HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-25, Page 5,.• PG ti Lsa GrRA e l l—ha•4auled intbi s i hb,orbood this season, second coWoeas.) ,chased fr#1 Mrm'.A McLeod the Ye, s acre 19t '-on: the: corner fermeri Iaeciby' ? ' 'V ainaley, Mr",31c- 0 . es Oft ••+hn: farm c of gald, :West9f Nr John McKinn= remaining part of the Late Duncan a�,M �Il�irrinrt13r?°`°h��fl�; 'some years •in Lake Linden, has returned home. ' Mr K McKinnon his much proved the appearance of his place by j putting a new fence along the front of it, RAG,W*S :NQS., ttri< 'n,irohtas act r• owned' by,Mr. F 4 the graveFroad a! on purchased th i'the 'Baron owned ;McKinnon, Pall:Death'- has been reaping n arvesI in our ri idst ,.: w'e � . it• i' ouK :au4 duly to chronio1e ri cath' of ;• another f', our per 'McDonald,'Aim; sort sof NO. Wm. L` . r i - u0u.4„ Deceased ha ,„ been, spe'> ng the ,si}n;tmer and Aunt Manitoba: where he e"cold which clung to rl spme months, then gradually consumption,' which led to :�orx Tue 4aty e'mir►g Inst. ceased as just in,t ie spring time of being only in the 19 f year of his ge''i ;He had dust .been home from "Manjtoba, about, a month previous' to is death. lie' f uneral took place on ,yvednesday'last to the Huron, °ceme- ,lery and was 'very largely attended, 'Ale family have the heartfelt .sympa- 'thy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. We are alp sorry l tie= state that Mr. Thos. McD,hald, Srr, who has been seriously illfor sometime, is sti)l ver low and at Present his recovery, irk ve doubtful. 1- Miss Agnes McDonald and Miss Bella Walker, of Ludknow, were visit- ing. friends in this neighborhood last week. , Mr J T Johnston, teacher, was in Listowel on Tuesday last attending the wedding of his brother. Mr W T Johnston, of that place. The Knoll has lust lost one of its fairest daughters in the person of Miss Maggie Kennedy, Second daughter of Thos Kennedy, Esa, of this place, who "Was united in marriage on Tuesday -last • to Mr Robert Walker, of . Sault 'Ste • Marie, Michigan.. The happy 'couple left for their new home on Fi ri- "day last accompanied by the best wishes of a host of friends. Our Patron.' Association still contin- ues to flourish and now that the busy season has gone their meetings are be- coming more .• interesting and largely attended,At their„ last meeting they debated the subject "Resolved that the retail -dealer is better paid for his labors than the producer." N McDon- ald assisted by J T Johnston, A Gem. mel and Jas Cooper supported the affirmative, while D Smith ,'supported by Wm McDonald, M Smith arid A. Matheson upheld the negative. The discussion lasted upwards of two hours when after summing up the arguments produced on either side, the chairman, Mr A McAuley, gave the decision in favor of the affirmative, The subject for next night is "Resolved that Party Politics is injuriousto the Progress of a nation." Wm McDonald will cap- tain the affirmative and J F Johnston the negative. Mrs H Cameron, of Puslinoh, is at present visiting her sister Mrs R Val- ens. ,.`'. Miss M McDiarmid o was-serious- ly asserious- ly ill is now recov . Mr and Mrs Wil ram iratterson last month celebrated their golden wed- ding. They were married in Scotland in 1841, and with their family they •moved to this country and settled in Oxford county, after which theist• moved 'to Bruce .and settled in their present home. We extend them our best wishes and hope that they may be long spared to celebrate together the anniversary of their wedding day. Our popular teacher, Mr Alex Dow- son, has been re-engaged for the ensu- ing year. WHITECHURCH. Henryet' is home from Coburg College epi a his Xmas holidays. His many friends and associates are pleased to see. Henry's pleasant face again. Mr. James Mowbray is home from near St. Thomas, Dakota, and seems well pleased with that country as he. is ;going, to move out there in the, spring. Quite a numberwho went from this vicinity to Dakota and the North West have ,returned •within the past few days to spend their winter here. Amoug the many we are pleased to welcome is our esteemed friends Thos. Collopy. Our village is booming. We learn that there are several preparing to build in .the spring. Mr. Cottle is intending to build a brick dwelling, and Mr. Oliver a large stone house. He has got fairly opened out in the grocery business, and since he started the bottom has fallen out, and we are now get'ti4ig goods, we believe, as cheap as they can be got in Ontario. REPORT OF S. S. NO. 5, KINLOSS. The following is the report of S S No 5, Kinloss, for. the • month of De- cember 1891 Sen 4th --E Valens, E McIntosh, G McIntosh, A Sutherland. Jun 4th—A McGillvray, N McCaul, Lena Fraser. - 3rd class—A. ,Valens, Lizzie Cox, J Cox, B Bain. 2nd class -B McLeod, A Suther- land, M McOaul, A Valens. Second part—W Sutherland,' R McIntosh, John Smith, N Pierce. ASHFIELD COUNCIL. Council niet according to Statute'on .Dec. 15th, members all present. Minutes of previous meeting' read '•andel} n d. ' Man by McKenzie seconded by Chambers that the polling booths for ,municipal elections be as follows and the persons named be appointed Depu- ty Returning Officers, also that a by- law confirming the same be prepared. No 1, Black's paint -shop, Dungan- non, Andrew Dreany. No 2. school house No 9, Hugh McPhee. No 3, school house N-45, Kenneth McKenzie.. Nb 4, Hawkins store, Port Albert, Thomas Hawkins, No 5, school house No 2, Maurice Dalton. No 6, home of ,H McIntosh, n e pt lot 5, con 12, W D, Hugh McIntosh. No 7, school house y• 12, Robert Hamilton. . A ll ac number Of accounts were ,paid, these will appear in Treasurer's Statement. , Council then adjourned to meet again at 10 o'clock on Deo. 28th. W STOTHERS, Clerk' REPORT OF S. S. NO. 6, KI1VLOSS. The following report is the result of the weekly written- examinations held in S S No 6, Kinloss, during the months of November and December : 4th class—Alice McDonald, Peter McKinnon, John D McKinnon. .PRESBYTERY OF IHAITLAND'. The Presby tery of Maitland met at Lucknow o ' Tuesday, 22nd inst., the Rev. F.. A. Mac- Iunan rmodn aro pro tem, A call from Knox urch Brussels to the Rev: David Millar was sustained, The call is unanimous and has 158 navies attached thereto. The stipend prom ised is $700 per annum to be paid in°quarterly instalments. Mr. Millar intimated his accept- ance of the call, 'A special meeting of the Presbytery will be held in Knox Church Brussels for the induc- tive on Tuesday, January 5th, at 2 p. m. The following were appointed to officiate at the in- duction services :—Revs. T. Davidson, to pre- side, R Fairbairn to preach, A Y Hartley to address the minister., D Forest to address the congregation. The resignation of the Rev K McDonald. of 9.shfield, was considered. The following commissioners from the session and congregation were present and addressed the con rt :—Messrs Donald McLennan, Alexander. McLean H Chambers, and Arch'd McIntyre, all of whom expressed the high esteem in which Mr McDonald is held by the congrega- tion and their sorrow at parting with him. Mr McDonald was then heard and expressed hes adherence 'to his resignation for personal reasons and at the same time declared his love and attachment to the congregation. Members expressed their kindly feelings towards, Mr McDonald and high esteem for him as a minister of Christ andbrotherbeloved. The resignation was accepted. The Presby- tery while accepting the resignation of the Rev K McDonald desire in' parting with their es- teemed brother and friend to record as they hereby do their deep sense of his noble quali- ties and gifts and his unwearied labors espec- ially in his own immediatepastoral charge. They feel the loss they sustain ny his removal from among them and being deprived of his matured experience and intimate acquaintance the business of the court which he attended conscientiously and regularly, also his urbanity and kindness toward the brethren. They express profound gratitude to the great Bead of the church tor His acknowledge- ment of his labors in the several congregations over which he was placed in tht church, and now commit himself and his family to the Master's care, and pray that he may be spared for many years yet for usefulness in the vine- yard wherever in providence his lot may be cast. t The clerk was instructed to furnish Mr Me - Donald with a Presbyterial 'Certificate Mr Sutherland was appointed interim moder- ator of the session of Ashfield congregation and also to declare the charge vacant on the sec and Sabbath in January. The pulplt supply was committed to the session for the ensuing quarter. (three months,) Mr Sutherland was authorized to moderate .in a.call when the congregation is ready. JOHN 1VMCNA1113, Clerk. .Lucknow. Dec. 23rd, 1891. 3rd class—Aggie Atkins, A Milne, • D • McKinnon, ' M onald, MCIntyre, L Gra =—All partiell;' indebted to the SEX - ham, MMcDT 11t1EL would oblige us by settling McIntyre, M Graham, R McKenzie.. ' T' )�,ocknrt A '' d uring the incoming week. • Ilai S. -- - ,h. .e. l}..this.Chnat ras..day. Fra From -_-..,u., coast to... TUT,vn s bd�y ; Let 'ailour brethren. cheerful sing, With joyful voice, this Christmas day. From Erie'1i shore to Vancouver Me, - And cottage thatched with prairie hay ; From Sable cape to cold Belle Isle, Will sing their song, this Christmas day. komtgkeuttli k>zat* Da qu-ori; `a rent-„.-,-....x-...- STMR SBCHTEH TO FARINU --FOR c�. Po. e; hey 28ih i, 'fi^,rti er- prkthe reneger. t f Iimtbe of o>;lr chosen banda (� cRES, 96 ACRES CLE.A . . q. all e; tshe. _ ul greeting may - Bound y, '0 eing the south halves of lot 03 ud xiow tltiiiocein thro h an son the Town of. e� Qb C, y�„ tile laud Township sinless, one mile -- Prom _ I cast.o t w _..00dgrairi•and stock farm; well fen nt height of land the echo ring, cod, and in a good state to cultivate. n*re ss +, . ,x L__ A never failingcreek runs through four fields; Two good we and Rumps ; good bearing orchard, All seeded dos% but 20 aces, Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 g; 4, and a log house 18 x 26. There are five acres of fall wheat. Apply to The poor neglected by. the gay Help, brothers, ,help ; their tattering feet, To sing their song, this Ch*zstmae day. On Western plains where cyclones blow, And'roi,ky tope with mists of''grey ; Regina Royal, now clad in snow;, ' Will sing their song, this Christmas day, From Ottawa's heights to old Quebec, And Montreal take up the lay ; Your court rooms now for ever deck With songs of joy, this Christmas day,. Ontario now as foremost still, In temple, tower and foremost say ; Still sound the trump as brothers will, Their timbrel song, this Christmas day, Sweet Liberty, our race has won, Benevolence share to all I pray ; And concord to—all hearts are one, Who join Mit' song this Christmas day. R. GRAHAM, Court Sherwood No,,350. • WEST WAINAROSH COUNCIL. The township cc/uncil met on Dec. 15th according to Statute, members all present. The minutes of previous meeting were confirmed. The Treas- urer's report for -November showed ze• ceipts $2910 and expenditure $1131.67, report filed. Moved by Mr Bailie seconded by Mr Todd that W J Smythe be paid $1.50 for damage done to his roadway in repairing road—Carried, Mr. Bowery nay. The collector asked . the time for returning his roll to be extended. On motion of Messrs Bailie and Todd the time for returning roll was extended until the first tweeting in January. Moved by Mr Bowers seconded by Mr Todd. that the collector be paid $1.06, being, the amount of taxes on property of late George McDonald.— Carried. Moved ,.by My Bailie seconded. by 30 Gibson that Cullis Bros account for gravel and roadway be paid.—C'd. Moved by Mr. Bailie .,seconded by Mr Bowers that the clerk be paid $2 for auditing' drain account; $I for revising minutes for publication, and $2 for School returns.—Carried: Moved by Mr Bowers seconded by Mr 'Todd that the polling booths for municipal elections be as follows and, the persons named be appointed Depul• ty Returning. Officers, also that a by- law confirming same be 'prepared : No 1, Court •Room, Dungannon, J G Ward, 'D R O. No S E Mun- roe's store, Manchester, S E Munroe, D R O. No 3, Township "Hall, Wm Cameron, D R O. No 4, Temperance Hall, St Helens, R K Nelles, D R O. No 5, School House No 4, J Gordon, D RO. A large number of accounts were passed—these will appear in Treasur- er's Statement—after which Council adjourned to meet according to statute. R. K. 'M ILLE$, T'p Clerk. • MARRIED. BOYD—AGAR, At the residence of the bride's father, Goderich road, on the 23rd inst., by Rev. 3. Kenner, Mr. Boyd,. school master at Belfast, to Miss Agar, THOMPSON—STANLEY At the parsonage; Luck- nowr on the 23rd inst., by the Rev, J. S. Colling, Mr. William Henry Thompson, of the Township of Huron, to Miss Mar- garet Err •ly Stanley, of the Township of • Kinloss. ' LUCKNOW MARKETS. Frill Wheat, per bushel.... .00 to .89 Peas . , , , .00 .58 Oats .... .00 ” .30 Potatoes " .. .25 Butter, per lb' .14 " .15 Eggs, per dozen... . .. ... a 0 .15 Turkeys, per lb 1.07 to .08 Geese, . .. .00Mto ,04 Ducks, . .06 Chickens, per pair.. .25 Dressed Hog per cwt.. 0.00 to 5.20 Hides per lb 3,z Tallow 14 .04 Lard . " ,08 Hay per ton $13 to $14 PA. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, . Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc„ (late of Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Godericht. Office at Traver's old stand. cr MORRISON. ATTORNEY_ ..14, .. law, Solicitor in Cancery, Convey- ancer, Commisioner. eto. Office. over the barber shop. GARROW & PROtWFOOT BAR1tIS- tete, S licitora, etc., Goderich, Ont. J. T. GARBOW, Q.C, ' W M.. PROUDFOOT,. SIMON CORRIGAN, COMM' in II. r,. O. Kinlough IP. h, a YON ER, ntario. ANGUS KERR On the premises, and if by letter box .1.15, Lucknow, .,..�...,....�...,.,., w.wu...d. - ,., ��u.xvuw,�.s.Wurc�.vey, •:..x.��.r..:_n. FARM FOR SALE. THERE HAS BEEN PLACED IN MY hands for sale the -west half of lot 18, con. 7, Kinloss, containing fifty acres more or less, There is a good log'house on the premises and it is fairly well improved. There is a splendid supply of running water and it is a desirable stock -farm. The owner who resides in the 'United States is anxious to sell and a bargain will be given. Apply to the under- signed, who will show the property, WM, VALENS, 4.932 ' Box 32 • Lucknow P. 0 , Ont. STEER ESTRAY. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES OF the undersigned. south half lots 9 d 10, con. 1, Huron township, on or about the llth of October last. a yearling steer, light colored and red abort the head. Any one giving such information as will lead to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. JOHN REID, 4-935 Lucknow P. 0. BOAR FOR SERVICE. WIRE TJNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN - 1 form the farmers of this section that he will keep for service at lot 22, con. 2, Kinloss, a thoroughbred Berkshire boar. Terms, $1,00 payable at time of service. WM. DAWSON, 4-933 • Langpide P. Q. • BOAR, FOR SERVICE. mHE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN - 1 form the farmers of this section that he will keep for service this season at Lot 4, con. 10, (E. D.) Ashfield, his superior bred Berk shire Boar, "Baron Nimrod." Terms—$1.00 at time of service, 81.50 if not so paid. ' BARON NIMROD. born August 15th, 1889, bred by J. G, Spell & Bro., Edmonton, Ont. 'Sire, Baron-bon-Bisnark[426] bred by W. H, & C. H. McNish. Lyn. Ont, Imported Dam Moulsford 52nd [937]; got by Swineford (65) 20,317; 2nd dam Moulsford 36th (735) 20,316, got by Watchman (485) ; 3rd dam Moulsford 7th got by Sanson. • 4th dam Mouls- ford 5th gotlay Stoke Lad ; 5th dam Moulsford 4th got by Norman ;.6th` dam Moulsford 2nd got by Nagger , 7th dam Moulsford lst, The above Redigree is correct, to the hest of my knowledge and belief.—J. G. SNELL & BRO. JAMES LANE, Lanes P. 0., Ont BOAR FOR SERVICE. r�HE- UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service this season at Lot 12, Con,10, (W. D,) Ashfield, a thoroughbred Chester White Boar. .. . PEDIGREE': Young Hill Top, now the prop- erty of James Alton, Belfast P. 0., was bred by J, E, Barkwell, Lucknow P. 0, Sire, Unele Sam, 4361, Vol. 3. bred by J.H. Eaton, Banyrus,Ahio; by Freddie, 3,; by Mid- dlesex, 3717. Dam; Eaton's Best, 6824, Vol, 3 bred by J. H. Eaton, Banyrus; gr. dam, Crawford's Girl. 4092; g. gr. dam, Crawford's girl, 876, Dam,'Lucknow `Lass, 8464, Vol. 4, bred by E. D George, Putnam, Ont., sold to J. E, Barkwell, Lucknow, Ont.; gr, dam, V ina, 7124 bred by E. D. George, Putnam; g.•gr, dam. Holman's M., 3; g•. g. gr. dam, Empress, 5234. Sire, Free Trader, 4359, Vol. 3, bred by L. B. Silver, nlevelands,, by Pride of Ohio, 3109; by Hill Top, 591. ' Terms—$1,00 if paid at time of service; $1,25 if not so paid; with permission of returning if necessary. - JAWS ALTON, ' ' 3.934 Belfast P. 0, Scien'tif'ic American Agency for CAVEATS TRADE MARKS DEMON PATENT COPYRIGHTS, et For information and free Handbook write td MUNN & 61 BROADWAY, NEW Fon Oldest bureau CO.,for securing patents in Arne Every patent taken out by us is brought b the public by a notice given free of charge x entifif tMed is .r, re he Largest Circuiation of any scient(flo par In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No i •Iligent . :;gar_ shoeSFd be without it. Weekly, 3.00 a Par; el.59'si* months. Address ME & CO., ✓ unLISHEns, 361 Broadway. New Yor AUCTION 5" E NEW FURN URE THERE WILL BE SOL Auction at James rooms, Lucknow, on Satur BY PUBLIC iamson's ware- , January 2nd, 1892, the entire stock of n furniture, con- sisting of Sideboards, fas, Cupboards, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs,.:. all other articles usually kept in a furnitur actory. As the owner intersconfining hima@'' exclusively to the under, ring business it future, all will be sold t out reserve. .oer the Sale'at one o'clock-� rp• fail ,place, near Treleaven.: VA. TER'M8—Ail f $5 grid tinder cash ; elan •' ov:r that amount 10 • nths credit on furnish- ing approved joint n ,TOH es. PURVIS, Auctioneer. CANA DIAN P : IFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets eissUlue to" all polntb east or west. Quick timo connections with other JOHN • MuucBI.so., Ticket, Aa lars to , Lucknow,�� For Your ZCHRISTMA • '; CANDY .. a :44:. •1RKf4g:it/miLWIP 4. w.'Pm.T:vwi..�..:,,.. x�.7�YS2;iv: 75• -rt As he has the largest and best ASSORTED STOCK J In own, and is prepared to SELL CHEAPER Than :anyone else in town. Remember the Place. OWT READ THIS ! Fine Confectionery,, Fancy . Goods, Biscuits, Raisins, Figs, Dates, Nuts, Etc., Etc. ' See our Magnificent Stock of the above FINEST CDS, LL EST PRICES. All -Fine -Confectionery .i a fancy bore — Ib., 1 lb., and 5 lb. boxes.- DON'T 8L DECEIVE by Fancy Shows. We have the tin goods ever shown in town for' Christmas & New Year Tr Andour prices are cheaper than All goods Guaranteed Pure. No cheap goods bought to ru 'Christmas. We carry only goods all the year roun WEDDING C A SPF,CIALTY. r we have just received a lad from Ethel Mills for Oh New Year trade. Now is the time to 'orders /and get them 611e THOS,. `HOS,. r-- — OTIIEF/ ESS your, I have r occupied by and am pre P.A.. FOR B The paid fj quali' • s .- k's'" a +. • • the store Geo. jerr d' to R ANT'LGGS. will be ,hest pr. butter „cor ding to C. SPARLrrc. .ls•� r0''r7-. rCLEOD'S oroza And other tested remedies ,44ECIFIC AN R Impure, ANTIDOTE Weak and Impoverished Blood, tl} Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation ofaa' Heatt, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lose Memory, Bronchitis; Consumption, Stones. Jaundice Kidney and Urinary - eases, St. Vitus' Jaundice, Female Irregular and General Debility. bottle, $1 per half pint and $2 per pint C10PERICH, •4 LAliORATOill • ' J.,NI. MCt EOD, Proprietor and Manufantur Sold by Berry & Days and 4. R. Oong'1'a Druggists, Lucknow , .— .�:+,.,-Re��.-.. �'__. mr� ��,• ,�.._-.-max..-•..�*�r�