HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-15, Page 1D. C. TAYLOR Has now in stock full lines in • Sap Buckets JERSEY CREAM • AND FACTORY CANS and all dairy supplies. a dint) *di VOL XIX.— 16 1t4 LITOKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1892 BANK OF HAMILTON LliCKNOW. Capital, $1,206,85o,. , Rest, $600,000. President -JOHN STUART. Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY. . DIRECTORS: JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. Wcora A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TVRNBULL. • SAVIBOS BANK—liners 10 to 3; Satur- day's, 10 to 1. • Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest arlowcd. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. DRAFTS,on Great Britain and the -United States bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DENTAL -- J. 8. JEROME, L. D. S. Wingham, will be in Lucknow. on the seeond and fourth Exl- ey and Saturday of each month. Good sets for $M. Filiing and eatracting a specialty • LEGAL SIMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, in II. C. G. Kinlough.P.G., Ontario. pA. MALCOMSON , BARRISTER, .. Solicitor, Conveyancer. etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand. • Tor MORRISON', ATTORNEY AT I • law, Solicitor in Cancery, Convey. ancer, Commisioner. etc. Office.. over the' barber shop. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- ters,, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. • J. T. G:ARROW, Q.C, W M. PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL J A. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. t,/ 0 0. Office, Kintail. 1—IR, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESI- A.! deuce, Outram street, secoud door north of Little!s shoe ethre, DR. TENTNANT, PHYSI C I A. N, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 -to 5 p. m. flMop. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. a M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, oppositeW. U. Little's. DR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALL* either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cola rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain' e hotel. Lucknow. GENERAL ONEY TO:LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS .1.KIL mortgages at 7 to 71 per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, 8t. Helens. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE secnrity for any timh, at the lowest rate of interest. The principal may be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the princi- lmay be paid each year, interest ceasing. on NJie amount paid. , For further particulars, e., apply to ANGUS STEWART, LuektIOW. socigtiEs W(3. T. U.— The regular monthly • meeting of the Wemen's Christian Temperance Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows Hall, Luelanow, at 3 p. m. MRS. W. H. SMITH, President; MRS. HORNELL, Secretary. TUCKNOW 4 Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday. - evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. Wm. Homo, N. Grand ; JOHN Eamo'r, Recorder. CF.,COURT Sherwood., No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first and third Monday in every month, in the Or- ange hall. .Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invitdd. Riliglia""JoirN SCOTT, C. R. D. YULE SEC. V-- • A D. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF 1-10 the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second 'Monday evenings of each month a eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. 1.1. PATTERSON, Master Workman.. R. D. CAMERON, Recorder. —There are some very promyt young men in Fergus. The following letter received by one of the ministers ;-7— "This is to give you notis that 1 and Miss —is coming to your church On Saturday Hex, to undergo the oper- ation of miltrimony at your hands. Pleas be promp, as the rig hired by.the hour. Mr. ---•'' GEO, MAIR & CO. BANKERS, Or Luckno*'Banking Comp'y, Lueallow, FEB'Y 13T1 -i, 1892. TO THE FARMERS: Since the date of our last advertisement to you we have sold 1100 acres of land, and being •all the land bold by us in behalf of the various Loan Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm of 200 acres in Kinloss, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of payment. Several farmers have, however, placed their farms in our hands for sale, so.that we hope to be able to spply the bulk of the demand for farms as heretofore. But as our sales exceedtd 1900 acres last spring we would request those in want of a cheap farm to apply early, as the spring time will now soon be, here. We ean grant Very reasonable terms•of payment for all our sales and a low rate of in erest, . If you wish to renew or change you mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we can guaran- tee you satisfaction and at a very trifling expense. We lend money on farmers' notes fer long pr short time, and can supply all demands on reasonable terms, Sale rates a specialty. We do a generalbanking business of all kinds with Merchants, Qattle Dealers, Shippers and Farmers, . GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager MUSICAL TUITION. • -- -• . ANY ONE REQUIRINGFIR ST•CLA S . lessons in music can have the same f om Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. For terms apply. to the ,Rev. Ur. Connor, the • rectory. Prof. Moss will be in Lucknow on Mondays. Ait-usic LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT 1NJL by Miss Kaake, late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their own homes or at .her resi- dence over E. 1Caake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH CHURCH —SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m, Sunday School, 2:30 p. m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult crass every Wednesday evening a o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. . A areweleome. REV. W, J. CONNOR, Paster. C. T. R. TIME TALE. Trains leave Lucknow for south at 6;03 a in, 10:30 a. m. and 65p. m, North at 12:25 P. na„ 4:05 p. •m, and 10:37 Fire and Marine insurance, North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh ane Landon. Western, of Toronto. Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Plicenfx, o London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT - GUELPH. Telegraph or TelePhone at my expense, INSURANCE. Farmers, look to your own interest and insure your farm buildings eau, ' priv vellings in the DON MUTUAL. No large Premium Notes required CASH SYSTEM: 50 cents to 90 cents per $100 for three years, JOHN LANE AGENT, - KINLOUGH. Also agent for the Phoenix, of London, England. NOTICE, THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing Office,. .AGREEMENTS, BONDS, 1 -.EASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS • CAREFULLY • PREPARED. Plans ,specifications and estirnatt s fr build ins, mills, bridges, etc„ furnished . on short. notice. JAS. SOMERVILLFa Lucknow, Jan .1891. EDUCATIONAL ucKNow AtE('irA;mcs: INSTT: tute. Reading room open every evening from 7 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays, when the' hours will be from 2 to 6 p, m . The librarian willhe in attendance during thee hours. 1). 1). Yuan, President. G Munnocu, Secretary, SPRING SHOW, A Good Exiiih# t -of aForses. There was a very good attendance of speeta- tors'at the spring show Of.the Kinloss Branch Agricultural Society in the village on Tuesday lart, desi ite the cool weather. The entry of Ironies was licit so large as on some former times, but the e..hibit on the whore was a good one, and„had the judges given satisfaction nJ one "could .b Lye found any fault with the show. Their decis'on on one or two of the pries has caused a great deal of dissntisfaction and ir their action does not result in a lasting injurf to .„the Society all interested are to be congatitula.tad. The following is a Vet of the ptiaes aCirded: Imported heavy, • draught stallion- -J..& R. Moffat, Crosby Chieftain, 2nd, Jar • Ceasar, :Kerr/ Dance. 3rd, Robinson, & Woods, Lord Shannon, ; Canadian heavy draught sfellion—T. Todd, Young Max ; 2nd, John McKenz' le, British Lion' ;• 3rd, Thos. Nicholls, Baron Solway. Rdad' Stallion — • W. J. • Little, Roy al Abdellah ; 2nd; D. Fisher, Moss Rose , 3rd, Peter•Arkle, WPthy. Imported 3 year old heavy draught stallion • - -J. & W, Moffat, Crow n Pri•ae. The judges were R. C. Sperling, Wingham ; H. White, Belfast. and J. S. 'McDonald, Ripley. . • THE GAELIC LANGUAGE. If room can be found for the follow- ing, they may 'amuse some Scottish readers abroad, O.S well as at home. I got them in manuscript some years ago, and have not come across them in print. Cara any reader name the author? P. R. THE 'ANT .QUITY OF 'THE GAELIC LANGUAG, Before Apollo had a flute,, M• re.than a hunderd year, Macgregor played his ain bagpipes,.. His Heelant clana.to cheer. He had a boat, too'of his neje, Made oot o'Heelant wud, Which saved the Macgregor's, freens Free droonin' at theflood. For you must know the Gaelic' tongue Was spoken in Glen Edon,. And Aden wrote his Heeland sangs The time his'sheep were feedin', And Mrs. Aden's name was Grant, . She came fromAberfeldy; She was a poetess, and wrote "The Birks o' Aberfeldv." . ,Moreover, too, old Tubal Cain— His name was Dougal Dhu, But was misprinted ii the book When the printer,hlid got fou— He wee 'a blacksmith till his trade; And made the first claYmore ; He also madethe coat of mail That Noah's father wore. And futhermore,ais gospel truth, He did invent fife bell, • .• Because, you see, he sole a dram, And needed it bfinsel'. Young Donald Vulcan served his time With this same Dougal Dhu -- Five years he shoed Macgregor's horse, And Dougal 's bellows blew, For, "Noah" is a- Greclan wird, In Gaelic is "Macpherson' ;" He instuted Heelancl games Just for his nein diversion. , MacCalluin Mohr. his somin-law, Was Lord, Duke, of Argyll ; His mother's name was Janet Gunn, A sister of Meg And • Samson, too— that's more of Greek -a • His name wasGilderoy ; He felled a bullock with his neive When he was just a boy They took him off to Stirling jail, They little kent his might , He walked Off with the ffates and all At the dead hour•of night. And furthermore our Heelant chiefs •. Have all gotyaeon narnes,. Such as the it rehilles - bless my sbul— They more's the burnlng shellac. Findal was Ajax, or the like, Ossian they made a Spartan Macg,ergor was --who can tell what— 'Twas something about tartan. There's no use talking about Greek, Its just a kind of gable, A portien of the Clael;e'tongito Spoiled at the Toor o' Babel, The Greeks you see, were not a clan, Although of the same bone , I3nt just a sort of laboring men That carried kicks and stones. For instance, there's the "Iliad" 1100, Tts nulled altogether ;, 'Twits' first wale in the Gaelic tongue By l tomer in Ealenither, • The Greeks they got it at the last; And spoiled it as Ton see•, Then swore that Homer was a Greek— A most tremendous lee. And .no doubt yin would like o know Where fair Glen l.iden stood ; • °eh hone, it was the bonnie' pine 3 • • Before the awful lined, Aweel, 'twas just in inverness, Soine say twits in Argyll ; There's no use. feelitin 1104 a word-- , "l'was the Heelands all thc while. —Money to loan in hmounts and for time to suit borrower, at .5?, and 6 per cent., according to time, amount and security. Also sOrne private funds to loan on chattel tnortlages, at lowest rates of interest. • LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. ..eaora„-, . a • ' • MY HARDWARE Even •surkasses former years 1.1 variety and qual- ity. Kalsomining at the seasou of house cleaning. - Paints, oils and varnishes in abundance. Fence"' Vire atal everything to be found in a first cleat, hard- ware sr ae. AU ef which will be sold cheaper than the cheapest at D. C. Ta)lor'ss WHOLE NO, 952. Newsy Items Served twits*. Sentinel Readers ,—Wanted an experenced man to prune orchards. Apply at this office. —A first class house to rent, with good stable. Apply, Richard Hughes. —A car load of pressed hay for sale. Apply' to W. J. Little or J. Elliot. —Miss Allie Bradley, of Bervie, is the guest of the Misses Burns of this village. . —Captain and Mrs. McPherson, of Kincardine are visiting in the village' this week. • —There is no better tea for the money than that Connell sells for 35c. per lb. —For lace curtains go to Connell;s. We have just received some new lines very cheap. —Mr. Wm. McArthur,of the Whit- ley House, we are sorry to record, is at present confined to his bed. —Lucknow Dramatic Co. will pro- duce "Enlisted for the war" assisted by Mr. Harry Hart on April 26th. —Miss Mary Ann LaWrence, of Lucknow, is in town visiting at Mr. Geo. Hanley's.—Clinton News Recoid. —The place to buy ready made clothing is Connell's. A tweed suit for $5 in money. —Read the barge list of choice groceries, teas, coffees, spices„ etc. for sale in M. Corrigan's advertisement —;We have just received a new lot of hats and flowers for the millinery, department. We solicit a visit from the ladies.—W. Connell. —Fred Corman, one of' Wingham's popular hotel keepers and meat curer, was in the village on business'Wednes- day last. —A number of Lucknow' s elite took in "Hazel Kirke" at Wingham on Tuesday evening last. They report a good time. —Lost ---One day this week o Campbell street a gold wire broach The finder would. oglige by leaving a this office. . —The Lucknow Sepoy • Foot Bal Club, will try conclusions with the Kincardine Club at the latter place on Good Friday: • • —A number of the Patrons of Industry lodges in Bruce have passed resolutions to buy their Agricultural implements from W. Arnold. —Miss Lou Coiling of the Alma 'Ladies' College, St. Thomas, arrived home for the Easter holidays on Wednesday. —Young mare five years old in foal to a thorough bred, due May lst, will sell or exchange for •a good driver. Apply to Thos. Reid, Baker: 1 —Wiarton is agitating fer,a charter- ed, Bank. It is though that the Bank: .ot Ilamilten may consider' the advis- ability of locating a branch there. —The regular -meeting of the Sons of Scotland will be held in the I. 0. 0. F. Hall. on Wednesday evening next. A full attendance of members and those intending to become members is requested.—P. Mateornson, Secretary. —Mr. Mal. McDonald, of West Wawnosh, • brought to this office a parsnip that measured over two feet in length and fiteen inches in circum,- ference. —A nest of young ground birds was found in one of Mr, McQueen's fields in Kinloss, on the 6th inst. This is the earliest we have heard of in this 4ection. *--A neLhboring famer tied up a bag of clover seed in his barn • last fall so that the mice could not get at it. When he -took down the bag a few days arra he found the clover seed had turned to oats, Some one had stolen the clover and filled the bag with oats. —A prize will be given of a book, entitled —The Speaker's Complete Pro- gramme, to any one giving correct answtT, to the following of a beast with ears on his head, of a fish that is in the sea bred; of bandage over the knee, Spells a town in Linste,r well known for to be. Answers to be sent to the . 1,COMSON, Lucknow. • SENTINtL office,—R, G. • FEEDSPOTATOES To the Editor of the Sentinel DEAR Will .you allow me space in your valuable piper to throw obt few hints to the farmers of this section of ,.euntrv. Seeing that hay is $14 per ton and potatoes 25 cents per bus., would advise farmers to feed potatoes to their horses and cows. Hay is 70e per 100 lbs., potatoes at 25c per bushel are 83c. per 200 lbs. and horses and cattle thrive well on potatoes and straw, better than on hay alone, then w4 not • feed the potatoes. • Yours truly.. FARMER. IIIMITECHURCH Mr. Joseph Nixon has returned to his hotel. Mr. Champion has moved into the place he purchased from Mr. Cattle. Mrs. Sharp still remains very ill. Messrs. •Garten and King have commenced their season's ditching. Mr. 13. McCartney left this week for Ohio.. where he intends spending the summer. • His many friends and associates were loath to part with friend Bob. A goose belonging to Mr, H. Rintdul recently laid an egg containing three large and separate yolks. , Mr. Cattle, who did a treiiidous grain- chopping business during the past Winter, is now prepa,red for the• erection of.a new. brick house. . • 151 ALKE RT ON A shock was given to the community by the sudden death, on Friday last of Mrs. Taylor wife of the -senior member of firru of Taylor and son proprieters of the felt boot works. The deceased lady was longer than usual in coming down from her room, and her son on going up stairs found her dead on the floor.. She had apparently fallen while comb- ing her hair ancl was quite cold when the family found her. Apoplexy was the cause of her death. She ,was just 70 years of age. • Strange. to say, she had often expressed the opinion that she would like to die at the age. of 70. It would appear that fortune does not favor the Roman Oatholics of . Walkerton in the effort to organize a Separate School. After years -of agitation the steps necesstary to organize were taken and it was expected that the first rate for Separate' School pur- poses, would be levied this year. The first of March was the last day for the statutory notice of application to be rated as Separate School supporters. The notice was handed in on that day, but ,to the Mayor and not the clerk as requiled by law. This not being legal notice, theassessor is rating all as before .and no tax for a Separate School can be c.):lected, unlesssome change is made When appeal is made to ther'Oourt of• Revision. A.SHFIELD. The memorial services of the late Mr. Gardner were held at Zion -last Sabbath by Rev. Mr. • Kenner. Messrs E. Andrew and Thos. Helm remain on the sick list, We . hope. soon to hear Of their reebvery. -The following is the standing of pupils of School No. 5 based on punctuality', deportment, and general proficiency: Sen. 4th —C Gardner, J. Wilson, B/ Ritchie, WAnderson, A Gardner, W Gardner, E Wilson. .Sen.'3rd--1., Hunter, R Wilson, E: Gardner, R Wilson, E Gardner, M Gardner, It Wilson • E McGill, J Stroud, R Webster, E Reid, M Web- ster. Jun. 3rd—.M Brown, E Gardner, L Habick, J Wilson, R Hunter, J Hunter, S Webster, Jr., 4th—A Brown, H ,Anderson. Sen. 2nd --A Brenn,'*,J Habick, • E Webster, C Webster, Anderson. Je. 2nds—J Webster II. Reid, H Walker, 8 Wilson, R 1 iter. 8en Pt, 211d Gardner, J1 hinter, 13 Webster. Jr., 2n4--0 Brown, 13 Gardner. •Pt. I—G Hunter, A liabick. --In taking down the tove, if any soot should fall on the carpet or rug cover quinkly with dry salt before