HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-11-27, Page 4• 7.7 4 it1nOtt7 001404 LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE ----insmar__Acconninpli TO THE DIOTATES OF CONSOIENOETWE PRIZE- ABOVE ALL °TOR LiBERTIEs 1.• .1, • linaknow,Noveraber Oth, 1891. FOR OLDER AOHOLARS. The IiQ' Sentinel, Bruce County, Friday, November 27th ima -.*muswmp BAD PIECE OF ROAD. Tolhe'Editor-of the -Sentinel DUX Sllis—Tfiere is a place on the gravel road, opposite the Mullin home- stead, which, on accousit of the ditch beingfilled,turning this water on to the road, floodand freezes up, ma.kifig it 'almost -impassable. The reeve of Wawanoah and -2nd deputy mere of Ashfield were notified but have taken no action, and the repairs could be made for $5.00. Youra respectfully, s A RATEPAYER. At the convention of school trustees recertify held in Toronto, a resolution Wks passed recommending that author- ity. be given to all teachers of rural schools to set apart one half day in each week, during the winter months, , for the teaching of mensuration, book- • keeping and composition of the older . pupils, to prepare them for the practic- al duties of farm and business life. It was argued that too much attentien was given to pupils preparing for exam- inations, and not enough to farmers sons f maturer age, who go into the schools just for the winter season. • During the half day recommended to be devoted to them, the yonnger schol- ars may -be dismissed or put under the charge of an advanced pupil. Every farmer's son before he finally leaves school should be able to properly keep the records of the farm; to estimate the number of acres in a field; the cords of wood in,a tree; the quantity of stone in 0. wall; the tons of .hay in a stack; the bushels of grain in a bin; the gallons of , water in a well or cistere; the pounds of dressed neat in an animal and such- like matters, YOU CAN FIND OUT IF THIS HE TRUE! Five dollars' worth for fifty cents is an unusual offer, yet it is a bona fide one. Whiletraveling in Germany, Mr. Ednaund E. Sheppard, editor of TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT, saw in the principal art stores a magnificent ole - graph 20 x 28 inches size, printed in tw.enty-one different colors and tones of oil—what is really a faetory-made oil painting of the highest class, not al chromo. After obtaining the address of the art association which issued it, he visited their manufactory in Berlin and made arrangements for a Canadian edition to accompany the Christmas Number of TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT. The subject of this beautiful:picture is Fatinae, the daughter of Mahomet Only one thousand copies had been printed and these were sold at twenty marks ($5.00) each. The firm had paid the artist, one of the most disting- uished portrait painters in Europe, five thousand marks for the privilege of reproducing this picture, and the sale in Germany had 'been limited to one thousand copies,,, yet the picture which will be presented in Canada is identical ' with, it, printed onithe finest paper in twenty-one differently colored oils, em- bossed and Varnished ready for framing and needing neither glass in front nor wood back of the picture, as it is almost identical with a Painting tnount ed on' canvas. The picture represents an oriental beauty remarkably life -like, and is unequalled by anything that has ever been preSented by any newspaper the world. When you see this pic- ture hanging in it news store together with the pictorial supplements given by the gnglish illustrated paper, you will at onCe admit that even the great London publications are not in com- petition with our own Canadian SAT- URDAY NIGHT. HOG FEEDING. DS. e are offering this Week a line of Heavy Twilled Dress oods The Provincial Board of Health at its session last Tuesday adopted the. • following resolution dealing a'ith the -. -question of disease among hogs. Com- ing as it does after the important reso- • talon -regarding the outbreak of hog •,cholera in different parts of Ontario,' it 2 .is strong proof of the close attention • this matter has received fromthe board and it is hoped will have the desired effect: "That whereas the custom largely prevails throughout the Province of • Ontario of feeding to hogs the refuse • of slaughter houses and the carcasses of animals that have otherwise been de- stroyed; and whereas it has been estab- lished without doubt that such offal is frequently in an tin& condition - food both on account of decomposiaan- lhaving set in, and also on acc'ount ' of the flesh and entrails thus ,consti sued • being infected with the germs of tuber- culous and' other contagions diseases; resolved, that the board condemns the use of such food as above indicated, • unless it has been first disinfected by • exposure to the action of superheated steam; and that to the end of having these views carried into effect, it is . further recommended to local boards • that they secure the passage of a bylay for the purposes as stated above." per yard,,net cash. It is the BEST AND CHE pE-- For winter dresses, in the market. M. CONN LL VE -Q sTO - • The Christmas Number of SATUR- DAY NIGHT 'contains forty-four pages beautifully illustrated, printed on fine paper, and is •a marvel of typographical art. A large- amount of money has been paid for prize stories, poems and photographs. • The stories have been illustrated .by the ,best Canadian artists And every page contains something pleasing to the eye. The publishers of SATURDAY NIGHT never indulge in fakes of any kind. It is there aim to make- their Christmas issue an adver- tisement which is Certain to attract readers to their regular 'issue. Perhaps you do not read SATURDAY NIGHT! It is a twelve page paper, always well illustrated And admittedly wears •the handsomest dress of any paper in. the Dominion. All the good things from the American and English and German comic papers are repro- duced; both jokes and pictures. The, faces. of foreign celebrites, authors, Statesmen and actors appear in its col- umns. It pays more money for the copyright stories of leading English novelists than all the other Canadian papers combined: It is thoroughly clean and -has the largest and ablest editorial staff of any weekly paper in Canada. Its large circulation and magnificent advertising patronage alone makeit a,possibility in a country like Canada ,where at best there is but a limited patronage. The Christmas .Nntuber aud the regular issue of TOR- ONTO SATURDAY NIGHT are for sale by all tiewsdeclars. • The price of the for- mer is fifty cents, including the picture Fatime ; the latter is two dollars per annuna —two dollars and fifty cents for . both. You cannot do better than sub- scribe either -directly to the Sheppard, Publishing Company (Ltd.), 9 Adelaide street west, Toronto, or through your news agent. our and THE Earl 'Of Aberdeen speaks' in • encouraging terms of the great country in the Northwest, which is waiting to be peopled by agriculturalists from other lands. His 'remarks' will do .good, as he is known in the Old Coun- try asa man of standing, and one who would not lend himself to the booming of land /companies or other speculativ's schemes. There is room and to spare in the Canadian Northwest for many ni ell etelr 0 - Go straight to the Leading Stove Depot if you want a I):1\ We have miw on hand a large and well assorted stock, and would ask those • who- want a Stove either for S , 70_21.1.1—ArtAIA oat or , 1t1 i4t romer:10-417:: !AL. ,"411,111111 11 54'1" Tr. • To call and get our price before going elsewhere, as we are bouud to under sell any of competkors this season. N. B.—Special attention given at this season of the year to cleaning and moving stoves stovepipes. rrpios.. "ci3, °wan Several ratepayers cif Owen Sound recently met and nominated a ticket for the municipal council for the year 1892. The candidates who have been lucky enough to, be on this ticket will be saved the trouble of canvassing which is a pernicious system. If a man be worthy of any position his fel- low electors Will not be long in :recog- nizing his abilities by casting, a ballot in his favor, • 4 4 AUCTIONEER FOR HURON 00. REAL. ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE AND GENERAL • AGENCY. SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfaction guaranteed. A number of F IRST-OLASSAR MS For sale on reasonable terms. A novel contest came off at Farquar Huron county, the other day between two sides composed of young men of the place. It was to decide which could collect the most English spar- rows in a week's search, and as a result 6,277 of the little birds were, put out of the way. The winning side had five hundred birds to their credit aboe the number secured by their opponents,.7411,,:;:n„„,44,_. JOHN CRIFFINt KENGSBRIDGE P.O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. MHE TTNDERSIGNED 'WISHES TO inform the farmers of this. section that he will keep for service this seasm .at lot 18v cm. 10, Kinioss, a thoroughbrdil Berkshire boar. For pedigree and other particulars apply' to 1 4 929 JAMES PURVIS, HolyroOd P 0 LAMBS FOR SALE.. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR sale at Lot 20, Con 10, Kinloss, a number of choice Oxford Down ram lambs and shearliogs which ale offered for sale at reasonable prices He also has for sale some fint-class ewe lambs, HENRI/. ,THOMPSON, • Holyrood P 0, —The, teacher of one of the public schools in Ontario who was much an- noyed by the rauffied tinkling of tiny bells at various times during school hours, noticed that as a fow of girls wriggled their feet the tinkling began. When they stoited the • tinkling stopped., too. The teacher connected the wriggling with the tinkling, and suddenly pouncing on a very short froCked little Miss, discovered a tiny bell attached to her garters. And now the legend, "Any girl found wearing belle On her garters will be dismissed, adornis the school valIs.' BaythoBest BOAR FOR SERVICE. . ripHE UNDERSIGNED WISHES ,TO IN form the farmers of this section/that be will keep for service this season at Lot 4, con. 10, (E. D.) Ashfield, his superior bred Berk shire Boar, "Baron Nimrod." Terms --$1.00 at time of servicd, $1,50 if not so paid. BARON NIMROD, born August 15th, 1889, bred byJ G, Snell & Bro., Edrdonton, Ont. Sire, Baron-bon-Bismark [426] bred by W. H, & C. H. NcNish,111. Ont, Imported Dam Moulsford 52nd [937 ; got by Swineford (65) 20,317; 2nd dam oulsford 36th (735) 20,316, ot by Watchman (485) ; 3r4 dam Moulsford 7th got by Samson ;• 4th dam Molds - ford 5th got by Stoke Lad ;5th dam Monl5ford 4th got by Norman; 6th dam Mottlefor,1 2nd got by Ntgger , 7th dam Moulsford Tht., IT IS THE CHEAPEST Having secured .the sole agency of the justly cele- brated Porcelain Lined 'Cylinder Pump, 'Manufactured by the Oominion Pump Walks _.,Rothwell, Ont. For this section of the cpunties of H,uron and. Bruce, I am preparedto fillall orders• for pumps. suitable for, every depth of promptly. My prices will befound lowei- than, any other first 'class Porcelain Lined - Cylinder pump (,n the Parties in need of a pump kindly leave orders at SENTINEt Office, or address Me at LucknOw P. 0:, Box 242. " John It. Webster. The above pedilgee is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.—J. d. sN ELL a Lanes V, 6., out • JAMES LAI`f.IE 411 NoncE. _ THE SUBSCRIBR HAS OPENED AN office in the 1?ui1ding' east of the 'SENTINEL Printing Office, AGREEMENT , BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORT AGES AND 'WILLS CAREE ItL .11 PREPARED. Plans ,speciticatio 5anri (Alt -nett% for build • ings, mills, b *tiges, etc., furnished • on sUrt notice. JAS. SOMERVILLE. • Luchnow, Jan .1891 noo 0 FIRE!,FIRE' Insure your farm property, private dwellin In the old reliable, the LONDON MUTUAI , Office,—A. ROSS harness shop, Lucknc Wil be in the office everySaturdayafternoo JOHN LANE Agent Kiniougi