HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-04-08, Page 1D.C. TAILOR Has no in stock full &main. Sap Buckets JERSEY CREAI/ AND FACTORY CANS and all dairy supplies. tknoto VOL XIX. -15 „ LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1892 'BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNoW. Capital, $1,2o6,85o. Rest, $600.000. President -JOHN STUART. Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS: JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. WCOD, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TTJRNBULL. SAVINGS RANK.—Hmirs 10 to 3; Satur- day's. 10 to 1. Deposits ef Si and upwards received and interest ailowcd. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest, DRAFTS on Great Britain. mid the 'United States bought and sold. ' J. C. BROWN, Sun-AnEN,T. 0.111t1MINNYSIVOItitillENVAMMtiotannlasin•WanIMMVIMT.Ipttiotm.m...re DENTAL • - . _ • J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. Wingharn, 'w ill be in Lucknow on the s.ceond and fourth Fri- _ _ ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for 510. Filling. and evtracting a specialty LEGAL QINION CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 0 in H. C. G. Kinlough P. O., Ontario. .P• A. MALCOMSOIN , BARRISTER; . Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand. 11MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT . law, Solicitor in Cancery, Convey- ancer, Cornmisioner, etc. Office. over the barber shop. • ri ARROW & .PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors, etc.„. Goderich, Ont. J. T: GARROW, Q.0, . PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL JA. McDONA1D, M.. D., C. M. 0.P. S. 0 0 . 0. Office, Kintail. 11-XR, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESI-- 13 Outram street, second door north of Little's shoe store, DR. TENNANT, PHYS 101A N, Surgeon and'Accoucheur. Sur ery .op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. in., and from 2 to 5 p. m. iU k McD. GORDON, M.D., dm., F.T. _Le M.S:, N.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon. and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. "Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. TAR. D. G-EDDES, V. S., CALLS _EY either by mail telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rigan's. hall. Boarding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. ant!MMiMattorm. • GENERAL MONEY TO LOAN! ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7i per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. 'Helens. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. CO. Tickets issued to all points east or west. alnick. time. Close connections with other 11 es. Full particularf to intending travellers. J N MURCHISON, Ticet Agent, Lucknow. ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for -any time, at the lowest rate of interest. Te principal may be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the princi- pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on the amount paid. For further particulars, etc., apply to ANGUS STEWART, LUCklIOW, 111M11111111131W SOCIETIES W0. T. U.--- The regular Monthly • meeting of the Wemen's Christian Temperance Union will.be •held every second Wednesday of each month in the Ocld Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p. m. sfns. W. H. SMITH, President; MRS. HORNELL, Secretary. LTICKNOW Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evenin,..a at 8 o'clock in therr ball, Campbell street. -All brethren t., i. dially invited. Wm. Hoop, N, Grand; J FIN ELLIOT, Recorder. . ,41 . C0. F. ,couRT_ • Sherwood, No. 50, Imcknow: Meet - every hrst and .third Monday in every month, in the Or- ange hall. Visit- ing %brethren a r e cordially invited. )1111.1.0IIN SCOTT, C. R. )(tux, SEC. A0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF • the Ancient order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month a' eight o'cl '-. Visiting brethren cordially itivited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workraih• R. D. CANT ERON , Recorder. 'EDUCATIONAL T UCKNOW• MECHANICS ' INSTI- .1411 'tnte. Reading room open every evening from 7 to 10 excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to 6 p, m . The librn.riah will be in attendance during these hours; Da 01, Vu-synr••-,Prouident. f4r, • MUrmocn; avretary. GEO, MAIR & CO. BANKERS, Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y. LUCKNOW, FEB*17.13114, 1892. TO THE FARMERS: Since the date of our last advertisement to you we luive sold 1100 acres of land, and being all the land held by ua in behalf of the various Loan Companies we reprvsent, except the Shaw farm of 260 acres in Kinloss, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of payment. Several farmers have, however, ' placed their farms in our hands for sale, so that we hope to be able to splay the bulk of the demand for farina as heretofore. But as our sales exceeded 1000 acres last Iring we would request those in want of a cheap farm to apply early, as the spring time will now soon be here: .We can grant very reasonable terms of payment for all our sales and a low rate of interest, • If you wish to renew or change you mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm., or send money away in payment of the interest or principal of your mortgage, we can guaran- tee you satisfaction and at a very trifling expense. We lend money on farmers' 'Mies for long or short time, and can supply all demands on reasonable terms, Sale notes a specialty. We do a general banking • business of all kinds with Merchants, ' )111.ttle Dealers, Shippers -and Farmers, . GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager ....th.,....towinametostatiostmatttemtarnstatoomaiiMat MUSICAL Tumor?. ANY ONE REQUIRING Finst-eraAss lessons in music can have the same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of -the Yorkshire Colleae of Music. For tMbarms apply to tbe Rev. r. Connor, the rectory. Prof, • Moss ivill be in • Lucknow on Mondays. MUSIC LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT by Miss Kaalce, late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence over E. Kaake's Photograph. gallery. Terms reasonable. • asnetam. vomit ,Ifssitmasattrali • CHURCH DIRECTORY. _ ENGLISH CHURCH —SERVICES 11 a. in. and 630 p. ni. Sunday School, 2:30 p. m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening a o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. A areweleoroe. REV. W, J. CONNOR, Pastor. C. T. E. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Lucknow for south at 6:03 a 10:30 a. m. and 6:25 p. North at 12:25 p. m„ 4:05 p. m. and 10:37 p. m. Fire and Marine insurance. North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto, Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, of Galt. Northern, of London and :Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Ph�nix, o London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM, AGENT - GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at my expense. INSURANCE. Farmers, look to 'yOrtr own interest', and insure your farm buildings and private clwellings in the„ LpmioN MUTUAL. No large Premium Notes required CASH SYSTEM: 0.& 50 cents VI 90 cents per 8100 for three years, JOHN LANE 'AGENT,. - .KINLOUGH. Also agent for the Phoenix, of London, England. • - NOTICE. .THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN. office in the building east o; the SENTINEL Printing Office.. AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND 'WIC ILS CAREFULLY PREPA RED.. Plans ,speeiheations and estinia`tesfor buird ings, ni1ts, bridges, etc„ furnished on short untiee. JAS. SOINIERVILLE. Lucknow; Jan .1891. --The RIO Grande have issued a splendidly illostrated hook called "Utah, a peep into the Mounted Wall- ed Treasury of the Cods," which may be ,ebteineff. f)-cen..J. 1f, Vannet f, ,Sait Lake -Citylotqw en'ty- five tim ts. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. . Newsy Items Served lip tor Sen(Inell Readerh —Now is the time to clean .up your back -yards. advertisement is not a luanry, but a necessity. —With .many religion never gets above the knees. —The spring show will be held here on Tuesday next, 12th inst. —The health officer will shortly be on his rounds of inspection. —Mr. Clark Vance arrieved hoine from Manitoba on S. aturday last. —A car load of pressed Hay for sale. Apply to W. J. Little or J. Elliot. —Their was a large attendance of farmers in the Nillage on Saturday last. --s-Baby carriages; A nice assorsinent of baby carriage. Cheap at Harry Days. —Mr. George Kerr, of Brantford, spent a few days with old friends here this week. ' '• —The Walkerton Heitic.l. has been .sold to Mr. 'Heery Young, of Brant tow nship. • foot ball match between Luck - new and Kincardine is talked' of for Good Friday. , • —Mr, John McHardy, of Wingham waS,visiting old .acquaintances in the village last week. —Nicest patterns of wall papers, a large assortment to select from, from 5c roll upwards at Harry Days. —The Chancery Courts will open in Goderich on the 18th,and infWalkerton on the 25th insts. —Our prints, sateens, muslins and art muslins are good in quality and pattern. end low in price, at Connell's- , --A protest has been . entered against the election of ,the Hon J. •45. Patterson, for West Huron. .Tuesday evening was the date �f the regular „meeting of the village Council but theclerk was away fishing and,. so i ci meeting was held. —For the, small boy's ready made .suit go to Connell. Bring along the big boy also for they have. need of clothes this spring. .L --A cow belonging t� Mr. James Young, of Kinloss, dropped a fine pair of twin heifer calves on the 28th of March. • —Seeds; Seeds, Field, garden and flower seeds both by weight and papers .at Harry Days' Drug store. . -• —The Sunday School anniversary sernaons will be preached in the Metho- dist church next Sunday by the Rev. 'Austin Potter, of Dungannon. Wm. McKenzie, of Guelph is spending this week with his brother-in- law, Mr. .Duncan Campbell, of Rapid city. —A dozen or more visions of spring loveliness will appear in the trinimed millinery shown Friday and Saturday at Brumpton's. —There are several boys in the village who do not attend school the reouired number of days in the month, and may soon expect a visit from the truant officer. —Do you want a good new carpets this spring in either hemp, union, all wool or tapestry just PE.'e what Connell is offering in those lines. -7---The Rev. Mr. McNabb will oc- cupy the pulpit in the English church on Sunday evening, and the Rev. Mr. Anderson will officiate in ,the TTelens' English church the same even- ing. —There is only five dollars different between living well dressed and going in rags. if you don't beleive this just bring the five dollars to Connell and,see what a good tweed suit you will get for so small a sum, --The IV. C. T. Union' will held an " At Ironic!" in the Town 'Hall on Thursd,ry evening, April llth. A fine programme is heinF, prepared by the leading talent of the village and a good time is espeeted. All interested are cordiall.v in viteil Admission nt the door, 10 cents. ,, • --Wall paper; Wall paper, -The latest designs,of vafl pOU and 1 )(11.(1u 11,1-0 shown at itarry MY HARDWARE Even surpasses former years LA ve.riety and qual- ity. Kalsemining at the •aeasen of house -clean ng, - Paints, oils and varni 'hes In a'b nd an ce Fence wire and everything te be feuial in a fiist chi, hard- -ware st)re. All of which will be sold cheaper than. the cheapest at D.. C, Taylor's. WHOLE NO. 9511 LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL. The following is the school report for March. • Sen. 5th class-Excellent-A'Lawson, M McCoy, If Hohnes, A Colling, A Woods, C Harnly, L Armstrong. Good—,J Baird, W Wilson. • Irl,erinediate 5th —Excellent —W Mallough, C McLean, J Smith. Good —F''11 McCharles. rinaary5th class --Excellent —A Douglas. Good —M Graham, A Boyd T Reid. Fair -7..M McNabb, F John- ston. Poor —W .Reid. • Entrance —Excellent —W Yule. Good—M Douglas, •J Lyons, A Hor- nell, A Miller, S Yule. Fair—J Ten- nant, 'P.M Matheson. Poor—F McIn- tosh. • SECOND DEPARTMENT. Senior .4th—Excellent—G Arm- strong, E Greer, E Odium, J Lees, M McKinnon, A Findlayson, G- Mcl ntosh, S BoYcl, A Baird, A Lawson. Good— E MurdoCk, J McDonald, 5 Greer, B McIntosh, ,G Berry, W, Treleaven. ..Fair—S Armstrong, W Corrigan, T Cain, A Burgess. These have not at- tended regularly.. Junior 4th Class.—.Excellent--A Matheson, R Armstrong, B. Haanly, IT Barber. Good—A M3Millian, D McAuly, R Wilson, W Brenna, Bryan, J Moore, E McLaren, 0 Ross R Holmes, II Gallagher, D Flood. Fair—M Flood, B McQuaig, J Doug - as, Is Patterson, .E.Robertsop. TIIIRD DEPARTMENT. Sen. 3rd-L-Excellent—II Armstrong, F McKinnon, H Sandy: ,Good—J Baird, H Thompson, E Davison, G Douglas, II Hunter B McCoy, F Matthie. Fair -0 Mair; M Thompson, Middleton, II Grundy,.J McClure, L ,.Tr. 3rd-Excellent—E Stringer, A Geddes, J McDonald, E Vance. Good -0 Shoebottom, 11 Eindlater; I McIntosh, L Smith, D Mr:Ai-11y, J Me• Coy,M McMullen. Fair—E Wheeler, D Ross, F Stewart, J Lyons,,C Mc- Lean, E Torrance. "Poor -LE McKay, G Grundy. .Sen. 2nd—Excellent—\V Lees, W GrOndy,. W Barber,sW Young, J Stewart. Good—M Hunter, •J Wat- son, R Graham, R Davison; IC Rober- ston, S• McQuaig; W Holmes, M Grundy; A Shoebottoni, A Middleton, P McGarry, L Ross, F 'Ross; A .Ross, A McOurvie. FORTII DEPARTMENT. Senior .2nd class—Excellent—M Cameron, R. Armstrong, J Lawson., Good —1\1 Greer, 0 McLaren, J Young. Fair --H Watson, -G McKenzie, M Murdock, M Reid. Poor—T Robert- son-. Junior 2nd class—Excellent—A Yule, J Henderson, W McIntosh, W Mc.Grary, K McAuly, B Robertson, H WilsonGood--E Reid, G Paterson M Williams, D Hornell, E McIntosh, H Graham, G- Brennan, W McCoy, B Thompson, 13 Allen. Fair -0 Grundy, G Holmes, D Lees, C Vance. Part II Class-rzaellent—J McCor, vie. R Grundy. • od—R Matherson, M Moore, A And :son, G Cameron, I Reid. Fair—J fl ird, G Mair, R Young, J Barber, B Wright, M Davi- son, A Watson, W -McIntosh. Poor —E 'McMullin. • FIFTII DEPARTMENT. .Senior Class—ExcellentR Little, E Taylor, L Lyons. Good—L Stew- art, J Henderson, 11 Robertson, Shoebottom, M Graham, D, McDonald, L Flood, S Johnstone, E IIildred, J Stewart. Fair—S Poot^ A Tennant. Junior CI ass—Excellent—E Mc- Laren, I' Reid, E Murchison. Good —W Mutton, G McKay, J 111cLure, J Corrigan. Fair—M Bryan, W McCoy, 'A Winny; F McKinnon, —Mrs. Tennant is an old lady 11 Ong alma tvo inIes West (if Walker- ton. She has had. living with her for ;Went two years past, a little _girl, formerly an inmate of an orphan's home. On the 19th of March, Airs. Tennant lsft home for Walkerton, leaving the little girl who is Only about. 13 YURI'S of age, alone. Wm. Hobbs who lives ith :VI's. Tennant's .brother, (Mtered t 1,0 house, and abused the littlegirl du r• ing the old lady's phsence. The magi& trate committed Ifobhs for trial and if t he case is establishedhe is. .1 1 years imprisoinnent. DUNGANNON. cFaiirty.mers. have started to sow in this io.a Mr. Bechtel, V. S., has opened an olce on Southampton st., net door to the tailor shop. ' Fanners are highly pleased with the present appearance of the fall wheat.. The citizensof Dungannon intend celebrating the 24th of May by a monster demonstration. A meeting will be held on Tuesday .evening in the hall for the purpose of making ar- rangements. Mr. Richard Westbrook and family left here alew days ago to reside near London. • Mr. Jas. Harlow has returned from Michigan where he has been -in quest of a farm, lie liaci been in comniuni- cation with a land agent in that state for some weeks previous to going there, who pictured ;in glowing terms the splendid farms Avhich he had for sale: Good building, well fenced, good . orchards, etc. ; all for a few hundred dollars. Mr.. Harlow, after having viewed the various farms offered forsale concluded tlifit at -lest one landagent in. Michigan was possessed of a good amount of elastic. There were rtoo many people wanting to dispese of their • farms.; too many abendoned farms and too much red sand hi that district to suit Mr. 14. Mt; .J. G. Ward, our- very able cor- respondent to the Signal has been. sick .with congestion of the lungs for the past two. weeks. We are glad to state that he ,is now mending.. Rev. Jas. Carey . we pre' sorry to state has been unable to attend to his pastoral *• duties during the past few weeks on account of ill health. CREWE. • ' We have secured a by -weekly mail. The thermometer' registered 60 de- grees above zero. on Monday evening, April. 4th. , , The. roads are. very muddy at pres-. ent, arn't they. John? In last Week's issue of the SENTINEL, among Lanes' news, the following item appeared.: "The. Crewe village black- smith passed through here one day. last week with. his entire stock and tools, havindleft for tt betterjob, as there is no money in remaining." Up- on perusal of this, ourg•attiotic hearts became wrothy, our '• face -grew hard and stern,,and we at once determined to fill our pockets With stones, bestride. .our mule and sally forth to annihilate the invidious scribbler who dared to concoct this defamatory insinuation about Our thrivir4r; burg. Fortunately for our erring neighbor, .to the north, we allowed cooler second thought to exercise its soothing influence over us, and guided by its promptings we con- cluded to deal more leniently with the offender. In the SENTINEL of march. 18th, we announced the departure of our black- smith, and gave his reason for leaVing, 'the reason aNsignefl by him8eV, a suffi- cient reason, and one in no way' derrogatory to the blacksmith or the inhabitants of Crewe. This ambigu- ous, production of Lanes' verdant, imagination may mean that through his incompetency, he could make no money by remaining. If so, we vill Willingly withdraw our colors from the field—as Our sole object'l`ftwrit-. ing this is to maintain the dignity due our villa—and leavo, the blacksmith to balance his account with Lanes'. But the most apparent meaning of the item is that Crewe cannot support a black- smith. This we say mest emphatieally is untrue, and .was defy the Lrne,:' seribe to show why Crewe eftnnot sup- port a blacksmith efinally as well as Lanes can. Neighlsw! as this is year first orrence will not " sit heal ily upon you, hut take a friends adviee Don't cast any slurs in this direct linT or you will get '10 trouble bigger than a house. -7The"Kineardiqo horse sh(W. be held on Tuesday,' 12th April. , The • littron tow ti -hip 'show will be hold in Riplefon 1.1th of April. Kinloss will hold its show' in Lecknow on the T2th , of April,: W niderWo,A on the 15th.