HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-04, Page 54 A.SHIMELD COO1i1011te Kinnon, Bunter, E Davison, r • Mathie, B McCoy, II Grundy. Fair- ' 4areeent except Mr. hamber. minutes Wow on :Feb. (b6th; all 'the members ton. Poor -Maggie Stewa.rt. rand Trull C 'of l*tweeting read and Approved lArrATM'C'''t • The d.ucknowSentinel, Bruce Uounty, March, 4th 1 The above etiuncil met in council M Thompson, II Findlater, 0 Middle - • •Thniollowiag accounts were ordered to be ,paid; -Joseph Dunbar, repair- irg Zigert's bridge $1,50; John Hart uniViteing Harris's bribge, $1.50.; Mrs, McGuity, charity, $10; Wm. McArth- air, minute book for board of health and stationery for Auditors. $1.23; John Bowers for getting a dog buried, '25cts, half paid by W. Wawaosh; Paterick Mouren repairing culverts, S. R. 3 and 4 S. R. 6 and 7, $1; Andrew. Stewart, work on East bound- 'rry,'Ashfield's share, $24.25; Auditors each, $8; debentures for school section No.17, $60. ,The following pathinasters; pound - (keeper and fence viewers were ap- pointed: Pathrnasters-No. 1, S. B. .8aunrisy,.-2 S. Matthews, 3 Alex. Mc- Nee, 4 Wm. Holland', 5 David John- ston, 6 Jas. Oliver, 7 Jos. Tigert, 8 G. ,Draper,9 Jas. Dunbar, 10 A. Bennett, 11 Jas. Oornellies, 12 J. 13, Graham, �8 J..McGee„ 14 D. Gardiner, 15 Chas. Robison, 16 T. Stewart, 17 J. S Mc- Quoid, 18 W. J. Hayden, 19 J. Steven - on, 20 T, Hawkins, 21 W. McCarthy, 22 S. Weller, 23 J. Peirce, 24 W Mc- Grory, 25 R. Hasty, 26 W. McLennan 27 W. Moren, 28 J. Kilpaterick, 29 II: Johnston, 30 T. E. Finley, 31 J. Laz- ,enby, 32 G. Hall, 33 J. Phillips, 3-4 T. Lannan, 35 J, Lane 36 A. Ritchie, 37 J. Agar, 38 J. Scrirnegar, 39 A. Mullen, 40 A. Hackett, 41 J. Murdock, 42 W. Hunter, 43 R. Nixon, 44 T. Irvin, 45 J. Baird, 46 S. Rivitt, 47 R. McKeith, 48 A. Beaton, 49 J. McDonald, 50 J. Sullivan, 51 I. Ensign, 524. Murry, .53 R. Cameron, 54 J. McDonald, 55 _ A. McDonald, 56 J. McDoneld, 57 J. Hamilien 58J. S. Barkwell, 59 D. McKenzie, 60 R. Hamilton, 61 D. Mc Rae, 65 E. Armstrong, 63 K. McLean, , 64 W. Finlayson, 65 J. McNain, 66 R. West, 67 D. Murry, 68 G. Sandy, 69 .A. McKenzie, 76J. Johnston, 71 T. Smilie, 72 J. Dreman, 73 M. Farrie, 74 J. C. Baldwin, 75 II. McLeod, 76 J. L. Hunter, 77 W. Dixon, 78 J. Long, 79 A. _McDonald, 80 R. Kinightity, 81 M. Dalton, 82 A. Nelson, 83 T. Wilson, 84 J. Desmond, '85 D. McGill, 86 N. M. Bowler, 87 Jame ti Quaid • 88 Jas. McWhinney, 89 Alex.Ca.thaart, 90 0. O'Connor, 91 Wm. McWhinney, 92 J. Kilpaterick, 93 Jas. Alton, 94 A. R. Anderson, 95 Jas. Davison, 96 John G. Glenn, 9711. Maize, 98 J. Stevenson, 99 D. Sullivan, 100 0. Lambartus, 101 • J. Mckenzie, 162J.Johnston, 104 Wm Wiley, 104 A. Moggach, 105 W. Becket, 106 P. Sineltzer 107" T. Whit- ker, 108 0. Davison, 109 T. Con,gram, ' 110 J. Dixon, 111 A. Maize, 112 T. Richardson, 113 J. Gibson, 114 P. ,McCarthy, 115 P. Sheilds, 117 J. ,Scott, 118 J. Thompson, 119 J. Maize, 120 S. Trealeven, 121 W. Jackrnio, 122 M. Dinnun, , 124 D. NIeGregOr . 125 T. Webster 126 W. H. Maize, 127 T. Disher, 123 J. Sulivan, 128 •J. Holland, 116 J. Murphy. 129 .A. Dreany, 130 J. Reid, 131 J. Keefe, .132 J. Parrish, 133 D. IL Alton, 134 . A. McMillroi,135 T. O'Conner, 136 J. , Scot. 6 Pounct keepers -J. Stevenson, J. McDonagh, P. Reid, D. McIntyre, J. Jamieson, J. Dunn, W. Flanigan, and Anthony Black. Fence viewers -4. Webster, J. Mc Donagh R. Webster, G. Currel, D. Sullivan, D. Mantyre, R. Finley, M: McLennan, J. Black, H. Clutf, A. Dreany, M. Dalton, W. Powel, T. Linnet, and J. Lane. Moved by D. Farrish seconded by Girvin, that this council do DOW adjourn to meet again on the 31st day of March. W. Stothers LUCHI110131 PUBLIC SCHOOL. The following the report of the Lucknow public school for the month of February, thenames being in order of merit: FIRST DEPARTMENT Sen. 5th class- Excellent- L Mc- Donald, M. McCoy, T. Lawrence, L. Arrnstrdng, 41. Flohnea, A. Lawson. Good -W. Wilson, A Coiling, J Baird, A Woods, Intermediate 5th -re Excellent- 4 Smith, W Mallough, F Coiling, 11 Mc - Charles. Primary 5th -Excellent- W Reid, St Graham. Good -M McNabb, A Boyd, T Reid. Entrance- Excellent -A Hornell, K Treleaven. Good- J Lyons, M Douglass, W Yule, &Yule. J Tennant, M Matherson, A Miller. Fair -A Grundy. Poor -A Lyon?, F McIntosh. THIRD DEPARTMENT ,,Senior 3rd -Excellent- / Baird, Dnglass, 11 Sandy. Good- 11 .Arm- Atrong, 11 Thompson,Mak, F Mc - Junior 3rd -Excellent --D Render son, A Geddes,J: Lypp&OShoebottoni Good -X McDonald, I McIntosh, 14 J McCoy, E Wheeler, D Ross, E Stringer. Fair -H McGrory. C Corrigan, E Vance, F Stewart, D Mc Auley, E Torrance, G Grundy. Poor -E McKay, W Daviaon, 0 McLean. Second -Excellent -A McCorvie, W Barber, W Grundy, M Grundy, D Anderson, W Holmes. Good -R Davison, W Lees, A Middleton, R Graham, A Ross, 0 McQuaig, J Stew- art, F Ross, M Hunter. Fair L Ross, J Watson,. L Nivins, R McLean, ,A Shoebottorn, P McGarry. Poor- W Young, W McCobe. FotIRTIT DEPARTMENT Senior 2nd--Excel1ent-I Lawson, B Paterson, MOameren. Good -_I Arru- strone, M Finlayson, C McLaren, W Findlater, H Watson, G McKenzie, M Greer, J Young, M Murdock. Fair - S Webster, W Allen, M Reid, A Mc- Nabb, W Webster, D Flynn, J Douglas. Junior 2nd-ExellentW McIntosh. Good -K McAuley, G. Holmes, Sandie, J Lyoris, E Reid, A Yule, G Paterson, H Wilson, H Graham, B Robertson. Fair -_B Thompson, E McIntosh, W McCoy 0 Vance, I Flynn, M Murdock, B Allen, W McClure. Poor -1? Campbell. 0 Grundy, G Bren- nan, D. Lees. Part Second -A Watson, B Wright, A' Anderson, G Cameron, R Grundy, M Moore, J McCorvie, R Young, J Baird, R Matherson, Fair -J Barber, C Hunter, W McIntosh, M Davison, I Reid, 0 Main Poor -L "Webster. FIFTH DEPARTMENT Senior Class- Excellent -R Little, S Johnston. good- El Robertson, J Henderson, F Sr' rundy, E Findlater, W Hendeison, M Graham, L Flood, E Taylor, C Shoebottotn. Fair -D' Mc- Donald, J Stewart. Poor -D Mills, L Williams, E Hildred, A Tennant. Junior Class--" Excellent-- E Mc- Laren, J Corrigan, W Multon, E Mur- chison, J Douglas. Good -F Reid, J McLean, J1VIcLure. Fair -E Fleming F McKinnon; J -Kidney, A Winny, W McCoy. The importance of keeping the blood in a pure condition is universally known, and yet there are very few people who have perfectly pure blood. The taint of scrofula, salt rheum, or other foul humor is heredited and transmitted for generations, causing untold suffering, and we also accumulate poison and germs of dis- ease from the air we bre.dire,the food we cat, or the water wc drink. Tier n is :1, hing more conclusively proven than thili power Of Ilood'sSar- •saparilla eases Of the medicine, tried,.does trace of salt rheuni,' over all dis- blood. This When fairly expel every scrofula or remove s the taint which causes eatirrii, neutralizes the acidity and cures rheumatism, drives out the germs of malaria, blood poisoning, etc: It also vital- izes and enriches the Wood, thus overcoming that tired feeling, and building up the whole system. In its preparat brit, its -medicinal merit, and. the wonderful cures it :lecorn- Wishes Irood's Sar,a- parilla is PeccEnr to 'Neff. Tho.. sands testify te its success, and tia bet advertising Marti's. Sarsaparilla reelVe3 is the hearty • endorsement of • its army <4 friends.. Every testinmnial ,•we publish, and every statement wir make on behalf of Ilood's Sarsaparilla 111;f y ees-lied upon as strictly . true in'every respect. • If you need a good bi,-,;rd purifier or building 'up medicine, be sure to take Hood's Sarsapp.- rilla. Further information and statements of cures sent free to all who ad.dress us as below. :r 00d% Sarsaparilla Bold by an druggists. 81; six for 5.5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Loivell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar • DU NNS BAKING POWDER COOK'SBEST FARM FOR SALE 1ildt ACRES. 96 ACRES CLEAR, 171.7 Being the south halves of lot 53 and 54 in the Township of Kinloss, one mile east of Lucknow. Good grain and stock farm, well fenced and in a good state to cultivate. A never failing creek runs through four fields. Two good welts and pumps; good bearing orchard All seeded down but 20 acres. Bern 40 x 76, frame house 18x 24, and a log house 18 x 28. There are five aeree of fall* wheat. Apply to ANGUS KERR On the premises, and if by letter box 115. , - RAILWAY. ONE WAY EXCURSIONS TO ALL POINTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, OREGON •AND CALIFORNIA. Leave Toronto at 11:15 p. m., on Feb. 24, Illarolf 9 and 23r PUBLIC NOTICE. LucHritOur Fall Wheat, per bushel ... . .00 to .86 Peas 'Oats" . • .. .00 " .28 Potatoes •••• 25 Butter, per lb .14 " .15 Eggs, per dozen. , .15 Turkeys, per lb .00 to .08 Geese, tit .••••• * .00 to ,06 Ducks, 44 • .07 Chickens, per pair . . .25 Hides per lb Dressed Hog per cwt... . 675 to 6.00 3 Tallow " .04 Lard 44 .08 Hay per ton $12 to 14 .00 .58 41 Apr. 6 and 20, and May 4. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Vancouver without change. The train leavine''LucknowAt 10:38 a. m. connects at Toronto with this excursion train. Baggage checked through to deetin- ation from here. For rates and all information applyto D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., Lucknow. LACES. Mrs. Smith has just opened a lot \of Chiffon Laces In all the new shades. Alsa Yak Laces In Bleck, Cream and White Some- thing new in VEILING. More Spring Goods expected daily. A CALL IS SOLICITED. Mrs. Smith. UBLIC NOTICE. All parties indebted to me for accounts of 1S 91 either by note or book accounts, are requested td call and settle the same at once or they will be placed in other hands for coilectionl This is pbsitively the last chance. JOHN PEART, Boot & shoe dealer, Lucknow John Griffin AUCTIONEER FOR HURON CO. REAL ESTATE, . ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A. number of FIRST-CLASS 'FARMS Form& on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KTNGSBRIDGE P.0 T' MILK ROUTES OF THE PARA. mount Cheese Factory will be let by auction at the Grange Hall, Paramount, March 8th, 1892, at 2 p. m Tenders will be received for the plastering of the curing room of factory and taking down and rebuilding boiler furnace to be completed by May lst, 1892.. Also for the building of a hog pen. For plans and specifications of plastering and furnace apply to J. J. Taylor, and for specifications of hog.pen see G. S. Robertson after March 1st, T- enders received up„ till March 8th and will be opened at Grange Hall on same date. P. R. MoNAY, J J. TAYLOR, Secretary. President. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT BEING LOT 6, CON, 14, E. D: OF Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farm is situated 2i miles from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80,acres in grass, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good wens and no better soil. Apply on the premises nr to JOHN BARK WELL, Box 179. Lucknow P. 0. Teeth, Teeth " If -you Want a first-class set of teeth' cheaper than the cheapest, call on P;/itersonp A-. Tennant's Office, LUCKNOW, ONT. Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook write to - MUNN & CO, 361 BROADWAY, NEw YoEt. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before . the public by a notice given free of charge in the - • Ortentifir AltleVIC411 • Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 53.00 a Lear; 51.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO., riunLisREits. 361 Broadway. New York. BOAR FOR SERVICE THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN - form the farmers of this section that he will keep for service this season at Lot 4, con. 10, (E. D.) Ashfield, his superior bred Berk shire Roar, "Baron Nimrod." Terms --$1.00 at time of service, 81,50 if not so paid. BARON Nimitop. born August 15th, 1889, bred by J. G. Snell & Bro., Edmonton, Ont. r Sire, Baron-bon-Bistaiark [426] bred by W. H. rk C. H. McNish. Lyn. Out, Imported Dim Moulsford 52nd [937]; got by Swineford (65) 20,317; 2nd dam Moulsford 3611 (735) 20,316, cot by Watchman (485) ; 3rd dam Moulsford 7th got by Samson ; 4th dam Monis- ford 5th ot by Stoker Lad.; 5th dam Moulsford 9th got by Norman; 6th dam Moulsfor,I 2nd got by Nigger 7th dam Moulsford lst. The above pedigree is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. -J. G. SNELL dr BRO. JAMES LANE, , Lanes P. 0., Ont TO THE FARMERS I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price be mid for butter aceording to quality. R. C. SPARLINC. ONE east tie earned at oat Nil ofworlt. rapidly and honorably by thou oft eithar sex, young or obi, and In thole own localltlesor eraser nosy live. Aar ono can do *be work. Nosy to learn. Ws Amish .,.p 51a. WO 1441 you. Ha risk. Yoe us divots, 'via oar* aretatate, or all your Um to tits work. This is an tonthrly new lawil,and brings woad teed anecsas to every 'talker. Nostaarere ate samba, hires $26 to 510 per weak sod 6Pwardfi. awl Ulereafter • little angw44101•. W. can ebnalsh you ths Nadi ymi nuts. Ns spiestainipisis bow nil It SAL Tuns co.. 10610111141. NAM. 4 "4...?....t<e.4044'4.dx,terv•Ircrl:7t7.r..4.1f, il OB HINTING • Job Printing of every descriptioei executed with taste anr1 promptitude Send in your printing be it a Poster Ticket. Oft A. All orders handled in a workman like manner and at reasonable rates. No job too small. or too large for our capacity. SENTINEL LUCKNOW - ONT. IVIcLEOD'S S*0223. nenovator, And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE -FOR--- ImPure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Low of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary InEs.: eases. St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle. LABORATORY. - - GOPERICH, ONT. holcLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer Sold by Berry & Days and A. B. Congra Druggists, Lucknow. DOWT READ THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc. See our Magnifieent Stock of theabove FINEST GOODS, LOWEST,: PRICES. All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes Ib., 1 lb., and 5 lb. boxes. DON'T BE DECEIVED by Fancy Shows. We have the finest goods ever shown in town for 'Christmas & New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper than ever. All goods , Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY. We have just received a car of Hour from ',Ethel Mills for Ohristrnas and New Year trade. Now is the time to send in your orders and get thorn filled at once. THOS. REID. $900tmgLeAntlfts YmeanndanedomNivnQismsih e'in Teachers and .Clergymen to introduce a USW mid Popular standarii book. Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of Nazareth. The most ,remarkable religious book of the age. written by 300 eminent scholars -Non- sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Exclu- sive territory given. APPLY 2'0 TheHenry Bill Publishing Co Norwich 0011116 „