HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-03, Page 8p oil Al YOUR EECT app LEGsr D(�t1 yeUN ) THE/ fVERFAsr 'S10CKtNG- i . 1-iKe \1 Do. I\\\\\\r EYEi 'AST STAINLESS TRADE MARK. ) A LIZZIE NAS WORN TME I, SO -GALLED WARRANTED ', FAST BLACK L STOCItINCS..,.:::ri:✓:;?, STOCKINGS. MABEL u HAL ORN EVEiiFAST STAINLE S As wanner weather is now upon us there will be a big demand for cotton hose, and here . let us say that there is nothing to beat the Ever Fast Black. They are perfect fit- ting. They are a beautiful jet black and they are abso- lutely stainless. Every pair has the above cut stamped on them. Ask for them, and be sure yo get them if you want a hose to give you perfect. satisfaction. Also seeour special lines in black cashmere hose. Extra value in the following prices -20c, . 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, and 50c per pair. While speaking about foot- wear we would ask you to see what we are offering in boots and shoes: We never had `- better value in fine lines than at present, and we ask you to call and have a look through our stock. • CMEUON, MURDOCU & CO t Lvog.ivow_ N. B.—Try our Teas, black, green and Japan, all prices. And remember we sell best granulated sugar 21 lbs for a dollar or 41c per lb. WideAwake Buyers will find our 'store, full of big, brilliant bargains. We have got the stock of the season and for . the season. The verdict of the people is that Brumpton's stock of ready made clothing, is simply immense. We have any quantity of it, any. ,quality of it, and we want to sell it and more than that we are going to sell it. Good clothing at low prices is what tells. What is the use of paying a tailor five dollars for making and three dollars for trhnming a boy's suit when you can buy Readytnade that will fit all over and not touch. any place, and wear the boy,out, for half the money at Brumpton's. ' AVe do the ready made clothing trade simply because we carry the stock to do it with. We make this branch a specialty, buy it 'right and sell at a small mar gain. As a rule sugars advance before • fruit season, and there is no reason this season be, an exceptionao others. Now is the time to take advantage 91 the exceptional' low • figures. We quote 4i for tl.edpath's Standard graulated, and 31.. for light coffee suyar. We have a large quantity still in stock and will be pleased to supply all who require it either in small' quantities or by the hundred weight or barrels. ' A. barrel only costs about fourteen dollars at those figures. The ,wool seas* willsoon he- here. We want to get two car loads and are „prepared to pay the highest price in cash or exchange factory tweeds, flannels and blankets. Parties coming to this market. will not do themselves justice if° they don't call on the won- derful cheap general dealer • The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce County, Friday, June 3rd illillmeftemmumparisur LUCKNOW POST -OFFICE. Hours 8 a. m.to 7 p. m. MAILS ARalvs. W. G. ,L• B. South L. II, & B. North Holyrood Hinlough W. G. 4: B. North Goderioh Intermediate points L. H.& B, North Langgide W, G. & I . ,South L H. & B., South 1 H. & B. South W W. G.& B.North Hol od ) inlough l} Kinloss 6:13 a. m. Daily 1230 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 3:48 p. m, 9 00 p. m, °' 10.30 p. m, - " Tuesdays and 3 00 p, m, Fridays 9.30p. m. 10.00 a. w. 310 p. m- 4.30'p.m. - :Village and Vitintig Attending Grand Lodge County la Rater A. T. Davison is in Montreal this week attending the' annual meeting of the Supreme Orange Grand Lodge of British North America., Seriously 111 His many friends in Lucknow and vicinity will be sorry to learn that Mr George Kerr, of Brantford and former- ly merchant of this village, was suddenly seized . with paralysis this week and now lies in a very critical condition. Mutilated Coins The number of mutilated silver coins in circulation now is being freely commented upon by merchants and others. Scores of 10, 25 and 50 -cent pieces have large holes in them, and some of the coins have pieces nipped off their edges. It is thought that somebody is in the business of making money by the punching and clipping process. Lucknow Woollen Mills Messrs Lees and Douglas, of the Lucknow Woollen Mills, have again issued their annual circular to the farmers of Bruce and Huron counties. This old established firm is 'spared, as formerly, to pay the highimarket price for this season's wool, ,and also to do custom work in all its branches. They have always in stock, full lines ;of blankets, tweeds, flannels, stocking yarns, etc., and invite the inspection' of intending purchasers. Cheap Eggs The Clinton New Era says :—The merchants here are now paying 6'iCents per lb. for eggs. Mr. Wilson, of Sea - forth, made the remark here, on Tues- day, that if the McKinley tariff were off he would at once pav 12 cents per dozen for eggs. People who vainly suppose that there is "big money" in theexport of eggs to Great Britain will be interested in knowing that on a single shipment made last year—and under apparently favorable circum- stances. Mr. Wilson had the misfor- tune to drop $1,500. A Word to Horseman A correspondent from New Glasgow N. S., to the Canadian Sportsman, signed himself "Standard -bred" in speaking of Mr. Grand's great sale of horses in Torohto recently, says it , should be a middling pointer for the farmer how to breed harness horses for profit, as the first offering of fifty- seven head totalled $21,695, being the magnificent average of • $380 each. Owners of trotting bred mares, unless they are producers of more than common speed, it seems from the way prices are going just now, would not make a mistake in matching them to good thoroughbred, and good half or three-quarter bred, running mares bred to first class troting horses shrnild pro- duce equally profitable market stock. Hymeneal The Goderich Star, in referring to. the marriage of two former well-known Lucknowites says "On' Wednesday evening, May 18, a very interesting ceremony, consisting of the marriage of Mr. A. B..Davison to Miss. E. Mc- Kinnon, was preformed at the Tesi- dence of N.`McKinnon, Esq., West St., in the presence of nearly forty guests. The contracting parties were supported by Miss Grant and Mr. I), McBrien, while the wedding march' was being played by Miss Crabb, took their po- siti;n under a large bell beautifully decorated with evergreens and roses. The ceremony was preformed by the Rev. J.'`Anderson, B. A. The bride, was neatly and elegantly attired, wear- ing a beautiful wreath and flowing wedding veil. The bridesmaid looked very pretty in her heat and becoming attire. After the ceremony the party sat down to a sumptuous supper in the large dinning room, which was beautifully decorated fur the occasion. The presents were numerous', costly and useful., A very enjoyable evening was spent, incl at a late hour the guests departed wishing the newly hnarrwii ((uirle nonlh ,joy grad happiness their new rplationshilfl. Fruit prospects. The orchards in this section never showed better prospects for a tremen- dous fruit crop • than at the present time. Fruit trees of every descrip- tion are leaded with blossom&.aizd...iL no frosts comes the harvest will be the largest ever known. J A Rare Bird � Dr, Tennant has in his office a very rare specie of bird, and one seldom seen in this section of Canada. It is called the "Least Bittern", and was captured in an apple tree on the'farm of Mr. David Carruthers, of Kinloss, by one of his sons about a week ago. The Dr, intends having it mounted. It will make a good acquisition to his air t t1y lame collection of native bird. West Bruce Reformers The West Bruce Reform association will hold its annual meeting in the town hall, Kincardine, on Friday afternoon, 17th June, The meeting hasbeen called by A. Malcolm, presi- dent, and Wm. Henderson, secretary. So says the Reporter. As the county council is meeting on that date it would be much more convenient to the members of that body if the conven- tion was held a week later. About Letters In nis annual report lately issued the Postmaster General says : As some misunderstanding appears to •exist with respect to request letters, it may be well to state that only those letters mailed in Cinada and addressed to places in Dominion, upon which is printed a .request that they may ;be returned to the address given if not delivered within a specified time, can be regarded as request letters and be returned to the writer without going to the Dead Letter office. Letters having the printed address of the sender thereon, but without a specific request to return if not delivered with- in a certain time, cannot be 'treated as request letters. Such letters will, however, be returned unopened from the Dead Letter office. • Green Goods A prominent business man in the, village received this 'veek a circular from a New York "green goods" man, that for unadulterated gall caps" any - . thing, we have ever seen. It is entirely different from the old style of circular sent out by this class of swindlers, and is so ingeniously and plausably worded that even a pretty shrewd man, if he is inclined to be dishonest, may be caught by its tempting bait. It is a fraud of the worst description. The polished scoundrel closes the circular with the following caution : P. S.—.I request as a favor, never to write me a letter, as I shall positively refuse to receive it, a letter is damaging evidence "in all cases for both parties, and especially so in this.—Simply send me a telegram to E. Johnson, 1356 Fifth . Ave., New, York City, N. Y., and say "all right" and sign your full name and post office address to it. Lucknow Dramatic Company A meeting of the young `men of the village was held in H. Morrison's law office on Monday, May 30th, for the purpose of organizing a Dramatic Company for for the village. The follow- ing officers were appointed :—Hon. Pres., Harry Hart ; Hon. Vice Pres., D, D. Yule : President, J. S. Tennant,. M.D.; Vice Pres., D. W. Hayes ; Trea surer, H. Morrison ; Secretary, W. R. Wirlis. Executive Committee :—W. R. Willis, M. Campbell, Jr;, and D N. Lawrence. Property men:—W. R. Hornell and 13. McCofvie, A motion was passed that the Dramatic company present "Karll's Promise" at the dedi- cation of the new.scenery in the Town Hall. , This play is <i production of Hon. President, Mr. Harry Hart and is one of the best ever written. A hearty- vote of thanks was tendered the young ladies who so kindly render- ed their assistance on former occasions. A 'notion was passed that the minutes be sent to the SENTINEL for.publication. J. S. Tennant, Pres. NV. R.Willis,Sec A Big Swindle Considerable excitement prevails among the . farniers of Huron and Perth counties over the doings of a sharper. IIe canvassed the neighbor- hood some time ago taking 'orders for evergreens. The order is given for a bo:: of shrubs a foot square, to con- tain about fity plants or so at five cents each. But when the foot box carne to hand it contained in some instances 2,500 plants costing 5125 instead of fifty for 52.50. It is esti- mated that at least :20,00( will he taken out of the vicinity of St. Mary's by the swit,dle,if the fanners do not succeed in the suit .entered against the proprietor of the nursery at St. Catharines who supplies the' ever- greens. A couple of farmers near - 1 .Lucknow were also roped in by the ii ' ty & 1 n -' slick tongued swindler and we under- stand they have refused to take the "little boxes" out of the express office item - - - _ _- - • LOCAL PARAGclpLPHS. Newsy Itemsserved up for Sentinel Benders —Mr. Wm. Hanibly left on Monday last for Chicago. —Miss F. Kane, of Corrie, is the guest of Mrs. G. W. Berry. —Mrs, Young, of Blyth. is the guest of Mrs. Henry Youny. —Mrs. E. R. Black and .Carey are the guests of .Mrs. S. Morrison, Kinloss. —Wanted.—Servant girl, firat-class, good pay.—Apply to krs. W. Allin. —Mr. and Mrs. Mair arrived home from Aurora on Wednesday afternobr, —The Misses McKinnon, of Clin- ton, are the guests of Mrs. D. Patter- son. —Weather and.crop prophets main- tain the idea that this year will be the best for fruit we have had. —Miss Carrick, of the Lucknow public school, is attending the West Bruce teacher's Assobiation. —Mrs.. Jas. Johnston, of North Bay, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Little, of this place. —The Rev. Duncan Cameron, of Nairn, and formerly of Lucknow, is visting friends in this vicinity. —The Methodist ministers and lay - delegates of this section are attending .the Conference meeting at Guelph this week. —The executive committee of the Patrons of Industry for Bruce co'ianty will meet in Pinkerton on June 14th at1p.m. —Southampton is giving Bowman 3z Zinkan .10 year's exemption from taxes to rebuild their tannery recently- des- troyed by fire. —Teacher—Give a sentence which shall include the words "measure not men." Bright pupil—A' dressmaker measures not 'men. —The Brantford Police . Magistrate has ordered the flogging of.a number of boys who refuse to go to school. This is better than the jail. —Marriage will continue- to be a failure -till our young women learn to support, a man in the style he has always been accustomed to. —Now is the time to secure first class celery, tomatoe, cabbage and cauliflower piants of ' all the leading varities, cheap at Wm. Turley. • —The Bruce Connty Council will meet on the 14th of June at Walker- ton, and the Huron County Council will meet in Goderich on the 7th of June. —"What is a promoter 7" asks a sub- scriber. A. promoter is a man who Makes his living advising you to put money into schemes that he wouldn't invest his money. in. —Walkerton will have a big demonstration on the 15th and " 16th of J une, including horse racing, athletic sports, etc. A foot race open only to members of the County Council is also one of the attractions. —A special sermon will be preached to the W. C. T. U. in the Methodist church by the Rev. J. Colliug, on Sunday evening, June 19th. The Templars of the village and all other friends of temperance are invited to attend. —Mr. James Young shipped his running mare to Chicago on Monday last where she has been sold for a good figure to a gentleman in that city:. She is a good one and wilt no doubt give a good Account of herself on the western turf. —Don't fail to. come and see our stock of buggies' before buying. Square top buggies $75.00, our 'own make and a large stock on hand to select from. Also a number of second hand buggies on haud, cheap. Come and see our $5.00 ones.—Jlildred' Bros., Lucknow, —The Ontario Government have issued a pamphlet discriptive of the Rainy River District, which will be invaluable to those who are contem- plating settling there. The 52 pages contain full and accurate descriptions of the soil, climate, agricultural capa- bilities, area, timber resources, etc.,, of this new addition to Ontario's area. • —The races to be held in Wingham on Tuesday, June 28th, promise to ho. • a -success -There mill be $700 given in purses. The following is the pro- gramme : 3 Minute—Trotting and pacing, 8200 ; Green Race ---Trot or pace, for horses owned within 115 miles Wingham, 1st May, 1992, that have never won money in any race, $60 ; ri Mile Race --Best 2 in 3, 5200 ; Pree- for•all —Trot or pace, $250. Peart has received a large stock of the leading line of Boots 4 Shoes And at prices that will meet the , wishes of the public. . Men's fine Balmorals and Gaiters and a large variety of plough boots. ,. Women's Kid Button and Laced Boots cheaper than ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers in Different Styles. ,children's wear in all the leading, nes. CALL AND EXAMINE. !'Repairing done on short notice.. JOHN PEARTa . Flowers Mrs. Smith.hasjust received a large assortment cif CHOICE FLOWERS which she is selling at REDUCED PRICES Call and See Them. Mrs t., J QTS. Murchison, MILLINER. Has opened out a fresh new stock of Spring Millinery. And is prepared -to welcome customers, receive orders and supply the latest .and most Fashionable Millinery at prices that cannot fail to be popular. Customers and their orders receive personal attention, and their favors are duly appreciated. A CALL SOLICITED.. Mrs MitrChZSo22. Leads them all for B Family Groceries •AND— CANNED GOOD4 Fruits ofAll Kinds in Season, FINE TEAS A SPFCIALI" y. The Lrxygest .Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Best Valzzc obtainable in Lucl;tlo«- JOH ELL! T. • ro it