Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-05-06, Page 3SCHOOL REPORTS. The Lucnow Sentinel, Bruce ` V1 kounty, May 6th Georgian 'FIRST DEPARTMENT.Bay Shingles. Sen. 5th—.-.Excellent—L A A Lawson, M McCoy,rmsong. A. o Good—A Woods. PooColling. Poor --A. Holmes. -yore, 1V1.:I.J ugi a. , # -, Intermediate--�,• jes, C Mc - Mc: Intosh. A Miller, J Tennant. Poor—F II -FIRE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND and intendscar lkeeot �fin XX Georgian Bay sbingles season P them in stock doting the and will be sold at the lowest possible paying price, . grim COk'ilift'fitiwrsiv^rc -.,i.•- ,....,.y Assessment Roll of the Township of Ashfield fur the present year will be held in, Finlay's school house, on Saturday, the 28th day of May, 1892, ac 2 o'cloek p. m. WM. STOTHERS, Township Clerk. SECOND DEPARTMENT. Senior 4th class. Excellent—E Odlum, E Greer, G T Armstrong. Good—A Lawson, J Lees S Greer, A Baird, J McDonald, S Boyd A Finlayson, 0 Berry. Fair— G McIntosh, M McKinnon, .W Corri- gan, Jr. 4th—Excellent—E Robertson, ki Gallagher, R Holmes, L Patterson, A McMillan. Good—R Wilson, J Moore W Brennan, 13 Handy, W Cor- rigan, Ii Barber, E McLaren. Fair— B Bryan, A Findlater, `J Douglass, R Armstrong, D Flood, 13 McQuaig, A Matherson, M Flood. THIRD DEPARTMENT. Sen. 3rd—Excellent=41 Armstrong, Mair, H Sandy, H Thompson H Hunter, J Baird. Good—B McCoy, G Douglass, M Thompson, F Matthie, E Davison, H Grundy. Jr. 3rd—Excellent—A Geddes, D Henderson, H. Findlater, C Shoe j bottom,, J Lyons, I McIntosh, J Mc- Donald, M McMullen. Good --E Tor ranee, W Davison. Fair—E Wheeler,dP 3 McCoy, F Stewart; L Smith. Poor;, , —D Ross. 'Sen. 2nd—Excellent—J Stewart, A Shoebottom, W Lees A McCurvie: Good—W Barber, W Holmes R Graham, 0 McQuaig, M Grundy, S ! ..McQuaig, K Roberston,, 'L. ,Ross; P 'McGarry, A Ross. Fait'—M Hunter, R Davison, A Middleton; R McLean, F Ross. Poor -W Young J Watson. FOURTH DEPARTMENT. 'Sen. 2nd-Excellr_nt— J Lawson, B Patterson (ties), M Greer. Good —M Cameron, I i Finlayson,. (ties), R .Armstrong, H Watson, M Murdock, W Findlater. Fair—C McLaren, A .McNabb, W Allm, S Douglass. T :Roberston, G McKenzie, "L Stewart. Poor—D Flynn, J Young. jr. 2nd—Excellent-W McIntosh, 13 Roberston. Good—E McIntosh, K -- _ McAuly, J Henderson, H Wilson, B Thompson, G Holmes, H Graham,. A Yule, C Vance, E Reid, Fair—M Williams, G Brennan, J ' Lyons, D Lees, 0 Grundy, M Murdock, W Mc- Coy. Poor—G Patterson,' (abs), i Flynn (abs), F Campbell. Part 2nd-Excellent—B Wright, W McIntosh, A Watson, R Grundy. Good—J Baird, M Davison, 0 Hunter, Reid, M Moore, J McCorvie, •G .Cameron. • Fair=R Young, fi Mair, R Matheson. Poor—E McMullen,' J Barber (abs). FIFTH DEPARTMENT. Sen. class--Excellent—S.. Johnston, R. Little. Good --L Lyons, E. Hil- dred, J. Stewart, J. Henderson, E. Taylor, M. Graham. Fair—C Shoe - bottom, L. Stewart, H Roberston, F Grundy, .S Stewart. Poor --A Con- nor, W Lettson, W Henderson, D Mc- Donald, A Tennant. - J r. class—Excellent—I Douglass, M Lyons, 1? Reid. Good—E Fleming, W Mutton, A \Vinny., J McLean, J . Kidney, E Murchison, E McLaren, G Mclay.. Fair—BMcQuaig, M Bryan. Poor—W McCoy. • // S. S. NO. 4 KINLOSS. I` Ashfield, May 4th ,1892: 1 ew TQ Good• trElIDBM the huidmn �A f`the • 1,41,a,„3,SCHOOL BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, PHOTO ALBUMS, '1892. ited number cf sows for tie seasono PEDIGREE—Robert Adair was bred at Window Blinds, Berlin Wool, Bibles, Hymn Books, the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, • is we kou, P gtra'� oils ani •abundance worn and' eve fount sa, *are st1re. b V b so1&c 14e ole' at: Combs, Wall Paper, Etc. NonnsansomagoncausamocW EXT we intend to give every lady and gentlemen a chanca to get a beautiful album, valued at $3 or one dozen cabinet photos free. We place in our window a quart sealer of beans. Any one buying $1 worth of goods or Photos is entitled to a ticket with the number on it yon guess. The nearest number gets the prize. Beans put in sealer by Mr. Kincaid and will be counted by a disinterested party on July 1st. This will commence on April 1st. az co_ New Spring Goods TH Sen. 4th—L Ackert, R Harper, M McIntosh. Jr. 4th B CortRathwell. Sen. 3rd —D Strath, E Ackert J Strath. Jr. 3rd—H Lockhart. 2nd, --K w'a'lker, J Lockhart. Sen. Rathwell, D John- •ston, .0 Kinney. Jr Pt. II—R Fletcher, W Bowen,, W McIntosh, S. S. NO. 5 KINLOSS. Sen 4th -E 'McIntosh, E Valens. ,,. Jr. 4th—L Co*, A Carruthers, A Valens, A McGillvary, 3rd.—B McLeod, P, Bain, J3 Haigh, R Cox. 2nd --A Valens, M Carruthers, A / McIntosh, N Pierce. Part 2nd—A Brownscombe, M McKinnon, 13 Brownscombe. S. S. NO. 8, KINLOSS 5th class ---E Thompson, M. Sonovan. 4•th class—S Thompson, 1i Hodgkins, S .Sonovan. Sr. 3rd—L iIoclgins,G Hodgins, M Fi ell. Jr,, 3rd —A Co :, W Falcon"r, R Hodgins. 2nd class— Q Thompson, a, James, E Lee • 2nd rait— MGambel,.l W. James, C Dono- van. Sr., Part—E Thompson, B Mc Kenale, M 1'erc&eau. ' se GREAT IRNEIVISIEHeN Lands West of Third Meridian. Sale commences April 4th at the uniform price of PER ACRE. Edmonton District. Auction Sale commences May 3td. Apply to any agent of the J. Murchison, Agt, Lucknow. Grand Truk RAILWAY. ONE WAY EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS 'IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, ,WASHINGTON TERRITORY, IflECON AND CALIFORNIA. Leave rororito at 11:15 p. m., on Feb.. 24, March 9 and 23 Apr. 6 and 20, and May 4. Through 'Tourist Sleeping Cars to Vancouver without change. The train leaving Lucknow at 10:38 a. in. connects at Toronto. with this excursion train. Baggage checked through toydestin ation from here. For rates 'and all information apply to D. W. 'HAYES, ,A•ge.ntG. T. R., Lucknow ST. HELENS. Ont., April 4th, 1891 ; got by Baron Water- loo, 13931 ; dam, Flower of Riverside, 15848. by British Sovereign, 4335 • 2nd dam, May- flower, 10032, by Duke of Oxford, 3099 ; 3rd Red Rose, 10496, by Marmaduke 3504 ; 4,th dam, Violet, 10887. by Colonel .�dalco, 426 ; 5th •dam Alpha, 2340, by Alfred, 304 6th dam, Arabella, 606, by Robin Hood, 1017 ; 7th dam, Red Lady, 1766, by Young Cam- bridge, 1178 ; 8th dam, Beauty, 838, by Brilliant, 735 ; 9th dam, Moss Ros', 1592, by Comet, 432 ; 10th dam, Ruby, 1887, by Agricola (imp.) 5 ; 11th dam, Beauty (imp), 30, by Snowball, 2647, by Lawnsleaves, 365, by Charles, 127. TERMS—x2..00 each per season ; payable on or before the first day of November. J, . F. ANDREW. I1AVING resolved to carry on business as usual, I have just received a new and well assorted stock of Spring. Goods: Beautiful patterns and latest designs in "Ladies Ceylon Suitings." Everybody should see these goods. They` are simply beautiful. *la 44, i ei New Patterns and Fine Quality: SO -4 All the latest patterns in both ]nglish and 76American. All ; other departments of my stock are equally replenished by the choicest and latest goods in the market. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH. A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants and , tastes of the most fastidious. Mrs. i{obt. Murray HDOsIEr RTEEL FRAME GRAIN DRILL. Over 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeder4 with our Positive Force Feed in Use in Canada. Public otice The Subscriber notifies the Public that he still carries on the UNDERTAKING • - Business, and will be prepared to f ur nish all the requisites. A HEARSE ON HAND, GUARANTEED THE BEST IN TIIE WoftLD, and the only drill that can he instantly regulated to run, the desired depth - in hard and soft ground while moving. TIIE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that sows all hinds. of grain and seeds evenly, 'and tit the depth ',lesired in all kinds of soil. . THE HOOSIER IS TIIE ONLY DRILL that commences to sow the instant the horse moves.and is the only drill that deposits the grain evenly ,lust the depth you want it in hard or soft soil. REMEMBER THIS. THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made, and is the only implement made with £eeth on independent draw bars that can 'be set for hard and soft land while the team is in motion. The Hoosier is lighter ori the horses than any other drill made. The 'points .of excellence in the Hoosier that other drills do riot have are worth more to the farmer than any drill it the world. TIIE COMBINED •HoosTE.rt can he clr tngeci from drill to seeder or seeder to drill in less timethan any drill made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sheet. f3drillsrchasing ge our ,ts. NOXONROS. M F'GCO. (LTD.), INOEISOLLONT. The financial standing of this Company is first•cisss, they being rotted at $245,000. itto combine here. JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent, ' THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY POSITIVE FORCE .FEED Jas.1�1�,1�1S0�1. 3m-apr 22 HORSEMEN. THE CREAT ROADSTER STALLION CARLISLE 13026 Will be at the, Wihtely House, LU G IAC N W ON TUESDAY NIGHT G'f each week during the season. Parties having mares to breed should not book their mares before seeing this grand horse, / Whitechuroh, Ont. Also dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements Organs, Sewing Machines, etc., all from the bestdmakers in Canada. Teeth, Teeth 'If you want a first-class set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, call on 1 Pat rronv. Dr. Tennang's Office, • LUCKNOW, ONT. DUNN'S SAKINC POWDER 'HE COOK'S BEST FRIEND . B..ARGEST SAL.EIN CANADA. To 'ML FRMERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Berr and am prepared to G SII FOR BUTTER AND EGG S The highest price will be paid for butter, according to - quality. l R. C. SPARLING. ti