HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-03-04, Page 1Is better than ever. You are putting up rear houses and barns and want sup- pliee, which are. expensive. but you cau save Kane of +this expense by coming ta D. C. TAYLOR For your building suppliea. WHOLE NO. 946. VILLAGE COUNCIL. The above council met as per ad- journment on Feb. 25th, 1892. Mem- bers all present. The reeve in the chair. sented and on motion of councillors Lyons and Elliott were ordered to be paid: Walter Stewart, lumber, etc., $6.41 ; P. A. Malcolmson; consolidat- by-law and fees, $47 ; H. 'Morrison, 6 monttis salary, $50 ; J. B. Hunter, timber and work on sidewalk, $10 ; Walter Stewart, electric light, $99.50. a 41, oils the Sedan' For your Machinery Oil. your Aaayeett TooIth Your-otatoe Miler in the hape of Pads Green, all of which you can get heap at the hardware eeta.bliehment of Os 0- TAYLOR Luelicow. -„ VOL XIX.— 10. 'manaaarsoammummostaa•-•----..- BANK-oF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Capital, $1,2o6,85o. ' Rest, $600.000. President -JOHN STUART. Vice President—A. G. Itanisar. DIRECTORS: Trimr prifIAMAtt 1.13/ • 0 ail. ammo- A. -T. Wcoo, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SAVINGS BANK. —Hours 10 to 3; Satur- day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and iipwards received and interest allowed. SPECIAL DEPOSITS also 'received at cur- rent rates of interest. D.RAFTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. ....................., DENTAL . J. S. -JEROME, L. D. S. , 7-_t. Wingham, will be in Lucknow iiie Art on the seeond and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for $10. Filling and evtracting a specialty — - — LEGAL QIMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 0 in H. C. G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. pA. MALCOMSON , BARRISTER, . Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc., (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand. . . 11MORRISON, ATTORNEY AT • law, Solicitor in Cancery. Convey ancer, Commisioner, etc. Office. over the barber shop. CI ARROW & PROITDFOOT, BARRIS- tors, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, Q.C. "VY ivi. PROODFOOT. MEDICAL ' • ... -1- A. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. I'. S. • , 4,/ 0 0. Office, Kintail. DR. ELLIOTT. OFFICE AND R,ESI- dence, Outram street, second door north of Little's shoe store, — .... 1-1 R. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, AY SuFgeon and Accoucheim Surgery op- , posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 . a. m., and frorn 2 to 5 p. m. ' 1-1 MciD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. 1.14, M.S., M. C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon; and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little s. TR. D. GEDDES, Y. 8., CALLS , 15 either by mail or telegram promptly ' Charges Office, Cor- attended to, moderate. rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel, - Lucknow. ............is.......... GENERAL — MONEY TO:LOAN l 0.N FIRST-CLASS 1 mortgages at 7 to 7i per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. elens. flANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. ( ki Tickets issued to all points emst or west. Quick time. Close connections with other 5 lines. Full particulars to intending travellers. JoHN MuncHisow, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. I MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for anytime, at the lowest rate of interest. The principal may be paid , at the end of the time, or a part of the princi- pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on the amount paid. For further particulars, etc., apply to ANGUS STEWART, Lucknow. pmmomssisamwesiset. SOCIETIES W0. T, U.— The regular monthly • meeting of the Wemen's Christian Temperance Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p. m. MRS. W. H. 3mirx, President; MRS. HORNELL, Secretary. „ . ... -1- ucKNow 5 , n s A Lodge, No. 112 • meets every Friday - evening at 8 o'clock i n their hall, Campbell street. All brethren iordially invited. WM. HOOD, '',1C. Grand; fOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. , I e O. F., COURT .1 • Sherwood, No. . 50, Lucknow. Meet- every hrst and third Mondayin every i l'Visit- ,?'::•' , • month, n the Odd- 1 y .,• felows hall. I, " s kIMA; ing brethren a r e . eii, la, cordially invited. R. SCOTT, OR '' ''''''' ••,ixiii- '%' , Ina D. D. YULE SEC. A,0. U. W. LITCKNIOW LODGE OF 1 L-1.• the Ancient Order, United Workmen, neet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and econd Monduy evenings ',of each month a r ight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially nvited. D. PATTERSON, Master WICArnart. t. D. CAMERON, Recorder. ................. EDUCATIONAL. L r UCKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI- Li tute. Reading room open every eveninv ir trona 6 to 10 p. m., except ng Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to 6 p, m. The librarian will be in attendance during these hours. D. 1). YULE. President. J. G Munoom, Secretary. noto OurHarilwareStott LITOPTOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, 1VIAlidli 4, 1892 GEO. MAIR & Ca LITTLE LOCALS. --The spring assizes will be held at BANKERS. Walkerton on Monday, Match 21st, Or Lucknow Ban fore Judge Armour. g 0°M14. —The concert announeed for this LUOKNOW. EB'Y 144,1892. (Friday) evening at Holyrood, has been Tinc.EN/17 Ltd u -r- last advertisement to —Mr. WM. Robertson, of Port you we have eold 1100 acies of land, and being Elgin, spent a few days in Lucknow all the land held by UR in belialf of the various this week, the guest of hip brother, Loan Companies we represent. except the Shaw farm of 200 acres in Kinloss, and which Mr. S. Robertson. we are offering very cheap and on very easy —Our lace curtains and art inuslins terms of payment. are extra value this season. Lace Several farmers have, however, placed their farms in our hands for sale; so that we curtains from 55c per pair up.—W. hope to be able to apply the bulk of the Connell. demand for farms as heretofore. But as our sales exceeded 1000 acres last spring we would R. J. McNabb occupied the request those in want of a cheap farm to 9.4.ply pulpit in Loehalsh church last Sabbath early, as the spring time will now soon be and intends preaching there again here. We can grant yerir reasonable terms of interest. —Boys ready-made suits in great payment for a our sa es and a low rate of next Sunday. If you wish to renew or change you mmort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment of the interest boys and see how cheap you can clothe or principal of your mortgage, we can gnaran- them. tee you satisfaction and at a very trifling expense, —Dominion Statistician Johnston We lend money on farmers' notes fer long advises Canadians to hive •nothing, to or short time, and can supply all demands on do with America silver until the free coinage question is settled in Congress. We do a general banking business of all Shippers and Farmers, s was in town on Monday, and gave the reasonable terms, Sale notes a specialty. kinds with Merchants, ,,attle Dealers, Robt. Graham, of Lucknow, "GEO. A. SIDDALL, •Timms a friendly call. Mr. Graham is an enthusiastic Forester and believes there is no better society in existenee. —Wingham Times. Manager MUSICAL TUITION----. ANY ONE REQUIRINGFIRST-CLASS lessons in music can havethe same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the YorkShire College of Music. For terms apply to tbe Rev. Mr. Connor, the rectory. Prof, Moss will be in Lucknow on Mondays. • • MUSIC LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT by Miss Kaake. late of Blyth. Pupils ttended at their own homes or at her rnsi- wee over E. Kaake's , photograph gallez. Terms reasonable, CHURCH DIRECTORY. NGLISH CHURCH —SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday School, :30 p. m, Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. dult class every Wednesday evening a o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. A rewelcome. REV. W. J. CONNOR, Pastor. G. T. 11. TIME TABLE. 'Trains leaveLucknow for south at 6:03 a in, 0:30 a. m. and 6:25 p. m. North at 12:25 p. m., 4;05 ,p. m. and 10:37 • In- • ire and Marine 'Insurance. orth British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto. iyerpool & London ankGlobe, of Livjerpool. Gore District, of Galt. " Northern, of London and Aberdeen. uardian, of London, England. Pheenix, o London, England, and Accident In- urance Co'y., of North America, Montreal R. CUNNINGHAM, GENT GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at my expense, INSURANCE. armers, look to your own interest and a insure your, farm buildings and private dwellings in the LONDON MUTUAL. o large Premium Notes required CASH SYSTEM:' 0 cents to 90 cents per $100 for three years, JOHN LANE CENT, - KINLOUGH. Also ag,ett for the Phoenix, of London, ngland, • • • 1sT9TICE, HE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN offlee in • the building east of the SENTINEL Printing (MCP, AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES; EEDS, MORTGAGES )ND WILLS CARE F CLT,Y PRE PA RED • . lans ,specilications and estimates for build ings, 'mills, bridges, etc„ furnished on short notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. ucknow..Tan .1891. 400 REWARD for a case of Dys- pepsia, Mat cannot be cured. ature's Method. Home freatrn cn t, Full partial -dans and sample treatment free, Send 10 cents for 'mailing. THE Sr. 1,AWRENCH Picto.u. Nova Scotia. Mention this pap 0 —A meeting will be held in the council chamber on Tuesday next at 8 o'clock p. in. for the purpose of organiz- ing a foot -ball -club for the coming season. All interested arerequested to attend. • —In worsteds,tweeds and panting our stock is now well assorted, When you want a suit made to order make I, your woy-to Connell's. --A young married couple from the neighborhood of Lucknow came to Wingham on their wedding tour on Tuesday evening. They took in the • sights. the following day and appear- • ances indicated that they were happy. —Wingham Advance. ,••• "Do you keep corn meal?" inquired the man with the basket on his arm. "No, sir," said, the grocer. "We sell it. • How flinch do you want ?" "Did I say I wanted any ?" mildly asked the man with the basket. And he went out. —Now that the election excitement has quieted down our loeal curlers are trying to arrange a friendly game with' Kincardine at the town by the lake. —During the cdming session ..the Government will introduce a hill for the redistribution t)f seats according to the new census. New Brunswick will lose one seat, Nova Scotia two, Prince Edward one., Manitoba gains two seats, and the other provinces will remain as they are, —Mr. Fred. Grundy is having the old Orange hall on Ocitigh street fitted up as a residence and will remove it from the present site to the corner of Gough and Delhi streets. It will make a creditable structure when finished. Mr. H.", Young has the contract,, —The estimates submitted to the Local Legislaturelly the Hon. R. Har- court, Provincial Treasurer, on Friday provides for an additional grant of $100 to each electoral District Agrictiltural Society in Ontario. This will mean $300 to Bruce county to be divided among the three Riding Societies. CREWE NEWS Our bantam feels his _oats. Beware! Mr. T. Menary left for Dakota on Monday last. Success to Tam. We are pleased to see Mr. .E Hays able to be out Again after his long illness. , Sotne new cases of grippe reported this week yet, but none dangerous. Mr. G. Brophy and sister, Mrs. Mc- Guire, of Wawanosh, were the guests of Mr. ,P. Clare on Sunday last. ' The election is over, but some of the warriors seem anxious to engage in an 'occasional skirmish yet. The directors of Ashfield butter and a cheese Co. held a meeting in the council chamber on Monday at which the con- tracts for drawing the inilk were let. The cost of drawing is estimated to average about 62c per 100 pounds. A communication from D. W. Hayes on behalf citizens re erecting stage in town hall was laid on the table, Moved by court. Murdoch, seconded by Congram, that only three tavern and one shop license be granted' the ensuing year. Moved in amendment by conn. Lyons, seconded by coun. Elliot, that four tavern and one shop license be granted. Motion carried. Moved by coun. Murdoch, seconded by .coun. Congram, that the village levy for tavern license for the ensuing year be $80.—Carried. Moved by coun. Congram, seconded by wan. Murdoch; that the levy for „shop licenses be $30.—Carried. c), Conn. Murdoch reported that Mrs. Whitely was willing to _ pay $15 towards •repairing drain in rear of - Whitely house. A communication from J. H. Garnier, M. D., asking permission to ,shoot rare specimens of birds in the coporation, was received. The council having no power to act, in the matter expressed their opinion that if no shooting is done except as he expressed a desire .for he would not be molested. By-laws appointing G. A. Siddall treasurer, at $50 per annum; W. H. Smith, assessor, at $50; John N. Ross collector, at $50; K. J. Mc- Leod, constable, sanitary inspector and trnamt officer, at. $125 ; H. Mor- rison, clerk, at $100, were passed. Fence viewer and and board of health were also -appointed. •21.SHFIELD Mr. J. Ilackett one of our much esteemed young men has gone to Toronto. Joe is a favorite here and will soon make frinds in the Queen city, we wish him success. • Mrs C. Rouce, of Lanes, spent a very enjoyable visit with Mr. and Mrs A M Treleaven of Langside this week. Miss Vino Lane spent last week . visiting with friends in Goderich. Mr. Mullin's new saw -mill looks like business. PARA. MOUNT We are sorry to note that Air. Israel Hurlbert and son who have been suffering from grip and a severe attack of inflarnation are no better. Owing to recent thaw, the roads between here and the Village. ar - bare in several places. If it nontiiiies they will soon be impas3able alto ether. , Last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, of, the 2nd cone ,ssion, along with some sixty couple celebrated their tin wedding having been married ten years. The evening was enjoyably spent in singing, reciting, games, etc, . At a late hour the party broke and the crowd went to their several horns, all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton many returns of the happy event. The Paramount Patron's of Industry intend to make another grand struggle for life and consequently a meeting Will be held in the Grangers hall, Paramount Monday evening. All Patrons and those interested in the order are requested.to attend. Mr. Thos. and Samuel Smith left Lucknow on the 24th Feb. for Winlock Washington State to seek their fortune in the far. west. The neighboring vicinity wish the boys well S.nd hope that they will return 'sr& and sound in a few years. • Mr. 3. W. Murray. left last week for Manitoba with another carload of fine horses. Mr. Murray is,.our old "stand by" as a buyer and we wish to hear of his doing well. a HOLYROOD. Mr. Foster, of Tiverton, was the guest ofoMr. J. H. Ackert a Couple of days last week. Mr. P. Correll -- 2 -a----- ness connecte with the Patrons of Industry. He reports having had a pleasant time. Mr. Thos. Baker, who has been dan- gerously ill for some time with infia: motion of the lungs, is slowly recovering. Miss NellielCorrigan, who has been on the sick lift for a few weeks, is getting better. Mrs. J. Sutherland and Mrs. R. McColl, of the sixth con., are at pres- in a very low condition, and but small hopes are entertained for their re- covery. The house lately occupied by Mr. P. Moore , is again tenanted • by a namesake of its former occupant, Mr. • Moore of Whitechurch, who is now working for Mr. Ackert, having moved into it last week. Mr. Geo. McMillan, who has been working up in the peninsula in, a flour mill, arrived home a few days ago nursing a badly crushed hand. Mr. Wm. Switzer, jr.) intends re- turning to Manitoba shortly taking a• fine lot of horses with him. • Mr. A. W. Harper is at present visiting his parents and friends in this vicinity. 43,Mr. R. Harper has sold his farm to Mr. R. Hamilton for $3,50a Mr. Harper intends to remove to Manitoba as soon as possible. Mr. Aaron Fitzell gave his friends a farewell party last Monday evening. Aaron and family intend to leave for Manitoba shortly, accompanied by Messrs. J. and P. McKinnon, ITAYSE ED. DUNGANNON. Sonie tall swearing done , here on election day. Coonskins are scarce twain. The election is over and people are beginning to act in their usual way. •A number of people are leaving this locality every week for Manitoba and Dakota. Mr. Geo. Irwin, ot Belfast, has moved into our village. George pur- poses trying his fortune in the west for the 'coming summer. His family ' will reside here during his absence. Mr. ,Thos. Durnin, who went west with a load of horses, arrived home this week. Mr. Peter Bullock, of Chicago, spent a few days with friends here last week.. A nutnber of fine horses passed through here enroute for Clinton on Tuesday last. Mr. Wm. Mallough left here for Chicago on Monday last in company With Mr. Peter Bullock, who has secured him a position in that place. LANES. The excitement of' election and the noise of battle have somewhat abated, and the boodle brigade will have no opposition to bear at Ottawa from M. C. Cameron, of West Huron. The .0-rits.console themselves with the fact tliat they had not only to fight J. 0. Patterson, (as that would amount to nothing of itself) but were obliged to work against a whole multitude of strangers and some even wonder that the majority was not t we hundred' instead of a paltry twenty, quite a few less than Porter's majority at his election. There has been so many strangers round here during the past two weeks that It is impossible to divetheir names, or even to say whose guests they were. Wire pullers we expect. , Mr. John Marshall, of Clinton, • visited friends • here during the pest. , week. Mrs. 3. McDonald, of Riptey, spent a few days this week with her many friends at Lanesville. Miss Hawly, of Brussels, is visiting, her sister, Mrs. Cole, R. E. Lane spent- a clay in Dun- • gannon last week.