HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-02-05, Page 1Now is the Season • For your Machinery Oil. your Harvest Tools, your Potatoe Killer in the (bap() of Paris Green, all of which you can get cheap at the hardware establishment of • Lt no VOL XIX. -6. oner' :OA a",. Vic:0MT -7.77,40,7,74r4. a /0 ue b 4.4> ed for some time . A. • pehdit(...i.eteen' pro-- nounced soun in wind and limb. We a go as far as I am concerned. My oung dad breath smells of beer. When he heard I was a boy he went out back of the house and jumped on his hat fog joy. If I don't make him jump for some other cause before I get over this redness of complexion then you may play marbles on my bald head? Second week—Ntirse is here yet and I'm c,n my good behavior. She looks to me like a woman who wouldn't take much sass off a youngster, and I don't want a row until my muscle works up a little more. Several parties in to eee me, and I had to listen to theunusual coagratulations. Some talk of bringing me up on a bottle, but I'll have something to pay about that later on. I'm laying low and taking things easy. , Dad is still- walking atound with a krin on his fade, and there was a smell of gin cocktail in the room last night. When he remarked that 1 was just the quietestand moist geod-natured, baby in all Ne„w York I came near giving -myself dead away. There's a surprise in store for that hayseed, and it'll hit him like a load of brick. Third week—Everything so-so. Nurse We believe no merchant will a ow Untie to be biased in the placing of an order by a treat #rom the traveller who visits him; but we feel the practiee in the past has — .t4,0•'ee-747 been adopted in the hope of so \ LUCKNOW Ir., the customer, and some travel- , /IN J. I, Ire practiced it have been gradu- IkATO hhe use of intoxicants to ouch • ) BANK oF HAMILTON GEO, NAIR & CO. al LUCKNOW. Capital, $1,208,85o. Rest, $600.000". President -JOHN STUART.' Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY, DIRECTORS : JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO.. ROACH A. WCOD, A. B. LEN (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SAVIIVOS BANK.-1-1,mrs 10 to 3; Satur- day's. 10 to 1. Depoiits of 81 and upwards received and interest allows& ea, SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- . 1+ rent rates of interest. DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United Statea bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DENTAL J. S. JEROME, L. D. S. Wiaghean, st ill be in Lucknow on the seeond and fourth Fri - ay •and'Saturday of each month. Good sets tor 510. Filiing and (attracting a specialty LEGAL QIMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, 0 in H.-0. G. Kinlough P. 0., Ontario. 11110 A. MALCOMSON , BARRISTER, 1 • Solicitor, Conveyaneer, etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Travei's pld stand. MORRISON/, ATTORNEY AT .1_11.• law, Solicitor in Cancery. Convey• ancer, etc. Office. over the barber shop. • el ARROW & PRO.UDFOQT, -BARETS- Ur twat, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GAaitow, Q.C, • 'VVist. PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL s• J A. MCDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. 0 0. Office, Kintail. DR, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESI- deuce, Outram street, secoud door north of Little's shee store, DIL • TENNANT, PHYSI N, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hoteL Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m.. and from 2 to 5 p. m. 1Th McD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. L. M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon. and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, apposite W. U. Little's. 1ThR. D. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS X..7—either by mail or telegram promptl attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rigan's hall, Boarding .house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. GENERAL MOIsTEt TO LOAN -ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to per centainterest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROamer MURRAY, St. Helens. elANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. kJ Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other lines. Full particulars to i ntendine travellers. J MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, Luckhow. ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE • • security for any time, at the low -est rate of interest. The priacipal may be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the princi- pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on .the amount paid. For farther particulars, etc., appl,y to ANGUS STEWART, Lucknow. WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company, board 'of directors meets for the transectien of business en the first Tuesday each meth. Parties wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly popular Company, will•by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by cap of the Directors. Business calls promptly attended to- Office, Dungannon. J. M. ROBERTS Secretary, Wm. LANE, Treasurer. licemmesemomermmelencom_ SOCIETIES WC. T. U.—The reghlar monthly a meeting of the Wrmen's Christian Temperance Union will be held every second nesday of each month in the Odd Fellows 1-1„ , Lucknow, at 3.p. m. MRS. W. H. SM TH, President; Mas: HORNELL, Secretary. LUCKNOW T_odge, No, 112 meets every Friday evening at 8. o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. Wm. Moon, N. Grand; JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. el 0. F• ,COURT kJ. Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every tarst and third Monday in every month, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited. W. a JOHN Score, C. R. PD. D. YULE SEC. A 0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF _LA.,. the' Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and Second Monday evenings of each montja..a eight o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. PATT1IRSON, Master Workmai; R. D. 0.nmEaoN, Recorder. • BANKERS, - Or Lucknow Banking Cemp'y.. LUCKNOW, 27TH MAY, 1891. TO FARMERS, DO YOU REQUIRE A CHEAP FARM. Give us a call. Although we have sold seven farina this Spring, we have still several on band, and which we will sell cheap, and on easy terms to suit purchasers. DO YOU REQT_TIRE MONEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are good. or can give security and at reason, enable interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE Mortgage on your farm or put en a new loan. if so vre will do it promptly and on theanost favourable terms. or if you wish to send away the interest on your Mortgage we will do sr, for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING business of all kinds. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on all points, whether in Canada, United States or England, ((fished at usual Bank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but •no one deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on EA -Insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies, ' Office hours 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. GEO. A. SIDD ALL, Manager EDUCATIONAL. • • • I UCKNOW MECHANICS': tute. Reading vitae open every evening frora 6.to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 te 6 p. m. The librarian will be in attendance .during.these hours. D. D.' YuLE. President. J. G MURDQOH, Secretary. • • MUSICAL TUITION. A NY ONE REQUIRING FIR,ST-C LASS _L-A. lessons in music can have the same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. For terms apply to the Rev. Mr. Connor, the rectory. Prof, Moss will be in Lucknow on Mondays. MUSIC LESSONS WILL BETAUGHT by Miss Kaake. late of Blyth. Pupils attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence over E. Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. CHURCH DIRECTORY. -9NGLI$1-1 CHURCH — SERVICES 11 V a. in. and „WO p. in. Sunday School, 2:30 p. Superintendent, Win. S. Holmes. Adult _claw eveave -Wednesday_evaning_st e re'PA c fiarayetebook lesson's. A' areweleaine CoNNOR, Pastor. IIIMME.1111111.113131, G. T. R. TIME' TABLE. Trains leave Lucknow for south at 6:03 a.m, 10:30 a, m. and 6.25 p. rn, North at 12:25 p. m„ 4:05 p. m. and 10:37 11( m. Fire and Marine insurance, North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and London. Western, of Toronto, Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. Gore District, .of Galt. Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phcenix, o London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y., of North America, Montreal. • R. OUNNINGHAM5 AGENT - GUELPH. Telegraph or Telephone at my -expense, INSITRANC11. Farmers, look to your own interest and insure your bath buildings and private dwellings in the. LONDON MUTUAL. No large Oremiuni Notes required CASH SYSTEM: • 50 cents to 90 cents per 5100 for three years. JOHN LANE AGENT, - KINLOUGH, Also agent ror the Phoenix, of London, England, NOTICE, THE SUI3SCRIBER HAS OPENED AN office in the latilding east of the SENTINEL Printing Office. AGREEMENTS,. BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans ,speciacations and (atimates for build lugs, mills, bridges, ete,', furnished on short notice. JAS.,SOMERVILLE. Lucknow.Jan 1891( 0 injure themselves, while in LUCK IVQ121/ " 'Via resulted in the loss of theit 'The followirit ,rii, suffering to their families. •-,-+4 keen competition a travel - the pupils ill School fo, AIL ,.72-0 PossessioPn of him, and if he is ' _km., ' de hie sales not equal to 1/22, a s irit of despondency is tr.....ae to the influence of alcohol, has nam q lien some with his customers during . the day, he. is likely to indulge further at night when he meets his tellow travellers, ° after Si his customers have gone home. We ask 'Asa retail merchants to. give this isztjutegr tut. ArmIreftt consideration, r pa af young men have come from parents, sisters and brothers 'Intermediate 5 th ir,51X"4.; Mallough, ifcCharles, Coiling, J. Smith. Good—C. McLea . Primary 5th class—ExCellent—: Smith, W Reid, M • Graham, Douglas. Good—T Reid, M Mc- Nabb, A Boyd. Entrance class —Excellent— W Yule S Yule. Good—K Treleaven, K • McNabb. Fair—F McIntosh, A Miller, J. Tennant, A Grundy, A Hornell. SECOND DEPARTMENT. perhaps all -in "F4 n.. E. Senior 4th class — Excellent—E .Greer, G Armstrong, S Armstrong, E Odium, .S Greer. Good ---.A. Baird, J Lees, A Finlayson, G Berry, J Mc- Donald, M McKinnon. Fair—W Treleaven, L Murdoch, Boyd, B McIntosh, A Lawson,': F Cain, A Burgess, ,W Corrigan,- S Barbar: Junior 4th class—Excellent — A Matheson, H Barbar, C Ress, R. Armstrong. Good—H Gallagher, E Robertson., R Holmes, 13 *-111arnly„ J Moore,. 11, Wilson, D McAulay. Fah --A L Paterson, .E1 McLaren,. A Findlater, W Brennan, J. Douglas, B Bryan, Mohring. THIRD DEPARTMENT. • From, junior to senior 3rd— H Sandy, H Armstrong, H Hunter, McKinnon, 'G Douglas, C Nair, F Matthie E. Davison, Stewart, H White, 11/1 Thompson, H Findlater, B McCoy, H Thompson, J Baird, 11 Grundy, . G Middleton. Poor or absent—J Lyons, g .Brenpan, E Vance, E McKay, D Ross, C Mc-: Lean. . From • senior 2nd t� junior 3rd -L- C ShOebottom, A Geddes', J Mc- Donald, J McCoy, E• Stringer, D Henderson, L Smith, I, McIntosh. Fair.11 McGrory, C Corrigan,. McAulay, C McQUai,g, J Stewart, K Robison, Stewart,. G Grundy, E Wheeler. •Poor—M Davison, E Torrance,. R McLean. From junior to senior .2nd class—. D Anderson, W Holmes, A Shoe - bottom: Good—W Lees, W Grundy, W Barbar, A McCorvie, R Davison, A .Middleton, M Grundy, F Ross. Fair—J Watson; A Ross R. Graham, L 'Ross, M Hunter, •W? McClure, P INAIRTII DEPARTMENT: Senior :2,nd—Excellent—J Lawson,. 'Young. .'d-ood—A McNabb, C Mc- Laren, B Paterson, M Murdoch, I Armstrong, W, Alija, H Watson, W. Findlater, 0- Mckenzie, M Reid. Fair—T Robertson, W Webster, Webster, L Stewart.. • - Junior 2nd— Excellent — W Mc- Intosh, A Yule. Good—H Wilson, G Paterson, ,Graham, E Reid, J Henderson, 0 'Holmes. Pair — C Vance, 0-, Brennan, E McIntosh, •G Sandy, M W '111CClure C Grundy, Thompson, W McdOy. Bad—F Campbell. • Part -II—Excellent-13 -Wright, R Grundy. Good --O 11unter, 11, Young J Baird, M Davison, A Watson, M Moore, G Mair, W McIntosh, Fair Matlieson, I Reid. Bad—J Barber. FIFTH E TM ENT. Senior class—Excellent-0 Taylor, M Graham, R S Stewart, 11 Robertson: Good Orundy, J Stewart, Letson, Pair — Williams, A Tennant., C Shoebottom. 'Junior Excellent—E Mac - Laren, I Douglas, E Murchison, W Mutton. Good—G McKay F AlcLure, J McLean. Pair Mc- Coy. —The new style of surprise party is an improvement on he 'old. The people to be surpri3ed are apPrised of the date a week or so ahead, The stir- prisers always bring abundance of. good things along with ;them., and. the surprised (1) people live .'fatt for a week .or so on the: surplus victuals. 4 f e. lis better ut the aiNtp.she - 6 winging was the cock. tail made of r e, And this, he says, t e dose is that ye clubmats drink whendry I altss.isast........0 1---, a a ••• .livirez • _ ..1...04V nitro, ,,,, ....‘ --() 040 Sulphuric acid; cardamom and wormwood aa ra - lighter •, Oil bitter almonds, orris root andblack an powdered fine Some iron sulpha -6), lignorile and logwcoil soaked In brine. Then, as a topper-ofZ he prays alrdusb it marble dust, aas Of hartshorn and japonic root, and prussic-aciA rust; Then powdered glass and lemon ju1ce4anit salad oil and salt; „Auld a cherry red and huscians just to 'call'sthis thing a halt I Then a bit of round -ton gossip, and a cue . upon the fates, g And yoti raise the glass, and wink your eye,ana part the pearly gates; , Then you drain the fetstive vintage of Ken" tucky's llelde of slumber, And the "cabby" hunts your hat -crown for your name and street and number ),.• The Drummer. The drummer hes an EZ way When he SA's to sell; He spreads before you an RA Of samples that XL. ,.. "es Saturday night. She btags about what g st -lot lie had received en -route. The94:,(71,6 of , talks withltIrkpr -1 dangerou.. ,Nt, nivr ff: ra. • I t i :- . tiVvie g",ittle darliug 1... arin, absut ssshuee's, itsalokning for M "row, the mend. Smith egt last vveekit,F, Nnorted ges. I'm quite sure, atie misj§ite=d, ple keep comitw i.e.'', as • . lay e Our sidewalks are very .slippery present. it would seem as thou, some of our citizens had an insuffl ciency of ballast by the way they pro trate themselves, to.the satisfaction o a number of smiling witnesses. .A number of prominAnt Consery tives from Lucknow passed throng here on Wednesday to attend th political convention 4 Smith's Hill. The lecture which wis announCe to take place in the Methodist churc here, on Tuesday evening last, ha been Postponed till Tuesday evening the 161h inst. The Rev. Mr. Walwin who is t deliverm , the lecture,. was unable to ee the first arinouncement on account o la, grippe. Quarterly *meeting service will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. r. Robt Kirk and youngest child have . been Under the doctor's care for the past few days. Mr. Kirk we are glad to state is getting liven, but the child is not much better. The annual Sabbath Scnool conven- tion of the DungannoiVi and Nile circuit will be held at Nile on Friday, February 12th, in the Methodist church. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all who are interested in Sabbath Sphool work to be present. Mr. Sam Wilks left here a few weeks ago to visit his sister near Lon- don. Arriving in the city he put up for the night at a certain hotel. On. retiring to his own room he loketLhis door and turned off the gas, as he supposed. In the morning the hotel - keeper noticed his guest did not put in an appearance. So they rapped a few times at the door of his room, but • received no answer. / Finally they burst the lock of the door and to their horror found the young man at the point of death with poisoning from escaped gas. It was some time before he was able to speak and seVeral days before he felt in his usual way. • The Liberal convention for the west riding of Huron will be held in the large hall here on Friday, the .5th inst., commencing at 11 o'clock a. m. A large gathering is expected. r: Samuel Sherwood is haying a at hard time with Mr: La Grippe, bat, h we hope to be soon able to report - Grippe vanquished, and see Mr. ' s- Sherwood around again. • Mr. Peter Corrie is re'ported on the • sick list. a - It is our sad duty to reort the demise of • another of the' sturdy e pioneers of years ago in the death of • Mr. John Kelly.. Deceased was . d Irish by birth, and was amongst the h first settlers in Ashfield. township. s By dint of hard and earnest labor he. , made for himself and family a horn& amidst the forests, but to -day the.•old o homestead presents the appearance of t a wellcleared farm, and remains . f behind as a remembrance of many • hard years oil and as a home for the bereaved fanaily . who have the sytre' pathy of the whole neighborhood. His . remains were interred in Kingsbridge cemetery on Wednesday. ., • Mr. and Mrs.. Broderick, Of Detroit, attended the funeral of • her father, Mr.. J. Kelly:. • Mr. Fred W. Johnston, of this , place, is attending school in Lucknow. Mr. W. Johnston, who • arrived home a, few weeks ago with his bride, has been called away to attendthe funeral .of Mrs. •Johnston's brother.. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston • have the ,sympathy of the neighborhood in their affliction, • Mr. Joe Scott has made a valuable additionto their stock farin by the purchase of a' fine bull frOni Mr. Campbell of Huron. LANGSIDE 1116T1gS. Mr. A. H. Grigg, of Kinlough, is the guest of James 'Orowston. Wm. Crowston, of Wingham, Sundayed at Kelvin Grove Farm. The Misses Lane and Treleaven, of Lanes, are spending a fewdays with their sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven. It is. rumored there is going to be a Sunday School concert given - by the scholars of the Methodist church: There ‘vill be a grand tea meeting in the Presbyterian church on the 8th February. Tea served from 7 to 8 p. m. Admission 15 and 25 eents. - HOPE The special religious services at Hope have been pretty well attended andseasons (..,f profit to many. Be- tween,fifty and sixty have come to the front as expressive of a desire to lead a new life. The Committee of management of the Hope Sabbath School have resolved this year to appeal to the head rather than the stomach and instead .of the usual tea to have a 'lecture. The pastor, Rev. J. Kenner has consented to give an hour's talk,nn "God's Image". A full attendance is desired. A sil- ver collection will be taken to provide funds for the school. Lecture Feb, 23rd at 7;30 p.m. Many of • those' who •suffered most from la .grippe are . able to be round again, among others Mr. Pagan, Mr. Jamieson and Mr. Mat. Parries. A debate will be held. in Kintail on . Tuesday,'.9th inst., between Kintail and Lanes associations Patrons of .. Industry. The subject is "Resolved that the beauties of nature are more pleasing to man than the beauties of art." We were much pleased toreceive •a , visit from Mr. George Campbell this .week, atter being confined tothe house about five weeks with la grippe. He• says he came to see the boys. We are also pleaFed .to .state that Mr. Thomas Lannan, sr., is recovering" nicely from his illness of the past few weeks. Mrs. McKay, whose death was re- ported last week, was a sister of Mr. Alex. McLean, of „this place. Mr Wm. Pagan has so far -recover- ed (tato be able to drive around again, which we are very glad to ape. , Mrs. Hill, of Detroit, is at present on a visit to the residence of her fath- er, Mr. T. Lannan. The annual meeting. of We' East Ashfield congregation was held on Thursday evening: last Rev. R. S. G. Anderson delivered a very fine • /thanks -giving address, after which the business of the congrenation was gone on with. The affairs of the church are in a Very satisfaCtory shape, only a small deficit being noticeable, but we hope all monies subscribed will be promptly paid, and' if this is done we will have a small surplus on hand to begin the ensuing year. The sad intelligence has just reach- ed us of the death A. Osirun, brother Of Mrs. W. T. Johnston. W. E.. Glennie, of Hamilton, and 11. J. Colla,more, of London, were do- ing business here this week, Mr. Alex. Stobie, of Seaforth, was the .guest of R. E. Lane for a few days this week. Mr. 'Alex. McLean, ,ji< has return- ed from the Northwest, much improv- ed after his recent illness.: