HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-02-26, Page 8• i 1,UCittiOW POST -OFFICE. ak Hours 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. a Mains "A.nervx. South 613a. m. L. II, & B.North 1230. m. ro° ' 1 d Xin o ' Kinloas W. G. & B. North Goderich Intermediate points} L. FL $7, B., North gangside CV; & B. ,South G R. &B., South f H. & B. So th B.irth , °fugh t1 Holyrqod ictim 2:30 v. m. 3:48 p. m. 9 00 p. m, 10.30 p. m, Tuesdays and 3 00 p. m, Fridays Daily • 114 I iommoSsui, 9.30p. in. 10.00a. in. 3-20p. m• 4.30p.m. • 4i41 Viduttp •••••••• fetvo. • Runaway! On Monday last while the Rev. Mr. • McKay was hitching his horse to the cutter the animal started off and before it could be captured the cutter was badly broken. Nearly Drowned . On Sunday afternoon last a wo- year old steer belonging to Mr. Robt. McCarrol, while on Treleaven's mill pond, fell into the hole made by the men cutting ice and had a narrow escape from drowning. When dis- covered the _ poor brute was almost exhausted, but with the assistance of a couple of neighbors- it was dragged upon the ice. - Patrons of Industry Mr. Wm. Nisbet, grand lecturer of Ontario for the Patrons of Industry, will deliver in address in the Town •• Hall, Lucknow, on Thursday, March 3rd, on behalf of the Order. Mr. Nisbet is an able speaker and there should be a large attendance of farm- • ers and others present. The meeting will commence at seven o'clock p. m. Another Early Settler Gone • One of Kinloss' first settlers passed away on. Thursday, the 18th inst,•in the person of Mr. Angus McKenzie, at his residence, lot 71, concession 1. Deceased _ was 72. years _of age. The remains were interred in Kinloss cemetery on Saturday,`and the univer- • sal esteem of deceased was evidenced by the large number who were at the funeral. Great Jubilation • When the news was received in the e • village on Tuesday night last of the Conservative/victory in West 'Huron •that day, there was great jublilation among the Conservatives, and a large • bon -fire was lighted in honor of the event. For a time it looked as though a fight would have oocured between, • the rival parties, but we are pleased to say everything passed off quietly. , Narrow Escape •'On Saturday night last Messrs. Mitchell Bros. saw mill in • this village had an narrow escape fromdestruction by fire. The fire originiated in the roof near _the smoke stack, but file' timely arrival of assistance averted what would undoubtly have been a big conflagration. The firemen were soon at the scene of the fire but the blaze was extinguished before their arrival. That Organ DEAR Sig, — Your Whitechurch correspondent made a statement some time ago in your paper that I sold .an organ to the Good Templars of this place. I wish to • correct this state- ment, as it was Mr. Young, of Luck - now, who'sold the organ, and I wish honor to be given to whom honor is due. I am not dealing in that class of organs. I am handling. superior instruments, manufactured by the Goderich Organ Co., Goderich, On. JOHN CAMPBELL. Whitechurch, Feb. 22nd, '92. The Delineator ' For March, 1892, will be a great number, replete with Novelites,in every Departmeut of Fashion, and illustrated by from twO to three hund- red carefully executed engravings. While supplying also the usnal articles on dainty fancy- work, such as Cro- cheting, Drawn -Work Knitting, Lace - making and Poker -Work, it will intro- duce a highly intertesting series on "Physical Culture," and another on " Child Life," each of them to be ill: ustrated as may be required by the text. Article S of the various series ' how current in the inagazine Bill be found in their regular places. among them a most important one on the making of Boy's Garments. Don't fail to secure a copy of the March number, It will please you. The Subscription price of the Magazine is • $1.01:1 a year. Single Copylb cents. Send orders direct. to The Delineator _publishing Company of Toronto, Mae, ItiChinend &rent West The Lucknow Sentinel Bruce Oounty, Friday, February 26th AMINIFignsmososssi= 1 Sad Affliction • We regret to learn that two little • girls, daughters of Mr. Elliot Traver, lawyer, who left here a few months ago for Strathroy, died from dyptheria that town this week Mr. and Mrs. Traver have the earnest sympathy of ,their many friends in this section in their very sad affliction. The Delegatss Messrs. Peter Corrigan and Mr. Wu:. Valens, secretary of the Bruce Patrons of Industry, left here on Wed- nesday morning last to attend the • grand lodge meeting of the Pet- rons in the city of Toronto which commenced there on Wednesday after noon. Mr. D. McKechnie, of Elderslie is the ,other Bruce delegate. , Grand Concert Mrs. Armstrong Will give one of • ber grand concerts in the Temperance hall, in this village on Friday evening next, 4th March, when • a splendid programme of attractions will be presented. She will be 'assisted by the leading talent in the village and we are sure all who go will be pleased with the evening's entertainment. Against Bonuses At the present session of the Ontario Legislature, Mr. W. B. Wood, M. P. P., of Brantford, will introduce a bill to repeal sec. 35, chap. 184, R. S. 0., 1889, and sec, 16, chap. 28 of 51 Vic. The effect of the amendment will be to make it impossible for. any municipality to grant a bonus to Any industry under any circumstances wha,tever. Almost Serious The many friends of Mr. John Noble Ross will be glad to hear that the gentleman is recovering rapidl from the 'effects of an accident which happened to him one day last week while splitting wood. He was driving the axe into the wood with a maid when the frost heaved it up striking him just on the right ,eye -brow. It might have been more serious but we are glad to say collector Ross was all right election day. Mexican Papers We received this week from our old friend and former townsman, Mr. Wm, Mellis, of Mexico city, Mexico, a.large bundle of .the different papers and magazines published in tht country. We are pleased to know that Mr. and Mrs. Mellia and little Maggie are enjoying'good health. and prosperity in that far off southern' climate and from a photograph just received,- Bill looks AS natural as ever. A Hard Blow The defeat, of Mr. Cameron in West Huron on Tuesday -was a bigdissapoint- ment to al.l Reformers in the riding. •Despite the efforts used against Mr. Cameron, his friends had hoped for victory, and when the news of his defeat reached the village it was a sad -blow to the Liberals. Tough though it was they took the dose with the best graces possible, and all went home with the full satisfaction of having done what they could to place their hero at the head of the polls. Fraternal Visit • • A very enjoyable evening was spent on the 17th inst., on the • occasion of several initiations into the Indepen- dent Order of Foresters Lodge in this village, when a number Of the •Wing - ham brethren paid them a fraternal Visit. SpeecheS were given by Chief Ranger Yates Dr. Chisholm,of Wing - ham, and Chief Ranger F. Grundy and R. Graham, of Lucknow. When the preliminary proceedings of the court were closed, the brethren repaired to - the Whitely House, where a sumptu- ous. supper was prepared by mine host, Mr. John McGarry, the spread being of the highest order, for which Mr.. McGarry and his estimable lady are notable. The table was laden vvith all the delicacies of the season, and whieh the brethren very much appreciated. at that late hour. After . the spread was removed, the chairman, Mr. Fred Grundy, called on Bros. Dr. Chisholm, Dr. Gordon and Mr. Yates on his left to address the brethren and also on Bros. A. Congram and l,. Graham on his right. Appropriate and short speeches were made by most of the brethren present. After some. well chosen remarks by Mr. F. 'Grundy, and the singing. of Auld Lang Syne" the company parted, but before doing so a promise was given that the Luck - now brethren would pay the Wingham friends 'a visit at an early date. Bro. M. Campbell, jr., took a very active part in getting up the entertainment, which proved'a very pleasant and. en- joyable proceeding under his skilful generalship. ^ —During the past three years there 'has been TM c"oriVibMiis alacle by the Assembly The assembly held in the Caledonian hall Liu Wednesdayeveninglast was a decided success:' Next Wednesday, March 2nd, a prize of a five dollar plush album will be given to the lady drawing the lucky number. All are cordially invited to attend. Passed Awa!: In the death of Mr. Benjamin Allen, which occured on Friday last Ashfield loses another of the old and esteemed residents of the townships. / Deceased had resided on lot 8, in the 14 con. for the past 27 years having settled on the farm when it was all bush but by his industry and labors he had made for himself a comfortable home. He was of a quite, retiring disposition but was - universally respective by all who knew him, and his remains were followed to the Zion cemetry on Monday last by a large number of neighbors and friends. Deceased was 56 years old and had suffered for over a year past with con- sumption. Mrs. Allen has the entire sympathy of all in this last sad afflict- ion, she having a few years ago to part with both her children who were just entering womanhood, by the ruthless hand of this same fatal disease. LOCAL ITEMS. Newsy Paragraphs Served up to Headers of thelentluel. • —Too late for the stage—March 4th. —Buy your canned goods at R. Hughes' —Mr. A. B. Cameron returned to Toronto on Monday. • —Spring tweeds for boysadd mens 'wear at Connells. —Mrs. J. Bryan is visiting her parents in Brussels. —Horse buyers have been quite numerous in Lucknow of late. —Don't forget to call and see R. Hughes' stock of kid shoes. —Mrs. Purdy and May left here last week to visit friends in Harriston. —For carpets go to Connells. The stock is large and prices low. - —Mr, Frank Little, of Molsons Bank, Waterloo, isspending his holidays here. —The Crooked Baubee insharacter at Mrs. Arnistrong's concert orTharch 4th. —Mrs. J. Scott and Mrs. 0.0. Wilson, of Seaforth, are the guests of Mrs. B. J Allen. —John Hoey, of Portage La Prarie, Manitoba, was in the village buying horses on Saturday. ' —Crockery and -glassware cheap at R, Hughes'. —Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McIntosh are Embro, attending the funeralof Mrs. McIntosh's mother. —Our tea at 35c per pound is extra value.—W. Connell —Mr. Walt Vansto e, of Kincardine, was in town on,Tuesd and Wednes- day of last week.' • —Miss Kate Taylor, of Kinloss, it spending a couple of weeks holidays swith friends in Wingham. • —A quantity of first class shingles, wanted, by the first of May. Apply to Hildred Bros, Carriage works, Staffer street, Lucknow. Hasket and Adams,. of Wingham, were in the villag onlVIonday last buying hides and sheep skins. • •—Robett McNabb, Paisley's popular • me'rchant tailor, spent Sunday and Monday with his parents in Lucknow. —Extra value in men's heavy shoes at R. Hughes'. —Mr. Thomas Lawerance represent- ed the Lucknow Lodge of Workmen at the meeting of the Grand Lodge at Ottawa last week. —Don't miss the lecture on "Gods image", to be given next Tuesday evening in -Hops church, Ashfield, at 7.30. Silver collection. —Don't fail to hear the famous quartette Misses Berry and Peart and Messrs Davison and Hughes at Mrs. .Armstrong's concert. —Miss Bowey, of Chicage, who has been the guest of Mrs. Thos. -Little, of this village, left for her home on Tues- day last. —George Irwin will sell a quantity of farm stock ete. at lot 13. Con. West Wawa:nosh on Thursday., Feb. 25th by John Purvis,(Auctioneer). --First it's slippery, then it's slopp- ery; now you melt, and then you freeze; now yo cough, and ,then you sneeze; watch the mercury hop and skip; not strati •?:d we have the grippe.' McArthur the well known clerk at the Whitely House wa's in Toronto the karly part of last week, consulting meloca.1 men there regarding irrivW:1) len liviletri-whiolir he, has b-ebil Tovonto. • magistratm of Bruee. „, • _ suffe.ring for ,s ome time, • 4 •„,„),,f0 `-'11 ' 4,•1:,* ;77 ' ". LACES. Mrs. Smith has just opened a lot of Chiffon. Laces In all the new- shades. Als3 Yak Laces In Black, Cream and White Some- thing new in • VEILING. More Spring Goods expected daily. A CALL IS SOLICITED. if • Mrs. 44-cetmittft• OMNI{ rao•d-4,16008 Grand Trunk. RAILWAY, ONE WAY EXCURSIONS TO ALL e0INTS IN MANITOBA, BRITISH COLUMBIA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, 'OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. Leave Toronto at 11:15 p. m., on Feb, 24, . March 9 and 23 Apr. ,6 and 20, and May 4. Through Tourist Sleeping Cars to Vancouver without change. The train leaving Lucknow at 10:38 a. m. connects at Toronto with this excursien train. Baggage checked through to destin- ation from here. For rates and all- information apply to , D. W. HAYES, Agent G. T. R., Lucknow. AilligS•=1■1111k e4. visanwssimmsimialt ew Spring Goods HE PEOPLE'S • ST. HELENS. TORE, HAVING resolved to carry oil business as usual, I have just received a new and well assorted stock of Spring Goods. Beautiful patterns and latest designs in "Ladies Ceylon Suitings." Everybody should see these goods. They are simply beautiful. • Slats, 03,0; ; es New Patterns and Fine Quality. Soyat.he latest patterns in both English and n 141 "q". Amecan. All other departments of my stock are equally replenished by the choicest and latest goods in the market. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN SAME AS CASH. A call is merely solicited to satisfy the wants and tastes of the most fastidious. Mrs. llobt. Murray. JOHN WALLACE, The Leading Jewellert, inimassoms• NOW WE HAVE IT The finest line and largest stock of Silverware ever shown in this part of the country. ) And therefore always pleased to show it. Call and •inspect it. The PRICES ARE AWAY DOWN • And guaranteed to be the best quality in 'the world. 4t, WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY In. endless variety. • A fine line of spectacles always on hand. Repairing neatly done and satisfaction guaaneed. a-rviITS A CALLI.L. JOHN WALLACE, T T t7r ...•••-••=4,••• °\••••,..