HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-11-13, Page 8The 14,,scimow _Sentinel ertice0ounty* Friday, November lath JCKNOW POST-OFFICEp •l -urs 8 a. Mi,t0 7 p. m, fL&ILB ARBIATE. ' • &B.: South 6.1.3a L. -.VB' 'Mirth DailyHnitYreedl 3913' " " 2:30 p. m. " 1Sisilest . • N1157'.'ff:gc,•1; Nortli 308 xo, . • •setassicli, Intermediate points L. E. North ss !_• " --Tuesdays-end Longeide. V 00 p, In. Fridays W, G. & B. ,South , fi H. & B., South f • 2-___ FA, & 'II, South W G.& B. North •--":' r'. - - iloiroc(1), -, - .'. ',,,..7 -,-•:,', . ' lilt:Mel : .. , • -- . ltiti.198# . • 9.300.m. IA. 00 a. in. 3•20n. m. 4.30f.ra, 1 • • Wt and tfrmntt rmTdurr,"..-a, tIVO. • Entertainment - The young people of the Baptist cmsren mtenct giving a grand musical • entertainment on Thursday evening Arot. An excellent programme is • being prepared. All are welcome. The Evangelist. The evangelistic services in the Methodist church here by the Rev. J. 3. .White, of Hamilton, are still con- tinued each evening and the meetings attendecl-br mernberwafsail- enominations. ••• (Ars, ii-d7th-a-VIVIY,—"iv ,:seOpci, deputy -reeve , of Ash - been appointed clerk of the ;the stead of Mr. Wm. e, who is now clerk of the county ute :$tothers is -a first-class Man and will Makean excellent muni- cipal official. BigPear • Mr. I-Iy. Beacom, of Goderich town - 4 ship, was up Kincardine way last week • and on his return showed .the Clinton News -Record a,pear measuring 12t x • 101 inches grown on the farm of Mr. E. Pollock, Huron • township. It seemed about as large as a pair of ordinary pears. Practical Christianity The W. C. T. U.,, of Owen Sounnd, • have erected in the town two drinking • fountains costing $60 eacts and a watering trough for horses costing • 825-90. This is practical ehristianity and the women who go to work so _ ssvigorously and in such a common • sense way are bound to make theta- • . • selves a power in the community. The World's Fair • Our many readers will be pleased to hear that our old and respected former townsman, Dr. Mc0rimmon, of Under- wood, has been appointed a Director of the General Committee of the World's Fair Scottish Games, which takes"place in Chicago in 1893. The great Scottish games are to be held under the auspices of the Highland 'Association of Illinois. We extend our congratulations to the worthy • doctor on his appointment. Rescued the Perishing The marine Department has been notified of a gallant deed performed • last week by the crew of the life saving station at Goderich, by which six, lives were saved from a watery grave. The schooner Bavaria, Capt. 84 Fraser, bound from Toledo to Kingston with coal, ran ashore near Goilerich, and the crew were iniminent peril, when the brave fellows from the life saving • station went out on the rolling waves and rescued them all, the captain, mate and four sailors. • The ship, which was a total loss, was valued at $6,000. „ . r -r••••,••••,,, Snake Tea The family of M r. Wilkinson had a very unenviable experience one even- ing last week. About tea time the kettle was taken to the pump, filled with water and placed on the stove. A few minutes later a very offensive • ordor was noticed throughout the house but no one could tell the reason. Tea was made from the water taken from the kettle and drank by the family. When emptied of the Water the kettle was- found to contain a water snake about a foot long, Np harm other than mortified feelings has resulted. —Leamington Post. Loan Association A notice has been sent to the mem- bers ot the ,local branch of • the Dominion Building and Loan Associa- tion in the village, that a special general meeting of the shareholders is to be hold on Monday, Nov. 30th, in Toronto. The objects of the meeting are stated to be to allow the name of the association to be used as defend- ent in the suitbrought against the directors by the shareholders, and to consider an amendment by which the directors shall be reduced from nine to seven. The notices urgently request all the shareholders to attend the meeting, as grave issues are involved. • ..0••••••.••••••••••••••••••••47,1.....44.4.4.•••••••••••44T CQ1lege dourna We have received the Novenabe 'number of the Sollege tJeUrnal, pub .13)7 thAFbil9Suph41 Aacl litmAry liooipty of the Presbyterian College', Montreal, and among 'its editors we •are pleased, to see the name of Xr. E. Naenzie, a former.reddent of this vicinity. 1 • LOCA.& NEWS. Should Be_Stopped____ _ We have heard a good deal of com- plaint against boys annoying a. couple of parties in the village, by shouting after them on the streets, calling names, etc. The offenders are well ,known and if the practice is continued an example will be made of them a stop to the nuisance. The Janitor Absent "I am compelled to announce, breth- ren," observed the minister, taking off his glasses and wiping them, "that our regular -Wednesday evening prayer - meeting will not be held this week. I shall. be on hand, •of course, but the caretaker will be unavoidably absent that evening and it takes two to make a prayer -meeting. We will sing the doxology and be dismissed. Oanadian Foresters The Canadian Orderssot-Toretrers have paid in °death claims since June last $15,000 to beneficiaries of deceased utiraTnVir r1.12.e) Over. $:27,000. • Adding this sum to the balance on hand makes the handsome total of $171,609 to the credit of the •enclownment account. which is kept for the payment of death claims. New Orange Hall„ The members of the Orange Lodge in this village have purchased from Mr. Fred. Grundy the frame building on Campbell street, next to Alex. Davison's furniture warerooms, and intend fixing it up for a lodge room. The building is conveniently located, and •when completed will not only make a first class -hall, but will also add a good deal to the appearance of the main street. He's a Fraud • "A well-fed looking fellow claiming to be the inventor of a method for chromatic printing by a single im- pression --was in town from Saturday to Menay. He is glib of tangne, with Th, Yankeefield English accent, and wears a prominent nose and a moustache, and means to beat every time. The Signal wants its Contem- poraries to pass the fellow round as a fraud of the first magnitude.'-s•Goder- ich Signal. This slick -looking gentle- man visiting Lucknow, but the SENTIN- EL didIA bite worth a cent. Again Insane The young man Albert White, who was sent to •iValkerton jail some time ago as a 1,unatic, from this village, and who was liberated a week or two ago, on the recommendation of the Grand Jury, is again insane. He is not safe at any time to be at liberty, and the Walkerton officials should have sent him to the asylum in London. He is now confined in the village lock-up awaiting the necessary papers for his removal to London, and unless they arrive shortly he will have to be again taken to Walkerton jail for safe keeping. . Electric Light At a special meeting; of the village council on Monday evening last, Mr. W. Stewart accepted the council's terms to put up three more arc lights on the streets, which makeseleven in all. The new lights are to be placed on Campbell, Havelock and Outram streets, near the corners of Bob, Rose and Gough streets. There is not another village in, the Dominion, with the same population as Lucknow, that has much more than haltithe number of electric lights on its streeth as we have. In fact very few towns can boast of eleven arc lights for street purposes. A Beautiful Monument The beautiful monument erected in Dungannon cemetery last week to the memory of the late John Cameron, of West Wawanosh,by his old neighbors and friends, speaks loilder- than mere words of praise to the many sterling cinalities of one who was honored and respected by all. John Cameron was a name known to all in the forest days of this conntry, and friencl and stranger alike always 'found a' hearty welcome to share his hospitality. The monument, which is a fitting tribute to his memory, is of Aberdeen granite, seven feet high above the foundation, with the name and date in handsome gilt letters, The whole work is artistically done, and reflects much credit on the committee who had charge of the affair, as well as to its maker, Mr. J. A. Robertson, marble dealer, of Goderich. -n, 1 spies Homo tor "tenders of the sentinel. .1. —Mr. Thos. Lawrence was in Lon- don this week. --Thankogiviag services will be held in some of the village churches to -day. —Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, of Colborne, -spent-Sundayswithfriends-in-Lucknows- -The SENTINEL will be sent to new subscribers to January, 1893, for 4.00. ---Mrs. (Dr.) McCrimmon, of Under- wood, is visiting friends in the village. —This being Thanksgiving Day, the SENTINEL is printed a day earlier than JOHN WA The-) Leading Jeweller. NOW WE HAVE IT '1 The finest line and largest stock of Silverware ever shown. in this part of the country. —Mr. John Moore, who sprained bis ankle some time 8,go, is nearly all • 10, A. Z? right again. —Mr. John Wallace, jeweller, is outs with—e, now- advertisement, !thi \i"/ , • • And therefore always pleased to show it. Call and week. Read it. inspect it. The —Remember the foot -ball match in Ellis' park to -day (Thursday), Luck - now vs. Holyrood. —Mr. Geis McIntosh, of Kinloss, on Wednesday last shipped a carload of fat cattle from this station. •—If you have friends visiting you hand instheirsnameso a slip of paper and we will only be too glad to chron- ical the fact. an. Arclubald, AT -E. awe: Reid ,John Murray were registered last week at the Seldon House, Owen Sound. couple of quail were recently shot in this vicinity, and hunters say that black squirrels are more plentiful than usual in the neighborhood. —According to by-law, cows are now prohibited running on the streets of the -village. The first of November was the first day of the close season. —The Rev. Mr. Watson, of Wing - ham, and the Rev. J. B. McKinnon, of this village, exchanged pulpits in the Baptist churchcs on Sunday last. --Wsswant some wood for office use and some of our farmer subscribers who have any on hand would be doing us a favor by bringing us in a load in payment for their paper. --It took Judge Kingstnille only about five minutes to get through with the Court of Revision here last week. There were no changes other than what appeared on the provisional lists, which were confirmed. — Mr, Samuel Bonnett, • of _Black Horse, - has purchased from George Mair & Co., bankers, of Lucknow, lots 7 and 8, range 2, south•of the Durham road, Kinloss, and commonly known as the north half of the Smith farm. —The wives of Rev. M. 'VI. Gold- berg, of Oil City, Rev. Mr. Mc- _Cutcheon, of Petrolia, and Rev. W. 11. Locke, of Alvinston; each gave birth to bouncing girls last week. --London Advertiser. —John -Purvis, auctioneer, will sell by public auction at lot 7, con. 9, E. D. -Ashfield, on Wednesday, N,ov. 18th, a large quantity of farm stock, •implements, etc., the property of Michael O'Reilly. —Mr. D. Porter, M. P. P., although considerably better than he was, is far from being out of danger. His election trial started in Wiarton on Tuesday of last week. There were sixteen charges in all against him, 'two • from Port Elgin and four from Wiarton. The case was dismissed with costs. —Special services, which had been held in Hackett's church, Ashfield, for five successive • weeks, closed on Friday last. The services have been . well attended ; the church revived and quite a number of new members added. Thought is entertained of forming a branch of the Epworth League. —A Retail Grocers' Association has been, forme'd in StratfOrd for mutual protection. The object of the organiz- ation is to restrict credits and to protect dealers against imposition by parties who make a habit of runnine accounts in a store until their limit is exceeded, and then without settling up, hie to another store and repeat the Operation. —Solomon forgot to touch up the fool that carries a joke too far. There are some men who don't seem to be able to tell where fun ends and buf- foonery begins. They lack that nicety of adjustment that, prevents a joke be- coming an insult. There witticisms turn in sarcasm, their humor into acri- mony, and their practical jokes degens erate into stupid cruelty. We meet these men every day. They joke about business, and toss business men's repu- tations from the end of , their tongues like an acrobat in a ditne museum the ball from the. tips of their toes. fhey make religion a butt for 'stupid jests, when God knows their shallow souls have not depth enough to float an idea villi the name.—Ex. PRICES ARE AWAY OWN And guaranteed to be the best quality in the wod. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELLERY In endless variety. A fine line of spectacles always on hand. 4epairing, neatly done and satisfaction guaranteed. GrVOEu T_TF:-=', WALL„Adta 1.r.CTOICITOW, EARTH, 1 WA T A LIVING. And I am going to have it -in Lucknow, too, and I hereby announce to the people of Lucknow and surrounding country that ' any person or persons coming to me having their teeth out that Twill put in two sets of teeth, TEETH TEETH em,porary or Permanent For the price of one set, $15, made of -the very best material - in,the world. 1 use no rubber but C. Ash & Sons,' Lender), England. The teeth will be O. Ash & Sons, and S. S. White's, conceded by all who are in the business to he the best in the world. Those firms have their naMes on their gobis; and the ,;1?, can see what they are getting, and as I will Glid:9_,rantet Satisfactio To all reasonable people, the unreasonable, and there are such in will please bear in mind, that I do not want their trade. • always be found at Dr. Tennant's office, Lucknow. *afters* 0 xi ' ) o STERLING 1VITILLAN KITTREDGE MANUFACTURERS OF , R SPENELING IVI APIII1NT --FOR-- FARMERS AND THRESHERI Absolutely pure from all foreign substance and N corrode on farm machinery. For sale by Gb. C. TAYLOR, Lucknow. R. MURRA-Si CHURCH DIRECTORY. Fire and M MII 14IINGLISH CHURCH — SERviegs 11 a. m. and 6:30 p. m, Sunday School, 2:30 p. m., Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening at • o'clock, Bible and, prayer book lesson's. All arewelcome. REV. W, 3. CONNOR, Pastor. LUCKIsTOW MECHANICS' INSTI- tute. Reading room open everyevening from 6 to 10 p. tn., excepting Saturdays, when the hours will be from 2 to 6 p, m. The librarian will be in attendance during these ,hours. D. D. Yurat, President. 3. G. McamocuSecretary • • North British and and London. , Liyeipool & Lond • • Gore I Northern, of Guardian, of Lon London, Eng surance Co'y., of R. 01.1 AGENT i• Telegraph or Telephone E R L 1 N AZ' Hance. - Edinburgh 'oronto. f Liverpool. " Phoenix, of .lent In- a, Montreal. IAM, GUELPH. at my expense, • r , • ". • 1' ••''' •