HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-17, Page 5/ The• Lucknovv Sentinel, Bruce Uounty, June 17th THE EDITOR'S DREAM. An Editor sat in his office chair, his shoes were patched, his clothes thread- -hair), and his face looked weary and worn with care. While sadly think- ing of business debt, old Morpheus slowly around him crept, 'and before he knew it soundly slept ; and sleeping dreamed that he was dead, and from trouble and toil his spirit had fled,, and not even a cowbell tolled for the peace- s t e e' t g e 0 t. iul rest of -his. cowhide sole. Aird a he wandered among the shades tha smoke and scorch in lower Nadas; h shortly observed an iron door tha creekingly hung on hinge ajar, but th entrance was closed with a red ho bar and Satan himself stood peepin out waiting for travellers thereabout and thus to the passing editor spoke "cglne in wy.dear, it sh ill cost you nothing, and never fear : this is th place where I cook the ones wh never pay their subscription sums for though in life they may escape they'll find when they're dead its no too late. 1 will show you the place where I melt them thin with red hot chains and scraps of tin, and also where I come their heads with broken glass and melted leads. and if of refreshments they only think, there's boiling water for them to• drink ; the not grindstone to grind their nose, and red hot rings to wear on their toes ; and if they mention i.ttion tli y don,t • like fire I'll sew up their mouths with red hot 'tvire and then, der r, dr, you'll see hem squirm while; 1 turn them over to oel` and turn." With these last words he editor woke , and thought it . all practical ,joke. But at tittles so eal diel it seen. that ho cannot believe t. was all a dreani, and often he 'kinks with a chuekie and a • grin of fate of those Mac. sari, their tin nd never pay the printer. t c t a r t a HAVE YOU A GOOD PAIR OF .EYES ? • If your eyesight is above the average, perhaps you can tell us exactly how many dots there are in the andve inner circle. If you can do this we guar, antce you an elegant and valuable prize. It will be a more difticult,tas3 than y',u imagine at first sight. To the /Lxt person who can count the d; is in the above circle correctly and send'• us the exact num- ' ber which appear, therein will be ,given a •'time, (:oltl `,d :aces gniunntecd to be a first• class timekeeper. '1'o the second will be given a first-class Set of Encyclopedia in library binding; tithe Pei rd will be given a I'rerioh Music Box; 0, e.r •/1 of the -next (,Sr..• will Ise is en a pair of genuine Diamond J;er-rings; to nark of the next jive will be given Solid (*old Brooch with genuine diamond • s-tting.; to each of the next ten. will be given a handiiome Silk Dress Pattern, (16 yards in any color); to each of the next twenty will be givena genuine coin Sliver Watch. Tc., the /as/ person wl, . send, Die cones r. t. n- er of dots appearing in the above circle will be given a fine China Dinner Service; to each of the next /ins to • t)ce lost will be given a Silk Dress,Pattern r6 yards in any color); to each of the nest tc:r 0) the last will be given a genuine Diamond flrooch in solid gold setting; to each of the 'ie..; twenty to the but will he given a Coin silver Watch. This contest will I o con :octet! r„ /,•, ;;: ,• by one of the leading art _ pub'isbin.g aimpitnies, of the world. Every prrs,,p answering must enclose forty cents (silver)or fourteen Herne cent stamp, for one copy ora genuine reproduction of that famous picture, "A Flower• Slave," size 24x17 inches suit- able and ready for framing. This picture will ire an and anornament to the most artistic home. N. -.thing like it has_ever been sold at this price. Ourobject is to introduce these art reproductions in this country. .Our prizes are genuine and valu- able: Nothing k charged for the above rewards in any way. Weal,solutely t•t;•c ilrcm Pee to attract "attention and introduce our beautiful works of art. We guarantee a valuable prize ta every person who can send us the correct number of dots in the above Circle. As to the reliability of our company we can refer you to leading business houses in • , Toronto. .11l prizes will be given strictly as merited. and satisfaction to the public is guaran- teed. ton receipt of your answer enclosing 4o cents, ('he Flower Slave," as described above, will be sent to your address promptly, and if you are entitled to a prize for correct answer, you will also receive it promptly. Address ANGLO- AMEEICAN An ASSOCIATION, No. 0 Ground Floor, Carnin Lifo Building, Toronto, Ont, ublic Notice The Subscriber notifies the Public that he still carries on the UNDERTAKING Business, and will be prepared to fur nish all the requisites. A HEARSE' ON HAND. J`as. 3m-apr 22 Dyspepsia Intense $ufertng for 8 yegra—Re- atored to Perfect Health. Few people have suffered more severely from dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. McMahon, a well known grocer of Staunton, Va. He says: "Before 1878 I was in excellent health, weigh- ing over 200 pounds. In that year an ailment developed into aeute dyspepsia, and soon I was reduced to 162 pounds, suffering burning sensations in the stomach, I Diens° palpitin f het, nauseatao , andot indigestioehar n. I could not sleep, lost all heart in my work, had fits Of melancholia, and for days at a time I would have welcomed death. I became morose, sullen and irritable, and for eight years life was a burden. I tried many physicians and many remedies. One day a workman employed by me suggested that I take Hood's Sa sapa- ufferingrola,. as i t had cured his wife of dyspep- sia. I did so., and before taking the whole of a bottle I began to feel like a new man.' The terrible pains to which I had been subjected, ceased, the palpitation of the heart subsided, my stomach became easier, nausea disap- pealred, and my entire system began to tone up. With returning strength carne activity of mind and body. Before the fifth bottle was taken I had regained my former weight and natural condition. I am today well and I ascribe it to taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." N. B. If you decide to take Flood's Sarsa- parilla do not be induced to buy any other. ears 14,cod's Sarsa.arjlja Sold by all druggists. 51; six for$5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD .S CO;, Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa IO® Doses One Dollar NOTICE, LI1+.REllY GIVE NOTICE THAT I 1. will not be responsible for two ,cotes pay- able,to John Bennett, Lucknow, or• bearer, one for '$30, due on June 28th, 1892, and, the other due on Dec. 28th, 1892, The notes are given for a patent right; but as I have received no value 1' will not be responsible fur them. ROBERT WILSON. 4-966 Stop Peart has received a, large 'stock of. the leadin-gv line-af NO.). OtS &Vitae -4s Aird at' prices that. will meet the wishes of the public. Men's fine Balmorals and Gaiters and a large Variety of plough •boots. Women's Kid' Button. and Laced Boots cheaper • t han. -ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers, in (Different Styles. Children's wear in alit the leading lines. CALL AND EXAMINE• V.Titepairing done on short notice. PEART. UNWS BAKINO POWDER rHE000K'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE INl CANADA. E HUB .Leans them, all. for Family Grocer: ies AND, CANNEp GOODS. Fruits of .All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY. The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow: • JOHN ELLIOT:. 4 Georgian Bay Shingles. THE UNDERSICN .HAS-01=FANIb tknhistckayyihtand intends eepigemn stock season, and will be sold at the lowest possible paying price. JAMES GAUNT, Whitechurch, FROM All Stations in Ontariolin ,„,isle TICKETS WiLL BE SOLD for Excursion leaving •'TORONTO 11 p.m. un UNE 14 1892 Good to return until JULY 24th ON ‘3"1-31\T 21, 1892 Good to return until JULY 31st ON J UNE .28 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 7th. ON JULY 18- AND 19, 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 28th. , To the following points at rates named; IrEI,1►![* INE J,IUI)SOnIi20 00 BINSC.ru rH REGINA Mkl+; n•Ioos>u.Irtulr YORKTON ^ eir 36.00 • PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY p fir, W ■ EDMONTON 40.00 The Winnipeg A&;ricultural•tend Industrial' Exhibition will be held front July 2Sth to 30th inclusive, and July. 18th and 19th have been fixed upon for excursion to enable passengers to attend the Exhibition. An Aucti•,n Sale of Canadian Pacific Rail- way Lands will he heldaat Edmonton on July Lith. • Passengers takink' advantage of the excursion of June 28th will reach 1 dmoiiton in time to attend the sale. For further particulars apply to any Assent of the f;tnl,any. . J. Murchison, Agt, ..luc.'tknow. Grad Trunk EXCURSIONS To the Canadian Northwest and • return. • Return tickets (will, be sold on June 14th, • 21st and 28th July 18th and 19th. • TO= NESBITT, OXBOW DELORAINT. DIOOSOMIN, BINSCART}l. ' REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY EDMONTOl\ $28 .$30 -835 840 Through sleepers without extra charge. Baggagechecked through to destination. For rates and all information apply to O. W. HAYES,' Agent G. T. R., Lucknawt John Grin AUGT101414ER, FOR HURON 00. 3 REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL . AGENCY. SALES ATTENDED . IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed, A nnmberof FIRST -CLAS] FARMS Forsale on reasonable terms, JOHN GRIFFIN, KINGSBRIDGE P. 0. SHORTHORN BULL. ROBERT ADAIR: THE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service the above named animal for a limited number- of cows for the season of 1892.. PEDIGREE—Robert Adair was bred ab the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont., April 4th, 1891 ; got by Baron 'I Vater• loo, 13931 ; dam, Flower of Riverside, 15848. by British Sovereign, 4335 - 2nd dam, May- flower, 10032, by Dnke cf Oxford, 3099 ; 3rd Red Rose, 10496, by Marmaduke, 3504 ; 4th dam, Violet, 10887, by Colonel Balco, 426 ; 5th dam Alpha 2340, by Alfred, 304 ; 6th dam, Arabella l 06, by Robin Hood, 1017 ; 7th dam, Red Lady, 1766. by Young Cam- bridge, 1178 ; 8th dam, Beauty, 638, by Brilant, 735 ; 9th dam, Moss Rose, 1592, by Comet, 432 ; 10th dam, Ruby, 1887, by Agricola (imp.) 5 ; 11th dam, Beauty (imp) 30, by Snowball. 2647, by Lawnsleaves, 3650 by Charles, 127. TERMS—$2.00 each per season ; payable on or before the first day of November, J. F. ANDREW. t7 T ew-Good KAAKE & CO.'S Second Annuncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. d EXT. we intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful album, valued at $3 or one dozen cabinet photos free. We place in our window • a quart sealer of beans. Any one buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the number on it yon guess. The nearest. number gets the prize. Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and .will be counted by a disinterested party on July 1st. This will cone ence on April 1st. ew Spring ; . oods tt� HE PEOPLE'S ST. .HELENS. . HAVING resolved to carry on business as usual, I haus 111 just received a new and well assorted stock of Spring Goods. Beautiful patterns and latest designs in "Ladies Ceylon Suitings." Everybody should see these goods. They are simply beautiful. , ZION VIA 1N eletteS New Patterns and Fine Quality. 4—A11 the latest patterns in both English and American. All other departments of my stock are equally replenished by the choicest and latest goods in the market. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH. - A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants and tastes of the most fastidious. q Mrs.-Jl�bt. Murray. ommoirommomotmitmeastsivimig M. CQRRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. 1 have in stock the following : ' Dried Apple Nutmeg;Extracts Oil, olive �[FigsOil, sweet Fish, canned Oil, castor Fish, dried Oranges Gelotine Oat Meal •Ginn. rs Pails !Reps Peels Honey Pipes 'Ink Pickles ' Indigo Pearline jLicorice, Peas, canned Lime Juice Pepper ',Lemons • Raisins Lanes Rice • Lard Rice Flour Matches 'Sago Mince Meat' Salt 'Meal ISahnon I1\Lncaroni Sardines ;MustardSenna Meats, can Seeds illfagnesia !Sugar 'Nuts . 'Syrups • No. 1 Flour always on hang. Goods delivered to any part of the town. t„ Apples Blacking Black Lead .flue Baking Powders Barley, pot • Bath Trick Beans L'rooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit 'Coffee • Confectionery, (fanned Goods Cocoa C'hit:elate Corn, canned Corn meal f, errants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut • Dates • Soda Soaps. !Spices :Starch •Strawberries, canned Sulphers • Taproca , 'Tomatoes, canned (Teas ' Tobaccoes Vermicelli Vinegars Washboards Washing Crystal W'oodeuwart ;Whiting 'Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Sets Crean% Sets Berry Sets Toilet Sets , 1 RATFORO OIL CO. GUARANTEES STERdNG MACHINE OIL To outwear any other oil in the market on Binders, Mowers ant Threshing Machines. ' For reale by • D. C. Taylor2v. 1 P -� t� F.+ t.