HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1891-11-13, Page 5( a 'n u^1�17r.T"'.� P I .d•-„ '� tu-cil,; ��.:.i" 'xg'.'.I.ti ii'ntt"iCV'fkA..0-5,9 P• ,'r� ,n',-1 ,. sew The Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce Uounty, November 13th BEAUTIFUL GOLD 'laTATCH. a 1. i Dean Bros., of Montreal, are now. oaring a beautiful engraved t,r plain, ladies' or gents' size, filled case gold watch for only $1.00 to be paid after you have received it and have given it •30 days trial and find W het what, ;they represent. It . is`astem wild,. •stern set, eine moveineut, and war - .ranted for over 1Q years by the makers • and cannot be bought anywhere for Giess than $30.00 in - any retail. store.. Dt3>ltti73ros, do this to advertise their NeyBlood, Liver and Stomach Pills, aucliconsider that $20,000 a year spent 'in this way will do more to advertise their business than any other method. Mend them your address on a post -card .addressed DEAN Bros., Montreal, Que. !'LlSyuSY.JI. • an+�'atM ,� a+.u.+,•v, ...., �•ry:»u..cu! �•°.,v_�g:.Aa:.s;��,:sula:rsavw=M=',,,v;;'yr:-a.- �. �-••.. ...ilakes the e Strong l nti.l• rked 'benefit which l,eol le Iii ran down yr we;ikened state of he•elth clothe fC"tn llo+ d's Sarsaparilla, conclusively la•ovc .the via Atli ii:at this medicine "nl;akes the tvc:tk strong." It does not net like a sthnl:l:u.l, fictitious slren;'ih from rrl•,icll•1liere uw :t reaction of greater 'rt�.aki.vss re, but- in the most natural way i::1; rtI.'. giant f: �: thanAet3� Hood's Sairsaparilla overcomes That Tired Feeling creates an appetite, purifies the blood, and, in shor., gives great bodily, nerve, uu'nt: i and digestive strength. • I derived very nin<']t benefit from 1t .4.l's •bars::parilla, which I took fair ge::cr.a (tebitil; It built ine right up, and gave 100 an t'xeel- lent appetite." En. JEICEINSS, MI. Savage, Md. Fagged Out "Last spring I was completely fagged out. My strength left me and I felt girl•: and n,is- erable all the time, so that 1 could hardly nttet.d to my business. I 'torp ow; bottle or Hood's. Sarsaparilla, and it cured.. nx;, Vine Is nothing like it." R. C. BxGOLE, Editor Enterprise, Belleville, Mich. Worn Out "Bood's.Sarsaparill3 restored mo to gut.Il heal i oed, I .:night .s•:y 1rinh.t'";,. it nave m•7 Ile. To one feeling tint.1 : 1,•i ^:•: •: out 1 wa ld'earnestly recuan:nom! a til :1 ,•f Hood's Sarsaparilla." Pins. Pin:m:?,to+tH:: •, 90 Brooks' Street; East Boston. Mr,sits N. B. If you deckle to tale Hood's .arsa- parilla do not be 1J1 Plee:l' to bay anything el::,; instead. Insist upon having CHANGE OF CENG As the Mabsey Manufacturing Coln- pang, of Toronto, Ont, wanufaaturera of the Toronto machines, and Harris, Sarsa Son & Co., of Brantford, Ont., manu- facturers of the Brantford machines, Manitoba, have united, and which are now styled the Massey, Harris Co. Ltd., of Toronto, Brantford and Win- nipeg. 1 beck -to state that, having secured the agency for the LUCKNOMNIAREETS. Fall Wheat, per bushel Peas Oats Potatoes Btlittert ger Ali it it tt Eggs, per dozen... • .91 .63 .32 .25 .13 .14 McLEOD'S System. I enovator. And other tested remedies SPECIFIC A.ND ANTIDIOTE Yt�dY�.ti'�.,�5=._✓diel.'..�'nyy'°..:.ce...✓+1°—usiw4�01�'��- Soldbyail druggists. 51; sixfor P. Prepared only by C. I. -HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, iilatsa • 100 Doses Ono t )o3h r MASSEY HARRIS CO. (LIMITED.) For this locality, 1 am now in a pe- tition to accept orders for any of the above most popular companies ma- chines, and will also keep, in stock a full assortment of 'repairs for all of the Toronto and Brantford- machines heretofore sold in this locality. Those machines ore so well anti favorably known they need ,no iecomme,ndation. A CALL SOLICITED. Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia. Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia', Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones. Jaundice Kidneyand Urinary is - eases, St• Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. -$iper ha`iipint aim; per pint ott e. LABORATORY. - - GODERICE, ONT. - J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold by Berry. & Days and A. B. Congram, Druggists, Lucknow. TEACHER WANTED. AMALE TEACHER HOLDING second or third class certificate wanted for school section No. 4, Kinloss; Dueso commence on January lst, 1892. Applicants to state salary and furnish testimonials. A personal application preferred Apply to D. McKENZIE, Secretary, 3-929 , v Holyrcod P, 0 Kin of idnes W! ALLIN, Lucknow, Nov. 4th, 1891. A. Cure "A ittost licti•ttculous.” "-',V1.1;,..1 I w,;, 1I years of age Iliad a severe all ;ok of rh,•u:natisrn, and after I recovered 11r. ! tJ ;:n un crutches. A3'ear later, scrofula, ;n the it>r;;l of white swellings, appeared on .t•a:•;JW3 parts of my body, and for 11 years 1 ‘7;1 :tai-;::7:;i;d, being confined to my. bed 6 that time ten 017 eleven sores al>- ix-:,rrtt:and !poke, Causing the great pain and I feared I never should get well. ;:a.ly in 1880 I went to Chicago to visit"a },,•t was confined to inybed most of the Uig, r, u:.:: I ..vas there: In July I read a book, 'A. ' ip,;:; wi It :: Circus,' in which were statements of curl:s by Hood'sSarsaparilla. I was so im- ,,r.• o'tt with the success of this medicine that '1 tleciateit tt> try it. To lily great gratification the u,t•,,•s.st>on decreased, and I began to feel tor and in a short time I was up and it of doors. 1 continued to take Hoodhs Sar- uu•illa for about a year, when, having,used 'l,ailles, 11taut become so fully released the disease that I went to work for the Walling Mfg. Co:, and since then ',NYE NOT LOST A SINGLE DAY t of sickness. I believe the disease ' iron! my s;•,,teni. I ;always feel well, •f111, :;nal 11:11;4 t good appetite. ye . 1 gc ;:: u t can walk as well TEACHER WANTED. MALE, HOLDING A' THIRD CLASS certificate. for U. S. S. No. 9, Kinloss, duties to commence on Tan. 4th, 1892.. Testi- monials with application. stating salary, will be received up to the 13th Nov., addressed to JAMES GAUNT, Sec-Treas., Whitechurch P. 0. THIS CATCHES YOU I The ana TINE', has been able to complete an unusually favorable clubbing arrangement this season with The Longton Advertiser. and its advantages will be given entirely to subscribers, The Western Advertiser is. now published twice a week, and contains eight pages in each number. Its .Western Ontario county. news is a specially attractive feature, while news from all pats of the world is placed in subscribers' hands every third day, For six- teen pages every week, the rate of 81.25 is very low, .especially when for this figure is also sent the popular ladies' monthly "Wives and Daughters," whose regular subscription price is fifty cents per annum. A CUPID OFFER. FIGURES TIIAT WILL BEAR INSPECTION. Western Advertiser, twice a week $1.25 25 Wives and Daughters, monthly..,... 1.50' SuNrtNEr , weekly . ... • .. . Regular subscription for the three... ---$2.75 Our clubiing.rate for the three ..1.80 What every subscriber may save..... 0 Remember that those who are not already subscribers of either paper get balance' of 1891. free ; a payment of only 81.70 guaranteeing the regular delivery of a monthly, a weekly and a twice=a week publication until the end of 1892 from the date of subscription. Hurry Up I N'ow's the Time: The sooner you subscribe, the more you will receive. Address all orders to • THE SENTINEL, Lucknow, or Advertiser Printing Co., London, Ont. YOU DO, Do with your might There is a Living- -In iving--- In this World for All rcdt pt--tlt":l ► imb Is a little in the other, owing to the loss o he Jones forinet•1y on my right leg. ;Mk ply recovery semis almost and i think Hood's Sarsaparilla of niodicines." WILLIAM A. Railroad St., Kendallviile, Ind. lood's rsapar`riia AT MRS. J. urchison's LUCKNOW he newest, freshest,, latest, most seasonable, most fashionable MILLINERY • As cheap as cash can buy. .wnu..•„»•^asmA�sfi-� V ' �011 To all orders the year round. Mrs. Murchison. THE HU.E;I. FARM FOR SALE. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Thomas Mullin, comprising 200 acres of good land, Nos. 5 and 6, Con. 11, Ash field. 120 acres are cleared, and the remainder is good maple bush. For further particulars apply to MALCOLM McDONALD, Executor, LUGHNOW Leads them all for a ' r000x■ gas. QAN N ED GOODS. Fruits of All Kinds Season. FINS TEAS A SPECIALTY. -The Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The- esta ue- 9,• SALARY and Gon>missia.n ��JJ0 to Agents, Men and Women, Teachers and Clergymen, to introduce a new and popular standard book. Testimony of . 19 Centuries " to Jesup of Nazareth. The most remarkable religious book of the age, written by 300 eminent scholars, Nom sectarian. Every Christian wants it. Excln • sive territory given. APPLY TO The Henry Bill Publishing Norwich. Conn. ---------- j Of the season GENERAL AGENCY OiFFiOE, .LUCKNOW. Call on Saturdays to see prospectus', sample of goods, .and leave your order. No moth- eaten or mildewed goods ; all biright and bran new from the manufacturers. Fountain pen. will not corrode or rust, One dip of ink will write an ordinary business letter. • Automatic pen, with holder, pen and ink combined. Holds sufficient ink at one time to. write 24 sheets cf paper. Carried in • the pocket as convenient as a knife. Sole agency for Ontario. The India fibre brush and whisk, more dur- able than bristles or corn, and more elastic an springy than horse hair. Tht; mineral wool lamp wick, light as bright as gas. No snuffing of wick. Will not blacken chimneys, and will not'burn out. The self -threading needle,, can be threaded in the dark without the aid of light. Kratz patent. Sewing machine propelling and relief spring. Greatest invention ,of modern times. An ab-olute necessity, and not a toy or a luxury. ruggists. $t ; six for $5. Prepared only 1D .1cCO., Apothecarled, Lowell, Mass. poses One Dollar IE The. illuminated match box, can be seen in the dark. Magnifying eyeglass, suction hat hook, etc. Also prospectus' of the, best the renowned prints of the World's History, by writerand historian W. S. Bryan. Introduced by I. (l. Redpath, L.L,D, The Speakers' Complete Programme, con- taining John Ploughman's pictures, by Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. The Uncrowned King, Parnell, with family reminiscefses by his aged mother mother 0. T, 8, Parnell. Biography by R. B. M. Mc - Wade, Phil., U, S., together with a sketch of `s great no -laborer. Right Honorable W. E. Gladstone.. .. Agency for the Toronto daily and weekly Mail, Farmers' Advocate, daily and weekly. Empire, Montreal Star, etc. Travelling agent, for the Casgreen Manu- facturing Co.,(Ltd), also the T. Erie Manufac- turing Co ben be earned at our SEW lane of work rapidly sad honorably, by those of young soliosng or old, and in their I own local tf es,wherever they lire. Any ,. one CAM do the work. Easy to teem: ,4ythin5. We start you. No rink. You can aerate nen% or ill your time to the work, 'lads s as ad,and brings wonderful income to every worker. taming Mont ass to $80 per weak and upwards, a tittle experience. Wcoppcan famipsh yon the am - 1155. you FUEL No 4s CQr. AUGUSTA.cRAINS. The Busy Bee Washer, best in the world, and the Pen Wringer Star N urseries, of Rochester • Ontario Loan and DobA fe hunCo.dr money llars of private funds oan at low in terest. A to loan. Gold and silver watches a specialty, ladies and gents size, A few good, live, energetic men wanted as agents t ganswerred'ad tiara l or salary. my s oneApplreepond- y y personally to A A pamphlet of information and ab- stract of the laws, showing flow to Obtain Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks, Copyright's, sent free. Address'MUNN £ CO. F 301 Broadway, , New, York. • ., 7 obtainable in Lucknow. JOHN ELLIOT. An Unequalled Assortment Including all the newest STYLES AND NOVELTIES DUNN'S KING OWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. T� T HE Ft1TtMERS in *omens and childrers boots for FALL & WINTER I have rented the store occupied by Mr. Geo. Kerr and am prepared to P.� Y GASB FOR 'BUTTER AND EGGS. The highest price will be paid for butter' according to quality. Still on Dick THE STAR' BEATS THEM ALL R. C. SPAWLiNG& H�od's.. Hood's Hood's. Hood's Hood's Sarsaparilla Weer, also in all the LE _. D NG LINES In mens, womens & ehildrens RUBBERS & OVERSHOES • Soldby all druggists. 81; six for S5. Prepared only by 0. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, MS& Just received a consignment of fresh vegetables and fruits, Fresh Watermelons, Fresh Cucumbers, Fresh Cabbage, Fresh Tomatoes, New Potatoes. - R. GRAHAM, General Agent, LueknoW� N. B,—Sole agent for the Imperial inky, the best made 4or banks, business men, echoots, etc:,' being non'Coresive, • Thanking the citizens of Lucknow and the public generally for past favors since commencing business I would solicit a continuance of the same. Ice-cream, cider and other temperance drinks, canned goods, biscuits and confection - ail always on band as of old. JO CO KI CA -ID. 100 Doses One Dollar J. PEART'S, LUCKNOW. rs. Smith Has just opened out a fine assortment of DRESS GOODS In • all the latest Colorings. Also Dress Trimmings In Silver and Gilt Gnimps, Navy and Gilt Cord . Trimming, Also Black and Gilt. A cheap line of cloths, suit able for fall wraps, etc. Yarns in all the different grades. A special Brie of Black Yarn for School Wear BULL FOR SERVICE. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP Tfor service at lot 11, con.. 8, Eastern Divisinny Ashfield, the two year old thorough, - bred Shorthorn bull, "Red Bismark." PEDIGREE.—Red Bismarck, 12758, red, calved March 8, 1889, bred by Wm. Mallough Dungannon, Ont. ; got by Wallace (imp) 2752 ; dain Annie 8430 by Young Springwoo d Princ4 6299 ; Grace iia er 2nd, 9227, by British Heir 2nd 2889 ; Lady Harper I2agadyy 6630, by 2nd Famosa Chief, 1782 ; Harper 6629, by Grand Duke 675 ; Rose 1833 by Loyal Duke of Glo'ster, 1035 ; Maggie, 1429, by Lord of Lune (imp) 155 (16428) ; Queen of the West, 1751, by Victo 1136 12268) ; Daisy 823, by Halton 684 (11552), Lavinia 4th 1342, by Duke of Wellington imp) 91. (3.54) ; Lavinia 2nd 1340, by Alex• ander (Inip) 6, (11099) ; Lavinia (imp) 299, by sou of Scipio (1421), by Eryholme (1018), by Son of North Star (454, TERMS -$1 Vin. Cows must be returned three times net.taassry, or they will be charged i notrn service. No ter third fees charged if cows arePAT)•L SMELTZER, Boiled P. 0, • A call from intending purchasers is solicited. M. Smith. MAPLE, GROVE NURSERIES, WATERLOO, N. Y. • IN THANKING OUR NUMEROUS eustomere in Lucknow. Whitechurch, and vicinity, for the liberal patronage given us in the past, we trust to see a continuance of the same, •guaranteeing,eatisfaction to all by supplying our most choice grades of NURSERY STOCK. Our Mr. 11, Spencer willhave pleasure in calling upon you during the \ season. Reserve your orders for him. AGENTS WANTED IN OTHER GOOD LOCALITIES. '4 For terms apply to J; W. MACKAY, Gen. Ma ger St. Thomas •