain could see in the paper was this : •
Sextant ter sale by a ship captain : nearly
new and in perfect order ; will be sold et.eap.
Address O 41, Globe office.
And' now my story's been.
Etta Bourne bad been at work in a milli-
nery store in Boston for nearly two years.
Sheand her older sister Annie hail leaned
the trade with the village milliner down u
But Annie who had Io^g been the belle of
the village, got married, an'l Ettaconctu:led
to try her fortune in Bosun.
She -frill of ambition_
Soitell that, in her two years in the
millinery store, the studied *boatload and
typewriting, with the in'ention of fitting
herself to be a confidential clerk.
One Sunday she eau- in the Globs this a?-
For Sale—Jones' Premier typewrirer at half
price ; been used less than a month ; in perfect
order. Address 0 41: Globe office.
Etta Bourne, being a Blaine Yankee,
knewa I argain when she saw it. ' She
wanted to own her own typewriter, and so
she wrote a brief note address: d to " 0 47,
Globe Offi e," asking where the machine
could be seen, and dropped it into the letter
box as she trent to Work Monday morning.
Now, I raid at the beginning that the ad-
vertising clerk was to bta:ne- Perhaps the
mistake was partially that o: Etta Bourne.
At any rate it will never be known.
The clerk was sorting the replies end
putting them in their appr'eriate boxes.
Whenit came to Etta lima, .-'s letter to
"047," he read it"04l,''and' 1u, it in
the pissejte ho!e as such.
This s a very, very little mistake, of
coarse ; bet you Who have noticed hobs
things go in this world of ours have discov-
ered that the most serious changes in the
course of our lives come about from just
such little happeningsa-
For it was that very day that Captain
Sprowl advertised his sextant for ease. And
Capt. Sprowl was " 0 41."
Now, the tall captain was a very busy
man, and it eras late that afternoon before
he went to the office to gather in the replies
from people who were anxious to hay a
rex tan t.
But the sextant market was apparently
rather dull, forisll the clerk could give bin
was one solitary letter. The captain tore
the envelope open and tossed it aside.
" 1 saw yew. advertisement in the Globe,"
read the captain. " I wish to buy a good
second-hand machixe of standard snake,
and if the one yon off. -r is in perfect repair,
and the price is aatiefectory, perhaps we
can trade. But I cannot give more than
$50, and if you ask mere you need not reply
to this.' Send address, stating where
machine cane seen, to H. E. Bourne, 450
Winter street."
" Well," soliloquised the captain, " I've
got one answer, anyhow. But what does a
woman want of a sextant—for thla is cer-
tainly a woman's writing 1 She seem to
be in earnest; though.- And $50 1 Con-
science ! I never expected to get more
than $25. Well, she'll have to come on
board, I suppose, so I'll send her my ad -
deem, And, standing at the public desk,
he wrote :
U. E. Bourne.
Dear Miss,—Yours in reply to my advertise-
ment in the Globe is at hand. Please call on
me on board the barque Edna Dunn. Constitu-
tion wharf, between 2 and 6.
Enwns R. SPROwL, Captain.
The next afternoon abort 4, a trim little
figure walked rapidly over the rough planks
of Constitution wharf.
" It's a queer place to find a second -band
typewriter," thought EttaBourne, " but I
auppoae the captain got tired of it, or
couldn't use it because the vessel pitched
so, or something like that."
She saw the gilt letters " Edna Dunn,"
A fat, bald-headed man with a little ging-
ham apron on, looked out at the door of a
'box -like house in the middle of the vesseL
A broad plank extended from the wharf
across the bulwarks. The man in the
apron came forward. e,
" I wish to see Capt. Sprowl," said she.
" Yes, mim Come right aboard, mim,
on that there plank, mim. The captain's
down in his cabin, mim."
Etta Bourne stepped baatily along the
plank, and the• atout cook,putting his broad
palms under her elbows, lifted her lightly to
the deck.
," This way, mim," and he led her around
to the atter companionway.
They went down the brass -railed stairs,
and, as the cook knocked at the door; Etta
noticed how apick and span everything
Aa a matter of fact, the captain, in view
of a lady's visit, had kept the cook scouring
the,wood and brainwork all the forenoon.
" Captain, sir, a lady wishes to see ye,"
The captain, with half an hour's work in
his four•in-hand, bowed respectfully.
" I'am Miss Bourne," began Etta ; " I
carne in response to your advertisement in
the Globe about a—"
" Yes ma'am,"said the captain, " this is
the place. Will you take a seat ?"
As Etta sank into an easy chair 'are
glanced about her in astonishment. She
had no idea that those little low houses on
ship's deck were so comfortable es this.
Here was a dainty little sitting -room,
with a rich, soft carpet, a hanging lamp
of elaborate design, huge plush easy chairs
and sofa, a pretty rattan rocker and a table
strewn with the latest magazines.
" I beg your pardon," said the tall cap-
tain, who had been looking curiously at
her, ""buts 'are you not related to Miss
Annie Hearne, of Kennebunk ?"
" Why, yes, indeed, she is my own
Sister," answered Etta with animation.
" I used to go to school with -her in the
old Berwick Academy years ago, but I
didn't know she had a sister."
" Olt, yes, I went to the academy myself,
but it was after she graduated."
" And was old 'Brown principal when
you were there ?'
From this they went on for ten minutes,
and each knew so many that the other did
that they soon became old acquaintances.
The captain at once noticed that she was
a remarkably neat and pleasant little
woman, and Etta Bourne thought the
captain a tine -looking man, tall and strong.
" Well, Capt. Sprowl," said she finally,
I mustn't forget what I came for. I be-
lieve yon have a machine that you wish to
".Why, yes," said the captain, wonder-
ing what on earth this attractive young
woman could want of a sextant
" And how did you come to want to sell
it, permed she, wondering what use this
sea captain had,for a typewriter.
" WeB, the fact is," said the captain;
reddening a little; " 1 bought a new one
the other day, when I didn't really need it,
and, , of • course, I- haven't use for twc.
And " continued he, " sihse „tarn about is
fair play, I am going to ask you what you
tvan.t of one."
"To earn a living with," said she.
The craptain looked puzzled as he went;
into his stateroom to get his sextant. He
had heard that women were becoming the
rivals 'of men in almost every trade and 1
profession, and he 'vaguely wondered if Slim
Bourne was intending some time to become
Capt. Bourne -
Well," said he, coming tack and hold-
ing the sextant out toward her, " here it is.
The ivory on the scale is a little yellow, and
the Vernier- glans has a little crack across
the outer edge, but "
He stopped. Misa Bourne was holding np
her hands with amazement.
Why—why—what is this?" she stam•
" Why, it's the sextant " said the cap-
taine " I thought yon knew what they
looked like."
"But there's some misunderstanding
here. I don't have any use for a aextant.
It was a typewriter that I understand you
had to sell.- ,
" A typewriter," said the captain, aston-
ished in turn. " Why, no. Here's the ad-
rertieement," and he put the paper in her
Now, as I have said, Etta Bourne was a
Maine Yankee, and in leas than ten seconds
she had guessed how the mistake was made.
" Well, now,"a said the captain, " I
i bought it was awful funny that a woman
should want to buy a sextant. Now yen
have diesppointed me ; I don't see how I
am going to sell it, unless I leave it at the
instrument makers and let him get what he
can for it."
Oddly enonghfrom this point this story
runs along so naturally that yon can tell it
The tall captain escorted Miss Bourne np-
town, called on her two or three times while
he was in port, corresponded with her when
hewas away, and in legs than a year this
notice appeared in the marriage column of
the Glebe:
SrRowteBorrrsr—In Seanebunk, Me.. may
8th. at the residence of the brides parent,:.
Capt. Edward R. Sprowl and Henrietta E.
And now my story is done.
Cora—You'd make a trusted bank cashier,
Jake (much flattered)—Wi by so, dear'
Cora (yawning) — You'd never " skip
A 5 -year-old boy named Steel was drowned
at Hull yesterday.
Work is likely to be resumed at once on
the Chi'gnecto ,s.1 :p railway,,
A 10 -year-old London boy named Shirlock
died yesterday of 'sunstroke.
Thirty-five business failures in Canada
were reported to Bradatreet'a during the
past week.
The body of, Edward Huddleston, drowned
at Belleville on June 8th, was recovered
The cholera epidemic in Persia is spread-
ing to the provinces bordering on the.
Caspian Sea.
The Duke of Aosta, nephew of King Hum-
bert of Italy, is a guest of the Queen at
Windsor Castle.
Prof. T. H. Cooper, mesio teacher, of
Toronto, died of heart failure at Niagara
Falls on Thursday.
An agent of a syndicate ie in Manitoba
purchasing all the milch cows he can obtain
for shipment to Japan.
The National Convention of Colored
Democrats has adopted resolutions endorsing
Cleveland and Stevenson.
George Mended', aged 25, of Exeter,
Ont., fell off a chair and died from heart
yesterday while shaving himself.
An article in the Paris Figaro, supposed
to be inspired by the French. Government,
proposes a Universal Exposition in Paris in
The Commercial Hotel at Sanger, Cal,
was destroyed by fire last evening. Six
persons are said to have perished in the
John Hayden, aged 20, employed on the
new athletic club building, Toronto, was
killed yesterday by the falling on him of a
Palacio, ex -Dictator of Venezuela, and
now an exile from his native land, arrived
at Martinique on Thursday on his way to
The Theatre Royal, at 'Birkenhead, Eng-
land, was destroyed by fire last night. The
audience had left the house before the fire
broke out.
Rev. Thcs. Laury, formerly of Barrie,
Brantford and Toronto,said to. have been
the oldest Presbyterian minister in the
Province, died near Milverton station,
aged Sl.
Mr. Balfour, a member of. the India
6ouncii, and Sir Charles Freemantle, Chief
of the Mint Department, will probably be
the British delegates to the International
Monetary Conference.
Mrs. Delia Parnell, the mother of the
late Charles S. Parnell, has returned from
Europe. She has been abroad several
months and went' to ' Ireland to help in the
settlement of her son's estate.
Conductor John Cahill, of the West Shore
through freight, fell `from his train yester-
day morning at Granton, N. Y., was run
over and killed. He was from Kingston,
where he leaves a wife and twelve children.
In a disturbance between twenty soldiers'
of the 9th Cavalry, U. S. A., and citizens',
at a camp on Powder River, near Omaha,
Neb., one man of the 9th Cavalry wail'
killed, two were wounded, and one citizen
was wounded.
Two German lieutenants have been sent
to jail .in Berlin,. oae named Speyer for
attacking a newspaper manand the ' other
named Hopfner, for knocking down a cor-
poral who did not salute him in accordance
with his
s -
John Clark, an, aged colored, man of
Courtright, attacked his wife yesterday
with an axe, which she, being younger
and stronger, took from him and belabored
him on the bead • severely with the side of
the instrument but he does not seem. to
suffer much. Jealousy was the cause of
the attack on the• part of Clark, the couple
having been living separate for some time.
The projected economic entente between
Germany and Russia has, completely col-
A hurricane throughout Northern Ger-
many caused an immense amount of damage
on Friday.
The annual meeting of the Welland
Liberal, Association will be held at Crowland
on Wednesday.
One man .was killed and thirteen injured
by a cyclone which passed over the eastern
part of,Iowa.
A defective rail caused a railway smash
near Valparaiso, Ind.which killed. one
man and injured twent,y.
Three Italians, who were walking on a
railway track near Utica, N. Y., were struck
by a train awl instantly killed.
Senhor Silvela, the Spanish Minister of
the Interior, has resigned. He will be
replaced by Senhor Villaverde.
Andre Ernest Barthelong Mechem, the
well-known French naval officer, scientist;
and writer, is dead, aged 71 years.
A brakeman named Lewis Olman fell
beta-een the care of the Northern Pacific
Railway at Brandon, and was killed.
It Richardson, of Ottawa, traveller for a
Toronto publishing company, was found
dead in bed at a hotel in Gananogne on
Saturday morning.
C. J. Lucy, ofeobourg, was elected Grand
President of the Order of the Knights of
St. John at the annual convention in
Toronto on Saturday.
Switzerland has decided to grant a credit
of 2,100,000f. to fortify St. Maurice, one of
the St. Gothard chain of forts. Two mil-
lior.s more will be required to complete the
Chicago's water supply is in a deplorable
condition. The river is pouring 500,e00 feet
of sewage into the lake, and the polluted
water has reached the lake at the water-
works crib.
Lieutenant -Governor Kirkpatrick and
Mee. Kirkpatrick spent Sunday in Wood-
atock. On Friday night they were for-
mally welcomed by Mayor Douglas on be-
half of the town.
The Grand Trunk station and freight shed
at Craigvale were destroyed by fire about
3 o'clock yesterday morning. The freight
and hooks were burned, also about 5,000
bushels of grain owned by local buyers.
Loss about $6,000 ; grain insured for
Elijah Lloyd, a director of the First
National Bank and a rich mine owner, of {
Joplin, Mo., yesterday took a giant cartridge
in his left band, lighted the fuse with 'the
right, placed the cartridge to his head, and
when it exploded the top of his head was
blown off Insanity is supposed to have
prompted the deed.
Charles•Hibbaird aged 60, of 113 Robin-
son street, Toronto, arose in good healthand
spirits on Saturday morning, and, after
breakfaat, started for his work. He had
scarcely closed the door of his house when
he fell to the ground and almost immediately',
expired. Heart disease was the cause of
his terribly sudden death.
Stephen, the 7 -year-old son of Mr.
Robert McIntyre, Orillia, went fishing in
Lake Couchiching on Friday evening, and
as he did'not return home when expected, a
search was made for him. On Saturday
morning his body was found standing be-
tween two boathouses on the lake side, with
just a foot of water covering him.
Mr. G. A. Sala, the well-known English
writer, had an unpleasant experience yes-
terday. His paper has been attacking a
new tabor organization, called the Domestic
Servant's Union, and yesterday while in
Hyde Park, where the union was holding a
meeting, Sala was recognized and mobbed.
When rescued by the police he was badly
bruised, while Mra. Sala was in a fainting
Facts About Quinine.
Perhaps no drug known to medicine is
more generally used than quinine, and,
certainly, none presents such a wide differ-
ence in price as the quinine sold six years
ago and' that sold now. At that time
nearly all the cinchona bark, from which it
is extracted, was brought from South
America, subject to heavy import duty.
But the duty was taken off, and this
marked the first big decline in price. Before
that time it sold for about $1 an ounce.
Shortly after this English capitalists con-
cluded that the bark could be grown in
India as well as South America, and large
plantations were purchased. The climate
and soil suited admirably, and, by scientific
culture, the yield was greatly increased,
From India the bark is largely shipped to
England and the quinine extracted, being
sent here in crystals. Because of the taking
off of the duty and the largely increased
supply, the price in quantities of 10,000
ounces is about 20 cents per ounce.
Some time agei .the. minor of a,big foreign
tenet caused the price- -to advance several
cents, but it dropped and is now lower than
before.—Philadelphia Record.
Her inter Words.
Housekeeper—How's this ? Yon prom-
ised to saw some wood if I -gave you a
Tramp—I meal no each promise, madam.
" The idea ! I told you I'd give you a
lunch"ifyou'd saw some wood, and you
" Pardon me, madam. ' Your exact words
were : ` I'll give you a lunch if yon saw
that wood over there by the gate."
" Exactly. That's just what I -said."
" Well, madam, I saw that wood over
there by the gate as I came in,"
The Sweet Baby.
Those over -fond parents : " Oh, Tom, the
baby is so sweet ! To -day he took off his
shoe and- threw it in the fire, and when I
told him that he was ' a bad, bed boy, he
only said `. Nab-' "
" ` Nah,' eh ? Well, what do you think
I'm made of—money ? That's the second
pair he's lost in a week."
" Oh, no, dear ; it was the mate of the.
one he tore to pieces-"'
" Oh, that's different—isn't he cunning?"
ADtat. E. • Senvsyson, the Democratic
candidate for the Vice -Presidency, is a
comparatively unknown man'ontaide of his
State or country. He is a Kenunckian by
birth, and first saw the light in 1835.
When he was 16 years of age he removed
to Bloomington, ID., where he industriously
applied himself to the study of law. In
May, 1858, he was admitted to the. bar. In
1874 Mr. Stevenson was nominated for con-
gress. The district was Republican by
3,000 majority, but, after a very exciting
canvass, Stevenson defeated his opponent,
Gen. John C. McNulta, for re-election by
over 1,200 majority. He was defeated for
re-election to congress in 1876, but was re-
nominated and reelected in 1878, this time
defeating his opponent, Congressman
Tipton, and being 'elected by over 2,000
majority. After Cleveland's election in
1884, Stevenson was appointed first assist-
ant postmaster -general' and held that office
during the entire Cleveland administration.
He was called " the executioner" when he
was Don M. Dickinson's firet assistant.
People `called him that because of ' the won-
derful rapidity with which he chopped off
the heads of Republican fourth-class post-
masters. Senator Ingalls calculated that
Stevenson's axe fell every fifteen minutes
for seven hours each day and six days each
week, and every time it fell a Republican
head fell into the basket. He controlled
45,000 appointments. Stevenson is a man
good to look at. He is tall and Straight
with a handsome gray mustache and a
round head covered with rapidly thinning
gray hair. He has regular, features and
blue eyes. He dresses well and, although
of a jovial, sociable nature, brings little of
his gayer nature into his daily business. He
is a man of very few words, but cemea
directly to the point.
Advices received from Afghanistan show
that the rebellion among the Urgaghan
"[azaleas against the Ameer is assuming for-
midable proportions. Of the 5,000 regular
troops and the 5,000 irregulars sent against
the rebels 250 of the regulars. and 1,250 of
the irregulars have been killed in the rarions
engagements that ave been fought. The
Ameer'a soldiers have become dispirited, and
many of them are deserting.
Diamonds weighing over 17 carats are not
considered good form for shirt front adorn-
Asthma may be greatly relieved by soak
ing blotting or tissue paper in strong salt
petre water ; dry it, then burn it at night
in the sleeping room.
At Bowmanville yesterday Chief Jarvis
had a lively time arresting a man named
Bradshaw, who Was charged with burelariz-
ing the house of a farmer carried Hicks.
The man was secured and the stolen pro-
perty was found on him. , -
Three factories in the United States con-
sume nearly two million eggs a year in
making the peculiar kind of paper used by
photographers known as albumen paper.
When yon thump It with your fingers and it
gives a heavy sound
Like summer rain a-iaJling on the dry and
dtuftyground ;-
Jes' get your Barlow ready an' prepare to make
a swipe,
And carve it straight an' steady, till it opens
red and ripe!
Then foldmelon yourHat Barlow; careful, an' take you
Put one half on this side o' you, the other half
on that ;
Then, take the biggest in your lap an' tear the
heart out, so 1
An' smack your lips, an' praise the Lord from
whom all blessin's flow !
—A million dollars won't make a man
happy, but moat of us would like to try it.
— " Is Jones a layman ?" " I take it
for granted. He always goes to sleep in
— No man can get very much of an
education without going to school to his
—The demand for the reviaed version of
the New Testament in 1881 ertceeded that
for any other book that has ever been pub-
lished before or eine.
— Tourist (to forester who complains that
so much wood is being stolen)—Why don't
yon put up a warning sign ? Forester—
And have that stolen, too ? Not much !
Willie's mother bad been reading aloud
the poem, " We Are Seven," and aftereome
reflection he said : " Mamma, it's a pity
there wasn't two more of them." " Why ?"
" Because then they could have organized a
baseball team." •
—Mr. Hicks—I think you had better
give Tommy some medicine to -night, my
dear. I'm afraid he isn't welL Mrs.
Hicks—What makes you think so„Charles?-
He was teasing me this morning to let him
go to church.
In. summer noondays much he loves
oi Upon the,
Regardless ofgthestirr ng world
'1 hat madly rushes by.
And from his grassy covert there
The blue expanse to scan—
And yet he is no millionaire,
But just a hired man-
-The trouble with the summer girl is
that she insists upon being sailed around
and rowed aronbd in the hottest weather,
because she Jrnowe hew •deliciously sweet
she looks under her new straw hat and
delicate parasoL The adoring young man
has no such protection and in,a week's
time has such a disreputable loking red
nose that she won't have anything more to
do with him.
—Buttermilk is in much greater demand
as a summer beverage than•sweet milk,. As
a therapeutic agent it is given now to a sick
person when nothing else is allowed. It is
a powerful -nerve tonic. Buttermilk is no*
considered better than sweet milk for per-
sons inclined to dyspepsia, because one of
the difficulties of milk—its slow digestive
qualities—is removed at once, as buttermilk.
has already gone through one process of
dieestion. Iced buttermilk is a fashionable
fad now. Ladies offer a glass of buttermilk
to their friends in summer just as they do
the ” sup of tea " in the winter.—Field and
Mlles of Various Nations.
The Irish mile in 2,240 yards.
The Swiss mile is 9,156 yards.
The Italian mile is 1,766 yards.
The Scotch mile is 1,984 yards.
The German mile is 8,106 yards.
The Arabian mile is 2,143 yards.
The Turkish mile is 1,826 yards.
The Flemish mile is 6,896 yards.
The Vienna post mile is 8,296 yards.
The Werat mile is 1,167 or 1,337 yards'
Ths Roman mile is 1,628 or 2,502 yards.
The Dutch and Prussian mile is. 6,480
The Swedish and Danish mile is 7,35L5
ards.-The, English and American mile is
1,760 yards.—Fact.
The Nig Chimney Finished.
The big chimney of the Street Railway
power house was completed externally on
Saturday and a flag was hoisted on top of
it to celebrate the event. The scaffolding
has to be removed from the inside and the
places in which the ends of the supports
were set filled up. Everything will soon
be in readiness there. The work on York
street is being pushed along, the south
track being completed almost up to Dun -
dune. Herkimer street, west of Queen, has
been put into fairly good shape, except
just at the Queen street crossing, where
curved rails have yet to be put in.
A Rare Inducement.,
Mother—I want yon to be good children
this week.
Freddie—What will you give us if we
are good '
Mother—If you are good you ran look on
when your father shaves himself on Sunday
Father—Isn't that young Briggins around
here a great deal ? Daughter—I don't
know, father. Hes only herea couple of
hours in the morning, a couple in the after-
noon and from 7 to 12 o'clock in the evening.
Father (after calculating)—Well, you'd
better give him only eight hours or he'll be
striking next.
The Leap Tear ]laiden.
" Oh, that must be too lovely for any-
thing !-' said Hortensia, when she read an
acconnt of a stage robbery in the far West."
" Lovely to be robbed _'" asked Uncle
" Lovely to be held np," said Hortensia
with a reseate blush.
—When von talk to a men or a child
abont his faults, don't atand over him with
If soft cloths dipped in hot water and
applied to the eruption caused by poison ivy
does not kill it sugar of lead water will.
Ammonia is a most useful household
article. For washing windows, brushes,
and for performing many other services it
becomes indispensable to the careful house-
—Pearl—Does he Iove yon ' Jladge-l'm
sere he does ; I spilled some strawberry ice
cream over his new lavender trousers the
other night, and he never even said " Great
Caesar ! •'