HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-10, Page 4igtie it chnoiatutinti tHE LIBERTY TO TITTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OP CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES • Lucknow, Juae 30th, 3882. IT really does seem queer; when you think of it, that of , the men who signed the annexation manifesto an ,1849, five have been knighted by the Queen. The last of the lot is Sir John Abbott, the present Dominion Prem- ier. The others were Sir David Mac- pherson, Sir Alexander Galt, Sir John Rose and Sir Hugh Allin, Threat - ,ening annexation seems to have been a short cut to knighthood. Is this what Sol. White is after.—Dundas Banner. 'GRIP gets off a good thing on the. 'new Highland regiment in Toronto, of which so much has been said in the apers. The regiment ia arrayed in, 11 Highland uniform, and is supposed to e composed exclusively of,"Toualds" and `�Tuncans," But it is said that fully two thirds are from merry England and the Green .Isle. Grip's squib is entitled "After the March'' and in dialogue form as follows : First Highlander --"Well, by Jove, you know, if Hi'd 'ave knowed that this 'ere blooming rig wasso sanguinary cold Hi don't think Hi'd 'ave joined." Second Highlander—"och, fwhat's the matter wid you ? Its an illigant 'dress intoirely, an' a mon that's so tinder that he cant stand a little cowld wud never make a sojer." The proposal of a memorial to Mr. Mackenzie, which has been started in Toronto, is a good one. It is that a fund be raised for the endowment . of chairs in political science in the ° Toronto and McGill universities, the Ontario subscriptions to go to the former and the Quebec ones to the latter on the death of Mrs Mackenzie, who during her life is to receive the interest .yielded by the , fund. This would be a memorial particularly suitable to a public man so disinter- - ested, so unassuming and possesssed so little vanity as Mr. MacKenzie. The following contributions have already been received for the Alex- • ander Mackenzie Memorial Fund by tha treasurer, Mr. S. H. Blake : W. Corisite, $1000 ; Blake, Lash & Cas- sels, per Hon.)Edward Blake, Q. C., $750; George A. Cox, $500 ; Robert Jaffray, $500 ; Edmund /B. Osler, ,$500 ; Wm, Muloclr, M. R, $500 Eby, Blain & Co., $50Q ; B. B. Osler, •$400; G. W. Kiely, $500. Total $5,150. Such assurance have been given by others . willing to participate in the memorial that it is thought at the 'close of the week another $5,000 will be received. VAST MINERAL RESOURCES, /lo•►' Ontario rill] l'IvertIse her Great Natural Wealth at the'orlel's Fr.ir. The World's Fair at Chicago will be the first exhibition that has ever done justice to the minerals of Ontario. Canada has been allotted 10,000 feet altogether for minerals, of which Ontario should have at least 4,000 feet, while 5,000 feet will be used if it can be obtained. These minerals come from all sections of the Province. From the immediate country north east of Toronto comes lead, copper, iron, gold, marble, - graphite mica, asbestos, and phosphate, of lime. Then from Western Ontario comes gypsum, petroleum, marl, salt, terra- cotta clay, and various kinds of build- 'ng stone. Around. Sudbury and on the north shore of Lake Huron are found rich deposits of nickel, copper and iron, while further west are silver, marble and lead ; in fact these are found all over the northern portion of the Province. A fact not generally known, even in the province itself, but which this -exhibit will fully , show the world, is thatin various parts of Ontario, such as Renfrew, Cornwall, Frontenac and •some of the northern districts, . the finest marbles and grranites, grey, black, white and brown. to be obtained anywhere in the world are found. Hon. A. S. Hardy, Commissioner of Crown Lands, is determined to have the mineral resources of this Province properly advertised to the world, and looks at the coming fair The Lucknow Sentinel, BruceCounty, Friday, as Ontario's opportunity. By this direction every effort is being made to assist the Ontario Commmisnioner for the fair tosecure a collection worthy of the Province, and which it is naturally well able to produce. FIENDS FOILED. Attempt to Wreck a Grand Trunk train two Miles East ofCllaton, Clinton, Ont., June 5.—A diaboli- cal attempt was made last night to wreck the evening express from Stratford to Goderich due here at 9.20. Some fiends had piled timber on the track, and had the train been on time the chances are (as the night was cloudy), that the train would have been thrown down the embankment. • Mr Holliman, of Stapleton, had been to Seaforth, and finding the train late started to walk home ` along the track, carrying a lantern. When near the bridge near Sapleton, about two miles east of here, he found the obstructior- on the track, and being unable to remove it he went - back towards Seaforth and warned the appoaching train, thus averting a loss of property and most probably of life. IN CONDOLENCE.' The following is a copy of a resolu- tion passed by Ward, Colorado, Lodge of Oddfellows, on the death of the late Daniel ' Finlayson, formerly of Lochalsh Whereas it has pleased the Supreme Master of the universe in His infinite wisdom to remove from our midst our worthy and ibe- loved brother, Daniel Finlayson. Therefore, it resolved that in the depth of brother Daniel Finlayson, Ward Lode, No. 22, I, U. O. F. has lost a faithful and zealous member, his family a loving husband and father, and the community a man of sterling vv: al and strict integrity. Resolved that Ward Lodge, No, 22, I. 0, O F., of Colorado, extends its heartfelt sym- pathy to the sorrowing family in this their hour of great affliction. Resolved that this Lodge morn by draping the charter for thirty days and members wearing the erape in button hole on coat or vest for same time. Resolved that these resolutions be!spread upon the minutes and a copy under seal be transmitted to Lucknow Lodge, ;No. 112, Ontario, and a copy be furnished the Silver State Odd Fellow, of Colorado. JOHN B. NICHOLSON JAMES RONEI, CHAR. MUNGENDOP?+' Ward, Col.. May, 1892. ASHFIELD. Committee, (To late for last ween) The growth has been something remarkable these last few days. The Fall wheat' in most places in this vicinity looks better than it has done for'some years. Zion Sabbath school will have a pic- nic on Dominion Day. All the sabbath schools on the Ashfield circuit are invited. We are sorry to learn that Mr. E. Andrew and Mr. Thos. Helm still continue very poorly. 'Ve trust they will soon recover. The following is the standing of pupils of school No 5 for June. Sen. 4th -0 Gardner, A Gardner, J Wilson, E Wilson, M Anderson; 13 Ritchie, W Gardner. Jr. 4th—A. Brown, H Anderson. Sen. 3rd -R Gardner, R Wilson, M Gardner, E Gardner, R Webster, E McG.' Jr. ' 3rd -J Stroud, E Reid, E. Gardner, J Hunter, R. Hunter, M Brown, J Wilson, L Habick, S Web- ster, M Webster. Sen. 2nd—J. Habick, A. Brennan, F Anderson, E Webster. Jr. 2nd—II Reid, J Webster, H Walker, S Wilson. Sen. Part II ---H Gardner, 13 Web- ster, J Hunter. Jr, Part II -13 .Gardner, S Hackett,. 0 Brown. Sen. Part II—G Hunter, A Habick J. Ritchie, M Reid,:L Webster. HARRIED. LOCEHART_MCDONALD—At the residence of Mrs. Ross. Langside,, on the 1st inst., by the Rev, F. A. MacLennan, of South Kinloss, Mr. Wm. Lockhart; of Kinloss, to Miss Euphemia Macdonald, of Lang- side- MCEV, Y—MCDoNALD—At the residence of the bride's father, 4th con, of Kinloss, on the 1st inst.. by the Rev. F. A, McLen- nan of South Kinloss. Mr. Thomas Andrew McEvoy, of Caradoc, to Jeandie McDonald, eldest daughter of Mr, John McDonald, of Kinloss. DIED. McKENziir--In Lucknow, on Friday, Juae 3rd 1892, Mary McKenzie, wife of Mr, Mal- colmMcKenzie, aged 61 years. LUCE:lvo & MARKETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel.....00 to .80 Peas " .... .00 ' .55 ... . Oats " .00 " .27 Potatoes <t Butter, per lb rolls .12, tub .25 .14 Eggs, per dozen .09 Hay per ton . $12 to 14 A' I , M1,, dune loth ILLINERY. This • week we have received a large assortmE *pis -- °s er for the millinery department. • We are offering 4j ,'. Quo ,)::x 44401 If you require anything in Millinery now, i time to buy. We have also some new lines of c to which we invite the attention of intending chasers. In Lace Curtains we have some ver goods at low prices. CONNELL,L,ucnc THE LEADING HARD ' ARE a Is the best place in town to purchase your Cross Cut Saws, Buck Saws, Axes and Axe Han A full stock of the best makes in the market. Also a big sljply of STOVES, TINWARE, AND SILV(HY"AHE All at the Lowest possible Prices. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE PURCHAS THOS. LAWRENCE, Leading Hardware, Tinware and Stove Dep DON'S' RE'AD 'Mrz1 Mur"hon, / IIOR SE THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, .Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc. See our Magnificent Stock of the above FINEST GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes — ib., 1 ib., and 5 lb. boxes. DON'T BE. DE CIVED by Faiicy Show$. We have the 'finest goods ever shown in town for Christmas & New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper than ever: All goods Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Mills for Christmas and New Year trade. Now is the time to send in your orders and get them' filled at once. THOS. REID. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT BEING LOT 6, CON. 14, E. D. OF one hundred and Ashfield,s venty acres cleared. in the Countof uron, The farm is situated 2i miles from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall ^wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL, Box 179. Lucknow P. O. MILLINER. Has opened out a fresh new stock of Spring Millinery And is prepared to welcome cnstomers, receive orders and supply . the latest and most. Fashionable Millinery at prices that cannot• fail to be popular. 'Customers and their orders receive personal attention, and their favors are duly appreciated.' A CALL SOLICITED. Mrs Murchison, Flowers Mrs. Smith has j ust received a large assortment of CHOICE FLOWERS which she is selling at REDUCED PRICES Call and See Them. Hrs. SaMta. THE 1 GREAT ROADSTER STALI LIst 13026 Will be at the Wihtely House, LUCKN ON TUESDAY NIG!. Of each week during the season. Parties having mar*'., to breed shouh book their mares before seeing this horse. , Pbiic Notii The Subscriber notifies the Public` he still carries on the UNDERTAKING Business, and will be prepared to nish all the requisites. A HEARSE ON HANI Jas. Williamson ,3m-apr 22 TO THE FARME D I have rented the stol occupied by Mr. Geo. Ke and am prepared to FOR BUTTER AND EGG The highest price will b paid for butter according to quality. R. Cr MARLING