HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-17, Page 4.,..T:Et�0.1'41R'AfIRPTNT711�IRGKHval4 The L.ucknow %entin&l, Bruce County, Friday, dune iTth WW1 �s IBERT" TO p' 'KB, - AND TO A Lotti )rortOr',49001WIIVEING To THE DICTATES Q CONSCIENCE; WE PRIZE. ABOVE ALL TAMA LIB11 TIER ua, ow, ,Vase 17th 1692. 1 Aa Calvin was ,elected by acelapnatienl.for Frontenao'bn Friday ,last, -lie, is a ponseryative but on account of his views on the trade question no opposition was offered. , • AT the Republican convention held in Minneapolis last week, Mr. Harrison secured the nomination as Presidental candidate of that parity by a large majority, on ,the first vote Mr. Blaine and Major McKinley were ties, but far short of , the vote required. Mr. Whitelaw Reid, editor of the New Fork Tribune was nominated for the Vice -Presidency by acclamation, . BUT a .few months ago Mercier was at the height of his power -rich, with an enormous majority at his back in the Legislature', and receiving from the populace the same reverence as is accorded to one of . the' highest digni- ": terries' of the church. Now he, is penniless, on trial for fraud and abandoned byhisfriends. Thissudden ,reversal of fortune is striking proof of the correctness of the good proverb thathonesty is, after all, the best policy. THE CHEESE INDUSTRY One of the most important of Cana- dian industries is that of cheese mak- ing. It• has developed from almost nothing twenty-two years ago until in 1891 the total value of cheese exported was nine and a half million dollars— or within a quarter of a million of the sum represented by the export of fishery products. .• Ontario is the center of this industry. :.The_.Maritime and Western Provinces have comparatively little to do with it, and Quebec has but 618 factories against 892 in this province. / The Lower Province has determined however, upon actively disputing the supremacy of Ontario in this matter 'To this• end the De Bouchervife Gov- ernment i( seeking to place the control of the 618 cheese factories and 112 creameries in Quebec in the, hands of syndicates, and is making arrange-' ments for Government supervision of their working and the stamping of the output with the 'arms of the Province. 'This i pection of Government stamp, . it is bieved. will give such standing to the cheese of Quebec in the English inarket as to insure a much larger .le- ' mandforitand so stimulate production. T,ne Ontario Government should carefully consider the advisability of following the head of M De Boucher- ville in this matter. "There is just one danger in connection with such a course," says C. C. James; Ontario's Deputy: Minister of Agriculture. "In . providing only .fifteen inspectors for seven hundred and thirty faetories the, sister Province is asking these officers to do more than they will be. able efficiently to proform, and if one bad shipment goes abroad bearing the Government stamp the whole outcome will be seriously injured." This dan- ger could, however, be avoided in Ontario by appointing more inspectors. There can be no doubt that an official stamp, if wisely used, would increase the value, even of Ontario cheese, on the European market, and it is for the Government of, Mr. Mowat to consider whether it would not be wise to incur the trifling expense necessary to secure an inspection so through as to warrant the use of such stamp and thus insure the continuanceof Ontario in the proud position now held. Surely when we put a tax on iron coming .into this country and a bbnus on that which is produced here as a means of developing an iron i'n'dustry, we'can afford to give so slight an en- couragement to another ,industry, .chiefly centered in .this province, and that has grown up of its own accord to such vast proportions that to -day the cheese exports of Canada exceed that a the United States. AT a time when the diatiUere are usin whey"•'for the manufacture of . whiskey, why would it not be more r atabl fox•the.farmers.to-rai.se_ nope : ... �_ rye t The ruling price for 56 pounds of rye is, as high as the price for 60 pounds of wheat. Rye mid to be an importantcrop in Ontario . thirty years ago,bat its cultivation seems to have gone out ,of fashion. The Mw $,ifiXey Bill has knocked the profit off barley. AMONG the hints on the back of the new registration receipts are the following ; A person "posting a regis- tered letter'should not leve the Post Office until he has obtained his receipt, The letter should bear stamps to the full amount of the postage and regis tration fee. The sender should attend to the due prepayment of his letter himself. A postmaster is only respon- sible for doing that which is his duty and it is not his duty to place stamps on letters for other people. Letters for registration should be brought to the Post Office some time before the mail closes. Persons receiving regis- tered letters that call for acknowledge- ment would frequently save trouble to themselves and" to the Post Office by acknowledging theta. promptly. A REMEDY F(IR 111OSQ UI TOES. 1. There are very few . people who attempt to deal • with mosquitoes as they do with other insects. 'Suffer, ante seems to he' the general rule. There appears to be no remedy quite so -ifectual for this pest .as the odor of pennyroyal. The essential oil sold in drug stores is hardly so effect - nal as the fresh herb itself. A bou- quet o: these fragrant herbs will usuallf drive away this troublesome pest! ' When ' mosquitoes attack a comhiunity in force, they are -best exercised by a-sinugo, or a smouldering fire of pine boughs or fragrant wood, smothering to give forth a thick smoke. This smoke is not especially disagree- able to people in the open' air, but its effect in driving' away mosquitoes is remarkable. The best antidote 'for' the bite of. a mosquito undoubtly is ammonia weakened with a little water, or salt and water. Some people go so far as to press the poison, out of the bite with some small metal instrument like the pointof a watch key, before applying the antidote. This prevents the painful swelling that sometimes occurs. As in other cases "One man's meat is . another man's poison," and the remedy will not apply to all individuals. Some find camphor most efpicacous and salt and water will not avail. • Ammonia however seems to be generally successful as a neutralizer of the mosquito, poison,. Where there are large quantities of mosquitoes, and no reason. for their appearance is appearant, it is well to look about the premises for something that attracts them. An uncovered barrel of rain water will bring there in hordes, arid damp places• aura stag- nant pools are spots where they delight to congregate., ORSEMEN•I 'THE CREAT ROADSTER STALLION CARLISLE 13026 Will be at the Wihtely House, LUCKNOW ON TUESDAY NIGHT .Of each week during the season. Parties having mares to breed Qhnuld rot book their mares • before seeing this grand horse. TO THE FARIERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to P.A.`2- C.AS1I FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. R. C. SPARLINC.1 a!M 1 ■ r ■ .. • This week we have received a large assortment of sa4 Varcwors 8 for the millinery department. We are offering them roo 'vices* °), If .you require anything in Millinery now is the time to buy. We have alio some new lines of carpet to which we invite the attention of intending pur- chasers. In Lace Curtains we have some very fine goadat low prices. WM.00NNELL, - Lucknow. r _ .6.1.04•111,11011.1.111:4,211•501.0111931.3.R40 ....,, HE LE INC H RD E RE Is the best place in town to purchase your Cross Cut Saws, Buck, Saws, Axes and Axe Handles A full stock of the best makes in the market. Also a big supply of STOVES, INN E, AN L SILVER' A All at the Lowest possible Prices. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE FURGHIASINz , 'SHO LAWRE Leading Hardware, Tin ware and Stove Depot. OffT READ; THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Nuts, -Etc., Etc. See our Magnificent Stock of the above FINEST GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes — lb., 1 lb,, and 5 lb. boxes. DON'T BL D E CIVED by Fancy. Shows. We have the finest goods ever shown in town for Christmas & New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper than ever. Ail goods Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES A A. SPECIALTY. We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Milts for Christmas and'. New Year trade. Now is • the time to send in your orders and get them filled at once. THOS.REID. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT "EING LOT 6, CON, 14, E. D. OF Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farm is situated 2 • miles from Lueknow, 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL, Box 179. Lucknow P. O. oN poRTR,. xr,r, si 6A ES' - To all our Sig scr6! rs far 1302. xt�J We, the publishers or"North .drn.:.ri:•an i.^'7a in order to increase the circulation or our Moroni throughout the. United aand (,n:i, wsd this year ov:r one Jturuirec3Sttes .snuag uaaait,<lill ,inll;]i;enr9 among our naw subsoil beniin the furan „t ,,,, a;-•''.stic Crayon Portrait and e. hane4o,:r., :.a, : (:,;, t • r c,,, t below) t•, be made f'•r... of r. ;P._•r;; •:-..,-.. •, r . ,r :" suhscribt•r tr "dorsi, a M::r•lcx,,' )! _ti,-:" ' family journal is a' 'nun t•h:Y 41 C ;;::r rt a µ'"' .ia`.e'�az: ll; pages, 'ill a wan t,:e bwti,:c , e,• t e • -> - - .. 1 by spine ut ate best .wthot:;, a;.u' . ' i great exontr)L• we are doinz fe: ° ') the New Yerk i4'ur;f hsd nn1;' ::,/;,+^1 ,: culatinn;to-fav it has overf3e0,Q•?p, Thiswasobtainedby;u. r`'i`.•� `' •` t diciot, atl�'erti;:r. r a aa,' !'•:.., . (; expenditure of money. what t proprietor of the V. V. Wert.! Las accompl shed we f e% i co' r. • dent of doing ourselves.. We have a large capital to draw upon., and the Ment; Srric "ay...lain; . lwe are giving you will certainty sive us the largest circulation o: any pt,rj• i, tea ,.:rin. ':. , • money we are spending now among our subscribers will sonrt^r.s:e back to ii lac.`_ tt::.d c'.. culation and advertisernerts. The Crayon I'ortrait we will liave ;rade ' 1 11.' �,'; • by' the largest association offor ;vast •, _'; ,•,t..c,,- „i (•': • artists in .this city. Tl,eit'ti'<•orl;i:yamenrthe uncr•t f n'••, 41- i-•; guararttee you ars arti.,tic 'Portrait and a perfect likeness to he cit: iu.t!. 'I': -.•• more useful as well as ornamental than a handsome framed Crayon ;r'orl.,;1:r, of •,%..•:.~. ., r nr air,:; ; member of your family; therefore this is a chance in a lifetime to get r and ready to hang in your parlor absolutely free of charge. "G oho -' f "'roof READ TZE s�OLLOv `I1 t 1T1) 30 . T . CSI'V. , Send us.^il.50, price for one year subscription to"North American Homes," Ind i 21 i vs slam-' a -photograph, tintype or ele'tt' rrntvpe of yourself or any met:,ber Of n dead, grid we will make you from same an arti�•1 r• hal' 11 VI, ;til,,. et'lren3r t71'',r.. i, l;ci:• ` t r 1,, ,;- :1. 1 ,rtrait 1 , a goal ,.u'or•I:tidal gilt er bronze ratute of. : in e:: Lilo c ; ..:•..:....:......•••••••,, , 't :L 'free of charge; v:+!1 also: 2-i.rnislt✓,a,� ,, you a genuine I.rench ' 4+c� !.•'zing and packing same free c,x c•xpc'n•'O• Ct,t this out and send it with your photo-, graph et onrc, also t•ne'r rnbscr:ption, which you can remit by Draft 1', O . ;:•.t is "? s, r _ X:. ::.An4_.\,::-- :1•77n-o:''''''''' Mune Ur, �' ;; i,V7Aii;,,,,ol.z. .•773 . 1,! " % t,�•• r•: y der, l x peas i •nuc ( i w. _nz,`az'✓ - ::a-..,�.v: r,,irx, %:..t i..,1, {��riiw. i,_. 'i.. - P y order, y.. .s` or Postal L'otti,'tuade payable to til'-'' ---°--':_� alL... ?r;..'�;!:_ %`�_• HORTfi A%itEeIC'iU'j H0n'F'`i Pl.! R1..j y,S- 01taa+..;'r, References—Any newspaper publishers, Rev. T. Dewitt 'i itintuttite. ! r k' y ' . all mereaut:l;+ agencies and• banks in :; ew Yc;,:; Cll.,. y •-; 0r• 1� b?U1Il 1 +'8-, 10rj� Flowers Mrs. Smith hasjust received a large assortment of CHOICE FLOWERS which she is selling at REDUCED PRICES Call and See Them. lirse SlAo Mrs. Mnrchon, MILLINER. Has opened out.a fresh new stock � f Spring Millinery And is prepared to welcome customers, receive orders and supply the latest and most Fashionable Millinery at prices that cannot fail to be popular. Customers and their orders receive personal attention, and their favors are duly ,appreciated. A CALL SOLICITED. , Mrs Murchison, t.