HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-24, Page 3DOMINION PARLIAMENT.
—Sir- Adolphe "Car replying - too Mir:-
Flynn, stated that the total amount paid
by the Dominion Government last year
to the Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
pany for the transportation of mails was
Mr. Bowell said the payments to the
same company for the transportation of
. volunteers and militia stores were $19,147.
Mr. Devlin moved " That in the opinion
of this House of Commons of Canada the
time had arrived when a substantial measure
of Home Rule should be granted to Ireland,
and this House expresses the hope that at
the approaching general election in the
IJted Kingdom • a majority will be re-
tu ed to Parliament pledged to enact a
me .sure which, while safeguarding the
unity and interests of the British Empire,
will satisfy the legitimate and rational
aspirations of the Irish people by granting
to them a Parliament with jurisdiction over
all matters of a local character," He said
that since this notice of motion had appeared
in the paper it had been commented upon
in many ways, but it was gratifying to,
know that if the mover had been severely
criticized, the principle involved in the'
resolution had met with generous treatment
and he did not intend to deal with the
charges which had been made against him
for introducing the resolution. Mr. Glad-
stone in a speech at Nottingham declared
that Home Mule would be carried out,
provided that no just claim of the minority
wait thereby neglected. Another guarantee
thaVa the rights of the minority would be
conserved was that Home Rule would be
conceded by a Protestant Government.
Again, they were told" this was none
of the business ot this House to pass
such a motion. If this argument held
good, it must have been good ten years ago
when sueh a resolution was presented
by the Minister of Inland Revenue (Mr.
Costigan). Mr. Gladstone himself had
.answered this objection in a speech in which
he said : " If anything is said about
America, we are asked what do the Ameri-
cans understand about English affairs. It is
impertinent on their part to interfere.
True," continued ,Mr. Gladstone, " we
English people have been in the habit of in-
terfering with everybody's affairs, but it is
a'totally different matter, and they have no
business to interfere with ours." Continu-
ing, Mr. Devlin said that if this Parliament
had no power to legislate, it had at all
events the right to express an opinion. He
was asking Parliament only topass a motion
of sympathy.
Mr. Tisdale called the attention of the
House to the answer of Mr. Gladstone to
the resolution of .1882. ,when he told the
Canadian' Government very plainly that the
Imperial Government must be the best judge
of matters relating to Imperial affairs. For
his part he ht,d had about enough of this
question. He was opposed to our inter-
fering with Imperial matters. Therefore,
he would move : "That all the words after
'that' be left out and the following sub-
stituted : ' That any -expression of opinion
of this House being uncalled for at the
present time, and this House not being
desirous of expressing any views as to the
general election in the United Kingdom,
the orders of the day be now proceeded
Mr. Campbell. thought that this was a
proper time to approach the British Govern-
ment on this subject. He was surprised to
rind hon. gentlemen opposite unfavorable 'to
this motion, when a few days ago they
advised Great Britain as to its commercial
Mr. Clarke Wallace said that as this
country would resent any interference on
the part of Great Britain in Canadian affairs,
so we should not interfere with matters
pertaining only to thelmperial Government.
If it were necessary to pass a resolution, it
would be better to pass n resolution to help
the hands of those people who six years ago
prevented the British-Parliamentfrom hand-
ing over the rights of the people of the
United Kingdom to what was practically a
foreign Government, and stood in thebreach
and brought the British nation to their
senses.. Not only would this resolution be
voted down, but the policy outlined would
be distinctly discountenanced by this Par-
' Mr. McCarthy rose at the same time with
Mr. n'raser and was given precedence by
Mr. Spaker. He moved the' . following
amendment : " That all after • that' in the
motion be struck out; and the following be
substituted instead thereof : ' That this
House is of opinion that it ought not to
interfere in questions not within its juris-
diction, save only in matters of exceptional
and extraordinary character. That the
question of Home Rule in Ireland being one
in which the great political. parties in
Great Britain and Ireland are divided is a
matter in which it would be inadvisable for
this House to take sides. That regard being
had to the peace and prosperity which now
exists in Ireland, owing to the wise and firm
administration of the law, beneficial changes
which have been made in the agrarian laws,
and the material aid which has heenafforded
to the impoverished portions of that king-
dom; this House has reason to doubt the
wisdom of the course adopted by it in the
years 1882 and 1886 inoffering to advise
the Imperial Parliament as to the course it
should take with reference to Ireland, and
in expbasing an opinion as to the wisdom
of the olicy infavor of Home Rule for that
portion of the United Kingdom.' "
Mr. Costigan said that acting according
to the clearly expressed wishes of the Irish
people of Canada he had introduced a reso-
lution in favor of Home Rule, and it was
passed unanimously in this House, and with
only six disyenting voices in the Senate. In
1886 he was asked to bring it in again, but
believing that it would not be the means of
helping the cause of Home Rule, he had de-
clined. He had given some advice to his
young friend who proposed to introduce this
motion, and regretted that the hon. gentle-
man had deemed It well to go on, for he
feared the result would be such a vote as
would be used against Home Rule on the
other side of the Atlantic: But though
I e thought the resolution inoppor-
tune, he would vote for the proposal. He
regretted the circumstances under which it
came up. He regretted the remarks
o£ • . the member for West York (Mr.
Wallace), who had practically justi-
fied rebellion in the Old Country.
$.e hellion by whom ? By the men of
Ulster. He (Mr. Costigan), as, a Home
Ruler, represented the majority of the men
of Uster. The people of iCanada still
desire, to see the people of Ireland enjoy
the blessings of Home Rule, whichhad done
so much for this country. They nnigift It would be, the leader of the Outario 'Con -
talk about handing over the minority in�servativ3 contingent (Mr. Montague) would
Ireland. - to- ----the--control- --of --the ye -in his- belt= thospolitioal scalp---of---•him-
majority, but it was a matter
of history that the leaders of the Irish
agitation, even the leaders of the rebellions,
had been Protestants. In the rebellion of
1798 Ulster was the province moat seriously
affected, while Catholic Connaught alone
remained unaffected. He declared himself
a Home Ruler, and prepared now and at all
times to declare himself by voice or vote in
favor of the principle.
Mr. Fraser declared himself in favor of
the resolution and opposed to both the
amendment and the amendment to the
amendment, but the last he believed was
manly and straightforward, . and for that
reason to be admired, though it was wring.
The following private bills were read the
second time :
Relief of James Wright—Mei Tisdale.
Relief of Hattie Adele Harrison, (from the
i8enate)—Mr. Tisdale.
Respecting the Midland Railway of Can-
ada—Mr. Tisdale.
The House went again into Committee of
the Whole on the bill to secure a better ob
servance of the Lord's day, commonly
called Sunday. .
On clause 3, relating to railway traffic.
Mr. Charlton submitted an amendment
making it an indictable offence for any rail-
way manager or official to load cars or start
a train or authorize a train to continue its
way on Sunday except in the following
cases :—Trains run to connect with trains
in the United States, trains running over
the entire road, and trains sent out upon
errands of necessity or mercy.
Mr. Tisdale criticised the amendment as
ineffective and confusing.
Mr. Ouimet objeoted on the ground that
the Bill was clearly not intended to compel
the observance of a religious rite, and there
was no reason why this House should pass a
law merely to givemen a holiday.
• Mr. Amyot denounced the bill as an at-
tempt on the part of fanatics to compel
people to observe, or pretend to observe,
the rules of those fanatics. He declared
that it passed there would be no person
found in Quebec to enforce it in that Pro-
vince. •
Mr. Hazen said he bad always thought of
the mover of this bill as` bent upon asserting
a high moral principle, and it way indeed
the shattering of an idol to hear the hon.
gentleman say that his object was only„to
minimize that traffic and to'allow it where -
ever • there was a large enough financial
interest at stake.. •
Mr. Davin said he and others desired to
?speak, and as the hour was late he moved
that the committee rise and report pro-
gress, and ask leave to sit again.
Mr. Charlton accepted this motion. He
said the Minister of Justice would no doubt
be edified by the sharp criticism of his
friends upon the amendment which he had
himself prepared.
The resolution carried, and the.committee
rose, and the House adjourned at 11.20 p.m.
Mr. Laurier said the House had noticed
that the Ministers who had gone to .Wash-
ington a short time ago had returned. He
asked if the Government was ready to make
a statement on the subject of the mission.
- Sir John Thompson said, that in a few
days a statement would be made ori the
Mr. Beausoleil objected to the acceptance
of the report of the Standing Committee,
which had refused to pass the bill to in-
corporate the Mutual Loan di; Building
Society of Montreal. He moved that the
report be referred back in order to give the
promoters of the bill an opportunity of.
acting in their defence.
Mr. Foster' said both parties in the House
were represented on this committee. The
bill in'question had been before that, com-
mittee for several weeks, and he did not
think anything said by the hon. gentleman
should lead the House to act on his motion.
Sir John Thompson said that unless some
special reason was assigned; the order of the
House referring back a bill to a committee
implied that the bill should have been
passed. Such a, course was never adopted
unless somebody had been taken by sur-
prise. In this case he was assured that the
anepresentatives of the company were present
d had every opportunity of explaining
Mr. I;aurier• said the supporters of the.
bill perhaps erred in presenting their claims
witout being duly prepared, but that
sholild not be a sufficient reason why they
should not be, allowed to again present their
case fully.
The motion was lost on the following
division : Ayes 53, nays 96. ,
Sir John Thompson moved that Govern-
ment orders haus precedence next after
questions put by members during the re-
mainder ot the session. He was sure the
House would agree with him that it had been
many sessions since the members were given
so full an opportunity to deal with private
Mr. Laurier had hoped that this motion
would not have come at present, as on Mon-
day next there were several important
measures.which required the consideration
of the House. . It was a motion that seldom
came until prorogation was within sight,.
and he way sorry to say that that blessed
day was not at all visible.' He had, more-
over, understood from the hon. gentleman
that there wore several more important
Government measures to come down yet. 'If
private members had been allowed plenty of
opportunity for work the Government had
also had every opportunity to bring' on their
own measures. He though the Governmen
might allow next Monday for private mem-
. Sir John Thompson said he was not
aware that any other measures were t� be
brought down by the Government,.
Sir Richard Cartwright asked the Min-
ister of Agriculture when the census bulletin
giving the birthplaces of the pcople'in Can-
ada would be brought down.
Mr. Carling said it was.now in type, and
would be laid. before the House early next
week if not sooper.
Mr. Boyle resumed the debate on the
Redistribution Bill. ' He supported the
general features of the bill. He favored
equal representation of cities and rural
districts according to, population. 'Under
the bill his own constituency, of Monck
was to be wiped out. He would have been
glad could it be found in accordance. with
public interest to have this old historic con-
stituency retained. However, if it was i.1
the public interest that it should be abol-
ished„ his wishes.of course were not to be
'Mr. Bain (Wentworth) said that if the
bill was passed as gentlemen opposite said
174 (Mr. Bain) and the last speaker. The
coristituenciee of Notth4•Wentworth and
• Mouck were to be wiped out, in order that
a new member might be given to Toronto
and one to Algoma. But the constituencies
in Niagara peninsula already had a popula-
tion over the unit, while the bill would
leave untouched a number of constituencies
in the eastern part of t e Province with a
population considerabl leas than the unit.
He read from the Dun s Star to prove that
the Conservatives of orth Wentworth did
not approve the wipi g out of the constitu-
Mr. Cockburn said that the population of
Toronto came to almost one -twelfth of that
ei Ontario. In discussing this matter he
thought it would be well if both sides dis-
cussed this question on its merits and left
personal matters entirely put of the case.
Mr. McMillan (Huron) urged that the
County of Huron was gerrymanded in a
barefaced manner in the interests of the
Conservative party, and he had about the
same thing to say for the County of Perth.
The Reformers had a majority of 508 in that
county, and „with a fair redistribution it
would-be impossible to elect a Government
supporter. He was entirely in favor of
adopting city and county boundaries for
electoral districts. He held that the gerry-
mander of 1882 was intensified by the bill
now before the House.
MF. McNeill defied anybody.. to show him
how any better division of the . county of
Bruce could be made than by the distribu-
tion of 1882. He felt it was necessary that
he should waive his own personal opinion in
very many cases, but there were some cases
when he would not do so. He thought he
was as good a Conservative as any man in
this House. He rather thought he was
more than a Conservative. He thought he
was a Tory.
141r. Mills --I think so. (Laughter.)
'Mr. McNeill said that the older he grew
the, more Tory he became. (Renewed laugh-
ter.) He had been -nominated by a Conser-
vative convention, but he had given his
nominees to understand that he would only
come here as a free man.
Mr. Lister said he did not intend to criti-
cise -to any great extent the constitutional
aspect of this Bill, but he felt confident
there could be no two opinions that this
House could have no power in its present
shape to make this Bill law,
Mr. Mackintosh said neither directly nor
indirectly had he addressed any member of
Parliament with reference to the change in
the county of Russell.
Mr. Edwards said the last speaker was
evidently sore over the two beatings he had
had in Russell. The hon. gentleman for-
get how he had abused the electors of
Clarence in his paper for weeks after the Last
election. •
Mr. McCarthy's amendment was then put
and lost on the following division : Ayes
62, nays 109. Messrs. McCarthy and
O'Brien (Conservatives) voted for the
Mr. Speaker declared the amendment
Mr. Somerville moyed the adjournment
of the debate.
Sir John • Thompson suggested that if
the speech was nota long one it might be
Mr. Laurier said he was under the im-
pression'that the debate would be adjourned.
Sir John Thompson said he did not think
that was the impression, but if the hong
gentleman thought that was the intention
he would agree.
The' House adjourned at 1 a. m.
Never Say Die
Though you cough till your heart aches.
When the LIFE RESTORING."East India
Remedy is at hand. One bottle will satisfy the
most skeptical that DIC. H..iLAIES' Prepara-
tion of Indian•Hemp will po+itively cure Con-
sumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Nervous De-
bility and Nasal Catarrh. It is an Imported
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C2.50 per bottle or three bottles $6.50.
raddock. & Co., Proprietors, 1032 Rate St.,
. The following figures show the enormous
extent to which horse 'breeding has grown
as a money -making business. The sums
given show the figures paid ..for yearlings in
the big sales in Mew York in three weeks :
Woodburn stud $ 40,125
Sppringland stud 1G,600
McGrathiana stud 53,750
Ellerslie Stud 20,500
Williamette stud •11,650
Tho igert yearlings 37,37.5
Belgowan stud 17,000
Nantura stud 13,700
Patmos stock farm 10,950
Dixiana stud '29,825
Iroquois stud 14,275
Kingston stud26,:325
Beaumont stud 4,500
Spendthrift stud 9,175
Hartland stud \ 1,800
Other owners ...' 32,825
Total $337,525
Me'Collom's Rheumatic Repellant.
The fame of this greatest Canadian Rem-
edy'has spread from ocean to ocean, and the
cures accomplished after all else 'failed sur-
passed belief. It is neatly put tip iii Dollar
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Benefits Froin iltauni>tig.
Running is the great beauti er of figure
and movement ; it gives muse lar delvop-
ment, strong heart action an free lung
play. The muscle comes from where it
ought to he, the shoulders go back, the
loins hold the trunk well balanced and the
feet take the correct positions. . 1 t was
running which made the Greek figure.
EITS.—All Fits stopped free by Dr. 13,1in.'r
Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after fir»t
day's use. Marvellous euros. Treatise and $2.00
trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline
931 Arch Si., Philadelphia, Pa.
All His Fault.
• Mistress (to cook)—You know, Marie, 1
'cannot allow you -to receive your pretended
bousin in the kitchen' in the evening.
" ou are very kind, mum ; but he's• so
very shy, mum, he won't step into the
—Miss Frances E. Willard, the tem-
perance reformer, is about tb learn to ride'
a bicycle. She has .had some experience
with a tricycle, but now she will use a
modern " safety."
George Storths,•a section foreman on the
G. T. R. was struck by a passing train at
Marysville yesterday. His injuries are very
serious, but he may recover.
—COMES, GAI,163, SORE t4
Sent by Mail on receipt of Pr
$ 1ES \VE
or 'TI. Qniokly Healed.
if you use TEAS BAL.SA1' I.
lee 25 Cents, By O. F. SEGSWORTH,
anted Everywhere. • TESTIMONIALS,
How They Appeared to the English Eyes of
Lady Somerset.
" And now, would you tell me a little bit
about women in America ?" asked a London
Queen contributor of Lady Somerset the
day she' returned from her long visit to New
York. "Ah !" said Lady Henry Somerset
with a smile, " that could not be told in a
' little bit.' It is an immense subject. The
position of women in the States is, on the
whole, very much better than it is here. It
was delightful to see the early morning
trains coming into the cities filled with
young women who were all going happily
to their enployments, whether as
clerks, typewriters, journalists, etc.
How much better was it than if
they had all been clinging to their homes
with nothing to do and possibly nothing to
live upon ! It is looked upon as a recog-
nized duty that every woman should be able
to earn her own living. American women
may marry or they may not'; but marriage
is fortunately not regarded as a profession:
I was also very favorably impressed with
the conduct of women at meetings. They
might argue vehemently and disagree with
each other during the meeting, but when it
was all over the disputants .would leave the
hall arm in arrn, chatting with each other
on terms of perfect amity. .In England
such discussions would involve a personal
quarrel. American women understand
public affairs, but English women have yet
to be taught them—that is the difference."
A Sivarru of Household B's.
Be honest. "Honesty is the best policy,"
Quixotically speaking. Be honest.
Be plucky. The faint-hearted rarely
know what it is to win place and power.
Be plucky. °°
Be earnest in doing good, and just as
earnest in not doing anything bad. Be
Be• watchful of yourself as well as of
others, for " all will bear watching." Be
Be'patient,and don't allow impatient folks
to draw away your own stock of patience.
Be patient.
• Be content. If " a contented mind is a
continual feast," be careful not to go hungry
from discontent. Be content. —Good House-
keeping. '
He Tackled the Next House.
" Have you a morsel of food to give to a
flood sufferer, ma'am ?" inquired the tramp.
" You're a flood sufferer, are you ?'; said
the hard -featured woman in the doorway.
" Yes'm. Drowned out. Lost everything
I had in the world."
" Is that your dog ?"
" Yes'm."
" Is he a flood sufferer, too ?"
" He is, ma'am." '
" H'umph ! What did he lose ?"
The tramp°saw it was no use.
" He lost his pants, ma'am," he replied,
turning away with dignity.
An Agreeable Surprise.,
The other day a Harlem man thought he
would surprise his wife by cutting off his
beard. So delighted with the idea; he came
home that night clean shaven. His wife her-
self opened the door and at once threw her
arms about his neck and began to kiss and
hug him violently.
" You like the change, do you, my
dear ? " he gasped as soon as he could catch
his breath.
";" Oh, heaveris, George ! is that you ? "—
IVeiv York; Herald.
Superfluous Adjtetavc.
She was from Boston—that was plain,
and she was not poor—that was plain,' too.
" Can I borrow money at this bank ?'' she
inquired of the cashier.
" Certainly, madam," he replied with a
bow, " if you give proper security."
" Ah," he said, in,a tone that made the
cashier wince, " I °didn't know there was
any other kind of security."
An old lady known as "Granny" Wilson
was drowned in a pond at the electric light
works in Bowmanville ,last Saturday, the
body being found yesterday.
During the thunderstorm at Russell,
Man., on Wednesday night, Mrs. Butcher,
living five • miles south of .the town, was
struck by lightning and instantly killed.
It is believed' that the depositors in the
New. Oriental Bank will, after some delay,
be paid in full. On Tuesday shares of the
bank were offered for 1r3, the par value
being £10.
Such 'good progress was made last night
in voting the clauses of the Supply bill in
the British House of Commons that; it seems
quite possible for Parliament to be dissolved
by the 18th inst.
Henry Page, who was found guilty,in the
M lntr•eal Court of Queen's Bench of swind-
ling horse dealers, was sentenced Yesterday
by Chief Justice Lacoste to three years' im-
prisonment in the penitentiary.
The Brazilian insurgents in Matto Grosso
have abandoned Fort Coimbra and are flee -
Fh;' from the Province. the rebel gunboa s
ernandez. and Humaila have been surrend-
ered to the Brazilian Minister in Paraguay.
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to HENRY L. HAUPT, Pietldent,
Agents Wanted Everywhere
ISSUE NO 25. 1892.
In replying to any of these
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Send us your CORSET,measure, 10 cents and a
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only one article will be sent to any family:
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I will sell your House, Farm. or
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Send stamp for reply.
Real Estate Agent,
476 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
12,000 O1 good Farming Lande,titleperferb
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Pena and Loon Lake Railroads, ab
prices ranging from $2 to $5 per acre. These
lands are close to enterprising new towns,
churches, schools, etc., and will be sold on most
favorable terms. Apply to
R. M. PIERCE, West Bay City,
Or to
J. W. CURTIS, Whittemore, Mioh
Please mention this paper when writing,
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Three Thousand Park Lots.
save some. On or about the 1st July, 1892.
the Lake .Publishing Company will issue the
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f 1'i E• Thnusun,L of t, t toomils. Sold by all drugy,.st>
a7 0tt,y ,nalt, pn-tpai 1, aero re' -.rued in plain Wr•,p
;•et•, with hull directions, for $2, THE ('11ARM:ji'4I
SPECIALTY CO.. of ('hiCago, 111., Sole Agents.
U /rest Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Me
Its in time. Sold b • drettsts.