HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-24, Page 2t • LONDON'S NEW FIEND. HARRISON-REID. D. A Systematic Poisoner Operating Among • ° the Women of.the Street. Fronded dent Harrison Nominated for a . — Seen id Torn m . ,�.:� .. HE ADMINISTERS--`-. STRYO.oSNINE. A London cable says : A few days ago the police were called into a disreputable house where they found two demi-mondaines named Shrivel and Marsh in the agonies of death. They said that a man who had been visiting them offered them some globules, which they thought were com- fits, and They each swallowed one. The man almost uninediately left: A few seconds later they felt terrible pain, and they continued in agony until their death, which followed shortly after the entrauce of the police. This extraordinary case is assuming an international aspect. It is claimed that the alleged murderer, whose name is not given, formerly resided in the United States, and committed or attempted similar primes in 'Brooklyn, N. Y. If the current reports are true he most be a sort of Jack -the -Ripper,. with' the exception that he used poison instead of the knif4. It is stated that the London and New Yorktpolice have been in communication on the subject of the alleged fiend, and that the New' York police have given important information to the London authorities. The police still withhold the -nameof the accused, and until it is revealed there will be some public donbtas to whether they have such a man. It is positively asserted, however, that they have, and that the evidence will convict him of having administered strychnine to the Stam- ford street girls with the object of causing their death. Had the poison worked a little more quickly the girls would not have lived long enough to make the revelation, which leaves no doubt that a doable murder was committed. The wretch seems to have had the poison ready, carrying it in globules in his pocket, so that, while the girls were not suspecting any harm, he playfully induced them to swallow the globules. The report is that the suspected person had a monomania for murdering females of the unfortunate class, and that he has had probably many other victims. As suicide is frequent among,sugh unfortunates, it is possible that other crimes of the same kind as that whicll caused the death of the Shrivel and Marsh girls has been set down to suicide. The reason given for not having revealed the name of the alleged murderer is that it might defeat the endsof justice, and it° is stated that, with the object of preventing the wretch from ' getting free whiie they were making their investigations, the police have held him on another charge. It is rumored that other deaths of a similar kind have taken place, and on this subject the police are also investigating, going through the records to ascertain as far as poesible the names and histories of young women of doubtful character known to have died from poison. The use of strychnine as the ,deadly 'agent is considered significant of the -murderer's desire to kill his victims as speedily as possible. The case is the talkof London demi-monde, and excites almost as much interest as thatof "Jack -the -Ripper." A young woman who asked a female coin- panion to take some globules for her breath yesterday came near being arrested, as the wontan set up a cry that she wanted to poison her. A constable was called in, and upon investigation the pilules proved to be for the purpose the young woman suggested. Startling developments are expected when the case comes up for examination in the Police Court. WHITELAW REID FOR VICE. J. G. Blaine Beaten Badly, on the Very First Ballot. MINNnAPOLIs, June. — At the conclu- sion of the call of States at the Republican Convention, ex -Governor Sewell, of New Jersey., moved that the convention -proceed to ballot. Amid great applause the motion prevailed, and a period of intense suspense followed as the chairmen of the delegations of the various States proceeded to poll their delegation preparatory to seconding the roll call which world follow. Alabama was the first State called, and it responded with 15 votes for Harrison: As the voting pro- ceeded and it became apparent that Mr. Harrison would have the nomination, Mr. McKinley said : " Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Convention,—I move that the rules be suspended and that Benja- min Harrison be nominated unanimously for President of the United States by accla- mation." The Harrison people gave one wild hysteric cheer of exhnitation and approval, but there were cries of "No, no ; roll call, roll call," from the Blaine and McKinley delegates in various parts of the hall. An enthusiastic Blaine man made the point of order that the motion of Mr. McKinley was not in order pending a roll call. " I desire to say," said Mr. McKinley, " that you can suspend any rule you have got by a two-thirds majority, and let us do it now." Once more the Harrison people gave manifestations that their cup of joy was overflowing, but the Blaine and McKinley people were still obstinate, and refused to yield to the persuasive influence of the generous Governor of Ohio. Just at this juncture various gentlemen surrounded Mr. McKinley and a hurried conference was held. The latter again mounted the platform, beckoned for recog- nition, and said : "Mr. Chairman, let me say 'one word. There are States, as I. understand it, that have not been reached which desire to record their votes, and I understand that they desire to record their votes in the direction of my motion, (Applause). I therefore, in order to en- able them to do so, withdraw my motion." The roll call continued, and of course from this time on showed steady and signifi- cant gains for Mr. Harrison. At the end -it was obvious that he was nominated by a considerable majority, but it took the clerks along gam to foot up the result. " The clerk will announce the results of the roll call," said Chairman McKinley half an hoar later, he having resumed the chair in the interval. f0 The whole number of votes," said the clerk, ` is 904i ; the number necessary to a choice is 453. (Applause.) Benjamin Harrison receives 535 votes—(prolonged applayise)—James G. Blaine receives 182a— applause)—William McKinley receives 182 (cheers)—Robert Lincoln one vote, and Thomas B. Reed one vote." (Applause.) " Benjamin Harrison having received a majority of all the votes cast," said Chair- man McKinley, " is the nominee of this convention. Shall that nomination be made unanimous ?" (Greatapplause and cheers and cries of " Yes, yes. Let us make it unanimous.") " All in favor of making it unanimous say ' aye,' " said the Chairman. There was - a storm of ayes. Chairman McKinley never put the negative. " It is unanimous," said he, at 4.36 p. m., and once more the con- vention gave itself over to one of those scenes of enthusiasm which had become so familiar in theproceedings of the day. A delegate moved to adjourn until 8 p. m., and although there was a disposition to finish up the work at once, the motion pre- vailed, and the convention adjourned until that hour. THE VOTE BY STATES. Whitelaw Reid unanimous. ,The rules weep suspended by viva voce vote, and the nomination was made unanimous. Resolutions of thanks to the chairman, to the people of Minneapolis and to everybody to whom thanks were due followed, and the great convention closed. C. M. B. A. AFFAIRS. -.. Nankee Brethren Object to the Proposed Canadian Secession. A Buffalo, N. Y., despatch says : It is said there will likely be trouble at the biennial meeting of the Supreme Grand Body of the Catholic Mutual Benefit -Asso- ciation, which will take place in Montreal on the second Tuesday in September. As there are 6,000 ' memkers of the order in Buffalo, and several of the luminaries of the order reside here, the approaching disturb- ance is particularly pertinent to this time and place. There are some 18,000 members of the order in Canada, and among the Canadian bodies are several who are out and out opponents of the Supreme Council. A convention of the Canadian members is to be held shortly at Hamilton, Ont., before the Supreme body meets in Montreal, when it is said the Canadian body will bolt and secede from the supreme association. All former well-established rules of order and customs are to be abolished if possible, whilst in committee of the whole, and the separationists will be there organized to carry forward any movement calculated to keep alive a bitter feeling of distrust against the Supreme Council. Slates are now being made, and none. except those who are known to be favorable to separation, either openly or privately, are to be put forward. At the head of the secession movement are several members of the executive , of the Grand Council of Canada, who, it is said, in order to gratify their thirst for exalted offices in the order, have formed a plot to sever connection with the Supreme Council, and with it, of; course, to separate the Canadian membership. Speaking of the plot a leading member of the Order said : " The Canadian brethren are quietly laying ropes- to carry out this design, which will be successful unless the members who favor remaining as they are are exceedingly vigilant. Perhaps peace and harmony with 30,000 members would be more welcome than discord and dissatis- faction with several thousand more, but con- sent can be given to the sacrifice in that way of the thousands who are desirous of maintaining connection with every portion of the association, for it must be borne in mind that the rules of the C. M. B. A. must be uniform, and separation means a total severance of all privileges now enjoyed 'that are common to all members every- where." HRKILLED THE DOCTOR. An Indian_ Who Slew the Medicine Man. Who FaileI to Cure. A Winnipeg despatch says: Governor Lawler, at the Provincial jail, last night gave shelter to four stalwart Indians of the Blood tribe, who were brought here from Fort Macleod. - One of the number is under sentence of death, and will be executed at the penitentiary on Thursday, 16th inst., while the other three are to be imprisoned for two years each fororse stealing. They were *taken out. to Stoey Mountain to -day. The Indian. under self nee of death, while realizing the fate before him;iis quite in- different in demeanor! He killed a medi- cine marrof the band, and in talking of the \crime he appears to think he was Justified taking the life of his victim. It seems hat the medicine man was called in to minister medicine to children of the risoner who were ill, and as the little ones ed the Indian considered he had a right kill the doctor, who was, supposed -to ave caused the • deihise of the children. e Indian used a tomahawk, inflict' g .five gashes on' the head of the, mediciine' man, each of which.penetrated through the bone. PUNISHED A WIFE -BEATER. Dipped Him in the Creek and Tickled Him With Switches. A Rochester despatch says: Last night the neighbors of Fred Whithey, who re- sides at Pavilion, Genessee County, con- cluded that he had abased his wife suffi- ciently during his recent sprees. A company gathered and took Whithey from the house of a neighbor. They ducked him in Oatka Creek, whipped him severely, and, after taking him home and obliging him to apologize to his wife, gave him 24 hours to leave town. The membe'ra of the party then, complained on themselves before a justice of the ppeeaacce, and were held for ex- amination in -bonds of $100 each. There is great excitement in the community. FIST AGAINST SHOVEL. A Toronto Ooal Garters' Quarrel Ends in. Homicide. State. Harrison. Blaine. McKinley. Alabama.. ...... '15 Arkansas ........ 15 California ......., . 8 Colorado ........ • Connecticut 4 Delaware • ....... Florida 8 Georgia 26 Idaho Illinois ..........34 Indiana 30 Iowa ' 20 Kansas•11 Kentuck `a 22 Lonisian 3 Maine Marylai 14 Mi h�iga seats..:; 18 MMinnesota 8 Montana ...°.. 5 Nebraska 15 Nevada..... . Missouri.... 28 Mississippi .. :, 13l New Hampshire4 New Jersey 18 New York 27- North Carolina 18i North Dakota2 Ohio 1 Oregon Pennsylvania 19 Rhode Island1 South Carolina13 South Dakota8 Tennessee 17 22 8 He Was Not Judge Dean's Son. A Kingston despatch says : Mr. George K. Dean, son of Judge Dean, of Lindsay, and a resident of this city, was notimpli- cated in the Lockport smuggling case. He was interviewed by a reporter last evening and said : " People in -making statements about me should be very careful and not get information mixed. The best proof that I am not the Dean referred to is that I am in the city. I have been here since Harty's election, and have not been absent one day. The papers insiri�aating that I am the man will have to take their words back." The ship St. Leo sailed from Brooklyn on Saturday with a cargo for the starving Russian peasants. The vessel was gaily decorated with emblems by the ding s Texas Vermont Virginia....' 9 n ' West STirginia12 Wisconsin 19 Wyoming 4 Arizona.... • 1 District of Colum- bia New Mexico ,, 6 .. Oklahoma........ 6 - • Utah Alaska 2 •- Indian Territory1 .. At seven minutes before 9 o'clock, a ma- jority of the delegates being in their seats, Chairman McKinley called the conve tion to order. The galleries were about two- thirds full.- As soon as the convention was in order, the chairman announced that the next order of business was the presentation found with him his body picked of names for nomination to the Vice-Presi- a There am when6 suspicions washpt the dency. Tho call of the roll of States pro- P ceeded without interruption until New 1 deceased- met with foul play. The jury York was reached. Then State Senator i rendered a` verdict of found drowned. In O'Connor was recognized, and tobk the plat- the meantime Detective Fleury is looking form to nominate Hon. Whitelaw Reid, of into the matter. New York, for vice -President. ' Rev. John E. Emmens was yesterday Mr. Carney, of .Iows, moved to suspend elected President of the 'Methodist Confer- Washin 7 1 9 1 8 8 1 1 6 •14 .5 2 8 .12 1 2 9 1 °6 4 41 2 2 35 21 4 •3 5 3 6 13 8 • 2 2 1 2 1 9 1 2 11 19 1, 1 l 10 1 45 7 42 1 3 •3 STORY OF `A'N 'EYE=WITNESS A Toronto report of Thursday says : Lying on a marble slab at the city morgue is the dead body of Richard Walker and behind the bars at No. 1 Police Station is a young Irishman named James Walsh, who killed him. The only mark on the body is a small wound in the centre of the forehead and this is only superficial. The story as to what led up to the man's death is simple and there is no mystery whatever surround- ing the affair. A gang of men employed by the Burns Coal Company were yesterday afternoon engaged in ca,rrtingg soft coal from box cars on the Grand Trunk.track,near the foot of Yonge street to the steamer Lakeside. One of these men was James Walsh, who boards with Daniel McCurdy at 693 King street west. The men who Were working with him were James Cassidy, 66 Tecumseh street ; Patrick McKew, 11 Coateworth street ; George Hoodlese, 16 Shuter street ; James Northy, 173 Booth avenue, and Samuel Sutton, 130 Tecumseh street. At about 5.45 o'clock only two or three car loads remained to be removed from the cars, and all of the men except Walsh and Mc - Kew were leaving for the stables to put their horses away. Just then a ' driver, known around the yards as "Dickey " Walker, who had been delivering coal about the city during the day, came along and re- ported at the office. George Macdonald, the bookkeeper, told him to go over to the cars and assist Walsh and McKew in get- ting out the balance of the coal for the Lakeside. He went and reached the car just as Walsh was leaving for the steamer with acart feed. Walsh came bank in a few minutes, and said that he thought he was very would put his horse in, as t little more work to be done. THE QUARREL. Walker, who had been drinking, acted ugly, and the two soon quarrelled. Angry words were exchanged, but no blows struck until Walsh entered the car, when Walker made a swipe at him with his shovel. Walsh caught the blade in his' hand and in �a second' jumped towards his • antagonist. McKew sprang forward to catch him, but it was too late. Walsh had dealt Walker a terrific blow in the neck with his fist, and the latter fell heavily to the floor of the car. Other .blows, according to the prisoner's statement, were struck after Walker fell. McKew picked the man up from the floor but the limbs were limp and helpless. He then brought a pail of water and bathed his head, thinking that Walker had fainted or was in a fit. Walker lay there unconscious to all that was being done, and his face gradually took on a death -like look,.while Walsh proceeded with his load of coal • to the water front. Mr. Mac- donald was called over and he. ',also thought that the man was only stunned. Several minutes were spent by those two in endeavoring to bring the injured man about before they thought it necessary to call. in a physician. P. C. Lillburn-heard of the affair and went into the car, Dr. King arriving on the scene about the same time. As soon as the - doctor saw the man lying before him with his face covered with coal dust and blood, he pronounced him dead. Detective Burrows came running down Yonge street, learned that Walker was dead; ascertained the name of the man.with whom he had been quarrelling, and then went into the stable where Walsh was putting away his horse. At that time Walsh did not know • how serious had been the result of his un- fortunate altercation with Walker, but when the detective informed him'that he was under arrest for murder and gave him the usual caution, Walsh wailed out like a maniac and said he would not believe it un- til he saw the dead man's face. That privi- lege was granted to him/. and then he com- pletely broke down. The patrol wagg had arrived and the body was removed r the morgue. AN EYE -WITNESS' STORY. Patrick McKew was the orly eye -witness of the tragedy, and consequently his will be the anost important evidence. - He made the following statement : " hick " Walker was around town all day delivering coal in a four -wheeled waggon. Walsh and I were unloading a car of soft coal and taking it down Milley's dock for the steamer Lake- side. We were almost at, the foot of Yonge street. Walker came along about 5.45, and Geo. Macdonald told him to go and help the boys at the car. There were only about three more loads to be moved. Walker got into the car with me, and in a few minutes Walsh came up from the wharf with his cart, and asked me if we would finish it. Walker went to, the door of the car and ' said, " What the — do you mean ? Don't you- know we won't finish it ?" Walsh .backed in his cart and asked Walker what he was giving orders for. Walker told him that was none of his business, all he had to do was to get to work. " You're pretty smart," said Walsh, and Walker replied, "I'm that smart that I'd knock the head off you. in two minutes with the shovel." Walsh, who was backing in his cart, said, " You wouldn't hit a man with your shovel ?" " I would in two minutes," -Quickly answered Walker, and at the same moment drew up his shovel and struck twice at Walsh, who dodged the weapon. Walsh then got into the car and began to put* in his load, at the same time saying to Walker, " Is that the kind of a man you are ? You're not able to hit me with your fists:" " That's the kind of a man I am," answered Walker, and lift- ing his shovel again struck a savage blow at Walsh, cutting his hand. Walsh dashed upon him and struck him a tremendous blow ' in the neck. Walker fell and I grabs ed Walsh, but can't say whether he kicked him . or not. I called Walker by name, but he did not answer, and 1 think he must have died instantly. I think he got the cut on his forehead by falling in the car. I went and told Walsh that I feared he had done Walker harm, and Walsh said : " Pshaw, thet couldn't have done him harm, but he done his best to do me harm.", That's all I know about it: Walker had only been working in the yard about three months, and Walsh, a young Irishman of 22 years, had been there nearly fi . e years. Both had the reputation of being quiet fellows when not drinking. Ngiwher of them, have any relatives'here. An inquest will be held°'this afternoon at the morgue before Coroner W. H. B. A.ik- ins. Drs. King and John Caven will per- form a post-mortem examination this orning. • , AN ICE LOCOMOTIVE, Which is Expected to Reach the North Pole. A London cable says : An Athenian pro- fessor of mathematics named I)amaskin has invented an ice locomotive which he expects will carry hirci to the North Pole. He /has given an order for the 'construction of a large locomotive after his pattern, and is now calling for volunteers to accompany 'him to the Arctic Ocean. The locomotive is to have a unique arrangement, by which it will lay and take up the rails as it runs. Short spikes on the underside of the:rails will make the latter temporarily fast in the ice. The locomotive will be operated by steam, and at the same time will supply heat to keep the travellers from suffering from cold. The cab is to carry provisions for the exploring party. The locomotive and cab will be conveyed in parts to Spitz- bergen, Prof. Damaskin says, will there be put together, and will then be run for the North Pole at the rate of 30 miles an hour. As Spitzbergen.is about 600 miles from the North Pole, Prof. Damaskin expects to reach his destination in 20 hours. He allows eight hours for his first observations and 20 hours for returning, so that the whole trip, Spitzbergen nd return, will be made in just two days. Prof. Damaskin hopes to be ready to sta on his journey late in September or early in October. AT TIIALEE. Rival Irish Factions Crack Each 0 Crowns—leo Injured. A Dublin cable says : Messrs. Wnl. Red- mond, Edward Harrington and Henry Har- rington were in Tralee this afternoon to addrees a large meeting of Parnellites: About 3,000 persons were present. They remained perfectly orderly until the Chair- man prepared to introduce the speakers, when- it became apparent that the meeting bad been packed with anti-Parnellites. There were then loud shouts against Mr. Harrington and Mr. Redmond, and cries of • It Never Pays. It never pays to do wrong, no matter how bright the reward may look. It never pays to be careless about your health, even if you can get your doctoring done for nothing. It never pays to break a promise made to a 'child. It never pays to run in debt for things you cah get along without. It never pays to buy anything j cause it is cheap. It never pays to be on the wrong si the truth. It never pays to put off repenting until ' you get too old to find pleasure in sin. It never pays to leave the weeds in the 1 garden until they grow bigger.—Ram's { Horn. st be- e of " Blackguard," " Ireland's enemies " Traitors." The Parnellites raised co shouts and began cheering for ad nt' r rnell. Two fights were started near the platform,. and one of the disturbers was knocked senseless. This was the signal for a general row. Several men came down from the platform and tried to restore order, but in vain. Clubs and stones were plenty in the crowd, and the members of the opposing factions did not hesitate to use them. The meeting be ;ame a. mob. Men were thrown to the ' ground and trampled and struck, coats were torn from the backs of those trying to escape from the fights, and blows were levelled right and left without care as to whom they struck. Those on the outskirts pressed in toward the platform to aid their friends until all were so tightly packed that even the most peaceab?. in- clined ones had to join in the fi in self-defence. The band which began play- ing early in the disturbance to drown the disorder was completely wrecked. A party of anti-Parnellites attacked the members with clubs, knocked down five of them, put the rest to flight, captured all the instruments and stamped them to pieces. When Mr. Harrington stepped down from the platform to help to pacify the com- batants, he was struck on the shoulder with a stone and received on the back a blow from a heavy stick. He hastily returned to the platform. After the fight had lasted about ten minutes an extra force of consta- bles arrived and they broke through the crowd, clubbing the participants and beat- ing the leaders into temporary submission. The wounded were then carried away and the meeting became quiet enough for the speakers to proceed. About 25 men were severely, injured in the riot. Eighteen had broken bones and several were injured internally by being trampled on by the crowd.' Seven are said to be in a critical condition. About 100 men were less seriously injured. Half of the persons present had their clothes torn or were scratched and bruised. The police re- mained present throughout the meeting to prevent the recurrence of the disturbance. Whitening Linen With I'otat0es. A laundryman in the vicinity of Paris has discovered a very ingenious method, of cleaning linen without soap. He uses no soap, nor lye, nor chlorine, but replaces these substances by boiled potatoes, with which be rubs the linen. This curious process, it appears, is much superior to those hitherto employed, and the worst soiled cotton, linen and silk, cleaned by this method, are made whiter than they could be by the use of an alkali. Besides, the method has the advantage that. brushes can be dispensed with, and well water be used. Matthew Sutherland, a young resident of Kildonan, Man., was drowned while bathing n Red River. An. order has been made for the postpone- ment of the South Perth election trial until September 8th. Yesterday Dr. Belleau, district coroner, held an inquest on the body of Victor Dro- let, found drowned in the creek known as the River. Lairet, at Quebec, on Tuesday last. A number of witnesses were exam- ined, and it was proved that the deceased had a silver watch, a sum of money, an overcoat, and umbrella in his possession when last seen alive, and they were not llaughters. the "rules and make the nomination of Mr. ence for tilarttob^ and the Northwest . .f A Contract Unfilled. " Look here," said the advertiser to the publisher, " you contracted to put my advertisement next to pure reading matter." " Yea, sir, and I did so. Here it is, in the column adjoining a love story—a French love story, too." " Well, my dear sir, I hope you don't call a French love story pure reading matter." —Brooklyn Life. An Overworked Invalid. Doctor—Have you tried the seashore ?. Invalid—Yes, I tried it once, but it's too hard work. Dressing and undressing is very tirdsonie. "I don't quite understand." " Well, you see the doctor I had there said 1 must take a toddy after each bath." "Yes, but suppose he did." " It keeps me bathing all the time." A sprinter named Carl Brackman and a clerk named Carl Maiwald having 'become engaged in an altercation with Station In- spector Geissler, on duty at Breslau, shot and killed him, and also Policeman Hubel, who attempted to arrest them. The mur- derers were pursued by a posse of mounted police. Upon being overtaken they pre- pared to resist capture, whereupon the police charged upon them with drawn sabres, quickly placing them hors de com- bat and securing their arrest. Mr. Thomas Norquay, M. P. P. for Kil- donan; Man., brother of the Premier, Norquay, was run over by an en e on the C. P. R. track in, Winnipeg on , ednesday night, and received injuries of so serious a nature that he died at the hospital yester- day morning. At the Toronto Methodist Conference yesterday the question of organizing an order of deaconesses in connegion with the church was considered by a committee. RE NOT a Par- t'.gative Meth - ma. They aro a BLOOD BUILDER, TONIC and RE00U- avanoton, as they supply in a condensed form the substances actually needed to en - all diseases conning from Fool and WAT- RY BLOOD, or from 118 VITIATED HUMORS in the BLOOD, and also invigorate and BuILn IIP the LOOD and SYSTEM, }nen brbknn' F 0 R down b Overwork. ' •mental wo yJdisease, A L E'f. .. excesses and indiscre- tions. They have e SPEcnrlo Acr lox on E Q P L:E both men and women, the SEXUAL SYSTEM of restoring LOST vision and correcting all IUOEOL*LARITIEa and SUPPRESSIONS. EVERY MAN Who finds his mental fac ulties dull or failiu or his physical powers flagging, should, take tliese Pitts. They will restore bis lost energies, both physical and mental. EVERY3 should take ththem� � Th.y cure an sup prossions and trregnlaritir`s, which inevitably entail sickness when, uegiectr•d. Y®UN MEQ st i},nnl i .rico theSO 1 LLL9 tPitp k� "?:nv Yri;l euro the snits of o hip' arts Kau: a and strengthen the Bystem.y - i ' ng YOUNG®ilEil should take them X71 Ti�oso PII.Lp Nill make them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will bo sent Ivor, receipt of prica(Goc. per box), by addressing THE DR. WILLIA:itS' MED. CO Brockville. Ont