HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-02-19, Page 494 4 4 • 1. - 43:nt • trr-i MO, The 1,ucknovv eentinel, Bruce County) Wind . To the „Editor of The Sentinel /1111"* VItIVITVA TO Altaut PEAR-Inr,-Sorae yeara ago a Con- servative neighbor remarked to me tlaat there were ten loyal men in his party to one in mine; "aye, and better men at that." But n few months afterwards, during the heat of a general election, I was horrified to `• ,271,8 ,SLEQTIONS. hear the same neighbor declare that "If John A. was defeated there would T1114' Pulay lot was not a very bright be a rebellion right straight." In for the Liberal party, East Bruce amazement I asked what kind of a Zrorth Victoria laaving gone back monstrosity this Tory loyalty is any - e conowvative ranks. In East ruce,..34,. Typo* was only defeated n'majority of 10, and a reput of the votes before the Judge has been de- , 41andecip but the probability is that Mr argill will hold the mat for the . inssaetwon of Parliament at legat. n North Victoria Mr. Barron won e seat last March: from the Conser- 'yes by nearly 200 majority' but i • • • • • s• time the vote was completely re - 'versed andite was defeated by about .:the same, majority. In :Halifax, East E1ex and South Victoria the ve*r4Ment ‘caildidates were again , ect0', and: IA Peel Mr. Featherstone, iheral, retained his seat by a lamely esasecl majority. Friday, February 19th TORY LOYA,X4TY. 1114g.orT#PPIV.30T,C,k19,, •Q.SO '.BIZ scovg .044T4 :':04,410.$24 'P.IPSatizEi" , 94, 94 , .4ticknovri rebraohvy 1.0 1892. Saturday the elections in Digby nd thigs4 'lova Scotia; resulted in ke. return oftwo Reformer's, Mr. eri*Wit majority of 308, in the people to build a railway through U. OtOneri and,., Mr. Borden; with 49 to S. territory. And what then is their The next contest will be loyalty I Simply loyalty ,to office, ought on Saturday when elections ,:tri2.10-1,t in East Hastings and •'South Ontario: The nomination in West Thirtni took place on Tuesday oat, at Goderieh, and the election ill on: Tuesday, 23rd inst.' The adOn and Quebec West battles -will lOile;lit on Friday), .the 26th. In hi, election 4a,st March, East Hastings Was -dada, by tlaelate Mr. Burdett Liberal) by:a• Majority of 54 • South' Ontario by Mr. Davidson (Liberal) by mijOrity::; ,,West Huron by Mr. M. O. Ca.uaermilLiberal) by a traiority of. .• 397; London by Mr. C._ S. Hyman :Liberal) by a majority a 183; and: Liebe° West •by' Mr, Thomas Mc- • reevy (Conservative) by n, majority' Of' 53. • way. That it does not mean loyalty to British constitutional government, my friend's words un- deniably proved, and proved too that the hostility shown forty years ago by the Conservatives to that form of govern- ment, by their burning down the par- liament buildings in Montreal, pelting the Governor General with rotteneggs and hoisting the black flag in his face, still survives in their hearts to -day. Nor yet fidelity to British connection; for when advocating the National Policy, previous to 1878, in -reply to the allegations of the Liberals that it would endanger it, the leader imprud- ently replied, "Then so much the worse for the connection.", Nor is the idea of loyalty to Canadian autonomy and nationalism admissible, for Sir John McDonald was outspoken in his hostility to -that view, preferring annexation, and consistently with that hostility he surrendered the sover- eignty of the river St. Lawrence to the Yankees and taxed the Caliadian thOugh the country should go the dogs. Now, Sir, when we reflect seriously on the. painful fact of the Conservative party being permeated with this low conception loyalty, can we be astonished at the scandalous developments lately made at Ottawa Can we , wonder that eVery department of public service is honeycombed with rascality and .'jobbery? That Canada's statute books should contain enactments cun- ningly devised to thwart the free expression of the people at the polls, and that her, fair capital should becorne a boodler's. paradise. A Conservative expresses the 'fear that the life work of Sir John Mc- Donald is threatened with destruction. I hope, Sir, that God will speed the destruction. The life work of Sir John Mc Donald was to debauch the people. that he maintain himself in power. After him, he said, •would come the deluge. It was at hand ere he passed away. The first note of the oncoming must have sounded mOurn- ful in the ears of the dying politician; 5 ^ ' Atte, recent, meeting of the London Board of Aldermen a petition signed by 1,247 citizens• was presented, asking the Council to imis a by -kw 'reducing the number of liquor license to 34 for and when the full tide struck the doomed party they must have remem- taverns and six for shops. At present bered with bitterness the prophetic .,, there are 40 tavern and ten shop license words uttered by Mr. Blake, that in re-electing Sir John McDonald to the leadership of " their party after their defeat through the Pacific Scandal "They were rushing to destruction." Now, Mr. Editor, as your paper has h large circulation in the West Riding of Huron county where an ex- tremely important election cOntest is now going on,. I shall present a few arguments to your readers which niay assist them to see more clearly how to discharge their duty on polling day. • G ODS We are offering this week a line of 4. eavy 'Twilled Dress Goods orth 20c for 14 1-2c per yard, net cash. It. is the BEST AND. CHEAPEST s GOODS For winter dresses, in the market. 5 WM. CONNELL. E LEADING HARDWARE STORE Is the best place in town to purchase your • Cross Cut Saws,,Buck Saws, Axes aind Axe Handles A full stock of the best makes in the market. Also a big supply of 94 mneteeir having been cut off a year ago. • A large delegation of ladled and gent- lemen who supported the petition was in attendance, the bishop of Huron, Rev. Stephen Bond, Rev. George Boyd Rev, W. J. Clark and Dr Arnott being among the number. It was argued •that the reduction wound still leave the porportion one to every 750 persons, much above that of Toronto, which was large enough. A motion to •grant the prayer of the petition was carried, year 11, nays 4, there being ,four absentees. The new by-law was read twice, the third reading being postponed till next meeting. When filially passed the law is to take effect May 1st. , STOVES, TI 5 ARE AND SUAVE All at the Lowest possible Prices, ARE • CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOOK BEFORE PURCHASIN3. Leading LAWR TM. 4ta " Hardware, Tinware and Stove Depot. 1.• Awmos.to amoranarzormmaribM • In the first place, whatever degree of liberty the people of any nation possess, be it religious, political, com- mercial or municipal; they oweto the Liberal and Reform principles, If Conservatiie principles are better for the advancement of nations, then the 1 condition of the people of Russia and Turkey should be better than that of Great Britain,' which is not the case. The Austrian empire long resisted reform but the battle of La.dowa in 1866 rudely dispelled the dream. No volunteers came forward to stay the tottering throne for the people had nothing to fight for. The Emperor .and his ministers saw their mistake, patched up a peace with the Prussian, and began a series of political 'reforms; which have made Austria the most progressifre nation in continental Europe. In the second place Conservative governments frequently turn Reform, in order to obtain or retain power. When they get cornered up they put their Tory principles under 'their feet, adopt those of their liberal opponents, and hiiVing accomplished their object go back to their Tory principles again. Sir Robert Peel and Lord Beaconsfield did so in England, and 'Sir John „Mc- Donald often turned somersaults to the delight, of his followers and the disgust of his opponents: Were a Liberal to desert the principles a his party to hold or gaill power, he would soon ' continued on page 5 SUNDAY last was St. Valentine's Day. So old is the custotn of observing the 14th of February as St. Valentine's day, by dainty tokens, that no one !mows when or how the observance began or what connection the old saint bad with it. Tradition says he, was a zealous Christian worker and. by this . offended the pagan rulers, who had him put to death early in the Christian era at -Rome. Mans- pleasant and quant custom4 used tobe celebrated in connection with ,the day, which was observed as a general holiday. In some parts of England the first unmarried person of the opposite sex met on the morning of that day was to be the other's valentine for that year. It ia easy to imagine with what caution .doors were , opened and how sl'yly •windows were approached on that , morning. Then eame sentimental 1,•erses written on lace -edged and .esibossed paptiSr. They were usually sent' unsigned and gave rise to , many merry conjectures as to who the sender • might be. HU Leads ,theni all for Family Groo CliCE AND CANNED GOODS Fruits of All Kinds in Season. FINE TEAS . A SPUOIALTY. The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Best Value obtainable in Lucknow. JOHN ELLIOT. MURCHISON'S SEPOY • COPPER PENS. 0 Manufactured to order for D. Mur- . chiion, Stationer, Etc., Liicknow, Ont. Fine Points, NOU.Corrosive. Flexibility of the Quill The Durability of the Steel The'Greatest Pens on Earth. TRY A SAMPLE DOZEN. De .ff4reitit'Sone "Ck• EE CRAY.,ON'PORTRAIT.SIFRAME.C: To all our Subscribers for 1892 in. order to increase the circulation of our journal We, the put:Milers Of " North American Homes," throughout the United States and Canada, will spend this year over one hundred thousand dollars among our new subscribers in the form of an artistic Crayon Portrait and a handsome triune (as per cut • below), to be made free of charge for every new • subscriber to "North American Homes." Our family journal is a monthly publication consisting of 16 pages, filled with best literature of the day. .4 by some of the best authors, and is werthy of the great expense we are doing for it. Eight years ago the Arew York World had only about 15,000 doll ycir cnlation ;. to -day it has over800,000. This was obtained by judicious advertisement and a lavish expenditure of roore. What the proprietor of the N. Y. World has accomplished wefeel confi- dent of doing ourselves. We have a large capital to draw upon, and the handsome premium we are airing you will certainly give us the largest circulation of any paper in the world. The money we are spendi at; now among our subscribers will soon tome back to us in increased cir-, Culation and ad nts. The Crayon Portrait we will have made for -you will be executed by'the largest association of artists in this city. Their work is among the finest made, and we guarantee you an arti-itic Portrait and a perfect lik,eness to the original. There is nothing more useful as well as ornamental than a handsome framed Crayon Portrait of yourself or any member of your family ; therefore this is a chance in a lifetime to'get one already framed and ready to hang in pals parlor absolutely free of charge. READ VIE YOLLOWING GRAND .30 DAYS' °PPM. Seod us $1.50r price fcr one Year tubscription to "North American Homes," and send us also a photograph, tintype or daguerrotype of yourself or any member of your family, living or 4ea1, and wo Wii1 mtko you from same an 'artistic hall llfo size Crayon Portrait, and put the Portrait in a good sli bstantial gilt or bronze frame of 2 inch moulding absolutely free of clot rgo r will also -furnish • you a !rer. eine I-nhglass,hxing and packin saile Yr -o or expense. Cut I1 rr.4 : se -d it With your photo. grph et one.o, also your subscription, ,:.an • remit by Draft,. P. 0. Express 'Money Order, i=t,...tal Note, made payable to ' NORTH. AMERICAN HOPOES PUBLISHING CO References—Any newspaper publishers, Rev. T. Dewitt Talmadge, , ail mercantile agencies and banks In New York City. YWorld Building In orkt 9, 4j4.4.,1 'path '• VfJ'N,''l 1.1,..-0,1r^Ille.. :41i;),,,,),... llica,,,m.I.,--.:,,,,,4., ,;Tr.5,-..T...;',..,... '1"r.,,.. r, fi ;,..1,1N,Ln;4,7;-: :1:,,.7-----: 9494lliilo'.:::::::,11.1...'..:I4:-------,Z" -$:;-:4,-.: i:',':',:%,:.:„%.1,.;.1,;,..?• MAPLE GROVE NURSERIES, •WATERLOO, N. Y IN THANKING OUR NUMEROUS customers in Lucknow, Whitechurch, and vicinity, for tbe liberal patronage given us in the past, we trust to Bee a continuance of the same, guaranteeing satisfaction t3 al! by supplying our most choice grades of NURSERY STOOK. Our Mr, H, Spencer will, have pleasOre in calling upon you during the season. Reserve your orders for him. AdENTS WANTED IN OTHER GOOD LOCALITIES:- • For terms apply to^ J; W. IVIACKAY, Gen, Manager St, Thomas ;;94-1 . • , ••-• 4.1•Nasennommorinemall — — — Public Notice 1‘.S TIRS IS TI -IE SE4ON of the year that elvery person expects to have thoir accounts squared, all parties owing A. S. CAMPBELL Merchant Tailor, are request- ed to CALL AND SET LE the same either by cash air note at once. My books must be balanced thfi month, No further notice. A. S. CAMPBELL. A