HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-06-03, Page 14 • D. CITAYOB Has now in stock full .,,lines iu - eigkintkno. SaP Buckets CAM AND FACTORY CAS and all3iair.>supolies, VOL XIX.— 23 =i ss•47".essze ,sass " r'inx-m'`'i4 a. h"y - G .740Cs MY HARDWARE Even surpasses formes years in variety and qual- ity. Kalsominiig at the season ot house cleaning. Paints,•oils and varni• nes in abundance. Feat e wire and everything 'tom scrod in a first ,:lace h3r.i ware stn -e. All "f will be sold cheaper than the cheapest at D. C. Tay lor's. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1892. PNKOFHAMILTONLGEO, MAIR & CO. LUCKNOW. Capital, $1,2o6;85o. Rest, $600.000. President -JOHN STUART. Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS . JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. WCOD, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SAVINGS BANK.—Htiurs 10 to 3 ; Satur. day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. SA CIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur - rates of interest. Dl FTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. ' J. C'. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DENTAL • J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. Wingharn, w ill be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for $10. Filling and evtractinq a specialty LEGAL SIMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, A7 in H. C. G. Kinlough P. O., Ontario. PA. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's bld stand. A MORRISON', ATTORNEY AT • ■ • law, Solicitor in Cauccry, Convey anter, Commisioner, etc. Office. over the barber shop. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. G,ARROW, Q.C, .UM. PEOUDFOOT. MEDICAL T A. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. V 0 O. Office, Kintail. • J JR. ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESI- • 1J deuce, • Outram street, secoud door north of Little's shoe store, DR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, 'Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p.•m. D• McD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. DR. D.. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rigah's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel, Lucknow. GENERAL MONEY TO;LOAN ! .ON FIRST-CLASS 1�1 mortgages at 7 to 7i per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate,. Apply to ROBERT MURRLY, St. Helens. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for any time, at the lowest rate of interest. The principal May be paid at the end of the time; or a part of theprinci- pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on the amo nt paid, For •further particulars, etc„ app to ANGUS.STEWART, Lucknow, SOCIETIES W• C. T. U.– The regular monthly • meeting of .the Wcmen's Christian Temperance Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p. m. MRS. W. .H. SMITIH, President ; Mas. HOrRNELL, Secretary, UUKNOW 11 Lodge, No. 112 `J meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell Street.' All brethren eerdial]y invited. WM. Iloun, N, Grand ; •TOTTs ET.r.iOT, Recorder. CG. ]•'.,COURT • Sherwood, No. 50, Thlcknow. Meet - every first and third Monday in ever y. month, in the Ur• ange hall.. Visit- ing brethren 'a r e cordially invited. !il'!";;iit,i T. MATTHIE, C, R. •.�1). D. - YULE SEC. AO\V I. U, U". W. I,UCKNOI)GE OF • the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second ATmulay evenine-s of each month a , eight o'clock. ' Visiting brethren cordially invited. L. 1`A'rTt asoN, Master Wori-iman R. T),II.1N1'nON, 'rate% . Bruce County Council. THE ('()PNTV COUNCIL. 1)F TUE Countyn f I;.ace will til meet as per (' l.lj`yornrulnent of January session in the Council C hard), r, W, 'lu r.t• a), on Tuesday, the 14th •f ,Tons•, = yYti1.� 0E0. GOULD, Clerk, BANKERS, Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y, LUCKNOW, FEB'Y 13TH, 1892. ,TO THE FARM, : Since the date of o r last advertisement to you we have sold 1100 s of land, and being all the land held by us in behalf of the various Loan. Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm of 200 acres in Kinloss, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of payment. Several farmers have, however, placed their farms in our hands for sale, so that we hope ..to be able to spply the bulk of the demand for farms as heretofore. But as our sales exceeded 1000 acres last spring we would request those in want of a cheap farrn to apply early. as the spring time will now soon be here. We can grant very reasonable terms of payment for all our, sales and a low rate of interest. If you wish to renew or change you mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we can guaran- tee you satisfaction and at a very trifling expense, We lend money on farmers' notes fer long or short time, and can supply all demands on reasonable terms, Sale nates a specialty. We do a general banking business of all kinds with Merchants, , Cattle Dealers, Shippers and Farmers, GEO. A. •SIDDALL, Manager MUSICAL TUITION. ANY ONE REQUIRIN?FIR.ST-CLASS lessons in music can have the same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. For terms apply to the Rev. Mr. Connor, the rectory. Prof. Moss will be in Lucknow on Mondays.' MUSIC LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT by Miss Kaake, late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence over E, Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH CHURCH —SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m, Sunday. School, 2:30,p. m., Superintendent,' Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening a o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. A arewelcome. • REV. W, J. CONNOR, Pastor. C. T. R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Lucknow for south, at 6:03 a m, 10:30 a, m. and 6:25 p. m. North at 12:25 p. m„ 4:05 p. m. and 10;37 P. m. Fire and Marine assurance. North British and Mercantile, .of Edinburgh and. London. Western, of Toronto, Liverpool & London and • Globe, of Liverpool, Gore District, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phoenix, o London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT ' - GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at: my expense, I1�aTSURANCE;• Farmers, look to your own interest and insure your farm buildings and private dwelling.; in the • • LONDON MUTUAL. No large 1firClsliullt NoIes required! CA SIT SYSTFFT ; • 50 cents to 30 cents per ;11110 for three years, JOHN LANE ENT, - @(INI.OU . Alst) agent for the Phoenix, of London, AC Et�u,�l�ancl. - --- TILE NO TI C L SUI35(7RIBER I AS )Pi;YE1) AN ofiict: in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office, AGREEMENTS, BON1) , l,EA.SE$, DEEDS,' M()itTGAr,E5 ,INT) WILLS ('AR,EFt LLY PREPARED. Plans ,:st,Ucihcati'ns and estimates for build, Ings, mills, bridges, etc„ furnished .on short notice. JAS, 5011E ERVILLE. I Lnoknmv, .Tan ,1891. LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL. The following is the standing of the pupils of the school for May, the names being-In/order of merit : FIRST DEPARTMELT. Sr. 5th—Excellent—A Lawson, M 'McCoy, A Woods, A Lolling II Holmes. ' Intermediate—Excellent— W Mal - lough. Good—H McCharles, F Coi- ling. Fair -0 McLaren. Primary 5th—Excellent—M Gra. hatn, .A Douglas, T Reid. Good—A Boyd. Entrance—Excellent—W Yule, S Yule, A Hornell, J Tennant, M Douglas, A Miller. Good—J Lyons. SECOND DEPARTMENT. Sr. '4th—Excellent—E Greer, G Armstrong, E Odlum, S Greer. Good—A Baird, J McDonald, J Lees, S Boyd, A Findlayson, G McIntosh. Fair—W Treleaven, 0 Berry, S Arm- strong, A Lawson, W Corrigan. Jr. 4th-Excellent—A Matheson, E Roberston, W Brennan, 13 Bryan .and J Moor (ties).. Good—A Mc- Millnn, L Patterson, FI Gallagher, R Holmes, A Findlater, J Douglas. Fair --E McLaren,' 13 McQuaig, ,R Wilson, H Barber, 13 Hardy', W Corrigan, THIRD DEPARTMENT. . Sr. 3rd —Excellent—H. Sandy. Good—H Armstrong, J Baird, CMair, G Douglas, H Hunter, 13 McCoy. Fair—H Grundy, H Thompson, F Matthie, E Davison. Jr. 3rd—Excellent—A Geddes, J Lyons, J McDonald, L Smith. Good --C Shoebottom, E Vance, I 'Mc- Intosh, D Ross, E Wheeler, D Hen- derson. Fair --J McCoy, E Torrence, M McMullen, F Stewart, H Findlater, C Corrigan. °Poor—W Davison, (Esq) Sr. 2nd—Excellent--W Grundy, W Lees, R Graham, M Hunter, K Robison, JJ Watson, W Holmes, C McQuaig. Good—A Shoebottom, P McGarry, S McQuaig, A Ross, A McCorvie, A Middleton. Fair --R Davison, F Ross, W Young, Poor— R D McLean, t (Esq). FOURTH DEPARTMEI!.'f.. Sr. 2nd -Excellent -s --11I Cameron, .B. Potterson, J Lawson, W. Findlater, R Armstrong, M Findlater. Good— A McNabb, C McLaren, • H . Watson, L Stewart, • W • Aliin,• M Murdock, J Douglas. ' Fair—D Flyn, lZ Reid, M Greer, G McKenzie, .J Young. Jr. 2nd—Excellent--A Yule, J Henderson, M Williams, B Roberston, D Hornell, G Patterson. Good—G Holmes, W McIntosh, D. Lees, I .Flyn, E McIntosh, IT Grahams, 11I M Murdock, G Brennan •Fair—B Thompson, W McCoy, G. Sandie, C Vance, 13 Allin, J Lyons. Poor—E 'Reid, C'Qruridy, F Campbell, • Part • 2nd—Excellent:—.71 Baird, A Watson, G. Cameron, R Matheson, R Grundy, NV McIntosh, J McCorvie. Good --R Young. C Hunter, M Davi son. Fair—M" Moore, T Reid, E McMullin. Poor ---G Mair. FIFTIT D►r.YAR,TiiENT, Sr. Class—Excellent-R, Little, J c;c Williams,b!t 011�art,,)�, ,it ll(,4�d--••LLyons, I: Findlater, E '1',y!(,r, John -ton, E ITildretl, tI. 1lcl)ii1S,,i:, T., Stcwart. Fair --,A Connor, T, Mosel, 11 Hornell, '1'I G•raharn, Grundy. Poor—T) McDonald. Jr. Class.—.ExecI1euc—bI Ly Itis, Mu L,u Eat lr 1 4 WHOLE NO. 959. firing of „:ocular remarks was thrown in as a kind of an extra, do you see. Our annual entertainment is coming and Rev. R. S. G. Anderson will deliver a lecture in the church here, on Friday evening next. The subject will be on his "Trip to the Pacific." The description of his journey across the Rockies will no doubt prove one of the most entertaining and instruct- tive discourses we may have the opportunity of attending, and we hope to see a full house. The pro- ceeds will be for necessary repairs around the church property. Admis- sion for adults, 25c., juveniles,l0c. A programme of instrumental and vocal music will also be given. June 3rd., 7.30. CREWE. Mrs. Wm Phillips, nee Maria Jewell is visiting old neighbors in this vicinity this week. If the blossoms may be taken as s criterion we are going to • have a tremendous crop of fruit this year provided it escapes the frost. - The Cherry Grove P. of I. held their usual meeting on Monday evening.' They report having done a large stroke of business. A man came into our store the other day and asked for a pound of mixed candy. He watched the scales attentively and observed the figure. 8 on the platform. . After he left he remarked that "they only give eight ounces for a pound here". We thinks he should be appointed inspector of weights 'and measures. Walkerton suggests that Lane and Crewe meet on some lonely side road and settle their dispute. W beg to tender him our sincere thall,k for his -valuable suggestion, but wont', nay that there is not the faintes possibility of drawing Lanes so' fa from his shell, however, if, Walkerton as he seems to desire a hand in -di 'business, will be so,kind -as to • tak Lane's place for a fw minutes we: wi1 make it so interesting for him, that he will he careful to refrain from tned tiling in other people's affairs ever after,' Let us refer mildly once more to your vanquished correspondent at Lanes, „he who a few weeks agocasually informed your, readers that he had seeded his head down. The season being so very favorable to. vegetation the growth has evidently obscured his comprehension of the most evident facts which the sequel will prove. We must, confess to having received some tines of disappointment when pursuing • his epistles on finding that instead of originating his own remarks he merely adapted our words to suit his purpose. On his receiving our last how ever he evidently found him- self at sea as he dared.not adopt our business' tot'ie when replying, acid •was forced to launch into orriginality. Shade of Milton! Obseve how this Spuclnlell of imbecility essay to c'mploy figures in his. fruitless attempt to convey his ideas. Here is an example of his enlightenment in this (Erection "having basked in the sun - of that element (ignorance) for sons time, etc." Ignorance 1ee:.tlls- dat•1i11uSS (i. e.) the sun of darkness. Who ever before heard of anything like' .that. The whole combination ;'.tn.st, b1' seeded down. But this is on par with a ''large ave rage" of the ubsiirllities which enlinato from the 1ie11 of this hay -seed or rather' hay- eld, We offered to test our relative uelli,;ence and gave him a choice of acinus methods. He dared nut accept I,UNGANNON. ° Rev. A. Potter left here on Tues- day for Guelph to attend the Metho- dist Conference which opened on the 1st of June. Mr. Charles Never_ s, who has been attending the Toronto University for the past twp years, is home for his summer vacation. Mr. Wm. Robison and family moved to Dunlop a few days ago, he having rented the hotel in that place. Mr. Wm. Glazier and family moved to Goderich a few days. We under- stand Mr. Glazier is going to the North-west shortly. Mrs. Thos: Welsh had 'the misfor- tune to break one of her ribs last week. We believe she is getting betteragain. Miss Maggie Wilson, of Goderich, was visiting friends here last week. Miss Hardy, of . Clinton, is visiting with Mrs. Thos. Welsh this week: Mr. Wm. McMath visited friends in Clinton last week. A horse belonging to Mr. Joseph Stothers had his jaw broken last week by a kick from 'another horse. Mr. W. H. Varcoe has a valuable animal on the limp also, the result of a kick. WI COOPER ILLEY. Mr. Wm. McDonald is,getting over, his illness, he will soon be on the path again. If Bill had taken the highway instead of crossing the river on a log it, would have, saved hint. a cold bath and ,his 11: ' h Kennedy is .home from 1 visiting friend., in Dongaunon. ' l We have not seen David Carruthers, s , •ut lately. What is the matter i I :• ith Dave? t There: was a drawing match between r a horse belonging to James McLeod, , 5th,eon., Kinloss, and a span belong - e ing to Robt. • McCaul. 'Although Mc - e . Leod's horse pulled down grade 1 McCaul handled the ribbons well and won the match. A certain young man from the 7th • con., is in the habit of frequently visiting the stone house. We hope yeintentions are good Johnny. We understand that Mr. John Smith who is second lieutenant of the 32nd battalion is making preparations to' attend drill next mouth; taking a few of the neighboring I;oys along with. him. . The Maple Leaf foot 'hall club meets once a week for practicing, They are tigers at it. Bob McGilliveray conies down 'to visit them. once a week, Bob takes well with the tooper Valley ladies. McKay, I Douglas Good—W j 1 tton, J Kidney, 1? Reid, JsA'lc- en. Fair'—B McQuaig W Lettson, Turchison, T F1c.lili„t; E ,l[cT,arun, 1 ;ryt:n, t) ,Bill;, .i uu1—.A \Vinay, 1 McCoy, J McLure, A Tennant, ,T v Corrigan. any of them, but struggles violently to elaitu that we nr•e ignorant apparent- LAiVES, ly not seeing how that reflects on himself—calls us :1 pumpkin ]lead and Alex. Stubs,; of •S1)tt.',.•. LI,, paid u rt throws up the sponge. visit on the 2.1th. Ills. Lieu.• Campbell is at Pres-etic 114 F n'lt.r, N:(' 1)r'g ttl apologize for Torulito. .V!sting so much ink and spare on. .lir. Pagan is busy building n. tie' at this correspondent but he had but wire fence in front' If lti;, 11l.)1 LIMA 1 "stood i11 l)ad need” of a "dress. ing" for r-nnir time past and althnngh v,•e r1t1 not pretend to possess even it, "large avo"age" of intellect we knew 1,110 •v.• e:n11t1 easily briny him down info Ills 1'•')p r lev^1 anti so nln,'10 hold tre�r�ts:; ,•11 your rirnr1r11sity. We will I now 'illow ilini to squeal away 1111• 11'o,iod for a while if he chooses. some residence. Your Waikt`) to:t (li riti•1'nnn(1•,' hit tsquarely ht; nail sl l last wool:. l 'e T TTC KNOW ATECITANICS' TNSTI• 1 1 Y Mite. Reading room (Tell every ec(�'uiint{ l,:blI 1 111 � tO ;L similar. , �1ic'l;Y;l ,it ',, 1. 1 trout10 ,. to 1 cc 1 tt�.,,.,.4f,altl,,;;s, rr.,..al last, remarks 1)1� ,. the hrmrs tt ill he f n1 t „ Thi" )n i' last. on lihrarian will he in attendance during thes I if4 ,'111). l'L, \i` 16, • r 4) }1.,,.,! .P4/ hours. 1). D. V1'Ls, Preei,lent. .1 ti1111' ltti�' iPd. sttisfl'd 'll 1111)' now:, �d1ZABO:n'i, `,eetataly. lmtle•'i, ( • or:, . ,i,;1,. t. P a 44. ,•. S. S. IVO 5 KI1VLOSS. 4th class E .McIntosh, E Valens, A Sutherland, A McGilliveray. • 3rd class --R Cox, B McLeod, B Bain; B Naigh. 2nd class ---A Valens, J Fraser, A McIntosh, A. Sutherland. 2nd Part --J 'Smith, A .McCaul, A .I;ronwscombe, 13 Bre wnscottl10. CAR:ADA_ F•:Ii::iTA1•, The May nuni'U('r of Ccrne'7a fully sustains the high reputation which this popular monthly has so well earned. As the most, thoroughly Canadian of all our.,litorary ,journals. it should find a welcoli a in every borne. The poems are1)j•',T per ITerhin. "Erie and Thos, C. Robson. Mr.. Le Moine':] very interesting paper on "The His, tory and Legends of the King's Forges' is itself worth the px•i�c. "Pastor Felix" talks about "hooks" in his charming; style. " :\ 'Pal.' of .\n napolis"all'd "CritIcisn)s on Eu:ogiums' arc very reaclal,le cuut,ril)litiu,l,, Thr. departments (Cantl.rlia•)u1, f Io:.1( Our Own Poets, !111:1 nut You Lg People), are etr,t.;ti1,•:1 .:i,;l iL: . ,y hest original and selected, att•,'r,' while a new department, The h ,.Ir4('hristia:: T.ife, i1; introduc,•rT The ,' Ii erinl literary note's, and the1cn•a111 of •lurreitt n i+, and humor, aro prrnoitoret features Subscription, l.(ul n y,,,lr, 1'!1 pu`, liSl.lC.l' ntrert r•c'1 I^ to eight 10 int hs (\log• to 1)0,• erne i11 •stle'i 1 •l.' ^.1, R. l\i':l llf,