HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-15, Page 4"
Luokaoar„ ;5th, 1,802.
WE Fuerstenwald, blisko Kassel
Sluzyl za ,parobka i odznaczal sie
pilnoscia i uczciwoscia czystej. krwi
baron niemiecki ktory przez zrza
dzenia losu stracil byl przed tem caly
swoj majetek. Obecnie otrzymal po
krewnych spadek wynoszacy pol
• miliono marek. Powital on. usmiech
fortuny tem ze przeznaczyl szesc
• mataku na dobroczynne cele.
SIR JOHN THOMPSON cannot :62,ke a
beatinggracefully, and he has decided to
appeal against the decision of the courts
whiChdeclaredthatMr.Moviat's Govern-
:•mient possessed the right to exercise the
Pardoning power and to commuteand
remit sentences for offences against
•" Ontario laws. Like Sir John Macdonald
he. will waste a lot of -money trying to
• get *head of Ontario's Grand Old Man
and find at the end that he is not in' it
when it comes to constitutional law
with the Ontario Premier.
•'•• ^ • ..1(4 '44,010 h
The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, April 16th
and foe the unist_e_ad_y tenor of his brain,
we would beg to say that we fail to -see
why any reader of our items in Lanes
news refering to the Crewe blacksmith,
should get into .such a confused state
of mind and commence slinging ink
and threats around in such wild pro-
fusion. We only quoted the gentle-
man's own words as near as we could,
that there was no money in remaining
and never insinuated, in any way the
reason why, and the sCribbler from
Crewe, who must be in some official
capacity, as ha speaks as one having
authority and not as a Scribe accuses
us of casting a slur at the wonderful
city of Crewe.. Now this we emphatic-
ially deny, as we very highly respect
and esteem the people of that vicinity
especitlly the aged and honored Post-
master, and we are sure that no one
but the writer of the article would
ever imagine that we wished to cast a
slur on old and tried" friends of a
centuries' accquaintance. But the
Crew Scribe's heart became wrathj,
as he says, and his face grew' hard and
it got into his head to. fill his pockets
with stones and beitride a mule andsallar
forth and anniliate the humble tiller
of the soil at Lanes who happened to
pen the question. But we fsil to
discover what effect his amunition
would have except to urge the ashamed
mule to hasten to deliver his load and
return to hianarrow stall. He next
says; fortunately for us he allowed
cooler second thought to soothe his
feelings and concluded to deal more
leniently with us. And really it was
a blessing. But we would advise the
young man in this wise. If you
venture out with your mule- don't
Prohibitionists in Manitoba are ask- bestride it but attach an ambulance
wagon to the rear end of the beast for
ing that the next provincial election a
your cafe conveyance back to Crewe.
vote of the people be taken for or
In the second version which we sup -
against the suppression of the liquor
, traffic. The movement is heartly
• endorsed by the Winnipeg Tribune, the
organ of the Greenway Government.
. ,Sooner or later, says the Tribune,
prohibitory laws will be enacted by all
Christian countries. Somepeoble may
que'stion the power gf the provience
to submit'a plebiscite because it is not
provided for by the constitution, but
' nowadays. finely drawn Constitutional'
points do not count for much.
The fine appearance of 'spring has
'teen reversal] by another snow store%
k„• At the.promotion examination held
..1;jukour school a large number succeeded
•• n passing o elm classes,
41t • mistake occureddin our last report;
Kiss _Mary NiTallace has not left our
section as reported:
Mr. Alex. McLean is the owner of a
• .very fine foal bred by J. C. Martin's
Dexter, a very fine roadster stallion.
pose ha prepared for the by weekly
mail he mentions, he tries to explaiu
what we might have meant and says.;
if so, he will withdraw his colors from
the field: We just say for his especal
instruction that we meant just what we
said, neither more nor less, andjust let
your colors remain where they are my
friend as they will not draw any par-
ticular attention in the future. We
flatlydeny that we alluded to Crewe
being unable to. support a blacksmith,
but the ink -slinger of that town nobly
condescends not to sit heavily upoE. us
this time. Now this is very considerate
indeed, and we feel very much obliged
for his thoughtfulness, but at the same
time wn could eassly bear the weight
of the sit but for the uncleaness of the
sitter and if we do not get into trouble
any bigger th:an a house the Crewe
blacksnaith vacated it will not distrub
our ,equilibrium very materially. In
friendly advice neighbor, if you wish
to, use any Lanes News Items as a text
in the future you will be in every -
respect welcome, but keep your brain
'cool until it becomes solid aS if may
perchance do as age advances. 'How-
We extend a "Special Invitation to
the ladies to visit our
Millinery Departments
Parties Who have seen it pronounce it ever if you and your companion decide
a regular beauty. to visit our corner we will entertain
- Mr Lawrence Wallace is visiting yor and feed the mule.
• friends here after about twenty years
absence in the land of Uncle Sam.
Will Nelson has gone to Auburn
for the summer.
W. 0 Johnstone intends removing
to Lake Linden.
It may be dangerous to mention
anything about a blacksmith, but, we
must not overlook the fact that our
esteemed citizen Mr. 0. Rouse is now
preparing to huild a large commodious
shop, the old one having become too
small for his steadily increasing busi-
Mr. David Little has received the
contract for building the above men-
tiOned shop. •
A great many of our farmers have
been busy sowing grass seed during the
past week. •
Scrubbing, scouring and cleaning
up generally has been going on in the
house so long vacant, what will be the
outcome we may be able to find out
before next week's items are fowarded.
Mr. James Irving has rented the
farm soon to be vacated by W. 0 -
Mr. D. Quinn is erecting a fine new
implement house.
The Trustees have decided to put
galvanized troughing on the school
house, a thing which is badly needed
to protect the stone work from the
effect of the eave's drop.
Mr Wm. T. Gardner, of Zion gave
us a pleasant call last week.
Miss Dickson of Seaiorth has
'returned home after having spent a
short time with friends around here.
As might be expected from the out-
burst of fiery eloquence of your Crewe
Vorrespondent in last weck'S issue of
the SErriNeL, our budget f hews is
. tteemingly Ii but we are alive
-nevertheless. And while we feel very
much for the uneasiness. of • our friend
Our stock cc mprises the latest and
best and we are still adding to it.
Miss Lawson takes pleasure in showing goods.
.5th—D Smith, D Lougheed.'
Sen A Bowles.
Jr. 4th --M Jury, M Alton, M
Lougheed, M J Hackett, M Johnston,
R Agar, 11 Thompson, J Phillips, A
Somerville.. , ,
Seri 3ri—T Arnold, J Sineltzarl- M
McMillan, AV Hackett, G Borland,
W Rutherford, M Smoltzer, R John-
ston, G McLean, M J Speers, I Cran-
Jr. 3rd --7J liarkley, S Thompson, 1.1
Nixon, L McCrostie, L Edwards, P
Somerville, A -1‘.1cLe.n, M Nixor, F
Sen. 2nd--G"R,ogers., C Agar; W
Irwin, M Barkley. j•Thompson, M J
Hopkins, W White, M Stothers; A
Jr. 2nd—J Johnston, H Barber, G
Nixon, W McOrostie, D Thompson, L
Alton, W Nixon, ,E
Is the best place in town to purchase your
Gross Cut Saws, Buck Saws, Axes and Axe Ilandies
A full stock of the•best makes in the market. Also a big supply of
All at the Lowest possible Prices.
Pt. 2nd Sr.—A Sherwood, M
Edwards, T Rutherford, B Sherwood,
J Agar, T 11 Spiers.
Pt. 2nd Jr.—fl Rogers, L Agar, A
Barber, E Sherwood.
Leading Hardware, Tinware and Stove Depot.
Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods,
Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates,
Nuts, Etc., Etc.
See our Magnificent Stock of the above
the South Riding of Bruce, will meet to
consider applications for tavern and shop
licenses for the ensuing year, at the Walker
House, Walkerton, on Thursday the 21st day
of April, at 10 o'clock a. m.
All Fine Confectionery iu fancy boxes
lb., 1 lb., and 5 lb, boxes.
by Fancy Shows. We have thafinest
goods ever shown in town for
Christmas & New Year Trade
And our prices are cheaper than ever.
All goods
Guaranteed Pure.
No cheap goods bought to run off at
Christmas. We carry only fine
gorials all the year round.
The total number of Tavern Licenses issued
in this district for the current year is 41.
Total number of.Shop Licenses for the current
year is 3, No. of applications received for
Tavern Licenses for the ensuing year is 39 and
for Shops, 3. '
2-951 Inspector. Box 179, Lucknow F. O. I
We have just received a car of flour
frem Ethel Mills fpr Christmas and
New Year trade.
Now is the time to send in your
orders and get them filled At once.
I al
Is the,place to makeyourselections in •
hAve in stock the following
Apples - Dried Apple Nutmeg „ Soda
Blacking .Extructs„ " )i 1• o1iNe 'Soaps
Black Lead ' .Fivs ' Oil, srOeet , . , • • 'Spices ,
Blue , • i Fish, canned Oil, eaStor , .. ., 'Starch • '
Baking Powders Fish, dried' C1rauges . IStrawberrie, calmed
Barley, pot • •Gelotine . ()at Msal ISulphers
Bath Brick Gingers ' Pails • '1.'apio.ca, ,
Beans Hops Peels "romatees, canned.
Brooms - lIoney ..• Pipes •Teas
I , ,..'
Baskets ••, 'Ink ' IPiAles IT° unccoes .;
BruShes Indigo P,earline . Vermicelli
Bicuit Licorice' Peas:canned , • 1Vinegars .
Coffee . Limo Juice Pepper . 1).Yashisards ' •
Confectionery Lemons 111.,isins ' - Washh.g Cry s al ,
Canned Goods • 'Lamps - • . • Rice • Woodenware . ' '
Cocoa ' . .Larli • . ltice Flotr . ,Whiting -• ,
Chocolate 'Matches Sago IDioner Sets '
Corn, canned . Mince Meat S:dt 'Yeast Cakes
Corn meal ' . 'Msal Salmon • 'Dinner Sets
Currants • . . • ' , n.caroni Sardines, , l'rea Sets
Currie Powder Al ustard ,Senna IlVater •Sets
Cr m Tarter Meat,i, can tied Seeds 'Cream Sets /
Co anut MaLmesia Sugar • !Berry Sets
Dates , Nuts Syrups . iToihit Sas
No. 1 Fleur always on }falai. GOQ.C1S Clelivered to any pa rtspf the town..
. . .
BEING LOT 6, CON, 14, E. D. OF
Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one
hundred and seventy acres cleared. , The
farm is situated 2. miles from Lucknow.
30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall
wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn,
stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good wells
and no better soil:
Apply on the premises or to
vox meg 1Puipfing Rao&
1 `airetuyty lyini:aa .y, *AOH
`SlOggipind aadsdsmau A uv—soatiaanag
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ma -osuodx.r, Jo o...1 r smi,s Zuppud
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