Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-24, Page 1• • a 3�1 1t ,0 1 ll C1 TAYLOR Has now in stock full lines in Sap Buckets *JERSEY CREam AND FACTORY CANS and all dairy supplies. ti r VOL XIX. --26 ;nf1,...n¢7�A'1°'*"b7'- .m PAY' HARDY/ EV$n gimps seal forte yews iu variety and 6>u ity.. Kalsomiuing at, the. 'seasou of house cleaning, Paints, oils sad varnishes. y ' in abundance. ' Fence wire alai everything tp 1 found in a first class hard- - ware st)re. All of whie.f,,' seill'_ba solei cheaper-thslu.. the cheapest at D. C. Tay for' . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIhAY, JUNE 24, 1892. Amossomossmitaigeisolosituispil WHOLE NO. 962. BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. ciapita paid up $1,25o,000 Reserve Fund '• $65o,000 Total Assets - - $7.979,646 President -JOHN STU.R,T Vice President—A. G. Ramsay. ' DIRECTORS : JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACF A. T. WcoD, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SAVINGS BANK .—Hours 10 to 3 ; Satur- day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest allowed. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- ' rent rates, of interest. RAFTS on Great Britain and the United ates bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. eight .. DENTAL J. S, JEROME, L. P. S. Wingham, will be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for 810. Filiing and extracting a specialty LEGAL. A.. MALCOMSON,, 'BARRISTER, F• . Solicitor, Conveyancer. etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand. A MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT ■ ■ • law, Solicitor in Cancery, Convey- onvey-ancer, Commisioner, etc. Office. over the ancer , barber shop. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- tens, Solicitors, etc., , Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, QC, Wm. PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL T A. McDONALD; M. 1)., C. M. C. P. S. v p O. Office, Kintail. DR.ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESI- dence, Outram street, secoud door north of Little's shoe store, DR. TENNANT, - PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- losite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p, m. TT McD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. ¶J TVI S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, 1 south of.D. R. McIntosh's store. Dr,. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS 1 either by mail or telegram promptly attended to, Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rigan's hall. Boarding house. Cain's hotel, Lucknow. GENERAL j�/� ONEY TO -LOAN ! ON .FIRST -GLASS 1 1VA • mortgages,at 7 to 7i per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. security for any time, at the lowest s rate of interest. The principal may be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the princi- pal may be paid each yegr, interest ceasing on 4 the amount paid. For further particulars, etc., apply to ANGUS STEWA11T, Luckliov , ^ SOCIETIES C. T. U.— The regular monthly • meeting of the Women's Chriktian Temperance Union will be held every second F Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows. Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p. m. Mns. W. H. SMITH, President ; MRS. HORNEI;L, Secretary. IUCKNOW .4 Lodge, No. 112 11 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren 51 •ordially. invited. Wit. Hoon, N. Grand; TORN ELLr0T, Recorder. ` C(Y O. F.,COURT A . Sherwood, No. ' 50, Lucknow. Meet- '- every first and third E ' - Monday in every month, in the' Or- ange L i hall. Visit=' ing brethren a r e• t a --- cordially invited. 1.' ,� , ,n,911iu T. MATTHIE, C. R. ,l, .;y i.. ',� \\ - 11' D. D. YULE SEC, AA O. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF Com. the Ancient Order United Workmen, neet in' the Oddfellowehall, on the last and econd Monday evenings of each month a o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially p nvited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workfraa I. D. CAMERON, Recorder. , to —There are very few people who attempt to deal with mosquitoes as (they do with other insects. Sufferance seems to be the general rule. There appears to be no remedy quite so effect- ual for this pest as the odor of penny- royal. The essential oil sold in the drug stories is hardly so effectual as the fresh herb itself." A boquet of these fragrant herbs will usually drive away this troublesome pest. GEO, MA.IR & CO. BANKERS, Or Lunow Banking Comp'y, LUCKNOW, FEB'Y 13TH, 1892. TO THE FARMERS: Since the date of our last advertisement to you we have sold 1100 acres of land, and being all the land held by us in behalf of the various Loan Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm of 200 acres in Kinloss, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of payment. Several farmers Lave however, placed their farms in our hands for sale, so that we hope to be able to apply the bulk of the demand for farms as heretofore. But as our sales exceeded 1000 acres last spring we would request those in want of acheap farm to apply early, as the spring time will now soon be here. We -can grant very reasonable terms of payment for all our sales and a low rate of interest. If you wish to renew or change you mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we can guaran- tee you satisfaction' and at a very trifling expense. We lend money on farmers' notes fer long or short time, and can supply all demands on reasonable terms, Sale notes a specialty. We do a general banking business of. all kinds with Merchants, Cattle Dealers, Shippers and Farmers. GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager MUSICAL TUITION. ANY ONE REQUIRINGFIRST-CLASS lessons in music can have the same from Prof, Mose, IL Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. For terms apply to the Rev. Kr. Connor, the rectory. Prof. Moss will be in Lucknow.on Mondays. t TUSIC LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT by Mise Kaake, late of Blyth. Pupils ttended at their own homes or at her resi- ence over E. Kaake's photograph gallery. 'erms reasonable. CHURCH DIRECTORY. FeNGLISH CHURCH —SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m, Sunday School, :30 p. m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening a o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. A arewelcome. REV. W. J. CONNOR, Pastor. C. T. R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Lucknow for south at 6:03 a m, 0:30 a, m. and 6:25 p. m, North at 12:25 p. m„ 4:05 p. m, and 10:37 m. ire and Marine Insurance. orth British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto, iyerpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. uardian, of London;'jngland. Phoenix, o London, England, and Accident In- ' trance Co'y., of'North America, Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM, GENT - • GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at my expense, INSURANCE. armers, look to your own interest and insure your farm buildings and private dwellings in the LONDON MUTUAL.' o Iarge Premium Notes required CASH SYSTEM : cents to 90 cents per 8100 for three years. JOHN LANE GENT, KINLOUCH, Also agent for the Phoenix, of London, ngland. NOTICE. HE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, EEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. lans,specifications and estimates for build ings, mills, bridgesietc., furnished on short notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow. Jan .1891. LUCKNOW . MECHANICS' INSTI- tute. Reading room open every evening from 7 to 10 v. m., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to 6 p. tn. Th librarian will be in attendance durixg thea hours. D. 1). YULE, Preaileat ? r3 Ysabioon, Secretary. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Newsy Items Served up for !sentinel Readers —Bargains in millinery, for the next ten days at Connell's. —Helebore, Paris Gieen and insect powder at Harry Days% —The minutes of the Bruce County Council will appear in 6ur next issue. —Do you want a good carpet at a low price go to Connell; Lucknow. —The hest tea for the money can be had at Connell's for 35 cents per pound. —The wool season has fully com- menced and large quantities are being marketed. —Misses Allie and Tillie Little arrived nome on Wednesday from the. Hamilton Ladies' College. —Paris Green ! pure paris green for Potatoe bugs at Harry Days' The Rev. J. Kenner preached in the Lucknow Methodist church on Sunday morning last. —Bicycle, in first-class order for sale at C. Stewart's tailor shop. Can be bought cheap for cash. —Machine Oils! Lardine, Castorrne, Climax and other . m chine oils at Harry Days'. —The Rei r::a: eddis, of White. church, preached in the Presbyterian church here, on Sunday. last.' —Mens' summer coats and vests in great variety at Connell's —A job line of duck vests at $1.25 each worth double the money. . —Mr. P. Malcomson, barrister of this village, is attending camp at Lon don, as Lieutenant of the Teeswater company. —On July 5th the charges against Sheriff Sutton, of the county of Bruce, will be investigated at Walkerton by Mr_ azEmilius Irvin:', acting as commissioner, -Baby carriages ! Anyone needing a baby buggy can get a bargain by buying at Harry Days' —Fall wheat, and hay never looked better. Spring wheat, oats and barley good. Fruits of every kind prospects good ; root crop prospects good. —Mr. Robert Elder, an old resident of the village passed away on Saturday last, and his remains were buried in the Kinloss cemetery on Monday. —At the convocation exercises of the Brantford Presbyterian Young Ladies College, fon Menday last, Miss Carrie Lawrence, of Lucknow, was second on the list of lienor graduates. —We see by the bill of the Goderich lst_of July sports printed in the Star office that they are going to have "ac- quatic" sports in the circular town on Dominion day. —Messrs. R. Fraser, S. 1lalcomsou, Misses Straham and • Malcomson, :Misses Mable and (race Cameron, and Mr. Malcomson drove over .from God- erich on Saturday on a visit to. Mr. Malcomson, Barrister. The- party returned in the evening. —Miss Lou Coiling has arrived home from College. - We are pleased to note that she suceeded at the recent examinations in becuring a second Class teacher's certificate with first class honors in the Alma College Con- servatory /of Music, St. Thomas. —Venus, the brilliant star that makes such a display in the evening sky, is now moving towards the earth, and about the end of this month will appear at its brightest. When at the present time examined with a telescope the planet presents the appearance of a half-moon, and may be seen with the nakedeye in broad daylight. —The California State Board of Health has sent out a circular entitled "The dangers arising from taking off the hat out of doors during funeral services." It attacks the custom strongly, and urges that one funeral is often the cause of many, because the friends of the dead stand around in the open air, evey� in winter for many min- utes, while the body is being lowering from houss to hearse, or while the ceremonies at the grave are taking place. The board asks ministers and and chiefs of lodges and others who may have charge at funerals ' to give the beneficent advice to remain covered 'and avoid discomfort and da:lger. PATRONS OF I11I/USTRY. Report of the Bruce Comity Association at Pinkerton. A meeting of the executive commit- tee of Bruce County Association Pat- rons. of Industry was held in Johnston's Hall, Pinkerton, on June 14 at 2 p. m. County President John S. McDonald Esq. in the chair. Several delegates from sub -associations were present. Minutes of the County meeting held at Paisley, on January 13th and 14th were read and adopted, also a state- ment of the membership showing an increase of over nineteen per cent in the number of members reported dur- ing the last quarter as compared with previous quarter. He also read a finan- cial statement showing a handsome balance in the treasury. On motion, delegates from sub -asso- ciations were received and allowed to vote at this meeting, The meeting in committee of the whole decided to leave the purchasing of binder twine with the Township Association. The secretary reported that it would be necessary to appoint two new auditors.ros. Geo. Pringle and Geo. Leeds were appointed. It was agreed to join with Wellington County Patrons in pic-nic to Model farm on June 23rd if the Wellington County Secretary would secure suitable train service from Southampton. After intermission the committee on Legislature reported as follows : 1st We recommend a reduction in the number of county councillorsas proposed by members of the Ontario Legislature at its last session. 2nd That the number of represent- atives be based upon a rate according to population as aforementioned legis- lation. 3rd That each county he divided into districts for this purpose, each district to elect their representative by popular vote, the vote to be taken at municipsl election, also each district to consist of defined municipal boundaries. • 4th Method of nominating, to be as follows ;—The County Council, at its last session in each, year, to appoint a returning officer in each district, whose duty will be to . receive nominations from any qualified voter in the district, when if there he anymore than 1 notninee he will prepare ballotpapersto be used under the supervision of the municipal returning officers. Re Legislative acton your commit- tee is of opinion that one of the great obstacles in the way of securing legis- lation in our interests as agriculturists is oar two great adhesion to partyism. LANES. The turnout at the pic-nic was smaller than was expected. The day was fine, and the lake in good condition for rowing. All seemed to enjoy the day's outing. A shingle mill is in full blast on the premises of W. H. Reid. The milk wagon was entrapped in the gravel pit one morning last week. Cans, driver and waggon received a rather sudden concussion. The dama- ges to cans and loss of milk will amount to a nice little sum. T. E. Finlay is at present spending a few weeks at Preston. Mr. D. Fraser, of Georgetown, is visiting friends in this locality. Mrs. Walter Finlay, of Echo Bay, is spending a few weeks among her many friends in Ashfield. F. W. Johnston started for British Columbia a few days ago. Mr, and Mrs. Boyd, of Belfast, visit- ed friends around here during the past week. ' R. Fraser is off on a trip to Port Elgin, Owen Sound and Collingwood to visit his old, neighbors and friends. Some of our young people took a drive to Langside on Saturday last. All parties should remember that the new law regarding the sale of tobacco is now in force and should en- deavour to help enforse the new regu- lations by strict adherence to the rules, and not leave merchants and those selling tobacco open to the law, or under necessity of sending those under the required age home again without the article wanted. Give your grocers notice to supply your children when 1 sent for tobacco. WHITECHURCH. Mr. C. Fraser, school teacher at Patron Hill, had his' leg broken while kicking foot -hall the other. day, School will now be closed till after vacation. Statute labor is the order of the day here this week. We sorry to learn that Mr. P. O'Calagham is on the sick list. - Mr. John Campbell, agent for the Noxon Manufacturing Co., has sold more machinery this year than on any former one. The oldest settlers in this vicinity cannot remember ever' before 'seeing all kinds of crops promise, so abnndant a yield. Even ,potatoe bugs and mosquitoes are a good crop. Leap year passes very dull in this town_ Nothing to report, not even a sign unless Sam means business. CREWE. Miss Myrilla Russel has returned to our burg. Mr. Thos. Clare, of Cleveland, paid Cherry Grave a flying visit last Sunday. Mr..Thos. Culbert has a field of hay cut, the first of the season. We are pleased to notice Mr. P. Sherwood able to be out again after his long severeylness. - Mr. Jno. Armstrong has returned from Manitoba. John says Manitoba is not nor never will be as good a country as Ontario. A horse belonging to Mr. Wm. Kaiser, of the 4th con. became en- tagled in a barb wire fence while on • pasture, receiving some severe, scratches. ' . Miss Maggie Kilpatrick, of Chicago, formerly of this vicinity, was severly injured in a railway accident in that -city a few weeks ago. At last accounts she was getting better. Our cheese factory is now 'turning out nearly } ton of cheese per day_ How is that for the second month . of its existence. UU.LKERTON. At last the Separate School' ques- tion is decided . and the Roman Catholic ratepayers of Walkerton will have a school of their own. The court of revision last week decided .the appeal regardingassessments in favor of the Separate School Sup porters. Several of the prominent and wealthy Catholics of the town however still refuse their support, and their taxes will go as before to the public school fund. Last week was a busy week here, county court, county council and the two day's demonstration coming all in one week made more than the usual amount of stir: The attendance of visitors at the demonstration was not so large as expected but the various events were interesting especislly the 'lacrosse match in Which Walkerton beat Kin- cardine ; the base hall match in which Wroxeter beat Owen Sound, and the hose real,race in which Kincardine firemen carried off the honors and received the $100 prize. Wingham company was only s of a second behind Kincardine and received the the second prize of $50. The horse racing formed a very interesting part of the proceedings 'both days. Even the grave county councillors found time to leave their ardeous duties and indulge in the luxury of a foot race. An interesting event takes place this week, being no less than the the marriage of Miss Kingsmill to a wealthy New Yorker. Some of the upper ten of New York will grace festivities with, their presence. Walkertonians will have a rare oppor- tunity to get a glimpse at the beauty and fashion of our rich American cousins. —Stratford is to have a big demon• stration on Dominion Day. There is to be a lacrosse match between the 'Olympics, of Milton and the Strat- ford club. The ra®e programme is a liberal one, $300 being given for a free for all trot ; $125 for a 2.50 trot and $75 for a nvmed race ti .5