HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-04, Page 81
. • , ' • ' •
rhe Lucknow.Sentinel Filruce OOkiniy, Friday
• H'anea 1$ a. nal; to 7
L.11. 41t4. North -
W. O. & B. North
Intermediate points
14..111 &B. North
.041, Picle
• Wirei, &B. ,Soutb
' FA H. 44 B., South f
' H. ft B. South
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6:13 a. m DaRY
2:30 p. m.
•9 00 p.
10.30 p. m,
3 00 p. m
9.30p. la.
Farm Wanted,' N
Wanted) a fifty acre farm, with fair
uild4-* r• '
• ex ang0', f& g
-wortb about: $2,000.
ir ' hankers;
lia)tn&W, Ont..
resbyteey Meeting
The Presbytery Of Maitland will
Meet in Melville •-church, Brussel next
Ttinatial", at one o'clock p. m. 7.()The
Presbyterial Womans Foreign Mis-
sionary Society will also meet in the
same place on the same date.
A 'Big Drive,
Mr. John Cameron, son of Mr. Alex
K. Cameron, of West Wawanosh, in
company with Dr. Horsey, drove from
.Owen Sound to Lucknow to poll his
, vote in West Huron last week. After
recording the vote they drove home the
same night, having travelled in the
:flay exactly 140 miles.
In South Perth ,
_ Mr. Hugh Morrison, lawyer, of this
• village, is down in South Perth, speak-
ing in behalf of the government can-
didate, in opposition to Mr. James
Trow, the old whip of the Liberal
party in the House of Commons. Mr.
Morison speaks this week in Mitchell,
Stratford and St. Marys.
The Ooncert
' All our readers would do well not
- tolorget theseand lconcert to be given
'in the Temperance Hall this (Friday)
evening, by Mrs. Armstrong and her
pupils, assisted by the best local talent
- in the village. The programme to be
. produeed is an excellent one, and will
embrace many new selections and
other'attractions never before produc-
ed in the village.
Life of -Spurgeon ,
There are any number of so called
lives of Spurgeon, but • the only true
' life of the great preacher, author and
lournalist, is that written by Russel
E. Conwell, and for which John N.
• Ross, of this village, is agent. The •
bookc attains about 500, pages and is
boun three bindings and sells at
- $1.5 ; $2.00 and $2.50. Don't give
your orders until you see -his pros-.
• Grand Officers
At the aneeting of the Grand Asso-
ciation of Patrons of Industry at To-
ronto last week, the following officers'
• were elected for the Province: Presi-
dent, 0.. A. Mellory, Northumberland;
Vice -President, Wm. Miller, Brant-
ford; Secretary-Treasurer'L. Welch,
'Strathroy ; Trustees, 'Warden Foster,
of York; T. 0. Curry, of Middlesex,
• and A. Gifford, of Grey; Sentinel, J.
Gillelan'Halson ; Auditors, William
Valens, Kinloss. and W. H. Windover,
• of Kent.
A Good Measure
It is understood that Mr. Mowat
• will introduce a bill at the present
session' of the Legislature absolutely
prohibiting the sale of cigarettes,
cigars or tobacco to any One under the
age of 18, and furthermore, making it
an offence for any such youths to be
found smoking or chewing in public,
or found having tobacco in their pos-
session. Recent legislation forbade
the selling of ,the 'weed to those under
14 by tobacco dealers, but as hotel
keepers were not prevented, the law •
was a dead letter.
Psesbyterian Council
The last issue of the Quarterly Re-
gister, the organ of the Alliance of the
Reformed Churches holding the Pres-
byterian system, announces that the
fifth general council will meet in To-
ronto ,on Wednesday, September 21st,
1892. All paper § and reports tt be
laid before the council should be trans-
mitted to the general secretary with-
out delay. Clerks of the different
churches are requested to send to the
'general secretary as soon as possible,
lists of the delegates appointed by
their respeetive churches to attend the
council, with their addresses,
Patrons of Industry
Mr. Nishet, grand lecturer of On-
-,tario, of -the Patronsa.4- Industry, will
lecture oft the benefits of the Order,
in the Lucknow Town Hall this
(Thursday> , evening, commencing at
7:30 o'clock. Let there be a large at-
tendance. .
I. •
Coming Concerti
The members of the Methodist choir
are making big preparations for their
grand concert in the church on the
evening of St. Patrick's Day, Thursday
March 17th. The programme will ja-
-elude a choice selection of solos, duetts,
quartettstainthems, reatations, etc.
R.Guinn, of Brant townsbip,
the other Any noticed two pair of quail
in his barn-yardia and at once set to
work to capture them. In t4i,tito-was
aUccessful. Thee birds *MT .,iPatr9Pg
resemblance to the partridge, though
1111.10h. smaller, and are now rarelyseen
in th6';county of Beff'de.
On Tuesday afternoon last during
the temporary absence of Mr. Barber,
who lives just back of the station, his
house was broken into and a quantity
of brooches, watches and other stuff
were stolen. The pld man can ill af-
ford the loss and every effort should
be made to find out the guilty party.
Died in Goderich
Mr. Robertson, father of Mr. Sam-
uel Robertson, •of Lucknow, died in
Goderich very suddenly on Friday
last. The old gentleman, who was in
his 83rd year, was suddenly stricken
with paraylyse's on Thursday, andafter
a few lours illness passed away. Mr.
and Mrs. Robertson, attended the fun-
eral in Goderich on Sunday last. •
Memorial Services
At the services in the Methodist
church on Sunday evening last special
reference was made to the death of the
late Messrs. James Webster and Ben-
jamin Allin, of Ashfield, both of whom
were members of the church. The
whole front part of the church' was
neatly draped in mourning, and the
serinon by the Rev.'Mr. Colling was
specially appropriate to the occasion.
• The New Hotel -
The contractors, Messrs. Corrigan
• .13 McMillan, commenced operations on
Cain's new hotel this week, and are
pushing things through in a lively
manner. They are good men and will
hustle it if any firm can. Messrs. Me-
carrol tk Lyons, who have the contract
for the big stables, have also began
operations on the. building.
Photos, Photos
, For the next thirty days I will
give to all having a dozen cabinets
taken at my studio a beautiful cabinet
• and frame free. Remember for the
next thirty days only. Also copying
and enlarging done in any of the
following: Oil, water color, crayon,
sepia and olive tints: I have •also a
large and well assorted line of frames
away down in prices. —T. L. Treleaven.,
Cheese Meeting
The annual meeting of the Lucknow
Cheese Factory will be held in the
Lucknow Mechanics Institute rooms
on Tuesday, March, the 8th, at one
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiv-
ing the auditors report and making
other necessary , arrangements' for the
coming season. All patrons and those
wishing to become patrons are respect-
fully requested to attend.—J. A. DEN-
Orange Grand Lodge
The annual meetin of the Grand
• Orange Lodge of Ontario West will be
held in the town of 6,,ven Sound on
Tuesday next, March 8th, at two p. m.
Hotel arrangements have been made
for the comfort of those attending the
meeting, and arrangements have also
been made with the railways for the
usual reduced fares. Circulars have
been issued, giving notice Of the meet-
ing, and a large delegation is expected
to be present.
London Election
The hardest political battle ever
fought in Canada, occured in London
on Friday last, between the Hon.
John Carling, and Mr. C. S. „Hyman,
the nominee of the Reform party.
Both parties made a desperate fight
for the honor, but just what the true
result of the contest will be, the
courts will have to decide. The Con-
seratives claim that Mr. Carling has
been electbd by 109 majority, but the
Reformers say that 125 votes polted
for Carling are bogus and that Mr.
Hyman has a clear majority of the
qualified votes cast of 16. The return- '
ing officer has declared Mr. Carling
elected but the Reformers have
appealed to the judge for a recount
and until his decesion has been given
London will not be represented in
Parliament. '
4f, .
Not True
We are much pleased to be able to
atom_ Ibis Nveek. that the- report which
was current itt the village, lntr which
also appeared in the last issue of the
SENTINEL, that the two little daughters
of Mr. *Riot Traver died in Strathroy,
is cot true. The children had been
111 for some time past with congestion
of the lungs, but all will be glad to
know they are now fully rerovered.
Ho 1 For Manitoba and the N. W.
A through coach leaves Lucknow
Station every Thuraday during March
and April at 10:38 a. m., which con-
nects at. Toronto with excursion
train Yilt North . Bav und 0. r. R.
Only one change between Lucknow
and all points in Manitoba, and the
•Coast. Parties going West will •save
a heap of trouble by purchasing their
tickets from D. W. HAYES. Agent,
G. T R, Lucknow.
Newsy Paragraphs Served up to genders
of tlus Sentinel.
—Wood is very scarce in the village.
—Lent began on Wednesday last.
—Don't forget the concert in the
Temperance hall to -night (Friday).
—The Hub grocerty is the place to
buy choice teas and coffees. —J.- Elliot.
—Mr. Thos. MeWilliams, of
Petrolea, is visiting friends in this
• —Rev. Mr. Law, of Belgrave, will
preach in Ladgside church next Sab-
bath, at 11 a. m.
—Mr. B. Wilson, Esq., of Wingham
branch of bank of Hamilton, was in
town on Tuesday.
—Our informant was mistaken
regarding the ruuaway of Rev. Mr.
McKay's horse last week.
—Have you seen our ten piece
printed toilet sets. We are offering
them cheap. -=J. Elliot.
—Mrs. E. Atcheson and Miss Mary
Lindsay, of Goderich township are
visiting in the village.
• —Mr. Alex. McDougall had his
hand badly cut at Mitchell's saw mill
one day last week.
— There is no tea equal to the tea
Connellis selling for 35c per lb.; qual-
ity and price considered. Try it.
— Mrs. McCready, sister of Mr.
Forster of Cliff LI; Forster, left for her
home in Manitoba on Monday.
• —Owing to the absence of the Rev.
J B McKinnon, there willbeno services
in the Baptist church on Sunday next.
—On Tuesday of lait; week, Wm.
Burns drew 45 squared of ice from
Treleaven's pond to R.. Moore's hotel
on one load.
—Do you require a new carpet. If
you do, call at Connell's. We have
some • lovely patterns in • tapestry.
Also unions or hemps at low prices.
—Mr. John Gentles, of Kincardine,
will be in the village on Friday and
Saturday of this week to buy sa car
load of good heavy mares. •
—Mrs. Frank Grear left for her
home in the Northwest on Thursday
morning, after spending a few months
with her parents in Lucknow.
—Just received, a large variety of
men's women's and children's rubbers
of the best quality and latest styles.
Call and secure some of the new
varieties at Peart'.
• —Mrs. Dryden, who has been
spending the winter with friends and
relatives here left this week for her
home in St. agath, Man.
—Mr. Stevens, assistant cashier of
the head office of the bank of Hamilton
spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the
village inspecting the branch here.
—Mr. Duncan McKenzie, of New
Wesminster, B. 0„ arrived home on,
Monday last for a few months visit to
friend s° here.
• —We have just received a beauti-
ful lot of glassware and crockery.
Take a look at our dinner sets and tea
sets; cheapest in the land.—J. Elliot.
—Mr. Colin Denoon, a former resi-
dent of Lucknow and at one time a
merchant at Lanes and Dungannon,
has :been in the village the past few
days looking hale and hearty. Mr.
D,enoon represents a Montreal firm.
—Peart will sell for 30 days several
lines of boots close to cost for cash.
Women's button and lace bootsi men's
and boys' boots, misses and children's
wear. Call and secure some of those
cheap lines.
—Mr. G. W. Berry has sOld his
handsome residence, corner of Have-
lock and Willoughby streets, to Mr.
D. W. Hayes, statidn agent. We
understand the price realized was good.
Mr. Derry had another offer shortly
after selling. Evidently real estate is
looking up in \Lucknow.
ew Spring GQods
HAVING resolved to carry on business as usual, I have.
JJ.. just received anew and well assorted stock of Spring .
Goods. 13eautitul patterns and latest designs in "Ladies
Ceylon Suiting.s." Everybody should see these goods. They
are,simply beautiful:
$113,41,,m 01eneS New Patterns and Fine Quality.
rovi,,, jot—All' the latest patterns in both- English and,
"IF American.
All othe,r departments of my stock are equally
replenished by the choicest and latest goods in the market.
A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants and' tastes'
of the most fastidious.
Mrs. Itobt Murray.
Over 25,000 Hoosier Drills and Seeder 6 with our Positive
Force Feed in Use in Canada.
GUARANTEED THE BEST IN THE WORLD, and the only drill that can be.
instantly regulated to run the desired depth in bard and soft ground while
THE HOOSIER IS THE 0,NLY DRILL that sows all kinds of grain and seeds
evenly, and at the depth desired in all kinds of soil.
• THE HOOSIER IS THE ONLY DRILL that commences to sow the instant the -
horse moves. •
only drill that deposits the grain evenly just the depth you want it in hard or
soft soil. REMEMBER THIS.
THE HOOSIER COMBINED DRILL with cultivator teeth is the best-.
cultivator made, and is the only implement made with teeth on independent,
draw bars that can be set for hard and soft land while the team is in motion.,
The Hoosier is lighter on the horses than any other drill made. The points of
excellence in the Hoosier that other drills do not have are worth more to the
farmer than any drill in the world.
THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder t�
drill in less time than any drill made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue
and testimonial sheet. Beware nf purchasing drills that infringe our patents.
The financial standing of this Company is first-clsss, they being rated at
$245,000. No combine here.
JOHN CAMPBELL Agent, - Whitechurch, Ont.
Also dealer in all kinds of Agricultural Implements, Organs, Sewing
Machines, etc., all from the best makers in Canada.
The Leading Jewellers
The finest line and largest stock of Silverware ever shown
in this part of the country.
\f/ \
04110 ,) •(4) •
And therefore always pleased to show it. Call and• *,
inspect it. The
And guaranteed to be the best quality in the world.
In endless variety.
A fine line of spectacles always on hand. Repairing
neatly done and satisfacticin guaaneed. n