HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-29, Page 3ONTARIO LEGISLATURE •
Mr. Monk asked if it was the inte
IA the Government to take any steps f
purpose of extending the benefits
Torrens system of land tranafer to
Mr. Mowat said it was not the inte
of the Grernnaent to introduce any me
this seenon with reference to the To
land transfer system.
Mr. Meacham moved for a return s
ing the number of bodies received by
Inspector of Anatomy during each o
past ve years from (1) charitable in
tions ) criminal institutions, and (
other ources in the Province, showing
the number of persons dying (1) from na
causes and (2 at the hands of the e
tioner in eaoh of the above named ins
tion i during the same period, and
number of the above named criminal
who had,spent ten years or more in pr
Mr. Balfour moved the House into
mittee on a bill to provide for the ado -1i
of 'women to the study and practice of
• Mr. Meredith objected to the stet
which the bill had been left by the H
making it permissive with the Law So
as to whether or not women should be
mitted to practice as solieitors. The
-ernment should say definitely whethe
not women should be admitted as solici
\If wo I were allowed to practise as so
tors, 'W it not follow that they w
act as 'Wages ? He said the Governm
were attempting to evade the question
leaving the ODDS upon the Law Society.
Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) said there was
• idea of evading anything. The
:Society had the power to deal with
matter, and the House did not propos
interfere with their prerogative.
Mr. Wood (Hastings) thought that f
the vabillating tactics displayed by h
• gentlemen opposite that they had not
moral courage to deal with the measure a
.should be dealt with.
Mr. Mowat said that it was to effee
compromise that the Bill stood as it d
He was prepared to have it made impe
tive,but in deference to the opinion
many hon. gentlemen opposite the mat
was left in the hands of the Law Society.
Mr. Balfour asked that the Bill rece
its third reading this afternoon.
Mr. Meredith objected, and repea
his intention of opposing the Bill in ev
Mr. Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock
Mr. Guthiie moved the House into co
mittee on his Bill to permit outlyi
istricts to, make deviation roads less th
-56 feet in width.
Mr. Gilmour moved the House in
committee on his Bill respee Ling insuran
companies, so as to make some slight amen
Mr. eredith moved in amendment
• the third reading that the bill be referr
back and the clause regarding rebates
• struck out. He said it was an unwarrant
interference with the rights of companies
transact their own business.
Mr. Gibson - defended the "rebate
clause, and said that. it only applied
amounts over five thousand dollars. Th
amendment was lost by a' vote of 47 to 2
On this division Mr. Kerns voted with th
Mr. Meredith then moved in amendmen
that the bill be referred back to strike ou
the clauses respecting the registration
agents. This motion was lost by a vote o
30 to 46. Mr. Snider voted with the Oppo
sition in this division.
Mr. Meredith then moved in amendmen
that the bill be referred back to insert
clause to the effect that all benevolent com
panies doing business at the time of th
• Epassing of the Act with a bona fide mem
ership of 25Q be allowed to register. Thi
was lost on a division of 29 to 47.
Mr. Kerns moved in amendment that th
fee charged to insurance companies workin
under the Dominion Act be $25 instead o
• $100.
The amendment was lost by a vote of 29
Vo 48.
The bill was read a third time.
Mr. Awrey moved the third reading of a
bill respecting tip law •of landlord and
• tenant.
The bill was reri third time on division,
-39 voting yea and 2 nay.
Mr. Balfour moved the third reading of
the bill to provide for the admission of
women to the study and practice of law.
The bill was carried on a division, 49 xot-
ing yea and 27 voting nay.
Mr. Clarke moved the third reading of a
bill to incorporate the Toronto Railway
Company and to confirm an agreement be tween the corporation of the city of Toronto
and George W. Kiely, Wm. McKenzie,
Henry Azariah Everett, and Chauncey C.
Mr. Wood (Flastings) moved in amend-
ment, that notwithstanding anything in the
Act, no cars shall run on the Lord's day
and nothing contained in the bill shall
affect the authorizing hereafter of the cars
on the Lord's day.
Mr. Clarke thought the citizens of To-
ronto should be the best judges of the city's
The amendment wa then put.
The vote was one o .the most interesting
of the session. The amendinenrwas rried
by the following division : •
YEAS—Messrs. Allan, Balfour, • Barr (1)11
ferin), Bishop. Bush. Caldwell, Chisholin, Cle-
land, Deck, Davis, Dryden, Ferguson, Gibson
(Huron), Glendinning, Godwin, Guthrie, Har-
court, Hudson, Kerns, Kirkwood; Lockhart,
McCleary, McKay (Vict, ria), McKechnie,
Mack, Marter, Weacham, Miscampbell, Moore,
Mowat, O'Connor, Paton, Rayside, Rorke,
Ross, Snider, Stratton. Waters, Wood (Hast-
ings), Wood (Brant), Wylie -41.
NAYS—Messrs. Awroy, Biggar, Bleze,rd, Barr
(Renfrew), Campbell (Algoma), Campbell (Dm-
? ham). Carpenter, Charlton, Clancy, Clarice, IC.
F. (Toronto), Con wee, Dowling Fell Fi ,1d,
Gamow, Gibson (1-1ainilton), Gilmour, Ham -
mei], Hardy, Harty, Iliscott, Loughrin, McColl,
McKay ( xford), McLenaann, McMahon,
Mereth, Monk, Prdston, Robillard, Sharpe, 1
Smith (Prontenac), Sprague, Tait, Whitney. t
or the
of the
how -
f the
3) all
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ed ed
pany to take advantage of technicality, and,
avoiding the provisions of the Lord's Dey
Act, run cars.
Mr. Tait said he voted against Sunday
cars, but he wanted the citizens to say
whether they wanted them to run or not.
Mr. Meredith moved in amendment to
Mr. Wood's amendment that notwithstand-
ing this the -provisions of the Lord's Day -
Act apply.
Mr. Mowat, in committee asked Mr.
Meredith to amend his amendment so as to
say that even the provisions of the Lord's
Day Act shall not apply until after a vote
of the people has been taken. This was
agreed to.
Mr. Clarke amended the Blake clauses
regarding the taking over of the property
so as to -read : "In arriving at such value
the arbitrators are to consider .and award
only the value of the said several particu-
lars to .the city at the time of the arbitra-
tion, having regard to the requirements of a
railway of the best kind and system then in
operation and applicable to the said city."
The bill was then read a third time.
The House then went into committee on
Mr. Harcourt's Liquor Bill. A long, ramb-
ling discussion'took place in the committee
on the five -gallon clause. Mr. Clarke said
that the Bill would mean a loss to one
brewer of his acquaintance of $2,000. His
five -gallon caeks would be no use to him.
Mr. Cleland said that the difficulty was
that brewers' agents were in the habit of
selling to private individuals and ruining
tbe trade of 'the retail dealers. This was a
hardship that should not be tolerated.
Brewers should sell to the trade alone.
Finally it was decided to let this clause
and the Bill stand till to -morrow, so as to
allow of some amendments.
Mr. Whitney wished to draw the atten-
tion of the House to what he considered a
matter in the natufe of a privilege. In view
of the exception,a1 legislation recently
passed at the instance of his hon. friend
from Essex he wished to ask the Attorney -
General whether it was the intention of the,
Government during the next session of the
House to employ young 'women as pages. In
view of the late legialation he suggested that
it would be at highly proper and commenda-
ble course. (Laughter.)
• Mr. Mowat congratulated the hon. gentle-
man on the enormous progress he had made
as judged by the extent of his recommenda-
tion. (Laughter.) He had not thought of
making such change as the hon. gentleman
had proposed, and inasmuch as he evidently
voiced his hon. leader's opinions, he would
confer with his colleagues about the matter
during the recess Of the House. (Laughter.)
Mr. Harcourt moved the House again into
committee on, a bill eto amend the Liquor
•License Act.' A number of amendments
were made, and the bill was carried and read
a third time.
• Mr. Hardy moved that full sessional
allowances be paid to Messrs. Fraser, Bron-
son, Porter and Smith (York), 'absent for
part a the session through ill -health.
The motion was carried.
• Mr. Whitney moved that full sessional
allowances be paid to Messrs. Smith (Fron-
tenac), Miscamp t.11, and the widow of II.
E. Clarke.
The motion was carried. -
Mr. Harcourt moved the House into
committee on a bill providing there shall be
granted out of the consolidated revenue fund
to the Port Arthur, Duluth & Western
Railway Company:
1. A cash subsidy of $3,000 per mile, and
not exceeding in the whole the sum of $21,-
000, for the construction of seven miles of
said railway from a point at, or near the
east end of Guoflint Lake to a point at or
near Magnetic Lake, to complete' the build-
ing of said railway, and
2. A cash subsidy (02,000 per mile, and
not exceeding in the whole $7,000, for the
construction of three and one-half miles, of
that portion of said railway known as the
Kakabeka branch, extending from a point
at or near the junction of the said railway
with the Kaministiquia River to a point at
or near Kakabaka Falls.
Mr. Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock.
The House went into committee on the
Act respecting the election of members to
the Legislative Assembly, and several
amendments were offered.
The bill was offered for its third read-
Mr. Meredith offered the following
amendment: " That every person having
any contract with the Government for the
performance of any work, the doing of any-
thing, or the furnishing of any goods or
materials, and having or expecting to have
any claim or demand against the Govern-
ment by reason of such contract, and every
person having a liquor license who, either
directly or indirectly, by himself or by any
other person on his behalf, subscribes, pro-
motes gives, or promises to give any money,
or other valuable consideration for the pur-
pose of promoting the election of any candi
date or of any member, • class or party of
candidates to the Legislative Assehibly, or
with the intent in any way of influencing or
affecting the result of any such election, and
every person who receives such money or
valuable consideration or the promise thereof,
is guilty of a corrupt practice." '
Mr. Hardy said if the hon. gentleman
would undertake to procure such an amend-
ment to the Dominion Election Act, and
would include io it railway contractors,
brewers, railway eompanies and manufac-
turers, this House would have noobjection
to accepting his amendment.
Mr. Whitney said the Dominion had
made such a provision, and he read a clause
from a Dominion statute to that effect.
The motion was then put and lost on a
division, 29 voting yea nncl 46 nay.
Mr. Mowat said that the motion had
been sprung on the House, hut he would
consider it and introdoce, such legislation •I tru
next session. The Dominion Act read b psssea.
the hon. gentleman did not apply to .elec• 1111 Play
tions. It was only a part of the coisimon j
aw. It was only a corrupt practice under i use of I.
their p
he Election Act d
Doininion Election Act. The Act onoted
Mr. Meredith said that he thought the
Mr. Wood said in moving the adoption This wes lost on the same division—Yeas ollicirthern
Nisie9.-nr•tise ellinies • . COMVIttdn's . '
1 cord
-, ,-; his clause that he did not want the cote- 29, nays 50. to assis
Mr. Hardy moved the first reading of a
Bill exempting from the operations of the
anti -bonus law those works already under
The Bill was immediately passed through
its several stages and read a third time.
Mr. Harcourt moved the House into com-
mittee of supply.
Mr. Meredith meved in amendment that
the motion be not carried, and the following
aubstituted : "That the vote of $15,500
for the erection of extensions to the new
buildings at the Central Prison, and $5,000
for machinery for the same, being asked for
without a vote of the -House or any other
legal warrant for the Government proceed-
ing with the works, was subversive of the
principle of Parliamentary control of public
Mr. Gibson (Hamilton) said the Govern-
ernment were justified in taking the respon-
sibility of acting in an emergency such as
was presented.
The amendment was lost on division.
Mr. Ross moved the third reading of a
Bill to empower the University of Toronto
to deal with certain Upper Canada College
Mr. Harcourt moved the House into con-
currenee on the report of the committee
upon the supplementary estimates.
Mr. Clancy moved in amendment to the
item of the Provincial Treasurer's depart-
ment, that the salary of the Provincial
License Inspector be reduced by $350,to the
former figure of $1,400 per annum,the salary
of the previous incumbent. The amendment
was lost on division.
When it came to the item granting money
towards the building of an asylum atBrock-
vile, Mr. Kerns moved in amendment that
the amount be not concurred in. The amend-
ment was lost by a vote of'26 to 49. On this
division Mr. Harty voted against the Gov,-
ernment and Mr. Preston and Mr. Mc-
Lenaghan voted for the Government.
Mr. Mowat said that as they were all in
a joyous mood he desired to introduce 4
resolution which would bring joy to many
hearts. He referred to grants to the rail-
ways, and said that he would introduce a
resolution granting aid to the Prescott and
Ottawa railway of $2,000 per mile and not
to amount to more than $100,000 in all. He
moved the House into Committee of the
Whole en the resolution.
Mr. Meredith said he concurred in the
resolution from his side of the House. He
said that it was a humiliating commentary
upon party, government to find tinet the
exigencies of party alone governed the intro-
duction of the motion and not the justice of
the demand.
Mr. Balfour entered his solemn protest
against the resolution as it was an injustice
to his constituency. 'There was no time for
him to introduce a resolution embodying
his views, but be wanted to put himself on
record on the matter.
Mr. Gibson (Huron) said there was not
the slightest similarity between' the cases
of Essex and Prescott. . -
• The resolution was passed without a
Mr. Mowat Paid that owing to the print-
ing being behind the House could not be
prorogued till Thursday at 3 o'clock.
The members stood Up and sang "God
Save the Queen," and the House adjourned
at 7.40 p. in.
TORONTO, April 27.—. --The Second session
of .the Seventh Parliament Of the Ontario
Legislative .Assenably was prorogued this
afternoon at 3 o'cloek by His Honor Chief
Justice Hagerty. His Honor Lieut. -Gov-
ernor' Campbell, through illness, was unable
to be present. C Company from the Infantry
School, under command of Major Vidal;
formed the guard of honor. .The following
is the speech from the throne • -
Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the Legisla-
tive Assetnbly: -
consequence pf the continued illness of the'
ut.-Gov,:rnor, Sir Alexander Campbell, His
ellency the Governor-General has been
sed to appoint mp administrator for the
pose of assenting iothe Queen's name to the
which you have passed, and of • thereafter
oguing the Legislature. At this, the close
he last session of the Legislative Assembly
e old Parliament buildings, I am gratified
able to state that the amount of important
floss which you have transacted and the
and attention . which you have bestowed
n it furnish ample 'evidence of your dili-
c and zeal.
()amendments made to the mining laws
doubtless meet with the approbation of
e interested in our mines and minerals, and
onsolidstion of the Acts affecting these
rtant interests will meet a public want.
c general approval of the provisions of the
rtant bill respecting insurance corpora -
indicates that in the mind of the public
was a strong demand for such legislation.
to be hoped that by means of a prudent
nistration of these laws, under which all
ance contracts will be brought within
ul supervision in the Province, will be
ctcd ti.gainst evils which have proved so
trolls in various States of the American
otice with satisfaction the provisions of
ct for the payment of succession duties in
in eases. In England, in several of the
d States, and in other countries, similar
ation, enacted many years ago, has met
general approval. The very moderate and
provisions of your bill. while they will
cnt the'reccipts of the treasury, are not
s to lessen individual energy or private
p ise. I notice with pleasure that the
to be paid under this Act are specially
co for the support of asylums and hospi-
rid that all estates inid.-T $10,000, and all
•ty given, devised or bequeathed for re-
s, charitable or educational purpose-,, 'are
t froin the provisions of tho Act.
s glad to assent to the bill relating to
(tin and Charitable mses which relieves
olent testators from some unnecessary
Lions, and at the . same time provides
arch; against any increased locking up of
consolidation of the Municipal and
'Tient Acts,. of the election laws, and the
cspecting eellipellsatien to workmen in
cases vvill greatly aid municipal officers
her public officials in the performance Of
billet( and will bo of advantage to the
generally. The/amendments hich you
ado to the Municipal and Assessment
'ill be of public advantage.
of t
in th
the c
It is
I in
the A
such a
I wa
• safegu
hind in
A- scss
acts r
and ot
have rn
.A c ts
st, that, the measures which you have
for the protection of persons employed
es of business (Aber han that of fac-
will secure t heir health and improve
osit ion,' and t hal, the Act, respecting the
, an not a portion of the Meilen
obacco by minors will have a salutary
ce. Your amendments
ws een tari to the •liquor
la •
micree general',
tally approve of your maldng 'provision
t in the due celebration at Niagara and '
die end
....,...""AsusAMAAAs.maser.t.. •• ••• '
at Toronto of the centenary of the first parlia-
ment of Upper Canada.
I thank you for the provision which you have
made for the requirements of the Province. I
am sure that your liberal appropriations will
be carefully expended
• Model of Palestine.
Every S. S. teacher, pastor and Bible
student shoulj secure one of Principal
Austin's Models of Palestine, made from
maps and surveys of the Palestine Explora-
tion Fund, and showing the mountains,
valleys, lakes, seas and intervening country,
in proportionate. elevation or depression.
This model, with a half hour's study, will
give a clearer idea of Palestine than can be
obtained from books and maps in a year.
Its impressions are more vivid and lasting.
It awakens and sustains interest in Sunday
school teaching, and furnishes many illus-
trations of the truthfulness of Scripture,
confirming all the references to "up" and.
"down" in the Bible, and making Holy
Land what Renatt calls a "Fifth Gospel.''
This model has received the highest com-
mendations from such men as Bishop Vin-
cent, Hon. (leo. Ross, LL. D., Bishop
Baldwin, Dr. Caven and the leading papers.
Sir Wm. Dawson, of McGill University,
highly commends it, and has ordered two of
the largest size. Indications point to an
immense sale of this valuable invention.
One should be in every Christian home and
school. egg' No object etin be introduced
into the home circle that will do more to ex-
cite interest in Bible study. It is, as a
leading Buffalo paper declares, "What the
Sunday school world has been waiting for."
Live agents can sell one in nearly every
home, Territory is being rapidly taken up.
St. Thomas, Ont.
Mr. Rey(' Was Tired and Hungry.
The judge—During the deliberations of
the jury, which may be an hour or two, I
will go o with the next case. Heyd vs. Hazel.
What is that?
Mr. Brewster—I appear for defendant. It
is a non -jury suit.
Mr. Heyd—My lord, I am in this case.
The judge—Well, come along with it.
Mr. Heyd—Bat, my lord, I don't feel
physically fit for it: I have been engaged
in the case all day and have had nothing to
eat since 7 o'clock this morning.
The judge—Neither have I.
Mr. Heyd—But Your Lordship is better
used to it than I am. ,
The judge—Well, you do look as if you
were. However, I suppose you are tired. I
will put off the case until to -morrow morn-
ing. All jurymen attending may go home
for the night.—Brantford Expositor.
The Largest filailin—g Vessel.
The largest sailing 'vessel afloat, the
France, of 6,160 tons burden recently en-
tered the port of Dunkirk, Scotland, with
6,000 tons of nitrate of soda from Chili.
This ship is 375 feet long, 50 feet beam
and 34 feet deep, with five steel meats.
She is built entirely of steel and has a false
bottom reaching from stern to stern, as
well eh a tank in the middle, capable of
containing 12,000 tons of water. The
space between .the bottoms will hold 750
tons, so that the vessel can sail in veater
ballast alone.
-• 111cCollons's Rheumatic Repellant -
. •
Has excellent effect on the liver, kidneys
and blood, banks curing rheumatism wher-
ever located in the body or limbs. Pre-
pared by W. A. McCollum, druggist, Tilson-
burg. Sold by druggists generally.
A young man hypnotized at an entertai
ment in Paris remained senseless for to
days, and was with difficulty brought bac--
to consciousness.
1 A
The world continues revolving. Then
conservative old University of St, Andrew's,,'
in Scotland, with a history of 500 years; tu
admits women on equal terms with other
ISSUE NO. 17. 1892.
In replying to any of these
Advertisments hindlY Mention tW1 Pulse
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.1. "Armstrong Elliptic" is to the front with
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Ask for particulars.
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Please mention this')• a3 St. Peter Street
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Sold by al I Druggists and Confectioners,117 5c. pack-
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and be
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mad( ,
our Positive
Both the method and results when
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constipation. Syrup of .Figs is the
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ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
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n'ects prepared only from the most
And a.greoable substances, its
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Syrup of Figs is for' sale in 75c
,ottles by all leading druggists.
ny reliable druggist .who may not
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faro -v -61>o: Airo1dubtv!,it4 titoutfexi
' iliftd711Z, %DUI&
COMPANY.- vETa0a. Ulm
I have rented the store
occupied by Mr. Geo.- Kerr
and am prepared' to •
• The highest price will be
p9.id for butter according to
ke only drill that can be
-I and soft ground while
itinds of grain and seeds
to LOW the instant the
}"RCE FEED, and is the
..11,1,eilhl; you want 1 d or t iin
Ackle the team is in tit() may I. ask of what prac-
ill made. The
an in my condi
do :3 o
d:blvator tee.thve are worth nore
thth teeth on inclepe:ea tillilat—Madams_., not t
attara,1 iiz, but merely to
W, po
o -o
season is now fast
of Course plinting wil
Thc travellin
approaching all
We are this year better
than ever before to fill the.
horsemen, having added
to our formerly large
Too kn. , .ther Nvi6ifini°
': liin
—So' Miss D'Avnoo isg••
ne drill to seeder or stii I thought shew
_IA .
• The visit to this coun-
:led in at the last, moment
A.dir new illustrated e,,-„
with the ' rum
foi) that infringe our. p.liognh—ers.. jelieel,
mac0. (LTD.); INGtits0P.
they being, ri.
intend to
1 ideanicilatetunrdisttol
hantSt-eiSSS, '
. along the roadside
ea Whitechurch, 0
The el.inese make
up proudly
1 Implements Organ% Sev*Pciy paper.Pioito. 'lk11
or grass cloth,
ion thistle. It is
,in forms, it has
,,-,. t'ar.,ri.,,,,,.,,,,,-. ..",..1,-..• ',-, ',..::,,,,,,..,,,,,,,t,.:.7...,,-,,,,,,,..
'17:7-74X;.; 7•,:erre•e:::;*;7:-..17-7 eerreli,e,-'77-eleeeeier...e. •• • • • - • • - ••••,,,77 77.-- • ••,-77 • --.7"7-777-ss•s••77-7-7777.7r-