HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-24, Page 6e
The Song of the Bain.
It's rain, rain, rain
From the sun's rise till it sats,
And it's rain, rain, rain
In all shapes and styles of wets.
_ . _ a_
Or a fish of the humid= Hood,_
For then there wasn't such reason to kick
At this compound moist and mud.
" Will it never let up," we sigh,
It comes down fiercer still
And ev'ry drop of a heft and size
To move or drive a mill.
The gutters a foaming sear
The streets a raging main,
And the splashing torrents in liquid 'notes,
Sing: " Rain, rain, rain."
If Darwin's doctrine's true
31.,, That Nature kindly gives
To man the means to adapt himself
To the needs of where he lives.
If the rain keeps up as of late.
Some nigh -by day -who knows ?
Just like a duck's we may start to look
For webs between our toes.
The Lay of the Pot.
Oh, Pm the old-fashioned political pot
That begins to boil when the weather gets hot
And froths and foams and sizzles and bubbles
As long as the candidates have their troubles.
The fuel that burns to make me boil
Is frequently made of " midnight oil,"
And plots and schemes and interviews
And wires" and "strings" and hats and
For nothing at all is amiss to stir
The flames which make my vapors whir -
Whole railway trains of delegates
I sometimes consume between two States.
But, finally, when all's said and done,
I must look out for number one,
So I swallow each boom, and shout and whoop
And boil then all into political soup!
The Story of Hal Kruger's
and L•ve.
is fifty miles to the county seat
across the worst section of country in
'the State, and unless we get a pardon
there by5 o'clock to -morrow morning
Matt Henderson must hang.
So spoke old Rube Morris, the vil-
lage oracle. The loungers sitting
around the stove in the village grocery
paused in their talk and looked up at the
sudden entrance and words of the speaker:
' " Yes," continued Rube, " and there ain't
no horse swift enough nor man brave enough
to face fifty mile o' Wisconsin woods in the
dead so' winter, when everybody knows
they're full o' wolves and wild dogs.'
Sundry words of approval greeted the
words above quoted, and then the crowd
fell to discussing the case of old Matt
Henderson, the condemned man. They,
all had known him and were deeply inter-
ested in his fate. A year previous he
had been arrested on the charge of having
killed one of his neighbors, and though the
evidence had been purely of a circumstan
tial character yet he had been found guilty
after a short trial, and to=morrow the sen-
tence of the law was to be carried out.
A few days before a petition had been
-circulated, and men from all over the coun-
try had signed it in the hope that executive
clemency would be,extended and a pardon
granted. This .morning the petition
had been placed in the Governor's
hands. Would he sign it ? And if he
. did, could they get it across the wide
stretch of almost impassable wilderness
lying between the village and the county
seat in time to save the condemned man Y
The distance by the county road was eo
great that that way was impossible, and
only a few knew the way across the track-
less swamps and through the pine woods.
Questions like these were discussed in the
store, the post -office and by the family
hearths that afternoon, while up at the big
house on the hill, where he spent the vaca-
tion, stood the Governor, a perplexed look
on his face, and the question, " Shall . I
grant this man a pardon ?" kept ringing'in
his ears and absorbing his attention.
He paused in his walk and looked out
across the road at the opposite house,. where
Matt Henderson had lived, and as he looked
a young man galloped into the yard on a
great black horse. The young man sprung
to the ground, the door opened and a
• beautiful girl gave him a, loving kiss. The
Governor'a eyes filled with tears; he turned
quickly to the table, picked up a pen and
murmured as he signed the paper, " I don't
think he ever committed the deeds and here
are the names of 500 others who think the
same thing ; besides," he slowly added, "it
would kill the poor girl and ruin the happi-
nneaa of both her and that brave fellow
yonder." He threw down the pen, snatched
his hat from the rack in the hall and with
the document in his hand hurried across the
road to Matt's door.
As he reached the steps the door opened
and the tearful face of Jennie Henderson
confronted him. " Oh, sir," she cried,
you will sign it -you will save my
father?'' The Governors voice was full
of pity as he answered : " Yes, my child ;
I have signed it. I do not think your
father guilty."
A cry of joy broke from her lips as she
took the pardon from his outstretched
hand. " Hal ! Oh, Hal 1 He has signed
it !" and she fell back into the arms of
handsome Hal =huge:, her betrothed. A
dash of cold Fater and the girl opened
her eyes to hear the words : " Courage, my
love, courage ; I will save your father,"•
and with a quick kiss on her upturned lips
he dashed into the yard with the pardon in
his hand, sprang into the saddle and dashed
down , the road, leaving the brave girl
standing at the door with the Governor.
" God speed hien on his errand. He is a
brave fellow ; he will save your father,"
said the Governor, laying hie hand upon her
" Oh, sir, you were so good to sign it 1 I
know God will reward you, and I will be
brave and trust in Him," saying which she
turned and entered the house, while the
Goverro; retraced -his steps to his library.
Sudde ily the fleet hoofs of a horse
sounded at the village store. A quick spring
and the door swung open, admitting Hal
" Quick Bill !" he tried, addressing the
storekeeper ;. " a brace of revolvers and
some fresh cartridges ! I'm off for the jail
-I have the pardon and there's no time to
lose !" And before the feeling of surprise
and astonishmo4it had worn away he had
" buckled the belt containing the revolvers
and cartridges around his waist, sprung
into his seat in the saddle and- was rapid
galloping down the road.
As the flying steed and his rider disap-
peared down the valley the crowd regained
their Senses and began to talk. "*Why,
that's old Vel's son, he what was a-couttin'
Matt's girl afore his old ratan was killed and
her dad 'ouaed of the murder ! " " tut the
Race for Life
from the East, where he has been studyin'
fer some perfeshun so long, he stuck to it
that it was an accident and old Matt didn't
kill his dad." " Howsoroever, I reckon the
lad's got the biggest kind of a job on his
-hands 'bout now; for -let -alone -the= country
he's got to cover, it's full of wolves and
they're on the rampage this time o' the
These and sundry other remarks were
made, but meanwhile handsomeHalKruger,
with the Governor's pardon stowed care-
fully away in his coat pocket and the kiss
of Jennie Henderson on his lips, was rapidly
covering the first part of the fifty miles that
lay between him and -Ashland Court House.
It was nearly 9 "when he galloped away
from the village shore, and though familiar
with every step of the way, yet he realized
that he had undertaken no tight task.. He
knew that wolves were devastating the
country, being driven wild with hunger,and
that they had been reinforced by their
braver allies, the dogs, whioh had deserted
the lumbermen some winters before ; yet
embering the love light shining in
Jeie's eyes, he accepted the task and felt
the could he escape the wolves he could
cover the distance and save his sweetheart's
The moon shone clear and bright, and the
horse seemed to realize the hopes and fears
of hip young master as he rapidly gained on
the long distance before him. The crust
over the snow was frozen into one vastsheet
of ice and gave back a crisp, ringing sound
beneath his flying feet. Onward he swept
min a
seized the paper which the officer had just
taken from the hand of the messenger.
After a hasty glance, he turned ' to the
prisoner, who stood silently by and said,
smile loosened his hands : " You are a free
an, MrsasHendersoa=Bathe=-Governer= has
sent p pardon."
Words fail to describe the scene, and, in
the midst of it a carriage drove up contain-
ing brave Hal, the hero who had saved a life
at the peril of his own. He lay supported
by cushions, with one leg broken by the
fall of Brave Billy, a helpless wreck ; but
his face wore a happy smile, and as he
grasped the outstretched hand of old Matt,
he murmured : "'Twas a tight squeeze,
and I killed poor Billy, ,but, thank God, I
arrived in time.
A year later, with the honors of a class
leader resting upon him, Hal was married to
Jennie, and among,all the happy witnesses
of the wedding none were more happy than
their nearest neighbor; the Governor. -
Frederick W. Moore.
The Parson's Baby.
Every white flower had been cut in the
village. The parson's baby was dead. The
news of a fire never travelled faster through
the main street.
Even the burly saloon keeper, the one
rum -seller in the. place, who looked upon the
parson as his natural enemy, when told the
fatal news, exclaimed, "By — ! that's
'rough ! That's rough !"
The cobbler's crippled daughter sent her
one white rose. She had wondered, as it
grew, who could be worthy of its beauty.
Small groups of children stopped on their
way to school,- and were led to the dim
parlor to look upon the beautiful upturned
face, which for the first time refused them a
smile. One of thein asked to touch the
d impled hands which were folded over the
tittle heart which had known the world's
love, but not its bitterness.
Death had come suddenly, and his aspect
must have been leas terrible ,than the chil-
dren had been led to believe, for there was
no hint of resistance in the peaceful face ;
but the grim shadow was still thrown across
the room, and it awed the children,
although it could not make them feel afraid.
" I don't believe he likes it so dark here,"
whispered little Betty Parks.
And the parson's wife threw open the
blinds, and the June sunshine shot past her
drawn white face and flooded the room. It
danced upon the tiny yellow curls until
they seemed to move with life.
" He likes that, I am sure," and little
Betty smiled, and her voice grew stronger,
as if the light of the Resurrection had
already driven the blackest shadows from
the tomb.
" Betty is right," said the parson, trying
to smile.
As the children passed, out they. met tall,
lank Deacon Perkins and little fat Deacon
Potter. They knew that the two deacons
had not spoken to each other -no, not even
after passing the bread and the wine on
communion Sunday - since the last
Presidential election. Yet chance had
brought them at the same moment to the
parson's gate, and neither was willing to.
retreat. The children' watched them as
they passed up the gravel walk without
exchanging a word and went into the
" Mean old things !" exclaimed little
Betty. " I should think they'd be ashamed
o' theirselves not to speak when it makes
the parson feel so bad."
In a moment the deacons were in the pre-
sence of the still, tiny form. Small as its
proportions, pulseless as its heart, it repre-
sented that which man had reverenced and
feared since the human mind and heart be-
gan to think and feel -innocence and death.
Even as tactless men as the deacons were
silent before the anguish which could "awe
their small souls, although they failed to
comprehend it ; but by its power the lank
deacon was led back many years, and he
saw himself a'young man, no older than the
parson, standing beside a little form whence
the spirit had taken its 'flight, and the
parson's face recalled it as it had not been
brought back for years.. The deacon's dry
heart rustled a little in his breast as he drew
near the small white shape, -and lo !. memory
had saved each tear he had ,shed so long
ago, and now she poured them freely on his
parched old heart, and for the hour it be-
came fresh again.
The fat little deacon, seeing that he
lingered near the babe, and wishing not to
be outdone in loyalty to hia parson by a
deacon who could desert his political party
in its darkest hour, likewise advanced with
gentle step and stood near the silent babe.
No sooner had he cast his eye upon the
marble face than he, too, went back in years
further than his brother in the Church had
The very .day was like this day. The
scent. of roses filled the air, and the sound
of children's laughter came in through the
open window. He remembered"how it
smote his sore little heart for the baby, the
best -beloved of the household,_ was dead.
From that day to this he had never seen a
dead baby. He bent over the little face.
He could see the faint blue outline under-
neath the pale lid just as he saw it through
his boyish tears so many years ago, and felt
that if , he waited patiently the dear eyes
would open and look up again. „
He had forgotten his brother deacon.
Never had he forgptten him in the church
when, in bitter silence, they had met and
" You remember, don't you " he said,
softly, then stopped suddenly, for the sound
of his voice called him back from the past.
The tall, lank man beside him was no
longer the school -fellow who had led him
fter the baby was buried, and had
in long and regular leaps, and tatter
mile of the long journey passed rapidly be -
bind. At 1 o'clock Hal looked at his
watch ; he was close to Chequamegon Lake.
. Full half of the distance was behind
him and he knew that the long sheet of
ice stretching away before him and nar-
rowing here and there to a small river in'
width and thickly lined on either side
with dense underbrush -reached to the end
of his journey. He knew that here lay the
danger from the wolves, and he could not
help the cold shiver which shook his sinewy
form as a long, mournful howl greeted the
ringing hoofs of his steed as they struck
the ice. Involuntarily his hand fell to the
handle of a revolver, and he tightened his
grasp on the bridle, while. his keen eyes
swept the field of shining ice in anxious
His horse -seemed to scent the danger,
and his ears rose like sentinels, as if listen-
ing, while his already rapid pace seemed
to increase. On they flew, horse and
rider, like two vanishing specks upon the
bosom of the lake, while, as minute after
minute stole on the howls grew in volume
and in number, while the terrible truth.
stole over the brave lad that the
hungry wolves were in full pursuit and
increasing their forces every minute. He
leaned forward in the saddle and spoke to
his noble steed, almost as though addressing
a friend : " On, Billy, on ! We must not
1 e overtaken ; we must save her father ?"
The noble animal threw his ears straight
back, and, gathering all his . strength as if
in answer to the appeal, fairly flew over the
slippery surface.
The moon sunk low in the western sky,
and just as he was nearing the narrows Hal
turned in his saddle, and the sight he saw
made -his heart sink within him. . The
hungry wolves were rapidly , growing in
number, and were slowly but surely gaining
upon him. He knew that full ten miles lay
between Wan and safety. " Could he fight
them off ? Would brave Billy hold out at
this fearful pace ?" These questions flashed
like lightning' through his mind, and,
drawing a revolver from his belt; he turned
in his saddle and fired • once, twice, three
times, and at each shot a wolf leaped
in the air and fell, to be instantly set
upon and devoured by his hungry. com-
The relief was only momentary, for now
they had tasted blood, and the taste and
smell after their long hunger made them
wild beyond fear, and, with fearful howls,
on they came with renewed force.. The
noble horse seemed to quiver and tremble'
beneath his rider -his breath came quicker
and his flying hoofs -seemed hardly -to touch
the ice. Aga- ' and again Hal ;turned in
the saddle andf, ed into the howling mass,
and though every shot brought its mark to
the dust, yet they seemed to spring up from
every side, and the distance between pur-
suers and pursued was growing rapidly
Already he could. feel the hot breath and
hear the fierce snapping of the hungry jaws
pressing close upon him. Again he leaned
forward and spoke to his noble steed :
" On, Billy, on • ! We are almost there -
we must ` escape -we must save him !"
Then while the animal seemed to gather all
his forces for one final struggle Hal turned
and fired his last charge into the - pursuing
Suddenly right in front the lake narro :v? d,
asd almost before he realized it the way be -
o .me only a narrow strip of ise, lined on
either aide with dense undergrowth, After
a short distance the watery way turned
sharply to the right, and the next instant
Hal saw the lake widening and directly in
front, not over five hundred yards away,
he saw the shore and all,. along the edge
great piles of faggots all ablaze, thus show-
ing that the hardy settlers were alarmed and
up in arms. Hardly had , this crossed his
mind when he felt his clothing being torn
from his back he turned and plunged his
dagger into the body of the fierce.alo'li cling-
ing to his horse's haunches.
!'he wolf releaxed his hold, and, as he fell
to the ice, the horse reared on his hind lege
for a single instant and then darted away
like an arrow towards the shore, not more
than fifty yards distant. Suddenly he quiv-
ered all over, and before Hal could spring
from the saddle the horse fell forward with
a groan almost human, pinioning orie of
Hal's legs beneath him. As he fell Hal
saw the flash of a score of rifles, and as
the sharp reports rang out his senses left
" Have you anything to say before you go
to meet your God?' asked'the Sheriff, as he
stood beside his prisoner, while the big
hand upon the clock's dial across the square
pointed to the hour of 5. A slight shiver
passed over' old Matt Henderson and his lips
twitched nervously ; then, lifting his eyes
to the Sheriff, he answered, slowly and dis-
tinctly : " I am innocent and not afraid to
meet my Maker." The next moment ho
lowered his head and 'the black cap was
lifted to it. But suddenly there came a
fearful knocking at the prison gate and loud
cries of " Open ! , Open the gate ! A par-
lad loves the gal, and when he 'rived home The Sheriff threw down the cap and
agree on, eh, Eben ?"
They looked across the small peaceful
face at one another. The lank deacon said
not a word, but over the tiny folded hands
his big bony palm closed closely over the
fat --hand---of, the little"=•-deacon,--andathre
troubled soul of the young parson grew
calm, and his over -charged heart found re-
lief in tears. That whichh-he had struggled
and prayed to accomplish through nearly
the whole of one administration had been
achieved almost in the passing of a moment.
The deacons went their way, and as they
walked up theinain street the villagers,
seeing them together in friendly eopverse,
wondered, sneered, smiled or rejoiced, each
according to his nature.
The parson's wife crept back beside the
little shape to lay her aching head upon the
same pillow, where the sun still lingered
and the tiny yellow rings'seemed lost in a
golden glory that was not of earth. And it
seemed to her that at the same moment she
heard the sonorous voice of her young hus-
band from the old pulpit, where he had
read, only the Sunday before, her favorite
hymn, beginning,
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perforin.
-Frances Eaton in Harper's Bazar.
Men Can Spend Hours for All Sorts of Idle.
ness, bat the Barber Must Rush.
" Shave me. just as quick as you can,"
said the man, as he hustled into the barber's
chair ; " I am in a great hurry."
The barber performed his office in the
silence that marks the excellent workman,
but whether direction spurred him is a
matter of doubt. When he had finished,
tipped his 'customer out of the chair and'
was tucking the towel about the neck of his
next patron, he broke the silence and
inquired :
Did you hear
hurry ? "
" Yes. Why ? "
" Because I have known him about ten
years, and he is'always in a great hurry in
the barber- shop. He drinks a good deal,
but he is never in a hurry at the saloon. He
will go frorphere etraightto Toper's Tavern
and he won't got out of there for an hour.
He will not do any business, and he knows
it before he goes. He will simply loaf there
till' he can find no further excuse possible,
and then he will go to his office. He will
spend three hours and as many dollars in
the saloons every day, and he will grieve
and fuss and hurry up everybody when it
comes to shaving.
Men always have time to sit at their
desks doing nothing, they are never in too
much of a hurry at the club, they have time
enough to stand for an hour any day on the
street and look at women, they can lose
time in bed and at breakfast, but when
they come to the barber shop they are in
frantic haste. Yet, if a hurrying barber
happens to scratch them they get him dis-
charged. A well -shaved man is respectable,
no matter what clothes he has on. One
who needs shaving looks disreputable, I
don't care what he wears. •
" When a thing amounts to that much, if
I didn't have time to shave decently I
wouldn't shave at all."
Then the barber moistened the'ball of his
thumb and tried the edge of his scimetar,
snatched a bit of paper from the•shelf and
relapsed into silent industry.
that man tell me to
• eke
away a
given him his "new fish -pole to kind o' take
his mind off," bet a brother deacon who re-
fused to speak to him even after com-
" What -what did ye say ?" stammered
the lank deacon, mildly.
" I was goin' ter say that he favored my.
baby brother that died when we went to
the south parish school. But -but I don't
s'pose you remember him ; yet maybe ye
can recollect 'bout the fish -pole ?"
" I don't remember no fish -pole," whis-
pered the lank deacon, but I do recollect
that baby that died jest as plain as though
'twas only yesterday. An' don't ye remem-
ber that my first boy died jest the size o'
this little feller ?"
" So he did ; an' I 'ain't thought of it for
years, Eben. 'Tain't right ter forget 'em,"
murmured the, fat little deacon, fast ap-
prodching a state of huskiness.
" No, tain't. Ye're right, .Josiah," the
lank deacon admitted in a warmer tone.
" Then -then --then there's one thing we
Whether -you write in prose or verse,
When you've got a thing to say,
Say. i4! Don=t take hale=a-.daX.: _� -
When your tale's got little u it, e.
Crowd the whole t g
Life is short -a flee g vapor -
Don't fill the whole of your paper
With a tale which, at a pinch,
Could be cornered in an inch.
Boil her down until she simmers ; ,
Polish her until she glimmers. °
When you've got a thing to say,
Say it ! Don't take half a day.
- Scientific men say there is no record of
a summer girl ever having been sunatruck.
a -Did any one ever see a woman w' os.`
could look intelligent while talkin
baby ?
-" Least said, soonest mended," said the
doctor to the patient with a fractured jaw-
-The world is full of people,who suppose
that the art of conversation consists of ask-
ing questions.
- Jagaon says there is only one man who
can beat a lawyer lying about a suit, and'
that's a tailor.'
-" Charley Wicks has only one arm, has
he not ?" asked Maude. " Yes," returned
May ; " but it's a long one."
- " Never mind me," said Mrs. Jones be-
fore she was married, and that is exactly
what her husband did after the honeymoon
was oyer.
Their Seating Capacity.
Of .American places of amusement, that
with the largest seating capacity is the
Madison Square Garden, New York, which
seats 6,011 people, or with its main floor
10,000. The Mechanics' Hall, Boston, seats
5,500 ; the Auditorium, Chicago, • 4,041 ;
the Boston Theatre, 3,017 ; the Carnegie
Music Hall, New York, 3,000 ; the Metro-
politan Opera House, New York, 2,842 ;
the Academy of Music, 2,700 ; the Music
Hall, Boston, 2,588; the Academy of Music,
Philadelphia, the St, Charles Theatre, New
Orleans, and Whalen's new Grand Metropo-
litan Theatre, ,St. Louis, 2,500 each ; the
Chestnut Street iheatre, Philadelphia, and
the new Olympic Theatre, St. Louis, 2,400
each ; Kernan's Monumental Theatre, Bal-
timore, and the Chicago Opera House,,
2,300 each ;• the Star Theatre, New York,
2,243 ; the C=olumbia Theatre, Chicago, the
Standard, Chicago, the French Opera
House, New Orleans, and Niblo'a Garden,
New York, 2,200 - each ; Grand Opera
House, Detroit, 2,100.
The Use of the Banana.
� 0
- In Scotland the plaintiff in a laws t is
called the pursuer, and the defndandapiF the
defender, and the Judge in certain cases is
called the Sheriff.
- Hymer-Rather a thankless task, isn't
it, writing poetry for the papers ? Rymer
-Thankless ! No, indeed -thanks are about
the. only return I get.
-" Captain," said Mrs. Trotter to the
commander of an ocean steamer, " have you
ever seen the sea serpent ?" " No, madam,"
replied the old sea dog ; " I don't drink."
-Sir Charles Dilke's fair friend, Miss
Crawford, is now a religious woman of pro-
nounced piety, and spending much of her
time in improving the condition of London
poor. This is much better than lecturing
or going upon the stage. '
-Fred. Douglass told an Atlanta audi-
dience that he married a white woman for
revenge on the race. He said : " I did
that to even up."
-The " soft snap " of the New York
policeman is a detail to the Third precinct.
The officers in this precinct, known as the
City Hall Police and the Ordinance Police,
are rarely called upon for patrol duty.
The people of this country do not 'yet
know how'.to use the banana. In the
tropical climates, where the banana fur-
nishes the principal article of diet, the in-
habitants have found numerous methods
of utilizing this delicious fruit which ren'
der it at once nutritious and palatable.
They boil it, they bake it, as we do sweet
potatoes ; they peel it, cut it in slices, and
fry it in batter ; they mash it into a paste
and dry it in the sun, as we do apples and
peaches ; they make it into puddings, pies,
comfits °and preserves, and even smother it
in sugar until is is candied fruit. In every
one of these ways it is both pleasant to the
taste and wholesome as an article of food.
St. Louie Olobe-Democrat.
A New (Rind of Kindling.
" I can't start the flee," growled M Juu
" Why don't you use words?" asked Mrs.
" Words? What kind of words?"
" Words that burn, of course."
Your Minister's Wife.
Do not remind her every time you see
her of her failure to attend this meeting, or
Do not allude more than is needful in her
presence to the devotion and activity of
your former pastor's wife, or of the wife of
some other pastor in town.
Do not make her president of all your
societies or chairman of all your committees.
Do not forget that she is a woman, and a
wife and a mother, before she is an assist-
ant pastor.
Do not forget that her time is not paid
for. -Ladies' Talonie Journal. ,
• The jail at Sudbury,. has been
by fire.
A fire on Wednesday at Potchinki,
Russia, destroyed 310 houses.
Ex -Premier Mercier will.take his seat in
the Quebec Legislature next week.
It is now stated that Mr. B. M. Britton,
Q. C., Kingston, will likely be a candidate
for Frontenac County in opposition to • Mr.
H. A. Calvin. -
D. C. Fraser, M. P., - has been . elected
Grand Master of the Freemasons of Nova
Scotia. Hon. William Ross is' re-elected
Grand Secretary. . •
In the political conspiracy cases in Que-
bec Police Magistrate Chauveau rendered,
judgment yesterday committing Mercier
and Pacaud for trial.
A verdict of manslaughter was found by
the coroner's jury yesterday against Walsh,
who was arrested in Toronto in connection
With the killing of Richard Walker in a
scuffle between the two.
Tho restaurant d9ah of stra*berries and
cream illustrates ell what can bo made of
" little drops of water and little grains of
Several delegations of farmers from
various sections of the province hate i�isited
the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph,
this week. -
A man told his daughter that if she learned
to work he would give her a surprise. ' She
learned the art, and he surprised her by dis-
charging the servant girl.
The bodies of John Hurley and Engineer
Robinson, drowned at Windsor von May
30th, were recovered yesterday.
Peat resembling very much the Irish arti-
cle has been found in the vicinity of Berlin,
Ont., in large quantities.
A meeting of ex -Premier Mercier's credit-
ors has beer' called, to take place in Mont-
real on the 15th inst. • An effort will be
made to have ,Mr. Mereier'a liabilities com-
promised at eo much on the dollar.
Both the method and resualts when
v!`cipof Figs is taken; it -)'pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts ,
g_:ntl;Y yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Livc-r :.nd Bowels, cleanses the sys-
t . rm effectually, dispels colds, head -
m hes and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever ppr -
ducecl, pleasing to the taste and'a „
ceptable to the stomach, prompt' in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, -prepared only from tie most
healthy and agreeablesubgtances, its
man`: excellent qualities commendit ,
to all and have made it the most
popular reined known.
-;yrup of . Figs is for sale in 75c
bot ties by all leading druggists.
A ny reliable druggist who,.may not
have it' on hand will procure it,
promptly for any one who wishes :
to try it. Manufactured only -by t1i