Lucknow Sentinel, 1892-01-22, Page 5P.A.RANIOUNT. 'The Good Templars and Grangers Are putting a new neaple floor in the hall and otherwise itoprovina the buil ding, Miss Lizzie Murdoch, who has spent the last few weeks in Toronto with ter uncle, Ur. R. Green, is among us Mrs. R. Murdoch and her brother, 'Sam, of Dungannon. mid a fyinfakit Mrs. Dryden and family; of Mani- toba are the guests of Mrs.. John Pickering*. —The Rev. Mr. Coiling, of Luck - now, conducted the meeting in Hope church, on Thursday last and preached a very acceptable and touching sermon on soul rest. 00 4.... 6, • o' • •• • .0 • .! • • Thetucknow Sentinel,Bruce 0ounty, January 22nd., 6.6 . , nt,t, Att.tNY • Or" r,M,11, MR OFFICE BOY. 1 HOW A TArxx. sccervu xaproxv PARE OUT TO CANADA,. Those of °lir 'citizens, who were present at the municipal noniinations in the town hall here, on the evening of the 28th December, will remember the little ,Scoteh lad who sang and 14..-taCht.,Awallitte,e&M,p2,440,„ whom Mr,' J. B. Hunter took up a ,eollection. Thefollowing article, which we take from the ToiontaNeFs, gives an account of his exploits after leaving Lucknow "Say, moister, will ye gie's a lob in The city editor, to whom the ques- tion was addressed, turned in his chair . . . of 143, ;guest of her sister Mrs. J. Taylor. Miss Mat. Murdoch paid a flying 'visit to Dungannon, last week. Some of our citizens are prostrated -with what they call "grippe. Mr. D. Clark, who had the contract of supplying the school with wood, has sub -let the job to Mr: John Davis. Mr. John 'Hunter and his sister Maggie arrived hieree from Duluth after a sojourn of nearly two years. We- are glad to note that Mr. Andrew Hamilton, who cut his foot badly some time ago, is able to be around again. Mr. Thos. Ginn, of Detroit, is pay- in4r, our burg.a visit this week. The annual' meeting,of the- stock- holders of the cheese and butter factory will be held in the Grangers' ball, Paramount, on Thursday, Jan. 21. A sleigh load of our Paramount sports took i,n the assembly in the, .octogan hall, :Lucknow, last Wednes- day evening: They all say they had a good time. We believe some of our Paramount boys, will fake an important 'part ' in the tug of war tournainent on the 5th, of February. We don't expect' them to come out last either. A very fashionable "fandango" came off at the house of Mr. John Martin last Monday evening. '4 ihAiVES. . . Farmers seem busy, and are making good use of the fine sleighing. We are glad to state that Mr. J. Jamieson sr. and also Mr. Wm. Jamieson are improving after a severe attack of la grippe. Mr. John Elliot, of Norwood, is the guest of ,Mr. T. E. Finlay. Owing to a severe attack .of la grippe, the smiling face of 'Mr. .Stephen Howard is not seen at the post • office. His absenCe is very noticeable. The Durniii Bros. Were in this neighborhood last week and sueceeded in purchasing some very good horses .ancl at fair prices. Mr. C. -Rouse received a fine stock of coal from Goderieh last week. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the church here on Sabbath next, Preparatory services on Friday at 2 p. m. The aimual meeting of the congre,,o-ation will be held on the last Thursday of. the present month. A large number of our enterprising farmers attended the annual Meeting of the Hemlock City Milling Co„ and report very favorably of the work done: during i he past year. The hand of,death is still in our midst• carrying away the old and young., Last week a report from here recorded the .dentise of one of the old: and 'sturdy pioneers of the township at theripe old age of 94 years. This^ week -we haveto report the death of Miss' ophia Kickley at the early age of 17.years and 9 months, which •took place on Friday morning last, after a Iingering , illness of some months, whieli she bore with much patience; and. at last passed away, firmly ex -- pressing her, assurance of • a better inheritance and'leavino- behind her a; bright testimony of the blessed love of Jesus her Saviour. 'The remains were • followed to the Dungannon 'cemetery by a large number of sym- , pathizing friends. The Rev. R, S. G.. Anderson conducted the funeral rites of the Presbyterian church, of which Miss Kickley :was a member. The sorrowing and bereaved have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire 'community. 77, BRUCE COUNTY COUNCIL. The next meeting of the Bruce 'County 'Council will he held in the Council Chamber, Walkerton, an Tuesday. Jan, 26th, 1892. GEO. GOULD, Connty Clerk. • • L. • t • ' • • • • as a manity.at his elbow. A little chap of probably a dozen years, •with a fresh, clean face, twinkling brown eyes, a mouth of generous proportions and a liberal growth of bright red hair that was nearly hidden by a tam o' shouter several times too .large for hien. His dress was further remarkable by the enormous pair of top boots which he wore, boots that reached above his knees, and his soles nearly an inch in thickness. " Will ye gie's a job?" he repeated, for the questioned t one had been too much amused by the peculiar appari- tion to give an immediate answer. 44 Why, what can you do ?" asked the city editor with a smile. • "Ah1I 'des, what ,Ah'm tauld ta dea," came the quick answer in the broadest Scottish dialect. Work for the day was over, and the whole ,staff gathered rowed to inspect the "rani avis" which had chanced to fly into. the office/. "What's, your name ?" " Where do you come from ?" were two questions fired at the child in 'quick suocession. "I'vePtwa handles to ma lug. Ma name is Wullie Stewart McLaughlin. Ah'm fra Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scot- land," replied the 'boy. •"How old are you 2" "Eleeven." The answer earnest) promptly, and with such a funny accent that it pro- duced an instantaneous roar of laugh- ter, but the little Scot never smiled. "Oh you must be older 'than that," said somebody. "Hew do you know that that is your age ?" "I ken I was borrun in eichteen eislity," answered Wullie, bridling at the imputation that he didn't know his own age, "and in eichteen-eichty- yin I was yin, in eichteen eichty-tWa I was was twa, and in eichteen ninety- twa I'll be twelve." By dint of repeated questionings the boy told the story of his life, and a most remarkable story it was. He was born, he said, in Paisley, but at an early age his father, who kept a draper's shop, moved to Glas- gow. Two years ago his mother and father died, and he, to use his own ex- pressive language, " came awa" to look after himself. He went with a circus for a while, where he was employed'in 'jumpin' on the cuddles" (Anglice, "horses.") "They tauld 'me that if I kem to Canada I'd grow big in; a month," said he, and then he recited how he hid away in the cargo of the Steamship Rover,..which left Glasgow early last August. The day after the ship left .port .he announced hitpself, and the crew fed him in return for the Scotch songs ,which he sang to them. "Maun !" said Willie, reflectively, • "but yon was a rough! Voyage. Twa men were washedo'erboard, aa'it took us eleeven day ta get ta Montreal." The Rover, continued the boy, brought out a cargo of horses and took ba3k cattle. She Was lost on her return trip and every soul on her was drowned. "Hew do you knaw that she WAS lost 2" asked one of the ltsteners. "Sure, didna' Iaread It in the Wiar- ton Echo," replied the traveller. • "Wiarton ! Why, how " did you get to Wiarten 2" chorused the now thoroughly interested audience. This opened up a new line of ad- venture in which the little fellow had been the hero. He soon wearied of Montreal, because there were too many Frenchmen there, s he got on a train going, he linew not where butt he fin- ally reached Hamilton. He made his way by singing Scotch songs to the oondeetors. This scheme worked all right until he struck a Dutch conduct- or who put hien off the train because he couldn't sing Dutch sohgs. But he managed to make his way pretty much all over Weatern Ontario for he named Kincardine, Clinton, WiArtoro, Winghatn, Lucknow, Strat- ford, Brantford, Hamilton Harrisburg LUCKNOilf MARKETS. VALI, ON TI -11" and Guelph as places at Atoll he had Fall Wheat, per el— .00 to .85 been,. . Vinar atritck.frorouto and so -me newsboys bad "set hien up" in ,papers, but he found that he could make mere money by singing songs. Agreeable to a many -voiced request Master Mc- Lachlan tuned his pipes and sang "Conlin' Thro' the Rye, "There's Nae Luck Ahoot liseem..."„„,„fteal,4,14. rnirliIiiriqa;e7 in really excellent eityle..He said that his "father had tocht him" to sing. "DO you like this country, Willie r he was asked. "Ay," said he with a wise little shake of his head. "They wunna listen to ma songs in the auld eountry, but they'll listen ta me here, an' gie me the siller PI He suggestively chinked his trousers pocket as hie face expanded into a huge senile, his mouth extending across his face, while his eyes contracted to two narrow slits. But, corning back to the original proposition, ,Willie was looking for a job and he got one. Since last Thurs- day the has been regularly on the staif. of the News, running messages. and at times holding copy, for he reads quickly and is as smart as a cricket. He has made friends in the composing rooni and has learned to set up his own name, so that for the first time he has seen his name in "preent." On Monday he was found silently weeping, nor would he tell the cause for a long time. Finally it transpired that he had had to pay back , some money to a boy that he had borrowed from and he had "none left to pay for his banns, (English board) for the rest b' the week." • • An appeal forfunds met with a prompt responfe, and the boy went to the Newsboys' Home, where.he lives satisfied. The lad is a great lover of history, and he talks about Randolph and his thirty picked men. Bruce at Bannock- burn, and William Wallace, as glibety as the ordinary boy of his age talks baseball. Altogether be is a great boy, and he's going to be a great man - some day unless every indication is incorrect. MARRIED. nucess-IVIcDoNALD-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. F. A. McLennan, of South Kinloss, Benjamin Hughes to Jane, only , daughter of Adam McDonald, Esq., all of Kinloss. DIED. , , 'GRAHAM— In Kinloss, on Sunday, Jan. 17th, Alexander Graham, aged 74 years. SHEPARD—In Lucknow, on Sunday, .Tan. 17, Mary Shepard, aged 84 years. • . 'The importance of keeping the blood In . a pure condition is. .., universally known, and yet there are very few people who . have perfectly put/e blood. The taint of scrofula, salt rheum, or other foul humor is heredited and transmitted forgenerations., causing untold suffering,.and ' we also accumulate pOison and .gorms of dis- ease from the.nir we bieathe, tla.‘ f,:od we eat, or the water we drink. There k nothing more conclusively proven than the po.;tIve power of . • • s a ;nu. lila, • eases of the • gl 'c WA ruedicine, 1 E tried, does i trace of • • salt rheum, the taint Hood's Sar - over all dis- blooll: This when fairly expel every scrofula or removes . which causes catarrh, neutralizuslhe acidity and curet rheumatism, 4-ir1-a.-cs out the, gernis of malaria, blood poisoning. etc. It also vital- izes and enriches the blood. thus ovelcoming that tired feeling, and building up the Whole .system. In itS preparation, ill Inetlit''.11:11. • Merit', and the wooderfttl eure3 it ae,..oiti- plislies Hood's Sarsa-• • 1 sailds testify to its success, and the best , parills, is Pecolinr • to Naideff. Thou - Advertising Hood's Sarsaparilla receives , Is the hearty endorsement of Its army of friends. Every testimonial we publish, and ,every statement w0 Innke on behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla may be relied. upon as strictly true in every respect.. • • If you need a good blood yett•illr or building up medicine; be sure to take Hood's Sarsaps- rilla. Further information and statements of cures seta free to allwito address its as below. Hood Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 131; iqx for 35. Prepared only by C, 1. HOOD & CO., Aphecarles, Lokvell, Mass. .- 100 Doses tine Dollar TENDERS WANTED, rriENDERS WITA BE RECEIVED -13Y tbe undersigned up to Wednesday, 10th February net, 1892 for the building of n stone School House, for school section No. 13, Belfast, 30x40 feet. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Plans and specifi- cations can be seen on application at Lot 8, con. 11, Ashfieid. or to adddress 4 gm WM. IRWIN, Belfast P. 0, • - --- - - gfi'---A-..°Q.-. 611 70 . - S t a r - R e s t a u r a n t Butter, per lb • • • • . .. .14 " .14 Eggs, per dozen . Turkeys, per lb .00 to :1.5 08 Geese," .00 to ,05 Ducks, i 6 46676;1661.46,6s6totavis66SA Mal rer, frer-Fte:44'4 .5 Dressed Hog per cwt.... 5.00 to 5.235 THaildioesw.,7rib 3 As he has the largest and best Lard 'w7.1V " .',' .04 .07 Hay per ton $12 For Your . • WTiW CANDY 200 ACRE FARM BEING LOT 6, CON, 14, E. D. OF Ashfield, in the County of Huron, one hundred and seventy acres cleared, The farm is situated * miles from Lucknow. 30 acres in bush, 80 acres in grasa, 12 acres fall wheat, good fences, good dwelling, bank barn, stable and shed, good orchard, 2 good,wells ,and.no better soil. Apply on the premises or to • JOHN BARKWELL, Box 179, Lucknow P. 0. FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES. 96 ACRES CLEAR. Being the south halves of lot 53 and 54 in the Township of Kinloss, one mile east of Lucknow, Good grain and stock farm, well fenced and in a good state to cultivate. A n'ever failing creek runs through four fields. Two good wells and pumps; good bearing orchard. All seeded down but 20 acres. Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 x 24, and a log house 18 x 26. There are fiye acres; of fall wheat. Apply to ANGUS KERR On the premises, and if by letter box 115, Lucknow, -BOAR FOR SERVICE. MHE UNDERSIGNED•WISHES TO IN - form the farmers of this section that he will keep for service at lot 22, con. 2, Kinloss, a thoroughbled Berkshire boar,„ Terms, $1,00 payable at time of service. WM. DA WSON, 4-937 Langside P. 0,' Teeth, Teeth If you want a first-class set of teeth' cheaper than the cheapest, call on Pattersont Dr. Tennant's Qice,, ' LUCKNOW, ONT Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS COPYRICHTS, etc., For information and free Handbook write to ' MUNN & CO., 361 BROADWAY, NEW Yonrc. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America: Every patent taken out by us is brought before the publie by a notice given free of charge in the rt . enti• -4114. tt r IneViCan Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, S3.00 a __year; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN & CO., rIIDIPISHERS. 361 Broadway, New York. BOAR FOR SERVICE. MHEUNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN- A_ form the farmers of this section that he will keep for service this season at Lot 4, con. 10. (g. D.) Ashfield, his superior •bred- Berk • shire Boar, "Baron Nimrod." Terins—$1.00 at time of service, 81.50 if not so paid. BARON NISillOri. born August 150, • 1889, bred by J. G, Snell & Bro., Edmonton, Ont. Sire, Baron-bon-Bisinark [426] bred by W. H, & C. H. McNish. Lyn. Ont. Imported Dam Moulsford 52nd [937] ; got by Swineforkl (0.)) 20,317; 2nd dam Monlsford 36th (735) 20,316, Er ot by Watchman (485) ; 3rd dam 'Mnulsford 7th got by Samson ; 4th dam Monis- ford 5th ,ot by ,Stoke Lad ; 5th dam Moulsford 4th got by Norman; 6th dam r. lkiciiilsfor,1 2nd got by Nigger , 7th dain Moulsford let. The above pedigree is correct, to the best of r my knowledge and belief.—J. G. ElN Falb& Bito; • JAMES 'LANE, Lanes P. 0., Ont John Grail AUCTIONEER FOR HURON CO. REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANGIE' AND GENERAL AGENCY. SALES ATTENDED IN Al LPAM, of the County and giitisfaction guaranteed. A number of FIRST-CLASs FARMS Porsale on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN, KINGSBRIDGE P.O. ASSORTED STOCK SELL CHEAPER Than anyone else in town. Remember the Place. zi Ifinesid,6 TO ME FARMERS I have rented the stole occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to C.A.81-1 FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be pai51 for butter according to • R. C. SPARLINC. McLEOD'S System neztovator,, And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE — -FOR— Impure, Weak 6,nd Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and DUrinary Dis- eases, St. Vitus' ance, Female Irregularities , and General Debility, $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle. 10113011ATOHY. - GODERIOH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer Sold by Berry & Drays and A. B. Congra Druggists, Lucknow. ON'T READ THIS! Fine Confectionery, Fancy Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc. ' See our Magnificent Stock of the above FINEST GOODS3 LOWEST PRICES. All Fine Confectionery in fancy boxes Ib., 1 lb.', and 5 lb. boxes..'. PONT BL 'DECEIVED by Fancy Shows. We have the finest goods ever, shown in town for Christmas & New Year Trade And our prices are cheaper than ever. All goods • Guaranteed Pure. . No cheap goods bought to run off at Christmas. We carry only fine goods all the year round. WEDDING CAKES • *w00% • .04 • •• t• • 6., A SPECIALTY. We have just receivecka car`tf flour from Ethel Mills for aristmas New Year trade. Now is the time to send in your orders and gekthem filled at once. THOS. REID. . 44.*