HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-11, Page 4rimplamme110111111 • tjecprntler Itth –111F7,10, PTY,44- GrriX r A.0140,40NO. TAIE "PICTAT,Pki WE PMV1 4130V8 ALT. • MIER LIPLATIP, • , . •..r •••' ' comberlithp.1402. , • 1- PJiZeIorr *:titeva4W,N, Tjlo Petiti9A' against the election of Sir foox9EKI:t OattwOot suddenly 'col- lapsed •• at; Ingers01 on Monday last wIteivbrnnghtjo„,tml,..31400Anati " • -,14 - • •' Falsionbridge, and Street., opened the Court,• r • Walsh nu behalf of the • C€4.61140# said he had. no evidenee to eifferquathe petition was accordingly cito.Oissect,h.In this petition Sir Rich - with Bon, Mr. Laurier and others Wire'Chargedwith treason, conspiracy 'anc1;maiv other crimes, and with hay- • ; -,.3000,10.148 zrom Erastus Wiman and In his examination Sir the emus_ 7hT;;;;1214Ydrgl'avv":1 ofthepeti- 4" that the charges were of ,b1uL1 .IUdgment was iatety pronounced, dismissing iti�n with mists to be paid by *Or; declaring - Sir Richard ea ati,' and declaring that there 7)i:deuce-AP show that corrupt S.- had intentionally prevailed • 411.":14gge,ateurling event probably • s'04,k'-,taken place In this or or,091141' is, expected to come 0 iganuary when the atch between Cana& 4tetf States curlers. will be t •-• t .143,e presen intention to A opposing sides 'amulet of 100 pr. 800 :follower -a of the Oeffand.hesom•disporting themselves Ape together.,The event will JaCiciiii.lkeraril Lake, or a largo 'rffi:04471,rozeirriihiet fOrMed after -00° tht0ase balls grounds there. LH 1cses' on, the lakes this autumn ye 11been very slight, .o.iiprevelelre. :6f 'fierce gales, and hidiatslinnioisteknai intensifying the n*denins of the sailors: Very, •f shipping, however, have een reporte , and in no case.did.a L'tg‘L'9r30stly vessel meet with any ,'riOnitiiefOrtutie.=':, It is evident that increased power and size of lake • ft,and the substitution of steam- Elifi,kg) ler schooners. which has been ; Ong on at a rapid rate in recent tyeare, together with the improvements harbors of refuge, have greatly leogeiiiit the dangers of late tall naviga- "Aien„,:" ,X).2'4R2I.M011PitT. iss Mary Henderson is visiting 1103 MtiniciPOZ Ele0im .of the LADIgs 4ilENTLFAMT * Raving 1204 noir Emovo for this Wwilahip for the. past eight yew% and wishing to retire from the satee, do now pul?lioly infq you, do that yon May lie enabled to 'ohookle some other person to fill the said position, and hereby accept my sincere thanks for the hearty support yon.have given"me and for the confid- ence reposed in me during my term of EteeirReszeree.afliiire•,.'Aer ...-jterrirlereshre.e.....errm.,=.0,12.4.7=4,re.e.virartr • Yours faithfully, • JANES GAUNT. Whitechurch, Dec. 7, 1891. PRESBYTERY OF 4111AITLANO. The Presbytery of Maitland met at Wing - ham on December 8th. Rev T Day idsor., M A. moderator. The Rev John Stewart on vesentaticei, nertifieate 1.G1pi Pres. bytery was recognized as a minister without charge, residing within the bounds of the Pres- bytiwy, and was invited to sit as corresponding member, The Rev K McDonald tendered his resignation of the pastoral charge of Ashfield • congregation. It was agreed to cite the session and congregrition to appear for their interest at an- adjourned meeting of Presbytery to b held at Lucknow on Tnesday.22nd bast, at 1:3 pm. The Rev J Stewart was appointed to xea citation to the congregation next -Sabbath 13t • inst. An obituary notice regarding the death of Mr George Chaplain, 'elder in Pine Rive congregation was adopted. Mr R Doug read an overture to the General Assembl • anent the procedure of bueiness in that court The overture was referred to a committee to report at next meeting. It was agreed tha the assessment for the Presbytery fund for th ensuing year be at the rate of seven cents pe family. The representative elder from Lang side was instructed to furnish the Presbytery at next meeting with a full report of the num erigal and financial strength of the congrega- • tions. Messrs McNabb, Hartley and Geddes were appointed to look after supply for Lang - side till March meeting. The Assembly's re- mit re instruction for catecbists was approved, The following were appointed to visit aid -re- ceiving congregations and to report at next meeting. Belgrave, Messrs Hartley and Max- well; Pine River, Messrs Murray and A (Jamp- bell' ; Dungannon and . Port Albert, Messrs • Andersen and R E Lane. .The RevD M Gor don, B 1). of Halifax, was notuinated as mod- erator of next General Aesembly. Messrs Hurray and Ross were appointed to address a public meeting in connection with the presen. tation of the annual report of the Presbyterial W F M Society. The 1)reabytery recommends to the General Assembly the appointment of a missfron secretary to stiperinteiid the ltome and foreign mission work of the church western section and nominated the Rev Dr Cochrane, of Brantford, for the office of secretary for the home ani foreign mission work. The Presby- teryapproves of the plan of college Summer session for Manitoba college. The remit on probationers scheme was approved with some modifications. The Peesbytery also approves of the remit anent the formation of Algoma Presbytery. Mr McFarlane was appointed onvener of committee on the state of religion. An obituary notice regarding the Rev George Brown was adopted. The clerk annommedthe names of charges entitled to send minimison- ors to the General Assembly. To send Janis- t ers ; Molesworth, Melville church, Brussels, Belgrave, Wrox.eter,' Huron. To send elders : Lucknow,. Knoxchurch, Kincardine, Pine River, Whitechurch, South Kinloss. It' was, agreed that the next regular meeting of Pres. bytery be held in Melville church, Brussels, on the second Tuesday in March at 1:15 m The Presnyteryradjonrnecl to meet at LucknOw on Tuesday, 22nd inst; at 1:20 p.m. • • JOHN MoNAHH, Pres. Clerk. Lucknow, Dec. 9th, 1891. e 0 dr y r e • WEST WAWANOSH COUNCIL' Met on Sag.urday, Nov. 21st. Mem- bers all present except -Mr. Todd. inutes of former meeting were read e in our and approved. The treasurer's report . Murray shipped a fine for October was read, showing balance souilm our, „Ile. and• receipts er2o.42 with expenditure vri e , fence 0 Report •ndteviBIlia Ter TIV-00;frib,grAlig a balance In favor ng. oolhouse last tly Dec. 2Ist has been set apart e evening on which the Para- ., mount• Association of the' P. of I. • intend holding their concert. Mr. P. ,rofoorrigan, of Holyrood, has been se- .rclas chairman, and. the leading , 'lent of Ifiniknow, 'Ripley and sur- Onntling coOltry has bee*secured and • the evening be favorable a good !time is anticipated. Come everybody ',- and enjoy a pleasant time in Para- T• he Rev. Mr. Renner, parson of ope Church, PAram.onnt, will change ptilpits with Rev. Mr, Cook, of Olivet, 'next Igabhath. i 1 ST. RELE/VS. 0 • MISS McDonald, of St. Ifelens, Wag (presented by her Sunday School class eitthe .61h Con. West Wawanosh, on 41te basket, photty last ' with a beautiful silver . Prom the number of Marriage recently issued, the ministers of the . %rent congregations at Elt. Ifeiens . 1 Belfast will have busy titzte of it • 4 • ing the Ohristtnas • rEY .?"'","r".• • We are offering thisareelc a line of 2 eavy Twilled Dress .C49pds Worth 20c for 14 I -2c per yard, net cash. It is the . , .. na...3.1.15... VaMe..4 ' ....-. • ,,, .• • , ,040...r..F".....ReEr.ale,..-.n..- • .. .- , - , " , 46,....„.. • "-..e.'EFIE..., •3Z-1.6”n,b--1,11L, =NU "' • :, CIELPS- .:"."","2,......,. ANL) • • For winter dresses, in the market. WM. OONNELL. TrATS STMIES 00* QTY11111C Q I %al Ihiat Lmik...1 Go straight to the Leading Stove Depot if you want a "AA Ott r• $11 We have now on hand a large and well assorted stock, and would ask those who want a stove either for Goat or • .311111111111111111111.1,1 ammusrmAgrx • 411) n , . . 0 " • :,_:1,111.114411111.j,11:1.1;71' 1111,1111111M • r".""111111.1•1,1W111.1MMunr 0!..1',..&1,2111riMPAL „Mai. 1 411: L MEMEL" """ "i" 7 'AZ t •, • s.; ;s. ,Wood 3 To call and get our price before going- elsewhere, as we are bound to under sell any of • our competitors_this season. • N. Be—Special attention given at this season of the year to cleaning and moving stoves ' and stovepipes. • tr137.40S- 0.3, 1.4173-CIK.i\row- QrT- essommemieresee.e.meratuerme NO Is the time to get Cheap Millinery at MRS. SMITH'S. A 'discount of 20 PER CENT. ON ALL— Millinery Goods, ButtheBost • IT JS THE CH APEST. Having il'ecured the sole agency of he justly :cele- brated Porcelain Lined „•CO der Pump Manufacture( • 00111ifli011 Pt mp WAS Rothwe by the For this sect Ile re e quest lot 16 - laid over till next meeting. .An ace not being accompanied by , eon J • si And a discount of tbe required petition,. the matter Was '64T for gravel, atnountipg to $10.22, was presented by Cullis Bros On motion of Messrs.• Rowers and Gibson the claim was laid over until next meeting, in order to ascer- tain if the claim be a proper one, the gravel in question being donsiderod as allowance. having been taken from the road The Reeve was appointed to arrange with the municipality `of Lucknowas to the distribution of the balance com- ing to the township from the Land Improvemene fund. Moved by Mr. Bailie that Alex Rose ., be paid $3 on condition he accept that amount in full for his claim in filling gravel' pit ; no seconder. Moved by Mr aibson, seconded by Mr Powers, that the road commission- er of the district engage a man to fill in. the pit---Oarried. • ry account woo laid Brune, over until next meeting. After passing trmumber of accounts the council adjoizrned to meet acCord- ing to statute on December, lfith. R RMtmen, Clerk. Robert Lowe 1, Ont. ion of the — • 'counties of Huron an suitable for eve all Other Goodsfor fill all' orders well, promptly. I am P ash ori the'r 0._.0 30 bays. FARM ' FOR SALE owf Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres RE PROPERTY OP -THE LATE good land, .Nos. 5 and 6, •Con. II, 41.8h - field. • 120 acres are cleared., and the particulars apply to rot:Wilder is good maple hush. For further • 'MALCOLMMcDONALD, Executor, .Lucarrow BOARS POR seRince, Ina E UNDERSIGNED VVISTo ELES form the farmers of this section that he will keep for xerviee at Lot 8, con. 7. (ED.) . Ashfield, a thoroughbred .Berkahire Boar, also guffolk Boar. Term5-1.00 at time 'of set vi e. J. FINNIGAN, Dugannon. 4-48 BOAR FOR_SERVICE rrIRE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO IN - form the farmers of this eeetion that he will keep for servioe at lot 22, con. 2, ICinloss, payable at time ce. a thoroughbred Berkshire bor. Terms, $1, of servi00 4-933 WM. DA "Iirffipzi; Langaido P. 0. • My prices Wil /ower than any class Porcelain Cylinder pump market: d 11111 1111111 111111 111 11111 11 11 repared to or pumps, ry depth of n Vire? II , Parties in net Pump kindly. kale • at SENTINEL • Orlt PIK'. d017,881oltlice4a2t. JohR. ' cl .0 Is iu FARM FC, be found ther first Lined on the d of a e orders pee, ,or . ucknow. Bu. TBEIIR;tterlit ebn. 7. Malmo, containirm les, There is a good log and it is fairly well irelerj splendid supply of runi4hi. desirable stockfar Tffeli in the 'United Statesis a bargain will be given. signe, who will show the 4%932 WM, Ir I3ox 32 erfe or don, ha SALE. "PLACED IN MY •west half of lot 18 Ig fifty acres more o house on the premise proved. There ia ng water and it is a e owner who reside xioun to sell and pPly to the under itY. 4oFS, moVti P, 0, Ont. 8 8 1,40110me111,11 II ,71 11111101111•111,11i.'l 11111101111:111 "1111111111(11111111111111111111111 1 1101111111111 111111110111 1111 11111111111111 1111111111111111111 111 111101 111 FARM ellitOR SALE 100 "R".96 ACRES CLEAR. Being the south halves of lot 53 and 54 in the Township of Kinlss, ono mile east of Lucknow, Good grain and stock farm, web fenced and in a good state to cultiate. A never failing creek runs through four field. Two good wells and pumps; good bearing orchard. All seeded down but 20 acres. Barn 40 x 76, frame house 18 x 24, and a log house 18 x 26. There are fiyo acres of fall wheat. 2NGT.T3 KERR On the premises, and if by letter box 115. Lucknow,