HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-08, Page 4The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, April 8th gite ittlthouifftittintl MK LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE REELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES Luokuoar, April 8th, 1892. v SCHOOL BOYS AND TOBCCO. The Bill recently introduced into the Ontario Legislature relative to the use of tobacco by minors may have a salutary effect in checking the habit to a large extent amongst the school -going population of the country, says the London Free Press. This exists to a much larger entent amongst school . . boys than most parents are aware of, end it is time that some definite action was taken. From a careful study by eminent physiologists, it has been fonnd that boys who began the habit at an ehrly age are stunted physically, and never arrive at a normal bodily development; and that accompanied with the use of this narcotio. were certain disordered fuuctions, such as indigestion, impaired taste, defective eye sight, dull hearing, nervous affec- tions, and deases of the heart. With regard to its mental effect H. H. Seerley Principal of the Iowa State Normal School, found that tobacco used in any form, destroyed the ability to apply one's self to study, and pre-' vented his comprehending or remember- inonhis lessons. The marital faculties of a boy under the influence of the • narcotic seem to be in a stupor, and ,since depraved nerve power nullifies .and overcomes the will power, there is but little use for the teacher to seek to arouse the dormant, paralyzed .energies, or to interest and foster the fagged desires. Te same authority says he never met a pupil that is addict- ed to the habit who will go through a •clay's work and have good lessons. Ile further says:—"I have never had .one whose scholarship record was good, -and in about every case the deportraent was below the average standard. „the regular examination, for promotion nearly everyone -of the tobacco using pupil.' fail in dein., the most reasonable test work, even if this is not the first time the work has been passed over in. class; I have had numbers of cases in which they have remained in the same grade for four successive years ,and then they were not ready to be ad- vanced into the next higher class." According to the observations of this authority, extending over a number of years, not a single boy has passed the examination required for admission to the High School after he had acquired thetobacco habit, and not one has grad- uated from the High School who began the habit after beginning his course in the High School. But the moral re- sults are also as serious. Pupils under the influence of the weed are constant subjects of discipline, are not truthful, pratice deceptionand cannot be depend- ed upon. A change of character in.' a formerly good boy is a very strong in- dicated that some habit is getting hold upon him whose tyrrany has to be broken before he will again be clothed in his right mind. The worst charact- eristic of the habit is a loss of selfre- spect and of personal reguard for the customs arid wishei of the ladies ana gentleman, especially when amongst strangers. Tf these observations mean anything, they declare that something ought to be done, such as prohibiting minors until eighteen years of age as has been done by the Ontario Legisla- ture, as it is (vident that teachers and parents are not snfficiently aroused re - guarding the magnitude of the evil of tobacco using by chi:dren. •1•••••••1•111•Nmoiamom So the 17f1 of Mardi cannot be exclusiyely claimed by the Hibernia.ns. It celebrates an important event in the Career of historic celebrity who ante- dated St. Patrick by many cen tide -6-6 Early English calendars give 't as the day on whichNoah entered the the ark. Maybe, if the facts were sifted right down it was Noah to whom the Irish are, indebted for absence of snakes in their country. During the period of deluge Noali had the control of all e:c- isting animated creation in his hands, and it is quite within the range of con- ecture that in token of his regard for Erin he may have neglected to dump any of his serpents on the sacred soil 016"the green islc." HON. Alexander MacKenzie, ex: - Premier of Canada, who is now lying at death's door, will always, says the Philadelphia 'RECORD, be remembered for the share which he had taken in bringing about measures the adoption of which has conduced to the political and commercial benefit of the Domin- ion. He was a sturdy and uncom- promising Liberal, scorning empty titles and honors, and as rugged in his integrity as the granite of his native Highlands, —Good house to let. Apply to W. Bower. —I have a five year old mare which I will sell or exchange for a good driver Apply to Thos. Reid, baker, Lucknow. —Another large purchase at the old Pioneer store, .seventeen hundred yards of flannelett, regular price 9c per yard we are selling at 4/, only ten yards to a customer.—W J Brumpton. —The property of Wro. Johnston, lot 4, con. 12, (W. D.) Asfield, con- sisting ef farm stock, implements, etc., will be sold by public auction, on Friday, April 8th, by John Purvis, auctioneer. —There. will be sdld by public auction at lot 14, con. 10, West Wawa - nosh, on Wednesday April 13, a large number of live stock, ,the property of D. Rutherford. John Purvis, auction- eer. — Money to loan in amounts and for time to suit borrower, at 5i and 6 per, cent., according to time, amount and security. Also some private funds to loan on chattel mortgages, at lowest, rates of interest. P. A. MALCONSON, Lucknow. — How many woinen who fondly love the golden symbol of their wedding vow know why they wear it on the third finger of- the left hand? That particular digit was chosen because it was believed by the Egyptians to be directly oonnected by a slender nerve with the heart itselt. And the'se ancient worshippers of Isis held this finger sacred to Apollo and the sun, and therefore gold was the metal chosen f Dr the ring —Heach mon! Hae ye no read the Epistles o 'Airlie? Whaur ha.e ye been leevin' gin ye hae -na tell o' Hugh Airlie? Ma conscience, but its a gran' buik—no that lairge ye ken, for it's no but 25 cents, but fu' o' hamely cracks an' pawky screeds aboot ane thing an, anither in guid braid Scotch. Sion' whan I got thon buik I jist la.uched till I thocht a' wad dee. It fairly dings them a'. It tells aboot the adveotures o' a chiel nem tae the ways o' the kintra- an' mony a ane wha has keen in the varra same perdeecament will ken tae sympatheeze wi the puir birkie. Dinna fail tae speer at yer buik seller for the "Epistles o' Airlie," an' gin he has na got it sen' 25 cents tae the GRIP PRINTING & PUBLISHING Co., Toronto. MEMORAM. on- the . death or the tate Wm Gardner, of Ashfield. ' Sound the tocsin through the laud, And let that great -echo zing Grim death bas taken in I 's hand ',Patriot, Pioneer and King. in days of yore—his shanty small, .Ever open to Adam's race ; Where Turk and Greek, poor and all, Could find a resting place. Humanity's friend has crossed the line, To mansions in the air ; • To meet his friends of every line, Who dcd his desert share, done,' thou cud& son of eai,%, Thy name will yet with sages sing; Tho'. of humble Unpretentious birth, Thou art dwelling with the 'King. Thy days of yore, we can't forget, Ifospitality for sick and Inor ; Thy humble door was open set, As wide as any Highland moor. You ve gone, friend William, from our To lands where angels sing; Of anthems bright, of old and new, Before their Eternal King. Farewe'', thou son of honest toil, Farewell, thou man of worth ; Fa-ewell ; no man can ever soo Thy name, in all the earth. B. G. NOTICE! THC E LT(. COMM /SSIORS NEfor the South Riding Of Bruce, will meet to consider applications for tavern and shop licenses for the ensuing year, at the Walker Pons°, Walkerton, on Thursday the 2:st Ja? of -April, at 10 o'clock a. m. • ANGUS Sr.: thileCti,C. • • SOUTH RIDING OF ,BRUCE. The total number of 'Tavern Licerses issued in, this- district for the current year is ,11 Total number ofiShop Licenses for the euteent. year is 3, No. of applications Ireceived for Tavern Licenses for the ensuing year is ;;9 and for Shops, 3, ANGUS STEWART, 2 951 Inspector. • EE SHO • We extend a "Special Invitation to the ladies to visit our Millinery Departments Our stock cc mprises the latest and best and we are still adding to it. Miss Lawson takes pleasure in showing goods. M. CONN ELL, I- Lucknow. • AM11111111111 aimerminmemmammiiil THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE Is the best place in town to pirchase your Cross Cut Saws, Buck Saws, Axes and Axeo Handles A full stock of the best makes in the market. Also a big supply of STOVES, TINWARE, AND SILVERWARE All at the Lowest possible Prices. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR, STOOK BEFORE PURPHASING. THOS. LAWR CF Leading Hardware, Tinware and Stave Repot. erIMR"Ag-IFC‘IMMUI2CM'an' marrommick111.111111=,11.1511. DON'T READ' THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc. See our Magnificent Stock of the above FINEST COODS, LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery i fancy boxes . —12- lb., 1 lb.,. and 5 lb. boxes. ,DON'T BEI. DECEIVED by Fancy Shows. We have the finest goods ever shown in town for Christmas & New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper than ever. AH goods Guaranteea' Pure. No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods n.11 the year round. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Mills for. Christmas and New Year trade. Now is the tirne to send in your orders and get them' filled at once. THOS. REID. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 13E [N( LOT 0, ('ON, 14, E. T). Asbfield, in the County of lfuron, one hundred ail fit' yeaty ac 105 elearA, The farm is sii,tated 241 ir 'es from Lucknow. 30 acres iit bosh, 80 acres in Arafis, 12 acres fall wl eat, good fences, good dwelling, hank barn, stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil.- , Apply on the premises or to JOHN liARIOVELL, 13ox 179, Lucknow 1'. 0, FREE CRAYONTORTRAITVBAME1 (.0:444, /,•4,/(////. • C, To all our SubscriberTiOr189ii Ilse We, the publishersof "North American 1-106109," In order to increase the circulation of our journal throughout the United States and Canada, will spend this year over one hundred thousand dollars among our new subscribers in the form of an artistic Crayon Portrait and a handsome frame (as per cut below)., to be made free of charge for every new subscriber to" North American Homes." Our family journal is a monthly publication consisting of 16 pages, filled with the best literature of the day, by some of the best authors, and is worthy of the great expense we are doing for it. Eight years ago the New York World had only about 15,000 daily cir- culation; to -day it has over 200,000. This was obtained by judiciaus advertisement and a lavish expenditure of money. What the proprietor of the N. Y. World has accomplished we feel confi- dent of doing ourselves. We have a large capital to draw upon, and the handsome prebaium we are giving you will certainly give us the -largest circulation of any paper in the world. The money we are spending now among our subscribers will soon come back to us in increased cir- culation and advertisements. The Crayon Portrait we will have made for you will be executed by the largest association of artits in this city. Their work is among the finest made, and we guarantee you an artistic Portrait and a perfect likeness to the original. There is nothing more useful as well as ornamental than a handsome framed Crayon Portrait of yourself or any member of Our family; therefore this is a chance in a ,lifetime to get one already framed and ready to .hang in your parlor absolutely free of charge. READ TII POLLOWING GRAND SO Das/ OTTElt Send us $1.50, price for one year subscription to "North American I -Tomes," and send us also a photograph, tintype or daguerrotype Of yourself or any member of your family, living or dead, and we will make you from same an artistic half life size Crayon Portrait, and put the Portrait in a good substantial gilt or bronze frame of 2 inch moulding absolutely free of charge; will also furnish you a genuine Frenc,h glass, boxing and packing same free of expense. Cut this out and send it with -your photo- graph at once, also your subscription, which you can remit by Draft4 P. 0. Money Order, Express Money Order, or Postal Note, made payable to References,—Alyneewsr p p publishers, Rev. T. Dewitt Talmadge, all rcanatileeagcacies and hanks la New York City, rld Building ni, New York. ilegtypiaii,'Ir,V;11,,StrroNft i !C..' -074, , t:WifaTr----7•7:-- ......,......., • .1. ,....• . .i.. . ..17.7..—' ..' ••• -.1Z'„',I•f,,-,,':.-7,1,'•*.,,..: zfilirm....1,..m.7.1iAgi3•147,,,gr:si`e4tP,iiA,A,X,•:,174,,,1 NORTH AMERICAN HOMES PUBLISHING CO,, Ts.a.deur.us. vommnaleotomprows-momm...1. IVIGLEOD'S System Itenovatox,, And other tested reniedies SPFA:3IFItI AND Weak and Impoverished 'Blood, Dyspepsia , Sleeplessness, I.'alidtartion of the Heart, Liver Comphint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, .Troindiee, 'kidney and 'Urinary 1/is- eases, St. itits' 1)ance., .Female Irregularities and General )el $1.•por pirit .,0(1 $2 per pint bottle. LABOR -AT() WV. - . (:()DF,It IC I I , ()NT. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer Sold by Harry 1)ays and A. 13. Congram, T/roggists, Luelinow. • ,i1IIIt! "1h ,g•gp„1. iv ^3 .3r !IT •71 •-.:1"1 0-44 'Pun Avil 00.01.15 fl .1(1)1111111 .1111 0111, '0q100t1 1.1 .. 1., •tr1 01114 11111.‘ pm. mYlio) (115,oir1 .110111 • , , , ,i,•, 111,11 1 11.1 11., 0110 (MI 1101) 11.1,110.14 • 111:11Xtio111,1 •,,A1,111 1111111;w1.1..).1111.1111110111.111) A411.11/111 .11111011111 11111 11111.11111111n Tr, 0141 1114111111)11111111111.1 5.110 041,111f 11.1,411111111.100.1p11121110e0A • 114101141 11111111110144, 04.1141, 1101/3 111 J10(114 'Apinopionput loom, 111m `tylvimottl 1.11J0 '0101 p11(...141.101 111111 1111.11 1111.1 014 '11.01 O 01110p 111,001,) 1.1,5mlut. gout.; ,Stlu Yuel.tq L4451104,00 1 lutram., utice,t A S THIS IS THE SEASON 11 of the year that. every person expects to have their accounts squared, all parties owing Am' Sm C P ELL Merchant Tailor, are request= ed to CALL AND SETTLE the sa,tne either by cash or note at once.. My books must be bftlanced this month, No further notice. A. S. CAMPBELL