HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1892-01-22, Page 1S••:' • , `St ' ••• IwouseiaWietAlt' your rotatoe•Killeilu the ehape of Paris Green, all of which you can get cheap at the hardware establishment of D. 0- TAYLOR LUUKAOW, RETURNED AT LAST. Rea Life Which Heads Lake a Itoinipme. as an interesting party that • sat timi„..er on.New blDay tb,e ed hAi home of Mr. and m ,pgTENEaa UENRY.. .1AV-1110 Az.streettrBoaten„. ,Thearty..con-, Miis7 Mary Hall, the mother; on " Jim " Hall, the husband was young Charles, on her left pretty mias of 14, while opposite was a reunion dinner, for been absent fOr 10 years, time strange occurrences l'he day was also the an- - wedding, and when the r-a:izf•f..witio.rt-Tetho.kovouttroOf . inarriage fifteen years LITOKNOW, ONTARIO rveor Prrow stro. fthe ....om overfiowmg eye- ,. ••• ..1,,I.AzDN:Jamiter.wlet•mosELINtikftriotar,..n.to ftIA 42, _ tam ei .,61014.11 AontwAslit- "• VOL XIX. -4. Amilmommon if this ils BANK OF HAMILTON LUCKNOW. Capital, $1,2o6,86o. Rest, $6o0;000. President -JOHN STUART. Vice President—A. G-. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS: JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. WCOD, A. B. LEE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SA.VIEGS BANK.—Houre 10 to 3; Satur- day's. 10 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed, SPECIAL. DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. DRAFTS on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold. J. 0, BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DE1441TAL J. S.—JEROME, L. D. S. Wingham, will be in Lucknow on the seeond and fourth Fri - "%ft 1110 ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for $10. Filling and evtracting a specialty LEGAL ' SIMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, in H. C. G. Kinlough IP. 0., Ontario. 13 A. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, 1 • Solicitor, Conveyancer. etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Office at Traver's old stand. MORRICON , ATTORNEY AT 11.• law, Solicitor in Cancery, Convey- ancer, Commisioner, etc. Office. over the barber shop. ' • ri ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARE'S-. • ters, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARROW, QC, WM. PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL T A. McDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. ey 0 0. Office, Kintail. "FIR, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESI- deuce, Outram street, second door north of Little's shoe store, IDR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Aecoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. 1-1 McD. GORDON, M.D., C.M., F.T. 15. M.S. M. C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door.to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. U. Little's. . TAR. D. GrEDDES, V. S., CALLS LJ either by mail or telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office. Cor- rigin's hall. Boarding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. 111.1.,11allair al151i1111•111101RIMINNIINNINIIIMI....111111 GENERAL MfONEY TO:LOAN I ON FIRST-CLASS mortgages at 7 to 71 per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges. moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens. CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. CO. Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other ines. Full particulars to intending travellers. oms. 11fluncillsox, Ticket Agent, Lucknow, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for any time, at the lowest. rate of interest. The principal may be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the'princi- pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on he amount paid. For further particulars, etc,, apply to ANGUS STEWART, LUCkROW. WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transaction of business on the ,first Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly popular Company, will by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or hy ene of tne. Directors. BuSiness calls "promptly attended to. /Office, Dungannon. J. M. ROBERTS, Secretary, Wm. LANE, Treasurer. SOCIETIES WC. T. U.— The regular monthly • meeting of the Wrrnen's Christian 4 , Temperance Uniob will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows l-Ia1l, Liicknow, at 3 p. m. Mits. W. H. .SMITH, President ; Mns. HORNELL, Secretary. ,o •'Air •1•i•••=.d.,,, T TICKNOW , ,,,y ,) JLI Lodge, No. 112 ,• meets every Friday •-\,.• idi 'zi- ,...........• • ' .,,,_ , ' ,..... evening at 8 o'clock • in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. Wm, Hoop, N. Grand; JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. C1 0. F.,00TJRT s Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every hret and third Monday. in, e v Month, in the 'Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethten a r ip cordially invited. W. k'W-Fin JOHN S CUM.,' C. R. D. D. (ULE SE° . A 0. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OP II.. the Ancient Order 'United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall, on the last and second Monday evenings of each dnonth eight o'clook-larethren: cordially, invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workuaas. R. D. CANanott, Reco,rder. GEO, MAIR & CO. 13ANKERS, Or Lueknow Banking Comp'y. LUCKNOW, 27TH MAY, 1891. TO FARMERS, DO YOU REQUIRE A CHEAP FARM. Give us a call. Although we have sold seven farms this Spring, we have still several on hand, and which we will sell cheap, and on easy terms to snit purchasers. DO YOU REQUIRE MONEY. WE can supply all demands if the party or parties are good, or can give security and atreason opable interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE Mortgage on your farm or put on a new loan. if so we will do it promptly and on floe most favourable terms. or if you wish to send away the interest on your Mortgage we will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING business of all Kinds. Drafts issued, and Bank Cheques on all points, whether in Canada, United States or England, cashed at usual Bank terms. Interest allowed ,on deposit at the rate of five. per cent. payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH de4patch on all insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies. Office hours 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. GEO. A. SIDD ALL, „Manager • EDUCATIONAL. UCKNOW ME,CHANICS' INSTI- I .1 tute. Reading room open every evening from 6 to 10 p. m., excepting Saturdays; when the hours will be from 2 to • 6 p. m. The librarian will be in attendance during these hours. D. D. YULE. President. J. G MURDOCH, Secretary. iMarattanorasmar MUSICAL TUITION, ANY ONE REQUIRINGFIP.ST-CLASS lessons in music can have the same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music. For terms apply to tbe Rev, gr. Connor, the rectory. Prof, Moss will:be in Lucknow on Mondays. "lt/FUSIC LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT IN1 by Miss Kaake, late of Blytte Pupils attended at their own homes or at her resi- dence over E. Kaake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. CHURCH DIRECTORY. .0 ENGLISH CHURCH' — SERVICES 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. no. Sunday School, 2:30 p. m,, Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening a • o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. A . arevvelcome. REV. W. J. CONNOR, Pastor. ..fismatmuilincimmazotalr, G. T. B.' TILVIE TABLE. Trains leave Lucknow for south at 6:03 a m, 10:30 a, m. and 6:25 p. m, Northat 12:25 re m„ 4:05 p. ro. and 10:37 • Fire and Marine Insurance. North British and Mercantile, of Edinburgh and. London. Western, of Toronto, Liverpool & London and Globe, of Liverpool. • Gore District, of Galt. . Northern, of London and Aberdeen. Guardian, of London, England. Phceni,x, o London, England, and Accident In- surance Co'y.,•of North America, Montreal. R. CUNNINGHAM AGENT . GUELPH: Telegraph or Telephone at 'my expense, INSURANCE. Fanners, look to your ()I'm interest and insure your farm buildings nod • private dwellings. in • the. LONDON,MUTUAL No large 1Pronium Notes required I CASH SYSTEM: 50 cents to OP cents per $100 for three years, JOHN LANE' KINLOUCIL • ••• Also agent for the Phoenix, of London, England. • • AGENT • NOTICE. •.1,..••••••• THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENFin AN office in the building east of the , SENTINEL Printing Office,, AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILL'S CAREFULLY PREPARED. Plans ,specihcations. and estimates for build ings, mills, bridges, etc„ furnished on short notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891. • LOCAL wirrs very strange and of this little family , —,-- rieew phase in the affec- t ,.. s. " Jim "Hall was Spicy Items for nenifter five years okhappy --/Shipped on a Gloucester followed by a —$500.rewar0 to the Western banks. —Don't forget bt: et hie vessel in a dory, after Hughes' 25c tea. here were two in the boat, s, they would they could —Mr. Geo. Girvin Two days of suffering e u , . 4, u. . 4Stias 9 ii• day and harbor shoo to th i. ' Di.`Tennant's (Zee. "ke in the .—Mrs. R. 0..Brumpton, of Lon w' wth,:, • • is in the village, the guest of her sistdi Mrs. W. J. Brumpton. s —The thermometer registered eight degrees bestow zero on Monday night last, the coldest of the season. —Every Reeve and Deputy -Reeve in the county sf Brant was elected by acclammation at the recent municipal • elections. —We are almost out of wood and would be pleased if those of our anb- scrihers wise are indebted to us would bring in a few loads. Mr.,, H. P. O'Connor, M. P. P., and • Mrs. O'Connor and Mrs. McKee, were in the village on Thursday last, on their way to Goderich. —Work at Mitchell's mill began this week. The excellent condition of the roads has enabled parties to get out a large quantity of logs. —Mr.' John Jewitt has on exhibi- tion at Moody's barber shop a couple of pair of the finest polished cow horns we have ever seen; and which are well worth 'inspection. —At a meeting of the new School Board on Wednesday, Mr. Thomas Lawrence was elected Chairman and Mr. D. R. McIntosh Secretary. The Board inspected the school on Thurs- day. --To snake advertising pay it should be liberally„ honestly and judiciously. If you would gain customers, advertise in this way; if you would keep cus- tomers, advertise in this way. If you want to reach the consuming pupil° of this vicinity advertise in the SENTINEL. • —Mr, Fred. R. Baker left on Wed- nesday for London, where he has se- cured a lucrative position in the tele- graph dispatchers office of the Grand Trunk Railway. Fred. is a first-class operator and his friends here will be pleased to hear of his success. • —T,hose wishing to see J. Daly Co., of Guelph, personally, to learn their terms for advertising farms and terms for selling, etc., and for loaning money, can see them in Lucknow at the Whitely Hotel, any thue ,cm Tues- day, Januar); 26th. RAPID CITY. • . Mr. D. Brochie, of Toronto, Was the guest of Mr. James Fisher lest week. The popular batchelor of this locali 'ty has the prvileee .of" 'sitting in the deputy -Reeve's Zaiz'. He is willing to take part in every goocl Work. He always took anactive., part in the Work connected with our church and it is to 'he hoped that hewon't neglect church matters fos his ReeveShip. 'NsiAoubt he 'feels happy when so many of. the fair sex smile at him. Look out this is leap year. • Mr. A. T. Leach, one of Marquette • City aristeorats,was thepest of Mr. D. Campbell.:.: • • • One ef pur most esteemed young ladies haegotie to Michigan. • We all wish Flora success in the future. Miss Arabella Campbell is this week calling on her many friends at .Lang - side. • t• Ai I 1.,14P O. -.,VILILIVE 4 I I T• jWiTc70,"40,4,177,T..0.,4e EQT.2.4a4E. . , , _ . RHEUMATISM, , 44itfc __:NEURALCIA;:::";j: R IE 1W . Flir"''PlErlini: PAI SCIATICA, LUMBACOp Sprains; Bruises; Burns; Sweiiingo. THE CHARLES A. VOCELER COMPANY, Baltimore, Wick , Canadian Depot: TORONTO, ONT. 6,.A.42QiiiaaraoLebH,,,—.00,.•.:, -,•:=7,•-•••.. ..:!7 ,........-0.9.7— • ,•• r MAN SHOULD NOT LIVE ALONE. Chief Inspector Byrnes a Strong Advocate of Second. Marriage. Inspector Byrnes has very decided views in regard to second marriages. To a New York Mercury reporter he said: "1 would not have any man or woman live alone, if I could direct things a little more on this planet. My dealings are chiefly with people in trouble, and when I get a fellow in a corner, if he has never been married, I say to him the firat thing, 'Why aren't you married? and if he has been, and his wife is dead, I say, Why in the mischief don't you marry again? You !eluldngsibe - in this hole if you had a Taking It Calmly. • Buffalo News: Prisoner (in jail, looking at the sky through the bars of hia cell)— What frightful weather I think I won't go out to -day! • FITS.—All Fits stopped free tvy Dr. Kihtes Great Nerve Restorer .e No Fits after first day's use. Marvellous cures. Treatise and$2,00 trial bottle free to Fit :IL. Send to Dr. Mine 931 Arch St., Philadelpchr. Pa Her Royal Robe. Albany Times: Interested Auditor—And in what was the Queen of Madagascar clad Great Explorer—In authority, chiefly, , A Bible receVevii94,11tkpm the 0104 The attendance during the afteehe-rn 122111F1 vs' comparing results with caup a') P4.51Val;.'9'1"-* .1?`/41 J-VillanlwaYps. University tygyin--, illustratirgt. thE,' Ctits of the old-fashioned ways. Mr. was large the hall •bein com- ys- .1y1r. John S. McDonald, county president of the Patrons of Industry, then addressed the meeting on the benefits of good cultivation, especially good ploughing. He is a practical farmer of long experience and has made farming a success, besides being, a crack ploughman., Mr. Hobson, of Guelph, addressed the meeting on "a farmer's education," s'howing the importance of teaching agriculture in our common schools and the results that would flow from such a course. Mr., A. McD. Allen, of G-oderich, addressed thepeeting on fruit grow- ing and shipping, showing the necessity of growing good fruit and then packing it honestly. Wm. Valens then gave a short address showing how these two organ- izations, each working in the interests of the farming community, should work harmoniously, and explained that the Patrons of Industry reached out a little farther than the Institute could do, owing to its receiving government hid. Mr. Jas. Rowand, M. P., then acT- dressed the meeting, saying that both organizations were needed- to uplift and educate the farming community, ancL that all that could be done should be done to procure . legislation that would tend ..to make the country prosperous. The evening meeting was enlivened . by vocal selection& from Mr. and Miss Smillie of Chesley, and an exhibition of ventriloquism from R. O. Pearce, of Chesley, also a recitation very well rendered, entitled, "The Backwoods School," by Mr. Ingram. fortably filled with delegates and mem- bers of the Order. The cotnmittee on credentials reported fifty-one delegates present. After reading the minutes of last annual meeting and also meeting of the Executive held in Bervie on June 25th. On motion these were adopted as read. The President then addressed the meeting briefly, referring to the growth of t•he Order and what had been ac- complished by is during the year that had passed. • The Secretary reported that there were eighty-five sub-associatiOns in the county with an averagemembership of thirty-four in those who had • reported during last quarter. The financial statement and auditors' report were read, showing a balance of $232.13 in the treasury at Dec. 17th, 891. The appeal case of Mrs. Jan Abell, Of Willow Creek Association, was re- ferred to a committee of twelve with Peter Corrigan as chairman. This committee -reported at a later stage of the meeting exonerating Mrs. Abell from all charges as there was no evi- • dence produced against her. The election of offiCors. for . the en- suing ,year resulted • as follows :— President, John S. McDonald, Ripley, re-elected ; Vice -President, . Wm. „Quirk, Vesta; Secretary, Wm. Valens, Lucknow, re-elected; Treasurer, Alex. Patterson, • Lucknow, re-elected.; Sen- tinel, Robert Hewitt, Bervie ; Execu- tive committee; James Johnston, Mildmay; :McKechnie, dillies Hi]IL; John McMillan, Aberdour : Auditors, D. McKechnie, dillies Hill ; M. J. McLennan, Lochalsh; Delegates to Grand Association, D. 1VIcKechnie, Peter Cerrigan, Wm. Valens. A resolution from Ensign Associa- tion re ocean freightson cattle elicited some discussion and the: following re- solution. was passed : Moved by M. J. McLennan, secondedby deo. Inglis, and resolved that this-A.ssosiation -re- quest the Grand Association to memor- ialize the Dominion Government to take•such steps as will secure to,- Cana- dian shippers as low rates from Canadian ports as can be procured from any other American ports. Reselutions from Clover Valley -Association were also discussed and .passed. •• The resolution from this Association that the Grand Association procure a list of members of the Order entitled to vete at Legislative elections so that the voting strength of the Order• be known in each county, wag favorably received and, the Co, Secretary was inatru,cted to proctire such information in -Bruce es:runty. • A circular re cotinty lecturer., was read and On motion 4 was -agreed t� engage him fee a leetnre at Walkerton and one in Port Elgin, also one in each township if the Secretary can make suitable arrangements., Reports of committees' were then 'cad. The Trade committees of the town- ships of Bruce; Elderslie and Brant handed in their reports, which were adopted. The committee on Legisla, tive action handed in their report, which was read by Mr. Jas. McEwing of Saugeen, and on motion adopted. Tho question' of organizing township n.ssoeiations was then discussed. Jno._ Kippen-reported the successful work- ing of the Brace township association and it was resolved to take steps to have township association organized throughout the county, and the County secretary wai instructed to , communis cate with chairmen of Trade com- mittees with a view to that step. The- Finance 'committee reported as to alaries and ,expense of county O&M; ,- South Kinloss church has been greatly improved by putting in new windows and by the handywork of R. MCDougall, • Rev. F. A. McLennan will .conduct the sacrament in South Kinloss church the last Sabbath of this month com- mencing on Thursday the 28th. Arigas-McKey is very busy prepar- ing for his new barn. Mr. Rennie conducted the service last Wednesday night on account/ of Mr. McLennan being called away to Adam McDonald's to unite Miss Jane McDonald and Mr. Ben Hughes in theholy band of reatrinaonY, We all wish, the young couple a long and happy life tdgethess CREWE. Mr. Edward Hap is seriously ill with la grippe... The Youngest child of Mr. . Nath. . Pierce, a I:oy about Six Months, old, died last Thursday. .. . • We are pleased tobe. able to state . that Miss Hattie McGrory , and Mrs. .. J.- Curran and son are. all'''. 1 COn vales- .• ' .cenou t. • • ,. , Our esteemed post master, Mr. M. , Shackleton and lady have bot•li had - severeatteets of la grippe. , Miss Emma Russel, of Brampton, is 'visiting her sister, Mrs, Wm. Durnin , , of this place Mr. Edward Clare, of Blyth, form- erly of Cherry Grove, is visiting friends 'around- here. Ed. looks as if Blyth agreed with him. - - Our new tea6her, Mr. Duff, seem; to be built. of , the proper Material. Our juveniles require ' a. good t tern hand at the helni ag° they were becom- ing fractious.• ' There is .to be, a grand. tea -Meeting- ' in Crewe Methodist church On Tues- , day evening, rob. 9th. Several popu- lar speakers are expected to be present. and a good time is anticipated. Our new council held their first. „ rheeting �n Monday in their room at i Cherry drove. If appearances may be taken as a criterion Nve think our ratepayers have made a good cheice • and that their interest e will he proper ly guarded. . . -It is, our sad duty this week. to Chronicle the- death of Miss Sophia Kickley, daughter - of our _ esteemed council*, Mr. Wm. Kickley of Cherry Grove, which occurred ,•n bout five o'clock last Friday morning, after 11 long ' illIness borne with. chriscian, patience and resignation: Deceased who , was in her eighteenth year is another victim of that fell destroyer, consumption. . She will be much tnissed by a large circle of relatives and friends. Her .funeral, which took place r. Saturday to the Dungannon ceinecory,, was very largely attended... • !r. 1•••••,,,ropt•rtla,,, •••I • r ,g-tk ',I.., • IL • , r ".**,