HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-12-11, Page 1Now is the.Season For your Machinery Oil, your Harvest Tools, -your Potatoe Killer in the shape of Parrs Green, all ,oi W,hieh, ,you can get cbeap at the hardware establishment of D. C. TAYLOR_ LUCKNOW. t r VOL XIII. -50. Y a :fs bettea er t OUfllardwa,g'10t are patting than eYer, re4 Iies,whcharexpensive., Qve but a you can f! eX' 8S9Q,, D. X erase save ng t'Y cdtliintg to For 'yourAYL.OR in supplies. B LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBEI e' Ho 1891 A ,.rHaw y p�.. ",—°��'".1•4�■.■■.,Pi:., �T��.■.SIJ{■■q,:,.�••4•m J—l.�,Y ,7�,^�'T LUO KNOW. Capital, 51,206,850. Rest, Seoo,000. President -JOHN STUART. Vice President -A. G. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS : JOHN PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, GEO. ROACH A. T. Wcon, A. 11. LEs (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SAYINGS BANK.—•Hours 10 to, 3; Satur-` day's, 10 to 1. Depo 4 Si and upwards received ana interest snowed, ,.SPECIAL DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. .RAFTS on Great.Britain and the United States bought and sold. J. C. BROWN, SUB -AGENT. DENTAL T. S. JEROME, L. D. S. • Wingham, will be in Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri - ay and Saturday of each month. Good sets for 810. Filiing and extracting a specialty. LEGAL ►�'IMON CORRIGAN, COMMISSIONER, in H. C. G. Kinlou . Ontario. A: MALCOMSON . reD.Ts'run. C (late of Cameron,Holt Cameron, oderic Office atTraver's oldstair]. BANKERS, Or Luoknow,Bankin Com 7. L 27m MAY, 1891. TO FARMERS, DO YOU REQUIRE A CHEAP FARM. Give us a allAlthough we have sold seven farms this.7iring, we have stili several on hand, and which we. will sell cheap, and on easy terms to suit purchasers. DO YOU REQUIRE MONEY. WE can supply all demands if , the party or parties are good, or can give, security and at reason enable interest. DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE THE Mortgage nn your farm or put on a new loan. if so we will do it promptly and on the most favourable terms. or if you wish to send away the interest on your Mortgage we' will do so for you and at a very trifling expense. WE DO A GENERAL BANKING business of all Rinds. Drafts issued. and Bank Cheques on all points, whether in Canada, United States or England, cashed at usual Bank terms. Interest allowed on deposit at the rate of five per cent. payable half yearly, but no one deposit to exceed one thousand dollars without a special arrangement. FIRE INSURANCE EFFECTED WITH despatch on, all insurable buildings in English or Canadian Insurance Companies, Office hours 10 a.m, to 4 p.m. GEO. A. SIDDALL, Manager r ® Solrc,rtdr, onveyanc r, et ., ( - T - ��� �( HORRISON,. ATTORNEY AT .d.Jl.• law, Solicitor in Cancery, Convey- ancer", Commisioner, et.:. Office. over the barber shop.' GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BARRIS- .tem,_,. Solicit-ors,._et_e,,_ Go_derich, Ont. J. T. GARROw, Q.C, w DI. PROUDFOOT. MEDICAL A. MoDONALD, M. 1)., C. M. C. P. S. O. Office, Kintail: DR, ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND'RESI- dence, Outram street, second door north of Little's shoe store, DR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite. Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. DMcD. GORDON, M.D.; C.M., F.T. • M.S,, M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur- geon, and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop. Residence Ross street, opposite W. 11. Little's. DR. D. •GEDDES, V. S., CALLS JJ either by mail pr telegram promptly attended to. Charges moderate. Office, Cor- rigan's hall, Boarding house, Cain's hotel. Lucknow. GENiRAL ONEY TO:LOAN ! ON FIRST-CLASS - mortgages at 7 to 71I per cent. interest, payable yearly. Charges moderate, Apply to ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helens.. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Tickets issued to all points east or west. Quick time. Close connections with other' lines. Full particulars to intendingtravellers. JOHN MURCHISON, Ticket Agent, Lucknow. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for any time, at the lowest rate of interest. The principal may be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the princi- pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on the amount paid, For further particulars, etc., apply to ANGUS STEWART, Lucknow. EST WAVtINOSH . MUTUAL iST Fire Insurance Company, board of directors meets for the transaction of business on the first Tuesday each month. Parties wishing to have their property insured in this increasingly popular Coiripany, will'by giving notice, be called upon by an agent or by one of the Directors. Business calls promptly attended to. Office, 'DunHannon. - J. , M. ROBERTS, Secretary, wbi. LANE,• Treasurer. • SOCIETIES , U-CKNOW 1 Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in -their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. WM. Ho n, N. Grand ; JOHN ELLIOT, Recorder. CO. F., COURT . Sherwood, No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every first and third Monday, in ever y month, in the Odd - fellows hall. Visit- ing brethren a r o cordially invited. W. 1111:115,en. '7ND. YULE} SEC. AO. U. W. LUCKNOW LODGE OF . the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellows hall,on the last ani second Monday evenings oeach month a eight o'clock, Visiting brethren cordially invited. D. PATTERSON, Master Workman. E. D. CAMERON, Recorder. Glass CH E.�' vti1 iLJ LECTIONS. Who Will Be the Municipal Dodd. les. Although it is only a few weeks til a-, _ . , e, pears to very little stir over the municipal con- test. This,. however, may only be the calm that usually precedes a storm, and. by nomination - day there may be any number of new apirants for th e honors of 1892. All the members of the present. village council win, we believe, offer thernsetves for re-election and the names of Messrs. John Mur- chison, A B Congram and Donald Mc- Donald aro also freely mentioned as probable candidates. In Kinloss township there is sure to he a keen contest, if the present Reeve Mr. James Gaunt, persists in his deter- mination to withdraw from public honor. Mr. Gaunt his proved him- self a splendid official, and his retire- ment will be a great loss to the town:- ship. own= ship. In the event of his leaving the civic chair, it is almost .certain that the•present Deputy:Reeve, Mr. Geo. McIntl 'sh, will be a strong candidate for the Reeveship. George is a good man and would make a worthy- suc- cessor to the many.able men who have ,.rrvrtcrr �;rlod biruu Nusrtiori in the town- ship. Mr. Peter McKenzie is also mentioned • as a likely candidate for Reeve, and` should the choice of the people fall upon hiln'he would wake 'an excellent.. chief magistrate: For aroDeduty-Reeve tlh� �trun�l 1 z,G uetween coni li -rs .t ��t' �ii� As we have shortly to vacate the premises we have occupied during the . past four years for our Crockery and Boot and Shoe department, we find that we cannot make room , for both lines in the main building, and have there- fore decided to go out of crockery and glassware, alto- gether, at least so far as our Lucknow business is con- cerned. During the month of December, then, we will offer our wole stock in . this line consisting of ' Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Chamber Sets, Crystal Sets, and a large variety ,of staple goods too numerous too mention, at cash discounts ranging from 20 per cent. to 30 per cent.. We do not expect that these goods will Last at the prices offered, and we wet advise anyone desiring. to Invest in these lines to make an early 'call. Our excellent stock of boots and shoes will be ' continued as heretofore and we are con- stantly adding tnew lines which we are offering at prices that . cannot fail to interest you. We place them against anything in the trade. As well as our large and choice stock , of dry goods and - groceries. CAMERON, MURDOCH & CO. Lucknow & Dungannon. MUSICAL 'Ta"UITI)N. A NY ONE REQUIRING FIRST. CL ASS lessons in music can have 'the same from Prof, Moss, a Fellow of the Yorkshire College of Music.' For •tsrms apply to the .Rev. Mr. Connor, the rectory. Prof. Moss will he in Lucknow on Mondays. . MUSIC LESSONS WILL BE TAUGHT .LVI by Miss Kaake, late of I11yth. Pupils attended at their own' homes or at leer resi- dence over E. Iraake's photograph gallery. Terms reasonable. 4 Nicholson and Wm. Valens, both of whom are ---p.romine]t-young men -and - well qualified for the office. In any event the township will' he ably represented. The acceptance of the clerkship of Ashfield township by Mr. Wm. Stothers, will necessitate an election for:the second deputy-reeveship and the names of councillors Hugh Cham- bers and John McKenzie are being freely mentioned for the'office. For Reeve and first deputy Messrs. Joseph Griffin and Hugh Girvin will undoubt- edly be elected by acclamation. In West Wawauosh so far as we car. learn the old council will likely be returned by -acclamation. DUNGANNON. . Mr. Peter Murray, of Coral Wreath Corners, visited our village a few days ago. Mr. Muaray looks well after his visit to the' Old Country. Mr. S. Saunby has had a number of men employed in repairing his mill- dam during the past week. The dam- age done to the mill is not as large as yes anticipated. Mr. Samuel Roach has bought out the bakery business owned by Mr PF Hamlin of this place, and will :take possession next week, Mr Hamlin we understand has purchased a like busi- • ness in the town,of Kincardine. • Mr. John H Gay; carpenter, of this village, met with an accident a few days ago, having had the blade of a knife run into his wrist, causing him to lay off for a couple of weeks. J W Cook, V. S,,, has- gone on a business trip to Indiana. We under- stand if he finds things satisfactory he will sell out here and move over there. Mr George Mothers, who bought a house on Southanipton street recently, is at present busily engaged in ' repair- ing the building. Weare glad to be able to state that Mr S E Sandersons- who was seriously ill for some time is about well again. REPORT OF S. S. NO. 5, KINLOSS. The following id the .report of S. S4 No. 5, Kinloss, for the month' of No- vember, 1891 : Sen. 4th.—E. Valens, E. McIntosh, Geo. McIntosh, A.Sutherland. Jun. 4th.—A. McCaul, Lena Fraser, , A. McGillvray: • 3rd. Class. --•-A. Valens, L. Cox, Jas. Cox, A. Carruthers. . 2nd 0hiss.—B. McLeod, M. Mc- Caul, A. Valens, S. Sutherland. 2nd Part.—W. Sutherland, M. Car. ruthers, J. Smith, R. McIntosh. use ezeitittultriVIr 'uri Thal pupili a the m Yrr4' e following is t in the vario nth of Nove y\ i al Sen. •e 92, A, _u`it J. Yule • 88, A. Col a 76, J. Thona e 51. or :Hs It • Excellent — W. Intermedid, n Smith 91, IT. W, Mollough 9ia d—J. Culling 79. Charles 81.nd, 4. Fair—D. Bo; Ext.ellent—E. Smith Primary 5 , M. Graham 82. Good 89, A. Boyd 6, T. Reid 60. Fair- ---A. air- -A. Dougl Poor—M. McNabb 17. W. Reid 46 6th.—E wson 9, W. ]n„ 8 ding of the rtments for ENT. t—M. McCoy McDonald 90, ,88, O. Harnly ood—I Lawrence it—M. Campbell xcellent—W. Yule 87. Entrance e76, A. Hornell 75, K. Good—S. 3. Lyons 69, K. Treleaven McNabb 7 tosh 66, M. Douglass 64, 67, F. M 4, A. Miller 63, A. Grun- J. Tennan r—A, Lyons 58, M. Math- dy 63. eson 52. Sen. S. .- Or G1 pod. (L. M McDo McInl Burge F. Ca Find!. Ju COND DEPARTMENT. class.—Excellent, E. Greer, , J. Lees, S. Armstrong. Odium, A. Lawson, S. Boyd, och, G. •Armstrong) ties, (J. 1d, M. McKinnon) ties, B. sh, G. Berry, W. Treleaven, A. , A. Baird. Fair—S. Barber, , W. Stewart, W. Corrigan, A. Fyson, M. McKay. 4th class—Excellent—C. Ross, T Millan, R. Armstrong. Good— +.. I1cbertson, A, Matheson, R. Wil- son) ties, B. Hahi'ly, M. Flood, R. Houms, H, Gallagher, -W. Brennan, B. Bryan, A. Findlater. Fair—W. Moh- ring, D. Flood, L. Patterson, W. Corrigan, J. Moore, J. Douglas, E. McLaren, H. Barber, D. McAuly, B.. McQuaig... - • • TITIRD DEPARTMENT. Junior 3rd—Excellent–II. Arm- strong, H. Sandy. F. McKinnon,, C. Mair, G. Douglas. Good -J. McChif-e, J. Baird, B. McCoy, M. Stewart, W. Davison, H. Hunter, H. Thompson, H. Findlater, H. Grundy, F. Matthie. Fair -J. Lyons, G. Middleton, E. Vance, H. White. Poor—E. McKay, D. Rosa, M. Thompson, C. McLean. Sen. 2nd.—Excellent--,A. Geddes, J. McDonald, E, Stringer. Good --L. Nivins, C. Shoebottom,. J. McCoy, D. Henderson, L. Smith, Jas. Stewart. Fair—C. McQuaig, F. Stewart, E. Torrance, y. Wheeler, J. McIntosh, D. MeAulay. Poor -G. Grundy, . 0, Corrigan, H. McGrory, K. Robison, R. Mclean. Jun. 2nd.—Excellent—W. Grundy, W. Lees. Good—W. Holmes," M. Hunter, W. Barber, A. McCorvie, A. Shoebottont, J. Watson, A. Middleton. Fair -M. Grundy, R. Graham, L. Ross, R. Davison, A. Ross, D. Ander- son, A. Brennan, W. 'Young. Poor— Freeman Ross. FOURTH DEPARTMENT, Second class.—Excellent—R. Arm- strong, M. Finlayson, J. • Lawson, M. Cameron, W. Findlater, M. Greer; L, Stuart, M. Murdoch, J. Douglass. Good—D. D. Flynn, B.`Pattersot , L, Mohring, A. McNabb, G. McKenzie, H. Watson, C. McLaren. Fair—W. Allin, M. Robinson, M. Reid.' . Part eid.- Pant Second.—Excellent—W. Mc- Intosh, M. Williams, H. Wilson, J. Henderson, G. • Sandy, G. Patterson, D. Hornet, J. Flynn, W. McLure. Good—B. Robinson, E. Reid, B. Thompson, G. Brennan, 0. Vance, W. McGrory, G. Holmes. Fair—H. Gra- ham, M. Murdock. A. YtJle, M. Niv- ins, K. McAuley, B. 4llin, W. McCoy. Poor—E. McIntosh, D. Lees; J. Lyons. FIFTH DEPARTMENT. Sen. Class.—Excellent—R. Grundy, F. Roulston, R. Young, M. Davidson. Good—A. Watson, B. Wright, G. Cameron. Fair—J.'. 1VIcCorvie, C. Minter, A. Anderson, M Moore, Ida Reid, (a. Mair, R. Matheson, J. Bar- ber, W. McIntosh. Poor --L. Lyons. Jun. class.—Excellent--M. Mohring, R. Little, S. Johnston, F. Grundy, E. Taylor. Good --Ti. Stewart, D. Me - Donald, M. Graham, H. Robertson, S. Stewart, L. Findlater, H. Ilornell, M. Lyons, J. Henderson, W. Lettson. Fair—W, Henderson, J. Stewart, F McKinnon, D. Mills, L. Flood. P Miss Lena McLean has returned from a few weeks stay in Kincardine, Miss Minnie Baldwin has arrived' from Detroit to spend awhile among rrl— e s dere. Mrs.. John Spindler spent a' few days with friends at Londerboro during the past week. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Geo. Drenn in, but under skillful medical attendance we hope to hear of her recovery. , Mr. John and George Drennan have arrived from Duluth to'. see their mother who is very ill and spend a few days among their many friends. Mrs. John Campbell spent; a few - days with friends at St. Helens last week. • - ,Miss Anderson, of Detroit, is spend- ing a few days here, the guest of Miss Bald win. Miss Lizzie Lane of • Kinlough was among the many visitors here last wee k. Our Public' Sehaolexarnination• will be held on Mon.lay Dec. 21st when we expect to have a good turnout of parents • and visitors. Assistance of some other teachers is expected. The Gymnasiuin is fairly well attended each night. WALKERTON. In opening- up this department per- haps it may be well to give the readers ' of the SENTINEL a little geographical and other information regarding the county town of Bruce. , Walkertonissituated 'on ---the Sau- geen river, a 'stream -w hioh"'furiiishes.:.. an almost unlimited" amount of water power. Besides being the county' town it enjoys the distinction of being the most populous town in the county, having get ahead of its old-time rival,. Kincardine, during the last ten years. According to the late census, Walker- ton- is the only town in the county' with a population above three thousand. At another time a reference will ba made to seine of the industries of the town, but at present let it suffice to say that the town is in good condition and • prospering: New -comers have very great difficulty in finding vacant houses.. No doubt more will be built next summer, but justnow the. scarc- ity causes same inconvenience. The County Council has been here for the December session and gone. Many of the Reeves it said will not seek re-election, and no doubt others will be requested by the people to make, way for -new men. While on this question it may be stated that as a whole the council of Bruce stands high in ability and that by no means the least are the men -from the South, Gaunt, Bryan and McIntosh'. Walkerton has now the third reeve in one year. ' Mr. , Tru'ax, the first . occupant of the chair, attended the January session and resigned to attend to his duties as M. P. Mr. W. Col-,- lins,- his successor, attended:the Ape session and resigned to take the posi- tion of town treasurer, made vacant by the death of Mr.. J. F. Gunn. Mr. W. Richardson succeeded Mr." Collins. and represented the town at the Dec: session.' The temporary bridge ;built to re- place the iron bridge that was swept away in the spring went down the. Saugeen during the late flood and"with- it the framework that had been made ready for the work of building the. new iron bridge. A new temporary bridge is to be built, but likely the iron structure will not now be built till spring. Fortunately there, are two bridges over the river here. Who is to be the new {gaoler? Since the death of Mr. Roether last week that question has been often asked. The appointment lies with the Provin- cial Government, ,and it is surprising how many good Reformers are willing to serve their country in the capacity of guardian of crini irals. There is tie) lack of applicants to choose from. In the meantime the (Intim of the -office are being attended to and should any unruly residents of your town qualify themselves for . admission. t the stone "house they may depend upon proper care being taken of them. • • .