HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-25, Page 4yr: a.- ,.9 $ G1E acv`A r Zf cf M + , ' ANNE.8ATTON. . ti :. me o 'the fanad ans: who say they e ,ltigeetrietod reeiprgoeity would y 6f a++s+V4�'{! t a 2be enti odea, gaysthe Hamilton o eat ,ag • Blake say.,s, .the idea gpeculative. and not demonstrable. e Old reciprocity treaty killed; off Oliver of annexation feeling, had ived from 1849 to 1854. A new e mji`ht, though *e do not think it ould, Influence the Canadians to. take se second bite at' the cherry. But if iere isz any,. danger of annexation piing by way of unrestricted reci- city, the Goverment have it in ,their4•Ypower' to;�avert that danger in short` order. The effects' of the:protec- tive tariff have4� een such, as will pro- duce -a. demand for a change, and the cl�auge suggested` by the Opposition 1eay ers is: un estricted reciprocity, • 'the Government can,' if they ,will, at' the very 'next session of Parliament ive "Y :alis people such a measure of relief from mutating tariff exactions as to postpone any, trong emend for un- restricted;reciprocity, and that relief can be given lithOlit.,> any Waste of time in foreign. negotiations. Let 'arliament repeal the duties on the food of the people, the raw materials of znanufactures and. •the necessaries of life -and let' the ;duties on luxuries and manufactures stn general be reduced about one-halft ' If necessary,'.; there -can be a curtailment of public expend- �> a tures, ;but ,it is -;not certain that=such a mg. would . be necessary; for when, as • of such duties would inevitably stimu- 'Ili eoeutr f reve,nue does not, ercentage of duties. e there is an aristoe- sharelof ,the wealth of the country is 'owned by the ftr—there ie always much difficultyr,m collecting a large revenue. The few rich ones learn hew to evade 'their fair proportion, and the many poor people have noth- ingt ever and slave a bare living, C.) spare for the—tax-collector. Poor peoPle's consumption of highly taxed goods is limited. Suppose a country viith 5;000,000 of poPulation and $5,000,000,000 of wealth, so divided that there is $1,000 to each person, or $5,000 eo each family, the collection of a large revenue in such a country would be easy. Suppose another country with equal population and equal aggregate wealth,. but in which 10,000 Men own $100,000 each, 1,000 men own $1,000,000 each, and 100 men own $10,000,006 each—three-fifths of the entire wealth of the country being thus possessed by 11,100 men, While the remaining 4;988,900 persons have only , two-fifths among them, Or 'less than $400 pet head—in this latter vountry the collection of revenue would be difficplt. The . duty of statesmen is,Ato make such conditions that wealth Shall not only be freely produced, but that it shall. be equitably distributed. There is not iinch a difference in the earning oapacity ofauen that one can, by hon- ost labor of head or hand, accumulate .$10;000,000 while another equally sober and industrious, can only lay up 1400. Something Wrong in the. laws eetnpels one to work for the enrich - 'dent of another, while keeping only a bare living for himself. The protec- tive tariff is one of the tools to that ond. The taxing of houses and goeds for municipal expenses is another. let the men who are 410 anxious for the maintainence of British Connec- tion and the avoidanCe of annexation ; let Mr. Abbott and Mr. Mowat, in their respective spheres, repeal the tax lavia which make many poor in order thtit a few inay be very rich, and neither of them will have any need to fear the growth of annexation senti- ment. If they do their duty to Cana- da and to Ontario, British Connection will last till long after they are both turied and forgotten, your cot; umns to thank the electors: of our vial- age forth 'h ,d iue` eii p r't tfle gave uie 4114 g the t, 'two 'ea? the honors they coufered on me; giving mea seat• at the Coenpl Board diming that. time. And X regret that my business engagements this year Pre- cludsanet from" again asking a renewal of public confidence. • Yours. &o. .Y 1 PUBLIC NOTICE. To the Municipal Electors of the of Lucknov : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, -11 eld the position of Councillor ast five years, and wishing to of the same T publicly inform that. you will be able to, c SO other person to fill the pox h anking you for the hearty su d confidence you placed in m g my term of office, I am faithfully yours, .; A. Thos PUBLIC NOTICE. To the �_ Electorate of the Villag Luckno v.' 'Que Village axing for the retire you hoose pport e dur- PEON. p fro SO s an in ann by tha did yea ounce, 'after having been requested a large nitmber of the ratepayers, ate as connoillor for the ensuing r, and in asking the vote and infiu- e of all those who feel that in ice to themselves. and the village ive me their support, I pledge my - that to the best of my ability will sea all business that may come lethe council in a straightforward honest manner, e of enc just to g self trail and IF ELECTED. 1'. S.—Virith regard to the Temper- ance question I feel it ray 'duty to announce my stand, which is as follows :—That I will not submit to any change being made as to liscenses, whatever, as there are quite sufficient in the liquor business at present.. To reduce or advance the amounts now paid by license holders, or make any ehange whatever avould not be in my oPinion ad vantacreous to the ratepayers of the, village ofehucknow. . 40, I am yours respectfully, D. MoDONALD. Luqknow, Dec. 1891. PUBLIC NOTICE. , To the Electors of Kinloss. . LADIES AND GRNTLEMEN:—As the Depaty Reeve's chair will become va- cant by Mr. Geo. 1VIcIntosh, our pres- ent Deputy„becoming a candidate for" the .poSition of Reeve, I beg to announce that I -will be a candidate for that office. b. If my record during the two years that I have served you at the Council Board is such that you can approve of I respectfully solicit your continued confidence and support. Widhing you the compliments of the I am yours faithfully,. WM. VALENS. THE ORGAN AND THE HIRE. "To the Editor of the Sentinel : DEAR SIN — Please publish the following extract from a poena by Alex. Olenaenning, which may be of interest on the present occassion, on account of the opposition to the introduction of the organ in the Presbyterian church Sabbath school. We know it will. be taken with the best of good nature by the frien of the organ. WM. ANDERSON. An organ no it cannot work Within a Presbyterian kirk. If once you hear a single note *OM out deep sonorous tbpat, • The kirk is there, the linieund staue, But Presbyterianism is gime. Some wants a change, the mode. ts say, 'Tis cheap° ,r better every way p To praise, &such it seems to be, Their maker by machinery. An organ's but an instrument, 111) There's neither soul nor spirit in 't ; , A tinking, cymbal sounding brass, Amounts to noise and noise alone ; Meet praise for gods of wood and stone. An organ I What would auld John Knox ' Have said to such a whistle box ? . Could Henderson and Rutherford Have seen the popish tool restored, They would hae.posted up on each kirk' road A..board and written, Ichabod. An Organ 1 Yes, it will be here, Through a' our kirks in twa or three year, Unless some wife like Jenny Geddes, . h4roine of Scottish ladies, And knock the squeaking thing to pot. The psalms the good king sung Are getting out of place. Organ will be here forthwith And 1100, ewes. Chavx.Qbase: VAL Eavy Worth --��euuu+�nez�av2vume0c for 14 1-20 EST AND For winter dresses, 40 S OVES 1 STOVES 1 STOVES 1 Go straight to the Leading Stove Depot if you want a CO 4) 0 PIA $0.0);I: (4):):;-t. 23,1) STO We have now on hand a large and well assorted stock, and would ask those who. want a stove either for Coat or Wood To call and get our price before going elsewhere, as We are bound to under sell any of our competitors this season. and stovepipes. N. B.—Special attention given at this season of the year to cleaning and moving stoves 1111-10S- 1.4T:Tolcavow THE HUE3 Leads them all for Gyroceries CANNED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds in Season. F.INE TEAS A SPECIALTY. The Largest Stork, fig' T,he Choicest Good gege obtainable in Luc* , 42t11!",:re:44' te4t,or4P;I:e ,6*,4; gre ij 4 Asb • ed OA the sa note at oib," this month, No fuel— • as t to - f the e vile as Old a man - that the eary says Caine, the borne by night of his MAPLE GROVE IN TB custo and vicinity, in the past, the saute, gt, supplying o KING OUR ' NUMEROUS ers in Lucknow, Whitechurch, or tbe liberal patronage given us e trust to see a dbutinuance of ranteeing satisfaction t3 all by most choice grades of NU SERY STOOK. Our , Spencer will have pleasure in ahyou during the season. Reserve yours, tttor him. 44(iy, y (WANTED IN OTHER GOOD 40't 'Pel LOCALITIES, hitcl:Ti1411iP,1V143: CMaK•nr!glielfr 'St. Thomas ere notill 'he little ; ated. She ze, had strait, h. There is murderer. E h blood and ered with dirt ere saturated wi1( righton offering dibg all the newest • accompany him. ' unequalled rt and lemon.peeler NOVELTIES by 'vnhieh it was elai be. peeled without soi of wire, nickel-platell rens shape of a button-hoo ots for blade let into the inne hen the point of the the fruit it slides betw peel without danger while the blade divides INTER without trouble. Boise City, Idaho, haii1G LINES , lso in all the old, who stands six feet meno A Kansas lady Advent • ht have given us t v ratrained and An Irishman re/nation, neeareIiytyalnIotwhe. toll -gates in r Is the time to get Oheap 1VIillinery at MRS. SMITH'S. A discount of 20 PER CENT. ON ALL Millinery, Goods, -AOAnd a discount - 10 PER CENT. For Cash on all Other ,Goods for the Next 80 .14 lifeil 011'S LUCK NOW The newest, freshest, latest, most seasonable, most fashionable MILLINERsY As eheap as cash can buy. "Ne PERSONAL ‘ATTENTION To all orders the year round. Mrs. 1Vlurchison. s.