HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-02-26, Page 11. t't • Now is the Season For your Machinery Oil. your Harvest ToolB, your Potatoe Killer in the shape of Paris Green, all of which you can get cheap at the hardware establishment of , D. 0- TAYLOR LIJOHNOW, 1 VOL XIX.— 9. burtlardwareStock 1-i better than ever. You are putting up rear houses nd barns and waatt sup lies, which are expensive, but you can save some of this expeuse by coming to D. C. TAYLOR For your building supplies. BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Oapital, $1,2p6185o. Rest, Vioo.000. President -5oFIN STU am Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO". ROACH - A. T. Wcon, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J.' TURNBULL. • S4VI1VOS BANK.—Himrs 10 to 3; Satur- day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. SPECIAL DEPOSITSals() received at cur- rent rates of interest. D.RAFTS,on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DENTAL .J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. 'Wingba,M, will be in Lucknow on the seeond and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month,' Good seta for $10. Filling and eytracting a specialty LEGAL • IMON-C-ORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER,in H. C. Kinlough P: 0., Ontario. P,A. MALCOMSON , BARRISTER, a;';' Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc„ (late of Cameron; Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand.' 111..MORRISON, ATTORNEY • AT • law, Solicitor• in Ca,ncery, Convey • ancer,. Commisioncr, etc. Office. O:Ver 'the barber shop. . • • el ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARLUS- tX Solicitors .etc., Goderich, Ont. , J. T. GARROW, Q.C,' 'VY M. PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL• T A. McDONALD, M . D., C. M. C. P. S. 0 o. Office, Kintail. ' 111R, ELLIOTT, OFFICE' AND RESI- dence, Outran' street,.secbud door north of Little's she store; • DR. TENNANT, PHYSICIA N,• Surgeon and ACcoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. • Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. McD. GORDON, M.D., C.M.,, F.T. M.S. , M. O. P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon. and Aegouaheur. Office next door to W. Ann's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. DR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office. Cor- rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. ' Alommasoolamlimmimmi • 'GENERAL MONEY TO:LOAN ‘l ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 7,4 per ent. interest, pa/able yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. • CIANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 00. Tickets issued to all points east or west. , 'Quick time. Close connections with Other lines. • Full particulars to intendine-travellers. JOHN MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for , any time, at the lowest rate 'of interest. The principal may be paid at the end of tha,time, or a part of the' Princi- • pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on the amount paid. For further particulars, etc„ apply to A.NG1.18 STEWART, 14uekuoW. ' limilmoomisconitt• • SOCIETIES WC. T. U.— The regular monthly. • meeting of the \Vernon's Christian Temperance Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3• p'. in. MRS. W. SMITH, President ; Mas. HonNELL„Secretary, •' UCKNOW _LA Lodge„:No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell Street: All brethren cordially invited.' Wm. Hoon, N. Grand; JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder,. ' ' • . • CO. F-,COUR • Sherwood, No.' 50, Lucknow., Mee* , every fast and third • Monday in every , month, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren • a r e • cordially invited. i,,triliv JOHN 8COPT, '0, R. ."1141D; 'D. YULE REC., , r r Ao. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF • the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each month a eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially ifivited. ll- PATTERSON, Master' Work. R. D. 0 astERON,'ReCOrder. 1111144114M1•41.0.110141.4114.1. • EDUCATIONAL. LUCKNOW MECHANICS' INSTI- tat, • Reriding room opemevery evening from 6 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays, when the hburs will be from 2 to 6 p, m . The librarian will be in attendance diving these hours: D. i) YuL,IrreSidoht, J. G Muanocn, Secrery, LUCITOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1892 ,WItOLE NO. 945. GEO, MAR & CO. BANKERS, Or Lucknow Banking Comp'y. LUCKNOw, FEB'Y 13TH, 1892. TO THeFARIMERS : Since the date of our last advertisement to you we have sold 1100 acres of land, and being all the land held by us in behalf of the various Loan Companies we represent, except the Shaw farm.of 200 acres in Kinloss, and which we are offering very cheap and on very easy terms of paynae . • Several'rulers have, however, •placed their farms in our hands for sale, so that we hope to be able to spply• the bulk f the demand for farms as, heretofore. But as our 'sales exceeded 1000 acres last spring we Ivould request those in want of a cheap farm tt apply early, as the spring time will now s on be here. • We can grant very reasonable term's of payment for all our sales and a low rate of in erest, ' If you wish to renew or change you mort- gage, or put a new mortgage on your farm, or send money away in payment of the interest or principal ofYour mortgage, we can guaran- tee you satisfaction and at a very trifling expense. We lend money.on farmers' notes fer long or short time, and can supply ali demands on reasonable terms. Sale notes a specialty. • We do a general banking business of all kinds Nvith Merchants, C:lattle Dealers,. 'Shippers and -rners, • • GEO.. A. -DD ALL, Manager .11111•11111•4•44 MUSICAL TUITIolv. ANY ONE REQUIRINGFIR,ST-CLASS lessons in music can have the same.from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. For terms apply to tbe Rev.. Mr. 'Con'nor, tbe rectory. Prof.' Moss will be in Lucknow on Mondays. \ . • MUSIC -LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT by Miss Kaake. late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence over E. Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable, •IMmitESEntimilmommo• CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH CHURCH —SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. 'Sunday School, 2:30 p. m , Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening a o'clock, Bible and ra,yer book lesson's. arevveleorne. REV. W, J. CONNOR, Pastor. G. T. R. TIME TABLE. • Trains leave Lucknow for south at 6:0 a m, 10:30 a. m. and 625p. m. North at 12:25 p.- m„ 4:05 p. in. and 10:37 P. In - Fire and Marine insurance. North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. • Western, of Toronto/ Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phoenix, o London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal. R.. -CUNNINGHAM, AGENT _ •= GUELPH. Telegraph or Teleihione'at fi3y expense, INSURANCE. Farmers, lookto your own interest and insure- your farm buildings and private dwellings' in the LONDONIVIUTUAL. NO'large Premium Notes required CASH SYSTEM: . 50 cents to 90, cents per $100 for three years. JOHN LANE ' AGENT, - . 1UNLOU.G11. Also agent for . the Phoenix, trf London, England, . NOTICE THE SUI3SCPIRT.-:R. HAS OPENED AN office in the building east of the SENTIN-ET, Printing Office. AGREEMENTS, .110N1)S, LEASES, DEEDS', MORTGAGES itiVD WILLS CAREFCT,LY PREPA TIED. Plans arnecincations and estima•tes for build ings, mills, bridges, cte„ furnished on short notice. JAS, SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891. • 50() 13,11WART) for a case of I tyd• pepsia that cannot be cnred. ature's Method. Home treatment. Full particulars and sample treatment free. Send 0 cents fin- mai Mg. TflL . •TX\i1NCE (Th 11 Pietou, Nova Scotia. Mention this papas. t . • LITTLE LOCALS. —Try Hughes for your teas. —Bring eking that wood you prom- ised! e/ --it begins to look as though Mowatt owned Ontario ;Ind Abbott the Dominion. —A few lines of men's, •and wom- an's coarse shoes for cost eat. Hughes. • —Mr. John Gentles, of Kincardine,. purchased a number of horses on Thursday, last. —Mr. F. McKenzie, Reeve of Leamington, spent a few day lately with friends at Langside. —We will:have four eclipses dining the year, a total and a 'partial each of the sun and the moon. —The party who lost a sum of money in bills a few weeks. ago can have it by palling at this office. —On Wednesday, March 9th, John Purvis will sell. the farm stock etc., of Mr. John Stutt,' lot 14 con -11, Culross. —There/ were 71 speakers in the recent East Bruce election campaign who were not inhabitants of the Riding. =The fine weather of the past week has taken away a :great. deal of the snow 'and sleighing is getting poor, —Hector McKay will offer forsale on Thursday,carch 3rd, a number of farm stock, by John PurviS. (Auction- eer). • 4141.1.18.• WEST HURON. HON. J. C. PATTERSON ELECTED. Th,e great politica) battle in West Huron has been feught and the Sec- retary of State, Hon. J. C. Patterson, has been elected by a majority- of 20 over the old Reform war horse, Mr. M. C. Cameron. It was the hottest contest ever held in the riding, and although the Liberal.party has suffer- ed a defeat, they have no reason to be disheartened. The mightiest agencies ever brought to bear on the electors were used against Mr. Cameron, and we are certain there is no Reformer in Canada that could have made a better run against such great odds, than M, C. Cameron did on Tuesday last. It is true , the majority against him is not aery large, but it is suffi- ciently large to deprive one of the oldest and best parliamentarians in the Reform party of a seat in the House of ' Taking riding as a whole, there is little change in the vote of 1887, when Mr., Porter defeated kr. Cameron by a majority of 26: The following is a list of the majorities obtained by the respective canditt,tes in the different elivisions : gre• f Commons. the —A her belonging to Mr. Georgea s, ,...,yot • • r3S,Matheononeday last week .. art. • 2 reron. nat an egg that measured Pm 61 inches in cir- lie " .., . da' 3. , .` a- nelitical b ' m 1) cumferimee. 1 •• —Mr. Hugh °lark, of the Kincar- dine Review, Was here attending. the political meeting on Thursdai' evening of last week.• • --A couple of first class farrosrwill be sold by public auction -at Cain's Hotel on Monday,- Feb. 29th by Peter Cor- rigan, (Auctioneer), —The Rev. Mr.. Cook,.. of Ripley, preached in the Methodist 3hurehlere. on Sunday last, And Rev. Mr. Colliog filled his pulpit in Ripley. —Counterfeit teh cent pieues'are in circulation.in several places, They are irery .fine finitations in appearance, and can only be discovered by the ring. —Judgment was deli vered at London last Week in the dehorning cattle ease. The defendants were found guilty of cruelty and were each fined $50 and costs. —East Hastings anti South Ontario two seats won at the March elections by Reformers, were carried by the Conservatives on Saturday last' by , large majorities. •--Two more .\(,yseats,', Kingston and North Renfrew, hay' been captured for the Ontario 'Legislature by the Reformers, by majorities of 750 and 421 respectfully.. These' seats were formerly held by Conservatives. . —The Scientific American, published by Munn &CO. New York, presents weekly to its -readers the'best and most .reliable record of various improvements in machinery, while the scientific pro- gress of the)ceentry can in no way 1.0 gleaned so weli as by the regular perusal of its pages. • • • are infoemed that a school mann not far from Wiarton re,cently punished a child Of 11 years of age by ad m in istering 170 welts.across itsh ands with ,a leather strap doubled. The. child has 'suffered intense pain ever since the ordeal it underwent,. -That teacher ought to get married to a mule driver right away!" John Wannamaker is one of `14.i t 6. .... 10679 Collr,rne,Np. 87 ... ... .. .. ... •-• 1_. 32 8 64 • , " ..... Clinton Town- • St. Andrew's war&-.--; St. James .ward.. St. George's ward 9 St. -John's Ward...... Godrch, No, 15 16 9 36 ' ./ • 43 ../. ' ' 17 s. 75 ... . 18... . . ' 40 ••• 37 ... 4 4 • 019 .1' town, No. 1.- . -• , 2,.. 12 25 44 . 35 12 3 Waw,W anosh est, 2 , • ' 'East,' 31.,. 44 32...-. 7 - 33... ... , 2.6 • 44 34.".. ... 10 , 453 433 • Majority. for Patterson, 20 THEY'LL NO' TAIV.ZORRA.. • , . . West ZOrra; the township in Oxford county frotn whichMajor Jim Suther- land draws a big majority and which . supplies him wit% his champion tug -of - :war team, is .agreat stronghold or the 'Stalwart Highland Scotch. It still re- tains marks of -its 'Highland 'origin, but back in' 6, at, thejime of the Fenian raid, it was as Highland as the Iverary neighborhood. It is great to 'hear ,Iitn. Sutherla.nd te with all the local color of how -the. armers would. come in from Zorra to learn news .of the lightening. 11.y..,.,• proclaimed in ,Gaelic their anxiety to fight, and an apparently authentic report that 'the Fenians had taken Toronto . did not ruffle their faith as to the ulthnate result. • , . "Awe, but the' diels are gettin' a braw foothold here. They'll tak, Woodstock next and then they'll be near Zorn.," the wealthest and most successful • "Awe. Mon," spoke pp another stal- merchants in America. This is what wart, " they'll no' tak" Sorra." I'm no' his advertising, manager says: Put an advertisterient before -the readers of a paper and you Lke the crean. .of any population. I • never knew 'a really good Adx.'ertisement of a, worthy article to fail when put, in a reaso.;ably proper medium. — Au American newspaper has hit upon a novel plin to keep subscribers paid up. Every time a deliquent sub- scribers is mentioned in the paper his name is inverted,. For example John Jones and his Niife are spending the summer north of Saratoga. Every other reader understands what it means, and there is a grand, . rush .among the negligent to.. Of. right. side up again. 1 - 9 sayin' they winna talc' Hamilton. They may tak' Teronto and Lunnin forbye and even Woodstoek, but they'll no' tale:ZOrr." The old Highlander's 'belief that Zorra's valor 'would route the Fenians even if all therest of Canada surrender- ed was loudly applauded and his faith in the result of a struggle between Zorra and the invading host was fully shared by the stalwarts who were then on a war footing.—Chicago .Canadian American. —The farm stock ete.,• of Mr. Wm. I3oyle, of lot 5, Con. 9, Kinloss, will be sold by John Purvis., (Auctioneer), on. W lnesday, Feb. 24th. • '1=4.111111111014 HAZEL KIRKE. A Beautiful Piny as Produced by n Local Dramatic Company. „ A large audience assembled in the Temperance Hall on Friday evening last to hear the production of the well- known play, Hazel Kirke, by a local' dramatic company, under the manage- ment of Mr, 'Harry Hart. The ren- dering was exceedingly creditable, and somewhat of a surprise to local critics. Certainly, it was the 'best production ever made by purely local talent, and the various perfolkeersr as well. as the conductor, Mr. Hart, should feel satis- fied and elated at the very successful outcome of their few weeks of labor. Where all 'did so well, it would, per- haps, be invidious to criticise unduly; but we might say that, the young ladies in the cast, did rernarkabli well. .Miss Ida Graham, e as Hazel Kirke, the heroine of the play, .made a charming character, ,and did very well indeed.; Miss Lizzie Lawson, ..as • " dear, delightful Dolly Dutton," was a greatfavorite with the. audience, andput a good deal of Vim into her acting. MiSs Eaton Whitely as the stately Lady Carringford, made ,an ex- cellent character ; while Miss ,Annie Boyd, as the motherly Mary Kirke, did exeeedingly well. Miss Etta Graham,' as Clara, had very liftle to say, but said that little well. .Turn- • ing now- to the. male Members of the. Company, it can be safely said that, as. .Dunstan Kirke, .Mr, Harry Hart gave • the most -finished presentation. And ,while we say that, 'We do not detract .frOni•the. merits of the others, .as. Mr. Hart hashad. considerable experience. .,before the footlights. His actingwas very favorably commented upon: As the forgiving, generous, Aaron .Rod- ney„ Mr. George. E. Kerr did admir- ably iell, and was followed with 'much interest. Mr. William' Willis, as Ar- thur- Carringkord, a scion of. the 'no- bility masquerading incognito, fulfilled hi part .with much acceptance; while the versatile, .- loquacious Pittacus Green, or 'rather, " P. Green, Esq," an ardent admirer of Dolly Dutton (" will you. permit one ?"), by Mi. Dan Hays, was a spicy presentation, full of ." nice," amusing situations .that created much merriment. ThP'Strictly comic characters, Barney .0'Flyn, full . of rare Irish sayings, by Mr. D. N. Lawren,O6, and Mat Miggins, a dull. witted, clownish fellow; by Mr. W. R. Hornell, were •• great rivals with the audience, and each evoked plaudits of laughter. Mr. C. Smith, as Joe, and Mr. ,Bert McCorvie, as Dan, were minor characters, but filled their parts well. .The various performers, without - distinction, are to be heartily congra- tulated on the .ability shown,' and we hope Mr.. Hart -a'nd his company will again favor us at .some future time. The production was under the auspices of , the Independent Order of Foresters; of the village, but the Winghain or- chestra. Were unable to be present.. .411. Wiarton News,—"On Monddy even- ing Mr. 'John Lembke, who Jives at Hope Bay, in the toWeship of Ea,s.tner, made a Mistake which resulted in the death of one of his ehildren, a boy of one year and nine months of age,w110 had been troubled with teething. A few days ago he went to Mr. PateNon's drug store and got some teething powders, which were done up in blue papers, and these have been adminis, tered, to -the child. When he went home from work. on. Alonday ni Itt the child was crying, and Mr. Lembke went to the cupboard 1.11(-1 took \bat he supposed ),Va!-; one of the powders, mixed it with sugar, and administered it ti the child.' In a few minotes it was seized with con vulsions, and before a 'doctor could be secured, tin- And died in dreadful agony. Examination showed that Mr. Leinliko had bought 25c. worth of strychnine some time ago., for the purpose of killing rats. He used part of' it and put the. ro'st by. The strychnine %VHS aIo pet no in blue paper, and as he had forgotten all about it it get mixedwith the teething powder, caused the drelad fel catastrophe. After thoroughly enquiring into the matter, Coroner Fisher dicided that it waspurely accidental, and_not necessary to hold an impost. • • • 9•,.• 4 ,•r • •