HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-24, Page 51&EST BRUCE. The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce 3ounty, June 24th Besting sir the Reform Aasoclation at Kincardine. Hood's' The annual meeting of 'the Reform Association for this riding was .held in the`town hall, Kincardine, on Friday last. There. was a representative gathering. Mr. Andrew Maleolus, chairman, presided, and Mr. Wm. Henderson filled the position of secretary. The retiring . president, after snaking a brief address, called for nominations for the various offices. 'The officers elected are :—President, John Humberstone ; ice -presidents, Jas. Steele,. Huron township ; John Pierson, Saugeen ; Peter Corrigan, Kinloss ; 'treasurer, Wrn. Miller ; sec- et,ary,, Wm. Henderson, Bervie. Conveners for the several polling divisions throughout the riding, were appointed. Mr. .has. Rowand, the popular M. P. far the riding, was present and was warmly received by his constituents. He gave an admirable address, dealing with several df the more important questions now before the House of tL Commons. Speeches were also made rby Dr. Sinclair,•., Peter McKenzie, J. G. IVlurdoch.and W, M. Dack, M.P.P. The following resolutions were carried unanimously :— - Moved by Messrs. Wm. Miller and J. Barker, that this association ex- presses its confidisnce in our represent- tative, Mr. Jas. Rowand, M.P., and commends him for the faithful support he has given the distinguished leader of the Liberal party iii his effortsto secure honest administration of public affairs and for the advocacy of more advantageous" trade rel,alions with the neighboring republic;, 11oved by .11'less, ;..l :' ri Cornett and WILL. ZIc(osl,, that •tris • association desires to cxpiess its L�.L._r detestation of the acdon of the Dominion Govern. rnent. in refusing to investigate the grave charges that 'have been made against members of the administration as well as the high handed proceedings with reference to the conduct of Judge Elliot of London. Moved by Dr. Sinclair, and Mr. A. 'Campbell, that this :association •ex- presses its continued continued confi- dence in the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, our distinguished and gifted leader, and our sincerest sympathy is extended to him'in his endeavor to secure .to.the people of Catiada. just laws 'and purity of administration, and to maintain for the electorate that freedom which our forefathers bought so dearly, many with their blood', for themselves and posterity. . Moved by Messrs, W. M. Thick and J..G. Murdock that the West Bruce Retorm Association. wishes ':to place on record an expression of their great sorrow-at.the loss the country and the Liberal party has sustained by the death of Hon. Alex. McKenzie, one of the greatest statesmen this Dominion haq ever had. No man who has occupied a public position" in this or any other country held a warmer - ,r higher place • iu the hearts of his countrymen; no yuan who has filled . the responsible position of premier of the Dominion, did so -with greater hon- or -to bis country or credit to himself. Th life of Hon: Alex MacKenzie was iic., Al mbt less sacrificed by his devo- tion to duty...As Liberals we deeply ...mourn tlretloss ,the country has sus- asained ; We deeply mourn with the widow of the distinguishaed statesman ; but at the 'tame time we point 'with pride to the fact that Mr. Mackenzie was one of our leaders, and we believe his sterling .li'oresty and high honor have left indelible impression upon the party with ,which he was so eminently indentified. -------- - LUCK111013/ —LUCK1QO13i MARKETS. Fall Wheat; per bushel.....00 to .75 Peas " • : .00 ' .50 Oats rr .....00 " .27 Potatoes «I ' .25 Bur r, per lb rolls .11, tub .12 Eat ,per pound .06 Hay per ton ▪ $10to 12 llblic Not!ce The Subscriber notifies the Public that he still carries on'the UNDERTAKING Business, and will be prepared to fur nish all the requisites. A HEARSE ON HAND.' Jas. Williamson. 3m-apr 22 . • Georgian Bay Shingles. HE UNDERSIGNED H�� A �- a car o it t. e ;ro airs Ba shingles VI and intends keeping them in stock Baa Is a concentrated extfacof Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper Berries, Mandrake, Dandelion, and other valuable vegetable remedies, every ingredient being strictly pure, and the best of its kind It is possible to buy. It is prepared by thoroughly competent phar- macists, in the most careful manner, by a peculiar Combination, Proportion and Process, giving to it curative power Peculiar To Itself It will cure, when in the power of medicine, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning, Cancerous and all other Humors, Malaria, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all difficulties with. the Liver and Kidneys. It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Creates an Appetite, and gives mental, nerve, bodily, and digestive strength. The value of Hood's SarsapariIIa' Is certified to by thousands of voluutary wit- nesses all over the country whom it has cured of diseases more or less severe. It is sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by 0. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa- r'1Ua do not be induced to buy any other. 100 Doses One Di:;Har N OC IHEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I will not be responale for two cotes pay- able to John Bennett, Lucknow, or bearer, one for 630,• due on June 28th, 1892, and the other due on Dec. 28th, 1892. The notes are given for a patent right, but as I have received no value I will not he responsible for them. RO1;ER 1' WILSON. 4-JQC. Stop Thin e . Peart has received a large stock of the leading, line of • And at prices that. will onset the wishes of the public. Men's fine I3.almorals and ! Gaiters and a large.variety of plough boots. .Women's Kid Button and Laced .Boots cheaper than ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers in • Different Styles. Children's wear in all the leading lines:' GALL AND. EXAMINE. Repairing done on short notice. JOHN PEART. D U N N'S KiNO POWDER rHE COOK'S BEST FRIEND. LARGEST SALE IM CANADA.. THE HU Leads them all for Fas ly. Groceries AND -CANNED GOODS. Pruits of All Kinds in Season, FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY. The Largest Stock, ' .The Choicest Goods, & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow, JOHN ELLIOT. season, and will be sold at the lowest possible paying price. .JAMES GAUNT, Whitechui'eh, FROM All Stations in Ontarioilu K ge TICKETS WILL BE SOLD for Excursion leaving TORONTO 11 p,m. on JT71\TE 21, 1892 Good to return uutil JULY 31st ON J O -NE 2.1892 Good to return until AUGUST 7th. O • ON JULY 18 AND 1.9, 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 28th. To the following points at ratys named: NE, OXBOW DELI/SHLORAMOOSOMIN OOSUMIN BINSCAS1H • 00 , REGIgNA YORKTON $30a 00 MOOPRINCE ALBERT $3URI ®O CALGARY EDMONTON • $4®10 The Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be held from July 25th to 30th inclusive, and July 18th and 19th have been fixed upon for excursion to enable passengers to attend the Exhibition. . An Auction Sale of Canadian Pacific Rail- way Lands will be held at Edmonton ori July 5th. Passengers taking; Julysutage of the excursion of June 28th will reach Edmonton in time to attend the sale. Pot further particulars ai,l;11' t :Inv Agent of the Company. J. Murchison, Agt, .Lucknow, rand TrIM EXQ1RS S To the Canadian North.vest and returr-. Return tickets will be sold on June 14th, 21st and 28th July 18th and 19th. ' —TO— NESBITT, OX13OW • tL1.ORAINE,.M' OS()MTN; ,t8 • • BINSCARTH. REGINA .MOOSEJAW YORKTON PRINCE. ALBERT CALGARY • EDMONTON $30 $40 Through sleepers'Nithont extra charge. Baggage checked through to' destination; For rates and all information apply to D. W. HAYES, • Agent G. T. R., Luckn.7,w John GriMit, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON 00. REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. • SALES ATTENLED IN AUL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A. number of FIRST-CLASS FA RM S For sale on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN KINGSBRI.DGI+; P. O. SHORTHORN BULL. ROBERT ADAIR. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service the above named animal for a limited number of colds for the season of 1892. PEDIGREE—Robert Adair was bred at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont., April 4th, 1891 ; got by. Baron Water, loo, 13931 ; dam, Flower of Riverside, 15848, by British Sovereign, 4335 • 2nd dam, May- flower, 10032, by Duke of Oxford, 3099 ; 3rd Red Rose, 10496,by Marmaduke 3504 ; 4th darn, Violet, 10887. by Colonel Balco, 426 ; 5th dam Alpha, 2340, by Alfred, 304 ; 6th dam, Arabella 606, by Robin Hood, 1017 ; 7th dam, Red Lady, 1766, by Young Cam- bridge. 1178 ; . 8th dans, Beauty, 638, by Brilliant, 735 ; 9th dam, Moss Roso, 1592, by Comet, 432 ; 10thdam Ruby, 1887, b Agricola (imp.) 5; 11th clam, Beauty (imp)), 30, by Snowball. 2647, by Lawnsleaves, 365, by Charles, 127. TERMS -$2,00 each per season ; payable on or before the first day of November. J. F. ANDREW, i a KAAKE& Oo.s Second Annuncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALJBUMS Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. NEXT we intendto give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful album, valued at $3 or one dozen cabinet photos free. . We place in our window a quart sealer of beans. Any one buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the number on it yon guess. The nearest number gets the ,prize. • Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will be counted by a disinterested party on July 1st. This will commence on April lst. --�-A- & CO_ New Spring Goods PEOPLE'S STO:;E ST. HELENS. HAVING resolved to carry on business as usual, I have just receiveda new and well assorted stock .of Spring Goods. Beautiful patterns and latest designs in "Ladies (Ceylon Suitings." Everybody should see these goods. They are simply beautiful. ' ouites New Patterns and Fine Quality. M All thelatest patterns in both English and American. .A11 other departments of my stock are equally replenished by flab choicest and latest goods in the market. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH. A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants and tastes of the most fastidious. Mrs. :Miirray.• M. CORRI N'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVJSIONS, f have in stock .the following oil, Nutmeolivt•g; ' Oil, sweet Oil, castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails Peels v. Pipes PiPick Pearliles ne (Peas, canned Pepper • Raisins Rice Flour Sago Salt Salmon ' Sardines Senna Seeds Sugar (Syrups Nd. 1 Flour alwaya4 on hang. Goods delivered to Apples Blacking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, hot Bath •Erick ' Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery (tanned -Goods Cocoa Chocolate . Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut' Dates Dried Apple Extracts Figs Fish, canned Fish, dried Gelotine Gingers Hops 1 Honey Ink Indigo (Licorice Lime JOi-ce Lemons Lamps Lard Matches IMince bleat Meal (Macaroni, ;Mustard [M eats, can .Magnesia Nuts • any Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, canned Sulphers. • Tapioca Tomatoes, canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards Washing Crystal W oodenware. Whiting • Dinner;Sets• Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Sets Cream Sets Berry Sets Toilet Sets . part of the town. STRATFORD OTIL CO. GUARANTEES STERIJNG. MACHINE OIL - To outwear any other oil in the market Threshing Machines. For sale by on Binders, Mowers and C. Taylor, Lucknow.