HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-10, Page 57- bmentNIB of hag them w', is e Df carpet ing pur- Tery fine now. ovosomoomosommovol ilit Iandles f (ASI NZ , )epot. SEN. 1 STALLION . SLE House, W NIGHT xl should not ng this grand_ Itite Public that he INC Lred to fur IAN D, u$o21: [ERS 3 store Kerr 1 EGGS vill be ing to !LiNC mo HINLOSS COUNCIL. Sv e.. . rvi+m{.:...,...�.�.v. - The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce county, June 10th The above council luet as a court of King of Revision MIly 27th. There being no appeal against, the Assessment roll ws � � �� %; e ■ ■ dlctrles presented was adopted.. The members is at A Cure `.`-A.I[ttast-,hl'traew lo,<cs: wing " when I wa.•I 14 years of age I hada severe Ling all present took their sea council_ Joar-d,---when the Monro -business was :transacted : John was paid salary, $60, as also $15 equalizing union school assessor Thos. Wraith for repairing a cul con. 2, $1.50 ; Finlay McInnes re ing ai Culbert on the gravel road. D. McLeod reparirinf; u Culbert, 1, 50e. Georgian Bay Shingles, THI.UNPLRSIGI�TED HAS ON HAND. a car lot of XXX Georgian Bay shingles and intends keeping: them in stock duzieg the season, and will be sold at the lowest 'possible Paying Price, _ --- — -- :T*MES-GACI'NT, Whitechurch, Lane attack sof rheumatism, and after I recovered FROM --1 had to go on crutches. A year later, scrofula, for tht: form of white swellings, appeared on All Stations in Ontarioll°u the of the various parts of my body, and for 11 years I pert, ent ; was an invalid, being confined to my bed 6 •� f',trs. In that tulle ten or eleven sores ap- pal and broke, causing me great pain' and suffering. I feared 1' never should get well. $1 : " Early in 1886 I went to Chicago to visit - ' DOM Fist .N A petition was presented asking a grant of $50 for improving the, at lot 27 cons. 5 and 6, moved Nicholson, seconded by Johnst that councillors Moffat and. He be a committee to examine the s hill with power t., expend the sum fifty dollars en the same if. th consider said expenditure in t interest of the township. --Carrie Moved by Johnstone, sec. Moffat. that the sum of $500 expended off the gravel, road follows ; $200 front the 4th con. Holyrood and ;$300 from Holyrood the Durham road, and the Clerk advertise for tenders to be received o the 20th day of June.—Carried. The sum of .$15 was granted as relief to the Elliot family ; also t •Mrs. Alex. Campbell for three month keeping of Catherine Nicholson, $7.50 and to Wm. McDonald for three months keeping of ;11r.. Kiral;ltaul, $900. The Clerk was instructed to n.otifiy '.ITi•s. i1'[ar;'�,•nt ul.ys,owner of lot 5 con. 11, to remove the fence from the. road al1•,tiran ee of the 5th Side line. A. statement was'', id before the council regarding $4.40.of back taxes, on part of lot 25 con 1. Moved by Henry and Moffat, that the Clerk notify the county.,i•easurer to cansel this claim, as an error has occurred, the taxes of this lot having been paid in full,—_Carried. Moved by Johnstone, that each member of . this council be now paid the sunt of $10 as council fees. —Carried The ..council adjourned to meet again on the 20th of June. P. RsTD,' Clerk. r, but was confined to my bed most of th ]fay with a Circus,' in which were statements for a f cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was so iin- hill l'c a'sseal with the success of this medicine that bi oi,l on, my aid of ehe d. by he as to CO to Il lime I was there. In July I read a book 'A TICKETS WILL BE SOLD a 0 $ ASHEIELD COUIV.CIL. • Tl .e above Council .meet in Council room on Saturday May the 2Stii, tneinbers all present. . Minutes of former meeting read and approved. • The members . Formed themself into a Court of Revison, by taking the .necessary oath, The following appeals were heard 'as being assessed too high: Wm. ulli= ges the vas J. 1+Ic- le a ey as 8,d n 9 0 11 5 • S. �Vil�nn Eagelson, Jas Ritchie, Durnin, Thos. Durnin, John E. S van and Geo. Campbell no chair • wore made in these cases but in following .appeals a reduction: made" :—Wm. Spears, $200; T. Candle, $200 ; P. O'Connor, $384. O'Conner, $384. There being no otl ,appeals it was moved by. Mr. Dav Trish, seconded by — Witi. 'Kick] tl at the assessmentroll for 1892 now revised be adopted. Carried The following cheques were issue S. Roach,• for bread -to R. Laury $7.0 to Wm. O'Neil, $4.50, and Mrs. Grifti $6.06, J. Lazenby drain on S.. R,, and 10 $1,'J. Dalton forplanking fo planking culverts on L. R. $10.40, McKenzie for stoning and repays t Carricks Bridge, Kintail $28.50. Duncan McKay repairs to bridge o Carrick's road $4.50; John Dunton fo repairs- to bridle 'on road between lot 11 and 12 L. R., $10.00, J. Dal tot stones to bridge on S. R. 6 and 7, $1 M. Whitey, • goods given to Mrs Donaghy $5 ; E. :Bowers, for plank [nail -and work lilt b tube on gravel raal $2 ; A. and J. Taylor, for elm Tl k on bridge on S. ]t. con. •1$69.48, D. • Girvin, for . drains on con. 2, $7; John Black for repairing- road on con. - 2, $1 ; M Sullivan, meat t') R. Curry $6 : A. Mullen for repairing culvert on con. 10, $1.25; Mrs. Nicholson, charity $7.50 ; Wrn. Kilpaterick, for services as assessor, $80, also repairs to tin box 25 cents ; M. McLennan, ditch on N. boundary $8. ; U. McKenzie. ditch on N. boundry, $3.30 ; Mrs. McRae, charity $5. Moved by D. Farrish, seconded by 1H. Chambers that Jalftes Dean be pound keeper instead of Wm. Flanigan, resigned. Carried. • Council then adjourned to meet Again on the 25th day .of June. W. STOTHERS, Clerk. ud to try it. To my great gratification the s•)res so -m decreased, and I began to feel better ani 10 a short time I was up. and out of doors. I combined to take Hood's Sar- saparilla for about a year,.whe,i, having used six bottles, I had become so fully released lrawa he ui:,e:ab.! ih:at I went to work for the l :•fiat & Walling TIfg. Co., and since then DAV): NOT LUST A'SINGLE DAY ' "' tn.t "t ' t'kae�•. I l,elieve.the disease e::; •':I. l ; u;n } sy:tein. I always feel well, am In good spirits and have a good appetite. t ant now 27 years of age and can walk as well an, o:u•, cx. pt that one limb is alittle .hurter than the other, owing to the loss of tone, ;old the sorro formerly on my right lo 1, leg. y 11'iena in) 1 ecovery Scents ,Utmost minium ,ne, and t think Houd' Sarsaparilla !s 11 k:aw i u.edicines.'• VILI.IA\I A. J St., Kendallville; lad_. Hood's arsaparilla aixfor/35. Prepared only by C. t. 11001) & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa MO Doses One Dollar NOTICE., IHEREBY GI VI: NOTA'[ THAT I will able toJohn hBeni responsible 1tt8Lucknow. or [bearer, one for $30, due on June 28th, 1892, and the other due on Dec. 28th, 3892. The notes are given for a patent right, but as I have received no value 1 will not be responsible fur them. ROBERr WILSON. 4.960 Stop Think Peart has received a large stock , of the leading line of soots And at prices that will meet the wishes of the public. Men's fine Balmorals and Gaiters and a large variety of plough boots. Women's Kid Button and Laced Boots cheaper than ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers in Different Styles. Children's wear in all the leading lines. CALL AND EXAMINE•CD- Repairing done on short notice. JOHN PEART. TbthW BAKING tuEAA. THE HUB Leads 'them, all for Family Groceries AND CANNED - GOO•DS. v Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY. The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow, JOHN ELLIOT. JJ1J-JNTE leg-1�'URONT--O 11 p,m, on 2 Good to retuzn until Jj CL �9 4th ON • JT71`•TM 21i 1892 Good to retui°n until JULY 31st J CT]TE o28 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 7th. .ON JULY 18. AND 19, 1892 Good to return until AUGUST 28th, To the following points at rates Hamed: I NSlan"1', OXBOW 2 � Lla.11M,tllh 91tDUS(i3IlN fINMC,t$1'H ■ REGINA YO1i'SEJAIY $tL.00 • A'0RICTON PRINCE ALBERT a CALGARY �. a 00 EDM owT�N $4O.O The,Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be held from July 25th to 30th inclusive,'aud July 18th and 19th have been fixed upon for excursion to enable passengers to nttend th-e Exhibition. An Auction cic Rail- wayLandswill be held at Edmontonfton July • 5th. • Passengers taking ad -vantage of the excursion of June 28th will react Edment,in in time to attend the sale. of Fthose •fCourthe ml,hrny. particulars. apply 'to any Agent J. Murchison, Agt, Luckncw, rand TFIthk EXCURSIONS 4 . �� • -raw Goods. KAAKE & CO.'S Second Ann.uncement of SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Window Blinds, Berlin Wool; Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. y EXT we intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful. album, valued at $3 or one dozen cabinet photos free. We place in our window a 'quart sealer of beans. Any one buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket v itli the numb3er on it yon guess. The nearest number gets the prize. Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will be counted by a disinterested 'party on July 1st. This will on April 1st. commence KAA�� gz CO_ New Spring Goods E PEOPLE'S TORE, ST. HELENS. HAVING resolved to car just: received Goods. Beautiful To thY Canadian Northwest and Ceylon Suitings." return. are simply beautifu Return, tickets will be sold on June 14th, 21st and 28th July `18th an�.l9th, —T(>— NESBITT. OXBOW DELORAINF, MOOSO.IIIN, c6� BINSCARTB• ti kJ REGINA 11i00SEJAW' I� $30 YORrKTON PRINCE ALBERT �-,.'� CALGARY $ EDDIONTON . ,„,4O Through sleepers without extra charge. Baggage checked. through to destination. For rates and all infornnation apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., ,LucknnW John 6-riffill, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON CO. REAL ESTATE,' INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS. of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS Forsale on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KINGSBRIDGE P. 0. SHORTHORN BULL. ROBERT ADAIR. TIIE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service the above named animal for a89imited number of cows fur the season of 1 PEf)IGREE—Robert Adair was bred at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Ont., April 4th, 1891 ; got by Baron Water. leo, 13931 ; dam, Flower of Riverside, 15848, by Britieh Sovereign.4335. 2nd dam, May- flower, 10032, by Duke of Oxford, 3099 ; 3rd Red Rose, 10496, by Marmaduke 3504 ;•4th dam, Violet, 10887. by Colonel .1t3alco, 426 ; 5th dam Alpha 2340, by Alfred, 304 ; 6th dam Arabella 6T06. by Robin Hood, 1017 ; 7th Jam, Red Lady, 1766, by YoungCam- bridge. 1178 ; 8th dam. Beauty+, 638, ..by Brilliant, 735; 9th dam, Mose hose, 1592, by 'Comet 432 ; 10th dam Ruby, 1887, by Agricola (info.) 5; llth tam, Beauty (imp) 30, b Snowball. 2647, by Lawnaleaves, 365,. by Charles, 127. TERMS -.$2.00 each per season ; payable on or before the first day of November. J, F. ANDREW. n SPIttr.', ole Vrints-A" Ame carr O17 usiness as usual, I. have a new and well asprted stock of Spring patterns and latest designs in "Ladies Everybody should see these goods. They 1. OS New Patterns and Fine Quality. the latest patterns in both English and rican. 1, 1 All other departments of m replenished by the choicest and latest goods�in the market.ck are fly FARM PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH. A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants and tast of the most fastidious. es Mrs !{obt. Miirray. M. CORRIGAN'S Is CROCKERY� Apples E'ackin•g Black l;.vaai - l3l ue• Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates the. place .to make your selections in GLASSWARE, .GROCERIES &, PROVISIONS. 1 have in stock the following : Nutmeg ;Soda Oil, olive• Soaps Oil, sweet !Spices . Oil, castor Starch !Oranges Meal Strawberries, canned (Pails iSulphers Peels Tapioca (Pipes Tomatoes, csnned ;Pickles Tees 'Tobaccoes Pearline I Vermicelli (Peas, canned 'Vinegars Pepper washboards 'Raisins 'Washboards Crystal Rice Flour Wbitingv-are , . ;Dinner 'sago Dinner Sets (SalmonYeast Cake:: Sardines !Dinner Sets (ream Set. ea Sets , (Seeds IveTster Sets (Seed, Sugar Berry Sets 'Toilet Goods delivered to any part ofshe town. , Dried Apple , 1Fxtracts Fit:rs ;Fish, canned , dr GelFishatineied Gingers 'Hops Ink Honey .Indigo Licorice Lime Juice Lemons Lani les La�ii•dd 11i?atches Mince 11leat iMeal �11lacaironi 'Mustard (Meats, can Magnesia Nuts No. 1 Flour always on hana. STRATFOkbILL CO. GUARANTEES STERLING MACHINE OIL'To outwear any other oil in the market on Binders, Threshing Machines, Mowers and For sale by D. C. Taylor, Lucknote. tl :5' �yl 7 it