Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-05-24, Page 4s
ieh` "rl ye'' ',
We :love voggokre04
ti regeFtl,the Itite4eveo there »
qry How doh
.. Otii(041t
` > Ae
xeikube '"so !.
a►.ing et. about ton:. years 4 and
it eme,Q,f it got into his rt ''Pro
bably the seed in. his heads has germin-
ated, and penetrated hiscranium, and
this may account for the murkiness of
his brain. But he . took good care
to leave unmentioned the quantity of
soil he tills Oan a person who indiff-
erently crops about one half acre of
ground per year be properly called a
tiller of the will Yet this is a "large
average" , of the Lanes scribe's tilling
for the past four years. We will
now gently add a little more weight to
our sit. As he seems anxious to stay
with us in personal remarks we will
adopt strictly personal grounds He
lays .great stress on his farming
qualifications. ' Very well! For any
sum of money between $10 and $200
we will complete with him "in any of
the following tests : binding, cradling,
mowing, or forking. Probably he
would prefer competing with us in
raising p-p-p-p-p-umpkins. Again as
he ekes a livelihood from mercantile
pursuits not soil titling, we will meet
him on his own ground, and, upon the
aformentioned terms, compete with
him in commercial wo}•k of any kind,
including correspondence and com-
position, .Accept any one of these
invitations or plaialy admit you; iI:,,
fericrity, as in case yon don't, we will,
in our next, scatter any dignity you
may have remaining. These are not
jocular remarks.
lam pit Igoe
1 Uses Ia.'t,he recent ergiendele
terY4Liceefie Mk.- The fees,
for transfers in& removals•
1, 4e , ben increased. DrugOsta" `'are,
noir liable to a fine for, not entering
on their books the sales,of liquor, and
increased penalties are provided for
against those who purchase liquors for
habitual drunkards. All distillers and
brewers meet take out a license, and
the fee is $250. The following
important clause of the ammendment
is particularly referred to : On the
trial of any proceeding, matter.. or
question under any Act of the Legisla"
tare of Ontario, or on the trial of any
such proceeding, matter, or question,
before any justice of peace, mayor,
police magistrate, in any matter
- cognizable by such justice, mayor, or
police magistrate, the party opposing,
or defending, shall be competent and
compellable to give evidence therein.
(Irtesded 'or last week.)
Several cattle have died around
here lately from various causes.
The rumbling of the milk
now a daily occurrence here.
Mr. P. Clare has been seriously ili
for some time past. We hope soon to
announce her convalescence.
A valuable mare, the' property of
.Mr. E. Hayes, commited suicide last
week by becoming entangled in '-her
tie -rope. .
Mr. Dennis O'Neil has been on the
sick list for the past couple of weeks.
• We hope soon to see him able to
guide his van in the early morn.
Miss Mylilta Russels purposes leav
ing, via Walkerton, on first Saturday
She will be missed by her friends i
this vicinity.
The Lanes scribe first attracted our
attention by rudely snubbing the Bel-
fast correspondent, for inserting an
inofensive item, which safdLanes scribe
declared was in his territory. Belfast
wisely ignored him, but that mode of
• procedure did, not, suit our purpose.
• Now, as we before stated, a week after
our announcing the departure of our
blacksmith, and giving his 'Verson for
leaving, Lanes also announced that
he had left. This piece of news seem-
ed so satisfactory to him that he could
not forbear a repetition of it. But we
would not for an instant have thought
of mentioning his trivial infringement
had he mastered his elation over our
misfortune sufficiently to have avoided,
ppending, "having left for a better
job as there was no money in re-
maining": Now the agony of
the bt'Lsiness community of Lanes,
upon Crewe securing the services 'of a
blacksmith, was so pronounced that
it was the subject of much amusement
in the neighborhood. As though
Crewe natives, having patiently endur-
ed travelling to Lanes and elsewhere,
for a cbupie of decades for blacksmith
,work etc. had no right to adopt any-
thing more 'convient. The Lanes
driveller, following his usual cowardly
tactics, will probably designate this an
other "lie", if so, my friend, just back
up your assertion with sufficient money
to pay for the trouble, anrl we will'pro-
duce a dozen witnesses to corroLorate
-our statements. Yet he cuaipiains be
cause we call hirn tile L tui' a , ,^ri r)l,ler.
As we intend toe `talk s%raiaht busi-
ness only this time, have become dis-
gusted with the iliotic• dritel ; � of
our adversal•y, 1a is now t., ed to
what he is pleased to terra "lies", a
term unused by ' writers of taste hut
indulged in by street ara',s, etc. We
hinted ,that the long; vied, 1 f I i;tles
eminating from .Lanes is (le out the
production of the scribe. alone. Un -
heeding our a 'vice of two '.r1, ago,
he retreats to his slough, and w itli the
ambiguity l,r•:'u'iar to ]lis assertions
designates our. "insinuatio;." a 1;F. 1n
- his first tirade he ius•itr'•_1 us to critize
any Lanes news item. (We cannot
avoid a::posing a little of his l:rr=urnp-
tion). Since then he hat Leen amus-
ing school children by using such eapres-
ions as "splendid ruccss", "a large
average", "wheat looking ',;l1i', "each,•
ha, e a cow" etc. (typographica: t
e e ettl
e last ',t ►. vi
Mr. Ma.ic oho 'M•clLay, of Mich. is
visiting, friends at and around Holy -
Mr. James Baker had a visit from
friends in Donebrook on Sunday last.
Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw and Miss
-Lizzie Statters who have been illfor
some time are recovering.
Mr. Murdock is busy this 'week
building the foundation of Mr.
Ackert's new barn.
Mr. Hugh Gauley and family leave
this week for Red Jacket, Michigan. I
Mr. Jas. Baker has rented his farm.
Mr. Jas. Baker has sold out .his
business in the hotal, to Mrs. Har-
rigan who at one time kept hotel at
Amberly. Mr. Baker will return to
his farm.
It is being whispered around that
there is a prospect of some weddings
in this neighborhood, whether these
are to be marriages or the celebration
of marriages long past, or both, it
remains to be seen.
Ever, bing seems tube booming this week,
The rattle of P. Morans milk waggon breaks
the sig 16ss of the Par1y morning and causes
people to be on the alert. The ring of the
v:11a,;e blacksmith's anvil and the merry ca"
of Mr. Wm. Gardner and his men when they
cry "mo..' as they build the foundation of the
new blacksmith shop while James Henderson
and his gang are hamering away at W: P.
Reid's barn and Mr, hn'gbt a•id his • men
the way fror. Ripley are endeavo.:ng to re-
move the old barn from its old resting place
and place it upon its new destination, all help
enliven the always mer._ burgh of Lanes,
Mr. hardy and his mother, from Brussels,
are at present visiting Wends around here.
Mise Nel'te :Tohastone has returned home
.,'ter being absent for some years amongfrier.ds
in Dakota and St Paul.
Mr. C. P..ouse received a.very pleasant visit
from his mother, who resides at Guelph,
Nr. D. Little bas commenced operations on
the frame of the new blacksmith shop, •
Mrs. J. Parries takes the lead in rhubarb
has .ag made us a present of a very fine bench
and reports haying had rhubarb pis of 1 pia
_l t.
Please accept our tb^nr: for the '•nch
not the pie.
Mr. Thos. Ford k rocks them all ou, ith
br:c eggs, having sent two duck eggs to the
store wel;bing A,;„., T1;, is hard t heat.
Hoot. Fr.•-t.r-',f•nt^ l:,u- Of la -t :'.•, rk
with friends in Iiluevale.
E D.
E.t':r, .r.- In Lucknow, on Friday, May 13.h,
Wm, II,:rlorrc Larber,
••-vcs •-- and?' dr.ys,
Fall Wheat, per 1 usllel .... .00 t :. 0
Peas ,....00 ` .55
Oats e .....00 ” 9.
P„tat•ws c,
1 ' • • .9 7;
Butter, per lb rollls .1.2, tub .14
Eggs, per dozen C'`.1
Bides per lb • 3
Tallow " .01
'Lard ft ,08
Hay per ton
I . R ati `P 1 . ." wI'?}R!f
Our stock cc mprises the latest and
best and we are still adding to it
Miss Lawson takes pleasure in showing goods.
• Is the best place in town to purchase 'your
Cross Cut Saws, Buck Saws, Axes and Axe Handles
A full stock .of the b gt makes in the market. Also a big supply of
All at the Lowest possible Prices.
Leading Hardware, Tinware and Stove Depot.
Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods,
Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates,
Nuts, Etc., Etc.
See our Magnificent Stock of the above
All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes
— lb., 1 lb., and 5 lb. boxes.
by Fancy Shows. We have the finest
goods ever shownin town for
Christmas & New Year Trade
And our prices are cheaper than ever.
All goods' ,
Guaranteed Pure.
No cheap goods bought to run off •at
Christmas. We carry only fine
goods all the year round.
We have just received a car of flour
from Ethel Mills for Christmas and
Year. trade.
c c*1.7;\;,t/C tisrec. tc send in your
orders and get the filled at once.
BEING L01: 6. (:UN. ll, E, 1). OF
D Asbfie:d, in the County of Huron, one
lr 1 f,r,1 v -•etc• ^'reg deal -N.1, The
farm is situated 2i miles from Lucknow,
34 acres in 1 ish, Rf) a_res in grass, 12 acrts fall
wi•eat, ,„„d fences, good dwelling, hank barn,
stalde and shed, goor1 r,rchard, 2 good wells
and no better soil.
Apply on the premises or to
1 Box 179, Lucknow P. O.
• Is the place to make your ;elections in
1 have in
stock the fol?owing
Apples !Dried Apple Nutmeg
Blacking Extracts fill, olive
Black Lead Figs. Oil, sweet
Blue Fish, canned IOiI, castor
Powders Fish, dried Oranges
Barley, pot, G,'lotine Oat Meal
Bath Brick,. • Gingers Pails
Beans Hops (Peels
Brooms Honey Pipes
Baskets Irk Pickles
Brushes Indigo Peariiue
Biscuit Licorice !Peas, canned
Coffee Lime Juice !Pepper
Confectionery Lemons Raisins
Canned Goods ],amps (Rice
CocoaLard •Tice Florr
Corn, canned
'Mince Meat Salt:
Corn meal Meal Salmon
Currants Macaroni !Sardines
�'urrie I'nwder Mustard (Senna
Cream Tarter 'Meats;can (Seeds
Cocoanut Magnesia Sugar
Dates Nuts !Syrups •
,Strawberries, canned
ISulphers '
ITomatces, canned.
Washirg Crystal
Dinner Sets
Yeast Cakes
Dinner Sets
Tea Sets
1Water Sets
!Cream Sets
!Berry Sets
r'loilet Sets
No. 1 Flour always on hand. Goods delivered to any part of_the town.
To all cur Subscribers for I 92.
We, the publishers of ” North American Homes,`
in order to increase the circulation of our 1olitnal
throughout the United States and Canada, will spend
this year over one hundred thousand dollars
among our new subscribers to the form of an artistic
Crayon Portrait and a handsome frame (as per cut
below), to be made free of e"' -g.. `-r c'..,.:, ;v
-r subscriber to "North American Ilomes,o .Our
' family journal is a monthly publication consisti^of
consisting.Pl pages, filled with tha best literature 0. tion , rv,
by some of the best authors, and is v;nrtcy of the
great expense we art; doing for it. 1;i ;ht y . .i r.; .-go
cnlati� the serw } e -'r
rk 1:'/d bad only about 15.o)O (lath- u
n; to -dr: it has orr 2.1n. , This, was o',taincrl bc' juin: ic,;,s advertisement an : a late ;MI
expen 3iture of money. What the proprietor of the N. V. 11,:i -/d has accomplished we feel confi-
dent of ling oarselreS. We hare a large capital to draw urea, and Le handsorna premf.tn1
a e are giving y'5u will ',certainly give us the largest circulation of any paper in the world. The
money we are spending now amongour subscribers will soon come back to us in increased cir-
culation and advertisements. The rayon Portrait we will have made for you will be executed
by the largest associati^n of art'tts in this city. Thc;r rwrk is among the finest -made and we
guarantee you
nerfect esoriginal.
ranothing useful as asnmntil than ahadsome framed Crayon Portrait of yourself or an
member of your family; therefore this is a chance in a lifetime to get one already framed
and rt;ady to hang in your parlor absolutely free of charge.
Send us $1.:10, pri..e for one yearsubsc r'n.t:.-n to "\
a r'r,•-,v'r5; h, t'ityl a cr c:a.7o.rrott• ",c ct • ,rth American of your
ou f. T rt ,,sago
dead, acyl me will make you from same an artistichalfiffe size CrayoonyPortrait. :7..,
'n.l pu't or
Portrait in a good substantial gilt or bronze :ran.o of 2 incl. moulding a';;otutely
free of charge; will t+'so furnish
3 r u a genuine Frc,Ich glass, boxing and , l f�
T'`+rk;r:, a frr.e of evpnese. Cut 1^ e'�P C' �i :3 g ) !
this out and send it with your photo- p/. t T 74.i
graph at once, also your subscription, a(lOb# t Dn
whish y, -u can remit by Draft, ' O.
Money Order, Express Money Order,
or Postal Note, f.:alt: payable to
Fa 1
zsLl?-•. ty.
',•i`,!lv.� bur e. ra:_: I..:i.'. i..9- a�_� �z�_.'LL.._.—�L`'f�.`�a,.. ' -.5 r .r'. ^,e,Fe• `.
' inferences—Ar v newspaper pub'ishers, Rev. T. Dewitt Ta;.4adge, }
all mcrcantale agcnties sad banks in Now York City, World �(�1e j r �� �01'�
v„ �:u •.• e