HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-01-29, Page 57� EST MrAW'ANOSH COU The above council met oa :Present, Alex. Stewart, reeve Bowers, deputy -reeve ; Thos. • •Jam,es Gibson and Robert , councillors. These took the necessary declarations., The minutes of last 'I:aeeting, were read and approved. The treasurer's report for 2eecawher,_. showing receipts of $4939,43 and ex- penditure of $3881.13 was read and tiled. Moved b CIL. MARRIED. . - STEWARRT — Conon — At the Presbyterian 1 Jan 18, Manse, Lucknow, on Jan., 8th, by Rev. i J ghee' J auk da Aghter of Mr. Jamsr pouh, t to all Todd, of Oulross, Medd a The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce fount - _ y, January lath :rs, at salaries for o -for the current year be as folio 'Clerk 8120, treasurer $80, a $60, auditors $6 each, selector of clerk -$4, reeve and assessor $3 road commissioners $2 per •Carried. Moved by Mr. Todd, secon Mr. Stuart, that R. K. Milled r appointed clerk. .. Moved by Medd, in amendment, that Hickingbottom be appointed The notion was carried. Moved by Mr. Gibson, second Mr.. Medd, that J. G. Ward appointed treasurer.—Carried. Moved.by Mr. Bowers, second Mr. •'-Medd that W. A, Wilso re -appointed assessor.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Bowers, second Mr. Todd, that John Webste auditor.,, -- Carried. The reev pointed J. B„„ Weathorhead as other auditor. On motion of lYlessrs, Gibson .Todd the members of the co were - appointed road comtuissio Moved by Mr. Todd, seconded by Bowers, that a by-law Confirming 'above above appointment be prep and signed. --Carried. Messrs,. Bowers, Gibson and M were appointed Members of the Bo of Health with Dr. Case as vied advisor. The clerk's bond was presented accepted. The treasurer's 'bond referred to Messrs. Stuart and Bow to report at next session. Moved Messrs. Bowers and Gibson that check be issued in favor of the cl for$37.25, amount of election expens Carried. The clerk was instructed to ask tenders for printing for the curre year. The clerk reported having register 47 births, 16 deaths and 11 niarriag •d.uring.1891. Moved by Mr. Bowers, seconded Mr. 'Todd, that the collector be giv Until February lst for returning ro =-=Cal'ried. .➢Moved by Mr. Gibso• n, seconded b Medd, that a.cheek for the anion' of collector's salary he issued and hel by the treasurer until °the return the roll._Carried. The following cheques were issued Andrew Stewart, work on ��. B $48.50 ; James Thompson, work o $8,00 ; John Forehen, brus ling on con. 8, $5,00 ; Jos. Beck, Onelf had culvert S. B., $3:30 ; John Gillis '47 yards gravel at 7c, $3.29 ; Hart 'Co.allnt l,ux and ex -press; $3: J.-zs. Bryan, printing to date, $21.25' . ,R. K. Miller, registration • fees, $7.40 Moved . by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Gibson, that this council now adjourn to meet on Saturday, Feb. 13. —Carried: R. K. MILLER, Clerk. fficials ws : --- ssessor jurors each; day. -- ed by be re - Mr. John clerk. ed, by be re- ed by n be. ed by i• be e ap- the and until rrers. Mr. the ared edd ard. ical and was ers by a erk es. for nt ed es by en 11 nt of n 11- sem DEATH OF AN OLD SETTLER. One after another the pioneers of &shlield are passing'away. • Mrs. John 0IcKay, one of the' first settlers on the Lake Shore, was stricken down by the hand of death on Monday, 11th inst. A loving husband and affectionate fam- ily now mourn the loss their dearest friend on earth. The death of Mrs. McKay has cast a gloow upon, the .. whole, settlement. Neighbors and ac- duainJa'nces as well as relatives feel keenly the loss which they have have sustained.. :She leaves many behind her who, will long gratefully remember her many ;acts of kindness. ITer hos- pitality, sympathy and pleasant smile. had endeared liar to all ,the had o:au in contact with. Mrs. - May was horn in loss -shire, Scotland, and when a young :vont,an imtiligrated to Canada. She settled with her husband, John 'itlcKay, in the Lake Shore Range en' Ashfield was a wilderness. ke all pioneers she had to face the ,,,, difficulties and privations of a back- woods 'ilk -.-Her industry and man- agement tentrihuted much to the comfortable circumstances she lived to enjoy, and she lived to see a comfort- able home hewn out of the Ashfield forest. She was a regular attendant of the Pfesbyteriao , church, Ashfield. She was buried on the 14th inst. in the Kintail cemetery, her funeral being one of the largest ever see in this part. John McKay and family have the heat- felt sympathy of all in their sad 1 bereavement.--CoM. Ea • s P P c s s a 8 is fr ev 85 tru up ril cu The importance a ■ keeping the blood is II a pure condition is . irniv-ersally known, and yet there are very few people who' have perfectly pure blood. The taint of scrofula, salt rheum or for generations, causing untold suffering, and we also accumulate poison and germs of dis- ease from the air we breathe, the food we eat, or the water we drink. There is nothing more conclusively proven than the positive power of Hood's Sar- saparilla eases of the rmedicine, tried, does - trace of salt rheum, the taint which causes catarrh, neutralizes the acidity and .cures rlieunratisin, drives out the germs of malaria, blond poisoning, etc. it also vital zee and enriches the blood, thus overcoming that tired feeling, and building up the whole ystem. In its preparation, its medicinal merit, and the wonderful eures it accom- lishes hood's Sarsa- arilla is Peceeliire o Itself. 'no ti - ands testify to its uccess, and the best dvertising Hood's arsaparilla receives the hearty endorsement of its array of-. lends. Every testimonial we publish, and ery statement we make on behalf of Hood's rsaparilla may bo relied upon as strictly ' e in every respect. If you need a good blood purifier or building medicine, be sure to takedHood's Sarsapa,. la. Further information and statements of res sent free to all who address us as below. Is the time to beat Cheap Millinery at MRS. SMITH -,S• over all dis- blood. This when fairly expel every , scrofula or removes 1 o. ' s SarsO� 5. � `'' 'k' torilla Sold by all druggists. $1 six for $5. Prepared only by 0. I. HOOD Sc CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar TENDERS WANTEQ, MENDERS WILL' BE RECEIVED BY' 1 the undersigned up to Wednesday, 10th February next, 1892 for the building of a stone School House, for school section No. 13, Belfast, 30x40 feet. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Plans and specifi- cations can be seen on application at Lot 8, con. 11, Ashfield, or to adddress 4 938 -• WM. IRWIN,-Belfast P.`O, • TENDERS WANTED. �.�•, `"` SEALED TENDERS WjL E a°�hral ceived by the undersigned for t BE of a frame church, veneered with brick, up to Feb. 8th, 1892. Plans and specifications to be seen at his residence, lot 8, con, 9, E. D. of Ashfield. The 1 )vest or any tendernot necessarily accepted. W. STOTHERS, Belfast P. 0. $IWATS for ca3 llys_ 500 pepstEia Rut cannoat be cured. Nature's Method. Home treatment, Full particulars and sample treatment free, Send 10 cents for ma.?linTHE ST, LAWRENCE Co. r:3tmr. Nova Scotia. Mention this paper. 'I•IECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. AUCTIONEER FOR H R N O1 ti REAL ESTATE, INSUR- NCE AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES „ATTENDED IN ALL I ARTA5 el, the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASS FARMS For sale on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KINGSBRIDGI; P.0 ...wa of lila laws, showing How to 1 LUCKIVOIIir MAR -NETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel.... .00 to .85. .4Peas Oats Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs; per dozen Turkeys, per lb Geese, Ducks, « T A discount of 20 PER GENT. ON ALL Millinery Goods And a discount of 10 PER CENT, • For Cash on ?ill Other .Goods for the Next 60 Day An Unequalled ssortin eni Including all the newest STYLES AND N VELTIES Of .the season in wornens and childrets boots for & WINTER Wear, also in all the LEADING. Inniens, womens & nhjildrens RUBBERS & OVERSHOES yJ. P.EART98; LUCKNO W. MAPLE 0 OVE NURSERIES, WATERLOO, Y. 1 customers Lucknow, Whitechurch, and vicinity, for the liberal patronage 'given us in th6 past, we trust to see 4 continuance of the same, guaranteeing satisfaction t..) al: by supk?iying our most choice grades of . NURSERY STOCK. durl‘fr,H, Spencer will ha,ve pleasure in calling upon you during the season. Reserve your orders for bin,. AgENTS WANTED IN OTHER GOOD For terins apply to J. W. MACKAY, Gen. Ma•nager St: Thomas ublic Notic S THIS IS THE SEA ON of the year that ery person expects to have leir accounts squared, all pa les owing A. 8. CAMPBEL Merchant Tailor, are requ ed to CALL AND SET '..LE the same either. by cash or note at once.. My books must be balanced this month, No further notice. A. S. CAMPBELL. C1 • , ... ,00 " .58 . ...00 " .28 .25 .14 " .15 .00 to .08 • • .00 to ,06 4 Dressed Hog per cwt.... 5.00 to.5;75 Hides per lb Tallow Lard Hay per ton .....:....... 3 .04 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one hundred and seventy acres cleared. The farm is situated 2i nailes from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grass, 12 acres fall wheat, good formes, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed,,good orchard, 2 good wells and no better soil. Apply on the premises or to JOHN BARKWELL, Box 179. Lucknow P. 0; FARM FOR SALE - 100 ACRES. 96 ACRES CLEAR, Being thc south halves of lot 53 and 54 in the Township of Kinloss, one mile east of Lucknow. Good grain and stock farm, well feaced and in a good state to cultivate. A never failing creek runs threuel four fields. Two good wells and pumps ; c,00d bearing orchard. All seeded down but 20''acres: Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 x 24, and ,a log house 18 x 26. There are fiye acres' of fall wheat. A.pply to On the premises, and if by letter box 115, Lucknow, BOAR FOR SERVICE - THE UNDERSIGNED WISITES TO IN - form the farmers 'of this section that he will keep for service at lot 22, con. 2, Kinloss, a thoroughbred .Berkshire boar, Terms, 81,00 payable at time of service. 4-937 WM. DAWSON, Teeth Teeth If you want a first-class set of teeth cheaper than the cheapest, call on Scientific American Ageocy for a CALL ON TyE Star Restaurant - For Your sTmAS CANDY As he has the largest and best ASSORTED STOCK In town, and is prepared to SELL CHEAPER - Than anyone else in town. Remember the Place. mew 119 THE FARMERS I have rented the stdre occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to F011 BUTTER' AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter according to quality. R. de. SPARLINC. System Itenovator, TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS COPYRICNTS, etc. For information andLfree Handbook write to • MUNN 4% CO., MI BROADWAY,. NEW Tom Oldest'bureau for securing patents fn At:aerie-a. Every patent taken out by us ifi brought before the public by a notice giron free of charge in the 1/4vg/Zientifir, akinerirao Tzwi'est circulation orauy scientific paper in the We rid. Srlendidly illustrated. No infemizent Mall should be without it. Weekly, S11.00 a y_car; 81.50 six months. Address MUNN CO., BOAR FOR,SERVICE' . •-fornr-thularthers-Trthis section that he Will keep for service this season at Lot 4, con. 10. (E. D,)Ashtield, his snperjor bred Berk shire Boar, "Baron Nimrod." Terms -81.00 at time of service, 81.50 . not so paid. BARON Ntunop. born August 15t1i, 1889, bred by G, Snell & Bro., Edmonton, Ont.. Sire, T3aron-bon-Bismark.[42p] bred by W. k C. If. MeNish. Lyn, Ont, Importt-d (65.) 20,317; 2nd dam Moulsford 36th (7:35) got by Nigger , 7th dam Moulsferd 1st. The above Ndigree correet, to tin llost my knowledge and SNF:r,i,(C.11llo Real lifierit Is the characteristic of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it is manifested every day in the remark- able cures this medicine accbmplishes. Drug- gists say: When we sell &bottle of .Hood's Sarsaparilla to a new customer we are sure to see him back in a few weeks after more, — proving that the good results from& trial bottle war- rant continuing its use. This poSitive merit Hood's' Sarsaparilla posseases by virtue of the Peculiar combina- tion, Proportion and Process used in its pre- paration, and by which all the remedial value of the Ingredients used is retained. Hood's Sarsaparilla is thus Peculia:r to Itself and absolutely un- equalled as a blood purifier, and onie for building up the weak and giving strength. Sold by alfdruggists. 81; six for 135. Prepared only by C. T. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Masi. 100 Doses One Dollar And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Impure,' Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and T_Trireary Dis- eases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. 81 per half pint and 82 per pint bottle. Propridor and Manufacturer Sold by Perry &—Days-and'ii".— 4 Fine Confectionery, Farley Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates,. See our Ma,gnificent Stock el the above FINEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes DON'T BL DECEIVED byvFancy Shows. •We have the finest goods ever shoWn in town for ,Ohristmas '86 New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper thari,ever. All goods :Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING OAKES A SPECIALTY. We have just received a car of flour from Ethel Mills for Christmas and New Year trade. Now is the time to send in your orders.and get them filled at once.