HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-07-01, Page 5r C The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Vounty, July 1st PATRONS OF INDUSTRY. Althongh the weather was not promising fine in the forenoon of -Saturday,, June ' 18th fug_ fifteen 7iundreddPaf rons from Bruce and Grey counties gathered in (thesley to hold a demonstration and hear addresses from prominent Patrons. The pro - session formed in the grounds, of the Agriculture Society and was marcalled by Bros. Quirk and Oswald. The Mechanic's and led the procession which was headed by Grand Presi- dent Mallory ; Co. President Gifford, of Grey ; Co. President J • S. Mc- Donald and Co:Secretary W. Valens, of Bruce. Although the rain con- tinued to fall yet the procession was long one reaching around two sides of a large block in the town. It mss intended to hold the meeting in a,/ beautiful grove in the village kindly loaned for the occasion by the owner but owing to the rain it was held in the Agriculural hall, the only building in the town large enough to hold the •audiance. Bro. Wm. Quirk occupied the chair and in a` few well chosen 'remarks introduced Bro. J. McDonald Co. President of Bruce who in his usual convincing style spoke of the need of organization and clearly -showed that this order must continue until all obstacles that now prevent the progress of the farmer and laborer to. that goal of independence where their labors will receive every profit that properly belongs to them • is removed Co. Secretary, Wm. Valens offered a few words of encouragement and showed what had • been accomp- lished during the short time of our existence, outlined briefly the work of the' future and otleredx a few practical hints to the better working of. the order. Rev. A. Gifford followed anti justifying our ae,tion in organizing ,and in defending our own interests • showed the practical effects of com- bines instancing the coal oil, binding 'twine and cotton `combines, illustrat- ing theirv. effects and thought one remedy was to elect a parlament who would be in sympathy with the farm- er's interests. Grand President- Mallory in one of the best speeches we have heard in- dicatiug that the time had come now when we should become an "intensely political organization" and after show, ing how , the farmer's interests had 'been neglected. The fault lay . chiefly with the . farmers tltenmselves who:had been satisfied with a .close 'adherence to party, forgetting their own interests in maintaining their allegience. He showed from a few events in the political . history of Canada how a few, resolute men could secure to the country the bless- ings of honest and fair legislation. The speeches. were listened to with the greatestattention and ` the senti- ments uttered were frequently .applauded. The thanks of those present are also due to the gentlemen who kindly offered the use of his grove and •to, the band who provided such excellent music. North Huron, June 27th, 1892. To the Editor of the Sentinel. DEAR Sia, Farmers are considered to be grumblers by- most classes of ' people and in many Iriatances probabTy Georgian Bay Shingles. THE UNDE>itSIGNED HAS ON HAND a car lot o XX% Geo ian.J3ay shingles and iateus3s wine l J.t_►„Mock s1 nig the season, and will be sold at the lowest possible without any injustice, but you . may paying'• price. JAMES GAUNT, ask what can the average rlltrmer com- plain of at this date, when everything that the farmer has given a fair chance is showing such a grand promise. I have been in Huron county for forty years and in that time I� Bever saw the fall wheat look better than at this, date, and I may say the sante regarding the spring grains, and hay must be very plentiful if we get fair weather to harvest it, and I feel almost sure that wecannot fail of that. Our country I believe will much surpass the land of old, promised to the Israelites, that was said to be overflowing with milk and honey, well sir thank God we have' that besides plenty of butter and cheese and good prospects for more and if the fruit fails to be plenty I shall be much disappointed. Roots also give a good showing just now and in the face of all the present. prospects, I would say any man that would grumble ought to be shut up. I remain sir yours truly A PLEASED FARMER. ■ LUCHNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL. THIRD DEPARTMENT. From third to second dept.—J. Baird, H Armstrong, C Mair, E Dav- ison,G Douglas, HThompson, 13 McCoy M Thompson, H Grundy, Fred Mathie, H. Sandy. From junior 3rd to senior 3rd—A Geddes, D Henderson, E Vance, J no. McDonald, Lora Smith, W Davison. Ida McIntosh, D Ross, J Lyons, H Findlater. From senior 2nd to junior , 3rd LW* Grundy, W Lees,- J Watson, A Mc- Corvie, W Holmes. M Hunter, (A. Shoebottom and K Robison) ties, F Ross, A Ross, C McQuaig, J Stewart. The following portion of the plat- form adopted at the Pinkerton meet- ing was accidently omitted from our last issue 2nd—In order to remedy this evil we suggest that the Patrons of Indus- \atty in every riding where • organized, should, on the eve of an election, call a Public Convention, form a platform and' be free • to either submit their platform to the party candidate or whenever possible nominate their own candidrte and elect him: Whitechurch. FROM All Stations in Ontariouu KOC Ire (r'ADIAN'' �Y. TICKETS WILL BE SOLO for Excursion leaving TORONTO 11 p.m. on. .r -CT 1NT M 21, 1892 Good to return until JULY 31st ON J Q'NE 28 1892 Good to return until ., GUST 7th. ON. JULY 18 AN '19, 1892 Goad to return until AUGUST 28th. To the following points at rates named: NESBITT, uaBuw IIELORAINF. MOOSOMIN BINsCAILflt REGINA YORKTON� PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY EDMONTON $2o.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.0n The Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be held from .July 25th to 30th inclusive, and July 18th and 19th have been fixed upon for excurbion to enable passengers to Attend the Exhibition. An Auctign Sale of Canadian Pacific Rail• way Lands will he held at Edmonton on July :nth. Passengers taking advantage of the excursion of June 28th will reach Edmonton in time to attend the sale. For further particulars apply to any Agent of the Company. J. Murchison, Agt, Lucknow. Grand Trunk FORTH DEPARTMENT. Senbior 2nd to 3rd department—M Cameron, B Paterson, M Finlayson, J Lawson, R. Armstrong, M Murdock, M Greer, A McNabb, W Findlater, 11 Watson, C McLaren, W AlIin, L Stewart. Junior to senior 2nd—G Paterson, J Henderson, A Yule, W McIntosh, I Flynn, B •Rohertson, B Thompson, H Graham, lI Williams, E Reid, G Bren- nan, G Sandy, W Vance. . Part II to junior 2.nd—R Grundy, J Baird. B Wright, A Watson, J Me- Corvi R Young, G Cameron, R Matherson, W Mein osh, 11i ,Davison, M Moore. . FIFTH DEP- RTMENT. For Fourth • Dept.—L Stewart, J Henderson, E Hildred, L Flood, E Taylor, C Shoebotto}u, . H Hornell, R Little, S Johnstone, L Lyons, . E Findlater, A Connor, 11 Robinson, S Stewart, M Graham D McDonald, F Grundy, S William . .Jr. Class—Excel en't-I Douglas,' M Lyons. Good— McKay, E. Mc- Laren, J Kidney, J orrigan, F Reid, E Murchison, W M tion. Fair—E Fleming, J McLean V. Lettson B McQuaig, W Henderson, A Winny. Poor—WV, McCoy, A (Tennant. 3rd—We also recommend that our sub association meetings be used to demonstrate to our members the erects of any legislation upon the interests of agriculture and thus enlarIc ottr iews on political economy. Report received and adopted. On notion, the Coin+y Secretary was instructed direct the'.sttention of the different Township Association to to the advi. abili;y of patreniLing \Ir Ar:�o�il .•f!' :.....''.`.. , ...!: '' prncticable :land when on account of distance or other ,cause it, ttould he inconvenient to advi the, estnllisiiewnt of similar agt•ncies in every business center in the o>unty, The report of Finance committee was also read and adopted, also the report of Provincial lecturer, Nesbit, was read and received and the County ' Secretary was instructed to have' minutes of County meeting at Paisley, • dso the minutes of this meeting printed and distributed. • BORN. Enos— In West Wawanrah, on Saturday 25th inst., the wife of Wm. Cameron. of a (laughter. DIED. r'sEt.r.tVEN-"In Tucknnw, nn Saturday, June 25th. 1892, Qeccr'ge Henry, youngest son of Thos. H. Treleaven, of Luclnrow. aged " 4 years 10 months and- 5 days. N 01C E. IHEREBY GIVE/ NOTICE ' THAT I will not be restnnsible for two ,Antes pay- able to John Bennett, ,Lncknow. or bearer, one for $:30, due on June 2$th, 1892, and the other doe on Dec: 28th, 1892. The notes are gi, en for a patent right, but as I have received nd value I will not be,responsible for them. ROBERr WILSON. 4-966 ” EXCURSIONS To the -Canadian Northwest and return. Stop � Think Peart has received a large stock of the leading line of v ew Goods. KAAKE & CO.'S Second Annuncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Window Blinds, Berlin.Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. • EXT we intend to give every" lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful album, valued at $3 or one dozen cabinet photos free. We place in our window a quart sealer of beans. Any one buying $1. worth of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the number on it yon guess. The nearest number gets the prize. Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will be counted by a, disinterested party on July 1st. This will' commence on April 1st. Return tickets will be sold on June 14th, ' 21st and 28th July 18th and.19th. • —TO-- N ESBITT. OXBOW DELORAINE, MOOSO-IIIN, $28 BINSCARTII . V REGINA MOOSEJAW �0 YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT ' $35. CALGARY EDMONTON $40 And at prices that will meet the wishes of the public. 'Men's fine Bahnorals and Gaiters and a large variety of plough boots. Women's Kid Button. wind Laced Boots cheaper than ever, Also Oxford tyes and slippers in Different Styles: Children's wear in all, the leading lines. CALL AND EXAMINE. " RepatringA done on short notice. JOHN PEART. Through sleepers without extra charge. Baggage checked thro igh to destination. For rates =crullinformation apply to D. W: HAYES. Agent G. T. R., Luckncw John. griffin, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON 00. KAA E a CO_ ew Spring Goods E POPLE'S STOE, ST. HELENS. 11AVING resolved" to carry on business as usual, I haus just received a new and well assorted stock of Spring Goods. Beautiful patterns and latest designs in "Ladies Ceylon Suitings." Everybody should see these goods. They are simply beautiful. REAL ESTATE,., INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL. AGENCY. SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County •and satisfactic u guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS For sale on reasonable term-.;. JOHN GRIFFIN, FaAne1e' es New Patterns and Fine' Quality. Ss 4-A11 the latest patterns' in both . English and* American. KINGSI3RIDGE P. O: SHORTHORN BULL. ROBERT' ADAIR. All other departments of my stock are equally replenished by the choicest and latest goods in the market. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH.' A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants and tastes of the most fastidious. Mrs. Robt. Murray. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL K :F.P • for Service the above named animal f.:r a limited ,number of cows for the season of 1892. PEDIGREEbert Adair was bred' at the Ontario Agricultural College._ Guelph,. u llt h,. Ont., April 4th, 1891 ; got by loo, 13931 ; dam, Flower of Riverside, 15848. by British Soverekn, 4335 ; 2nd -lam, May- flower. 10032, by Duke rf ()xi, ril. 3109 ; :;rd Red, Rose, 10496, by Marmagtnke. 3504 ; 4th dam. Violet, 10887. by Colonel Raleo, 12W; 5th Siam Alpha. 2340, by Alfred, :104 ; ,;th (lath, Arabella, 606, by ttobin Ho4d, 1017 ; 7th dam, Red Lady, 1766. by Young Cam:. bridge. 1178 ; Sth dam. Beauty, 6:18, by Brilliant, 735; 9th dam, Moss Rose, 1592, by Comet, 432 ; 10th dam, Ruby, 1887, by Agricola (imp.) 5 ; llth dans, Beauty (imp). 30,1ityy Snowbll, 2647, by Lawnsleaves, 365, by Charles, 127. es TERMS --+2.00 each per. season ; payable on or before the first day of November. ° J, F. ANDREW, N M...0'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. I have in stock the following. : Apples Blacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Tit nshes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods Cocoa Ch-icolate Cern. canned, Corn meal Currants .Corrie Powder ('r,, nm Tarter Dates No. 1 Flour Dried Apple Extracts Firs Fit,h, canned Fish, dried Gelotine Ginger* Holl; Hi lacy Ink Indigo Licorice Lime Juice ,Lemons I (.annus Lard • 'Matches 'Mince 'Meat Mogi :Macaroni 'Mustard M eats, can .11ae;ne.ia Nuts always on hancr. Nutmeg Oil. olive Oil, sweet Oil,, castor Oranges • (Oat Meal Palk Peek Pipes Pickles Pearline Peas. canned Pepper • Raisins R ice Rice Flour 'Sago Salt • ' • Salmon :Sardines Senna 'Seeds Sugar Syrups Goods delivered Soda Soaps spices Starch (Strawberries, canned ,Sulphers ' 'Tapioca Tomatoes,. canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards 'Washing Crystal Wonderware Whiting Dinner Sets YCakes iDinneaster Set Tea �r Set� \Tateets ('ream Sets Perry Sets !Toilat Sets to any part of the town. k Nutesmoravormwerowswommamessilli STRATFORD OIL CO. GUARANTEES STERLIN6 MACHINE OIL To outwear any other oil in the Threshing Machines. For sale by market on Binders, Mowers and : Talar, Luekuow. i .. .may..•am — n e _ _- issue n ny .• - - v