HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-05-27, Page 5Ca C$E1(a1E. Mr, W. Misner had the misfortune to splash one of his fingers badly with the poll of an axe on Monday. Some canines in this vicinity are developing a te!pdency for fresh mutton. Keep an eye on your dogs neighbors. Say Tom, we hear that you are around shouting•for milk before there is sufficient day -light for the girls to distinguish the cows. Mr. Wm. Durnin, our local lamb and cattle buyer, has a tine drove of cattle on hand, to which he is constant- ly adding,. Say Mr. printer was their a screw loose around your machine when you were operating on our news last week? She turned out some curious orthogra- phy anyhow. Do you oil her regular? What is the reason that if two letters, one addressed'to the Lucknow SENTINEL office and the other to Ottawa, leave Crewe at the same time, the latter is likely to reach its destin- ation first? Yet Lucknow is only 12 miles from Crewe. W. Philips and gang, stonemasons and bricklayers, are again at work on Mr. Win. McGrory's new residence. We fear that when "billy" can view his, surroundings from his upper story he will begin to look down on his neighbors. Our Butter and Cheese factory is now in full blast. A large hogpen has been erected in connection with it, and Mr. W. H. Reid has the aontiact of keeping a sufficient supply of hogs on hand. "' Perhaps souse enc' around here would sell his farm, but it would be utterly, useless to attempt to buy a milch cow from any of us. The first barn raising of the season, in this section, took place lust 'sVednes- day when the frame of Mrs. Menary's, 40x50 barn was put in position. ;Everything went together•. well. The' mason work • was • done by Stother's Bros., and 'the wood -work by 'our local architect, Mr. Jno. Curran. That the workmanship was ,all first class was. the unanimous verdict of all. present. John's next job is a 60x6 1: barn, on stone 'foundation, for Mr. • \v. J. Treleaven. (A. . ii•. Logan who for Ii year past has been seriously troubled with lits was .relieved of her sufferings in 'a very strange way. A gentlemen happening to vistit the family and being told the case, itll- mediately said that the child was suffering. from lizard on the stomach, He prescribed for the child a table- -Spoonful of turpentine, (a'llit li he said would either kill or cure. The remedy feeotomeluled was applied, as the girl was not expected to endure her affliction much longer, with the result ,.that the troublesome lizard, about four or live inches in length, • passed from her in a very short. time after. The girl. is sitice doing well. It is believed that she swallowed the lizard while oinking,rater Qat of a pool in berry icking season last ea`t'.-- lVho tvrr. p Eclrr,. `:1 (. •C •� !' �. it �: • Il!c !r • 'if ulae E•C,{'!i .[j. 1. :r�.�:�5.�, •ry �i (reale.: :W 31,1'1 tilt, sh'•r', i.',, : 1 t,1 ,', 1.. u!'1 d!.; -1iVe •:;rong1ll. s:u tsi,„r. !• , lr, !. T • „ r ett,rr,.l ,I! It built nu' right 111),.:tn!l t;,cr nt' an e•; lent::l.petite. ��1;1). ,i�t�rtx .�ILtit;;;t;r•:,i,.. Wit:... • ":• L:aat 'spring I \vas c'nna;'lotcl'r t' ;c(,•e,l ,'11, 1\Ty :-,irenglh left the :col 1 fell •,Ir': nn,i u!;••. crable all the tH;1e, so.tl!;!t 1 r, ,',, 1 ,; attend to 1) business. 1 to'l ere i .•,;: ' ,�f rloo,l's Sars;;l,arill;!, and it eared u(e. Tie'! is nothing like 11." 11. (.'. Ill;cot,r„ I:clitor Euirrl,li• , 51,• 1 .( 111,, •,‘,;,.il• . Worn "Hood's ,Sarsaparilla restored me to goo,1 health. Indeed. 1 nli alt s•1': ala:l;lftIl paced niy life. To one feeling tired :4 n.1 V. : ;, <4,1 would earnestly recommend a tri,;1 1 f Hood's Sarsaparilla." Pins. Pit Ent.: llTo5rt•:t:, JO Ilrooks 1-;i reel, East 1l ,h II, ?iris, N. B. IC yule ! i isle to take 1[00d•s Sarsa- parilla do nn1 be induced to tiny anything cls' Instead. Tnsist upon having 5 SarsapariUa $old by:511 drugcistP A, l : six for Q•i, Prepared only by C. I. IMOD .\ ('o,,.,potterJ•arlov, L,rnell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar 'Yi'^c'u'^T =-.mss-+;sr.i.�yir''. ✓' . -' z=.y _ .. _. •._.• • -. _...t-.�. ....e..":•d.:& a oilv 8 .€ ,•a.:..,.._.• The LucknowSentinel, Bruce Oounty, May 27th ORSrMEN. THE GREAT ROADSTER STALLION CARLISLE 13026 Will be at the Wihtely House, LUCKN'� W' ON TUESDAY NIGHT Of each week during the season. Parties having mares i!o. breed should' not book their nares before seeing this grand horse. SHORTHORN BULL. - ROBERT ADAIR. THF. UNDERSIGNEI) WILL .,KEEP for service the above named animal for a limited number of cows for the season of 1892. p2 E--Robert Adair was bred at the Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph, Ont., April 4th, 1891 ; gut by Baron Water loo, 13931 ; dam, }lower of Riverside, 1555848, by British Sovereign, 4335•; 2nd dam, May- flower, 10032, by Duke If oxford, 3099 ; 3rd Red Rose, 1049(1, by Martnaduke, 3504 ; 4th dam, Violet, 10887, by Colonel Balco,.426 ; 5th dam Alpha. 2340, by Alfred, 304 •, 6th dam, Arabella, 606, by Robin Hood, 1017 ; 7th dam, Red Lady, 1766,• by Young Cam- bridge. 1178 ; 8th dam, Beauty, 1;38, by Brilliant, 735 ; Oth dam, Moss Rose, 1592, by Comet, 432 ; 1.Oth dam, Ruby, 1887, by Agricola (imp.) 5 ; llth dam, Btaotty Owl)). 30, by Snowball, 2647, by' Lawnsleaves, 365, by Charles, '127. , TERMS --82.00 each per season ; payable nn or before the first day of November. J, F. ANDREW. . rand Trus RA IL ONE WAY EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, 9ASIIINCTON TERRITORY; OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. Leave rorontc at 11:1:1 p. Apr. G .and 20, and May 4. :Through,- Tourist filec'lrieg Cars to Vancouver without change. The trent leavin; L liekl!u\ at 1 a. tn. connects at Toronto with this excursion. train; .Baggage checked through to. destin- ation from here. For , rates and all information apply til' D. W. HAYES,: Arent (.;. T. P., Luckncw To TYr: FARMERS The Snbaniber notifies the Public that I have • rented the store ,),:copied by • %Ir. Geo: Kerr an prepared 'to C.A..sH FOR BUTTER -AND EGGS The • highest 'price will be 1' d' full' 1)Uit','1' according to (iia l;ty. C. SPARING tHECOOICS BEST FRIEND ,..ARGEST SALE 1N1 CANADA. , Georgian Bay Shingles, THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND eir THE car lot of•XXX Georgian ay shibean glooc1 IiS. and intends keeping them tan stocla: dodos the season, and will be sold at the lowest possible paying price. JAMES GAUNT, Whitechurch. PUBLIC NOTICE. COURT OF REVISION. Township of .,sh$e1d, 1892. Trill -1E COURT OF REVISION OF THE Assessment Itoll of the Township of Ashfield for the present year will be held in Finlay:s school house, on Saturday, the 28th day of May, 1892, at 2 o'clock p. m. WM. STOTHERS, Township Clerk., Ashfield, May 4th ,1892: PUBLIC NOTICE, COURT OF REVISION. Township of West Wawanosh, 1892. TFtE Ci1U1tT Oili' REVISION OF THE Assessment Roll of the Township 'of West Wawanosh for the present year,. will be held in the Township hall on Saturday, May 25th, at 10 a. rn. R..K. MILLER, • Township Clerk. Wit W0.111.'812, May 4th. 1822 COURT OF REVISION. MUNICIPALITY OF KINLOSS. Tari, COURT OF 1}EVISIi)\ FOR D the Township of Kinloss will be held at the 't'owns'hip }hall, Ilolyrood, on Friday, the 27th day of May, at tun o'clock in the fore- noon. Township Clerk, Kinloss, May 4th, 1S92. COURT OF REVISION. MUNICIPALITY OF LLYCKN OW. T1 -IE COURT '1' , OF E EVISION FUR ••the Muoicilrality'of the Villas i 1 Luck - now, will -be belt! in the 0,11.1.161 Chamber, in '1"li'i:li`8i..iay,Play 26th, 1892, alt eii ht u'c]„cl: u. in. All pnrtic, flavin;; business before the court will govern them- selve9 accordingly. Villnze Clerk. Lucknow, May .1 01; 1.92. ha still carries on the UNDE TAMNG .Business, and will ire prepared to fur Nish all the requisites. A HEAR3L ON HAND • Jas. 3m -al r 22 If you 'want a. first-class set Of teet cheaper than the e•heape -,' It ft Patters . DP. 7i /t7(rrltl'..' f)Jll('t',• L UCKiVO II , ONT. ,",.;,, F 0 OIL C GUARANTEES Sr�;a E�;'y LIS!y •J, .2�',, jar <� '0 MACHI E I To outwear ' any other oil in the Threshing Machines, For sale by market on Binders, -flowers and C. Taylor, Lucknoor. KAAKE 84 CO.'S Second Annuncement of J., SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. NEXT we - intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chance to get a beautiful album, valued at $3' or one dozen cabinet photos free. We place inour window a quart sealer of beans. Any - one buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the number on it yon guess. The nearest number gets the prize. Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will be counted by a disinterested party on July lst. This will commence on April 1st. New Spring roods Awe THE PEOPLE' ST. HELENS. HAVING- resolved to carry on business as usual, I have11 just received a -new and well assorted stock of SIS I;MS' Goods. Beautiful patterns and-.)19.E^�'ee these goods, They Ceylon Syit,7,;uft hili' V b e neleiteS electNew Patterns and Fine Quality. "' •�1ll the latest patterns in both English and '" American. All. other departments. of my . stock are equally replenished by the choicest and latest goods in the market. FARE/ PRODUCE TAKEN SASE AS CASH. A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants' and tastes of the most fastidious. rs.. o b Murrast. HOOSIER STEEL FRAME - AL MIL Over 25,00 Hoosier Dellis and Seeder; with 0tzc• ?(; iii � c• Force 'Feed in Use in Canada. - . • { 4 • ‘ -• .2 . 3L. 'e'G' au •_^-' -•,,. si su (!-Alt.1NTl:r•:D THE BEST_ iN TiIE `VORLD, and the only drill that (':1`11 he instantly regulated to run thte desired depth in bald and -oft ;;r:,al:d \',pile moving. ' I'tlh. H(u1stl : is TIIE ONr.v DRILL that sows all kinds of I r!tin ;u, l 8, (•cls evenly, cuid at thede)rtll desired in all kinds of soil. ^ , l'lrl,:.11.0osrl:it IS TiIi•; ( 1NLY DRILL that COt11111C11Ces to sow the instant the - horse cloves. THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED, alld is the only drill that deposits the grain evenly just the depth you want it ill hard or soft soil: 11T:ME)IIIEII 'rms.„ THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with cultivator .tet't'11 the I,est cultivator made, and is the only implement made Ns its: teeth on independent draw bars that can 11e set for Hard and soft land while the team is in motion. The iloosier is lighter on the horses than any other drill made, The 1, ints of excellence in the }loonier that other chills do not have ale worth 'prose to the farmer than any diill in the world. l'nl: Corall1NI:11 1 loostEn can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder to drill in less time than any drill made. Send for our new illustrated cnt.tlogue and testimonial sheet. _Beware of purchasing drills that infringe our patents. •\UXO.N BROS. A1'F0. CO. (LTD.), 1NeE1;s„!.r., ONT. The financial standing of this ,Company is first r'lsss, they heinl; rated at 5,000. No combine here. JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, - Whitechurch, Ont; - Also dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements Organs, `' win - Machines, etc., all from the Lest makers in Canada.