Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-05-27, Page 8•- ________ • YES they'll wash, for we ave tested them with warm ater and Sunlight Soap, and they stood the ordeal aswell as prints that you pay twice as much for. They are Am erican make, not quite so wide as some but splendid to wear. We have a nice range of them, and though they are worth 10 cents a yard we are doing them at 7 1-5 cents net. Be- sides these we have received a lot of those American indi- gos which are such favorites. If you buy them once youwill ask for them again. They are the finest goods to stand ,the wear and washing, for the money we ever saw, ,and •this is what people want. Should you require anything in fancy, prints or sateens, see our range of patterns and prices before purchasing. Remember we right. sell goods CAMERON, MURDOCH & MITOICNOW.. N. B.-21 lbs best granu- lated sugar for $1 and others in proportion. WHERE• THE CRON GUS That tells the story. For a time the multitude are governed by the opinion of a- few, but in the end people think for themselves and the verdict is—Brumpton's the wonderful cheap clothing and dry goods house. Should enter into your calculations. We are still cutting down prices to suit the most economical purse. Everything goes; even the price of new and fashionable millinery is away down. We need more room and cash. MENS MILLINERY. -• We have a great assortment of men's and boys' hats in all styles and sizes ; from seven and five eights, big enough for Goliath, down to the one that will fit the little kidd on his mother's knee. As a rule sugars advance before fruit season, and there is no reason this season be an exception to others. Now is the time to take advantage of the exceptional low figures. We quote 4i for Redpath's Standard graulated, and for light coffee suyar. We have a large quantity still in stock and will be pleased to supply all who require it either in small quantities or by the hundred weight or barrels. 'A barrel only costs about fourteen dollars at those figures. The wool season will soon be here. We want to get two car loads and are prepared to pay the highest price in cash or exchange factory tweeds, flannels and blankets. Parties coming to this market will not do themselves justice if they don't call on the won- derful cheap general dealer J. BRU PTON f The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce 0c/way, r•-;c1•Ay, May '7th NNW LUCKNOW POST -OFFICE. Hours. 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. MAILS Anima. W. G. & B. South 6:13a. m; H, & B. North 12.30 p. m. Kin ough Kinloss W, G. d: B. North Goderich Intermediate points L. H. & B. North Langside W,G. & B. ,Iiiouth I: H. & B., South f H. & B. South 1 W. -G.& B.North Kinks!! }; Holyrood 4 inlough 2:30 p. m. 3:48 p. m. 9 00 p. m, 10.30 p. m, Tuesdays and 3 00 p, m, Fridays 9.30p. m. 0.00 a. m. 3•20 p. m • .30 p.m . IDied in Aurora Mr. and Mrs. George Mair left on Thursday foil Aurora to attend the funeral of Mr. D. W. Doan, father of Mrs. Mair. who died in that town virthe-24th-inet.- after -a -short -illness - Deceased had been postmaster of Aurora for many years and was in his 54th year. Fine Plants Parties requiring celery, cabbage, tomatoe and cauliflower plants of all the leading varieties shouldcall at R. Graham's green house on Outram street. The plants are all grown from choicest seeds and will give good satis- faction. A splendid assortment of pot, house and garden flowers also for sale cheap. Daily •4 '4 ft nlay and StiVO. Guelph Conference The ninth session of the Guelph 'Conference of the Methodist church. will be held in Norfolk street church, Guelph, beginning on Thursday; June 2nd, at 11 a. m. Violating the Medical Act A patent medicine man was fined po and cost for selling his remedies on the streets in Walkerton, last week. He however has concluded to stay with them, as he has rented a building in town to sell his medicines in. Professor Meeke Prof. Meeke will give an entertain- ment in the town hall here on Wed- nesday evening, June •8th, under the auspices of Court Lucknow, Independ- ent Order of Foresters. Professor Meeke is one4 the best elocutionists in the province, Mid his entertain- ments in Lucknow a few years ago were very good. Landlord and Tenant At the last session of the ,Ontario Legislature an amendment, was made to the Landlord and Tenant Act, which is not generally known. By the new enactment any tenant .falling into arrears for rent with the exception of the first months liability, leaves himself open to be seized, and no goods or - chattels which he' may possess, are exempt from seizure: Everything goes. The Life of Hon. Alex, McKenzie From a letter just received from the Roe Publishing Co. I am authorized to say I am the only agent for the County of Bruce and West Wawanosh and Ashfield. It will be a splendid book. The history of A. McKenzie is to a great extent the history of Canada since the later 50's and the early 60's. Grits of course must see this hook but it will be of more interest to our Tory friends.—Walter Campbell. Wool Report Hamilton, Canada, May, 1892,—The wool clip of '92 will come on the' market with a large proportion of the clip of '91 still in the hands of dealers who are offering tosell seleeted combing at 18c. to 19c., without buyers. In these factsyou can easily calculate what the price of wool will be for the present clip. The farmers are advised not to use binder twine for trying up their fleeces, and should not be led astray by quotations for different kinds of Downs and Crosses. Buyers are instructed not to buy above the price of good combing, unless it be pure, 'Well washed Southdown, which is worth 2c. more, but, as the quantity of this wool grown in Canada is very limited, and in most sections none at all, it is of very little importance. The Wagons Failed 10 Appear During last winter a smooth-tongued. well-dressed fellow travelled through sections of this county, representing that he was an agent for a Wholesaile Supply Co., which Was generously going to supply farmers with goods of all kinds, at one-half the prices usually charged, and of which we at the time gave particulars. He had his" blank forms all ready printed, showing the prices at which the .various articles were to be supplied, and an admission fee of one 'dollar entitled the payer to full membership and all' the benefits of the association. He was so scrup- ulously honest that he would no;-, accept free hospitality'from the farm- ers, b‘ut allowed them to charge him. 25c each for meals and bed. The inducetnents were so tempting that•a great many are said to have paid their membership fee, and he consequently went away with' a full order • book. The delivery wagons were' tp be around early this spring, but as 41 -ley have not yet turned up, nor have the mem- bers heard anything more about it, they incline to the opinion that they once more got the wool pulled/ osier their eyes.—Exeter Times. -L-The wool season will soon be in again which will put money in cir- culation. Tt is thought that the prier. I f v I will ride !ittie lower - this year than last., In a Far Away Land —Mr. Robert Graham received on Saturday last a letter from his. son David, who is now in Valapariso, Chile. David left Lucknow about three years ago and since that time has visited England, Spain, Madagascar Brazil, Mexico. Indian territery and many other countries. He is doing well in Chile. Cheap Binder Twine The Ontario government is erecting a building at the. Central Prison, Toronto, into which to put all the required machinary for the manu- facture of binder twine. The manu- facture of twine will begin at once and it is expected that the govern- ment will supply it nearly at cost price to. the farmers throughout the Province. Foresters Day There will be a grand celebration in Wingham on July 1st, under the auspices of District No. 1, Canadian Order of Foresters. The District is a very large one, extending to Kincar- dine and Goderich on the west ; Port Elgin, Wiarton and Orangeville, on "the north , Drayton and Stratford on the east; and Fxeter on the south, in which there are upwards of 100 courts in the order, comprising a membership of between 2,000 and 3,000. Do You Know I use pure paint and don't you foget it. It is guaranteed by the manufacturer. It costs more than the cheap substitutes, which are a little better than whitewash, but it will wear and that is what you want. The labor forputting on one is the same as for the other. If you use the cheap and you save ten per cent in costs andlose 75 per cent in wear, it will pay you to have your painting done by Bennett the painter. Fraternal Visit The Wingham Times, says? "There was one new member admited at the Meeting of Anchor of Hope Lodge, I 0 G T, on Tuesday evening last. There were a number of visiting brothers and sisters drove .over from Lucknow and three from Bluevale. Tnere was a programn:e given consist- ing of addresses by Rev. E. W. Hughes song by Mr. L. Ireland ; song by Mr. J. McAlpine; duet by Mr. Douglas Mrs. Armstrong ; recitation by Miss L McDonald • song by Mr. 0. John- ston: after which the members from Lucknow and a number from this lodge retired to Mr.' T. C.. Sparling,s resturant, where a lunch was. prepared for the visiting friends in Mr. Spar- lings usual good style,„ Enforcingthe Law . - On Wednesday last there was weeping and wailing among the poor(?). people of this community. The sec- tion men, under the direction of Foreman Cooper, • impounded no less than 26 head of cattle found on the highways within half a -mile of the railway track. This action, while it caused some persons trouble and ex- pense, was a source of cosiderable rejoicing to the great majority of our people, who have suffered year after year from the cow nuisance, and the railway men were heartily commended for their action, which they promise to repeat if circumstances render it' necessary. There is statute em- pow'gring the impoundment of all cattle found running within a half - 'mile of the railway, 'and the author- ities Ilare instructed the section men to enforce it strictly.—Tara Leader. —Mr. John Miller brother of Mrs.' T. Ellis, 3rd line, Morris, has been very sick for the last three weeks. For thirteen days he did not taste solid food and was continually vomit; ing blood. Finally he visited s doctor in Lucknow who gave him relief. He is now convalescing fast. Some five 'ears ago h( was afflicted' with the same trouble but a trip to the Emerald Isle completely restored him to his usual good health.—Blyth ,ctandard.. • LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Newsy lima erved up for Sentinel Readers —For mens ready made suits at $5 try_ Channel Is, Luck no w. —Mrs. Madden. of Hamilton, was the guest of Mrs. E. Bower this week. ,---For millinery, carpets and lace curtains go to Connells, Lucknow. —Mts. D. E. Cameron and son Bruce are yisitipg friends in Lucknow. —Mrs. J. S. Colling spent a few days with friends in Toronto this week. —Go to Connell's for floor oil -cloths. He has them from 1 to 2 yards wide. —Jack Sandy left for Algoma on Tuesday last, to spend the summer. —Mr. ar_d Mrs. Proctor spent a few days in Clinton with friends this week. • —The Government dredge com- menced work in Kincardineharbor this week. —Mr. Charles, McKinnon, of en Clinton, spent the 624th with frids in Lucknow. • —Mr. George McHardy, of Toronto is at present renewing old acquaintan- ces in the village. —The warm rains of the past week have greatly aided vegetation and everything looks lovely, —If you want the best cabbage, Tomatoe and Cauliflower plants in the village, go to Wm. Turley's. —Sir Alexander Campbell, Lieu- tenant Govenor, of Ontario, died on Sunday last, aged 71 years. —Among the guests at the Oriental Hotel, • Vancouver, B. C., on the 1.7th inst., was Mr. R. Ellis, of Lucknow, Ont '4 —Ready made suits for the small boy in all sizes at Connell's, We can also fit the youth and the man. —The Rev. W. H. Barmby, of Montreal college, will preach in the Methodist church on Sunday evening next. —The trees are out in leaf and the fruit trees are in full bloom. A big fruit harvest isassumed if it escapes the frosts. ' —The cow nuisance is beginning again to be the- crying evil and scarcely a day passes that complaints are not made to us about it. —Both Premier Abbot and the Hon. Oliver Mowatwere created Ic C. M. G. by her Majesty the Queen, on the 24th • inst. —Lost— Between Lochalsh and Lucknow, on April 30th, a gold locket and chain. The finder will please leave the same at this office. —The 32nd goes into camp at London on Tuesday, June 21st, and No. 3 Co. still needs a number of recruits to complete the strength. —Mr. James 1VIeRae,'of Paris, and formerly one of the old time residents of the village, is visiting his brother- in-law, Mr. Joachim Grenache. —It is said that .1Emilus Irving, Q. C. has been appointed a Commission to hear the charges perferred against Sheriff Sutten, of Walkerton. —The village council inspected the stage and scenery in the new town hall at Wingham on Thursday evening last, and pronounced it the finest they had ever seen. —Her Majesty's Natal Day was duly observed by 'our citizens as a holiday, the great majority of the sport lovers going to Dungannon and Wingham. —Mr. W. ,11. -Kerr, editor of the Post, was elected Reeve of Brussels last week bY some 50 majority over his opponent, Mr. Baker. Mr. Kerr will make a first class chief magistrate, Shake. —In case of fire somebody asserts that a wet silk handerchief, tied with- out folding over the face, is a com- plete security against suffocation by smoke; it permits free breathing and at the same time excludes the smoke from the lungs. —The crops never looked better at this season of the year than at present. The seed was all got in the ground in prime condition and the rain lks brought it all on very evenly. With the splendid start that it has got a middling dry June would be better than one that is too wet. —During the past few weeks there have been two boiler explosions in the county of Bruce. Brooks' saw -mill at Golden Valley was wrecked all to pieces, With the first explosion one man was badly scaled, the mill burned and the boiler carried 100ft. At Elm wood last week a mill there was blown up. There were two in the mill at the time, and one was killed while the other was bhdly injured it was not thought that he would recover. iStop 1.0 Think • Peart has received a large stock of the leading line of Beats Shoes And at prices that will meet the wishes of the public. Men's fine Balmorals and Gaiters and'a large variety of plough boots. Women's Kid Button and Laced Boots cheaper than ever. Also Oxford tyes and slippers in, Different Styles. Children's wear in all the leading lines. CALL AND EXAMINE. GrRepairing done on short notice. JOHN PEART. MILLINERYr Now is the time to get Cheap Millinery. ' Call and see ourcounter of 25 CENT HATS Rrs Snake rs. Murchison, MILLINER. Has opened out a fresh ,new stock of Spring Millinery And is prepared to welcome cnstOmers, receive orders and supply the latest and most Fashionable Millinery at prices that cannot, fail to be popular. Customers and their ordera.receive personal attention, and their favors are duly appreciated. A CALL SOLICITED. Mrs Murchison'. THE HUB Leads them all for Family Groceries AND-- Sk CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS A 6PFCIALTY. The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow, JOHN ELLIOT.