HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-02-05, Page 5• yaraLLTER1101i1 1.0113/S. 'The County Councillors f have corne for their January and gone. They are a lot of .6Es . f , 'the -people of the c town are glad they decided to co Walkerton for their June sessio stead of meeting elsewhere. If we den't vote right on Thu the llth, it 'on.% be for want of ing both sides fully discussed. -ier, although prevented by i from filling his engagement, in r here yet. McMullen, of Wellin John McMillan; of South Huron; erville, of Brant, and Our own .•• O'Connor, have been hard at wor Mr. Truax, and this week they ar haforeed by 13owinan, of Waterlo Sir Richard Cartwright. Dr, Sp of East Grey, is helping Mr, Ca and Dr. Montague, of Haldiman to be in the riding during the wiio the ‘veek, beginning Thursday nomination day, while it is expe that Mr. Curran, Sir John Thom and other Conservative lights favor us with their presence. sides are working hard and 'for next week Will be an excited pecipl Woodis scarce and dearer here Al/hk, winter than it has been for some ti When it is stated that Alders° • Co., and Truax Bros., between t ,have about. 200 hands working up k' timber for which they pay high prices, one reason will be appar- ent. Many of our citizens are now using coal for heating purposes. „ It costs $6.50 per ton, while stove wood ranges from $1.50 to $2 per cord: or '92 session Hackett, S Wits= Part I —13- t -rate Gardner, 0 Brown, G Hunter, A ounty Habick. me to No. 6 xmoss. n, in- Fifth—W. Milne, P. McDonald, J.. McDonald, G. McDonald. Fourth— rsday, A.. McDonald, H. MeKenzie, 11. Mc- hear- Donald, P. McKinnon, J. D. McKinnon. Laur- Third -1W McIntyre, D. McKinnon, II/less A. Milne, M. McDonakl, T. Lockhard, ay be D. McIntyre, B. McDmald, M.Gra- gton ; ham, A. Alkins. Sen. 2nd–A. Graham, Som.. A. McKinnon, D. McLeod, M, Me- lt p, Doniald. J. Graham. Jr. 2nd -1(M. k for Donald W. Grahrin, M. Iutyre R. Me- e re- Donald; Part' M. -A. McDougal, W o and McKinnon, W. Grahain, A. McDougal, roule Part 1. A McKinnon, M. McDougal, rgill, A.McIntyre. d, is The following A the report of Lanes le of Public School for January, based on 5th, a written examination in all subjects: cted Total 100. Sr. 4th—.O O'Laughlin 75, pson M McLean 74, J Farrish 67, D Little will 59. Jr. 4th --T Lane 74, E Johns - Both ton 74, B Farrish 63, R Lane 61. the Sr. 3rd—J Ford 81, J Lane 77, R e Courtney 76, L Baldwin 73. Jr ard this —E Johnstone 94, A Taylor 94, A I me, Nelson 76, B Baldwin 76. Sr. 2nd-- n & W Ford 83, E Johnstone 68, J hem 7$5e,nn Jet 6H8, RjeNmeislseeonne 5964., JrAv9erdage all F Scott 86, 0 Famish 78, L Wallace attendance 38. " • . . , ' • 1.,41EM". 747 ---------_______. The Lu now Sentinel, Bruce Uounty, February 5th , Webster, 11 Reid, 0 Wlbster, Ji , 1 Webster, A Brennan. Part II—.B Webster, 11 airdner, J Hunter, S • ASIIFIELD NOTES. 'We hope this recent cold snap w floor the la glippe which /has laid relentless grasp upon so many in t1 community. We are very sorry to learn oft illness of • our respected postmast Mr. M. Shackletan, but we hope will soon • be able, to attend to h duties again. Mr. Godfrey.' Hall, who has met vi a very .severe , accident while cutti ,wood, is confined to the -house, but ' hope • to soon see his gently' coin tenance among Us ence-inore. - Prospects for weddings are al3u dant, judging fron, the number o young fellows who are, "sleighing th dears. among the buffaloes". Ye tu keys prepare —like well mannere turkeys, . walk to the block and la your necks thereon. Luckpowites ge ready. , Miss. Cassie Finlay,gvvho has been s seriously ill, is . we are happy to say improving, under the 'skilful treatnien of our well known physician Dr. Elliot, Miss Lottie Johnston, who has been teaching in Heicsell has now returned to brighten the parental home. It is our painful dutiy to chronicle . the sudden death' of FloiaMcDonagli at Mount Forest, Jan. 24th; aged SI yrs, 6, months and Ildays. The deceased. was first cousin of Mr, Jim. McDona.c,sh 12th Con. The corpse, was brought to Mr. McDonagli's and interred in the Zion Cemetery; last Thursday after- noon. The friends have the pithy of the community. This sudden des.ili shows the necessity of being pre- pared for our final; change of putting the mortal for the immortality. 111 its is he er, he is th ng ve r- scuo,oi, ljtEPORTS. • ' • .No. 5 'uncles „ . Fourth—E. Valens, A. McGil)vroy, ' E. 'McIntosh, Lena Fraser. Third--.-: A. Valens, A.. Garruthers, B. -Bain, - Lizzie Cox.• Second—D. McKinnon', A. Valens, Belle McLeod, John Fraser 2nd part—R., McIntosh, N. Pierce; T. McKinnon, W. Sutherland. No. 4. KINLOSS The following consists of the three pupils in' each class that plitained th(' highest number of Marks in thero class during the month( January. 4th l-rarper 332, M. McIntosh 296, R.Corrigan .285. • 3rcl,sen.---B. Corri- cran 292, M. Foran 285, W. Foran 240;, Jr.—I). Strath 245, A. McInagh J. Strath 212. 2nd—II. Lochart, 200, K. Walker 83, J. .Johnston 64. Part II -0. Beamish 300, W 180, D. Johnston 162. 'Part 1 Sen„ E. Ackert 210, -S. Walker 200, R. Baker 175. No. 5 ASIIFIRLD Sen., 4th -.-0. Gardner, J. Wilson, A. Gardner, w. Gardner, R. webster,. B. Ritchie, M. Anderson. Jun. 4th—H. Anderson, R. Took, S. Reid, J. Reid, A, Brown. Sen. 3rd. E. Gardner, R. Gardner, AI:Gardner E. McGill, R. wilson, R. wehster L. Minter, J. Stroud, E. Reid, N. webster. jun.3rd E. Gardner, 3r. Bfowir. R. Hunter. L. liabick. J. wilson. • J.. Hunter. J. Helm, C. Took, S. Webster. 1 Jun. 2nd—J Habick, F Anderson, E 4.. A .v r, rr..y •^V^ 4 , 4-o,Lrlk AY 1;‘, •,, ,., ..,, ' g' \ •,,.k:2• • • .4., • :•,J..i.:.,: . , • '.(I...1 s ' • ' -f'• 4 ' ,,,--'4 : k L.. -..4 • 4 .)' t...',I, 'lit 1,...:P ,,k4 ' • . 4 4 r.rt: . . ..1-.1i 0 ill:Ili‘11 1/.01 /Olt wiliell pe,,, ie , doNvii i•i• v..c.,1,..,•oed .4t.,:,:, 1•:-., 4It.' le1,111 ii()(;ti-3 S ,r3:/1,0.:*in:1, Ciqi(..-:'.,si Vi•)y 1..1.' ', -• ihoci,..iw ri.rit :Lis oiedii i...t.• - r., ti,..:, t.i.l. %N., • i.d,,.,.'.',.....,. i ',.' '., ,,it• p,,t ..c't hi..e. it ' ...,•;',. '.. .. :. imp, itiii.,:iiii, ii.•!•,1','• : . I f!•,,i'.1',..-:•''..-L., niusi 1,0`,;(i.,v a .r......"('' i,,i, ,.I L. ..L.1 '!-• ,. ,...;,.. • , • than bel'ort,, 12111, la tl.a: ,2I•.t.,1.1',..L., '. •• I1t)()L1'..; e,a;•.;:ip..,16..!,,, ,•nc‘rr,..o.es'''W .'ht " creates an ai•;.(.1:1-4, shor; gives ..,-i•eat 1:1,••,.. 7 and i.14reql.,•e "1 deriviAl V(sry 11.1.!,!:1 Sarsapari•lia, 2.4 • 11 built me rildit up, :.;n1. g.,ve .;' - lent a',,petite.- , 'Last. ,ff• 1:1:s 2 ; crable olI tho : atteml to my 1,1;sii4e./ ;;,..i,o2'.:1; 22/ Sarsap,iriiin, 2:201 f e•rr, is nothing iikks it.'' Enterprise, , r "Hood's Sars.arvarl:!,t 1•::s;.40.1.4', :no 1,1' health. Indeed,. I s::y saved my 1ifc To on9 • : out I wouldearnestly 2.e...o2orne.•.1..., i • • Ylood'sSarsa 00 'Brooks Street; East 1:•ti. N. D. -If you.docide• 1:(400ki.'s S01.q:,.- p2)rilla do not be 0 >1 c>.;ii :hay Lnything e:so instead. Insist upon lioving 4cats, f73 ;,J %se - Sold by all (n:(gi)2.s 12st.7;,Ir by C. 1.11014) 100 tri • _ $90-g . SALATIY and Commissi. n 1.10 to Agents, Men and Women, Teaebers and Clergymen, to introduce a' 166`W DO1)111611* stand/1rd book. TeSti111941y ' of • 19 Centuries • to ,Jesus of Nazareth. The most remarkable religious book of the • age, 1•19.tten by 300, eminent seholars. Non- sectarfan. Ever,y Christian wants it. Exclu- sive territory. Al'PLY TO TheH•enry Bill Publishing Co., • • ' Conn. NINIS AKING WDER tHS2219APEERTEND J AUCTIONEER' FOR HURON CO., REAL ESTATE, ANCE AND GENERAL AGENCY, SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. ,A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS • For sale on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KINGSBRIDGE P.04 NOW - Is the time to get Cheap Millinery at MRS. SMITH'S A discount of 20 PER CENT.' ON ALL -- Millinery Goods, And a discount of 10 PER CENT, For Cash on all Other Goods for the Next a a Dy& An Unequalled Assortment .11 -lauding all the newest STYLES AND CVELTIES Of "the season in womens and childremi boots for FALL >k W1NTER Wear, also in all the NG LINES In mens, wornens & childrens RUBBERS & OVERSHOES PtART'S, LUCKNOW. MAPLE GROVE / NURSERIES, WATERLOO, N. Y. IN THANKING OUR NUMEROUS customers in Lucknow, Whitechurch„ and vicinity, forthe liberal patronage given us in -the past, we trust to see a continuance of the same, guaranteeitio• satisfaction t) 'alby supplying our most choice grades of NURSERY • STOCK.. Our Mr.H, Spencer will have pleasure in calling :upon you' during the Season. Reserve your, orderd for,him. • 6 AGENTS WANTED: IN OTHER' GOOD. LOCALITIES. • For terms apply to , J. Vtri: RAIAOICAY, . Gen, Manager St. Thomas _ Public Notice 11A S THIS IS THE SEASON of the year that every person expects to have their! owing accounts' squared, all parties TO Ir FARMERS ,LUCKA101/1/ MARKETS:. Fall Wheat, per bushel.... .00 to .84 Peas • ... .00 " .56 Oats " . • .. .00 " .28 Potatoes 64 .25 Butter, per lb • • • • Eggs,. per dozen .•.15 Turkeys, per lb .00 to .08 Geese, .. .00 to ,06 Ducks, :07 Chickens, per pair. .25 Dressed Hoc"6per cwt.... 5.00 to 5.75 Hides per 1b 3 Tallow " ............ .04 Lard " ,07 Hay per ton ............. . $12 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT TIEING 6, CON, 14, E. D. OF Ashfield, in tha County of Huron, one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farin is situated 2i miles from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed;good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL, Box 179, Lucknow P. 0, FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES. 96 ACRES CLEAR. Being the south halves of lot 53 and 54 in the Township of Kinloss, one mile east of Lucknow. Good grain and stock farm, well fenced and in a good state to cultivate. A never failing creek runs threug,h four. fields, Two good wells and pumps; good hearing orchard. Al! seeded down. but 20 acres. Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 x 24, and a log house 18 x 26. There are fiye acies of fall wheat. Apply to ANGUS KERR On the premises, and if by letter box 115, Lucknow, BOAR FOR SERVICE. rrinE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN-. .1 form the farmers of this section that he will keep for service at 1ot,22, con. 2, Kinloss, a thoroughbred Berkshire boar. Terms, $1,00 payable at time of service. WM. DAWSON, 4-937 Langside P,2 0, Tooth, Teeit ..• . . • If you want a first-class set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, call on Patterafon Dr. Tennapes office, ..LUCKNOW, ONT. Solent* American Agency for " - CAVEATS. TRADE l'AARICSI DESICN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, etc. ror information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO, 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Fivcry patent taken out by us is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the • 7'' • o t:V cientltu Lr...7,•zost circulation of any scientific paper in the rld. splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly,83.0(1a Fear; S1.50 silt Months. Address NIUNN & COD, rtIBUSIIERS, 361 Broadway.,New York. BOAR FOR SERVICE THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN - form the farmers of this section that , he will keep for service this season at Lot 4, con. 10. (E. D.) Ash6e1d; his superior bred Berk 'shire Boar, "Baron Nimrod." Terms7-$1.00 at timo of service, 81.50 if not so paid. BARON Nntnon. born August 1 5th, 1880, bred by .L.G, Snell 4.Rs Bro., Edmonton, Ont. Sire, 13itron-bon-Bismark [426] bred by W. 0.• H. McNish, Lyn, Ont, Imported .•Dam Moulsford .52nd [937]; got by Swineford (63) 2047; 2nd dam :Luouisfi,Ta • 36th (.735) 20,310, got by Watchman (98:1) ; 3rd ilam Moulsford 7th got hv Samson ; 4th dam Moids- fordkth by Stoke Lad ; Sth dat» Moulsford 9th got by Norman ; dam Aloulsford 2nd got by Nigger , 7th dam Monlsford lst. The above pedigree is correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief.--j.G. SNELL & BRO, JAMES LANE, Lanes 1).-0„ Ont AS. CAMPBELL , Merchant Tailor, are request ed to CALL, AND SET !'LE the same either by cash or note at once. My books must be balanced this month, No further notice. A. S. CAMPBELL. 'wok, I have rented the store .occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to . CASH FOR BUTTER .AND EGGS. The highest price Will be paid for butter according to quality. R. C.°SPARLINC. JOB PRINTING 0-0 Job Printing of every description executed With taste and promptitude Send in your printing be it a Poster OR A Ticket. . (; All orders handled in a workman- , like manner and at reasonable rates.' No job too small or too large for our capacity. 11411cLEOD'S System nenovator. And other tested remedies SPECITIC AND ANTIDOTt • --- –FOR— Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia., Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss -of Memory, Bronchitis, 'Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, DKidney and Urinary Dis- eases, St. Vitus' ance, Female Irregularities and Geheral Debility, 81 per half pint and $2.per pint bottle. LABORATORY. • - _G - ODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Propriator and Manufacturer Sold by Berry & Days and A. 13. Congra Druggists, Lucknow. ONT fi THIS! II" Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Date§,. Nuta, Etc., Etc, -- See our Magnificent Stock orthe above FINEST GOOD& LO EST PRICES. All Fine,COnfectionery in fancy boxes —4 lb., 1 lb., and -5 lb. boxes. • DON'T .1;21L DECEIVED. by Fancy Shows. 'We have the finest goods ever shown in town for . Christmas &New Yearn' And Our prices are cheaPer than ever. Alt goods .Guaraideea' Pure. No cheap goods bought to ruo ofr at Cbristmas. -We carry only fine, _goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES ,A SPECIALTY. We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Mills for Christmas and New Year trade. Now. is the time to send in your orders and get them ,6.1led at once. THOS. REID. TENDERS WANTED. MENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY, 1 the nndersigned up' to Wednesday, 10th February next, 1892, for the building of a stone School House, for school section No. 13, Belfast, 30x90 feet. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Plans and sped& - cations can be seen on application at Lot 8, coil. 11, Aslifieid, or to adddress WM. IRWIN, BelfastZ....Q......: , ."4 r