Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-04, Page 3.* ONTARIO LEGISLATYRE.
Mr. Tait presented thirty-onepetitioneon
the pereenaltylaer lineation.
Mr. Gibson (Hamilton)-Fromthe Brick-
layers' Union, of Hamilton, praying for the
abolition of the contract system on Public
Mr. Stratton -From Local Assembly
6,952, Peterboro', oxr the abolition of the
contract system.
Mr. Awrey-From the County Council of
Wentworth, asking for an amendment to
allow municipalities to exempt toll roads
owned by such municipalities from taxation.
Mr. Biggar begged to introduce a resolu-
tion acknowledging the speech from the
' hrone.
Ir. Lockhart seconded the resolution.
'he motion was carried.
Mr. Mowat moved that a select 'commit-
„ tee, composed of the Attorney -General,.
Mr. Hardy, Mr. Biggar, and Mr. Lockhart,
be appointed, with instructions to prepare
an address in reply to the speech from the
throne. '
A number of petitions were presented on
the personalty tax and on the LiquorLicense
,Mr. Baxter -A petition from the ratepay-
ers of Welland, opposing the incoiporation
of the village of Victoria.
Mr. Lockhart -Petition from members
ef the medical profeesion, objecting to the
annual ,medibal feesand the disenfranchising
of the members of the profession for non-
payment of the same.
following bills were read a first time:
lka Hardy -To incorporate the Associa-
tion -Of Ontario Land Surveyors, and to
amend the Act respecting land surveyors
and the surveys of land.
Mr. Hardy -To consolidate the Act re-
specting the assessment of property.
Mr. Gibson -Respecting insurance core
Mr. Mowat announced a message from the
Lieutenant -Governor, and the message was
read by the Speaker, the -members stand-
ing up.
The message asked for an interim supply
of $450,000, made up as, follows:
Civil Government 81
Admini4ration of Justice
ubljc. Institutions, maintenance 1
Sundry purpose's, including public build-
ings, etc 1
Mr. Harcourt moved the House into C
mittee of Supply, and Mr. Speaker left
Chair. •
Mr. Awrey took the chair, and the
terizn supplies were passed it; form.
Mr. Awrey presented the report of
Committee of the Whole House on Supp
which was received, the House conctirr
Mr,,Mowat moved the House into C
mittee on Ways and Means in the inte
supply. -
• Mr. Awrey took the chair, and paseed,
-amounts asked by the Lieut. -Governor,
the committee passed the report on to
Mr. Davis presented a petition sent in
Messrs. David Blain, H. H. Cook, John
.Fitch, Hugh Blain, Joseph Blakeley,
Toronto ; E. L. Corthell, of the city
Chicago, engineer; Mark H. Irisi, brok
and Kivas Tully, 'asking for permission
change the name of the Hurontario Railw
Company to "the Ontario Ship Railw
Company " ; also to enable the company
build do.uble lines of railway so as to tra
port freight and passengers between t
upper lakes and Lake"Ontario operated
steam or electricity ; to establish telepho
and telegraph lines, andto build or co
struct steam and 'sailing vessels ; to bui
andenaintain wharves, docks, warehous
and elevators, and also to possess all t
usual powers and privileges appertaining
the working of railways and shipping.
.1eIr. Bronson -From the town of Ottaw
praying for an Act empowering the do
poration to grant a retiring annuity to W
Mr. Gibson -Praying for an Act to inco
porate the Hamilton & Grimsby Electri
Mr. Caldwell -From the Kingston Light
Heat & Power Company, praying for an Ae
to enable the company to apply bonds to th
redemption of the stock of the compa,ny.
A nurnher of petitions asking for amend
ments to the Liquor License law. and th
Assess sit law were also presented.
Mr. &rise introduced a Bill to amend
the Mun ipal Act, which was read a first
Mr. Harcourt stated that the gross
amount paid into the license fund for the
year ending 30th April, 1890, was $682,-
560.55, end for the year ending April 30th,
1891, 3680,298.68. The gross amount paid
to municipalities for the first year named
was $297,353.45, and for the followieg year,
$294,968.26. The gross amount paid to the
Province for the first year named was 8307,
281.02, and for the next year, $3Q8,200.17.
The amount' imposed by by-laws for the first
year named was $162,008, and for the last
year $156,400.75.
in -
ns -
58 es
r -
Mr. Qibson presented a copy. ot an ordee-
, in -Council respecting the commutation of
• fees payable under the Surrogate Ccants
Act; aleo a copy of an order -in -Council re-
specting the commutation of fees under the
Surrogate Courts Act payable to His Honor
Judge Macdonald, of the united Counties of
Leeds an
1892, -rce
renville ; copy of an order-ine
'der date the. 10th of February
aim; the commutation of fees
payable todlis Honor Judge Muir, of the
County of Wentworth ; copy of an order -in -
Council authorizing the corporation of the
County of Hastings to invest $1,600 stand-
ing to the credit of their sinking fund -copy
of an order -in -Council approving of by-law
40 of the County of Htddimand, establishing
additional High School aceohnhodation ;
cepy of an order -in -Council approving of an
indenture agreement between the Minister
of Education and the Canada Publishing Co.,
for the publication of certain Public School
ctrawing books.
Mr. Mowat said that he only became
aware half an hour before that they would
,not be able to bring down the estimates as
early as anticipated. The hon. Treasurer
stated that they would be in possession of
the House before the opening to•morrow.
Two courses were therefore open to them.
The financial statement could be made to-
morrow before the statement was in the
hands of the members, ror the statement
Mr. Meredith thought it would be more
lenvenient to have the Statement made- on 4 NI r• Rap:ride -Petition of t he Municipal
$832,261 76
'could be need° ott Pride
metes before the discussion. He des&sd to
take the present opportunity.; of asking
whether a clerical error had been made on
page of the Public Accounts, Saying that
Domiuion bonds- had -been sold amountingtn
Mr. Hareourt said it was not a clerical
error. The Government had received $500,-
000 in bonds from the Dominion Govern-
ment on account of Ontario moneys in the
hands of the Dominion Govermnent.
The House adjourned at 4.05 p. m.
The Public A.ecounts.
The public accounts show that the
finances of the Provinces are in a healthy
condition, as there is a surplus for the year
of $19,818. The balance sheet during the
year totals up to the handsome sum •of
$4,183,381.07, which figures represent the
receipts from all sources. The expenditure
of all descriptions amounts to $4,16:1,563:07.
The following tables show the receipte and
expenditure for the past year :
Balance from 1890
$ 44,791 98
Dominion subsidy 1,116,872 00
Dominion •supcial grant . 80,000 00
Interest on capital held and debts
due by the Dominion to On60,000 00
Interest on investments --------------41,02331
Crown lands
92,815 39
Railway lands •
16,880 41
Grammar School lands
Rent re lands 1,165'53
5,271 28
Woods and forests 1,022,619 51
2,804 47
Licenses 5,470 07
Law stamps 298,183 96
81,557 67
Algoma taxes
4,155 63
Education department 41,766 92
Casual revenue
55,861 80
Toronto Lunatic Asylum 38,265 09
London 4
Hamilton 9,148 08
Kingston 11 9.188 66
3,835 63
frillia 4 4'
2,129 93
Reformatorn for females
3,798 38
A boys 676 10
Central PHs&
63,017 56
Deaf Andopumb Institute • 175 40
Crown Lands Department; •
Clergy lands
Common school lands
Public Works and Buildings, re
Capital Account :
Mercer Reformatoiv
Sale of lands, re New Parliament
Building fund
Drainage works, rent charges
Drainage debentures
Drainage debentures, tile
Sale Dominion bonds
Sale annuities •
Fr Civil Government
F$ 221,12 28
For Legislation 123,601 03
For Administration of Justice 398,968 79
For Education •645,115 23
For Public Institutions, Mninten-
For Immigration
For Agriculture
For Hospitals and Charities
For Houses of Refuge
For Repairs and Maintenance,
Public Buildings
For Locks, Dams, etc
For Surveys, Inspections, etc....
For Colonization Roads '
For Charges on Crown Lands
ForRefunds, re Crown Lands.
For Education. -
For Algoma Taxes
For Miscellaneous
Asylum for Insane, Toronto
61 London ....... .
4 4
R in ston
Ora ia.
Reformatory for Boys, Penetang
Females, Toronto
Central Prison, Toronto
Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belle-
Blind Institute, Brantford ... .
Agricultural College, ..
Normal School, Toronto
SchOol Practical Science, Toronto
Osgoode Hall
Government House
District of Algoma
Thunder Bay
Parry Sound
District of Nipissing
District of Rainy River 3,182 29
I)istrict of Haliburton • 224 30
Brook's Monument •
84 75
New Parliament Buildings .....208,348 208,348 43
Mary's and Fairy Lakes . 3,554 42
Muskoka Lakes Works ...
Maganetawan Works ............
.Missiscua Lake Dam
Scugog River Works... .............
Lake Seugog, Flats Road
Indian River Channel.
Peninsula Creek Improvement 6,081 46
Gull and Burnt River Works2,450 33
Landing Pier, Southampton -1,000 00
Refunds, re Land Improvement • •
Fund •
2,881 79
Refunds re Municipalities Fund
(Widows' Pensions)
Aid to Railways
and. Dundee, asking for an amendment to
the Municipal Act to, repeal that .section
which places bridg a over 100 feet in charge
of the County Co , cite,
- -Mr. -01b.son ( nreilteair-:--Petitioit of the
corporation of the town of Brockville, ask-
ing for an Act to permit of the consolidation
el the town debt.
Mr. Field -Petition of the Town Council
of Cobourg, asking for an Act to consolidate
the town debt.
Mr. Charlton presented a number of
petitions praying for an amendment to the
Game Law. '
A number of church petitions, petitions on
'single tax, personalty tax and the assess-
ment law were also presented.
The following Bills were read a first
Mr. Hardy -La -To consolidate the Municipal
e ea-.
Mr. Mowat -To amend the Law relat
o mortmain for charitable nsee:
Mr. Gibson presented to the House f
scimates of the province for the year end
Dec. 39th, 1892.
Mr. Speaker kept the chair for some ti
wa,itingsthe arrival of a message from t
Mr. Whitee'speaking in French, ask
he Attorney -General it he had any busine
bring before the House, If not, ina
uch as he had not had occasion to diseu
olitical union fully the other day, as t
atter had been sprung upon him,
ought he would bring turward a maks
that kind, as this was the proper oppo
nity. There would be an opportunity f
r. Speaker to give hie opinions on th
bject. The House was all the time a
eseing hint. He might now address th
ouse. He would just add that when h
ought in his motion a condition would 6
at it would be voted on by secret ballot
that the members coeld express thei
intnions freely without fear o$ the con
'dr. Evanturel (in English) said that h
iembered the occasion when the leader o
OppoSition gloried in the fact that h
a French-Canadian 1?ehind him, but hi
ings had changed. He -lived wide apart
m his honorable friend froni Essex, and
was sorry that so far he had been unable
make his acquaiutance. He was also
y that although he spoke- French he
ld not understand the language of the
orable member from Essex, and he was
that his constituents in the eant would
orry also: (Laughter).
s -
r -
4,04605 i
$4,183,381 07 hon
be s
8,609 31
116 63
315 74
14,299 80
37,4.53 25
5,065 00
500,000 00
820,516 68
6,628 94
149,535 42
134,992 89
32,750 00
59,667 39
13,060 12
458 58'
98,312 31
171,666 47
25,142 38
1;067 37
87,916 07
4,369 80
109,838. 51
31,798 39
43,998 71
14,496 73
83.282 73
7,310 58-
4,536 75
4,392 64
15,684 63
6,584 03
17,078 15
5,980 41
12,911 66
35,151 07
7,897 62
1,848 00
227 47
107 25
253 91
504 88
3,989 06
281 96
2,558 23
1,500 00
192 51
University of Toroato
an Improvement, Special
Stationery, excess of Stook pur-
chases over distribution
Drainage Debentures, Mu- 5,103 52
nicipat $50,887 83
Drainage Debentures,Tile 12,000 00
---- 62,87 83
19,818 00
, . .
252 179 74
59,200 00
100,000 00
$4,18338j 07
During the year overdrafts on the treas-
ury not provided for in the estimates were
issued to the amount of 830,027.75, made up
as follows:
Civil Government
Public institutions' maintenance
$ 473 44
4,627 57
11,822 42
3,847 42
Public buildings
Refunds 4 4 41
Civji 6,6 38
Govornmen t -
Crown Lands Department 183 96*
Board of Health
246 13
6 1 74
901 03
Repairs and main tenanco-
Government house
Main building (Parliament build-
ia gs)
School Practical Science
Refunds -Miscellaneous
Mr. Mowat then presented the message
from the Lieut. -Governor, being the esti-
mateslar the coining year.
The House adjourned at 4.05 p. m.
The estiniates of 1892 show a total esti-
mated expenditure of $3,472,237. The
amounts are classified as follows:
For .corrent
Civil Governinent ..... 231;625 00
Legislation 124,000 00
Administration of justic 398,720 20
Edueation 655,826 92
Public institutions' maintenance 834,968 00
Immigration 10,000 2
Agriculture 173,295 00
HosAntals and charities 151,715 73
Maintenance and repairs of Gov-
ernment and Departmental
59,898 00
Public buil inks -
(1) Repairs 18,250 00
(2) Capital account 400,106 00
Public works -
(1) Repairs 14,000 00
(2) Capital account 17,178 00
Colonization roads 9.5,600 00
Charges on Crown Lands 130,209 00
Refuntl aceon-nt 23,115 80
Miscellaneous expenditure .....,83,730 00
Unforeseen and unprovided 50,000 00
'Recapitulation -
Current expenditure for 1892
On capital account
Other purposes
$3,472,237 ,66,
62,936,237 85
519,884 00
' 23,115 81
Ammint of esti"mates ............ $3,472,237 66
Under the heading of Civil Government,
on an estimated expenditure of $231,625,
there is an increase of $4,890. r
The cost of legislation has ,InKsia iecreased
by $1,300, and of the administration of jus-
tice decreased by $1,614.25.
The money spent on education amounts
to $655,826.92, of which the following are
the principal items : Public and Separate
Scheols, 6241,776,92; High, Schools and
Collegiate Institutes, 6100,000; superan-
nuated and Public and High School teachers,
$59,860 ; inspection of schools, $55,0o;
mechauics' institutes, art -schools, literary
and .scientific, 550,450; Normal and Model
Schools, Toronto, 823,490, Ottawa 822,390;
schools in unorganized districts and poor
schools, $35,000 ; departmental examina-
tions, 817,800 ; School of Practical Science,
815 75e ; Model Shoots, $9,000 ; library
and Museum, $3,500.
For the rnaintenu,nceof public instituttons
8834,968 will be requireee The seminary is
as follows:
To be
• 'Voted • Voted
for • for
1891., 1892.
Asylum for Insane, Toronlo.. $101,816 $100,442
i'Lifliicc branch 48,124 67,158
Asylum for Insane, London... 134,482 .130,996
Kingston. 78,397 79,672
" Hamilton. 137,457 122,857
" for Idiots; ,` :., 65,009
Central Prison, Toronto • . 125,89,5 121,990
0,1tario Itef ormatory for Boys,
Ponetatfguishene 41,650 38,050
Institution for the Deaf and
75 99 Dumb, Belleville 43,973 4-3,971
Institution for the Blind, Bran t-
90 17 ford
36,000 35,624
98 81 Andrew Mercer Reformatory
12 28 for AVonion and Refuge for
Girls, Toronto 30,626 29,206
Total overdrafts of appropriation..$30,027 75
The total expenditure to 31st December,
1891, with respect to the new Parliament
buildings, was as 'behoves
L. Yorke, on contract for. masonry,
$360,320 77
Carroll, Gaylord & Vick, on contract
for masonry, etc 307,884 99
L. Yorke, on contract for -carpentry
and ironwork • 8,705 53
L. York et estate of, for carpentry
and ironwork 44,911 43
St. Lavvrence Foundry Co., on con-
tract for ironwork 39,575 92
Purdy, Mansell & Mash inter, on con-
tract for steam heating; etc .... 15,595 90
Douglas Bros., on contract for slate
roofing, etc 24,724 04
A. H. Itundle, on contract for plas-
agner, &idler & on dontract
for interior woodwork
L. Yorke, estate of, bricks furnished
Cent ral Prison, bricks furnished ...
Payments to Mr. Waite, as architect
Toronto University, re old asylum
Su Ty ot-her expend i tures, re corn -
peti live plans, wet or 'mains,
drains; 'advertising tenders, etc.,
etc •
9,315 02
1,1338 33
30,000 00
24,000 00
30,000 00
23622 73
$838,624 $834,968
A number of petitions on the Medical Act,
the personalty tax, and other similar niatters
were presented
Mr. Mowat moved the House into Com-
mittee of Supply to consider the financial'
estimates for the current year.
Mr. Harcourt, who was loudly cheered on
said : For the second time,- Mr.
Speaker, I ask the indulgence of the House
while, as briefly and as clearly as I can, I
discuss first the financial operations of the
Province for the year just closed, and,
secondly, take a prospective view of the
operations of the year upon which- we are
now entering. I will first speak very briefly
of our receipts. We estimated to receive
during the year from ordinary sources
0,298,822. We actually teceived 707,750,
so ;that we have an excess nf receipts over'
our estimate to the amount of $28,248. {
-1•11 subsidy, of course, remains the samo.
1t represents 80 oents per, bead of. Our
populeeion according to the census esef 1861.
cording to our present population it
represents only 57 cente per keret 'If we
were to receive 80 canes
; •
STIJAC..9,B4'0I cimEs
TRADE abt4ii-A r'e''-1,1?. MARK NEURALGIA,
- .
bh.!4 441:1.
Sprains, .134;u".;s4es, Burns, Swpilings.
Canadian Depot: TORONTO, ONT.
about 8575,000 a year. An increase
population adds to our expenditure, , aur
cost of government, while on the c ntrary
it brings, because of the increased onsump-
tion of dutiable goods, additional ieyenue
to the Federal treasury. Our receipts from
Crown lands, exceed our estimate by the
considerable sem of $59,682. Since 1872,
the year when our honored. leader became
Premier, the gross receipt-B*0m the Crown
Lands Department have wounted to $17,-
253,250, or an average for the tveenty years,
including 1891, of $862,662 per year, The
largest sum during any one year was re-
ceived in 1872, the amount being
$1,437-372 ; the smallest receipt, viz.,
8445,273, wee that ef the year 1878. In various
ways the province has directly appropriated
to and -spent in, assisting railway construc-
tion about '1,000,000, besides' indirect
appropriation by payments to municipalities
under the Municipal Loan Fund settlemene
of $1,336,997. This very liberal measure of
aid stimulated enterprise on the part of the
municipalities, the result being municipal
subsidies amounting to about 8'14,000,000.
We have completed since Confederation
4,450 miles of railway. Last year we made
payments in aid of twenty railways; this
year the list is reduced to fourteen.
In 1898 there will be only, eight, while
in 1904, only twelve years from now,
the solitary survivors of this long and
honored list of provincial pensions will be
the Port Arthur, Dithith & Western Rail-
way and the Peery Sound Colonization
Railway. Remembering the enormous load
oC obligations Already discharged, this
glance into the future, with its rapidly
diminishiag burden, is certainly reassuring.
The last item of our receipts, to which I will
refer, namely, $500,900 received from the
Dominion Government, calls forsome special
remark. Our expenditure for the year in-
cluded, I have said, some very large
itexns, special aucl exceptional in their
character. We paid, for exatnple, $100,000
to Toronto University, being, part of the
6160,000 unanimously voted to it by the
HOuse to assiet in- restoring the bhilding,'
.which was partially destroyed by fire. We
also paid $47,115 to the municipalities on
account of the land improvement fund, and
$32,750 to county house s of refuge. We
loaned $63,000 to different municipalities on
drainage debentures. The sum given to the
university I mighte-call an emergency ex-
penditure, the first, and we sincerely hope
the last of the kind ever to be made by the
Province. The payments to the munici-
palities on account of the land improve;
ment fund is an advance made for their
benefit and relief, for which the Province
will be recouped when the open accounts
between the Dominion and the Provinces
are adjusted. The payment to the county
houses of refuge is also new and excep-
tional. Our expenditure on capital account,
on the new asylums at Orillia and Mimico,
and on the new Parlia,ment buildings., was
also exceptionally large& reaching in all
$368,937. , Because of all tills extraordinary
outlay we asked the Dominion Government
to make to the Province a payment on
account of the debt due us. The matters
in dispute between the Province and the
Dominion • have been narrowed from
time to time, and there is admittedly
a large sum due us. Our request
was met in a friendly, busness-like
way, and we promptly received from
the Dominion 8500,000 in 4 per cent
Now Is the Time.
" haveri't time to think about adver-
tising just now. I shall have in a month or
doubt you will. Von won't have much
besiness to take up your time if you post-
pone your advertising.
1.'"our eompetitors don't postpone.
Advertise now and in the TIMES. One
cent a word.
Pitts stopped free by Dr. Rline's
Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first
day's use. 1Vlarvellous cures. Treatise awl #2.00
trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline,‘,
931 Arch St., Pbiladelphia, Pa.
A Fresa Salleet.
She had been trying for twenty minutes
to entertain him with the goseip of the
" Aw, Miss Quickstep," he said, " eawn't
we-aw-talk about something fwesh ?'' •
"Why, yes, Mr. De Swellnut," she an-
swered with an engaging smile. "Tell me
all about yourself. How do you manage to
pass the time these dull days?"
." Four years ago," writes Col. David
Wylie, Brockville, Ont., May, 1888, "1
had a severe attack of rheumatism, and
could not stand On my feet. The pain was
excruciating. I was blistered and purged
in true orthodox style, but all to no pur-
pose. • I was advised to use St. Jacobs Oil,
which I did. I had my ankles well rubbed
and then wrapped flannel saturated with
the remedy. In the morning I could walk
-without pain."
-The Toronto street railway is to discard '
the horse and adopt electricity as a motive
power. ,
Both the method and results when
,Syrup of Figs is taken;. it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste„ and acts
2:may yet promptly on the Kidneys,
• 'Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels.colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
•constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, plea,Sipg to the tas,te and ac -
bonds, which we disposed off at par. We cepta e to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
disposed of tiled" at pal. without paying a
single dollar by way of brokerage or com-
effects prepared Only from the most
mission. Our receipts for the year from h d ble substances, its
liquor license fees amounted to $298,184. 3, an agreea
man v excellent qualities commend it
Our estimate Was $300,000, and not $310,000
as it was printed, owing to a clerical error.
I move, Mr. Speaker, that you do now leave e e . ,,
,),,pular remedy 'know'n.
the chair. (Applause.) 0
. f Figs is for sale in 75c
to all and have made it the. miost
Mr. Clancy, in reply, said he 'exceedingly
regretted that owing to the ill,health of his
hon. friend from Toronto the task of mak-
ing some observations on very short notice
had develeed upon him. He wished, in
the short time at his disposal, merely to
enter his protest, and reiterate the protest
made from his side of the House, at the man-
ner in which hoh. gentlemen had conducted
the affairs of the Province. The House was ,
certainly not to be congratulated on the
statement the hon. genteleman made he
to -day, but he (the Treasurer) was to be co
gratulated, not on • having followed he th
lines and footsteps of his predecessors, but o
the cheerful and light-hearted way in whic
he had undertaken the task of presenting th
dreary old bill of fare. They were to -day a
usual confronted with the usual deficit, an
no apology whatever was made orx,it.XI'he
took the usual failure on th p f th
Province, it might be of his hon. friend, t
be that they were unable tee meet the obli
ations which the Peovince had been ob
iged to make from year to year. They had
Iso the usual borrowing of money to meet
he obligations, and they had the usual old
aperesurplus presented, to them to -day.
Mr. Harcourt -The bonds mature;in 1893.
year ago they would be sold at 8216,000,
ut as the, date of their maturity ,ap•
roaches they consequently depreciate in
alue. We, lay that if sold now they would
ring 8205,000.
Mr. Clancy then contended :that these
nds were in reality only worth their par
lue. Continuing, ha said that sums owing
the Dominion should not be capitalized
show a surplus any more than the Crown
nds and the timber limite and other re-
urces should be capitalized. If the imagin-
y mount held by the Dominion were sub -
• from the surplue the newel surplus
would be found te be$729,150, with the sum
Uf 819,000 the suepine of the year, which
was the smallest method surplus in the
hratery of the ProVinee.• •
Mr. 'Mowat moved that the debate be
,journed till Tuesday. Cerriedse
The }Tow adjourned at 6.01 p.
tia craziceased by A guid word is as soon geld as an ill.
les by ail leading druggists
.',ny reliable druggist who may not
I:ave it on hand will procure it '
.,1•01.1p.tly, for any one whO wishes
Ise re it. islanuLctured only by the
;aliffiliPtlIA FIG SYRUP CO1 g
,9AN FEe.-Noisoo, PAL.
chased the formula at great ex
pense, and are now prepared to supply
the trade with the genuine article and
at greatly reduced prices.
It effectually destroys Ticks, Lice, Worms or
Grub, to which sheep, horses, and cattle are
'subject, and enables the animal to thrive.
The proprietorswill guarantee perfect success
when used according to directions, as will be
found on each box.
It prevents scurf and scab, and renders the
wool bright and clear.
Put up in tin boxes; price 30 cents each. One
box iR suffitient for twenty ordinary sized sheep.
It only requires to be tried to prove itself.
Sold by all druggistq. G. C. BRIGGS & SONS.,
WholesaleAgents, Hamilton, Ont. .
A specific monthly medicine for ladies
to restore and regulate the menses;
,producing free, healthy and painless
Idischarge. No aches or pains on op.
preach. Now used by over 30,000 ladies.
Once used, will use again. Invigorates •
only • those with our si ntra acre0o
these organs. Buy of Faur druggist
face of label. Avoid subs antes. Sealed
pai-ticulnr,, mailed 2e stamp. $1.00 Per
x. Address, EUREKA CREMI A
LeChuma's Tansy & Pennyroyal Pills
The only safe rind reltable French P111 on the market,
for immediate relief of Paleartol n»d'Irregular Menace,
Female Weaknosa. etc. EFFECTUAL EVERY
TIME. Thousands of tostim la 1 s. Sold by all druggists
or sent by mm11,1)(1:41)111(1, seeu rely sealed in plain wrap-
per, with full directions, for $2, Tilt; ARMACAL
SPECIALTY CO., Of Chicago, 19,, Sole Agents.
filiql;(‘‘SAF FISF. MILS.
Met (email ee Tostes*bleod. 13