HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-10, Page 2GLORIOUS BLUNDER. e Riad Charge of the tight Cavalry at Balaclava. LORD LUCAN'S MISTAKE. Ile Sent Cardigan to Charge the Wrong Bat- tery—The Slaughter in the North Valley —The Struggle Among the Guns -Fight - hag the Russian Horsemen—Tho Retreat D'Allonvitle's Timely Work—Counting the Cost, Time, Ootober 25th, 1854. .;.E.,; Place, the southward slope of the Cher- soneae, looking toward Balaclava. ' Twenty minutes ago' 673 horsemen, the flower of the British Light Cavalry, dashed down from those heights along an Avenue of Death, into the very heart of the Russian army, silenced a battery, sabered its gun- ners and rode back again. Now they call the roli,and count the cost of the achievement which as long as the martial spirit warms the human breast shall reflect imperishable glory on British arms. " Men," says the intrepid Cardiganas he sadly gazes at the 195 mounts before him, " it -was a mad -brained trick, but it was no fault of mine." "Never mind, My Lord ! we are ready to go again ! " Yes ; brilliant as was the charge, great as must be its moral effects, and deserving of praise as are the gallant fellows who made it, it was, nevertheless, a stupendous blunder. Let me take the reader over the ground. * * * 'Yonder is the North Valley stretching away in front. On the left is the Fedioukine Hills, occupied by. Jabrokritsky with 8 bat- talions, 4 squadrons and 14 guns. On our right is the Causeway Heights, held by •' Liprandi with his strong force of infantry , and field artillery, extending to the Arab- tabia Redoubt. His cavalry have withdrawn a full mile and a half down the valley where, behind a Don Cossack battery of 12 pieces, they stand massed, probably count- ing their losses iu . the recent engagement with Scarlett'a Heavies. The enemy has the valley covered from either aide and one end by artillery, infantry and cavalry. His line on the Causeway Heights, how- ever, is weak. Scarlett's`attack has caused the retirement of his horse and at the re- doubts captured by him yesterday he would be ill able to withstand an attack. Lord Raglan from the Headquarters Hill sees his opportunity, as it cannot be seen from the ' valley or the lower slopes, and he deter- mines to make the attempt to recapture the redoubts and save the guns. He is not given to placing too much faith in cavalry. He has been awaiting the appearance of Cambridge's and Cathcart's Divisions of In- fantry, but the latter is tardy. What he does must be done soon if it is to effect his purpose. The Russian flank may be easily turned ; he will appeal to the cavalry. October 25th, 1854, will be a great day in the annals of -cavalry. The men were early under arms. Just as they were about to be dismissed for breakfast they received the order to advance. Their haversacks were empty. The .Heavy Brigade won glory on empty stomachs ; it is the Light Brigade's turn now. Right under their eyes on the elopes of the Chersonese the brilliant dash of the Heavies was made, while they were compelled to stand with sheathed sabres and curse the orders which doomed -them to inaction. But their work is cut out for them now ! Soon Captain Morris who has just implored in vain that Cardigan would allow him to lead his regiment to the sup- port of the Heavies, may give his charger the rein and revel in the . carnage of a veri- table Valley of Death ! Down from Headquarters Heights comes an aide with a despatch from Lord Raglan : " Cavalry to advance and take advantage of any opportunityto recover the heights. They will be suppored by the infantry who have been ordered to advance on two fronts." Brief enough, explicit enough, it seems ; but Lord Lucan fails to grasp its meaning. or its urgency. He cannot see the whole field as can his chief ; he does not compre- hend the object of the order. . Leaving the Heavies to await the arrival of the infantry .he advances across the valley with the Light Brigade, and there he halts them and waits —and waits. Every field glass on Headquarters Hill is turned on the cavalry on the right slops of the valley. Lord Raglan cannot know that his order has been misconstrued that instead of advancing on the enemy and looking to the infantry for support, Lucan is waiting to support the infantry with his cavalry. To the Commander -in -Chief his inaction is inexplicable, provoking ; it invites disaster, and that disaster—the loss of the guns—the very one the order was intended to prevent. Even now, unseen by Lucan, but in full view of the staff on Headquarters Heights, Liprandi's art illerymen move forward with horses and lasso tackle to carry off the captured ordnance. Over half an hour has passed since Lucan received the " third' rder " ; why does not he advance Lord Raglan's patience is exhausted. Calling Quartermaster General Airey he dictates a new order. To whom shall it be entrusted ? ' Nolan 1 Nolan, the brilliant, dashing aide-de-camp of Airey. The daring young cavalry enthusiast seizes the impor- tant paper, and at break -neck speed tears down the slope. He has been chafing at Lord Lucan's inaction and, what ho con- ceives to be, wilful disobedience of the " third order " of ,the Commanding Officer, and he burns with eagerness and anger as he brings' his Meed to its,haunches before Lord Lucan, salutes, and presents the " fourth order." Sitting in his saddle in front of the troops Lord Lucan reads the order : " Lord Raglan wishes the cavalry to advance rapidly to the front and try [to] itt•event the enemy carrying away the atui'. 'Troop of horse artillery may accompany. French cavalry is 011 your left. Immediate. - Aiftr:v." %There is nothing obscure in the order. Lord Lucan looks at the young aide. Is that a look of authority assumed, of lin. patience, or of contempt on his handsome flushed face. Airey signed the order Airey's aide bore it. Lord Linton has been inclined to credit Airey with originating orders which he only transmits. Having in mind the. Cossack battery a mile and a half down an artillery -swept valley, he jumps at the conclusion that the order is a blunder, and, forgetful of his position, forgetful of the presence of the aide, he rails at the commanding officer and his strategy. Little molder .thatathe young captain is shocked! Little wonder that he answers an angry interrogatory in less respectful tone than he should use towards a superior officer : " Lord Raglan's 'orders are that the hrigade`should attack immediately." " Attack, sir ! Attack what, air ? What guns ? " " There, my lord, is your enemy ; there are your guns !" The scornful words, the no lase scornful gesture by which Nolan indicates the locality of the captured guns on the Cause- way Heights, should under ordinary field discipline bring swift punishment. Does Lord Lucan place Nolan under arrest ? Not he. He accepts Nolan's taunting words as an explanation of the order, his scornful gesture as a direction, and assumes it tar -be not a direction toward the Arabtabia Rodoubt, but toward the Cossack battery, backed by Ryjoff s ' squadrons, away down the North Valley.. He hesitates no longer. He will order the Light Brigade into that cul-de-sac of death ! Lord Cardigan is no coward; but he re- ceives the'order with unfeigned surprise : " Certainly, sir ; but allow me to point out that the Russians have a battery in the valley in oar front, and batteries and rifle- men on each flank.' " I cannot help that •; it is Lord Raglan's positive order that the Light Brigade attack immediately." There is no misunderstanding on Lord Cardigan's part. He realizes the serious- ness of the work he has to do ; . he has pointed out that obedience means the sacri- lice of the brigade. Now the reasoning man gives way to the soldier. He has but one duty—to obey. " The brigade will advance !" Every man in his place ! There is Motion in the i brigade. Men and horses feel there is warm work coming. Narrow the front ! Captain Oldham's 13th Light Dragoons and Capt. Morris' 17th Lancers will lead the way. Col. Douglas dresses up the llth Hussars, Lord Cardigan's troops, to form the second line. Lord George Paget's 4th Light Dragoons and Col. Shewell's 8th Hussars fall in as the third line. The brigade is ready. Fifteen or twenty yards in advance of the centre of his first line Lord Cardigan, at- tired in the uniform of the 11th Hussars and resplendent in gold lace, bestrides his white -stockinged chestnut charger. He is a leader who leads.! " The brigade will advance.". And with their commanding officer as pilot the fated Light Cavalry swings intoa trot and fronts straight down the Valley of Death. Nolan is electrified Standing on Head- quarters Hill he ha made a mental map of the field. He has been waiting in the expectation that we. would bring forward the left ehoulder,and now he sees that this is not our intention. He knows well that a terrible blunder has been made—that the result will be to sacrifice the brigade. He bore the order ; he even pointed out to Lord Lucan the location of the guns to which it referred. It may not yet be too late to rectify the error. He will try ! Spurring out from the left front of the first line he rides diagonally across the front of the advancing brigade, waving his sword, shouting to attract attention, and pointing in the direction of the Arabtabia Redoubt. Cardigan sees- him, but, far from divining his object, views his strange conduct asa grave breach of military ethics—an unseemly endeavor to excite and hurry the brigade. And he rides on undeceived. • The Russ is awakening. The guns on our front and on either slope come into action. The gunners are feeling for our range. Nolan has nearly crossed our front when a fragment of an exploding shell strikes him full on the breast and tears a way to his heart ! As the brigade advances the steed turns short and gallops toward the line, bearing the horribly mangled Nolan, left hand on rein and sword arm uplifted. As he nears us his blade drops, and from the lips of the ghastly rider comes a shriek so weird, unearthly, horrible, as to chill our blood ! And from his natural conning tower on the heights Lord Raglan and staff look down upon us with wonder and alarm. Liprandi sees us too, Neuer for a moment does he suspect that our goal is the Cossack battery. He has rightly judged Lord Raglan's intentions, and he expects us to bring forward the left shoulder and move on the Arabtabia Redoubt. So sure is he that the recapture of the guns is our object that he withdraws his infantry beyond No. 2 Redoubt and forma hollow squares to with- stand our expected attack. What an oppor- tuity Lord Lucan's blunder has lost ! The Light Brigade has now fairly entered the Valley. of Slaughter. Down the stretch in our front tear solid shot which crash through bur ranks, and from right and left slopes a hellish hail of shell, round shot, grape,canister and musket balls sweeps men and horses before it. Dead horses go down to obstruct our progress ; wounded horses plunge about wildly, with horribly human screams, crushing wounded riders and break- ing our ranks. On w On ! ! Before, us the battery in full play ; behind us a trail of dead and mangled horses and men 1 Follow the white stockinged charger, men ! Cardi- gan points the way ! Eighty yards yet ! Crash ! ! Every gun iii the Cossack battery belches forth its metal vomit ! The carnage is horrible. The chestnut charger and rider are safe, but cruel desolation is wrought in our line. Men and horses mingle in a welter of confusion, and the •missiles which have mangled and dismembered them hurtle on to do further destruction in the supporting lines. Many officers go down. Capt. Oldham of the 13tin, Capt. Coad, Cornet Montgomery, Capt. Winter, Lieut. Thomson and many others are never seen afterward. But it is the last salvo. Extricating themselves from the floundering mass of disabled and writhing horses and men the fifty or sixty survivors of the first lino plti nge after their leader into the battery smoke. halted squadrons of Russian horse. Down go the Muscovite spears, and in an instant the gay Lancers are buried deep in their ranks. Morris rides at the squadron leader and1 point on, transfixea him with his sword. Unlucky very tli` blow to his enemy pinions him to the body, from which he cannot withdraw his sword, and he is held by the wrist -knot until, struck down by sabers and lances, he is made a prisoner. Lieut. Chadwick, too is severely wounded and falls into the hands of the enemy. Well is it for them that officers are near at. hand 1 Unrestrained by officers the Cossacks have a way of saving trouble with prisoners. Where is Lord Cardigan ? Shooting through the battery, far in advance of his men, Cardigan finds him- self alone in the presence of solid phalanxes of Russian cavalry, who attempt to sur- round and capture him. He parries their lance thrusts until almost unhorsed; and then gallops back through then. battery. Where are his men ? Through the smoke ho seee little groups and stragglers of the 13th Light Dragoons and 17th Lancers retreating up the vally, and giving his horse the rein he follows them. And this mistake is the regret of Cardigan's life—that he should have retired and left a single man of hia.eommand fighting behind him ! Meanwhile remnants of the brigade are engaged in terribly unequal struggles with detachments of the enemy's cavalry. Morris' handful of Lancers have driven in the Rus- sian line, but are soon compelled to retreat and hew their way through a flanking body of Cossack spearmen. While the conflict with the cavalry rages, the Russ moves up artillery teams to attempt to save the guns. He is not to be permitted to do so unop- posed. A gallant little band composed of men from the 13th Light Dragoona and 17th Lancers offers desperate and bloody resist- ance, until Brigade Major Mayow orders a charge on the cavalry in the rear. Nor is the coast clear yet. The llth Hussars and 4th Light Dragoons are among the artillerymen, cutting, slashing, thrusting. Valorously the Rirssians strive to save the Czar's ordnance., Determinedly their assailants struggle for possession. Cornet Edward, Warwicke Hunt actually dismounts and attempts to unhitch a Russian team ! The carnage is hideous ! Mild-mannered and ordinarily tender-hearted men become very fiends of slaughter ! Sabres drip, and men are bespattered with gore 1 Ah ! it is horrible enough ! 'But the brave lads hold the battery ; they even disable some guns in the rear, whish the enemy is in the act of removing ! Well done, Paget ! Four hundred yards beyond the battery Col. Shewell, with the remnants of the 8th Hussars, finds himself without orders and with squadrons of Russian horse on three sides of him. He has waited several minutes—minutes which were hourlong to, him. Just as he is joined by Mayow and his fifteen Lancers he descries three squadrons of Russians moving swiftly down and forming front toward the Russian rear. Well does he know their object ! They intend to cut off his retreat ! " Right about -Wheel !" and the 70 horsemen are hurled at the three squadrons forming iu the valley. The struggle is brief ; the loss small, and melting away before the onslaught the Russian horsemen are soon seeking safety on the higher slopes. And' our little band, joined by Capt. Jenyne with a few survivors of the 13th Light Dragoons, begins the retreat up the Death Valley. Col. Douglas, with a little body of the llth Hussars, has been pursuing the enemy far down the valley, toward the aqueduct, but now he is pressed back by a strong force of cavalry. The 4th- Dragoons, in broken formation, just out of the struggle for the battery, come up at the critical moment, and Lord Paget, self-possessed as if on the parade ground, grasps the situation at a glance. The little group of 'i0 Dra- goons and Hussars are within 40 yards of a compact body of attacking Russian horse ! " If you don't front, my boys, we are done !" Timely appeal ! Close in the stragglers ; narrow the front 1 The Rus- sians know what that formation means ; they have learned to look for much from Our cavalry. They hesitate ;' they halt ; and the danger is past. But what is that body of troops in our left rear ? Our own .17th ? Oh, no ! It is many times the strength of our 17th even before to -day's fatal folly. Lieut. Roger Palmer has sharp eyes, and well he knows the headgear of the Russians. It is Jeropkine's three squadrons, who, seeing our plight, have moved down from .the Tractir Road to intercept us and cut off our retreat. Well may Lord Paget say : " We are in a devil of a fix 1" Minutes are precious ; but in great crises, men think quickly. Lord Paget sees the value of in- tent action, and he rises to the occasion. " Threes about ! " and oined by a few stragglers Irom the first line we begirt the retreat along the death -strewn trait. Three squadrons deep the Russians form in our path. Does it mean annihilation ? It looks like it. As Lord Paget's little troop approaches Jerop- kine swings back the right shoulder and wheels his squadrons half back to attack it on the flank at the .moment of passing. The manovuvro is tactically good, butrather slowly executed. " Throw up your left flank 1" shouts Lord Paget, but he is not heard, and grazing the front of the solid quadrons, dodging lance thrusts and parry - ng sabre strokes, our little host sweeps on. And where is Lord Lucan the while his Light Cavalry is being sacrificed ? His Lordship's blunder has been a terrible one ; t is to cause his recall, to reflect on his udgment and cloud his military future ; but it leaves no tarnish upon his perabnal alor. He fully intends to be in the fray. He divides the Heavies into three lines to ollow Lord Cardigan's force down the valley, intending to preserve a connection nd have thus a chain of supporting lines. But the pace is too fast. In spite of his ffort, by riding out far in advance of his men to preserve the formation, Lord Cardigan's rapid charge and oross-fire from the heights, to count their losses, to wonder how the battle rages down the valley, and to be ready to cover the retreat. But will there be any retreat ? Does it seempose'—'ib1 iharany remnants or tlie"gay brigade that has just disappeared in yonder battery smoke will ever make their way back ? Even if th$y break away from the Russian cavalry how can they hope to run the gauntlet of rear and cross batteries ? Think of those rapidly served guns on the Causeway Heights and on the Fedioukine Hills ! It seems impossible that anything, can survive such a atom of iron. But Jabrokritsky is not to be permitted to complete the work of slaughter from the Fedioukine Hills. Far up the valley that brave Frenchman, General Morris, with his magnificent Chas- seurs.d'Afrique, looks down on the advance - of the Light Brigade. Generous admiration changes to horror as he sees it charge straight down between the Russian bat- teries. He perceives that a terrible blunder has been made he will do what he can to minimize its effect. He is a man of prompt decision. Jabrokritsky's batteries, doing such deadly execution, must be silenced ; and he will silence them. He orders the gallant D'AlLonville and the " Travellers " to attack. Bringing forward the right shoulder the regiment moves off, at a quick pace, wheels to the right and sweeps down upon theflank of the nearest battery. Veterans are there. The Russian artillerymenquickly limber up and dash off, while Jabrokritsky himself leads up a strong force to prevent D'Allonville from carrying off the guns. But D'Allonvilie'a work is done ; the recall is sounded, and he retires. And, thanks to the noble Frenchman's well-timed attack, the murderous batteries of the Fedioukine Hills, which inflicted so much injury on our cavalry in their advance, are silent during their retreat. And such a retreat 1 Lance thrusts and sabre strokes may be parried or evaded ; not so the plunging shot, the hail of musket balls and the whirring fragments of shell- And yet the efforts of Liprandi's gunners are to some extent a cover for the retreating cavalry, protecting them from pursuit by the Russian squadrons. But the brave boys have sore hearts. Sadly they ride over bodies of dead comrades. Mounted men, sorely wounded, cling to their horses, and others not so fortunate struggle along on foot or, exhausted and weak from loss of blood, lie down to be speared to death and stripped by the implacable Cossacks. Brave fellows give up their mounts to wounded comrades and walk be- side them. And all the time Liprandi's gunners on the Causeway Heights do their worst. Would that Lord Lucan bad had General Morris' foresight ! But, hark ! a British cheer 1 And out of the smoke of the fray, Lord Paget, bringing up the rear of the stragglers, emerges to be warmly greeted by Lord Cardigan and fellow sur- vivors. * * ,* * * * It has been a pregnant twenty minutes 1 Dearly .has glory been purchased. The 13th Light Dragoons muster only ten men ! Examination shows that we have lost 113 killed _; 134 wounded ; .15 .. unwounded. prisoners, and that 475 horses were killed and 42 wounded. We have lost many offi- cers. And what have we gained ? Ah ! it was splendid ! " Yes," says the sage French general, Bosquet, " It is splendid ; but it is not war !" " What did you mean, sir," says Lord Raglan, by attacking a battery in front, contrary to all the usages of war, and the customs of the service ?" " My Lord," replies Cardigan, "I hope you will not blame me, for I received the order to attack from my superior officer in front of the troops.'' * And so the Charge of the Light Brigade— brought about by a most deplorable blunder —has became, by reason of the braveryof the officers and men engaged, enshrinin history, to shed lustre on British arras and to live as an example of daring and devotion to duty ; while, notwithstanding his unfor- tunate severance from his men—which none regretted more than he—Lord Cardigan is conceded to fully deserve his commanding officer's high encomium : " He was as brave as a lion !" MASQUETTE. Sabres in the air now, men ! Bravely you t have run the gauntlet of Death down the e valley, without a chance to strike a blow ! e At them now 1 Remember your slain corn• rales 1 The second and third lines, in diminished echelon, aro here.. Swabs and 1 ramrods aro dropped. Down go the Cossack gunners, spitted through or with cleft, 8 skulls, or they crawl beneath the gun car- ' riages for shelter ! Many an artilleryman's wife will' weep for this day's work 1 On past the guns sweeps Capt. Morris, t with a score of survivors of the 17th Lancers, which he 'drives, straight at the he. demoralizing cannonade breaks the ontinuity he hadc-rlanned to preserve. The ruel cross-fire is decimating the Heavies. Lord Paulet is wounded ; Capt. Charteris elle dead beside him ; Lord Lucan is shot n the leg and his horse is twice wounded, 'he Light cavalry is rapidly fading from ight in smoke and dust far down in the front ; the connection has been irreparably sundered ; shall he further imperil his troops, or shall ho not ? He has decided. " They have sacrificed the Light Brigade; they shall not the Heavy if I can help-it,J" And back they ride out of the raking A Famous Choir. " Undoubtedly the finest choir in the world is that of St. Peter's, in Rome,known as the Pope's Choir," said Frank Torre, of Baltimore, at tho Southern, says the St. Louis Globs -Democrat. " There is not a female voice in it, and yet the most difficult oratorios and sacred music written are ren- deredsin such a manner as to make one think that Adelini Patti's high soprano is leading. The choir is composed of 60 boys. They' are trained for the work from the time they; get control of their vocal cords; and some of the nest singers are not over 9 years old. At the age of 17 they are dropped from the choir. To say that at 'the Pope's service one hears the grandestchurch music that the world has ever known sounds,t commonplace, so far short doer• it fall of apt description. I am something of a corn- noisseur, have been a profound student of muaic all my life, and have heard every' great opera produced by the most famous organizations, but until a few months ago, when I heard the Pope's Choir, I had no idea that the human voice was capable of such performances. I don't see why the big operatic organizations don't learn a lesson from St. Peter's and have a chorus of boys exclusively. It would not suit the bald - heads, but it would please the genuine lovers of music." Pat's Heady Retort. A bishop was travelling in a mining coun- try and encountered an old 'Irishman turn- ing a windlass which hauled up ore out of a shaft. It was his work to do this all day long. His hat was off and the sun was pouring down on his unprotected head. " Don't you know the sun will injure your brain if you expose it in that manner ?" said the good man. The Irishman wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at the clergyman. " T)o you think I'd be doin' this all day if 1 had any brains ?" ho said, and • then gave the handle anothor turn—MiltratJ,ee ll'is• Conlin. • Business ins business and politics ought to be politics, but it isn't. Politics is a business, and that is what is the matter with the country. TRUE COURTESY. In this l:ustance Found Behind the Couifter of a Dry Goods Store. Not long ago, writes a Youth's Companion contributor, 1 was seated WA -counter- underwear and children's clothing estab- Ishment frequented by the wealthier ladies of San Francisco, when a poorly dressed woman wandered in, leading a little boy and girl. From her dress and appearance she was evidently a workingwoman or the wife of a day -laborer, who probably lived in the outskirts of the town, and who rarely got so far away from home, being accus- tomed to make most of her purchases at one of the little suburban stores Scattered about the city. It was the first day of the month; theyy before had been the monthly pay -da Mr husband, and it was plain, from her bight expression, that she had in her purse a little money which it was her delight to spend, mother -fashion, in the adornment of her children, both of whom were painfully shy and shabbily dressed. " I would like to look at a bonnet for my little girl," she said, modestly addressing the stylish -looking, black-eyed young sales- woman. " A wash bonnet, I suppose ? " replied the young lady. " If you.please." Stooping and reaching under the counter, the young woman brought out a large box piled high with dainty emproidered caps of the latest pattern, and covered with a frost - work of fine embroidery. The woman put out her hand timiilliand possessed herself of one of the more or- ate. The saleswoman picked out one of plainer pattern and held it out to her, say- ing pleasantly : " Here is one of the prettiest bonnets we have in the store." The mother took it in her hand, looking happily at her child's smiling face. Yes, it was a charming little bonnet ; pretty enough tor the nicest little girl in the city ; one that would be sure to be becoming to the sweet little face; but prudence checked her. " How much is it ?" `Tedollars." The price was very reasonable for the bonnet and the place. Nobody goes to that store without expecting to pay roundly for exquisite tasteand perfect workmanship. But the poor woman put the bonnet away with a decisive gesture, trying to disguise the disappointment she felt. " That is too much. I can't go higher than fifty cents." I looked anxiously at the saleswomen, wondering if she would make a contemptu- ous retort. But the girl remained as calm and polite as if she were serving the Queen of Sheba. " I will look and,see if we have any in her size at that price. I ani almost sure that we are out of that size in fifty -cent bonnets," she said. Then she made a feint of looking under the counter, and• rose again, still with the utmost courtesy. " I am sorry, but we are entirely out of her size," she said. The poor woman took her children by the hand and left the store, with her pride un- hurt, and -the• girl handed me my change witha word of thanks. . I nodded a good-bye to her, wishing that I might express my appreciation of her gracious little deed wishing, too, that other saleswomen would follow her ex- ample of thoughtful consideration for the poor ; and wishing most of all that there was -some way of slipping two shining coins into the purse of the poor . mother, 'so that she could have the bonnet she wanted to frame the child's sweet, shy face. Professor (lecturing on galvanism)— What would be the effect, Mr. Broken, if you should hold a quantity of gold in one hand and of silver in the other ? Broken— I should experience a decided shock. - More outrages by famished peasants are reported from Russia. An Ohio man has 20 `wives and a Massachusetts man has sixty, yet both lead quiet and peaceful lives,within the solid and protective walls of penitentiaries. W. H. Parker will be electrpcuted at Auburn, N. Y., during the week commenc- ing July llth. ON ENN®'tS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is peasant and refreshing to the taste, rut acts gently yet promptly on the I( 'ney s, . Liver and Bowels, cleanses file sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its m an v excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. , Syrup of, Figs is for sale in 75c l,,.' tle i by all leading druggists. A r ' reliable druggist who May not 1,:,\'c it on bans will procure it 10rPfl tly for any one who Wishes .0 try it. Manufactured only by tl•^1w AUFOR BA FICA SYRUP CO, 9 SAN :e. ANOIS0o, °Ai,. 1CY.i 1VI .1..E, :t it. NEW YOEM, N. Yr