HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-18, Page 5.. • The LucknovySentinel, Bruce 0ounty, March 18th KINLOSS COUNCIL. The above council met March ls The Initiates of laat meeting hamin -been read and adopted, the followi accounts' were ordered to be pai Hart apd Co. for forms, $13.7..0:ivi Murchison, stationarylAW McKay McCarrol? 3511aid, -3 month keep of Heutirnghan, e9; John H. Ackert, lumber, $3.50; The Elliot fanily were granted $8 as relief. The Auditors' report was presented, examined, and adopted and orders issued for their fees $8 each. A 4. law was framed, read, and .passed for the appointment of path masters, pound- keeper, and fence viewers for the current year. An order was issued in favour of John Purvis for $75 salary as collector. Moved by Nicholson seconded by -Johnston that the following amounts .be appropriated to be expended on /he township roads namely; by Mr. McIntosh, , $75; Nicholson,$75; John- ston, $75; Moffat, $125; fienry,$100, carried. Moved by Moffat seconded by Henry, that the treasurer be instructed to place eight hundred dollars of the funds of this municipal- ity in the Bank of Hatnilton at Luck - now and make the most favourable arrangements as to interest he can obtain. carried. Moved by Henry, •sec. by Moffat, that the Reeve receive application for office of caretaker of the ball, and report at next meeting of council. carried. The Reeve stated that he bad received from James 'Gritint Esq. ez-Reeve all the books . which he had in his possession belong- ing to the Municipality. The following parties were appointed pathmasters for the several divisions.' R, Tiffin, J Webster, P Torrance, R-• Purvis, J Gillis J Craig, Jr. T S Leggat, J McOlenaghan, J Gaure t, T Murray, W Davison, ItGollan J Miller, J McKenzie, J Irwin, P. plc - Kenzie, D McKinnon J Graham, J Lockhart, J Mire house, D McDonald, J A Taylor; W Barbour, J Taylor'A. Reid, W Walker T Roach, J Mc- Donald, lot 13 S icDonald, J McLeod, J Rosso, G Switzer, T Fletcher D Mc Rae, J Carnell, J Stewart, Han- na, J Purvis E Thompson, J Little, W McAuly, A Stanley, J Graham, Kinlough; N Pential, •W Arnold, D McFarlane, A Greer, J Young, T Brit- on, W Dyatt, 11. Taylor, W MoMann, L Kattke, W Johnston, J Black. Fence viewers—) Armitage, J Nicholls P Corrigan, H D Henderson, J Ross, Sr. 13, McKenzie, Pound keepers—F Cornell, J Sutherland, J D Baker, Dawison, S Ferrie, 11 Peirce, J cKenzie. The council then adjourned to meet -on the 4th of April. g- LICENSE. DISTRICT Of_SOUTH ng ' BRUCE. Lor Tavern and ti r -..cs to take effect on the lst ....Lay next in this district, must be 1 iidd with the ins ctrir onor before the first - day of April next. preceding. MARRIED. MOWBRAY-HARPER.—On March 9th, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. W, H. Geddes, Miss Gracey Mow bray, of Whitechurch, Ont., to Alfred W. Harper, of Pipestone, Manitoba. • —It is rumoured that 'Mr. A. Mc- Neil, M. P. for North Bruce,, will be called to the Senate in place of Mr. Carling, during this session. of ines A Cure "(Almost Atiraottious'.” "Whcn I was 31 years of age I had a severe attack. of. r111,,:matisnr; and after I recovered to on crutches.. A. year later, scrofula, .the 'form of .white swellings, appeared on ,VitrpO.; parts of my body, and for 11 years I was 'an invalid, being Confined to my bed 6 .yeais. la that . time ten or eleven sores ap- peared and broke, causing Inc great pain and suffpri mg. 1 feared 1 never should get well. " Early in Stii3 I went to Chicago to visit a 41stt•c, i w confined to my bed most of the • I 'was the;*e. In July.I read a book, 'A. Doy Cirour,'•in which INTre statements of euros i noon's Sarsaparilla., I was so li the success of this medicine that ilineldeil to try U. To mygreat gratification Ili: :.ores soon decron sod, and 1 laNtair to feel better, and in a abort time I was up and out of doors. I continued to take Hood's Sar- saparilla for about a year,.when, hayingused tix Potties, I had beemne so fully released' trim, the disease that I went to work for the & 'Walling Mfg. Co., and since then HAVE NOT LOST A SINGLE DAY rut Of Winless. I believe the disease fronmy system, I always feel well, 11 good spirits and have a good appetite. now 27 years of age and can walk as well ,iny one, except that (Inc limb is a little shorter than the other, owing to the loss of beim, and the sores formerly on my right leg. lo my friends my recovery seems almost miraculous, and I think Rood's Sarsaparilla As 1110 king of me(1icines.4 Wtr,LiAm A. LEnn, I) N. Railroad St., Kendallville, Ind. H 0 SaraargIa .5301,11 y all (Irtif{ftist..,. six for g(5. Prepared only by ('. T. IMOD & 00., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses Ong bollar ANGUS STEWART, 2-948 License Inspector, Lucknow. Lucknow, March 14, 1892. MORTCACE SALE! UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage dated the 30th day of April A, D:, 1887, there will be sold by Public Auction at McGarry's Hotel in the Village of Lucknow, on Monday the 281h day of March, 1892,, at 12 o'clock noon, by Peter Corrigan, Auctioneer, the following valuable property, namely : —all that part of lot number seven- teen in the twelfth concession of the Township of Kinloss, County•of Bruce, being west of the east fifty acres thereof granted by the Crown to one George Brown, containing seventy eight wins more or less. The soil is a good clay loam. The buildings consist of a log house 20 x 24 and a log stable 30 x 40. The lot is fairly well fenced. Terms of Salo.. Ten per cent. of the purchase money down at the time of sale to the ,Vendor or Solicitor, and the balance, without interest, within 30 days thereafter, when the deed will be given. There will be a reserved bid. In other re• respects the conditions of sale will be similar to the standing conditions of the High Court of Justice. Further. particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneer or the Vendor's Solicitor. Dated the 14th day of March, 1892. PETER CORRIGAN, P. A. MALCOM/30N, Auctioneer,. Yerdor's •S3licitor. Colorado Spring What. ,i•••• • . E HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY V of the genuine Colorado Spring Wheat of our own growing fit for seed, well cleaned, testing 64 pounds per bushel. We can reccmmend this *heat to farmers After two years trial. Prices on application. Also five young Shorthorn bulls for sale on reasonable terms. E. GAUNT & SONS, Con. 12, West Wawanosh, St. Helens, Ont, FARM FOR SALE 1 00 ACRES. 96 ACRES CLEAR. Being the south halves of lot 53 and 54 in the TownsbiP of Kinloss, one mile east of Lucknow. Good grain' and Stock farm, well fenced and in a good state to cultivate. A never failing creek runs through four fields, Two good wells and puma; good bearing orchard. All seeded down but 20 acres. Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 x 24; and a log house 18 x 26. There are fiye acres of fall wheat. Apply to 'ANGUS KERR On the premises, and if by letter box 115. FARM FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his farm consisting of 100 acres, being lot 36, on the 2nd con. of Kinloss. Eighty acres are cleared, tha balance in timber. The buildings are in good condition, and the property is well fenced. It is situated one mile from Whitechurch, and a school is located across the road. This is very desir- able property for anyone desiring to purchase a farm. JAMES MITCHELL, 2-946 Whitechurch P. O., Ont DO'NT READ THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods; Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates, .Nuts, Etc., Etc. See our Magnificent Stock of the above FINEST GOODS, LOWEST PRICES All Fine Cotifectionery in fancy boxes —1 lb., 1 lb., and 5 lb. boxes. DON'T Bra DECEIVED, by Fancy Shows. We have the finest goods ever shown in town for Christmas* New Year Trade -And our prices are cheaper than even All goods Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. - We have jeat reathIe'd a car -6f Baur from Ethel Mills for Ohriatmas and .New Year trade. Now is the time to send in your orders and get them filled at once. , THOS. REID. rkwl Wail RAILWAY, ONE. WAY EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, OREGON AND -CALIFORNIA. Leave Toronto at 11:15 p. m., on Feb. 24, Niaroh 9 and 23, Apr..6 and 20, and May 4. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Vancouver without change. - The train leaving Lucknaw at 10:38 a. m. connects at Toronto with this excursion train. Baggage checked through to destin- ation from here. For rates and all information apply to D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., Lucknow. .LACES. Mrs. Smith has just opened a lot of Chiffon Laces In all the new shades. Also Yak Laces In Black, Cream and White Some- thing new in VEILING. More Spring Goods expected daily. A CALL IS SOLICITED. Mrs. Smith. PUBLIC NOTICE. All parties indebted to me for accounts of 1891 either by note or book accounts, are requested to call and settle the same at once or they will be placed in other hands for collection. This is positively the last chance. JOHN PEART, Boot & shoe dealer, Lucknow John Griffin, AUCTIONEER FOR -HURON CO. REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS For sale on reasonable terms. JOHN CRIFFIN, KIN GSBRIDGE 13.0 1 MARKETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel.... .00 to .86 Peas 4. 00 .4 00911 58 • • tQ0., " .28 Oats .. Potatoes -44 - OdwO .25 Butter, per lb .14 " .15 Eggs, per dozen.. .12 Turkeys, per lb 00 to M8 Geese, 4 i .00 to , 06 Ducksy i 4 .07 Chickens, per pair. .25 Dressed Hog per cwt ... 5.75 to 6.00 Hides per lb 3 Tallow " Lard Hay per ton id , .04 ,08 $12 to 14 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR R -ENT BEING LOT 6, CON, 14, E. D. OF Asbfield, in the County of Huron, one hundred and Seventy 'acres cleared, The farm is situated 2i miles from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL, Box 179. Lucknow P. 0. Teeth Teeth If you want a first-class set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, call on •Pe Patters, ant Dr. Tennant's Office, LUCKNOW,oNr. TO THE FARMERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be pOel - for butter according to quality. R. C. MOILING. MON •-• can be earned at °Ur NElf line ofwork, rapidly- and - honorably, by those of either sex, young or old; and In their own to calities,wh e rover they live. Any one ean do the work. Easy to learn. We furnish everything. We start you. No risk. You can devote your spare moments, or all your time to the work. This Is an entirely new lead,and brings wonderful success to every worker. Beginners ate earning from 825 to $50 per week and upwards; and•more after a little experience. Vire can fuenfah you the em- ermeattlitorittuch. ylorkICE. No fald. toAeuutlath. ere. FAI PRINTING 00 Job Printing of every 'description executed with taste and promptitude Send in your printing be it a Poster Ticket. OR A . All orders handled in a workman like manner and at reasonable rates. ,No job too small or too large for our capacity, SENTINEL LUCKNOW - ONT., McLEOD'S System nenovator. 4 • And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND -ANTIDOTE –FOR— - Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blikid, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liter Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Meniory, Bronchitis. Consuniption, -Gall Stones. Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dis- eases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle: LABORATORY. - GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer Sold by Berry & Days and A. B. Congra Druggists, Lucknow. nfee wa9chaeand s OrOpoapand popular standard book. SALARY and Commission to Agents, Men and Women, Clergymen, to introduce a Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth, The most remarkable religious book of the age. written by 300 eminent scholars, Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Exclu- sive territory given. APPLY TO TheHenry Bill Publishing Co., • Norwich. Conn, Asb.field TOW33.61Li.13 AbStr&d. :0: • rtgcETPTS. Bal. on hand at Dec. 31st, 1890. $ 553 84 Received from collector 16451 86 Land improvement„ fund 74 97 County Treas. non -res. collection 79 76 Licenee. fund .•168 24 Bills receivable , 793 65 Boundary line appointment 185 35 Incidental . 49 65 Total receipts for 1891 $18375 3'2 . E'gPENDITURE. Charities $ 101 20 Schools.. 6223 20 3720 59 Roads and bridges County rates Salaries. Bills -payable Printing and Stationary Taxes refunded Agricultural Societies Election expenses Sundries , -,3483, 41 786 80 • 800 00 69 72 47 50 50. 00 4 00 88 '90 2998 00 Balance in Treasury 31st Dec., ,1891 Total expenditure less bal. in 'Treasury $18373 32 ASSETS. Cash bal. in Treasury $2998 oa Due from colleetor .. 840 '60 $3838 60 Liabilities $3898 53. Assets ..... 3838 60 Total liabilities t $59 93 . -.. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that the above is a correct abstract of the Township accounts, and also, a correct etatement of assets and liabilities from last audit to 31st day of December, 1891. MORGAN DALTON, A JOHN LONG, J.