Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-05-13, Page 5f tt ` Spraying', reel With. 'PAf son �` 1 Tbru ` beet .a, goes deal sae:, re ntl i hefQren+ ," '' . .chaX;ge ttt *we' , .g/ le -;.ar Ott ted. i h c .yo on..-'3Red jn .Yq � Ria. .1 `.. pretty c rii, e t bl ed'. that O.a 4an` fruii; is fres fro Almy "'gin �eucl t'ec(h the udv ce boweye t: of 4.10f ttia Q An. 0o1lege,, I !R9 I, worthy ' be ng refull heeSlef�. IIrt� i e7tru1t gfowers.:.ziov r; �lra r= 0:6403.11090:1374.,7, '.hie absi?p1e,.: rule .rhieh-can easily 1i tr> in #� . d e ebsery 0.0',4 , Atal' pre er-41: .Y Ifu rtpi tatiom .o a Cana t fruit. ' • ��, , Qiisn way, destroy er • does tf, Inllark At ooiy p les. althouChg C� pit-F�td the*3uxi►us In the easeiof 8omo' lispected apples, for instance it•Iwas ltgwn that eriht tons 'would yyo a ase of poi iunl. ' Spray- ing is more dangerous to serodit than to ]ife. £ggaactly "What are eggs a lb. 2" is now,the question asked by buyers or sellers of 'eggs. " Six cents a lb." is the answer. Well, what does bat mean?" is thu next question. "It means this," says the egg dealer, `41 you have small eggs 9c per dozen, if you have medium sized eggs it means 10c to 11c, and we have bought eggs last week at 6c per /lb, that brought the producer 12c and :13c per dozen." This is just how the •change sof mode of selling eggs is -catching the farmer. Formerly the big eggs were kept at borne and the Moor mechanic was obliged to pay the same price for a dozen small eggs that the did for big ones. Under the new ,arrangement the seller gets paid for what he,sells and the buyer gets value :for what he pays for. This is only :fail;, and the only wonder is that eggs 'were sold by the dozen as long as they were, so says one of our exchanges. —The tnembers for Grey county are making an effort to have the volunteers of that county, Bruce, Algoma and part of Simcoe drill at Owen Sound this summer. —The weather is most disagreeable. It is either cold and dry or wet and cold nearly all the time. Oh. for the ;genial sunshine .and the wind from `other direction than east by north. Makesthe Weak Strong 'The marked benefit which people in'r n rdown or weakened 'state of health derive •from Hood's Sarsaparilla, coi:i:lus14eiy p14,vcs 'the claim that this medicine "makes the *eak strong." It does not act like a stPmttlstnt, • impartingTsetitions strength from which there :must follow a reaction of greater weakness ?than before; but in the most natural %v " • Hood's Sarsaparilla overcomes That Tired Feeling .creates' an ai,i'etite,.'pnr!fies the blood, ani hi' short, gives great bodily, nerve, menial .and digestive strength. f "I derived very much benefit frons? Fli s Sarsaparilla, which I took fur general debt, It built me right up; and gave me ::n ex;C 1• - ,lent appetfte." ED. J - *t- Sa gage: 331. F.i:iICIi�9, _,, Fagged QX.it 121 `•',L,1st spring, I was cumplefely f::ggr(1 cit:`. Hly strengti► left me and I felt ':irk.and nth- , :all t$ly:-tinge, so that I cu?:id h;:: iy attend le..41bilsiness. I took ono bottic,of Hood's SiCgfrf . lla, and it enrol mc- Tl•e,re is a notjr jriz tike • •n;' R. C.' BJ ooLE, Editor • Enterpi4ge,'relievifte, ':Lich. worn out "Hoodlaliarsaparitla restored ine to gold 11 health, Indeed, I might say truthfully l" aved my life. To one feeling tired and worn, t I would earnestly recommend) a trial c f • ood'sSarsaparilla." M s."I'al:nF.Mositz':u, 90 Brooks St;eet, East L'ostr,n, 81..ss. . N. B. If you decide to take flood's Sarsa- parilla do not be induced to buy anything else • Instead. Insist upon having Srsaparj1a Sold by all druggists. 91;for 95. Prepared p d only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masa 100 Doses One Dottar itolitt Griffin, AUCTIONEER FOR HURON CO. REAL. ESTATE, . INSUR» ANCE AND GENERAL • AGENCY.- .`SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed; A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS Forsale on reasonable terms. COrgiaur Bay 8hjngi l. IE'InSTORPOSIOVIODHAS o ';HAD j a eat Jot of;,;4eor u Xt.-A.)! '41142.10 Rand xptund keegii the z in atnck, d nizig tbs lleaaolta and wlil; be sold:.at the.loWest uiblt >syIng pri rM• • J a GAU'NrT,.Y ile hureh... g;v1S1ON. QW of.4r4, 402: TR31: csru : T:OgBFVItiION 01! THE Aisesowent:9'.RoI1.of' the Township of Ashfield fug '1T.o present year will be held in •Finlayts school. house, on Saturday, the 28th day of Muy. 1892, at 2 oclock p. m. WM. STOTHERS, Ashfield. May 4th ,1892: Township Clerk, PUBLIC NOTICE. COURT OF REVISION. To'wAship of West Ilrawanoslh, 1892. THE COURT OF REVISION OF THE of West Wawanosh forrthe Assessment Rll f resent the , wisl be held in the Township hall un Saturday, May 28th, at 10 a. m. R. K. MiLLER, Township Clerk. Wawanosh, May 4th. 1892. COURT OF REVISION. MUNICIPALITY OF KINLOSS. min; the Township of inio ,s will be helREVISION dR at the Township Ball, Holyruod, on Friday, the 27th day of May, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon.. F" ETER REID, Kinloss, May 4th, 1892. Township Clerk, CO RT OF REVISION. MUNICIPALITY , OF ,LUCKNOW. THE COURT OF REVISION FOR the Luk - now, ill be held ilnhVillageity of the e Counci1C m ere n the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Thursday, May 26th, .1892, at eight o'clock p. m. All parties having business before the court will govern them- selves accordingly. HUGH MORRISON, Village Clerk. Lucknow, May 4th,1892. GREAT UMW" N Lands west of Third Meridian. Sale commences April 4th at the uniform price of PER ACRE. Edmonton District. • Auction Sale commences May 3rd. Apply to any: agent of the 1,74-NADIAN �' .���1 F.IC • Y J. Murchison;'•Agt; Lucknow. Grand Truk RAILWAY. ONE WAY EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLOMBIA, WASHINGTON. TERRITORY, ORECfp i AND CALIFORNIA. Leave Toronto at 11:15 p. m.,. on Feb. 24,, March 9 'and 23, Apr. 6 and 20, and May 4. ' Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Vancouver without change. The train having Lucknow at 10:38 a m. connects tit Toronto with this excursion train. Baggage checked through to destin- ation from here.' ° For rates and all information apply to JOHN GRIFFIN. D. W. HAYES, KIN GSBRIDGE P.O Agent G. T. R., Lucknow W e lot ••vr-=---a;r• carr -d •+7:g,:. .... _... - _ _ . �'-- ..i: